{ BMP format image parser } unit gfx_imgfmt_bmp; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpgfx, gfxbase{, fpcanvas}; procedure ReadImage_BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword); function LoadImage_BMP(const AFileName: String): TfpgImage; function CreateImage_BMP(bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword): TfpgImage; implementation function CreateImage_BMP(bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword): TfpgImage; begin Result := TfpgImage.Create; ReadImage_BMP(Result, bmp, bmpsize); end; function LoadImage_BMP(const AFileName: String): TfpgImage; var AFile: file of char; AImageData: Pointer; AImageDataSize: integer; begin Result := nil; if not FileExists(AFileName) then Exit; //==> AssignFile(AFile, AFileName); FileMode := fmOpenRead; // read-only Reset(AFile); AImageDataSize := FileSize(AFile); AImageData := nil; GetMem(AImageData, AImageDataSize); try BlockRead(AFile, AImageData^, AImageDataSize); Result := TfpgImage.Create; ReadImage_BMP(Result, AImageData, AImageDataSize); finally CloseFile(AFile); FreeMem(AImageData); end; end; type // Windows BMP format description: // Below is the exact order how how information is stored in a BMP file. TBMPHeaderRec = packed record signature: word; filesize: longword; reserved: longword; dataoffset: longword; end; PBMPHeaderRec = ^TBMPHeaderRec; TBMPInfoHeaderRec = packed record headersize: longword; // = 40 Width: longword; Height: longword; planes: word; bitcount: word; compression: longword; imagesize: longword; // bytes in the image data (after the color table) XpixelsPerM: longword; YpixelsPerM: longword; ColorsUsed: longword; ColorsImportant: longword; end; PBMPInfoHeaderRec = ^TBMPInfoHeaderRec; // Then follows the Color Table if bitcount <= 8 TBMPColorTableRec = packed record red: byte; green: byte; blue: byte; reserved: byte; end; // Then follows the image data // Every line padded to 32 bits // The lines stored bottom-up procedure ReadImage_BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword); var bh: PBMPHeaderRec; ih: PBMPInfoHeaderRec; p: PByte; ppal: plongword; pcol: Plongword; palsize: integer; pdata: PByte; b: byte; bit: byte; bcnt: byte; linecnt: integer; pixelcnt: integer; pdest: Plongword; depth: integer; function GetPalColor(cindex: longword): longword; var pc: Plongword; begin pc := ppal; Inc(pc, cindex); Result := pc^; end; begin if img = nil then Exit; //==> img.FreeImage; p := bmp; PByte(bh) := p; ppal := nil; if bh^.filesize <> bmpsize then Exit; //==> pdata := bmp; Inc(pdata, bh^.dataoffset); Inc(p, SizeOf(TBMPHeaderRec)); PByte(ih) := p; depth := ih^.bitcount; if depth > 1 then img.AllocateImage(32, ih^.Width, ih^.Height)// color image else begin img.AllocateImage(1, ih^.Width, ih^.Height); img.AllocateMask; end; //Writeln('width: ',img.width,' height: ',img.height,' depth: ',depth); //Writeln('compression: ',ih^.compression); Inc(p, SizeOf(TBMPInfoHeaderRec)); if ih^.bitcount <= 8 then begin // reading color palette case ih^.bitcount of 1: palsize := 2; 4: palsize := 16; else palsize := 256; end; GetMem(ppal, palsize * SizeOf(longword)); pcol := ppal; pixelcnt := 0; while (p) < (pdata) do begin pcol^ := Plongword(p)^; //Writeln('color: ',HexStr(pcol^,8)); Inc(pcol); Inc(Plongword(p)); Inc(pixelcnt); end; //writeln(pixelcnt,' colors loaded.'); end; pdest := img.ImageData; Inc(pdest, img.Width * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order p := bmp; Inc(p, bh^.dataoffset); // reading the data... case ih^.bitcount of 1: begin // direct line transfer //writeln('reading 1-bit color bitmap'); linecnt := 0; bcnt := img.Width div 32; if (img.Width and $1F) > 0 then Inc(bcnt); pdest := img.ImageData; Inc(pdest, bcnt * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order repeat move(p^, pdest^, bcnt * 4); Inc(p, bcnt * 4); Dec(pdest, bcnt); Inc(linecnt); until linecnt >= img.Height; //Writeln(linecnt,' lines loaded.'); move(img.ImageData^, img.MaskData^, img.ImageDataSize); img.Invert; end; 4: begin //writeln('reading 4-bit color'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. bit := 0; pixelcnt := 0; bcnt := 0; repeat if bit = 0 then b := (p^ shr 4) and $0F else begin b := p^ and $0F; Inc(p); Inc(bcnt); end; pdest^ := GetPalColor(b); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); bit := bit xor 1; until pixelcnt >= img.Width; while (bcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(bcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; 8: begin //writeln('reading 8-bit color'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. pixelcnt := 0; repeat pdest^ := GetPalColor(p^); Inc(p); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); until pixelcnt >= img.Width; while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(pixelcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; 24: begin //writeln('reading truecolor'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. pixelcnt := 0; repeat pdest^ := p^; Inc(p); pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 8); Inc(p); pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 16); Inc(p); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); until pixelcnt >= img.Width; pixelcnt := img.Width * 3; while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(pixelcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; else writeln('Unsupported BMP format!'); end; if ppal <> nil then FreeMem(ppal); img.UpdateImage; end; end.