{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Unit to handle WideString (UTF-16) strings. Copyright (C) 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } // ******* PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS UNIT!!!! ******* // Graeme: I'm experimenting with something again. unit gfx_strings; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils; type // forward declarations TWideStrings = class; TWideStringList = class; // independant types that could be used in fpGUI gfxString = WideString; // string gfxChar = WideChar; // char gfxPChar = PWideChar; // pchar gfxStringList = TWideStringList; // TStringList {$Warnings off} // because I'm hiding the TStrings String properties { A WideString version of the abstract TStrings class. } TWideStrings = class(TStrings) private FUpdateCount: integer; function GetCommaText: WideString; function GetName(Index: integer): WideString; function GetValue(const Name: WideString): WideString; procedure ReadData(Reader: TReader); procedure SetCommaText(const Value: WideString); procedure SetValue(const Name, Value: WideString); procedure WriteData(Writer: TWriter); protected procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure Error(const Msg: string; Data: integer); function Get(Index: integer): WideString; virtual; abstract; function GetCapacity: integer; virtual; function GetCount: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetObject(Index: integer): TObject; virtual; function GetTextStr: WideString; virtual; procedure Put(Index: integer; const S: WideString); virtual; procedure PutObject(Index: integer; AObject: TObject); virtual; procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: integer); virtual; procedure SetTextStr(const Value: WideString); virtual; procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); virtual; public constructor Create; function Add(const S: WideString): integer; virtual; function AddObject(const S: WideString; AObject: TObject): integer; virtual; procedure Append(const S: WideString); procedure AddStrings(aStrings: TWideStrings); virtual; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure Clear; virtual; abstract; procedure Delete(Index: integer); virtual; abstract; procedure EndUpdate; function Equals(aStrings: TWideStrings): Boolean; procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: integer); virtual; function GetText: PWideChar; virtual; function IndexOf(const S: WideString): integer; virtual; function IndexOfName(const Name: WideString): integer; function IndexOfObject(AObject: TObject): integer; procedure Insert(Index: integer; const S: WideString); virtual; abstract; procedure InsertObject(Index: integer; const S: WideString; AObject: TObject); procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); virtual; procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); virtual; procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); virtual; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; procedure SetText(aText: PWideChar); virtual; property Capacity: integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; property CommaText: WideString read GetCommaText write SetCommaText; property Count: integer read GetCount; property Names[Index: integer]: WideString read GetName; property Objects[Index: integer]: TObject read GetObject write PutObject; property Values[const Name: WideString]: WideString read GetValue write SetValue; property Strings[Index: integer]: WideString read Get write Put; default; property Text: WideString read GetTextStr write SetTextStr; end; PWideStringItem = ^TWideStringItem; TWideStringItem = record FString: WideString; FObject: TObject; end; PWideStringItemList = ^TWideStringItemList; TWideStringItemList = array[0..MaxListSize] of TWideStringItem; { A WideString version of TStringList class. } TWideStringList = class(TWideStrings) private FList: PStringItemList; FCount: integer; FCapacity: integer; FSorted: Boolean; FDuplicates: TDuplicates; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FOnChanging: TNotifyEvent; procedure ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2: integer); procedure Grow; procedure QuickSort(L, R: integer); procedure InsertItem(Index: integer; const S: WideString); procedure SetSorted(Value: Boolean); protected procedure Changed; virtual; procedure Changing; virtual; function Get(Index: integer): WideString; override; function GetCapacity: integer; override; function GetCount: integer; override; function GetObject(Index: integer): TObject; override; procedure Put(Index: integer; const S: WideString); override; procedure PutObject(Index: integer; AObject: TObject); override; procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: integer); override; procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); override; public destructor Destroy; override; function Add(const S: WideString): integer; override; procedure Clear; override; procedure Delete(Index: integer); override; procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: integer); override; function Find(const S: WideString; var Index: integer): Boolean; virtual; function IndexOf(const S: WideString): integer; override; procedure Insert(Index: integer; const S: WideString); override; procedure Sort; virtual; property Duplicates: TDuplicates read FDuplicates write FDuplicates; property Sorted: Boolean read FSorted write SetSorted; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging; end; {$Warnings on} function WideQuotedStr(const S: WideString; Quote: widechar): WideString; function WideExtractQuotedStr(var S: WideString; Quote: widechar): WideString; function utf8(const utf8str: string): widestring; function u8(const utf8str: string): widestring; function wsToUtf8(const wstr: widestring): string; implementation uses RTLConsts; const BOM: word = $FFFE; // Byte Order Mark function WideQuotedStr(const S: WideString; Quote: widechar): WideString; var slen: integer; i: integer; begin Result := Quote + S + Quote; slen := length(Result); i := 2; while i < slen do begin if Result[i] = quote then begin insert(quote, Result, i); Inc(i); Inc(slen); end; Inc(i); end; end; function WideExtractQuotedStr(var S: widestring; Quote: widechar): WideString; var i: integer; slen: integer; begin if length(s) < 2 then Result := s else begin Result := copy(s, 2, length(s) - 2); slen := length(Result); i := 1; while i < slen do begin if (Result[i] = quote) and (Result[i + 1] = quote) then begin Delete(Result, i, 1); Dec(slen); end; Inc(i); end; end; end; function utf8(const utf8str: string): widestring; begin Result := UTF8Decode(utf8str); end; function u8(const utf8str: string): widestring; begin Result := UTF8Decode(utf8str); end; function wsToUtf8(const wstr: widestring): string; begin Result := UTF8Encode(wstr); end; constructor TWideStrings.Create; begin inherited; end; function TWideStrings.Add(const S: WideString): integer; begin Result := GetCount; Insert(Result, S); end; function TWideStrings.AddObject(const S: WideString; AObject: TObject): integer; begin Result := Add(S); PutObject(Result, AObject); end; procedure TWideStrings.Append(const S: WideString); begin Add(S); end; procedure TWideStrings.AddStrings(aStrings: TWideStrings); var I: integer; begin BeginUpdate; try for I := 0 to aStrings.Count - 1 do AddObject(aStrings[I], aStrings.Objects[I]); finally EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var I: integer; begin if Source is TWideStrings then begin BeginUpdate; try Clear; AddStrings(TWideStrings(Source)); finally EndUpdate; end; Exit; end else if Source is TStrings then begin BeginUpdate; try for I := 0 to TStrings(Source).Count - 1 do AddObject(TStrings(Source)[I], TStrings(Source).Objects[I]); finally EndUpdate; end; end; inherited Assign(Source); end; procedure TWideStrings.BeginUpdate; begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then SetUpdateState(True); Inc(FUpdateCount); end; procedure TWideStrings.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); function DoWrite: Boolean; begin if Filer.Ancestor <> nil then begin Result := True; if Filer.Ancestor is TWideStrings then Result := not Equals(TWideStrings(Filer.Ancestor)); end else Result := Count > 0; end; begin Filer.DefineProperty('WideStrings', @ReadData, @WriteData, DoWrite); end; procedure TWideStrings.EndUpdate; begin Dec(FUpdateCount); if FUpdateCount = 0 then SetUpdateState(False); end; function TWideStrings.Equals(aStrings: TWideStrings): Boolean; var I, cnt: integer; begin Result := False; cnt := GetCount; if cnt <> aStrings.GetCount then Exit; for I := 0 to cnt - 1 do if Get(I) <> aStrings.Get(I) then Exit; Result := True; end; procedure TWideStrings.Error(const Msg: string; Data: integer); begin raise EStringListError.CreateFmt(Msg, [Data]); end; procedure TWideStrings.Exchange(Index1, Index2: integer); var TempObject: TObject; TempString: WideString; begin BeginUpdate; try TempString := Strings[Index1]; TempObject := Objects[Index1]; Strings[Index1] := Strings[Index2]; Objects[Index1] := Objects[Index2]; Strings[Index2] := TempString; Objects[Index2] := TempObject; finally EndUpdate; end; end; function TWideStrings.GetCapacity: integer; begin Result := Count; end; function TWideStrings.GetCommaText: WideString; var S: WideString; P: PWideChar; I, cnt: integer; begin cnt := GetCount; if (cnt = 1) and (Get(0) = '') then Result := '""' else begin Result := ''; for I := 0 to cnt - 1 do begin S := Get(I); P := PWideChar(S); while not (P^ in [widechar(#0)..widechar(' '), widechar('"'), widechar(',')]) do Inc(P); if (P^ <> #0) then S := WideQuotedStr(S, '"'); if I > 0 then Result := Result + ','; Result := Result + S; end; end; end; function TWideStrings.GetName(Index: integer): WideString; var P: integer; begin Result := Get(Index); P := 1; while Result[P] <> '=' do Inc(P); if P <> 0 then SetLength(Result, P - 1) else SetLength(Result, 0); end; function TWideStrings.GetObject(Index: integer): TObject; begin Result := nil; end; function TWideStrings.GetText: PWideChar; var TempStr: WideString; begin TempStr := GetTextStr; Result := AllocMem(2 * Length(TempStr) + 10); System.Move(TempStr[1], Result^, 2 * Length(TempStr) + 2); end; function TWideStrings.GetTextStr: WideString; var I, L, Size, cnt: integer; P: PWideChar; S: WideString; begin cnt := GetCount; Size := 0; for I := 0 to cnt - 1 do Inc(Size, Length(Get(I)) + 2); SetString(Result, nil, Size); P := Pointer(Result); for I := 0 to cnt - 1 do begin S := Get(I); L := Length(S); if L <> 0 then begin System.Move(Pointer(S)^, P^, L * 2); Inc(P, L); end; P^ := #13; Inc(P); P^ := #10; Inc(P); end; end; function TWideStrings.GetValue(const Name: WideString): WideString; var I: integer; begin I := IndexOfName(Name); if I >= 0 then Result := Copy(Get(I), Length(Name) + 2, MaxInt) else Result := ''; end; function TWideStrings.IndexOf(const S: WideString): integer; begin for Result := 0 to GetCount - 1 do if Get(Result) = S then Exit; Result := -1; end; function TWideStrings.IndexOfName(const Name: WideString): integer; var P: integer; S: string; begin for Result := 0 to GetCount - 1 do begin S := Get(Result); P := 1; while S[P] <> '=' do Inc(P); if (P <> 0) and (Copy(S, 1, P - 1) = Name) then Exit; end; Result := -1; end; function TWideStrings.IndexOfObject(AObject: TObject): integer; begin for Result := 0 to GetCount - 1 do if GetObject(Result) = AObject then Exit; Result := -1; end; procedure TWideStrings.InsertObject(Index: integer; const S: WideString; AObject: TObject); begin Insert(Index, S); PutObject(Index, AObject); end; procedure TWideStrings.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); var Stream: TStream; begin Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead); try LoadFromStream(Stream); finally Stream.Free; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); var Size: integer; S: WideString; Reverse: Boolean; rBOM: word; I: integer; begin BeginUpdate; try Stream.Read(rBOM, 2); Reverse := False; if rBOM = $FEFF then Reverse := True else if rBOM <> $FFFE then Stream.Seek(-2, soFromCurrent); Size := Stream.Size - Stream.Position; SetString(S, nil, Size div 2); Stream.Read(Pointer(S)^, Size); if Reverse then for I := 1 to Length(S) do S[I] := widechar(Swap(word(S[I]))); SetTextStr(S); finally EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); var TempObject: TObject; TempString: WideString; begin if CurIndex <> NewIndex then begin BeginUpdate; try TempString := Get(CurIndex); TempObject := GetObject(CurIndex); Delete(CurIndex); InsertObject(NewIndex, TempString, TempObject); finally EndUpdate; end; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.Put(Index: integer; const S: WideString); var TempObject: TObject; begin TempObject := GetObject(Index); Delete(Index); InsertObject(Index, S, TempObject); end; procedure TWideStrings.PutObject(Index: integer; AObject: TObject); begin // Empty end; procedure TWideStrings.ReadData(Reader: TReader); var S: string; W: WideString; I: integer; Z: integer; N: word; begin BeginUpdate; try Clear; S := Reader.ReadString; SetLength(W, Length(S) div 4); for I := 1 to Length(S) div 4 do begin Val('$' + S[I * 4 - 3] + S[I * 4 - 2] + S[I * 4 - 1] + S[I * 2], N, Z); W[I] := widechar(N); end; Text := W; finally EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.SaveToFile(const FileName: string); var Stream: TStream; begin Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try SaveToStream(Stream); finally Stream.Free; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); var S: WideString; begin S := GetTextStr; Stream.Write(BOM, 2); Stream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(S)^, Length(S) * 2); end; procedure TWideStrings.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: integer); begin // do nothing - descendants may optionally implement this method end; procedure TWideStrings.SetCommaText(const Value: WideString); var s: WideString; i: integer; inquote: boolean; begin BeginUpdate; try Clear; inquote := False; i := 1; s := ''; while i <= length(Value) do begin if Value[i] = '"' then begin if inquote then begin if (i < length(Value)) and (Value[i] = '"') then begin s := s + '"'; Inc(i); end else inquote := False; end else begin inquote := True; end; end else if (Value[i] = ',') and not inquote then begin Add(s); s := ''; end else s := s + Value[i]; Inc(i); end; if s <> '' then Add(s); finally EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.SetText(aText: PWideChar); begin SetTextStr(aText); end; procedure TWideStrings.SetTextStr(const Value: WideString); var P, Start: PWideChar; S: WideString; begin BeginUpdate; try Clear; P := Pointer(Value); if P <> nil then while P^ <> #0 do begin Start := P; while not (P^ in [widechar(#0), widechar(#10), widechar(#13)]) do Inc(P); SetString(S, Start, P - Start); Add(S); if P^ = #13 then Inc(P); if P^ = #10 then Inc(P); end; finally EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TWideStrings.SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); begin // Empty end; procedure TWideStrings.SetValue(const Name, Value: WideString); var I: integer; begin I := IndexOfName(Name); if Value <> '' then begin if I < 0 then I := Add(''); Put(I, Name + '=' + Value); end else if I >= 0 then Delete(I); end; procedure TWideStrings.WriteData(Writer: TWriter); var I: integer; S: string; W: WideString; begin W := Text; S := ''; for I := 1 to Length(W) do S := S + IntToHex(word(W[1]), 4); Writer.WriteString(S); end; { TWideStringList } destructor TWideStringList.Destroy; begin FOnChange := nil; FOnChanging := nil; inherited Destroy; if FCount <> 0 then Finalize(FList^[0], FCount); FCount := 0; SetCapacity(0); end; function TWideStringList.Add(const S: WideString): integer; begin if not Sorted then Result := FCount else if Find(S, Result) then case Duplicates of dupIgnore: Exit; dupError: Error(SDuplicateString, 0); end; InsertItem(Result, S); end; procedure TWideStringList.Changed; begin if (FUpdateCount = 0) and Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; procedure TWideStringList.Changing; begin if (FUpdateCount = 0) and Assigned(FOnChanging) then FOnChanging(Self); end; procedure TWideStringList.Clear; begin if FCount <> 0 then begin Changing; Finalize(FList^[0], FCount); FCount := 0; SetCapacity(0); Changed; end; end; procedure TWideStringList.Delete(Index: integer); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index); Changing; Finalize(FList^[Index]); Dec(FCount); if Index < FCount then System.Move(FList^[Index + 1], FList^[Index], (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(TStringItem)); Changed; end; procedure TWideStringList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: integer); begin if (Index1 < 0) or (Index1 >= FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index1); if (Index2 < 0) or (Index2 >= FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index2); Changing; ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2); Changed; end; procedure TWideStringList.ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2: integer); var Temp: integer; Item1, Item2: PWideStringItem; begin Item1 := @FList^[Index1]; Item2 := @FList^[Index2]; Temp := integer(Item1^.FString); integer(Item1^.FString) := integer(Item2^.FString); integer(Item2^.FString) := Temp; Temp := integer(Item1^.FObject); integer(Item1^.FObject) := integer(Item2^.FObject); integer(Item2^.FObject) := Temp; end; function TWideStringList.Find(const S: WideString; var Index: integer): Boolean; var L, H, I, C: integer; begin Result := False; L := 0; H := FCount - 1; while L <= H do begin I := (L + H) shr 1; C := WideCompareText(FList^[I].FString, S); if C < 0 then L := I + 1 else begin H := I - 1; if C = 0 then begin Result := True; if Duplicates <> dupAccept then L := I; end; end; end; Index := L; end; function TWideStringList.Get(Index: integer): WideString; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index); Result := FList^[Index].FString; end; function TWideStringList.GetCapacity: integer; begin Result := FCapacity; end; function TWideStringList.GetCount: integer; begin Result := FCount; end; function TWideStringList.GetObject(Index: integer): TObject; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index); Result := FList^[Index].FObject; end; procedure TWideStringList.Grow; var Delta: integer; begin if FCapacity > 64 then Delta := FCapacity div 4 else if FCapacity > 8 then Delta := 16 else Delta := 4; SetCapacity(FCapacity + Delta); end; function TWideStringList.IndexOf(const S: WideString): integer; begin if not Sorted then Result := inherited IndexOf(S) else if not Find(S, Result) then Result := -1; end; procedure TWideStringList.Insert(Index: integer; const S: WideString); begin if Sorted then Error(SSortedListError, 0); if (Index < 0) or (Index > FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index); InsertItem(Index, S); end; procedure TWideStringList.InsertItem(Index: integer; const S: WideString); begin Changing; if FCount = FCapacity then Grow; if Index < FCount then System.Move(FList^[Index], FList^[Index + 1], (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(TStringItem)); with FList^[Index] do begin Pointer(FString) := nil; FObject := nil; FString := S; end; Inc(FCount); Changed; end; procedure TWideStringList.Put(Index: integer; const S: WideString); begin if Sorted then Error(SSortedListError, 0); if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index); Changing; FList^[Index].FString := S; Changed; end; procedure TWideStringList.PutObject(Index: integer; AObject: TObject); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then Error(SListIndexError, Index); Changing; FList^[Index].FObject := AObject; Changed; end; procedure TWideStringList.QuickSort(L, R: integer); var I, J: integer; P: WideString; begin repeat I := L; J := R; P := FList^[(L + R) shr 1].FString; repeat while WideCompareText(FList^[I].FString, P) < 0 do Inc(I); while WideCompareText(FList^[J].FString, P) > 0 do Dec(J); if I <= J then begin ExchangeItems(I, J); Inc(I); Dec(J); end; until I > J; if L < J then QuickSort(L, J); L := I; until I >= R; end; procedure TWideStringList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: integer); begin ReallocMem(FList, NewCapacity * SizeOf(TStringItem)); FCapacity := NewCapacity; end; procedure TWideStringList.SetSorted(Value: Boolean); begin if FSorted <> Value then begin if Value then Sort; FSorted := Value; end; end; procedure TWideStringList.SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); begin if Updating then Changing else Changed; end; procedure TWideStringList.Sort; begin if not Sorted and (FCount > 1) then begin Changing; QuickSort(0, FCount - 1); Changed; end; end; end.