{ Dump the Table of Contents data } unit readtoc; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, filestreamhelper; procedure ProcessTOC(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream); implementation uses IPFFileFormatUnit, readheader, u_Tools; type TTOCOverlay = bitpacked record length: uint8; // length of the entry including this byte (but not including extended data) nestlevel: Unsigned_4; unknown: boolean; extended: boolean; hidden: boolean; haschildren: boolean; numSlots: uint8; // number of "slots" occupied by the text for this toc entry end; TTOCExtendedOverlay = bitpacked record setPos: boolean; setSize: boolean; setView: boolean; setStyle: boolean; noSearch: boolean; noPrint: boolean; setCtrl: boolean; setTutor: boolean; clear: boolean; unknown1: Unsigned_1; setGroup: boolean; isParent: boolean; unknown2: Unsigned_4; end; procedure ProcessTOC(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream); var Count: integer; VisCount: integer; pOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer; toc: TTOCEntryStart; olay: TTOCOverlay; tocextolay: TTOCExtendedOverlay; pData: pointer; pEntry: pTTOCEntryStart; pExtendedInfo: pExtendedTOCEntry; p: PByte; i: integer; titleLen: integer; title: string; begin AOut.WriteLn(''); AOut.WriteLn('Table of Contents'); VisCount := 0; GetMem(pOffsets, SizeOf(uint32) * hdr.ntoc); AIn.Seek(hdr.tocoffsetsstart, soBeginning); AIn.Read(pOffsets^, SizeOf(uint32) * hdr.ntoc); // now we have array of toc offsets AIn.Seek(hdr.tocstart, soBeginning); GetMem(pData, hdr.toclen); AIn.Read(pData^, hdr.toclen); pEntry := pData; for count := 1 to hdr.ntoc do begin // AIn.Read(toc, SizeOf(TTOCEntryStart)); // FillChar(olay, SizeOf(TTOCOverlay), 0); p := PByte(pEntry) + sizeof(TTOCEntryStart); i := Longint(p^); olay.extended := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryExtended ) = TOCEntryExtended; olay.nestlevel := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryLevelMask); olay.hidden := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryHidden) = TOCEntryHidden; olay.haschildren := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryHasChildren) = TOCEntryHasChildren; AOut.WriteLn(Format(' TOC Entry #%d at offset %8.8x (%d bytes)', [count, p^, i])); AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.length: %2.2x (%0:d bytes)', [pEntry^.length])); AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.nestlevel: %d', [olay.nestlevel])); AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.unknown: %s', [iif(olay.unknown, 'set', 'clear')])); AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.extended: %s', [iif(olay.extended, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.hidden: %s', [iif(olay.hidden, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.haschildren: %s', [iif(olay.haschildren, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.numSlots: %d', [pEntry^.numSlots])); if not olay.hidden then inc(VisCount); if olay.extended then begin pExtendedInfo := pExtendedTOCEntry( p ); // next data to follow must be Extended TOC Entry AOut.WriteLn(' Extended TOC Entry'); tocextolay := TTOCExtendedOverlay(pExtendedInfo^); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setPos: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setPos, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setSize: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setSize, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setView: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setView, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setStyle: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setStyle, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.noSearch: %s', [iif(tocextolay.noSearch, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.noPrint: %s', [iif(tocextolay.noPrint, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setCtrl: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setCtrl, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setTutor: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setTutor, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.clear: %s', [iif(tocextolay.clear, 'clear', 'set')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.unknown1: %1.1x', [tocextolay.unknown1])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setGroup: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setGroup, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.isParent: %s', [iif(tocextolay.isParent, 'yes', 'no')])); AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.unknown2: %1.1x', [tocextolay.unknown2])); inc( p, sizeof( TExtendedTOCEntry ) ); // move p past two flag bytes if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 1 ) > 0 then // skip position inc( p, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) ); if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 2 ) > 0 then // skip size inc( p, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) ); if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 8 ) > 0 then // skip window controls inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2 if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and $40 ) > 0 then // skip something else, unknown... style? 2 bytes inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2 if ( pExtendedInfo^.w2 and 4 ) > 0 then begin // _ContentsGroupIndex := pUInt16(p)^; // read group inc( p, sizeof( uint16 ) ); end; end; // skip slot numbers for now. // _pSlotNumbers := pUInt16(p); inc( p, pEntry^.numSlots * sizeof(uint16) ); // Calculate the remainder of the tocentry length - that is the bytes used for TOC topic (title) text titleLen := pEntry^.length - ( longword( p ) - longword( pEntry ) ); // Read title if TitleLen > 0 then SetString(Title, Pointer(p), TitleLen) else Title := ''; AOut.WriteLn(Format(' toc Title: %s', [title])); p := PByte(pEntry); inc(p, pEntry^.Length); pEntry := pTTOCEntryStart(p); end; AOut.WriteLn(Format(' TOC visible count: %d', [VisCount])); FreeMem(pOffsets, SizeOf(uint32) * hdr.ntoc); FreeMem(pData, hdr.toclen); end; end.