{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a PopupWindow control. It gets used for things like PopupMenu, ComboBox and Calendar controls. } unit gfx_popupwindow; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$Define DEBUG} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, fpgfx, gfx_widget, gfx_impl; type TfpgPopupWindow = class(TfpgWidget) private FDontCloseWidget: TfpgWidget; FOnClose: TNotifyEvent; FPopupFrame: boolean; procedure SetPopupFrame(const AValue: boolean); protected procedure MsgClose(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_CLOSE; procedure AdjustWindowStyle; override; procedure HandleClose; virtual; procedure ProcessPopupFrame; virtual; procedure DoPaintPopupFrame; virtual; procedure DoOnClose; virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure ShowAt(AWidget: TfpgWidget; x, y: TfpgCoord); overload; procedure ShowAt(x, y: TfpgCoord); overload; procedure Close; virtual; property DontCloseWidget: TfpgWidget read FDontCloseWidget write FDontCloseWidget; property PopupFrame: boolean read FPopupFrame write SetPopupFrame; property OnClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose; end; procedure ClosePopups; function PopupListFirst: TfpgPopupWindow; function PopupListFind(AWinHandle: TfpgWinHandle): TfpgPopupWindow; function PopupDontCloseWidget(AWidget: TfpgWidget): boolean; implementation type // Popup window linked list. Maybe we can implement it via a TList as well. PPopupListRec = ^PopupListRec; PopupListRec = record Widget: TfpgPopupWindow; Next: PPopupListRec; end; var uOriginalFocusRoot: TfpgWidget; uFirstPopup: PPopupListRec; uLastPopup: PPopupListRec; // local helper functions procedure ClosePopups; begin while uFirstPopup <> nil do begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('...closing ', uFirstPopup^.Widget.Name); {$ENDIF} TfpgPopupWindow(uFirstPopup^.Widget).Close; end; end; procedure PopupListAdd(pw: TfpgPopupWindow); var p: PPopupListRec; begin if pw = nil then Exit; //==> if uFirstPopup = nil then uOriginalFocusRoot := FocusRootWidget; FocusRootWidget := pw; New(p); p^.Widget := pw; p^.Next := nil; if uFirstPopup = nil then uFirstPopup := p else uLastPopup^.Next := p; uLastPopup := p; end; procedure PopupListRemove(pw: TfpgPopupWindow); var prevp: PPopupListRec; p: PPopupListRec; px: PPopupListRec; begin p := uFirstPopup; prevp := nil; while p <> nil do begin if p^.Widget = pw then begin if prevp = nil then uFirstPopup := p^.Next else prevp^.Next := p^.Next; if uLastPopup = p then uLastPopup := prevp; px := p; p := p^.Next; Dispose(px); end else begin prevp := p; p := p^.Next; end; end; if uLastPopup <> nil then FocusRootWidget := uLastPopup^.Widget else FocusRootWidget := uOriginalFocusRoot; end; function PopupListFirst: TfpgPopupWindow; begin if uFirstPopup <> nil then Result := uFirstPopup^.Widget else Result := nil; end; function PopupListFind(AWinHandle: TfpgWinHandle): TfpgPopupWindow; var p: PPopupListRec; begin p := uFirstPopup; while p <> nil do begin if p^.Widget.WinHandle = AWinHandle then begin Result := p^.Widget; Exit; //==> end; p := p^.Next; end; Result := nil; end; function PopupDontCloseWidget(AWidget: TfpgWidget): boolean; var p: PPopupListRec; begin Result := False; if AWidget = nil then Exit; //==> p := uFirstPopup; while p <> nil do begin if p^.Widget.DontCloseWidget = AWidget then begin Result := True; Exit; //==> end; p := p^.Next; end; end; { TfpgPopupWindow } procedure TfpgPopupWindow.SetPopupFrame(const AValue: boolean); begin if FPopupFrame <> AValue then begin FPopupFrame := AValue; ProcessPopupFrame; end; end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.MsgClose(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgPopupWindow.MsgClose [', Classname, ']'); {$ENDIF} HandleClose; end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.AdjustWindowStyle; begin inherited AdjustWindowStyle; // We could possibly change this later Exclude(FWindowAttributes, waSizeable); end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.HandleClose; begin DoOnClose; HandleHide; end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.ProcessPopupFrame; var i: integer; begin if PopupFrame then begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin if Components[i] is TfpgWidget then TfpgWidget(Components[i]).Anchors := [anRight, anBottom]; end; // make space for the frame HandleResize(Width+2, Height+2); UpdateWindowPosition; for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin if Components[i] is TfpgWidget then TfpgWidget(Components[i]).Anchors := [anLeft, anTop]; end; HandleResize(Width+2, Height+2); UpdateWindowPosition; Canvas.BeginDraw; DoPaintPopupFrame; Canvas.EndDraw; end; end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.DoPaintPopupFrame; var lColor: TfpgColor; begin lColor := fpgColorToRGB(BackgroundColor); Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); Canvas.SetColor(clWidgetFrame); Canvas.DrawRectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.SetColor(lColor); end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.DoOnClose; begin if Assigned(OnClose) then OnClose(self); end; constructor TfpgPopupWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); WindowType := wtPopup; FDontCloseWidget := nil; Parent := nil; FPopupFrame := False; end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.ShowAt(AWidget: TfpgWidget; x, y: TfpgCoord); var pt: TPoint; begin PopupListAdd(self); if AWidget <> nil then begin // translate coordinates - window to screen pt := WindowToScreen(AWidget, Point(x, y)); // reposition Left := pt.X; Top := pt.Y; end else begin // no translation needed, they are already in screen coordinates Left := x; Top := y; end; // and show HandleShow; end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.ShowAt(x, y: TfpgCoord); begin ShowAt(nil, x, y); end; procedure TfpgPopupWindow.Close; begin HandleClose; PopupListRemove(self); { TODO : Move this out to the GDI specific unit. } {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if uFirstPopup <> nil then uFirstPopup^.Widget.CaptureMouse; {$ENDIF} end; initialization uFirstPopup := nil; uLastPopup := nil; end.