{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Xft interface functions } unit fpg_xft_x11; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$linklib Xft} interface uses Classes ,SysUtils ,X ,XLib ,Xutil ; const libXft = 'libXft.so'; fclib = 'libfontconfig.so'; type TPicture = longword; TXftDraw = record dummy : Pointer; end; PXftDraw = ^TXftDraw; TXftFont = record ascent : integer; descent : integer; height : integer; max_advance_width : integer; ptr1 : Pointer; // charset ptr2 : Pointer; // pattern end; PXftFont = ^TXftFont; TXRenderColor = record red : word; green : word; blue : word; alpha : word; end; TXftColor = record pixel : ptrint; color : TXRenderColor; end; TXGlyphInfo = packed record width : word; height : word; x : smallint; y : smallint; xOff : smallint; yOff : smallint; end; TFcPattern = record dummy : integer; end; PFcPattern = ^TFcPattern; PPFcPattern = ^PFcPattern; TFcFontSet = packed record nfont : integer; sfont : integer; fonts : PPFcPattern; end; PFcFontSet = ^TFcFontSet; const // FC_FAMILY : PChar = 'family'; // FC_SIZE : PChar = 'size'; // FC_SCALABLE : PChar = 'scalable'; FC_FAMILY = 'family'; //* String */ FC_STYLE = 'style'; //* String */ FC_SLANT = 'slant'; //* Int */ FC_WEIGHT = 'weight'; //* Int */ FC_SIZE = 'size'; //* Double */ FC_ASPECT = 'aspect'; //* Double */ FC_PIXEL_SIZE = 'pixelsize'; //* Double */ FC_SPACING = 'spacing'; //* Int */ FC_FOUNDRY = 'foundry'; //* String */ FC_ANTIALIAS = 'antialias'; //* Bool (depends) */ FC_HINTING = 'hinting'; //* Bool (true) */ FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT = 'verticallayout';//* Bool (false) */ FC_AUTOHINT = 'autohint'; //* Bool (false) */ FC_GLOBAL_ADVANCE = 'globaladvance'; //* Bool (true) */ FC_FILE = 'file'; //* String */ FC_INDEX = 'index'; //* Int */ FC_FT_FACE = 'ftface'; //* FT_Face */ FC_RASTERIZER = 'rasterizer'; //* String */ FC_OUTLINE = 'outline'; //* Bool */ FC_SCALABLE = 'scalable'; //* Bool */ FC_SCALE = 'scale'; //* double */ FC_DPI = 'dpi'; //* double */ FC_RGBA = 'rgba'; //* Int */ FC_MINSPACE = 'minspace'; //* Bool use minimum line spacing */ FC_SOURCE = 'source'; //* String (X11, freetype) */ FC_CHARSET = 'charset'; //* CharSet */ FC_LANG = 'lang'; //* String RFC 3066 langs */ FC_FONTVERSION = 'fontversion'; //* Int from 'head' table */ FC_MATRIX = 'matrix'; FC_CHAR_WIDTH = 'charwidth'; FC_WEIGHT_BOLD = 200; FC_SLANT_ITALIC = 100; FC_PROPORTIONAL = 0; FC_MONO = 100; FcTypeVoid = 0; FcTypeInteger = 1; FcTypeDouble = 2; FcTypeString = 3; FcTypeBool = 4; FcTypeMatrix = 5; FcTypeCharSet = 6; FcTypeFTFace = 7; FcTypeLangSet = 8; function XftDrawCreate(display : PXDisplay; win : TXID; vis : PVisual; colorm : longint) : PXftDraw; cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftDrawChange(xftd : PXftDraw; win : TXID); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftDrawDestroy(draw : PXftDraw); cdecl; external libXft; function XftDrawPicture(draw : PXftDraw) : TPicture; cdecl; external libXft; function XftFontOpenName(display : PXDisplay; scr : integer; par3 : PChar) : PXftFont; cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftFontClose(display : PXDisplay; fnt : PXftFont); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftDrawStringUtf8(draw : PXftDraw; var col : TXftColor; fnt : PXftFont; x,y : integer; txt : PChar; len : integer); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftDrawString8(draw : PXftDraw; var col : TXftColor; fnt : PXftFont; x,y : integer; txt : PChar; len : integer); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftDrawString16(draw : PXftDraw; var col : TXftColor; fnt : PXftFont; x,y : integer; txt : PChar; len : integer); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftTextExtentsUtf8(display : PXDisplay; fnt : PXftFont; txt : PChar; len : integer; var extents : TXGlyphInfo); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftTextExtents8(display : PXDisplay; fnt : PXftFont; txt : PChar; len : integer; var extents : TXGlyphInfo); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftTextExtents16(display : PXDisplay; fnt : PXftFont; txt : PChar; len : integer; var extents : TXGlyphInfo); cdecl; external libXft; //function XftGlyphExists(display : PXDisplay; fnt : PXftFont; ch : integer) : longbool; cdecl; external libXft; //procedure XftDrawSetClipRectangles(draw : PXftDraw; xorigin, yorigin : integer; rect : PXRectangle; rnum : integer); cdecl; external libXft; procedure XftDrawSetClip(draw : PXftDraw; rg : TRegion); cdecl; external libXft; function XftListFonts(display : PXDisplay; screen : integer; params : array of const) : PFcFontSet; cdecl; external libXft; function XftNameUnparse(pat : PFcPattern; dest : PChar; destlen : integer) : boolean; cdecl; external libXft; procedure FcFontSetDestroy(fsp : PFcFontSet); cdecl; external libXft; //function FcFontList(config: PFcConfig; p:PFcPattern; os:PFcObjectSet): PFcFontSet;cdecl; external fclib name 'FcFontList'; implementation end.