{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This program is kindly supplied by Henry Vermaak. It uses the new fpmake build system introduced in FPC 2.2.2. fpmake is supposed to replace the Makefile build system. Usage: - Compile fpmake.pas as follows: fpc fpmake.pas - To find out more about what fpmake can do and see some help fpmake --help - Build and install fpGUI fpmake install Note that if you installed FPC in a non-standard location on you system you need to tell fpmake which compiler and units to use. The following is all in one line: fpmake.exe -r c:\fpc\2.2.3\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe -UG c:\fpc\2.2.3\units\i386-win32 or ./fpmake -v build -UG /opt/fpc/lib/fpc/2.2.3/units/i386-linux/ } program fpmake; {$mode objfpc} {$h+} uses sysutils, fpmkunit; var T: TTarget; P: TPackage; begin with Installer do begin P := AddPackage('fpgui'); P.Version := '0.6.3'; P.Author := 'Graeme Geldenhuys'; P.Email := 'graemeg@gmail.com'; P.License := 'Modified LGPL'; P.Description := 'fpGUI Toolkit - a custom written GUI toolkit for Free Pascal.'; // P.Dependencies.Add('fcl'); { Fill in more package details here } { This shouldn't really be here. fpmake will install to the local fpc installation, i.e. /usr/[local]/lib/fpc//units//fpgui if we set the package name to fpgui as above. This base install dir can be overridden by passing -B to fpmake. The line below will cause the units to be output in ../lib//fpgui } Defaults.UnitInstallDir := Format('../lib/%s-%s/', [CurrentCPU, CurrentOS]); { If you installed FPC to a non-standard location, you need to specify where fpmake can find the compiler and RTL units. You can pass that information via the command line to fpmake, or specify it here in code. } // if Defaults.OS in AllUnixOSes then // Defaults.GlobalUnitDir := Format('/opt/fpc/lib/fpc/2.2.3/units/%s-%s/', [CurrentCPU, CurrentOS]) // else // Defaults.GlobalUnitDir := Format('c:\fpc\2.2.3\units\%s-%s', [CurrentCPU, CurrentOS]); if Defaults.OS in AllUnixOSes then Defaults.Options := Defaults.Options + '-dX11' else Defaults.Options := Defaults.Options + '-dGDI'; P.SourcePath.Add('corelib'); P.SourcePath.Add('corelib/x11', AllUnixOSes); P.SourcePath.Add('corelib/gdi', AllWindowsOSes); P.SourcePath.Add('gui'); P.SourcePath.Add('gui/db'); P.UnitPath.Add('corelib'); P.UnitPath.Add('corelib/x11', AllUnixOSes); P.UnitPath.Add('corelib/gdi', AllWindowsOSes); P.UnitPath.Add('gui'); P.UnitPath.Add('gui/db'); P.IncludePath.Add('corelib'); P.IncludePath.Add('corelib/x11', AllUnixOSes); P.IncludePath.Add('corelib/gdi', AllWindowsOSes); P.IncludePath.Add('gui'); { todo: add unit and include dependency for all } P.Sources.AddSrcFiles('corelib/*.pas'); P.Sources.AddSrcFiles('gui/*.pas'); if Defaults.OS in AllUnixOSes then P.Sources.AddSrcFiles('corelib/x11/*.pas') else P.Sources.AddSrcFiles('corelib/gdi/*.pas'); { x11 and gdi common } // if Defaults.OS in AllUnixOSes // then P.Targets.AddUnit('corelib/x11/fpg_impl.pas', AllWindowsOSes); // else P.Targets.AddUnit('corelib/gdi/fpg_impl.pas', AllUnixOSes); // T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_impl.pas'); { corelib/x11 } T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_keyconv_x11.pas', AllUnixOSes); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_netlayer_x11.pas', AllUnixOSes); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_x11.pas', AllUnixOSes); { with T.Dependencies do begin AddUnit('fpg_xft_x11'); AddUnit('fpg_netlayer_x11'); AddUnit('fpg_base'); AddUnit('fpg_impl'); end; } T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_xft_x11.pas', AllUnixOSes); { corelib/gdi } T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_gdi.pas', AllWindowsOSes); { corelib } T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_base.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_imagelist.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_popupwindow.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_translations.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_cmdlineparams.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_imgfmt_bmp.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_stdimages.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_utils.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_command_intf.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_main.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_stringhashlist.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_widget.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_constants.pas'); T.ResourceStrings := True; T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_strings.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_wuline.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_extinterpolation.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_pofiles.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_stringutils.pas'); { corelib include files } // T := P.Sources.AddSrc('keys.inc'); { gui/db } T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpgui_db.pas'); { gui } T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_animation.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_combobox.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_edit.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_hint.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_listbox.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_mru.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_radiobutton.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_tab.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_basegrid.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_customgrid.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_form.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_hyperlink.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_listview.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_panel.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_scrollbar.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_trackbar.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_button.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_dialogs.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_gauge.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_iniutils.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_memo.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_popupcalendar.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_splitter.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_tree.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_checkbox.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_editcombo.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_grid.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_label.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_menu.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_progressbar.pas'); T := P.Targets.AddUnit('fpg_style.pas'); Run; end; end.