{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Xlib netlayer support } unit fpg_netlayer_x11; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, X, XLib, XUtil, XAtom, ctypes; type TNetMaximizedState = (nmsNone, nmsHorz, nmsVert, nmsBoth); TNetWindowType = (nwtDesktop, nwtDock, nwtToolBar, nwtMenu, nwtUtility, nwtSplash, nwtDialog, nwtDropdownMenu, nwtPopupMenu, nwtToolTip, nwtNotification, nwtCombo, nwtDND, nwtNormal); TNetWindowTypes = set of TNetWindowType; TNetWindowState = (nwsModal, nwsSticky, nwsMaxVert, nwsMaxHorz, nwsShaded, nwsSkipTaskBar, nwsSkipPager, nwsHidden, nwsFullScreen, nwsAbove, nwsBelow, nwsDemandsAttn); TNetWindowStates = set of TNetWindowState; TNetWindowAction = (nwaMove, nwaResize, nwaMinimize, nwaShade, nwaStick, nwaMaxHorz, nwaMaxVert, nwaFullscreen, nwaChangeDesktop, nwaClose); TNetWindowActions = set of TNetWindowAction; PNetAtom = ^TNetAtom; TNetAtom = TAtom; TNetAtomEnum = ( naSUPPORTED, naCLIENT_LIST, // array of TWindow naCLIENT_LIST_STACKING, // array of TWindow (bottom to top) naNUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS, // cardinal naDESKTOP_GEOMETRY, // array [0..1] of cardinal (width height) naDESKTOP_VIEWPORT, // array of cardinal array [0..1] viewports (top left position) naCURRENT_DESKTOP, // cardinal (index of desktop) naDESKTOP_NAMES, // array of null terminated UTF8 Strings naACTIVE_WINDOW, // TWindow naWORKAREA, // array [0..3] of cardinal (x, y, width, height) naSUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, // TWindow naVIRTUAL_ROOTS, // array of TWindow naDESKTOP_LAYOUT, // array [0..3] of cardinal (orientation, columns, rows, starting_corner) naSHOWING_DESKTOP, // ca //Root Window Messages naCLOSE_WINDOW, naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW, naWM_MOVERESIZE, naRESTACK_WINDOW, naREQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS, //Application Window Properties naWM_NAME, // UTF8 String naWM_VISIBLE_NAME, //UTF8 String naWM_ICON_NAME, // UTF8 String naWM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME, // UTF8 String naWM_DESKTOP, // cardinal (index of the desktop of the window) $FFFFFFFF for all desktops naWM_WINDOW_TYPE, // TAtom of the different types below naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND, naWM_STATE, // array of TAtoms. Possible members are listed below. others should be ignored naWM_STATE_MODAL, naWM_STATE_STICKY, naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT, naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ, naWM_STATE_SHADED, naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR, naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER, naWM_STATE_HIDDEN, naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN, naWM_STATE_ABOVE, naWM_STATE_BELOW, naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION, naWM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS, //array of TAtoms below. unknown atoms are ignored naWM_ACTION_MOVE, naWM_ACTION_RESIZE, naWM_ACTION_MINIMIZE, naWM_ACTION_SHADE, naWM_ACTION_STICK, naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ, naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT, naWM_ACTION_FULLSCREEN, naWM_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP, naWM_ACTION_CLOSE, naWM_STRUT, // array [0..3] of cardinal (left right top bottom) naWM_STRUT_PARTIAL, // array [0..11] of cardinal (left, right, top, bottom, // left_start_y, left_end_y, right_start_y, right_end_y, // top_start_x, top_end_x, bottom_start_x, bottom_end_x ) naWM_ICON_GEOMETRY, // array [0..3] of cardinal (x, y, width, height) naWM_ICON, // array of cardinal the first two in the array are the width height // and the rest of the array is the icon data in BGRA order naWM_PID, // cardinal (process id of the window) naWM_HANDLED_ICONS, naWM_USER_TIME, // cardinal (XServer time of last user activity) naFRAME_EXTENTS, // array [0..3] of cardinal (left, right, top ,bottom) //Window Manager Protocols naWM_PING, naWM_SYNC_REQUEST ); TNetAtomsSet = set of TNetAtomEnum; { TNETWindowLayer } TNETWindowLayer = class private FDisplay: PXDisplay; FRootWindow: TWindow; FNetAtoms: array[TNetAtomEnum] of TNetAtom; UTF8_STRING: TAtom; FAtomSupported: array[TNetAtomEnum] of Boolean; FTimeStamp: LongInt; function GetNetAtom(AAtom: TNetAtomEnum): TNetAtom; procedure InitNetAtoms; procedure UpdateSupportedAtoms; public // window related functions function WindowSetName(const AWindow: TWindow; AName: PChar): Boolean; function WindowGetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowSetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowGetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; function WindowSetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; function WindowSetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowGetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowSetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; const ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; function WindowGetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; out ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; function WindowMoveResize(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; function WindowMove(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY: Integer): Boolean; function WindowSetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowGetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPID(const AWindow: TWindow; const APID: Cardinal); function WindowGetFrameExtents(const AWindow: TWindow; out ATopHeight, ALeftWidth, ARightWidth, ABottomHeight: Integer): Boolean; procedure WindowSetSupportPING(const AWindow: TWindow); procedure WindowReplyToPING(const AWindow: TWindow; AClientMessage: PXClientMessageEvent); function WindowGetState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowState: TNetWindowStates): Boolean; function WindowSetModal(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; procedure WindowDemandsAttention(const AWindow: TWindow); procedure WindowSetSkipTaskbar(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); procedure WindowSetSkipPager(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); function WindowGetType(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes): Boolean; procedure WindowSetType(const AWindow: TWindow; const AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes); procedure WindowAddProtocol(const AWindow: TWindow; AProtocol: TAtom); function WindowGetAllowedActions(const AWindow: TWindow; var AActions: TNetWindowActions): Boolean; // windowmanager functions function ManagerCloseWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; function ManagerGetActiveWindow(out AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; function ManagerSetActiveWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; function ManagerIsValid: Boolean; // desktop functions function DesktopGetSize(out AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopGetCurrent(out AIndex: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopSetCurrent(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopGetCount(out Desktops: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopIsShowing: Boolean; // misc function SendMessage(AWindow: TWindow; APropagate: Boolean; AMask: LongInt; AMessage: PXEvent): TStatus; procedure SendRootWindowMessage(AMessage: PXEvent); procedure SendRootWindowClientMessage(AMessage: PXClientMessageEvent); // property setting and getting routines // the "WindowSetPropertyXX procedures replace the entire property so if // the property is an array of items then you should copy the old property // value and add the new item to the list and pass that list to the Set procedure function WindowGetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Atoms: PAtom): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Atoms: PAtom); procedure WindowAppendPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Atoms: PAtom); function WindowGetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Cards: PLongWord): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Cards: PLongInt); function WindowGetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Windows: PWindow): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Windows: PWindow); function WindowGetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var ALength: Integer; var UTF8Text: String): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; ALength: Integer; UTF8Text: String); constructor Create(ADisplay: PXDisplay); destructor Destroy; override; property NetAtom[AAtom: TNetAtomEnum]: TNetAtom read GetNetAtom; end; const NetAtomStr: array[TNetAtomEnum] of String = ( '_NET_SUPPORTED', '_NET_CLIENT_LIST', '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING', '_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS', '_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY', '_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT', '_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP', '_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES', '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW', '_NET_WORKAREA', '_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK', '_NET_VIRTUAL_ROOTS', '_NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT', '_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP', '_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW', '_NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW', '_NET_WM_MOVERESIZE', '_NET_RESTACK_WINDOW', '_NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS', '_NET_WM_NAME', '_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME', '_NET_WM_ICON_NAME', '_NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME', '_NET_WM_DESKTOP', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND', '_NET_WM_STATE', '_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL', '_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY', '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT', '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ', '_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED', '_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR', '_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER', '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN', '_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN', '_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE', '_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW', '_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION', '_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MOVE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_RESIZE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MINIMIZE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_SHADE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_STICK', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT', '_NET_WM_ACTION_FULLSCREEN', '_NET_WM_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP', '_NET_WM_ACTION_CLOSE', '_NET_WM_STRUT', '_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL', '_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY', '_NET_WM_ICON', '_NET_WM_PID', '_NET_WM_HANDLED_ICONS', '_NET_WM_USER_TIME', '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS', '_NET_WM_PING', '_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST'); _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION = 1; _NET_SOURCE_PAGER = 2; _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE = 0; // remove/unset property _NET_WM_STATE_ADD = 1; // add/set property _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE = 2; // toggle property implementation { TNETWindowLayer } procedure TNETWindowLayer.InitNetAtoms; var ANetAtom: TNetAtomEnum; begin for ANetAtom := Low(TNetAtomEnum) to High(TNetAtomEnum) do begin FNetAtoms[ANetAtom] := XInternAtom(FDisplay, PChar(NetAtomStr[ANetAtom]), True) end; UTF8_STRING := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'UTF8_STRING', True); end; function TNETWindowLayer.GetNetAtom(AAtom: TNetAtomEnum): TNetAtom; begin Result := FNetAtoms[AAtom]; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.UpdateSupportedAtoms; var AtomCount: Integer; Atoms: PNetAtom; I: Integer; ANetAtom: TNetAtomEnum; begin if WindowGetPropertyAtom(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naSUPPORTED], AtomCount, Atoms) = False then Exit; // WriteLn('RootWindow Atom Count = ',AtomCount); FillChar(FAtomSupported, SizeOf(Boolean) * Length(FAtomSupported), 0);; for I := 0 to AtomCount-1 do begin for ANetAtom := Low(TNetAtomEnum) to High(TNetAtomEnum) do begin if Atoms[I] = FNetAtoms[ANetAtom] then begin FAtomSupported[ANetAtom] := True; // WriteLn('Found ', NetAtomStr[ANetAtom]); end; end; end; if AtomCount > 0 then XFree(Atoms); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetName(const AWindow: TWindow; AName: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := True; //???? WindowSetPropertyUTF8(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_NAME], Length(AName), AName); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN] and WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); if not Result then Exit; AValue := nwsHidden in WinState; end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN]; if Result = False then Exit; Result := True; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); AValue := nmsNone; if Result then begin if nwsMaxHorz in WinState then AValue := nmsHorz; if (nwsMaxVert in WinState) then begin if (AValue = nmsHorz) then AValue := nmsBoth else AValue := nmsVert; end; end; end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; if AValue <> nmsNone then begin Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_ADD; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; if AValue = nmsHorz then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; if AValue = nmsVert then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; if AValue = nmsBoth then begin Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; Msg.data.l[2] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; end; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; if AValue = nmsBoth then Exit; // now remove properties we don't want Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE; Msg.data.l[1] := 0; Msg.data.l[2] := 0; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; if AValue = nmsHorz then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; if AValue = nmsVert then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; if AValue = nmsNone then begin Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; Msg.data.l[2] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; end; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; if AValue then Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_ADD else Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE; Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); if Result then AValue := nwsFullScreen in WinState; end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; const ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_DESKTOP]; if Result = False then Exit; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_DESKTOP]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := ADesktopIndex; Msg.data.l[1] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; out ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Index: PCardinal; Count: LongInt; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_DESKTOP] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_DESKTOP], Count, Index); if Result = False then Exit; ADesktopIndex := Index^; if Count > 0 then XFree(Index); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowMoveResize(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; const WSet = 1 shl 7; HSet = 1 shl 6; XSet = 1 shl 5; YSet = 1 shl 4; FromPager = 1 shl 1; FromApp = 1 shl 0; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.s[0] := WSet or HSet or XSet or YSet or FromApp; // Gravity and flags Msg.data.l[1] := AX; Msg.data.l[2] := AY; Msg.data.l[3] := AWidth; Msg.data.l[4] := AHeight; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowMove(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; const WSet = 1 shl 7; HSet = 1 shl 6; XSet = 1 shl 5; YSet = 1 shl 4; FromApp = 1 shl 0; FromPager = 1 shl 1; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.b[0] := 0; // Gravity and flags Msg.data.b[1] := XSet or YSet or FromApp; Msg.data.b[2] := 0; Msg.data.b[3] := 0; // this does nothing Msg.data.l[1] := AX; Msg.data.l[2] := AY; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_STICKY]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_STICKY]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean ): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); if Result then AValue := nwsSticky in WinState; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPID(const AWindow: TWindow; const APID: Cardinal); begin WindowSetPropertyCardinal(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_PID], 1, @APID); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetFrameExtents(const AWindow: TWindow; out ATopHeight, ALeftWidth, ARightWidth, ABottomHeight: Integer): Boolean; var Sizes: PCardinal; Count: LongInt; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naFRAME_EXTENTS]; if Result = False then Exit; Result := WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naFRAME_EXTENTS], Count, Sizes); if Count = 4 then begin ALeftWidth := Sizes[0]; ARightWidth := Sizes[1]; ATopHeight := Sizes[2]; ABottomHeight := Sizes[3]; end else Result := False; if Count > 0 then XFree(Sizes); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSupportPING(const AWindow: TWindow); begin //WM_PROTOCOLS := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'WM_PROTOCOLS', True); WindowAddProtocol(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_PING]); //WindowAppendPropertyAtom(AWindow, WM_PROTOCOLS, 1, @FNetAtoms[naWM_PING]); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowReplyToPING(const AWindow: TWindow; AClientMessage: PXClientMessageEvent); begin AClientMessage^.window := FRootWindow; SendRootWindowMessage(PXEvent(AClientMessage)); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerCloseWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naCLOSE_WINDOW]; if Result =False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naCLOSE_WINDOW]; Msg.data.l[0] := FTimeStamp; Msg.data.l[1] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerGetActiveWindow(out AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; var ActiveWindow: PWindow; Count: LongInt; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naACTIVE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; Result := WindowGetPropertyWindow(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naACTIVE_WINDOW], Count, ActiveWindow); if Count = 1 then AWindow := ActiveWindow^; if Count > 0 then XFree(ActiveWindow); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerSetActiveWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naACTIVE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naACTIVE_WINDOW]; Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; Msg.data.l[1] := FTimeStamp; Msg.data.l[2] := 0; // our current active window SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerIsValid: Boolean; begin // if the window manager changes we need to refresh the list of atoms supported by it Result := False; // ????? Todo end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.SendRootWindowMessage(AMessage: PXEvent); begin SendMessage(FRootWindow, False, SubstructureNotifyMask or SubstructureRedirectMask, AMessage); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.SendRootWindowClientMessage(AMessage: PXClientMessageEvent ); begin AMessage^.format := 32; AMessage^._type := ClientMessage; SendRootWindowMessage(PXEvent(AMessage)); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Atoms: PAtom): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; begin Result := False; if (AWindow = 0) or (AProperty = 0) then Exit; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, TBool(False), XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Atoms); if (atomtype = XA_ATOM) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; Count := nitems; end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Atoms: PAtom); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, Pointer(Atoms), Count); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowAppendPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Atoms: PAtom); var AtomCount: Integer; SetAtoms: PAtom; I: Integer; NewAtoms: array of TAtom; NewCount: Integer; function AtomInList(AAtom: PAtom): Boolean; var J: Integer; begin Result := False; for J := 0 to AtomCount-1 do if SetAtoms^ = AAtom^ then Exit(True); end; begin if WindowGetPropertyAtom(AWindow, AProperty, AtomCount, SetAtoms) = False then begin SetAtoms := nil; AtomCount := 0; end; NewCount := AtomCount; SetLength(NewAtoms, AtomCount + Count); for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin if AtomInList(@Atoms[I]) = False then begin NewAtoms[NewCount] := Atoms[I]; Inc(NewCount); end; end; if AtomCount > 0 then XFree(SetAtoms); if NewCount > 0 then WindowSetPropertyAtom(AWindow, AProperty, NewCount, @NewAtoms[0]); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Cards: PLongInt); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, Pointer(Cards), Count); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Windows: PWindow): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; begin Result := False; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, TBool(False), XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Windows); if (atomtype = XA_WINDOW) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; Count := nitems; end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Windows: PWindow); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, Pointer(Windows), Count); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var ALength: Integer; var UTF8Text: String): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; Utf8Str: PChar; begin Result := False; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, TBool(False), XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Utf8Str); if (atomtype = XA_WINDOW) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; UTF8Text := Copy(Utf8Str, 0, nitems); ALength := nitems; end; if nitems > 0 then XFree(Utf8Str); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; ALength: Integer; UTF8Text: String); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, UTF8_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, @UTF8Text[1], ALength); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Cards: PLongWord): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; begin Result := False; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, TBool(False), XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Cards); if (atomtype = XA_CARDINAL) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; Count := nitems; end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowAddProtocol(const AWindow: TWindow; AProtocol: TAtom); var Count: cint; Protocols: PAtom; NewProtocols: array of TAtom; I: Integer; begin Count := 0; Protocols := nil; XGetWMProtocols(FDisplay, AWindow, @Protocols, @Count); SetLength(NewProtocols, Count+1); if Protocols <> nil then begin for I := 0 to Count -1 do if Protocols[I] = AProtocol then begin XFree(Protocols); Exit; end; Move(Protocols[0], NewProtocols[0], SizeOf(TAtom)* Count); end; NewProtocols[Count] := AProtocol; XSetWMProtocols(FDisplay, AWindow, @NewProtocols[0], Count+1); if Count > 0 then XFree(Protocols); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetAllowedActions(const AWindow: TWindow; var AActions: TNetWindowActions): Boolean; var AtomCount: Integer; ActionAtoms: PAtom; I: Integer; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS]; if Result = False then Exit; if WindowGetPropertyAtom(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS], AtomCount, ActionAtoms) = False then Exit(False); AActions := []; //WriteLn('Getting Allowed Actions. ', AtomCount); for I := 0 to AtomCount-1 do begin //WriteLn('Allowed ', XGetAtomName(FDisplay,ActionAtoms[I])); if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MOVE] then Include(AActions, nwaMove) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_RESIZE] then Include(AActions, nwaResize) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MINIMIZE] then Include(AActions, nwaMinimize) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_SHADE] then Include(AActions, nwaShade) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_STICK] then Include(AActions, nwaStick) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ] then Include(AActions, nwaMaxHorz) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT] then Include(AActions, nwaMaxVert) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_FULLSCREEN] then Include(AActions, nwaFullscreen) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP] then Include(AActions, nwaChangeDesktop) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_CLOSE] then Include(AActions, nwaClose); end; if AtomCount > 0 then XFree(ActionAtoms); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowState: TNetWindowStates): Boolean; var AtomCount: Integer; StateAtoms: PAtom; I: Integer; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE]; if Result = False then Exit; if WindowGetPropertyAtom(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE], AtomCount, StateAtoms) = False then Exit(False); AWindowState := []; for I := 0 to AtomCount-1 do begin if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MODAL] then Include(AWindowState, nwsModal) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_STICKY] then Include(AWindowState, nwsSticky) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT] then Include(AWindowState, nwsMaxVert) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ] then Include(AWindowState, nwsMaxHorz) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SHADED] then Include(AWindowState, nwsShaded) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR] then Include(AWindowState, nwsSkipTaskBar) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER] then Include(AWindowState, nwsSkipPager) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN] then Include(AWindowState, nwsHidden) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN] then Include(AWindowState, nwsFullScreen) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_ABOVE] then Include(AWindowState, nwsAbove) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_BELOW] then Include(AWindowState, nwsBelow) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION] then Include(AWindowState, nwsDemandsAttn); end; if AtomCount > 0 then XFree(StateAtoms); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetModal(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_MODAL]; if not Result then Exit; WindowAppendPropertyAtom(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE], 1, @FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MODAL]); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowDemandsAttention(const AWindow: TWindow); var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin if FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION] = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_ADD; Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSkipTaskbar(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin if FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR] = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSkipPager(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin if FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER] = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetType(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes): Boolean; var WindowTypes: PAtom; Count: LongInt; I : Integer; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE] and WindowGetPropertyAtom(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE], Count, WindowTypes); if not Result then Exit; AWindowType := []; for I := 0 to Count -1 do begin if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDesktop) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDock) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR] then Include(AWindowType, nwtToolBar) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU] then Include(AWindowType, nwtMenu) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY] then Include(AWindowType, nwtUtility) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH] then Include(AWindowType, nwtSplash) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDialog) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL] then Include(AWindowType, nwtNormal) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDropdownMenu) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU] then Include(AWindowType, nwtPopupMenu) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP] then Include(AWindowType, nwtToolTip) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION] then Include(AWindowType, nwtNotification) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO] then Include(AWindowType, nwtCombo) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDND); end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetType(const AWindow: TWindow; const AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes); var WindowAtoms: array of TNetAtom; procedure AddWindowType(AType: TNetAtom); var CurrentLength: Integer; begin CurrentLength := Length(WindowAtoms); SetLength(WindowAtoms, CurrentLength+1); WindowAtoms[CurrentLength] := AType; end; var WindowType: TNetWindowType; AtomEnum: TNetAtomEnum; begin for WindowType := Low(TNetWindowType) to High(TNetWindowType) do begin AtomEnum := TNetAtomEnum(Ord(naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP) + Ord(WindowType)); if WindowType in AWindowType then AddWindowType(FNetAtoms[AtomEnum]); end; end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopGetSize(out AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Sizes: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naDESKTOP_GEOMETRY] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naDESKTOP_GEOMETRY], Count, Sizes); if not Result then Exit; if Count > 0 then begin Result := False; if Count = 2 then begin AWidth := Sizes[0]; AHeight := Sizes[1]; Result := True; end; XFree(Sizes); end; end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopGetCurrent(out AIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Index: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naCURRENT_DESKTOP] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naCURRENT_DESKTOP], Count, Index); if not Result then Exit; AIndex := Index^; if Count > 0 then XFree(Index); end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopSetCurrent(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naCURRENT_DESKTOP]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naCURRENT_DESKTOP]; Msg.data.l[0] := AIndex; Msg.data.l[1] := FTimeStamp; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopGetCount(out Desktops: Integer): Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Number: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naNUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naNUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS], Count, Number); if not Result then Exit; Desktops := PLongInt(Number)^; if Count > 0 then XFree(Number); end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopIsShowing: Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Showing: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naSHOWING_DESKTOP] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naSHOWING_DESKTOP], Count, Showing); if not Result then Exit; Result := Showing^ = 1; if Count > 0 then XFree(Showing); end; function TNETWindowLayer.SendMessage(AWindow: TWindow; APropagate: Boolean; AMask: LongInt; AMessage: PXEvent): TStatus; begin Inc(FTimeStamp); AMessage^.xany.display := FDisplay; Result := XSendEvent(FDisplay, AWindow, APropagate, AMask, AMessage); end; constructor TNETWindowLayer.Create(ADisplay: PXDisplay); begin FDisplay := ADisplay; FRootWindow := XDefaultRootWindow(FDisplay); InitNetAtoms; UpdateSupportedAtoms; end; destructor TNETWindowLayer.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; end.