//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Agg2D - Version 1.0 // Based on Anti-Grain Geometry // Copyright (C) 2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com) // // TAgg2D - Version 1.0 Release Milano 3 (AggPas 2.4 RM3) // Pascal Port By: Milan Marusinec alias Milano // milan@marusinec.sk // http://www.aggpas.org // Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008 // // Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software // is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied // warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. // // // unit Agg2D; interface {$I agg_mode.inc } { With this define you can switch use of FreeType or Win32 TrueType font engine. NOTE: The FreeType font engine is recommended, even under Windows - simply because it has more functionality and generates better looking text. If enabled under Windows, your application will require the freetype.dll though. The freetype.dll is included in the fpGUI repository for your convenience. } {.$DEFINE AGG2D_USE_FREETYPE } {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_FREETYPE} {$UNDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS} {$ENDIF} uses agg_basics , agg_array , agg_trans_affine , agg_trans_viewport , agg_path_storage , agg_conv_stroke , agg_conv_transform , agg_conv_curve , agg_conv_dash , agg_rendering_buffer , agg_renderer_base , agg_renderer_scanline , agg_span_gradient , agg_span_image_filter_rgba , agg_span_image_resample_rgba , agg_span_converter , agg_span_interpolator_linear , agg_span_allocator , agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa , agg_gamma_functions , agg_scanline_u , agg_arc , agg_bezier_arc , agg_rounded_rect , agg_font_engine , agg_font_cache_manager , agg_pixfmt , agg_pixfmt_rgb , agg_pixfmt_rgba , agg_color , agg_math_stroke , agg_image_filters , agg_vertex_source , agg_render_scanlines , {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_FREETYPE } agg_font_freetype , {$ENDIF } {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS} agg_font_win32_tt , {$ENDIF } Math, Classes, SysUtils, // This allows for platform specific uses clauses {$define uses_interface} {$undef agg_platform_interface} {$undef uses_implementation} {$undef agg_platform_implementation} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$I agg_platform_gdi.inc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} {$I agg_platform_x11.inc} {$ENDIF} fpg_base, fpg_main; { GLOBAL VARIABLES & CONSTANTS } const // LineJoin AGG_JoinMiter = miter_join; AGG_JoinRound = round_join; AGG_JoinBevel = bevel_join; // LineCap AGG_CapButt = butt_cap; AGG_CapSquare = square_cap; AGG_CapRound = round_cap; // TextAlignment AGG_AlignLeft = 0; AGG_AlignRight = 1; AGG_AlignCenter = 2; AGG_AlignTop = AGG_AlignRight; AGG_AlignBottom = AGG_AlignLeft; // BlendMode AGG_BlendAlpha = end_of_comp_op_e; AGG_BlendClear = comp_op_clear; AGG_BlendSrc = comp_op_src; AGG_BlendDst = comp_op_dst; AGG_BlendSrcOver = comp_op_src_over; AGG_BlendDstOver = comp_op_dst_over; AGG_BlendSrcIn = comp_op_src_in; AGG_BlendDstIn = comp_op_dst_in; AGG_BlendSrcOut = comp_op_src_out; AGG_BlendDstOut = comp_op_dst_out; AGG_BlendSrcAtop = comp_op_src_atop; AGG_BlendDstAtop = comp_op_dst_atop; AGG_BlendXor = comp_op_xor; AGG_BlendAdd = comp_op_plus; AGG_BlendSub = comp_op_minus; AGG_BlendMultiply = comp_op_multiply; AGG_BlendScreen = comp_op_screen; AGG_BlendOverlay = comp_op_overlay; AGG_BlendDarken = comp_op_darken; AGG_BlendLighten = comp_op_lighten; AGG_BlendColorDodge = comp_op_color_dodge; AGG_BlendColorBurn = comp_op_color_burn; AGG_BlendHardLight = comp_op_hard_light; AGG_BlendSoftLight = comp_op_soft_light; AGG_BlendDifference = comp_op_difference; AGG_BlendExclusion = comp_op_exclusion; AGG_BlendContrast = comp_op_contrast; { TYPES DEFINITION } type PAggColor = ^TAggColor; TAggColor = rgba8; TAggRectD = agg_basics.rect_d; TAggAffine = trans_affine; PAggAffine = trans_affine_ptr; TAggFontRasterizer = gray8_adaptor_type; PAggFontRasterizer = gray8_adaptor_type_ptr; TAggFontScanline = gray8_scanline_type; PAggFontScanline = gray8_scanline_type_ptr; {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_FREETYPE } TAggFontEngine = font_engine_freetype_int32; {$ENDIF } {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS} TAggFontEngine = font_engine_win32_tt_int32; {$ENDIF } TAggGradient = ( AGG_Solid , AGG_Linear , AGG_Radial ); TAggDirection = ( AGG_CW, AGG_CCW ); TAggLineJoin = int; TAggLineCap = int; TAggBlendMode = comp_op_e; TAggTextAlignment = int; TAggDrawPathFlag = ( AGG_FillOnly , AGG_StrokeOnly , AGG_FillAndStroke , AGG_FillWithLineColor ); TAggViewportOption = ( AGG_Anisotropic , AGG_XMinYMin , AGG_XMidYMin , AGG_XMaxYMin , AGG_XMinYMid , AGG_XMidYMid , AGG_XMaxYMid , AGG_XMinYMax , AGG_XMidYMax , AGG_XMaxYMax ); TAggImageFilter = ( AGG_NoFilter , AGG_Bilinear , AGG_Hanning , AGG_Hermite , AGG_Quadric , AGG_Bicubic , AGG_Catrom , AGG_Spline16 , AGG_Spline36 , AGG_Blackman144 ); TAggImageResample = ( AGG_NoResample , AGG_ResampleAlways , AGG_ResampleOnZoomOut ); TAggFontCacheType = ( AGG_RasterFontCache , AGG_VectorFontCache ); TPixelFormat = (pf8bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit); PAggTransformations = ^TAggTransformations; TAggTransformations = record affineMatrix : array[0..5 ] of double; end; TAggRasterizerGamma = object(vertex_source ) m_alpha : gamma_multiply; m_gamma : gamma_power; constructor Construct(alpha ,gamma : double ); function func_operator_gamma(x : double ) : double; virtual; end; PAggImage = ^TAggImage; TAggImage = object renBuf : rendering_buffer; constructor Construct; destructor Destruct; function attach(bitmap : TfpgImage; flip : boolean ) : boolean; function width : int; function height : int; end; TAgg2D = class(TfpgCanvasBase) private m_rbuf : rendering_buffer; m_pixf : TPixelFormat; m_pixFormat ,m_pixFormatComp ,m_pixFormatPre ,m_pixFormatCompPre : pixel_formats; m_renBase ,m_renBaseComp ,m_renBasePre ,m_renBaseCompPre : renderer_base; m_renSolid ,m_renSolidComp : renderer_scanline_aa_solid; m_allocator : span_allocator; m_clipBox : TAggRectD; m_blendMode ,m_imageBlendMode : TAggBlendMode; m_imageBlendColor : TAggColor; m_scanline : scanline_u8; m_rasterizer : rasterizer_scanline_aa; m_masterAlpha ,m_antiAliasGamma : double; m_fillColor ,m_lineColor : TAggColor; m_fillGradient ,m_lineGradient : pod_auto_array; m_lineCap : TAggLineCap; m_lineJoin : TAggLineJoin; m_fillGradientFlag ,m_lineGradientFlag : TAggGradient; m_fillGradientMatrix ,m_lineGradientMatrix : trans_affine; m_fillGradientD1 , m_lineGradientD1 , m_fillGradientD2 , m_lineGradientD2 , m_textAngle : double; m_textAlignX , m_textAlignY : TAggTextAlignment; m_textHints : boolean; m_fontHeight , m_fontAscent , m_fontDescent : double; m_fontCacheType : TAggFontCacheType; m_imageFilter : TAggImageFilter; m_imageResample : TAggImageResample; m_imageFilterLut : image_filter_lut; m_fillGradientInterpolator , m_lineGradientInterpolator : span_interpolator_linear; m_linearGradientFunction : gradient_x; m_radialGradientFunction : gradient_circle; m_lineWidth : double; m_evenOddFlag : boolean; m_path : path_storage; m_transform : trans_affine; m_convCurve : conv_curve; m_convStroke : conv_stroke; m_convDash: conv_dash; m_pathTransform ,m_strokeTransform : conv_transform; m_imageFlip : boolean; {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS } m_fontDC : HDC; {$ENDIF } {$IFNDEF AGG2D_NO_FONT} m_fontEngine : TAggFontEngine; m_fontCacheManager : font_cache_manager; {$ENDIF} // Other Pascal-specific members m_gammaNone : gamma_none; m_gammaAgg2D : TAggRasterizerGamma; m_ifBilinear : image_filter_bilinear; m_ifHanning : image_filter_hanning; m_ifHermite : image_filter_hermite; m_ifQuadric : image_filter_quadric; m_ifBicubic : image_filter_bicubic; m_ifCatrom : image_filter_catrom; m_ifSpline16 : image_filter_spline16; m_ifSpline36 : image_filter_spline36; m_ifBlackman144 : image_filter_blackman144; protected FImg: TfpgImage; {$undef uses_interface} {$define agg_platform_interface} {$undef uses_implementation} {$undef agg_platform_implementation} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$I agg_platform_gdi.inc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} {$I agg_platform_x11.inc} {$ENDIF} // ------ TfpgCanvasBase implementation requirements --------- procedure DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase); override; procedure DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle); override; procedure DoGetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); override; procedure DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoXORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); override; procedure DoDrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); override; procedure DoSetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); override; function DoGetClipRect: TfpgRect; override; procedure DoAddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); override; procedure DoClearClipRect; override; procedure DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean); override; procedure DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoEndDraw; override; function GetPixel(X, Y: integer): TfpgColor; override; procedure SetPixel(X, Y: integer; const AValue: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); override; procedure DoFillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); override; procedure DoDrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean = False); override; // -------- TfpgCanvasBase end --------------- public constructor Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); override; destructor Destroy; override; // Vector Graphics Engine Initialization function Attach(bitmap : TfpgImage; flip_y : boolean = false ) : boolean; procedure ClearAll(c : TAggColor ); overload; procedure ClearAll(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); overload; // Master Rendering Properties procedure BlendMode(m : TAggBlendMode ); overload; function BlendMode : TAggBlendMode; overload; procedure MasterAlpha(a : double ); overload; function MasterAlpha : double; overload; procedure AntiAliasGamma(g : double ); overload; function AntiAliasGamma : double; overload; procedure FillColor(c : TAggColor ); overload; procedure FillColor(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); overload; procedure NoFill; procedure LineColor(c : TAggColor ); overload; procedure LineColor(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); overload; procedure NoLine; function FillColor : TAggColor; overload; function LineColor : TAggColor; overload; procedure FillLinearGradient(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); procedure LineLinearGradient(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); procedure FillRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); overload; procedure LineRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); overload; procedure FillRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 ,c3 : TAggColor ); overload; procedure LineRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 ,c3 : TAggColor ); overload; procedure FillRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double ); overload; procedure LineRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double ); overload; procedure LineWidth(const w : double ); overload; function LineWidth : double; overload; procedure LineCap(cap : TAggLineCap ); overload; function LineCap : TAggLineCap; overload; procedure LineJoin(join : TAggLineJoin ); overload; function LineJoin : TAggLineJoin; overload; procedure FillEvenOdd(evenOddFlag : boolean ); overload; function FillEvenOdd : boolean; overload; // Affine Transformations function Transformations : TAggTransformations; overload; procedure Transformations(tr : PAggTransformations ); overload; procedure ResetTransformations; procedure Affine(const tr : PAggAffine ); overload; procedure Affine(const tr : PAggTransformations ); overload; procedure Rotate (const angle : double ); procedure Scale (const sx ,sy : double ); procedure Skew (const sx ,sy : double ); procedure Translate(const x ,y : double ); procedure Parallelogram(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; para : PDouble ); procedure Viewport(const worldX1 ,worldY1 ,worldX2 ,worldY2 , screenX1 ,screenY1 ,screenX2 ,screenY2 : double; const opt : TAggViewportOption = AGG_XMidYMid ); // Coordinates Conversions procedure WorldToScreen(x ,y : PDouble ); overload; procedure ScreenToWorld(x ,y : PDouble ); overload; function WorldToScreen(scalar : double ) : double; overload; function ScreenToWorld(scalar : double ) : double; overload; procedure AlignPoint(x ,y : PDouble ); // Clipping procedure ClipBox(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double ); overload; function ClipBox : TAggRectD; overload; procedure ClearClipBox(c : TAggColor ); overload; procedure ClearClipBox(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); overload; function InBox(worldX ,worldY : double ) : boolean; // Basic Shapes procedure Line(const x1, y1, x2, y2: double; AFixAlignment: boolean = false ); procedure Triangle (const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 : double ); procedure Rectangle(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; AFixAlignment: boolean = false); procedure RoundedRect(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,r : double ); overload; procedure RoundedRect(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,rx ,ry : double ); overload; procedure RoundedRect(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 , rxBottom ,ryBottom , rxTop ,ryTop : double ); overload; procedure Ellipse(const cx ,cy ,rx ,ry : double ); procedure Arc (const cx ,cy ,rx ,ry ,start ,sweep : double ); procedure Star(const cx ,cy ,r1 ,r2 ,startAngle : double; const numRays : integer ); procedure Curve(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 : double ); overload; procedure Curve(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ,x4 ,y4 : double ); overload; procedure Polygon (const xy : PDouble; numPoints : integer ); procedure Polyline(const xy : PDouble; numPoints : integer ); // Path Commands procedure ResetPath; procedure MoveTo (const x ,y : double ); procedure MoveRel(const dx ,dy : double ); procedure LineTo (const x ,y : double ); procedure LineRel(const dx ,dy : double ); procedure HorLineTo (const x : double ); procedure HorLineRel(const dx : double ); procedure VerLineTo (const y : double ); procedure VerLineRel(const dy : double ); procedure ArcTo( rx ,ry ,angle : double; largeArcFlag ,sweepFlag : boolean; x ,y : double ); procedure ArcRel( rx ,ry ,angle : double; largeArcFlag ,sweepFlag : boolean; dx ,dy : double ); procedure QuadricCurveTo (xCtrl ,yCtrl ,xTo ,yTo : double ); overload; procedure QuadricCurveRel(dxCtrl ,dyCtrl ,dxTo ,dyTo : double ); overload; procedure QuadricCurveTo (xTo ,yTo : double ); overload; procedure QuadricCurveRel(dxTo ,dyTo : double ); overload; procedure CubicCurveTo (xCtrl1 ,yCtrl1 ,xCtrl2 ,yCtrl2 ,xTo ,yTo : double ); overload; procedure CubicCurveRel(dxCtrl1 ,dyCtrl1 ,dxCtrl2 ,dyCtrl2 ,dxTo ,dyTo : double ); overload; procedure CubicCurveTo (xCtrl2 ,yCtrl2 ,xTo ,yTo : double ); overload; procedure CubicCurveRel(dxCtrl2 ,dyCtrl2 ,dxTo ,dyTo : double ); overload; procedure AddEllipse(cx ,cy ,rx ,ry : double; dir : TAggDirection ); procedure ClosePolygon; procedure DrawPath(flag : TAggDrawPathFlag = AGG_FillAndStroke ); // Text Rendering procedure FlipText(const flip : boolean ); procedure Font( fileName : AnsiString; height : double; bold : boolean = false; italic : boolean = false; cache : TAggFontCacheType = AGG_VectorFontCache; angle : double = 0.0 ); function FontHeight : double; procedure TextAlignment(alignX ,alignY : TAggTextAlignment ); function TextHints : boolean; overload; procedure TextHints(hints : boolean ); overload; function TextWidth(str : AnsiString ) : double; procedure Text( x ,y : double; str : AnsiString; roundOff : boolean = false; ddx : double = 0.0; ddy : double = 0.0 ); // Image Rendering procedure ImageFilter(f : TAggImageFilter ); overload; function ImageFilter : TAggImageFilter; overload; procedure ImageResample(f : TAggImageResample ); overload; function ImageResample : TAggImageResample; overload; procedure ImageFlip(f : boolean ); procedure TransformImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); overload; procedure TransformImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); overload; procedure TransformImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; parallelo : PDouble ); overload; procedure TransformImage(bitmap : TfpgImage; parallelo : PDouble ); overload; procedure TransformImagePath( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); overload; procedure TransformImagePath( bitmap : TfpgImage; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); overload; procedure TransformImagePath( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; parallelo : PDouble ); overload; procedure TransformImagePath(bitmap : TfpgImage; parallelo : PDouble ); overload; procedure CopyImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; dstX ,dstY : double ); overload; procedure CopyImage(bitmap : TfpgImage; dstX ,dstY : double ); overload; private procedure render(fillColor_ : boolean ); overload; procedure render(ras : PAggFontRasterizer; sl : PAggFontScanline ); overload; procedure addLine(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double ); procedure updateRasterizerGamma; procedure renderImage( img : PAggImage; x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : integer; parl : PDouble ); end; { GLOBAL PROCEDURES } // Standalone API function Deg2Rad(v : double ) : double; function Rad2Deg(v : double ) : double; function Agg2DUsesFreeType : boolean; function Agg2DUsesWin32TrueType : boolean; function BitmapAlphaTransparency(bitmap : TfpgImage; alpha : byte ) : boolean; function fpgColor2AggColor(c: TfpgColor): TAggColor; IMPLEMENTATION uses // This allows for platform specific uses clauses {$undef uses_interface} {$undef agg_platform_interface} {$define uses_implementation} {$undef agg_platform_implementation} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$I agg_platform_gdi.inc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} {$I agg_platform_x11.inc} {$ENDIF} fpg_stringutils; { LOCAL VARIABLES & CONSTANTS } var g_approxScale : double = 2.0; type PAggSpanConvImageBlend = ^TAggSpanConvImageBlend; TAggSpanConvImageBlend = object(span_convertor ) private m_mode : TAggBlendMode; m_color : TAggColor; m_pixel : pixel_formats_ptr; // m_pixFormatCompPre public constructor Construct(m : TAggBlendMode; c : TAggColor; p : pixel_formats_ptr ); procedure convert(span : aggclr_ptr; x ,y : int; len : unsigned ); virtual; end; { OPERATOR_IS_EQUAL } function operator_is_equal(c1 ,c2 : PAggColor ) : boolean; begin result:= (c1.r = c2.r ) and (c1.g = c2.g ) and (c1.b = c2.b ) and (c1.a = c2.a ); end; { OPERATOR_IS_NOT_EQUAL } function operator_is_not_equal(c1 ,c2 : PAggColor ) : boolean; begin result:=not operator_is_equal(c1 ,c2 ); end; { AGG2DRENDERER_RENDER } procedure Agg2DRenderer_render( gr : TAgg2D; renBase : renderer_base_ptr; renSolid : renderer_scanline_aa_solid_ptr; fillColor_ : boolean ); overload; var span : span_gradient; ren : renderer_scanline_aa; clr : aggclr; begin if (fillColor_ and (gr.m_fillGradientFlag = AGG_Linear ) ) or (not fillColor_ and (gr.m_lineGradientFlag = AGG_Linear ) ) then if fillColor_ then begin span.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @gr.m_fillGradientInterpolator , @gr.m_linearGradientFunction , @gr.m_fillGradient , gr.m_fillGradientD1 , gr.m_fillGradientD2 ); ren.Construct (renBase ,@span ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ren ); end else begin span.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @gr.m_lineGradientInterpolator , @gr.m_linearGradientFunction , @gr.m_lineGradient , gr.m_lineGradientD1 , gr.m_lineGradientD2 ); ren.Construct (renBase ,@span ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ren ); end else if (fillColor_ and (gr.m_fillGradientFlag = AGG_Radial ) ) or (not fillColor_ and (gr.m_lineGradientFlag = AGG_Radial ) ) then if fillColor_ then begin span.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @gr.m_fillGradientInterpolator , @gr.m_radialGradientFunction , @gr.m_fillGradient , gr.m_fillGradientD1 , gr.m_fillGradientD2 ); ren.Construct (renBase ,@span ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ren ); end else begin span.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @gr.m_lineGradientInterpolator , @gr.m_radialGradientFunction , @gr.m_lineGradient , gr.m_lineGradientD1 , gr.m_lineGradientD2 ); ren.Construct (renBase ,@span ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ren ); end else begin if fillColor_ then clr.Construct(gr.m_fillColor ) else clr.Construct(gr.m_lineColor ); renSolid.color_ (@clr ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,renSolid ); end; end; { AGG2DRENDERER_RENDER } procedure Agg2DRenderer_render( gr : TAgg2D; renBase : renderer_base_ptr; renSolid : renderer_scanline_aa_solid_ptr; ras : gray8_adaptor_type_ptr; sl : gray8_scanline_type_ptr ); overload; var span : span_gradient; ren : renderer_scanline_aa; clr : aggclr; begin if gr.m_fillGradientFlag = AGG_Linear then begin span.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @gr.m_fillGradientInterpolator , @gr.m_linearGradientFunction , @gr.m_fillGradient , gr.m_fillGradientD1 , gr.m_fillGradientD2 ); ren.Construct (renBase ,@span ); render_scanlines(ras ,sl ,@ren ); end else if gr.m_fillGradientFlag = AGG_Radial then begin span.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @gr.m_fillGradientInterpolator , @gr.m_radialGradientFunction , @gr.m_fillGradient , gr.m_fillGradientD1 , gr.m_fillGradientD2 ); ren.Construct (renBase ,@span ); render_scanlines(ras ,sl ,@ren ); end else begin clr.Construct (gr.m_fillColor ); renSolid.color_ (@clr ); render_scanlines(ras ,sl ,renSolid ); end; end; { AGG2DRENDERER_RENDERIMAGE } procedure Agg2DRenderer_renderImage( gr : TAgg2D; img : PAggImage; renBase : renderer_base_ptr; interpolator : span_interpolator_linear_ptr ); var blend : TAggSpanConvImageBlend; si : span_image_filter_rgba; sg : span_image_filter_rgba_nn; sb : span_image_filter_rgba_bilinear; s2 : span_image_filter_rgba_2x2; sa : span_image_resample_rgba_affine; sc : span_converter; ri : renderer_scanline_aa; clr : aggclr; resample : boolean; sx ,sy : double; begin case gr.m_pixf of pf32bit : blend.Construct(gr.m_imageBlendMode ,gr.m_imageBlendColor ,@gr.m_pixFormatCompPre ); else blend.Construct(gr.m_imageBlendMode ,gr.m_imageBlendColor ,NIL ); end; if gr.m_imageFilter = AGG_NoFilter then begin clr.ConstrInt(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); sg.Construct (@gr.m_allocator ,@img.renBuf ,@clr ,interpolator ,rgba_order ); sc.Construct (@sg ,@blend ); ri.Construct (renBase ,@sc ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ri ); end else begin resample:=gr.m_imageResample = AGG_ResampleAlways; if gr.m_imageResample = AGG_ResampleOnZoomOut then begin interpolator._transformer.scaling_abs(@sx ,@sy ); if (sx > 1.125 ) or (sy > 1.125 ) then resample:=true; end; if resample then begin clr.ConstrInt(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); sa.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @img.renBuf , @clr , interpolator , @gr.m_imageFilterLut , rgba_order ); sc.Construct(@sa ,@blend ); ri.Construct(renBase ,@sc ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ri ); end else if gr.m_imageFilter = AGG_Bilinear then begin clr.ConstrInt(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); sb.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @img.renBuf , @clr , interpolator , rgba_order ); sc.Construct(@sb ,@blend ); ri.Construct(renBase ,@sc ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ri ); end else if gr.m_imageFilterLut.diameter = 2 then begin clr.ConstrInt(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); s2.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @img.renBuf , @clr , interpolator, @gr.m_imageFilterLut , rgba_order ); sc.Construct(@s2 ,@blend ); ri.Construct(renBase ,@sc ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ri ); end else begin clr.ConstrInt(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); si.Construct( @gr.m_allocator , @img.renBuf , @clr , interpolator , @gr.m_imageFilterLut , rgba_order ); sc.Construct(@si ,@blend ); ri.Construct(renBase ,@sc ); render_scanlines(@gr.m_rasterizer ,@gr.m_scanline ,@ri ); end; end; end; { AGG2DUSESFREETYPE } function Agg2DUsesFreeType : boolean; begin {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_FREETYPE } result:=true; {$ELSE } result:=false; {$ENDIF } end; function Agg2DUsesWin32TrueType: boolean; begin {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS } result:=true; {$ELSE} result:=false; {$ENDIF } end; function fpgColor2AggColor(c: TfpgColor): TAggColor; var t: TRGBTriple; c1: TfpgColor; begin t := fpgColorToRGBTriple(c); Result.Construct(t.Red, t.Green, t.Blue, t.Alpha); end; function ColorDepthToPixelFormat(const AColorDepth: integer): TPixelFormat; begin case AColorDepth of 8: Result := pf8bit; 16: Result := pf16bit; 24: Result := pf24bit; 32: Result := pf32bit; else raise Exception.Create('Unknown ColorDepth parameter in ColorDepthToPixelFormat'); end; end; { CONSTRUCT } constructor TAggSpanConvImageBlend.Construct(m : TAggBlendMode; c : TAggColor; p : pixel_formats_ptr ); begin m_mode :=m; m_color:=c; m_pixel:=p; end; { CONVERT } procedure TAggSpanConvImageBlend.convert(span : aggclr_ptr; x ,y : int; len : unsigned ); var l2 ,a : unsigned; s2 : PAggColor; begin if (m_mode <> AGG_BlendDst ) and (m_pixel <> NIL ) then begin{!} l2:=len; s2:=PAggColor(span ); repeat comp_op_adaptor_clip_to_dst_rgba_pre( m_pixel , unsigned(m_mode ) , int8u_ptr(s2 ) , m_color.r , m_color.g , m_color.b , base_mask , cover_full ); inc(ptrcomp(s2 ) ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); dec(l2 ); until l2 = 0; end; if m_color.a < base_mask then begin l2:=len; s2:=PAggColor(span ); a :=m_color.a; repeat s2.r:=(s2.r * a ) shr base_shift; s2.g:=(s2.g * a ) shr base_shift; s2.b:=(s2.b * a ) shr base_shift; s2.a:=(s2.a * a ) shr base_shift; inc(ptrcomp(s2 ) ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); dec(l2 ); until l2 = 0; end; end; { DEG2RAD } function deg2Rad(v : double ) : double; begin result:=v * agg_basics.pi / 180.0; end; { RAD2DEG } function rad2Deg(v : double ) : double; begin result:=v * 180.0 / agg_basics.pi; end; { UNIT IMPLEMENTATION } { CONSTRUCT } constructor TAggImage.Construct; begin renBuf.Construct; end; { DESTRUCT } destructor TAggImage.Destruct; begin renBuf.Destruct; end; { ATTACH } function TAggImage.attach(bitmap : TfpgImage; flip : boolean ) : boolean; var buffer : pointer; stride : integer; begin result:=false; if Assigned(bitmap ) (* and not bitmap.Empty *)then {$Note Implement TfpgImage.Empty } case bitmap.ColorDepth of 32 : begin { Rendering Buffer } stride:=integer(bitmap.ScanLine[1 ] ) - integer(bitmap.ScanLine[0 ] ); if stride < 0 then buffer:=bitmap.ScanLine[bitmap.Height - 1 ] else buffer:=bitmap.ScanLine[0 ]; if flip then stride:=stride * -1; renBuf.attach( buffer , bitmap.Width , bitmap.Height , stride ); { OK } result:=true; end; end; end; { WIDTH } function TAggImage.width : int; begin result:=renBuf._width; end; { HEIGHT } function TAggImage.height : int; begin result:=renBuf._height; end; { CONSTRUCT } constructor TAggRasterizerGamma.Construct(alpha ,gamma : double ); begin m_alpha.Construct(alpha ); m_gamma.Construct(gamma ); end; { FUNC_OPERATOR_GAMMA } function TAggRasterizerGamma.func_operator_gamma(x : double ) : double; begin result:=m_alpha.func_operator_gamma(m_gamma.func_operator_gamma(x ) ); end; {$undef uses_interface} {$undef agg_platform_interface} {$undef uses_implementation} {$define agg_platform_implementation} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$I agg_platform_gdi.inc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} {$I agg_platform_x11.inc} {$ENDIF} { CREATE } constructor TAgg2D.Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); begin inherited Create(awin); FLineWidth := 1; m_rbuf.Construct; m_pixf:=pf32bit; pixfmt_rgba32 (m_pixFormat ,@m_rbuf ); pixfmt_custom_blend_rgba(m_pixFormatComp ,@m_rbuf ,@comp_op_adaptor_rgba ,rgba_order ); pixfmt_rgba32 (m_pixFormatPre ,@m_rbuf ); pixfmt_custom_blend_rgba(m_pixFormatCompPre ,@m_rbuf ,@comp_op_adaptor_rgba ,rgba_order ); m_renBase.Construct (@m_pixFormat ); m_renBaseComp.Construct (@m_pixFormatComp ); m_renBasePre.Construct (@m_pixFormatPre ); m_renBaseCompPre.Construct(@m_pixFormatCompPre ); m_renSolid.Construct (@m_renBase ); m_renSolidComp.Construct(@m_renBaseComp ); m_allocator.Construct; m_clipBox.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); m_blendMode :=AGG_BlendAlpha; m_imageBlendMode:=AGG_BlendDst; m_imageBlendColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); m_scanline.Construct; m_rasterizer.Construct; m_masterAlpha :=1.0; m_antiAliasGamma:=1.0; m_fillColor.Construct(255 ,255 ,255 ); m_lineColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); m_fillGradient.Construct(256 ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); m_lineGradient.Construct(256 ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); m_lineCap :=AGG_CapRound; m_lineJoin:=AGG_JoinRound; m_fillGradientFlag:=AGG_Solid; m_lineGradientFlag:=AGG_Solid; m_fillGradientMatrix.Construct; m_lineGradientMatrix.Construct; m_fillGradientD1:=0.0; m_lineGradientD1:=0.0; m_fillGradientD2:=100.0; m_lineGradientD2:=100.0; m_textAngle :=0.0; m_textAlignX :=AGG_AlignLeft; m_textAlignY :=AGG_AlignBottom; m_textHints :=true; m_fontHeight :=0.0; m_fontAscent :=0.0; m_fontDescent:=0.0; m_fontCacheType:=AGG_RasterFontCache; m_imageFilter :=AGG_Bilinear; m_imageResample:=AGG_NoResample; m_gammaNone.Construct; m_ifBilinear.Construct; m_ifHanning.Construct; m_ifHermite.Construct; m_ifQuadric.Construct; m_ifBicubic.Construct; m_ifCatrom.Construct; m_ifSpline16.Construct; m_ifSpline36.Construct; m_ifBlackman144.Construct; m_imageFilterLut.Construct(@m_ifBilinear ,true ); m_linearGradientFunction.Construct; m_radialGradientFunction.Construct; m_fillGradientInterpolator.Construct(@m_fillGradientMatrix ); m_lineGradientInterpolator.Construct(@m_lineGradientMatrix ); m_lineWidth :=1; m_evenOddFlag:=false; m_imageFlip:=false; m_path.Construct; m_transform.Construct; m_convCurve.Construct (@m_path ); m_convDash.Construct(@m_convCurve); m_convStroke.Construct(@m_convDash ); m_pathTransform.Construct (@m_convCurve ,@m_transform ); m_strokeTransform.Construct(@m_convStroke ,@m_transform ); {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_FREETYPE } m_fontEngine.Construct; {$ENDIF } {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS} m_fontDC:=GetDC(0 ); m_fontEngine.Construct(m_fontDC ); {$ENDIF } {$IFNDEF AGG2D_NO_FONT} m_fontCacheManager.Construct(@m_fontEngine ); {$ENDIF} LineCap (m_lineCap ); LineJoin(m_lineJoin ); end; { DESTROY } destructor TAgg2D.Destroy; begin m_rbuf.Destruct; m_allocator.Destruct; m_scanline.Destruct; m_rasterizer.Destruct; m_fillGradient.Destruct; m_lineGradient.Destruct; m_imageFilterLut.Destruct; m_path.Destruct; m_convCurve.Destruct; m_convStroke.Destruct; m_convDash.Destruct; {$IFNDEF AGG2D_NO_FONT} m_fontEngine.Destruct; m_fontCacheManager.Destruct; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS} ReleaseDC(0 ,m_fontDC ); {$ENDIF } if Assigned(FImg) then FImg.Free; end; { ATTACH } function TAgg2D.Attach(bitmap : TfpgImage; flip_y : boolean = false ) : boolean; var buffer : pointer; stride : integer; begin result:=false; if Assigned(bitmap ) {and not bitmap.Empty }then {$Warning Implement bitmap.Emtpy } case bitmap.ColorDepth of 24, 32: begin { Rendering Buffer } stride:=integer(bitmap.ScanLine[1 ] ) - integer(bitmap.ScanLine[0 ] ); if stride < 0 then buffer:=bitmap.ScanLine[bitmap.Height - 1 ] else buffer:=bitmap.ScanLine[0 ]; if flip_y then stride:=stride * -1; m_rbuf.attach( buffer , bitmap.Width , bitmap.Height , stride ); { Pixel Format } m_pixf := ColorDepthToPixelFormat(bitmap.ColorDepth); case m_pixf of pf24bit : begin pixfmt_rgb24(m_pixFormat ,@m_rbuf ); pixfmt_rgb24(m_pixFormatPre ,@m_rbuf ); end; pf32bit : begin pixfmt_rgba32 (m_pixFormat ,@m_rbuf ); pixfmt_custom_blend_rgba(m_pixFormatComp ,@m_rbuf ,@comp_op_adaptor_rgba ,rgba_order ); pixfmt_rgba32 (m_pixFormatPre ,@m_rbuf ); pixfmt_custom_blend_rgba(m_pixFormatCompPre ,@m_rbuf ,@comp_op_adaptor_rgba ,rgba_order ); end; end; { Reset state } m_renBase.reset_clipping (true ); m_renBaseComp.reset_clipping (true ); m_renBasePre.reset_clipping (true ); m_renBaseCompPre.reset_clipping(true ); ResetTransformations; LineWidth(1.0 ); LineColor(0 ,0 ,0 ); FillColor(255 ,255 ,255 ); TextAlignment(AGG_AlignLeft ,AGG_AlignBottom ); ClipBox (0 ,0 ,bitmap.Width ,bitmap.Height ); LineCap (AGG_CapRound ); LineJoin(AGG_JoinRound ); FlipText(false ); ImageFilter (AGG_Bilinear ); ImageResample(AGG_NoResample ); ImageFlip (false ); m_masterAlpha :=1.0; m_antiAliasGamma:=1.0; m_rasterizer.gamma(@m_gammaNone ); m_blendMode:=AGG_BlendAlpha; FillEvenOdd(false ); BlendMode (AGG_BlendAlpha ); FlipText(false ); ResetPath; ImageFilter (AGG_Bilinear ); ImageResample(AGG_NoResample ); { OK } result:=true; end; end; end; { CLIPBOX } procedure TAgg2D.ClipBox(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double ); var rx1 ,ry1 ,rx2 ,ry2 : int; begin m_clipBox.Construct(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ); rx1:=Trunc(x1 ); ry1:=Trunc(y1 ); rx2:=Trunc(x2 ); ry2:=Trunc(y2 ); m_renBase.clip_box_ (rx1 ,ry1 ,rx2 ,ry2 ); m_renBaseComp.clip_box_ (rx1 ,ry1 ,rx2 ,ry2 ); m_renBasePre.clip_box_ (rx1 ,ry1 ,rx2 ,ry2 ); m_renBaseCompPre.clip_box_(rx1 ,ry1 ,rx2 ,ry2 ); m_rasterizer.clip_box(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ); end; { CLIPBOX } function TAgg2D.ClipBox : TAggRectD; begin result:=m_clipBox; end; { CLEARALL } procedure TAgg2D.ClearAll(c : TAggColor ); var clr : aggclr; begin clr.Construct (c ); m_renBase.clear(@clr ); end; { CLEARALL } procedure TAgg2D.ClearAll(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); var clr : TAggColor; begin clr.Construct(r ,g ,b ,a ); ClearAll (clr ); end; { CLEARCLIPBOX } procedure TAgg2D.ClearClipBox(c : TAggColor ); var clr : aggclr; begin clr.Construct(c ); m_renBase.copy_bar(0 ,0 ,m_renBase.width ,m_renBase.height ,@clr ); end; { CLEARCLIPBOX } procedure TAgg2D.ClearClipBox(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); var clr : TAggColor; begin clr.Construct(r ,g ,b ,a ); ClearClipBox (clr ); end; { WORLDTOSCREEN } procedure TAgg2D.WorldToScreen(x ,y : PDouble ); begin m_transform.transform(@m_transform ,double_ptr(x ) ,double_ptr(y ) ); end; { SCREENTOWORLD } procedure TAgg2D.ScreenToWorld(x ,y : PDouble ); begin m_transform.inverse_transform(@m_transform ,double_ptr(x ) ,double_ptr(y ) ); end; { WORLDTOSCREEN } function TAgg2D.WorldToScreen(scalar : double ) : double; var x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; begin x1:=0; y1:=0; x2:=scalar; y2:=scalar; WorldToScreen(@x1 ,@y1 ); WorldToScreen(@x2 ,@y2 ); result:=Sqrt((x2 - x1 ) * (x2 - x1 ) + (y2 - y1 ) * (y2 - y1 ) ) * 0.7071068; end; { SCREENTOWORLD } function TAgg2D.ScreenToWorld(scalar : double ) : double; var x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; begin x1:=0; y1:=0; x2:=scalar; y2:=scalar; ScreenToWorld(@x1 ,@y1 ); ScreenToWorld(@x2 ,@y2 ); result:=Sqrt((x2 - x1 ) * (x2 - x1 ) + (y2 - y1 ) * (y2 - y1 ) ) * 0.7071068; end; { ALIGNPOINT } procedure TAgg2D.AlignPoint(x ,y : PDouble ); begin WorldToScreen(x ,y ); x^:=Floor(x^ ) + 0.5; y^:=Floor(y^ ) + 0.5; ScreenToWorld(x ,y ); end; { INBOX } function TAgg2D.InBox(worldX ,worldY : double ) : boolean; begin WorldToScreen(@worldX ,@worldY ); result:=m_renBase.inbox(Trunc(worldX ) ,Trunc(worldY ) ); end; { BLENDMODE } procedure TAgg2D.BlendMode(m : TAggBlendMode ); begin m_blendMode:=m; m_pixFormatComp.comp_op_ (unsigned(m ) ); m_pixFormatCompPre.comp_op_(unsigned(m ) ); end; { BLENDMODE } function TAgg2D.BlendMode : TAggBlendMode; begin result:=m_blendMode; end; { MASTERALPHA } procedure TAgg2D.MasterAlpha(a : double ); begin m_masterAlpha:=a; UpdateRasterizerGamma; end; { MASTERALPHA } function TAgg2D.MasterAlpha : double; begin result:=m_masterAlpha; end; { ANTIALIASGAMMA } procedure TAgg2D.AntiAliasGamma(g : double ); begin m_antiAliasGamma:=g; UpdateRasterizerGamma; end; { ANTIALIASGAMMA } function TAgg2D.AntiAliasGamma : double; begin result:=m_antiAliasGamma; end; { FILLCOLOR } procedure TAgg2D.FillColor(c : TAggColor ); begin m_fillColor :=c; m_fillGradientFlag:=AGG_Solid; end; { FILLCOLOR } procedure TAgg2D.FillColor(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); var clr : TAggColor; begin clr.Construct(r ,g ,b ,a ); FillColor (clr ); end; { NOFILL } procedure TAgg2D.NoFill; var clr : TAggColor; begin clr.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); FillColor (clr ); end; { LINECOLOR } procedure TAgg2D.LineColor(c : TAggColor ); begin m_lineColor :=c; m_lineGradientFlag:=AGG_Solid; end; { LINECOLOR } procedure TAgg2D.LineColor(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); var clr : TAggColor; begin clr.Construct(r ,g ,b ,a ); LineColor (clr ); end; { NOLINE } procedure TAgg2D.NoLine; var clr : TAggColor; begin clr.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ); LineColor (clr ); end; { FILLCOLOR } function TAgg2D.FillColor : TAggColor; begin result:=m_fillColor; end; { LINECOLOR } function TAgg2D.LineColor : TAggColor; begin result:=m_lineColor; end; { FILLLINEARGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.FillLinearGradient(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); var i ,startGradient ,endGradient : int; k ,angle : double; c : TAggColor; clr : aggclr; tar : trans_affine_rotation; tat : trans_affine_translation; begin startGradient:=128 - Trunc(profile * 127.0 ); endGradient :=128 + Trunc(profile * 127.0 ); if endGradient <= startGradient then endGradient:=startGradient + 1; k:=1.0 / (endGradient - startGradient ); i:=0; while i < startGradient do begin clr.Construct(c1 ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < endGradient do begin c:=c1.gradient(c2 ,(i - startGradient ) * k ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < 256 do begin clr.Construct(c2 ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; angle:=ArcTan2(y2 - y1 ,x2 - x1 ); m_fillGradientMatrix.reset; tar.Construct(angle ); m_fillGradientMatrix.multiply(@tar ); tat.Construct(x1 ,y1 ); m_fillGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_fillGradientMatrix.multiply(@m_transform ); m_fillGradientMatrix.invert; m_fillGradientD1 :=0.0; m_fillGradientD2 :=Sqrt((x2 - x1 ) * (x2 - x1 ) + (y2 - y1 ) * (y2 - y1 ) ); m_fillGradientFlag:=AGG_Linear; m_fillColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); // Set some real color end; { LINELINEARGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.LineLinearGradient(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); var i ,startGradient ,endGradient : int; k ,angle : double; c : TAggColor; clr : aggclr; tar : trans_affine_rotation; tat : trans_affine_translation; begin startGradient:=128 - Trunc(profile * 128.0 ); endGradient :=128 + Trunc(profile * 128.0 ); if endGradient <= startGradient then endGradient:=startGradient + 1; k:=1.0 / (endGradient - startGradient ); i:=0; while i < startGradient do begin clr.Construct(c1 ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < endGradient do begin c:=c1.gradient(c2 ,(i - startGradient) * k ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < 256 do begin clr.Construct(c2 ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; angle:=ArcTan2(y2 - y1 ,x2 - x1 ); m_lineGradientMatrix.reset; tar.Construct(angle ); m_lineGradientMatrix.multiply(@tar ); tat.Construct(x1 ,y1 ); m_lineGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_lineGradientMatrix.multiply(@m_transform ); m_lineGradientMatrix.invert; m_lineGradientD1 :=0.0; m_lineGradientD2 :=Sqrt((x2 - x1 ) * (x2 - x1 ) + (y2 - y1 ) * (y2 - y1 ) ); m_lineGradientFlag:=AGG_Linear; m_lineColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); // Set some real color end; { FILLRADIALGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.FillRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); var i ,startGradient ,endGradient : int; k : double; c : TAggColor; clr : aggclr; tat : trans_affine_translation; begin startGradient:=128 - Trunc(profile * 127.0 ); endGradient :=128 + Trunc(profile * 127.0 ); if endGradient <= startGradient then endGradient:=startGradient + 1; k:=1.0 / (endGradient - startGradient ); i:=0; while i < startGradient do begin clr.Construct(c1 ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < endGradient do begin c:=c1.gradient(c2 ,(i - startGradient ) * k ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < 256 do begin clr.Construct(c2 ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; m_fillGradientD2:=worldToScreen(r ); WorldToScreen(@x ,@y ); m_fillGradientMatrix.reset; tat.Construct(x ,y ); m_fillGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_fillGradientMatrix.invert; m_fillGradientD1 :=0; m_fillGradientFlag:=AGG_Radial; m_fillColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); // Set some real color end; { LINERADIALGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.LineRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 : TAggColor; profile : double = 1.0 ); var i ,startGradient ,endGradient : int; k : double; c : TAggColor; clr : aggclr; tat : trans_affine_translation; begin startGradient:=128 - Trunc(profile * 128.0 ); endGradient :=128 + Trunc(profile * 128.0 ); if endGradient <= startGradient then endGradient:=startGradient + 1; k:=1.0 / (endGradient - startGradient ); i:=0; while i < startGradient do begin clr.Construct(c1 ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < endGradient do begin c:=c1.gradient(c2 ,(i - startGradient ) * k ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < 256 do begin clr.Construct(c2 ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; m_lineGradientD2:=worldToScreen(r ); WorldToScreen(@x ,@y ); m_lineGradientMatrix.reset; tat.Construct(x ,y ); m_lineGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_lineGradientMatrix.invert; m_lineGradientD1 :=0; m_lineGradientFlag:=AGG_Radial; m_lineColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); // Set some real color end; { FILLRADIALGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.FillRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 ,c3 : TAggColor ); var i : int; c : TAggColor; clr : aggclr; tat : trans_affine_translation; begin i:=0; while i < 128 do begin c:=c1.gradient(c2 ,i / 127.0 ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < 256 do begin c:=c2.gradient(c3 ,(i - 128 ) / 127.0 ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_fillGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; m_fillGradientD2:=worldToScreen(r ); WorldToScreen(@x ,@y ); m_fillGradientMatrix.reset; tat.Construct(x ,y ); m_fillGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_fillGradientMatrix.invert; m_fillGradientD1 :=0; m_fillGradientFlag:=AGG_Radial; m_fillColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); // Set some real color end; { LINERADIALGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.LineRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double; c1 ,c2 ,c3 : TAggColor ); var i : int; c : TAggColor; clr : aggclr; tat : trans_affine_translation; begin i:=0; while i < 128 do begin c:=c1.gradient(c2 ,i / 127.0 ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; while i < 256 do begin c:=c2.gradient(c3 ,(i - 128 ) / 127.0 ); clr.Construct(c ); move(clr ,m_lineGradient.array_operator(i )^ ,sizeof(aggclr ) ); inc (i ); end; m_lineGradientD2:=worldToScreen(r ); WorldToScreen(@x ,@y ); m_lineGradientMatrix.reset; tat.Construct(x ,y ); m_lineGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_lineGradientMatrix.invert; m_lineGradientD1 :=0; m_lineGradientFlag:=AGG_Radial; m_lineColor.Construct(0 ,0 ,0 ); // Set some real color end; { FILLRADIALGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.FillRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double ); var tat : trans_affine_translation; begin m_fillGradientD2:=worldToScreen(r ); WorldToScreen(@x ,@y ); m_fillGradientMatrix.reset; tat.Construct(x ,y ); m_fillGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_fillGradientMatrix.invert; m_fillGradientD1:=0; end; { LINERADIALGRADIENT } procedure TAgg2D.LineRadialGradient(const x ,y ,r : double ); var tat : trans_affine_translation; begin m_lineGradientD2:=worldToScreen(r ); WorldToScreen(@x ,@y ); m_lineGradientMatrix.reset; tat.Construct(x ,y ); m_lineGradientMatrix.multiply(@tat ); m_lineGradientMatrix.invert; m_lineGradientD1:=0; end; { LINEWIDTH } procedure TAgg2D.LineWidth(const w : double ); begin m_lineWidth:=w; m_convStroke.width_(w ); end; { LINEWIDTH } function TAgg2D.LineWidth : double; begin result:=m_lineWidth; end; { LINECAP } procedure TAgg2D.LineCap(cap : TAggLineCap ); begin m_lineCap:=cap; m_convStroke.line_cap_(cap ); end; { LINECAP } function TAgg2D.LineCap : TAggLineCap; begin result:=m_lineCap; end; { LINEJOIN } procedure TAgg2D.LineJoin(join : TAggLineJoin ); begin m_lineJoin:=join; m_convStroke.line_join_(join ); end; { LINEJOIN } function TAgg2D.LineJoin : TAggLineJoin; begin result:=m_lineJoin; end; { FILLEVENODD } procedure TAgg2D.FillEvenOdd(evenOddFlag : boolean ); begin m_evenOddFlag:=evenOddFlag; if evenOddFlag then m_rasterizer.filling_rule(fill_even_odd ) else m_rasterizer.filling_rule(fill_non_zero ); end; { FILLEVENODD } function TAgg2D.FillEvenOdd : boolean; begin result:=m_evenOddFlag; end; { TRANSFORMATIONS } function TAgg2D.Transformations : TAggTransformations; begin m_transform.store_to(@result.affineMatrix[0 ] ); end; { TRANSFORMATIONS } procedure TAgg2D.Transformations(tr : PAggTransformations ); begin m_transform.load_from(@tr.affineMatrix[0 ] ); m_convCurve.approximation_scale_ (worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); m_convStroke.approximation_scale_(worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); end; { RESETTRANSFORMATIONS } procedure TAgg2D.ResetTransformations; begin m_transform.reset; end; { AFFINE } procedure TAgg2D.Affine(const tr : PAggAffine ); begin m_transform.multiply(tr ); m_convCurve.approximation_scale_ (WorldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); m_convStroke.approximation_scale_(WorldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); end; { AFFINE } procedure TAgg2D.Affine(const tr : PAggTransformations ); var ta : trans_affine; begin ta.Construct( tr.affineMatrix[0 ] ,tr.affineMatrix[1 ] ,tr.affineMatrix[2 ] , tr.affineMatrix[3 ] ,tr.affineMatrix[4 ] ,tr.affineMatrix[5 ] ); affine(PAggAffine(@ta ) ); end; { ROTATE } procedure TAgg2D.Rotate(const angle : double ); var tar : trans_affine_rotation; begin tar.Construct(angle ); m_transform.multiply(@tar ); end; { SCALE } procedure TAgg2D.Scale(const sx ,sy : double ); var tas : trans_affine_scaling; begin tas.Construct(sx ,sy ); m_transform.multiply(@tas ); m_convCurve.approximation_scale_ (worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); m_convStroke.approximation_scale_(worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); end; { SKEW } procedure TAgg2D.Skew(const sx ,sy : double ); var tas : trans_affine_skewing; begin tas.Construct(sx ,sy ); m_transform.multiply(@tas ); end; { TRANSLATE } procedure TAgg2D.Translate(const x ,y : double ); var tat : trans_affine_translation; begin tat.Construct(x ,y ); m_transform.multiply(@tat ); end; { PARALLELOGRAM } procedure TAgg2D.Parallelogram(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; para : PDouble ); var ta : trans_affine; begin ta.Construct(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,parallelo_ptr(para ) ); m_transform.multiply(@ta ); m_convCurve.approximation_scale_ (worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); m_convStroke.approximation_scale_(worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); end; { VIEWPORT } procedure TAgg2D.Viewport(const worldX1 ,worldY1 ,worldX2 ,worldY2 , screenX1 ,screenY1 ,screenX2 ,screenY2 : double; const opt : TAggViewportOption = AGG_XMidYMid ); var vp : trans_viewport; mx : trans_affine; begin vp.Construct; case opt of AGG_Anisotropic : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(0.0 ,0.0 ,aspect_ratio_stretch ); AGG_XMinYMin : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(0.0 ,0.0 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMidYMin : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(0.5 ,0.0 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMaxYMin : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(1.0 ,0.0 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMinYMid : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(0.0 ,0.5 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMidYMid : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(0.5 ,0.5 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMaxYMid : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(1.0 ,0.5 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMinYMax : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(0.0 ,1.0 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMidYMax : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(0.5 ,1.0 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); AGG_XMaxYMax : vp.preserve_aspect_ratio(1.0 ,1.0 ,aspect_ratio_meet ); end; vp.world_viewport (worldX1 ,worldY1 ,worldX2 ,worldY2 ); vp.device_viewport(screenX1 ,screenY1 ,screenX2 ,screenY2 ); mx.Construct; vp.to_affine (@mx ); m_transform.multiply(@mx ); m_convCurve.approximation_scale_ (WorldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); m_convStroke.approximation_scale_(WorldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); end; { LINE } procedure TAgg2D.Line(const x1, y1, x2, y2: double; AFixAlignment: boolean = false); var lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2: double; begin m_path.remove_all; lx1 := x1; ly1 := y1; lx2 := x2; ly2 := y2; if AFixAlignment then begin AlignPoint(@lx1, @ly1); AlignPoint(@lx2, @ly2); end; addLine(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2); DrawPath(AGG_StrokeOnly ); end; { TRIANGLE } procedure TAgg2D.Triangle(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 : double ); begin m_path.remove_all; m_path.move_to(x1 ,y1 ); m_path.line_to(x2 ,y2 ); m_path.line_to(x3 ,y3 ); m_path.close_polygon; DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { RECTANGLE } procedure TAgg2D.Rectangle(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double; AFixAlignment: boolean); var lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2: double; begin m_path.remove_all; lx1 := x1; ly1 := y1; lx2 := x2; ly2 := y2; if AFixAlignment then begin AlignPoint(@lx1, @ly1); AlignPoint(@lx2, @ly2); end; m_path.move_to(lx1 ,ly1 ); m_path.line_to(lx2 ,ly1 ); m_path.line_to(lx2 ,ly2 ); m_path.line_to(lx1 ,ly2 ); m_path.close_polygon; DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { ROUNDEDRECT } procedure TAgg2D.RoundedRect(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,r : double ); var rc : rounded_rect; begin m_path.remove_all; rc.Construct(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,r ); rc.normalize_radius; rc.approximation_scale_(worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); m_path.add_path(@rc ,0 ,false ); DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { ROUNDEDRECT } procedure TAgg2D.RoundedRect(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,rx ,ry : double ); var rc : rounded_rect; begin m_path.remove_all; rc.Construct; rc.rect (x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ); rc.radius(rx ,ry ); rc.normalize_radius; m_path.add_path(@rc ,0 ,false ); DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { ROUNDEDRECT } procedure TAgg2D.RoundedRect(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 , rxBottom ,ryBottom , rxTop ,ryTop : double ); var rc : rounded_rect; begin m_path.remove_all; rc.Construct; rc.rect (x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ); rc.radius(rxBottom ,ryBottom ,rxTop ,ryTop ); rc.normalize_radius; rc.approximation_scale_(worldToScreen(1.0 ) * g_approxScale ); m_path.add_path(@rc ,0 ,false ); DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { ELLIPSE } procedure TAgg2D.Ellipse(const cx ,cy ,rx ,ry : double ); var el : bezier_arc; begin m_path.remove_all; el.Construct(cx ,cy ,rx ,ry ,0 ,2 * pi ); m_path.add_path(@el ,0 ,false ); m_path.close_polygon; DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { ARC } procedure TAgg2D.Arc(const cx ,cy ,rx ,ry ,start ,sweep : double ); var ar : {bezier_}agg_arc.arc; begin m_path.remove_all; ar.Construct(cx ,cy ,rx ,ry ,sweep ,start ,false ); m_path.add_path(@ar ,0 ,false ); DrawPath(AGG_StrokeOnly ); end; { STAR } procedure TAgg2D.Star(const cx ,cy ,r1 ,r2 ,startAngle : double; const numRays : integer ); var da ,a ,x ,y : double; i : int; begin m_path.remove_all; da:=pi / numRays; a :=startAngle; i:=0; while i < numRays do begin x:=Cos(a ) * r2 + cx; y:=Sin(a ) * r2 + cy; if i <> 0 then m_path.line_to(x ,y ) else m_path.move_to(x ,y ); a:=a + da; m_path.line_to(Cos(a ) * r1 + cx ,Sin(a ) * r1 + cy ); a:=a + da; inc(i ); end; ClosePolygon; DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { CURVE } procedure TAgg2D.Curve(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 : double ); begin m_path.remove_all; m_path.move_to(x1 ,y1 ); m_path.curve3 (x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ); DrawPath(AGG_StrokeOnly ); end; { CURVE } procedure TAgg2D.Curve(const x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ,x4 ,y4 : double ); begin m_path.remove_all; m_path.move_to(x1 ,y1 ); m_path.curve4 (x2 ,y2 ,x3 ,y3 ,x4 ,y4 ); DrawPath(AGG_StrokeOnly ); end; { POLYGON } procedure TAgg2D.Polygon(const xy : PDouble; numPoints : integer ); begin m_path.remove_all; m_path.add_poly(double_2_ptr(xy ) ,numPoints ); ClosePolygon; DrawPath(AGG_FillAndStroke ); end; { POLYLINE } procedure TAgg2D.Polyline(const xy : PDouble; numPoints : integer ); begin m_path.remove_all; m_path.add_poly(double_2_ptr(xy ) ,numPoints ); DrawPath(AGG_StrokeOnly ); end; { FLIPTEXT } procedure TAgg2D.FlipText(const flip : boolean ); begin {$IFNDEF AGG2D_NO_FONT} m_fontEngine.flip_y_(not flip ); {$ENDIF} end; { FONT } procedure TAgg2D.Font( fileName : AnsiString; height : double; bold : boolean = false; italic : boolean = false; cache : TAggFontCacheType = AGG_VectorFontCache; angle : double = 0.0 ); var b : int; begin m_textAngle :=angle; m_fontHeight :=height; m_fontCacheType:=cache; {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_FREETYPE } if cache = AGG_VectorFontCache then m_fontEngine.load_font(PChar(fileName) ,0 ,glyph_ren_outline ) else m_fontEngine.load_font(PChar(fileName) ,0 ,glyph_ren_agg_gray8 ); m_fontEngine.hinting_(m_textHints ); if cache = AGG_VectorFontCache then m_fontEngine.height_(height ) else m_fontEngine.height_(worldToScreen(height ) ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS} m_fontEngine.hinting_(m_textHints ); if bold then b:=700 else b:=400; if cache = AGG_VectorFontCache then m_fontEngine.create_font_(PChar(@fileName[1 ] ) ,glyph_ren_outline ,height ,0.0 ,b ,italic ) else m_fontEngine.create_font_(PChar(@fileName[1 ] ) ,glyph_ren_agg_gray8 ,worldToScreen(height) ,0.0 ,b ,italic ); {$ENDIF } end; { FONTHEIGHT } function TAgg2D.FontHeight : double; begin result:=m_fontHeight; end; { TEXTALIGNMENT } procedure TAgg2D.TextAlignment(alignX ,alignY : TAggTextAlignment ); begin m_textAlignX:=alignX; m_textAlignY:=alignY; end; { TEXTHINTS } function TAgg2D.TextHints : boolean; begin result:=m_textHints; end; { TEXTHINTS } procedure TAgg2D.TextHints(hints : boolean ); begin m_textHints:=hints; {$IFNDEF AGG2D_NO_FONT} m_fontEngine.hinting_(m_textHints ); {$ENDIF} end; { TEXTWIDTH } function TAgg2D.TextWidth(str : AnsiString ) : double; {$IFDEF AGG2D_NO_FONT} begin Result := 0; end; {$ELSE} var x ,y : double; first : boolean; glyph : glyph_cache_ptr; str_ : PChar; begin if str = '' then exit(0); x:=0; y:=0; first:=true; str_ := PChar(str); while str_^ <> #0 do begin glyph:=m_fontCacheManager.glyph(int32u(str_^ ) ); if glyph <> NIL then begin if not first then m_fontCacheManager.add_kerning(@x ,@y ); x:=x + glyph.advance_x; y:=y + glyph.advance_y; first:=false; end; inc(ptrcomp(str_ ) ); end; if m_fontCacheType = AGG_VectorFontCache then result:=x else result:=ScreenToWorld(x ); end; {$ENDIF} { TEXT } procedure TAgg2D.Text( x ,y : double; str : AnsiString; roundOff : boolean = false; ddx : double = 0.0; ddy : double = 0.0 ); {$IFDEF AGG2D_NO_FONT} begin end; {$ELSE} var dx ,dy ,asc ,start_x ,start_y : double; glyph : glyph_cache_ptr; mtx : trans_affine; str_ : PChar; tat : trans_affine_translation; tar : trans_affine_rotation; tr : conv_transform; charlen: int; char_id: int32u; First: Boolean; begin if Str='' then exit; dx:=0.0; dy:=0.0; case m_textAlignX of AGG_AlignCenter : dx:=-textWidth(str ) * 0.5; AGG_AlignRight : dx:=-textWidth(str ); end; asc :=fontHeight; glyph:=m_fontCacheManager.glyph(int32u('H' ) ); if glyph <> NIL then asc:=glyph.bounds.y2 - glyph.bounds.y1; if m_fontCacheType = AGG_RasterFontCache then asc:=screenToWorld(asc ); case m_textAlignY of AGG_AlignCenter : dy:=-asc * 0.5; AGG_AlignTop : dy:=-asc; end; if m_fontEngine._flip_y then dy:=-dy; mtx.Construct; start_x:=x + dx; start_y:=y + dy; if roundOff then begin start_x:=Trunc(start_x ); start_y:=Trunc(start_y ); end; start_x:=start_x + ddx; start_y:=start_y + ddy; tat.Construct(-x ,-y ); mtx.multiply (@tat ); tar.Construct(m_textAngle ); mtx.multiply (@tar ); tat.Construct(x ,y ); mtx.multiply (@tat ); tr.Construct(m_fontCacheManager.path_adaptor ,@mtx ); if m_fontCacheType = AGG_RasterFontCache then WorldToScreen(@start_x ,@start_y ); str_:=@str[1 ]; First:=true; while str_^ <> #0 do begin char_id := UTF8CharToUnicode(str_, charlen); inc(str_, charlen); glyph := m_fontCacheManager.glyph(char_id); if glyph <> NIL then begin if First then begin m_fontCacheManager.add_kerning(@x ,@y ); First:=false; end; m_fontCacheManager.init_embedded_adaptors(glyph ,start_x ,start_y ); if glyph.data_type = glyph_data_outline then begin m_path.remove_all; m_path.add_path(@tr ,0 ,false ); drawPath; end; if glyph.data_type = glyph_data_gray8 then begin Render( m_fontCacheManager.gray8_adaptor , m_fontCacheManager.gray8_scanline ); end; start_x := start_x + glyph.advance_x; start_y := start_y + glyph.advance_y; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} { RESETPATH } procedure TAgg2D.ResetPath; begin m_path.remove_all; m_path.move_to(0 ,0 ); end; { MOVETO } procedure TAgg2D.MoveTo(const x ,y : double ); begin m_path.move_to(x ,y ); end; { MOVEREL } procedure TAgg2D.MoveRel(const dx ,dy : double ); begin m_path.move_rel(dx ,dy ); end; { LINETO } procedure TAgg2D.LineTo(const x ,y : double ); begin m_path.line_to(x ,y ); end; { LINEREL } procedure TAgg2D.LineRel(const dx ,dy : double ); begin m_path.line_rel(dx ,dy ); end; { HORLINETO } procedure TAgg2D.HorLineTo(const x : double ); begin m_path.hline_to(x ); end; { HORLINEREL } procedure TAgg2D.HorLineRel(const dx : double ); begin m_path.hline_rel(dx ); end; { VERLINETO } procedure TAgg2D.VerLineTo(const y : double ); begin m_path.vline_to(y ); end; { VERLINEREL } procedure TAgg2D.VerLineRel(const dy : double ); begin m_path.vline_rel(dy ); end; { ARCTO } procedure TAgg2D.ArcTo( rx ,ry ,angle : double; largeArcFlag ,sweepFlag : boolean; x ,y : double ); begin m_path.arc_to(rx ,ry ,angle ,largeArcFlag ,sweepFlag ,x ,y ); end; { ARCREL } procedure TAgg2D.ArcRel( rx ,ry ,angle : double; largeArcFlag ,sweepFlag : boolean; dx ,dy : double ); begin m_path.arc_rel(rx ,ry ,angle ,largeArcFlag ,sweepFlag ,dx ,dy ); end; { QUADRICCURVETO } procedure TAgg2D.QuadricCurveTo (xCtrl ,yCtrl ,xTo ,yTo : double ); begin m_path.curve3(xCtrl ,yCtrl ,xTo ,yTo ); end; { QUADRICCURVEREL } procedure TAgg2D.QuadricCurveRel(dxCtrl ,dyCtrl ,dxTo ,dyTo : double ); begin m_path.curve3_rel(dxCtrl ,dyCtrl ,dxTo ,dyTo ); end; { QUADRICCURVETO } procedure TAgg2D.QuadricCurveTo (xTo ,yTo : double ); begin m_path.curve3(xTo ,yTo ); end; { QUADRICCURVEREL } procedure TAgg2D.QuadricCurveRel(dxTo ,dyTo : double ); begin m_path.curve3_rel(dxTo ,dyTo ); end; { CUBICCURVETO } procedure TAgg2D.CubicCurveTo (xCtrl1 ,yCtrl1 ,xCtrl2 ,yCtrl2 ,xTo ,yTo : double ); begin m_path.curve4(xCtrl1 ,yCtrl1 ,xCtrl2 ,yCtrl2 ,xTo ,yTo ); end; { CUBICCURVEREL } procedure TAgg2D.CubicCurveRel(dxCtrl1 ,dyCtrl1 ,dxCtrl2 ,dyCtrl2 ,dxTo ,dyTo : double ); begin m_path.curve4_rel(dxCtrl1 ,dyCtrl1 ,dxCtrl2 ,dyCtrl2 ,dxTo ,dyTo ); end; { CUBICCURVETO } procedure TAgg2D.CubicCurveTo (xCtrl2 ,yCtrl2 ,xTo ,yTo : double ); begin m_path.curve4(xCtrl2 ,yCtrl2 ,xTo ,yTo ); end; { CUBICCURVEREL } procedure TAgg2D.CubicCurveRel(dxCtrl2 ,dyCtrl2 ,dxTo ,dyTo : double ); begin m_path.curve4_rel(dxCtrl2 ,dyCtrl2 ,dxTo ,dyTo ); end; { ADDELLIPSE } procedure TAgg2D.AddEllipse(cx ,cy ,rx ,ry : double; dir : TAggDirection ); var ar : bezier_arc; begin if dir = AGG_CCW then ar.Construct(cx ,cy ,rx ,ry ,0 ,2 * pi ) else ar.Construct(cx ,cy ,rx ,ry ,0 ,-2 * pi ); m_path.add_path(@ar ,0 ,false ); m_path.close_polygon; end; { CLOSEPOLYGON } procedure TAgg2D.ClosePolygon; begin m_path.close_polygon; end; { DRAWPATH } procedure TAgg2D.DrawPath(flag : TAggDrawPathFlag = AGG_FillAndStroke ); begin m_rasterizer.reset; case flag of AGG_FillOnly : if m_fillColor.a <> 0 then begin m_rasterizer.add_path(@m_pathTransform ); render(true ); end; AGG_StrokeOnly : if (m_lineColor.a <> 0 ) and (m_lineWidth > 0.0 ) then begin m_rasterizer.add_path(@m_strokeTransform ); render(false ); end; AGG_FillAndStroke : begin if m_fillColor.a <> 0 then begin m_rasterizer.add_path(@m_pathTransform ); render(true ); end; if (m_lineColor.a <> 0 ) and (m_lineWidth > 0.0 ) then begin m_rasterizer.add_path(@m_strokeTransform ); render(false ); end; end; AGG_FillWithLineColor : if m_lineColor.a <> 0 then begin m_rasterizer.add_path(@m_pathTransform ); render(false ); end; end; end; { IMAGEFILTER } procedure TAgg2D.ImageFilter(f : TAggImageFilter ); begin m_imageFilter:=f; case f of AGG_Bilinear : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifBilinear ,true ); AGG_Hanning : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifHanning ,true ); AGG_Hermite : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifHermite ,true ); AGG_Quadric : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifQuadric ,true ); AGG_Bicubic : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifBicubic ,true ); AGG_Catrom : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifCatrom ,true ); AGG_Spline16 : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifSpline16 ,true ); AGG_Spline36 : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifSpline36 ,true ); AGG_Blackman144 : m_imageFilterLut.calculate(@m_ifBlackman144 ,true ); end; end; { IMAGEFILTER } function TAgg2D.ImageFilter : TAggImageFilter; begin result:=m_imageFilter; end; { IMAGERESAMPLE } procedure TAgg2D.ImageResample(f : TAggImageResample ); begin m_imageResample:=f; end; { IMAGEFLIP } procedure TAgg2D.ImageFlip(f : boolean ); begin m_imageFlip:=f; end; { IMAGERESAMPLE } function TAgg2D.ImageResample : TAggImageResample; begin result:=m_imageResample; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGE } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); var parall : array[0..5 ] of double; image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin resetPath; moveTo(dstX1 ,dstY1 ); lineTo(dstX2 ,dstY1 ); lineTo(dstX2 ,dstY2 ); lineTo(dstX1 ,dstY2 ); closePolygon; parall[0 ]:=dstX1; parall[1 ]:=dstY1; parall[2 ]:=dstX2; parall[3 ]:=dstY1; parall[4 ]:=dstX2; parall[5 ]:=dstY2; renderImage(@image ,imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 ,@parall[0 ] ); image.Destruct; end; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGE } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); var parall : array[0..5 ] of double; image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin ResetPath; MoveTo(dstX1 ,dstY1 ); LineTo(dstX2 ,dstY1 ); LineTo(dstX2 ,dstY2 ); LineTo(dstX1 ,dstY2 ); ClosePolygon; parall[0 ]:=dstX1; parall[1 ]:=dstY1; parall[2 ]:=dstX2; parall[3 ]:=dstY1; parall[4 ]:=dstX2; parall[5 ]:=dstY2; renderImage(@image ,0 ,0 ,image.renBuf._width ,image.renBuf._height ,@parall[0 ] ); image.Destruct; end; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGE } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; parallelo : PDouble ); var image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin ResetPath; MoveTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 0 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 1 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); LineTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 2 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 3 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); LineTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 4 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 5 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); LineTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 0 * sizeof(double ) )^ + PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 4 * sizeof(double ) )^ - PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 2 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 1 * sizeof(double ) )^ + PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 5 * sizeof(double ) )^ - PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 3 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); ClosePolygon; renderImage(@image ,imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 ,parallelo ); image.Destruct; end; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGE } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImage(bitmap : TfpgImage; parallelo : PDouble ); var image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin ResetPath; MoveTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 0 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 1 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); LineTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 2 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 3 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); LineTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 4 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 5 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); LineTo( PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 0 * sizeof(double ) )^ + PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 4 * sizeof(double ) )^ - PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 2 * sizeof(double ) )^ , PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 1 * sizeof(double ) )^ + PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 5 * sizeof(double ) )^ - PDouble(ptrcomp(parallelo ) + 3 * sizeof(double ) )^ ); ClosePolygon; renderImage(@image ,0 ,0 ,image.renBuf._width ,image.renBuf._height ,parallelo ); image.Destruct; end; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGEPATH } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImagePath( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); var parall : array[0..5 ] of double; image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin parall[0 ]:=dstX1; parall[1 ]:=dstY1; parall[2 ]:=dstX2; parall[3 ]:=dstY1; parall[4 ]:=dstX2; parall[5 ]:=dstY2; renderImage(@image ,imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 ,@parall[0 ] ); image.Destruct; end; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGEPATH } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImagePath( bitmap : TfpgImage; dstX1 ,dstY1 ,dstX2 ,dstY2 : double ); var parall : array[0..5 ] of double; image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin parall[0 ]:=dstX1; parall[1 ]:=dstY1; parall[2 ]:=dstX2; parall[3 ]:=dstY1; parall[4 ]:=dstX2; parall[5 ]:=dstY2; renderImage(@image ,0 ,0 ,image.renBuf._width ,image.renBuf._height ,@parall[0 ] ); image.Destruct; end; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGEPATH } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImagePath( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; parallelo : PDouble ); var image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin renderImage(@image ,imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 ,parallelo ); image.Destruct; end; end; { TRANSFORMIMAGEPATH } procedure TAgg2D.TransformImagePath(bitmap : TfpgImage; parallelo : PDouble ); var image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin renderImage(@image ,0 ,0 ,image.renBuf._width ,image.renBuf._height ,parallelo ); image.Destruct; end; end; { COPYIMAGE } procedure TAgg2D.CopyImage( bitmap : TfpgImage; imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 : integer; dstX ,dstY : double ); var r : agg_basics.rect; image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin WorldToScreen(@dstX ,@dstY ); r.Construct (imgX1 ,imgY1 ,imgX2 ,imgY2 ); m_renBase.copy_from(@image.renBuf ,@r ,Trunc(dstX ) - imgX1 ,Trunc(dstY ) - imgY1 ); image.Destruct; end; end; { COPYIMAGE } procedure TAgg2D.CopyImage(bitmap : TfpgImage; dstX ,dstY : double ); var image : TAggImage; begin image.Construct; if image.attach(bitmap ,m_imageFlip ) then begin WorldToScreen(@dstX ,@dstY ); m_renBase.copy_from(@image.renBuf ,NIL ,Trunc(dstX ) ,Trunc(dstY ) ); image.Destruct; end; end; { RENDER } procedure TAgg2D.render(fillColor_ : boolean ); begin if (m_blendMode = AGG_BlendAlpha ) or (m_pixf = pf24bit ) then Agg2DRenderer_render(self ,@m_renBase ,@m_renSolid ,fillColor_ ) else Agg2DRenderer_render(self ,@m_renBaseComp ,@m_renSolidComp ,fillColor_ ); end; { RENDER } procedure TAgg2D.render(ras : PAggFontRasterizer; sl : PAggFontScanline ); begin if (m_blendMode = AGG_BlendAlpha ) or (m_pixf = pf24bit ) then Agg2DRenderer_render(self ,@m_renBase ,@m_renSolid ,ras ,sl ) else Agg2DRenderer_render(self ,@m_renBaseComp ,@m_renSolidComp ,ras ,sl ); end; { ADDLINE } procedure TAgg2D.addLine(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : double ); begin m_path.move_to(x1 ,y1 ); m_path.line_to(x2 ,y2 ); end; { UPDATERASTERIZERGAMMA } procedure TAgg2D.updateRasterizerGamma; begin m_gammaAgg2D.Construct(m_masterAlpha ,m_antiAliasGamma ); m_rasterizer.gamma (@m_gammaAgg2D ); end; { RENDERIMAGE } procedure TAgg2D.renderImage( img : PAggImage; x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 : integer; parl : PDouble ); var mtx : trans_affine; interpolator : span_interpolator_linear; begin mtx.Construct(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,parallelo_ptr(parl ) ); mtx.multiply (@m_transform ); mtx.invert; m_rasterizer.reset; m_rasterizer.add_path(@m_pathTransform ); interpolator.Construct(@mtx ); if (m_blendMode = AGG_BlendAlpha ) or (m_pixf = pf24bit ) then Agg2DRenderer_renderImage(self ,img ,@m_renBasePre ,@interpolator ) else Agg2DRenderer_renderImage(self ,img ,@m_renBaseCompPre ,@interpolator ); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase); begin {$NOTE This is only temporary until I can correctly query font names } {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Font('Arial', 13); {$ELSE} {$IFDEF BSD} Font('/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/Liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', 13); {$ELSE} Font('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', 13); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; procedure TAgg2D.DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor); var t: TRGBTriple; c: TfpgColor; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(cl); t := fpgColorToRGBTriple(c); FillColor(t.Red, t.Green, t.Blue{, t.Alpha}); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor); var t: TRGBTriple; c: TfpgColor; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(cl); t := fpgColorToRGBTriple(c); LineColor(t.Red, t.Green, t.Blue{, t.Alpha}); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle); begin // LineWidth(awidth); case astyle of lsSolid: begin m_convDash.remove_all_dashes; m_convDash.add_dash(600, 0); {$NOTE Find a better way to prevent dash generation } end; lsDash: begin m_convDash.remove_all_dashes; m_convDash.add_dash(3, 3); end; lsDot: begin m_convDash.remove_all_dashes; m_convDash.add_dash(1, 1.5); end; lsDashDot: begin m_convDash.remove_all_dashes; m_convDash.add_dash(3, 1); end; lsDashDotDot: begin m_convDash.add_dash(3, 1); m_convDash.add_dash(1, 1); end; end; end; procedure TAgg2D.DoGetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); begin r.Left := 0; r.Top := 0; r.Width := FWindow.Width; r.Height := FWindow.Height; end; procedure TAgg2D.DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin FillColor(LineColor); LineColor(LineColor); // NoLine; LineWidth(1); if (w = 1) or (h = 1) then begin // we have a line LineCap(AGG_CapButt); if w = 1 then Line(x, y, x, y+h, True) else Line(x, y, x+w, y, True); end else Rectangle(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1, True); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoXORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin end; procedure TAgg2D.DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); begin end; procedure TAgg2D.DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin // LineWidth(FLineWidth); DoSetColor(FColor); NoFill; if (w = 1) or (h = 1) then begin // we have a line LineCap(AGG_CapButt); if w = 1 then Line(x, y, x, y+h, True) else Line(x, y, x+w, y, True); end else Rectangle(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1, True); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); begin Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, True); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoDrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); begin { We use TransformImage so we can get alpha blending support. CopyImage doesn't use image blending, when it does painting. } TransformImage(TfpgImage(img), xi, yi, xi+w, yi+h, x, y, x+w, y+h); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoDrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); begin DoSetTextColor(FTextColor); NoLine; TextHints(True); Text(x, y+FontHeight, txt); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoSetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); begin ClipBox(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right+1, ARect.Bottom+1); end; function TAgg2D.DoGetClipRect: TfpgRect; begin Result.SetRect(Round(ClipBox.x1), Round(ClipBox.y1), Round(ClipBox.x2 - ClipBox.x1), Round(ClipBox.y2 - ClipBox.y1)); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoAddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); begin {$NOTE TAgg2D.DoAddClipRect must still be implemented } end; procedure TAgg2D.DoClearClipRect; begin ClipBox(0, 0, FWindow.width, FWindow.height); m_rasterizer.m_clipping := false; end; procedure TAgg2D.DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean); begin if Assigned(FImg) then begin { if the window was resized } if (FImg.Width <> FWindow.Width) or (FImg.Height <> FWindow.Height) then begin FImg.Free; FImg := nil; end; end; if not Assigned(FImg) then begin FImg := TfpgImage.Create; FImg.AllocateImage(32, FWindow.Width, FWindow.Height); Attach(FImg); end; end; procedure TAgg2D.DoEndDraw; begin // nothing to do here end; function TAgg2D.GetPixel(X, Y: integer): TfpgColor; begin Result := FImg.Colors[y, y]; end; procedure TAgg2D.SetPixel(X, Y: integer; const AValue: TfpgColor); begin FImg.Colors[x, y] := AValue; end; procedure TAgg2D.DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); begin NoFill; LineColor(LineColor); Arc(x+(w/2), y+(h/2), w/2, h/2, Deg2Rad(a1+90), Deg2Rad(a2+90)); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoFillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); begin {$Note AggPas's Arc only does stroking, not filling. Make another plan } NoFill; LineColor(LineColor); Arc(x+(w/2), y+(h/2), w/2, h/2, Deg2Rad(a1+90), Deg2Rad(a2+90)); end; procedure TAgg2D.DoDrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean); var i: integer; poly: array of double; begin SetLength(poly, (NumPts*2)+1); // dynamic arrays start at 0, but we want to use 1..NumPts for i := 1 to NumPts do begin poly[i * 2 - 1] := Points[i-1].X + 0.5; poly[i * 2] := Points[i-1].Y + 0.5; end; // Draw Polygon LineWidth(1); LineColor(LineColor); FillColor($00, $00, $00); // clBlack for now Polygon(@poly[1], NumPts); end; { BITMAPALPHATRANSPARENCY } function BitmapAlphaTransparency(bitmap : TfpgImage; alpha : byte ) : boolean; var fcx ,fcy : integer; transp : ^byte; begin result:=false; if Assigned(bitmap ) { and not bitmap.Empty} and {$Warning Implement bitmap.Empty } (bitmap.ColorDepth = 32 ) then begin for fcy:=0 to bitmap.Height - 1 do begin transp:=pointer(ptrcomp(bitmap.ScanLine[fcy ] ) + 3 ); for fcx:=0 to bitmap.Width - 1 do begin transp^:=alpha; inc(ptrcomp(transp ) ,4 ); end; end; { OK } result:=true; end; end; end.