unit _netlayer; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, X, XLib, XUtil, XAtom, ctypes; type TNetMaximizedState = (nmsNone, nmsHorz, nmsVert, nmsBoth); TNetWindowType = (nwtDesktop, nwtDock, nwtToolBar, nwtMenu, nwtUtility, nwtSplash, nwtDialog, nwtDropdownMenu, nwtPopupMenu, nwtToolTip, nwtNotification, nwtCombo, nwtDND, nwtNormal); TNetWindowTypes = set of TNetWindowType; TNetWindowState = (nwsModal, nwsSticky, nwsMaxVert, nwsMaxHorz, nwsShaded, nwsSkipTaskBar, nwsSkipPager, nwsHidden, nwsFullScreen, nwsAbove, nwsBelow, nwsDemandsAttn); TNetWindowStates = set of TNetWindowState; TNetWindowAction = (nwaMove, nwaResize, nwaMinimize, nwaShade, nwaStick, nwaMaxHorz, nwaMaxVert, nwaFullscreen, nwaChangeDesktop, nwaClose); TNetWindowActions = set of TNetWindowAction; PNetAtom = ^TNetAtom; TNetAtom = TAtom; TNetAtomEnum = ( naSUPPORTED, naCLIENT_LIST, // array of TWindow naCLIENT_LIST_STACKING, // array of TWindow (bottom to top) naNUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS, // cardinal naDESKTOP_GEOMETRY, // array [0..1] of cardinal (width height) naDESKTOP_VIEWPORT, // array of cardinal array [0..1] viewports (top left position) naCURRENT_DESKTOP, // cardinal (index of desktop) naDESKTOP_NAMES, // array of null terminated UTF8 Strings naACTIVE_WINDOW, // TWindow naWORKAREA, // array [0..3] of cardinal (x, y, width, height) naSUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, // TWindow naVIRTUAL_ROOTS, // array of TWindow naDESKTOP_LAYOUT, // array [0..3] of cardinal (orientation, columns, rows, starting_corner) naSHOWING_DESKTOP, // ca //Root Window Messages naCLOSE_WINDOW, naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW, naWM_MOVERESIZE, naRESTACK_WINDOW, naREQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS, //Application Window Properties naWM_NAME, // UTF8 String naWM_VISIBLE_NAME, //UTF8 String naWM_ICON_NAME, // UTF8 String naWM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME, // UTF8 String naWM_DESKTOP, // cardinal (index of the desktop of the window) $FFFFFFFF for all desktops naWM_WINDOW_TYPE, // TAtom of the different types below naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO, naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND, naWM_STATE, // array of TAtoms. Possible members are listed below. others should be ignored naWM_STATE_MODAL, naWM_STATE_STICKY, naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT, naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ, naWM_STATE_SHADED, naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR, naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER, naWM_STATE_HIDDEN, naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN, naWM_STATE_ABOVE, naWM_STATE_BELOW, naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION, naWM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS, //array of TAtoms below. unknown atoms are ignored naWM_ACTION_MOVE, naWM_ACTION_RESIZE, naWM_ACTION_MINIMIZE, naWM_ACTION_SHADE, naWM_ACTION_STICK, naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ, naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT, naWM_ACTION_FULLSCREEN, naWM_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP, naWM_ACTION_CLOSE, naWM_STRUT, // array [0..3] of cardinal (left right top bottom) naWM_STRUT_PARTIAL, // array [0..11] of cardinal (left, right, top, bottom, // left_start_y, left_end_y, right_start_y, right_end_y, // top_start_x, top_end_x, bottom_start_x, bottom_end_x ) naWM_ICON_GEOMETRY, // array [0..3] of cardinal (x, y, width, height) naWM_ICON, // array of cardinal the first two in the array are the width height // and the rest of the array is the icon data in BGRA order naWM_PID, // cardinal (process id of the window) naWM_HANDLED_ICONS, naWM_USER_TIME, // cardinal (XServer time of last user activity) naFRAME_EXTENTS, // array [0..3] of cardinal (left, right, top ,bottom) //Window Manager Protocols naWM_PING, naWM_SYNC_REQUEST ); TNetAtomsSet = set of TNetAtomEnum; { TNETWindowLayer } TNETWindowLayer = class private FDisplay: PXDisplay; FRootWindow: TWindow; FNetAtoms: array[TNetAtomEnum] of TNetAtom; UTF8_STRING: TAtom; FAtomSupported: array[TNetAtomEnum] of Boolean; FTimeStamp: LongInt; procedure InitNetAtoms; procedure UpdateSupportedAtoms; public // window related functions function WindowSetName(const AWindow: TWindow; AName: PChar): Boolean; function WindowGetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowSetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowGetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; function WindowSetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; function WindowSetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowGetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowSetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; const ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; function WindowGetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; out ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; function WindowMoveResize(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; function WindowMove(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY: Integer): Boolean; function WindowSetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; function WindowGetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPID(const AWindow: TWindow; const APID: Integer); function WindowGetFrameExtents(const AWindow: TWindow; out ATopHeight, ALeftWidth, ARightWidth, ABottomHeight: Integer): Boolean; procedure WindowSetSupportPING(const AWindow: TWindow); procedure WindowReplyToPING(const AWindow: TWindow; AClientMessage: PXClientMessageEvent); function WindowGetState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowState: TNetWindowStates): Boolean; procedure WindowDemandsAttention(const AWindow: TWindow); procedure WindowSetSkipTaskbar(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); procedure WindowSetSkipPager(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); function WindowGetType(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes): Boolean; procedure WindowSetType(const AWindow: TWindow; const AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes); procedure WindowAddProtocol(const AWindow: TWindow; AProtocol: TAtom); function WindowGetAllowedActions(const AWindow: TWindow; var AActions: TNetWindowActions): Boolean; // windowmanager functions function ManagerCloseWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; function ManagerGetActiveWindow(out AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; function ManagerSetActiveWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; function ManagerIsValid: Boolean; // desktop functions function DesktopGetSize(out AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopGetCurrent(out AIndex: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopSetCurrent(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopGetCount(out Desktops: Integer): Boolean; function DesktopIsShowing: Boolean; // misc function SendMessage(AWindow: TWindow; APropagate: Boolean; AMask: LongInt; AMessage: PXEvent): TStatus; procedure SendRootWindowMessage(AMessage: PXEvent); procedure SendRootWindowClientMessage(AMessage: PXClientMessageEvent); // property setting and getting routines function WindowGetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Atoms: PAtom): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Atoms: PAtom); function WindowGetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Cards: PLongWord): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Cards: PLongInt); function WindowGetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Windows: PWindow): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Windows: PWindow); function WindowGetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var ALength: Integer; var UTF8Text: String): Boolean; procedure WindowSetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; ALength: Integer; UTF8Text: String); constructor Create(ADisplay: PXDisplay); destructor Destroy; override; end; const NetAtomStr: array[TNetAtomEnum] of String = ( '_NET_SUPPORTED', '_NET_CLIENT_LIST', '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING', '_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS', '_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY', '_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT', '_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP', '_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES', '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW', '_NET_WORKAREA', '_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK', '_NET_VIRTUAL_ROOTS', '_NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT', '_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP', '_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW', '_NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW', '_NET_WM_MOVERESIZE', '_NET_RESTACK_WINDOW', '_NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS', '_NET_WM_NAME', '_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME', '_NET_WM_ICON_NAME', '_NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME', '_NET_WM_DESKTOP', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO', '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND', '_NET_WM_STATE', '_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL', '_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY', '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT', '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ', '_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED', '_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR', '_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER', '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN', '_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN', '_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE', '_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW', '_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION', '_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MOVE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_RESIZE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MINIMIZE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_SHADE', '_NET_WM_ACTION_STICK', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ', '_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT', '_NET_WM_ACTION_FULLSCREEN', '_NET_WM_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP', '_NET_WM_ACTION_CLOSE', '_NET_WM_STRUT', '_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL', '_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY', '_NET_WM_ICON', '_NET_WM_PID', '_NET_WM_HANDLED_ICONS', '_NET_WM_USER_TIME', '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS', '_NET_WM_PING', '_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST'); _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION = 1; _NET_SOURCE_PAGER = 2; _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE = 0; // remove/unset property _NET_WM_STATE_ADD = 1; // add/set property _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE = 2; // toggle property implementation { TNETWindowLayer } procedure TNETWindowLayer.InitNetAtoms; var NetAtom: TNetAtomEnum; begin for NetAtom := Low(TNetAtomEnum) to High(TNetAtomEnum) do begin FNetAtoms[NetAtom] := XInternAtom(FDisplay, PChar(NetAtomStr[NetAtom]), True) end; UTF8_STRING := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'UTF8_STRING', True); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.UpdateSupportedAtoms; var AtomCount: Integer; Atoms: PNetAtom; Data: Pointer; I: Integer; NetAtom: TNetAtomEnum; begin if WindowGetPropertyAtom(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naSUPPORTED], AtomCount, Atoms) = False then;// Exit; //WriteLn('RootWindow Atom Count = ',AtomCount); FillChar(FAtomSupported, SizeOf(Boolean) * Length(FAtomSupported), 0);; for I := 0 to AtomCount-1 do begin for NetAtom := Low(TNetAtomEnum) to High(TNetAtomEnum) do begin if Atoms[I] = FNetAtoms[NetAtom] then begin FAtomSupported[NetAtom] := True; //WriteLn('Found ', NetAtomStr[NetAtom]); end; end; end; if AtomCount > 0 then XFree(Atoms); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetName(const AWindow: TWindow; AName: PChar ): Boolean; begin WindowSetPropertyUTF8(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_NAME], Length(AName), AName); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean ): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN] and WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); if not Result then Exit; AValue := nwsHidden in WinState; end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetHidden(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN]; if Result = False then Exit; Result := True; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); AValue := nmsNone; if Result then begin if nwsMaxHorz in WinState then AValue := nmsHorz; if (nwsMaxVert in WinState) then begin if (AValue = nmsHorz) then AValue := nmsBoth else AValue := nmsVert; end; end; end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetMaximizedState(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: TNetMaximizedState): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; if AValue <> nmsNone then begin Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_ADD; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; if AValue = nmsHorz then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; if AValue = nmsVert then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; if AValue = nmsBoth then begin Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; Msg.data.l[2] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; end; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; if AValue = nmsBoth then Exit; // now remove properties we dont want Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE; Msg.data.l[1] := 0; Msg.data.l[2] := 0; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; if AValue = nmsHorz then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; if AValue = nmsVert then Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; if AValue = nmsNone then begin Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ]; Msg.data.l[2] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT]; end; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetFullscreen(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); if Result then AValue := nwsFullScreen in WinState; end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; const ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_DESKTOP]; if Result = False then Exit; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_DESKTOP]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := ADesktopIndex; Msg.data.l[1] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetDesktop(const AWindow: TWindow; out ADesktopIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Index: PCardinal; Count: LongInt; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_DESKTOP] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_DESKTOP], Count, Index); if Result = False then Exit; ADesktopIndex := Index^; if Count > 0 then XFree(Index); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowMoveResize(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; const WSet = 1 shl 7; HSet = 1 shl 6; XSet = 1 shl 5; YSet = 1 shl 4; FromPager = 1 shl 1; FromApp = 1 shl 0; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.s[0] := WSet or HSet or XSet or YSet or FromApp; // Gravity and flags Msg.data.l[1] := AX; Msg.data.l[2] := AY; Msg.data.l[3] := AWidth; Msg.data.l[4] := AHeight; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowMove(const AWindow: TWindow; const AX, AY: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; const WSet = 1 shl 7; HSet = 1 shl 6; XSet = 1 shl 5; YSet = 1 shl 4; FromApp = 1 shl 0; FromPager = 1 shl 1; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naMOVERESIZE_WINDOW]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.b[0] := 0; // Gravity and flags Msg.data.b[1] := XSet or YSet or FromApp; Msg.data.b[2] := 0; Msg.data.b[3] := 0; // this does nothing Msg.data.l[1] := AX; Msg.data.l[2] := AY; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_STICKY]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_STICKY]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetSticky(const AWindow: TWindow; out AValue: Boolean ): Boolean; var WinState: TNetWindowStates; begin Result := WindowGetState(AWindow, WinState); if Result then AValue := nwsSticky in WinState; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPID(const AWindow: TWindow; const APID: Integer); begin end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetFrameExtents(const AWindow: TWindow; out ATopHeight, ALeftWidth, ARightWidth, ABottomHeight: Integer): Boolean; var Sizes: PCardinal; Count: LongInt; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naFRAME_EXTENTS]; if Result = False then Exit; Result := WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naFRAME_EXTENTS], Count, Sizes); if Count = 4 then begin ALeftWidth := Sizes[0]; ARightWidth := Sizes[1]; ATopHeight := Sizes[2]; ABottomHeight := Sizes[3]; end else Result := False; if Count > 0 then XFree(Sizes); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSupportPING(const AWindow: TWindow); begin WindowAddProtocol(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_PING]); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowReplyToPING(const AWindow: TWindow; AClientMessage: PXClientMessageEvent); begin AClientMessage^.window := FRootWindow; SendRootWindowMessage(PXEvent(AClientMessage)); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerCloseWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naCLOSE_WINDOW]; if Result =False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naCLOSE_WINDOW]; Msg.data.l[0] := FTimeStamp; Msg.data.l[1] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerGetActiveWindow(out AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; var ActiveWindow: PWindow; Count: LongInt; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naACTIVE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; Result := WindowGetPropertyWindow(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naACTIVE_WINDOW], Count, ActiveWindow); if Count = 1 then AWindow := ActiveWindow^; if Count > 0 then XFree(ActiveWindow); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerSetActiveWindow(const AWindow: TWindow): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naACTIVE_WINDOW]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naACTIVE_WINDOW]; Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; Msg.data.l[1] := FTimeStamp; Msg.data.l[2] := 0; // our current active window SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.ManagerIsValid: Boolean; begin end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.SendRootWindowMessage(AMessage: PXEvent); begin SendMessage(FRootWindow, False, SubstructureNotifyMask or SubstructureRedirectMask, AMessage); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.SendRootWindowClientMessage(AMessage: PXClientMessageEvent ); begin AMessage^.format := 32; AMessage^._type := ClientMessage; SendRootWindowMessage(PXEvent(AMessage)); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Atoms: PAtom): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; begin Result := False; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, False, XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Atoms); if (atomtype = XA_ATOM) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; Count := nitems; end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyAtom(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Atoms: PAtom); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, Pointer(Atoms), Count); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Cards: PLongInt); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, Pointer(Cards), Count); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Windows: PWindow): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; begin Result := False; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, False, XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Windows); if (atomtype = XA_WINDOW) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; Count := nitems; end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyWindow(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; Count: Integer; Windows: PWindow); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, Pointer(Windows), Count); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var ALength: Integer; var UTF8Text: String): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; Utf8Str: PChar; begin Result := False; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, False, XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Utf8Str); if (atomtype = XA_WINDOW) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; UTF8Text := Copy(Utf8Str, 0, nitems); ALength := nitems; end; if nitems > 0 then XFree(Utf8Str); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetPropertyUTF8(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; ALength: Integer; UTF8Text: String); begin XChangeProperty(FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, UTF8_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, @UTF8Text[1], ALength); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetPropertyCardinal(const AWindow: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom; var Count: Integer; var Cards: PLongWord): Boolean; var atomtype: TAtom; format: cint; nitems: culong; bytes_after: culong; begin Result := False; XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, False, XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems, @bytes_after, @Cards); if (atomtype = XA_CARDINAL) and (format = 32) then begin Result := True; Count := nitems; end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowAddProtocol(const AWindow: TWindow; AProtocol: TAtom); var Count: cint; Protocols: PAtom; NewProtocols: array of TAtom; begin XGetWMProtocols(FDisplay, AWindow, @Protocols, @Count); SetLength(NewProtocols, Count+1); Move(Protocols[0], NewProtocols[0], SizeOf(TAtom)* Count); NewProtocols[Count] := AProtocol; if Count > 0 then XFree(Protocols); XSetWMProtocols(FDisplay, AWindow, @NewProtocols, Count+1); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetAllowedActions(const AWindow: TWindow; var AActions: TNetWindowActions): Boolean; var AtomCount: Integer; ActionAtoms: PAtom; I: Integer; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS]; if Result = False then Exit; if WindowGetPropertyAtom(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS], AtomCount, ActionAtoms) = False then Exit(False); AActions := []; //WriteLn('Getting Allowed Actions. ', AtomCount); for I := 0 to AtomCount-1 do begin //WriteLn('Allowed ', XGetAtomName(FDisplay,ActionAtoms[I])); if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MOVE] then Include(AActions, nwaMove) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_RESIZE] then Include(AActions, nwaResize) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MINIMIZE] then Include(AActions, nwaMinimize) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_SHADE] then Include(AActions, nwaShade) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_STICK] then Include(AActions, nwaStick) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ] then Include(AActions, nwaMaxHorz) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT] then Include(AActions, nwaMaxVert) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_FULLSCREEN] then Include(AActions, nwaFullscreen) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP] then Include(AActions, nwaChangeDesktop) else if ActionAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_ACTION_CLOSE] then Include(AActions, nwaClose); end; if AtomCount > 0 then XFree(ActionAtoms); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetState(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowState: TNetWindowStates): Boolean; var AtomCount: Integer; StateAtoms: PAtom; Data: Pointer; I: Integer; State: TNetWindowState; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE]; if Result = False then Exit; if WindowGetPropertyAtom(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE], AtomCount, StateAtoms) = False then Exit(False); AWindowState := []; for I := 0 to AtomCount-1 do begin if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MODAL] then Include(AWindowState, nwsModal) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_STICKY] then Include(AWindowState, nwsSticky) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT] then Include(AWindowState, nwsMaxVert) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ] then Include(AWindowState, nwsMaxHorz) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SHADED] then Include(AWindowState, nwsShaded) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR] then Include(AWindowState, nwsSkipTaskBar) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER] then Include(AWindowState, nwsSkipPager) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_HIDDEN] then Include(AWindowState, nwsHidden) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN] then Include(AWindowState, nwsFullScreen) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_ABOVE] then Include(AWindowState, nwsAbove) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_BELOW] then Include(AWindowState, nwsBelow) else if StateAtoms[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION] then Include(AWindowState, nwsDemandsAttn); end; if AtomCount > 0 then XFree(StateAtoms); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowDemandsAttention(const AWindow: TWindow); var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin if FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION] = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_ADD; Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSkipTaskbar(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin if FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR] = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetSkipPager(const AWindow: TWindow; const AValue: Boolean); var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin if FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE] and FAtomSupported[naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER] = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE]; Msg.window := AWindow; Msg.data.l[0] := Ord(AValue); Msg.data.l[1] := FNetAtoms[naWM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER]; Msg.data.l[3] := _NET_SOURCE_APPLICATION; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.WindowGetType(const AWindow: TWindow; out AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes): Boolean; var WindowTypes: PAtom; Count: LongInt; I : Integer; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE] and WindowGetPropertyAtom(AWindow, FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE], Count, WindowTypes); if not Result then Exit; AWindowType := []; for I := 0 to Count -1 do begin if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDesktop) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDock) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR] then Include(AWindowType, nwtToolBar) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU] then Include(AWindowType, nwtMenu) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY] then Include(AWindowType, nwtUtility) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH] then Include(AWindowType, nwtSplash) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDialog) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL] then Include(AWindowType, nwtNormal) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDropdownMenu) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU] then Include(AWindowType, nwtPopupMenu) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP] then Include(AWindowType, nwtToolTip) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION] then Include(AWindowType, nwtNotification) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO] then Include(AWindowType, nwtCombo) else if WindowTypes[I] = FNetAtoms[naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND] then Include(AWindowType, nwtDND); end; end; procedure TNETWindowLayer.WindowSetType(const AWindow: TWindow; const AWindowType: TNetWindowTypes); var WindowAtoms: array of TNetAtom; procedure AddWindowType(AType: TNetAtom); var CurrentLength: Integer; begin CurrentLength := Length(WindowAtoms); SetLength(WindowAtoms, CurrentLength+1); WindowAtoms[CurrentLength] := AType; end; var WindowType: TNetWindowType; AtomEnum: TNetAtomEnum; begin for WindowType := Low(TNetWindowType) to High(TNetWindowType) do begin AtomEnum := TNetAtomEnum(Ord(naWM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP) + Ord(WindowType)); if WindowType in AWindowType then AddWindowType(FNetAtoms[AtomEnum]); end; end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopGetSize(out AWidth, AHeight: Integer): Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Sizes: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naDESKTOP_GEOMETRY] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naDESKTOP_GEOMETRY], Count, Sizes); if not Result then Exit; if Count > 0 then begin Result := False; if Count = 2 then begin AWidth := Sizes[0]; AHeight := Sizes[1]; Result := True; end; XFree(Sizes); end; end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopGetCurrent(out AIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Index: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naCURRENT_DESKTOP] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naCURRENT_DESKTOP], Count, Index); if not Result then Exit; AIndex := Index^; if Count > 0 then XFree(Index); end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopSetCurrent(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Msg: TXClientMessageEvent; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naCURRENT_DESKTOP]; if Result = False then Exit; FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0); Msg.message_type := FNetAtoms[naCURRENT_DESKTOP]; Msg.data.l[0] := AIndex; Msg.data.l[1] := FTimeStamp; SendRootWindowClientMessage(@Msg); end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopGetCount(out Desktops: Integer): Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Number: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naNUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naNUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS], Count, Number); if not Result then Exit; Desktops := PLongInt(Number)^; if Count > 0 then XFree(Number); end; function TNETWindowLayer.DesktopIsShowing: Boolean; var Count : LongInt; Showing: PLongWord; begin Result := FAtomSupported[naSHOWING_DESKTOP] and WindowGetPropertyCardinal(FRootWindow, FNetAtoms[naSHOWING_DESKTOP], Count, Showing); if not Result then Exit; Result := Showing^ = 1; if Count > 0 then XFree(Showing); end; function TNETWindowLayer.SendMessage(AWindow: TWindow; APropagate: Boolean; AMask: LongInt; AMessage: PXEvent): TStatus; begin Inc(FTimeStamp); AMessage^.xany.display := FDisplay; Result := XSendEvent(FDisplay, AWindow, APropagate, AMask, AMessage); end; constructor TNETWindowLayer.Create(ADisplay: PXDisplay); begin FDisplay := ADisplay; FRootWindow := XDefaultRootWindow(FDisplay); InitNetAtoms; UpdateSupportedAtoms; end; destructor TNETWindowLayer.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; end.