{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit contains some color conversion/mapping functions. } unit fpg_ColorMapping; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, fpg_base; // IN these functions the following definitions apply: // Hue: 0 - 1535 // red = 0 green = 512 blue = 1024 // Saturation: 0 - 1 // grey (no color) = 0 max color = 1 // Value: 0 - 1 // black =0 max brightness = 1 procedure RGBToHSV(C: TfpgColor; out Hue: longint; out Saturation, Value: double); function HSVToRGB(const H: longint; const S, V: double): TfpgColor; implementation uses Math; procedure RGBToHSV(C: TfpgColor; out Hue: longint; out Saturation, Value: double); var r, g, b: longint; hi, lo: longint; d: longint; rgb: TRGBTriple; begin rgb := fpgColorToRGBTriple(C); r := rgb.Red; g := rgb.Green; b := rgb.Blue; hi := max(max(r, g), b); lo := min(min(r, g), b); d := hi - lo; Value := hi / 256; if d > 0 then begin if r = hi then Hue := 256 * (g - b) div d else if g = hi then Hue := 512 + 256 * (b - r) div d else Hue := 1024 + 256 * (r - g) div d; if Hue < 0 then Hue := Hue + 1536; end else Hue := 0; // doesn't matter (grey: Sat = 0) if hi > 0 then Saturation := d / hi else Saturation := 0; // doesn't matter (black: Val = 0 end; function HSVToRGB(const H: longint; const S, V: double): TfpgColor; var r, g, b: longint; rgb: TRGBTriple; begin if (h < 0) or (h > 1535) or (S < 0) or (S > 1) or (V < 0) or (V > 1) then begin // Invalid value, use black Result := 0; exit; end; case h div 256 of 0: begin r := 255; g := h; b := 0; end; 1: begin r := 511 - h; g := 255; b := 0; end; 2: begin r := 0; g := 255; b := h - 512; end; 3: begin r := 0; g := 1023 - h; b := 255; end; 4: begin r := h - 1024; g := 0; b := 255; end; 5: begin r := 255; g := 0; b := 1535 - h; end; end; r := Trunc(V * (255 - S * (255 - r))); g := Trunc(V * (255 - S * (255 - g))); b := Trunc(V * (255 - S * (255 - b))); rgb.Red := r; rgb.Green := g; rgb.Blue := b; Result := RGBTripleTofpgColor(rgb); end; end.