{ Constants used throughout fpGUI will be defined here. This includes language constants for localization. You only need to changes these defines if you want the default fpGUI language to be something other than English. Soon the lang_*.inc files will be auto generated from the actual *.po files. At which point only the .po files need to be maintained. } unit gfx_constants; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses gfxbase; resourcestring { Define Compiler language symbol (eg: de for German) to include the correct language resource file otherwise the Default (English) resource file will be used. } {.$DEFINE de} // German {.$DEFINE ru} // Russian {.$DEFINE fr} // French {.$DEFINE pt} // Portuguese (Brazil) {.$DEFINE af} // Afrikaans {.$DEFINE it} // Italian {.$DEFINE es} // Spanish {$IF defined(de)} {$I lang_german.inc} {$ELSEIF defined(ru)} {$I lang_russian.inc} {$ELSEIF defined(fr)} {$I lang_french.inc} {$ELSEIF defined(pt)} {$I lang_portuguese.inc} {$ELSEIF defined(af)} {$I lang_afrikaans.inc} {$ELSEIF defined(it)} {$I lang_italian.inc} {$ELSEIF defined(es)} {$I lang_spanish.inc} {$ELSE} {$I lang_english.inc} {$IFEND} { This is so that when we support LTR and RTL languages, the colon will be added at the correct place. } function fpgAddColon(const AText: TfpgString): TfpgString; implementation function fpgAddColon(const AText: TfpgString): TfpgString; begin { TODO : Check language direction and add colon at appropriate end. } result := AText + ':'; end; end.