//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 (Public License) // Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com) // // Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 Release Milano 3 (AggPas 2.4 RM3) // Pascal Port By: Milan Marusinec alias Milano // milan@marusinec.sk // http://www.aggpas.org // Copyright (c) 2005-2006 // // Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software // is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied // warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com // mcseemagg@yahoo.com // http://www.antigrain.com // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bessel function (besj) was adapted for use in AGG library by Andy Wilk // Contact: castor.vulgaris@gmail.com // // [Pascal Port History] ----------------------------------------------------- // // 23.06.2006-Milano: ptrcomp adjustments // 18.12.2005-Milano: Unit port establishment // { agg_math.pas } unit agg_math ; INTERFACE {$I agg_mode.inc } {$Q- } {$R- } uses Math , agg_basics , agg_vertex_sequence ; { GLOBAL VARIABLES & CONSTANTS } type double_xy_ptr = ^double_xy; double_xy = record x ,y : double; end; poly_xy_ptr = ^poly_xy; poly_xy = array[0..0 ] of double_xy; storage_xy_ptr = ^storage_xy; storage_xy = record poly : poly_xy_ptr; size : unsigned; end; const intersection_epsilon : double = 1.0e-30; // Tables for fast sqrt const g_sqrt_table : array[0..1023 ] of int16u = (0 , 2048,2896,3547,4096,4579,5017,5418,5793,6144,6476,6792,7094,7384,7663,7932,8192,8444, 8689,8927,9159,9385,9606,9822,10033,10240,10443,10642,10837,11029,11217,11403,11585, 11765,11942,12116,12288,12457,12625,12790,12953,13114,13273,13430,13585,13738,13890, 14040,14189,14336,14482,14626,14768,14910,15050,15188,15326,15462,15597,15731,15864, 15995,16126,16255,16384,16512,16638,16764,16888,17012,17135,17257,17378,17498,17618, 17736,17854,17971,18087,18203,18318,18432,18545,18658,18770,18882,18992,19102,19212, 19321,19429,19537,19644,19750,19856,19961,20066,20170,20274,20377,20480,20582,20684, 20785,20886,20986,21085,21185,21283,21382,21480,21577,21674,21771,21867,21962,22058, 22153,22247,22341,22435,22528,22621,22713,22806,22897,22989,23080,23170,23261,23351, 23440,23530,23619,23707,23796,23884,23971,24059,24146,24232,24319,24405,24491,24576, 24661,24746,24831,24915,24999,25083,25166,25249,25332,25415,25497,25580,25661,25743, 25824,25905,25986,26067,26147,26227,26307,26387,26466,26545,26624,26703,26781,26859, 26937,27015,27092,27170,27247,27324,27400,27477,27553,27629,27705,27780,27856,27931, 28006,28081,28155,28230,28304,28378,28452,28525,28599,28672,28745,28818,28891,28963, 29035,29108,29180,29251,29323,29394,29466,29537,29608,29678,29749,29819,29890,29960, 30030,30099,30169,30238,30308,30377,30446,30515,30583,30652,30720,30788,30856,30924, 30992,31059,31127,31194,31261,31328,31395,31462,31529,31595,31661,31727,31794,31859, 31925,31991,32056,32122,32187,32252,32317,32382,32446,32511,32575,32640,32704,32768, 32832,32896,32959,33023,33086,33150,33213,33276,33339,33402,33465,33527,33590,33652, 33714,33776,33839,33900,33962,34024,34086,34147,34208,34270,34331,34392,34453,34514, 34574,34635,34695,34756,34816,34876,34936,34996,35056,35116,35176,35235,35295,35354, 35413,35472,35531,35590,35649,35708,35767,35825,35884,35942,36001,36059,36117,36175, 36233,36291,36348,36406,36464,36521,36578,36636,36693,36750,36807,36864,36921,36978, 37034,37091,37147,37204,37260,37316,37372,37429,37485,37540,37596,37652,37708,37763, 37819,37874,37929,37985,38040,38095,38150,38205,38260,38315,38369,38424,38478,38533, 38587,38642,38696,38750,38804,38858,38912,38966,39020,39073,39127,39181,39234,39287, 39341,39394,39447,39500,39553,39606,39659,39712,39765,39818,39870,39923,39975,40028, 40080,40132,40185,40237,40289,40341,40393,40445,40497,40548,40600,40652,40703,40755, 40806,40857,40909,40960,41011,41062,41113,41164,41215,41266,41317,41368,41418,41469, 41519,41570,41620,41671,41721,41771,41821,41871,41922,41972,42021,42071,42121,42171, 42221,42270,42320,42369,42419,42468,42518,42567,42616,42665,42714,42763,42813,42861, 42910,42959,43008,43057,43105,43154,43203,43251,43300,43348,43396,43445,43493,43541, 43589,43637,43685,43733,43781,43829,43877,43925,43972,44020,44068,44115,44163,44210, 44258,44305,44352,44400,44447,44494,44541,44588,44635,44682,44729,44776,44823,44869, 44916,44963,45009,45056,45103,45149,45195,45242,45288,45334,45381,45427,45473,45519, 45565,45611,45657,45703,45749,45795,45840,45886,45932,45977,46023,46069,46114,46160, 46205,46250,46296,46341,46386,46431,46477,46522,46567,46612,46657,46702,46746,46791, 46836,46881,46926,46970,47015,47059,47104,47149,47193,47237,47282,47326,47370,47415, 47459,47503,47547,47591,47635,47679,47723,47767,47811,47855,47899,47942,47986,48030, 48074,48117,48161,48204,48248,48291,48335,48378,48421,48465,48508,48551,48594,48637, 48680,48723,48766,48809,48852,48895,48938,48981,49024,49067,49109,49152,49195,49237, 49280,49322,49365,49407,49450,49492,49535,49577,49619,49661,49704,49746,49788,49830, 49872,49914,49956,49998,50040,50082,50124,50166,50207,50249,50291,50332,50374,50416, 50457,50499,50540,50582,50623,50665,50706,50747,50789,50830,50871,50912,50954,50995, 51036,51077,51118,51159,51200,51241,51282,51323,51364,51404,51445,51486,51527,51567, 51608,51649,51689,51730,51770,51811,51851,51892,51932,51972,52013,52053,52093,52134, 52174,52214,52254,52294,52334,52374,52414,52454,52494,52534,52574,52614,52654,52694, 52734,52773,52813,52853,52892,52932,52972,53011,53051,53090,53130,53169,53209,53248, 53287,53327,53366,53405,53445,53484,53523,53562,53601,53640,53679,53719,53758,53797, 53836,53874,53913,53952,53991,54030,54069,54108,54146,54185,54224,54262,54301,54340, 54378,54417,54455,54494,54532,54571,54609,54647,54686,54724,54762,54801,54839,54877, 54915,54954,54992,55030,55068,55106,55144,55182,55220,55258,55296,55334,55372,55410, 55447,55485,55523,55561,55599,55636,55674,55712,55749,55787,55824,55862,55900,55937, 55975,56012,56049,56087,56124,56162,56199,56236,56273,56311,56348,56385,56422,56459, 56497,56534,56571,56608,56645,56682,56719,56756,56793,56830,56867,56903,56940,56977, 57014,57051,57087,57124,57161,57198,57234,57271,57307,57344,57381,57417,57454,57490, 57527,57563,57599,57636,57672,57709,57745,57781,57817,57854,57890,57926,57962,57999, 58035,58071,58107,58143,58179,58215,58251,58287,58323,58359,58395,58431,58467,58503, 58538,58574,58610,58646,58682,58717,58753,58789,58824,58860,58896,58931,58967,59002, 59038,59073,59109,59144,59180,59215,59251,59286,59321,59357,59392,59427,59463,59498, 59533,59568,59603,59639,59674,59709,59744,59779,59814,59849,59884,59919,59954,59989, 60024,60059,60094,60129,60164,60199,60233,60268,60303,60338,60373,60407,60442,60477, 60511,60546,60581,60615,60650,60684,60719,60753,60788,60822,60857,60891,60926,60960, 60995,61029,61063,61098,61132,61166,61201,61235,61269,61303,61338,61372,61406,61440, 61474,61508,61542,61576,61610,61644,61678,61712,61746,61780,61814,61848,61882,61916, 61950,61984,62018,62051,62085,62119,62153,62186,62220,62254,62287,62321,62355,62388, 62422,62456,62489,62523,62556,62590,62623,62657,62690,62724,62757,62790,62824,62857, 62891,62924,62957,62991,63024,63057,63090,63124,63157,63190,63223,63256,63289,63323, 63356,63389,63422,63455,63488,63521,63554,63587,63620,63653,63686,63719,63752,63785, 63817,63850,63883,63916,63949,63982,64014,64047,64080,64113,64145,64178,64211,64243, 64276,64309,64341,64374,64406,64439,64471,64504,64536,64569,64601,64634,64666,64699, 64731,64763,64796,64828,64861,64893,64925,64957,64990,65022,65054,65086,65119,65151, 65183,65215,65247,65279,65312,65344,65376,65408,65440,65472,65504 ); g_elder_bit_table : array[0..255 ] of int8 = ( 0,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 ); { GLOBAL PROCEDURES } function calc_point_location(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x ,y : double ) : double; function point_in_triangle(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ,x ,y : double ) : boolean; function calc_distance(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double ) : double; function calc_line_point_distance(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x ,y : double ) : double; function calc_intersection(ax ,ay ,bx ,by ,cx ,cy ,dx ,dy : double; x ,y : double_ptr ) : boolean; function intersection_exists(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ,x4 ,y4 : double ) : boolean; procedure calc_orthogonal(thickness ,x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; x ,y : double_ptr ); procedure dilate_triangle(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 : double; x ,y : double_ptr; d : double ); function calc_triangle_area(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 : double ) : double; function calc_polygon_area(st : storage_xy_ptr ) : double; function calc_polygon_area_vs(st : vertex_sequence_ptr ) : double; function fast_sqrt(val : unsigned ) : unsigned; function besj(x : double; n : int ) : double; function cross_product(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x ,y : double ) : double; IMPLEMENTATION { LOCAL VARIABLES & CONSTANTS } { UNIT IMPLEMENTATION } { calc_point_location } function calc_point_location; begin result:=(x - x2 ) * (y2 - y1 ) - (y - y2 ) * (x2 - x1 ); end; { point_in_triangle } function point_in_triangle; var cp1 ,cp2 ,cp3 : boolean; begin cp1:=calc_point_location(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x ,y ) < 0.0; cp2:=calc_point_location(x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ,x ,y ) < 0.0; cp3:=calc_point_location(x3 ,y3 ,x1 ,y1 ,x ,y ) < 0.0; result:=(cp1 = cp2 ) and (cp2 = cp3 ) and (cp3 = cp1 ); end; { calc_distance } function calc_distance; var dx ,dy : double; begin dx:=x2 - x1; dy:=y2 - y1; result:=sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy ); end; { calc_line_point_distance } function calc_line_point_distance; var d , dx , dy : double; begin dx:=x2 - x1; dy:=y2 - y1; d :=sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy ); if d < intersection_epsilon then result:=calc_distance(x1 ,y1 ,x ,y ) else result:=((x - x2 ) * dy - (y - y2 ) * dx) / d; end; { calc_intersection } function calc_intersection; var r , num , den : double; begin num:=(ay - cy ) * (dx - cx ) - (ax - cx ) * (dy - cy ); den:=(bx - ax ) * (dy - cy ) - (by - ay ) * (dx - cx ); if Abs(den ) < intersection_epsilon then result:=false else begin r :=num / den; x^:=ax + r * (bx - ax ); y^:=ay + r * (by - ay ); result:=true; end; end; { intersection_exists } function intersection_exists; var dx1 ,dy1 , dx2 ,dy2 : double; begin dx1:=x2 - x1; dy1:=y2 - y1; dx2:=x4 - x3; dy2:=y4 - y3; result:= (((x3 - x2 ) * dy1 - (y3 - y2 ) * dx1 < 0.0 ) <> ((x4 - x2 ) * dy1 - (y4 - y2 ) * dx1 < 0.0 ) ) and (((x1 - x4 ) * dy2 - (y1 - y4 ) * dx2 < 0.0 ) <> ((x2 - x4 ) * dy2 - (y2 - y4 ) * dx2 < 0.0 ) ); end; { calc_orthogonal } procedure calc_orthogonal; var d ,dx ,dy : double; begin dx:=x2 - x1; dy:=y2 - y1; d :=sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy ); x^:=thickness * dy / d; y^:=thickness * dx / d; end; { dilate_triangle } procedure dilate_triangle; var loc , dx1 ,dy1 , dx2 ,dy2 , dx3 ,dy3 : double; begin dx1:=0.0; dy1:=0.0; dx2:=0.0; dy2:=0.0; dx3:=0.0; dy3:=0.0; loc:=calc_point_location(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ); if Abs(loc ) > intersection_epsilon then begin if calc_point_location(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ) > 0.0 then d:=-d; calc_orthogonal(d ,x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,@dx1 ,@dy1 ); calc_orthogonal(d ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ,@dx2 ,@dy2 ); calc_orthogonal(d ,x3 ,y3 ,x1 ,y1 ,@dx3 ,@dy3 ); end; x^:=x1 + dx1; inc(ptrcomp(x ) ,sizeof(double ) ); y^:=y1 - dy1; inc(ptrcomp(y ) ,sizeof(double ) ); x^:=x2 + dx1; inc(ptrcomp(x ) ,sizeof(double ) ); y^:=y2 - dy1; inc(ptrcomp(y ) ,sizeof(double ) ); x^:=x2 + dx2; inc(ptrcomp(x ) ,sizeof(double ) ); y^:=y2 - dy2; inc(ptrcomp(y ) ,sizeof(double ) ); x^:=x3 + dx2; inc(ptrcomp(x ) ,sizeof(double ) ); y^:=y3 - dy2; inc(ptrcomp(y ) ,sizeof(double ) ); x^:=x3 + dx3; inc(ptrcomp(x ) ,sizeof(double ) ); y^:=y3 - dy3; inc(ptrcomp(y ) ,sizeof(double ) ); x^:=x1 + dx3; inc(ptrcomp(x ) ,sizeof(double ) ); y^:=y1 - dy3; inc(ptrcomp(y ) ,sizeof(double ) ); end; { calc_triangle_area } function calc_triangle_area; begin result:=(x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 + x2 * y3 - x3 * y2 + x3 * y1 - x1 * y3 ) * 0.5; end; { calc_polygon_area } function calc_polygon_area; var i : unsigned; v : double_xy_ptr; x ,y ,sum ,xs ,ys : double; begin sum:=0.0; x :=st.poly[0 ].x; y :=st.poly[0 ].y; xs :=x; ys :=y; if st.size > 0 then for i:=1 to st.size - 1 do begin v:=@st.poly[i ]; sum:=sum + (x * v.y - y * v.x ); x:=v.x; y:=v.y; end; result:=(sum + x * ys - y * xs ) * 0.5; end; { calc_polygon_area_vs } function calc_polygon_area_vs; var i : unsigned; v : vertex_dist_ptr; x ,y ,sum ,xs ,ys : double; begin sum:=0.0; x :=vertex_dist_ptr(st.array_operator(0 ) ).x; y :=vertex_dist_ptr(st.array_operator(0 ) ).y; xs :=x; ys :=y; if st.size > 0 then for i:=1 to st.size - 1 do begin v:=st.array_operator(i ); sum:=sum + (x * v.y - y * v.x ); x:=v.x; y:=v.y; end; result:=(sum + x * ys - y * xs ) * 0.5; end; { fast_sqrt } function fast_sqrt; var bit : int; t ,shift : unsigned; begin t :=val; bit:=0; shift:=11; //The following piece of code is just an emulation of the //Ix86 assembler command "bsr" (see below). However on old //Intels (like Intel MMX 233MHz) this code is about twice //faster (sic!) then just one "bsr". On PIII and PIV the //bsr is optimized quite well. bit:=t shr 24; if bit <> 0 then bit:=g_elder_bit_table[bit ] + 24 else begin bit:=(t shr 16 ) and $FF; if bit <> 0 then bit:=g_elder_bit_table[bit ] + 16 else begin bit:=(t shr 8 ) and $FF; if bit <> 0 then bit:=g_elder_bit_table[bit ] + 8 else bit:=g_elder_bit_table[t ]; end; end; // This is calculation sqrt itself. bit:=bit - 9; if bit > 0 then begin bit :=(shr_int32(bit ,1 ) ) + (bit and 1 ); shift:=shift - bit; val :=val shr (bit shl 1 ); end; result:=g_sqrt_table[val ] shr shift; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------besj // Function BESJ calculates Bessel function of first kind of order n // Arguments: // n - an integer (>=0), the order // x - value at which the Bessel function is required //-------------------- // C++ Mathematical Library // Convereted from equivalent FORTRAN library // Converetd by Gareth Walker for use by course 392 computational project // All functions tested and yield the same results as the corresponding // FORTRAN versions. // // If you have any problems using these functions please report them to // M.Muldoon@UMIST.ac.uk // // Documentation available on the web // http://www.ma.umist.ac.uk/mrm/Teaching/392/libs/392.html // Version 1.0 8/98 // 29 October, 1999 //-------------------- // Adapted for use in AGG library by Andy Wilk (castor.vulgaris@gmail.com) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ { besj } function besj; var i ,m1 ,m2 ,m8 ,imax : int; d ,b ,b1 ,c2 ,c3 ,c4 ,c6 : double; begin if n < 0 then begin result:=0; exit; end; d:=1E-6; b:=0; if Abs(x ) <= d then begin if n <> 0 then result:=0 else result:=1; exit; end; b1:=0; // b1 is the value from the previous iteration // Set up a starting order for recurrence m1:=trunc(Abs(x ) + 6 ); if Abs(x ) > 5 then m1:=trunc(Abs(1.4 * x + 60 / x ) ); m2:=trunc(n + 2 + Abs(x ) / 4 ); if m1 > m2 then m2:=m1; // Apply recurrence down from curent max order repeat c3:=0; c2:=1E-30; c4:=0; m8:=1; if m2 div 2 * 2 = m2 then m8:=-1; imax:=m2 - 2; for i:=1 to imax do begin c6:=2 * (m2 - i ) * c2 / x - c3; c3:=c2; c2:=c6; if m2 - i - 1 = n then b:=c6; m8:=-1 * m8; if m8 > 0 then c4:=c4 + 2 * c6; end; c6:=2 * c2 / x - c3; if n = 0 then b:=c6; c4:=c4 + c6; b :=b / c4; if Abs(b - b1 ) < d then begin result:=b; exit; end; b1:=b; inc(m2 ,3 ); until false; end; { CROSS_PRODUCT } function cross_product(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x ,y : double ) : double; begin result:=(x - x2 ) * (y2 - y1 ) - (y - y2 ) * (x2 - x1 ); end; END.