{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit implements color selectors using a ColorWheel and a ValueBar. Color results are in HSV format. } unit fpg_ColorWheel; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget; type // forward declaration TfpgValueBar = class; TfpgColorWheel = class(TfpgWidget) protected FValueBar: TfpgValueBar; FHue: longint; FSaturation: double; FMarginWidth: longint; FCursorSize: longint; FWhiteAreaPercent: longint; // 0 to 50 percent of circle radius that is pure white FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FImage: TfpgImage; // cached colorwheel image FRecalcWheel: Boolean; // should chached FImage be recalculated procedure HSFromPoint(X, Y: longint; out H: longint; out S: double); procedure DrawCursor; procedure SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint); procedure SetCursorSize(NewSize: longint); procedure SetValueBar(AValueBar: TfpgValueBar); procedure SetWhiteAreaPercent(WhiteAreaPercent: longint); procedure SetBackgroundColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; function DrawWidth: longint; function DrawHeight: longint; procedure Change; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Hue: longint Read FHue; property Saturation: double Read FSaturation; procedure SetSelectedColor(const NewColor: TfpgColor); published property BackgroundColor; property ValueBar: TfpgValueBar Read FValueBar Write SetValueBar; property MarginWidth: longint Read FMarginWidth Write SetMarginWidth default 5; property CursorSize: longint Read FCursorSize Write SetCursorSize default 5; property WhiteAreaPercent: longint Read FWhiteAreaPercent Write SetWhiteAreaPercent default 10; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent Read FOnChange Write FOnChange; end; TfpgValueBar = class(TfpgWidget) protected FColorWheel: TfpgColorWheel; FHue: longint; FSaturation: double; FValue: double; FMarginWidth: longint; FCursorHeight: longint; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; procedure DrawCursor; procedure SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint); procedure SetValue(Value: double); procedure SetCursorHeight(CursorHeight: longint); function GetSelectedColor: TfpgColor; procedure Change; function DrawWidth: longint; function DrawHeight: longint; function ValueFromY(Y: longint): real; procedure DrawLine(Y: longint); procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure SetHS(Hue: longint; Sat: double); published property BackgroundColor; property Value: double Read FValue Write SetValue; property SelectedColor: TfpgColor Read GetSelectedColor; property MarginWidth: longint Read FMarginWidth Write SetMarginWidth; property CursorHeight: longint Read FCursorHeight Write SetCursorHeight; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent Read FOnChange Write FOnChange; end; implementation uses fpg_ColorMapping; const RadToHue: double = 1536 / (2 * pi); function AngleFrom(x, y: double): double; // Quadrants are laid out as follows: // // 1|0 // ---+---- // 2|3 begin if X = 0 then begin if Y > 0 then Result := pi / 2 else Result := 3 * pi / 2; end else begin Result := arctan(abs(y) / abs(x)); if (x < 0) and (y >= 0) then // quadrant 1 Result := pi - Result else if (x < 0) and (y < 0) then // quadrant 2 Result := Result + pi else if (x >= 0) and (y < 0) then // quadrant 3 Result := 2 * pi - Result; end; end; { TfpgColorWheel } function TfpgColorWheel.DrawWidth: longint; begin Result := Width - FMarginWidth * 2; end; function TfpgColorWheel.DrawHeight: longint; begin Result := Height - FMarginWidth * 2; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetSelectedColor(const NewColor: TfpgColor); var Value: double; begin RGBToHSV(NewColor, FHue, FSaturation, Value); Change; if FValueBar <> nil then FValueBar.Value := Value; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.Change; begin if FValueBar <> nil then FValueBar.SetHS(FHue, FSaturation); if FOnChange <> nil then FOnChange(self); Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandlePaint; var x, y: longint; lHue: longint; lsaturation: double; c: TfpgColor; begin // clear background rectangle Canvas.Clear(BackgroundColor); // margins too big if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then Exit; //==> if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin // When designing, don't draw colors // but draw an outline Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDash); Canvas.DrawRectangle(GetClientRect); Canvas.Color := clHilite1; Canvas.DrawArc(Width div 2, Height div 2, DrawWidth div 2 + 1, DrawHeight div 2 + 1, 45, 180); Canvas.Color := clShadow1; Canvas.DrawArc(Width div 2, Height div 2, DrawWidth div 2 + 1, DrawHeight div 2 + 1, 225, 180); Exit; //==> end; if (FImage = nil) or FRecalcWheel then begin // we must only do this when needed, because it's very slow if FImage <> nil then FImage.Free; FImage := TfpgImage.Create; FImage.AllocateImage(32, DrawWidth, DrawHeight); FImage.UpdateImage; for X := 0 to DrawWidth - 1 do begin for Y := 0 to DrawHeight - 1 do begin // work out hue and saturation for point HSFromPoint(X, Y, lHue, lSaturation); if lSaturation <= 1.0 then begin // point is within wheel C := HSVToRGB(lHue, lSaturation, 1.0); // draw the pixel Canvas.Pixels[X + FMarginWidth, Y + FMarginWidth] := C; FImage.Colors[x, y] := c; end else // point is outside wheel. Also incase color is alias, lookup the RGB values. FImage.Colors[x, y] := fpgColorToRGB(BackgroundColor); end; end; FRecalcWheel := False; end else begin // paint buffer image seeing that we have it Canvas.DrawImage(FMarginWidth, FMarginWidth, FImage); end; DrawCursor; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); Dec(X, FMarginWidth); Dec(Y, FMarginWidth); HSFromPoint(X, Y, FHue, FSaturation); if FSaturation > 1.0 then FSaturation := 1.0; Change; CaptureMouse; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); // is mouse still captured (LButton down)? if ((btnstate and MOUSE_LEFT) = 0) then Exit; //==> Dec(X, FMarginWidth); Dec(Y, FMarginWidth); HSFromPoint(X, Y, FHue, FSaturation); if FSaturation > 1.0 then FSaturation := 1.0; Change; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); ReleaseMouse; end; constructor TfpgColorWheel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FMarginWidth := 5; FCursorSize := 5; Width := 100; Height := 100; Name := 'ColorWheel'; FWhiteAreaPercent := 10; FRecalcWheel := True; end; destructor TfpgColorWheel.Destroy; begin if FImage <> nil then FImage.Free; inherited Destroy; end; // Calculate hue and saturation for a given point in the color wheel procedure TfpgColorWheel.HSFromPoint(X, Y: longint; out H: longint; out S: double); var xp, yp: double; halfw, halfh: longint; begin halfw := DrawWidth div 2; halfh := DrawHeight div 2; xp := (x - halfw) / halfw; // x as -1..1 yp := (y - halfh) / halfh; // y as -1..1 H := Trunc(RadToHue * AngleFrom(xp, -yp)); S := sqrt(xp * xp + yp * yp); // scale saturation and limit to white, for white area S := S * (1 + (FWhiteAreaPercent / 100.0)) - (FWhiteAreaPercent / 100.0); if S < 0 then S := 0; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.DrawCursor; var Angle: Double; X, Y: longint; S: Double; a: Double; len: longint; begin Angle := FHue/RadToHue; // Scale distance from centre for white area S := FSaturation; if S > 0 then begin a := FWhiteAreaPercent / 100.0; S := (S * (1 - a)) + a; end; // work out point for selected hue and saturation X := Trunc(Width div 2+cos(Angle) * S * (DrawWidth div 2)); Y := Trunc(Height div 2+sin(Angle) * S * -(DrawHeight div 2)); // draw a crosshair with centre at mouse cursor position len := FCursorSize*2 + 2; // length of crosshair lines Canvas.XORFillRectangle($FFFFFF, X-FCursorSize, Y, len, 2); Canvas.XORFillRectangle($FFFFFF, X, Y-FCursorSize, 2, len); end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint); begin FMarginWidth := NewWidth; if WinHandle = 0 then Exit; //==> Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetCursorSize(NewSize: longint); begin FCursorSize := NewSize; if WinHandle = 0 then Exit; //==> Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetValueBar(AValueBar: TfpgValueBar); begin if FValueBar <> nil then // tell the old value bar it's no longer controlled by this wheel FValueBar.FColorWheel := nil; FValueBar := AValueBar; if FValueBar <> nil then begin // Tell value bar it is controlled by this component FValueBar.FColorWheel := Self; // request notification when other is freed FValueBar.FreeNotification(Self); end; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetWhiteAreaPercent(WhiteAreaPercent: longint); begin if WhiteAreaPercent > 50 then WhiteAreaPercent := 50; if WhiteAreaPercent < 0 then WhiteAreaPercent := 0; FWhiteAreaPercent := WhiteAreaPercent; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetBackgroundColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin FRecalcWheel := True; inherited SetBackgroundColor(AValue); end; procedure TfpgColorWheel.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if Operation = opRemove then begin if AComponent = FValueBar then FValueBar := nil; end; end; { TfpgValueBar } procedure TfpgValueBar.DrawLine(Y: longint); var DrawVal: double; c: TfpgColor; begin DrawVal := ValueFromY(Y); C := HSVToRGB(FHue, FSaturation, DrawVal); Canvas.Color := c; Canvas.DrawLine(FMarginWidth, Y, Width - FMarginWidth - 1, Y); end; procedure TfpgValueBar.HandlePaint; var y: longint; r: TfpgRect; begin // inherited HandlePaint; Canvas.Clear(BackgroundColor); if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin // when designing just draw // a rectangle to indicate Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDash); Canvas.DrawRectangle(GetClientRect); if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then Exit; //==> r := GetClientRect; InflateRect(r, FMarginWidth, FMarginWidth); Canvas.DrawRectangle(r); exit; end; // Draw margins r.left := 0; r.setbottom(0); r.setright(FMarginWidth - 1); r.top := Height - 1; Canvas.Color := BackgroundColor; Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // left r.left := Width - FMarginWidth; r.setright(Width - 1); Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // right r.left := FMarginWidth; r.setright(Width - FMarginWidth - 1); r.setbottom(Height - FMarginWidth); r.top := Height - 1; Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // top r.setbottom(0); r.top := FMarginWidth - 1; Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // bottom if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then Exit; //==> for Y := 0 to DrawHeight - 1 do DrawLine(Y + FMarginWidth); DrawCursor; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); FValue := ValueFromY(Y); Change; CaptureMouse; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); if ((btnstate and MOUSE_LEFT) = 0) then Exit; //==> FValue := ValueFromY(Y); Change; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); ReleaseMouse; end; constructor TfpgValueBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FMarginWidth := 5; FValue := 1.0; Width := 100; Height := 100; Name := 'ValueBar'; FCursorHeight := 10; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.SetHS(Hue: longint; Sat: double); begin FHue := Hue; FSaturation := Sat; Invalidate; Change; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.SetValue(Value: double); begin FValue := Value; Change; end; function TfpgValueBar.DrawWidth: longint; begin Result := Width - FMarginWidth * 2; end; function TfpgValueBar.DrawHeight: longint; begin Result := Height - FMarginWidth * 2; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.DrawCursor; var Y: longint; r: TfpgRect; begin if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then Exit; //==> Y := Trunc((FValue * DrawHeight) + FMarginWidth); r.SetRect(FMarginWidth-1, Y - (FCursorHeight div 2), DrawWidth+1, FCursorHeight); Canvas.Color := GetSelectedColor; Canvas.FillRectangle(r); Canvas.Color := clBlack; Canvas.DrawControlFrame(r); end; procedure TfpgValueBar.SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint); begin if MarginWidth < 0 then MarginWidth := 0; FMarginWidth := NewWidth; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.SetCursorHeight(CursorHeight: longint); begin if CursorHeight < 3 then CursorHeight := 3; FCursorHeight := CursorHeight; Invalidate; end; function TfpgValueBar.GetSelectedColor: TfpgColor; begin Result := HSVToRGB(FHue, FSaturation, FValue); end; function TfpgValueBar.ValueFromY(Y: longint): real; begin Result := (Y - MarginWidth) / (DrawHeight - 1); if Result < 0 then Result := 0; if Result > 1.0 then Result := 1.0; end; procedure TfpgValueBar.Change; begin Invalidate; if FOnChange <> nil then FOnChange(self); end; end.