{%mainunit gfx_constants.pas} rsLanguage = 'Deutsch'; // Buttons rsOK = 'OK'; rsCancel = 'Abbruch'; rsHelp = 'Hilfe'; rsOpen = '™ffnen'; rsSave = 'Speichern'; rsCreate = 'Erzeugen'; rsChange = 'Wechseln'; rsFind = 'Finden'; rsSearch = 'Suchen'; rsReplace = 'Ersetzen'; rsConfirm = 'Best„tigungs'; rsAll = 'Alle'; rsSelect = 'Auswahl'; rsYes = 'Ja'; rsNo = 'Nein'; rsAbort = 'šbergehen'; rsRetry = 'Wiederholen'; rsIgnore = 'Ignorieren'; rsClose = 'Schlieáen'; rsInsert = 'Einfgen'; rsEdit = 'Bearbeiten'; rsDelete = 'L”schen'; rsExit = 'Exit'; rsYesToAll = 'Yes to All'; rsNoToAll = 'No to All'; rsCut = 'Cut'; rsCopy = 'Copy'; rsPaste = 'Paste'; // Captions rsError = 'Fehler'; rsCriticalError = 'Schwerer Fehler'; rsInformation = 'Information'; rsConfirmation = 'Bestätigen'; rsWarning = 'Warnung'; rsMessage = 'Nachricht'; rsAbout = 'About %s'; // Standard file filters rsAllFiles = 'Alle Dateien'; // CreateDir Dialog rsCreateDirectory = 'Verzeichnis erstellen'; rsEnterNewDirectory = 'Neuenr Verzeichnisname'; rsCannotCreateDir = 'Verzeichnis kann nicht erzeugt werden'; // Font Dialog rsSelectAFont = 'Wählen Sie eine Schriftart'; rsName = 'Name'; rsCollection = 'Collection'; rsSize = 'Größe'; rsStyle = 'Stil'; rsItalic = 'Kursiv'; rsBold = 'Fett'; rsUnderScore = 'Unterstrichen'; rsTypeface = 'Typeface'; rsAntiAliasing = 'Anti aliasing'; rsExampleText = 'Beispieltext'; rsCollectionAllFonts = 'All Fonts'; rsCollectionRecentlyUsed = 'Recently Used'; rsCollectionFavourites = 'Favourites'; rsCollectionFixedWidth = 'Fixed Width'; rsCollectionSans = 'Sans'; rsCollectionSerif = 'Serif'; rsCollectionFontAliases = 'Font Aliases'; // Open Dialog rsOpenAFile = 'Öffnen einer Datei'; rsFileName = 'Dateiname'; rsFileType = 'Dateityp'; rsDrive = 'Laufwerk'; rsFiles = 'Dateien'; rsDirectories = 'Verzeichnisse'; rsShowHidden = 'Show hidden files'; rsFileSelection = 'File Selection'; rsFileModifiedTime = 'Mod. Time'; rsFileAttributes = 'Attributes'; rsFileRights = 'Rights'; rsFileOwner = 'Owner'; rsFileGroup = 'Group'; // Save Dialog rsSaveAFile = 'Datei speichern'; // User Dialog rsUserName = 'User name'; rsPassword = 'Password'; rsDatabase = 'Database'; // Error messages rsErrListMustBeEmpty = 'Liste müssen leer sein'; rsErrCouldNotOpenDir = 'Could not open the directory <%s>'; rsErrItemOfWrongType = 'Item is not of <%s> type!'; rsErrFailedToCreateDir = 'Failed to create the directory <%s>'; rsErrNotAssigned = '<%s> not assigned'; // Calendar Combo & Dialog rsShortMon = 'Mon'; rsShortTue = 'Tue'; rsShortWed = 'Wed'; rsShortThu = 'Thu'; rsShortFri = 'Fri'; rsShortSat = 'Sat'; rsShortSun = 'Sun'; rsLongMon = 'Monday'; rsLongTue = 'Tuesday'; rsLongWed = 'Wednesday'; rsLongThu = 'Thursday'; rsLongFri = 'Friday'; rsLongSat = 'Saturday'; rsLongSun = 'Sunday';