{ Abstract: Methods and classes for loading translations/localizations from po files. Example 1: Load a specific .po file: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var PODirectory: String; begin PODirectory:='/path/to/languages/'; TranslateUnitResourceStrings('StrConsts',PODirectory+'gui.%s.po', 'nl',''); MessageDlg('Title','Text',mtInformation,[mbOk,mbCancel,mbYes],0); end; Example 2: Load the current language file using the GetLanguageIDs function of the gettext unit: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var PODirectory, Lang, FallbackLang: String; begin PODirectory:='/path/to/languages/'; GetLanguageIDs(Lang,FallbackLang); // in unit gettext TranslateUnitResourceStrings('StrConsts',PODirectory+'gui.%s.po', Lang,FallbackLang); MessageDlg('Title','Text',mtInformation,[mbOk,mbCancel,mbYes],0); end; } unit gfx_pofiles; {$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$INLINE ON} {.$Define DEBUG} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Contnrs, gfx_stringhashlist; type TPOFileItem = class(TObject) public Identifier: string; Original: string; Translation: string; constructor Create(const TheIdentifier, TheOriginal, TheTranslated: string); end; TPOFile = class(TObject) protected FItems: TFPList; // list of TPOFileItem FIdentifierToItem: TStringHashList; FOriginalToItem: TStringHashList; public constructor Create(const AFilename: string); constructor Create(AStream: TStream); destructor Destroy; override; procedure ReadPOText(const s: string); procedure Add(const Identifier, OriginalValue, TranslatedValue: string); function Translate(const Identifier, OriginalValue: string): string; procedure AppendFile(const AFilename: string); end; EPOFileError = class(Exception); var SystemCharSetIsUTF8: Boolean = True;// the fpGUI interfaces expect UTF-8 as default // if you don't use UTF-8, install a proper widestring manager and set this // to false. You're on your own then! // translate resource strings for one unit procedure TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, BaseFilename, Lang, FallbackLang: string); function TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, AFilename: string): boolean; function UTF8ToSystemCharSet(const s: string): string; {$ifndef MultiLocale} inline;{$endif} procedure DebugLn(const s1: string); procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: string); procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3: string); procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4: string); implementation uses gfx_UTF8utils; procedure DebugLn(const s1: string); begin { TODO : Improve this to work under Windows GUI apps as well.} writeln(s1); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: string); begin writeln(s1 + s2); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3: string); begin writeln(s1 + s2 + s3); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4: string); begin writeln(s1 + s2 + s3 + s4); end; procedure DumpExceptionBackTrace; var FrameCount: integer; Frames: PPointer; FrameNumber: integer; begin DebugLn(' Stack trace:'); DebugLn(BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptAddr)); FrameCount := ExceptFrameCount; Frames := ExceptFrames; for FrameNumber := 0 to FrameCount - 1 do DebugLn(BackTraceStrFunc(Frames[FrameNumber])); end; function UTF8ToSystemCharSet(const s: string): string; {$ifndef MultiLocale} inline; {$endif} begin if SystemCharSetIsUTF8 then Exit(s); {$IFDEF NoUTF8Translations} Result := s; {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF MultiLocale} Result := Utf8ToAnsi(s); {$ELSE} try if (LowerCase(GetDefaultCodepage) <> 'utf8') and (LowerCase(GetDefaultCodepage) <> 'utf-8') then Result := CPConvert(s, 'utf8', LowerCase(GetDefaultCodepage)) else Result := s; except Result := s; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef ver2_0} function Translate(Name, Value: ansistring; Hash: longint; arg: Pointer): ansistring; var po: TPOFile; begin po := TPOFile(arg); // get UTF8 string Result := po.Translate(Name, Value); // convert UTF8 to current local if Result <> '' then Result := UTF8ToSystemCharSet(Result); end; {$endif ver2_0} function TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, AFilename: string): boolean; var {$ifdef ver2_0} TableID, StringID, TableCount: integer; s: string; DefValue: string; {$endif ver2_0} po: TPOFile; lPath, lFile: string; lPos: integer; begin Result := False; //debugln('TranslateUnitResourceStrings) ResUnitName="',ResUnitName,'" AFilename="',AFilename,'"'); if {(ResUnitName = '') or} (AFilename = '') or (not FileExists(AFilename)) then Exit; try po := nil; // read .po file po := TPOFile.Create(AFilename); // Now append fpGUI translations lPath := ExtractFilePath(AFilename); lFile := ExtractFileName(AFilename); lPos := Pos('.', lFile); lFile := lPath + 'fpgui' + Copy(lFile, lPos, Length(lFile)-lPos+1); // writeln('lFile = ', lFile); po.AppendFile(lFile); try {$ifdef ver2_0} for TableID := 0 to ResourceStringTableCount - 1 do begin TableCount := ResourceStringCount(TableID); // check if this table belongs to the ResUnitName if TableCount = 0 then continue; s := GetResourceStringName(TableID, 0); if CompareText(ResUnitName + '.', LeftStr(s, length(ResUnitName) + 1)) <> 0 then continue; // translate all resource strings of the unit for StringID := 0 to TableCount - 1 do begin DefValue := GetResourceStringDefaultValue(TableID, StringID); // get UTF8 string s := po.Translate(GetResourceStringName(TableID, StringID), DefValue); if Length(s) > 0 then begin // convert UTF8 to current local s := UTF8ToSystemCharSet(s); SetResourceStringValue(TableID, StringID, s); end; end; end; {$else ver2_0} // SetUnitResourceStrings(ResUnitName, @Translate, po); SetResourceStrings(@Translate, po); {$endif ver2_0} finally po.Free; end; Result := True; except on e: Exception do begin DebugLn('Exception while translating ', ResUnitName); DebugLn(e.Message); DumpExceptionBackTrace; end; end; end; procedure TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, BaseFilename, Lang, FallbackLang: string); begin if {(ResUnitName = '') or} (BaseFilename = '') then Exit; //debugln('TranslateUnitResourceStrings BaseFilename="',BaseFilename,'"'); if (FallbackLang <> '') then TranslateUnitResourceStrings(ResUnitName, Format(BaseFilename, [FallbackLang])); if (Lang <> '') then TranslateUnitResourceStrings(ResUnitName, Format(BaseFilename, [Lang])); end; { TPOFile } constructor TPOFile.Create(const AFilename: string); var f: TStream; begin f := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead); try Self.Create(f); finally f.Free; end; end; constructor TPOFile.Create(AStream: TStream); var Size: integer; s: string; begin inherited Create; FItems := TFPList.Create; FIdentifierToItem := TStringHashList.Create(False); FOriginalToItem := TStringHashList.Create(True); Size := AStream.Size - AStream.Position; if Size <= 0 then Exit; //==> SetLength(s, Size); AStream.Read(s[1], Size); ReadPOText(s); end; destructor TPOFile.Destroy; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do TObject(FItems[i]).Free; FItems.Free; FIdentifierToItem.Free; FOriginalToItem.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TPOFile.ReadPOText(const s: string); { Read a .po file. Structure: Example #: lazarusidestrconsts:lisdonotshowsplashscreen msgid " Do not show splash screen" msgstr "" } const sCommentIdentifier: PChar = '#: '; sMsgID: PChar = 'msgid "'; sMsgStr: PChar = 'msgstr "'; var l: integer; LineLen: integer; p: PChar; LineStart: PChar; LineEnd: PChar; Identifier: string; MsgID: string; MsgStr: string; TextEnd: PChar; begin if s = '' then Exit; //==> l := Length(s); p := PChar(s); LineStart := p; TextEnd := p + l; while LineStart < TextEnd do begin LineEnd := LineStart; while (not (LineEnd^ in [#0, #10, #13])) do Inc(LineEnd); LineLen := LineEnd - LineStart; if LineLen > 0 then if CompareMem(LineStart, sCommentIdentifier, 3) then Identifier := copy(s, LineStart - p + 4, LineLen - 3) else if CompareMem(LineStart, sMsgID, 7) then MsgID := UTF8CStringToUTF8String(LineStart + 7, LineLen - 8) else if CompareMem(LineStart, sMsgStr, 8) then begin //MsgStr:=copy(s,LineStart-p+9,LineLen-9); MsgStr := UTF8CStringToUTF8String(LineStart + 8, LineLen - 9); Add(Identifier, MsgID, MsgStr); end; LineStart := LineEnd + 1; while (LineStart < TextEnd) and (LineStart^ in [#10, #13]) do Inc(LineStart); end; end; procedure TPOFile.Add(const Identifier, OriginalValue, TranslatedValue: string); var Item: TPOFileItem; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TPOFile.Add: ' + Identifier + ' | ' + OriginalValue + ' | ' + TranslatedValue); {$ENDIF} if (TranslatedValue = '') then Exit; //==> Item := TPOFileItem.Create(Identifier, OriginalValue, TranslatedValue); FItems.Add(Item); FIdentifierToItem.Add(Identifier, Item); FOriginalToItem.Add(OriginalValue, Item); end; function TPOFile.Translate(const Identifier, OriginalValue: string): string; var Item: TPOFileItem; s: string; begin s := StringReplace(Identifier, '.', ':', []); {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TPOFile.Translate: ' + s + '(' + Identifier + ') | ' + OriginalValue); {$ENDIF} Item := TPOFileItem(FIdentifierToItem.Data[s]); if Item = nil then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(' identifier lookup failed, trying original value'); {$ENDIF} Item := TPOFileItem(FOriginalToItem.Data[OriginalValue]); end; if Item <> nil then begin Result := Item.Translation; if Result = '' then raise Exception.Create('TPOFile.Translate Inconsistency'); end else begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(' OriginalValue lookup failed, defaulting to original value'); {$ENDIF} Result := OriginalValue; end; end; procedure TPOFile.AppendFile(const AFilename: string); var Size: integer; s: string; f: TStream; begin // Now fpGUI translation if (AFilename = '') or (not FileExists(AFilename)) then Exit; f := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead); try s := ''; Size := f.Size - f.Position; if Size <= 0 then Exit; //==> SetLength(s, Size); f.Read(s[1], Size); ReadPOText(s); finally f.Free; end; end; { TPOFileItem } constructor TPOFileItem.Create(const TheIdentifier, TheOriginal, TheTranslated: string); begin Identifier := TheIdentifier; Original := TheOriginal; Translation := TheTranslated; end; end.