unit gfx_gdi; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$Define Debug} interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase; { Constants missing on windows unit } const WM_MOUSEWHEEL = $020a; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE = 3; { Unicode selection variables } var UnicodeEnabledOS: Boolean; WinVersion: TOSVersionInfo; type TfpgWinHandle = HWND; TfpgGContext = HDC; type TfpgWindowImpl = class; TfpgFontResourceImpl = class(TfpgFontResourceBase) private FFontData: HFONT; FMetrics: Windows.TEXTMETRIC; protected function OpenFontByDesc(const desc: string): HFONT; property Handle: HFONT read FFontData; public constructor Create(const afontdesc: string); destructor Destroy; override; function HandleIsValid: boolean; function GetAscent: integer; override; function GetDescent: integer; override; function GetHeight: integer; override; function GetTextWidth(const txt: string): integer; override; end; TfpgFontImpl = class(TfpgFontBase) end; TfpgImageImpl = class(TfpgImageBase) private FBMPHandle: HBITMAP; FMaskHandle: HBITMAP; FIsTwoColor: boolean; property BMPHandle: HBITMAP read FBMPHandle; property MaskHandle: HBITMAP read FMaskHandle; protected procedure DoFreeImage; override; procedure DoInitImage(acolordepth, awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); override; procedure DoInitImageMask(awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); override; public constructor Create; end; TfpgCanvasImpl = class(TfpgCanvasBase) private FDrawing: boolean; FBufferBitmap: HBitmap; FDrawWindow: TfpgWindowImpl; Fgc: TfpgGContext; FWinGC: TfpgGContext; FBackgroundColor: TfpgColor; FCurFontRes: TfpgFontResourceImpl; FClipRect: TfpgRect; FClipRectSet: Boolean; FWindowsColor: longword; FBrush: HBRUSH; FPen: HPEN; FClipRegion: HRGN; FIntLineStyle: integer; protected procedure DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase); override; procedure DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle); override; procedure DoGetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); override; procedure DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoXORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); override; procedure DoDrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); override; procedure DoSetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); override; function DoGetClipRect: TfpgRect; override; procedure DoAddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); override; procedure DoClearClipRect; override; procedure DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean); override; procedure DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoEndDraw; override; function GetPixel(X, Y: integer): TfpgColor; override; procedure SetPixel(X, Y: integer; const AValue: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); override; procedure DoFillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); override; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; end; { TfpgWindowImpl } TfpgWindowImpl = class(TfpgWindowBase) private FMouseInWindow: boolean; function DoMouseEnterLeaveCheck(AWindow: TfpgWindowImpl; uMsg, wParam, lParam: Cardinal): Boolean; protected FWinHandle: TfpgWinHandle; FModalForWin: TfpgWindowImpl; FWinStyle: longword; FWinStyleEx: longword; FParentWinHandle: TfpgWinHandle; procedure DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: TfpgWindowBase); override; procedure DoReleaseWindowHandle; override; procedure DoSetWindowVisible(const AValue: Boolean); override; function HandleIsValid: boolean; override; procedure DoUpdateWindowPosition(aleft, atop, awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoMoveWindow(const x: TfpgCoord; const y: TfpgCoord); override; function DoWindowToScreen(ASource: TfpgWindowBase; const AScreenPos: TPoint): TPoint; override; //procedure MoveToScreenCenter; override; procedure DoSetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); override; procedure DoSetMouseCursor; override; property WinHandle: TfpgWinHandle read FWinHandle; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure CaptureMouse; override; procedure ReleaseMouse; override; end; TfpgApplicationImpl = class(TfpgApplicationBase) protected FDisplay: HDC; WindowClass: TWndClass; WidgetClass: TWndClass; hcr_default: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_ew: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_ns: HCURSOR; hcr_edit: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_nwse: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_nesw: HCURSOR; hcr_move: HCURSOR; hcr_crosshair: HCURSOR; hcr_wait: HCURSOR; FFocusedWindow: THANDLE; LastClickWindow: TfpgWinHandle; // double click generation LastWinClickTime: longword; public constructor Create(const aparams: string); override; function DoMessagesPending: boolean; procedure DoWaitWindowMessage(atimeoutms: integer); procedure DoFlush; function GetScreenWidth: TfpgCoord; function GetScreenHeight: TfpgCoord; property Display: HDC read FDisplay; end; implementation uses {$Note Remove the dependency on gfx_widget and gfx_form units.} fpgfx, gfx_widget, gui_form, // remove this!!!!! gfx_UTF8Utils, math; var wapplication: TfpgApplication; MouseFocusedWH: HWND; // some required keyboard functions {$INCLUDE gdikeys.inc} function fpgColorToWin(col: TfpgColor): longword; var c: dword; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(col); //swapping bytes (Red and Blue colors) Result := ((c and $FF0000) shr 16) or ((c and $0000FF) shl 16) or (c and $00FF00); end; function WinColorTofpgColor(col: longword): TfpgColor; begin //swapping bytes Result := fpgColorToWin(col); end; function GetMyWidgetFromHandle(wh: TfpgWinHandle): TfpgWidget; begin if (wh <> 0) and (MainInstance = longword(GetWindowLong(wh, GWL_HINSTANCE))) then Result := TfpgWidget(Windows.GetWindowLong(wh, GWL_USERDATA)) else Result := nil; end; { Use CenterPoint to get the Center-Point of any rectangle. It is primarily for use with, and in, other routines such as Quadrant, and RadialPoint. } function CenterPoint(Rect: TRect): TPoint; var Tmp: Longint; begin with Rect do begin if Right < Left then begin Tmp := Right; Right := Left; Left := Tmp; end; if Bottom < Top then begin Tmp := Bottom; Bottom := Top; Top := Tmp; end; Result.X := Left + (Right - Left) div 2; Result.Y := Top + (Bottom - Top) div 2; end; end; { Use LineEndPoint to get the End-Point of a line of any given Length at any given angle with any given Start-Point. It is primarily for use in other routines such as RadialPoint. The angle is in 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } function LineEndPoint(StartPoint: TPoint; Angle, Length: Extended): TPoint; begin if Angle > 360*16 then Angle := Frac(Angle / 360*16) * 360*16; if Angle < 0 then Angle := 360*16 - abs(Angle); Result.Y := StartPoint.Y - Round(Length*Sin(DegToRad(Angle/16))); Result.X := StartPoint.X + Round(Length*Cos(DegToRad(Angle/16))); end; { Use EllipseRadialLength to get the Radial-Length of non-rotated ellipse at any given Eccentric( aka Radial ) Angle. It is primarily for use in other routines such as RadialPoint. The Eccentric angle is in 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } function EllipseRadialLength(Rect: TRect; EccentricAngle: Extended): Longint; var a, b, R: Extended; begin a := (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) div 2; b := (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) div 2; R := Sqr(a)*Sqr(b); R := Sqrt(R / ((Sqr(b)*Sqr(Cos(DegToRad(EccentricAngle/16)))) + (Sqr(a)*Sqr(Sin(DegToRad(EccentricAngle/16)))))); Result := integer(Trunc(R)); end; { Use RadialPoint to get the Radial-Point at any given Eccentric( aka Radial ) angle on any non-rotated ellipse. It is primarily for use in Angles2Coords. The EccentricAngle is in 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } function RadialPoint(EccentricAngle: Extended; Rect: TRect): TPoint; var R: Longint; Begin R := EllipseRadialLength(Rect, EccentricAngle); Result := LineEndPoint(CenterPoint(Rect), EccentricAngle, R); end; { Use Angles2Coords to convert an Eccentric(aka Radial) Angle and an Angle-Length, such as are used in X-Windows and GTK, into the coords, for Start and End Radial-Points, such as are used in the Windows API Arc Pie and Chord routines. The angles are 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Positive values of Angle and AngleLength mean counter-clockwise while negative values mean clockwise direction. Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } procedure Angles2Coords(X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; Angle1, Angle2: Extended; var SX, SY, EX, EY: Integer); var aRect: TRect; SP, EP: TPoint; begin aRect := Classes.Rect(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); SP := RadialPoint(Angle1, aRect); if Angle2 + Angle1 > 360*16 then Angle2 := (Angle2 + Angle1) - 360*16 else Angle2 := Angle2 + Angle1; EP := RadialPoint(Angle2, aRect); SX := SP.X; SY := SP.Y; EX := EP.X; EY := EP.Y; end; (* procedure SendMouseMessage(wg : TWidget; msg : UINT; button : integer; wParam : WPARAM; lParam : LPARAM); var p3 : integer; x,y : integer; wwg : TWidget; pwg : TWidget; h : THANDLE; pt : TPOINT; begin x := SmallInt(lParam and $FFFF); y := SmallInt((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16); p3 := button shl 8; if (wParam and MK_CONTROL) <> 0 then p3 := p3 or ss_control; if (wParam and MK_SHIFT) <> 0 then p3 := p3 or ss_shift; wwg := wg; if (PopupListFirst <> nil) then begin if wg = nil then Writeln('wg is NIL !!!'); pt.x := x; pt.y := y; ClientToScreen(wg.WinHandle, pt); //Writeln('click x=',pt.X,' y=',pt.y); h := WindowFromPoint(pt); wwg := GetMyWidgetFromHandle(h); // if wwg <> nil then writeln('widget ok.'); pwg := wwg; while (pwg <> nil) and (pwg.Parent <> nil) do pwg := pwg.Parent; if ((pwg = nil) or (PopupListFind(pwg.WinHandle) = nil)) and (not PopupDontCloseWidget(wwg)) and ((msg = MSG_MOUSEDOWN) or (msg = MSG_MOUSEUP)) then begin ClosePopups; SendMessage(nil, wwg, MSG_POPUPCLOSE, 0, 0, 0 ); end; // sending the message... if wwg <> nil then begin ScreenToClient(wwg.WinHandle, pt); x := pt.x; y := pt.y; end; end; if ptkTopModalForm <> nil then begin pwg := WidgetParentForm(wwg); if (pwg <> nil) and (ptkTopModalForm <> pwg) then wwg := nil; end; if wwg <> nil then begin if (Msg = MSG_MOUSEDOWN) and (PopupListFirst = nil) then begin SetCapture(wwg.WinHandle); end else if (Msg = MSG_MOUSEUP) and (PopupListFirst = nil) then begin ReleaseCapture(); end; SendMessage(nil, wwg, Msg, x, y, p3); end; end; *) function fpgWindowProc(hwnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; var w: TfpgWindowImpl; kwg: TfpgWidget; mw: TfpgWindowImpl; kcode: integer; i: integer; sstate: integer; h: THANDLE; p: PChar; pt: TPOINT; r: TRECT; blockmsg: boolean; msgp: TfpgMessageParams; mcode: integer; wmsg: TMsg; PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; begin if uMsg = WM_CREATE then begin w := TfpgWindowImpl(PCreateStruct(lParam)^.lpCreateParams); w.FWinHandle := hwnd; // this is very important, because number of messages sent // before the createwindow returns the window handle Windows.SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, longword(w)); end; w := TfpgWindowImpl(Windows.GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA)); Result := 0; if not Assigned(w) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('Unable to detect Windows - using DefWindowProc'); {$ENDIF} Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); Exit; //==> end; blockmsg := False; fillchar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0); case uMsg of WM_CHAR, WM_KEYUP, WM_KEYDOWN: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('wm_char, wm_keyup, wm_keydown'); {$ENDIF} kwg := FindKeyboardFocus; if kwg <> nil then w := kwg; msgp.keyboard.shiftstate := GetKeyboardShiftState; msgp.keyboard.keycode := VirtKeyToKeycode(wParam); if uMsg = WM_KEYDOWN then begin fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYPRESS, msgp); // generating WM_CHAR fillchar(wmsg, sizeof(wmsg), 0); wmsg.hwnd := hwnd; wmsg.message := uMsg; wmsg.wParam := wParam; wmsg.lParam := lParam; Windows.TranslateMessage(@wmsg); // TranslateMessage sends WM_CHAR ocassionally // but NOBODY KNOWS WHEN! if (wParam = $2e {VK_DELETE}) then begin msgp.keyboard.keychar := #127; msgp.keyboard.keycode := 0; fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYCHAR, msgp); end; // lets generate the FPGM_KEYCHAR for some special keys // based on this table of Windows virtual keys // case wParam of // $70..$7B, // F1..F12 // $21..$24, // home, end, pageup, pagedn // $2D..$2E, // insert, delete // $25..$28: // arrows // begin // msgp.keyboard.keycode := kcode or $FF00; // scan code + $FF00 // fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYCHAR, msgp); // end; // end; end else if uMsg = WM_KEYUP then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYRELEASE, msgp) else if uMsg = WM_CHAR then begin msgp.keyboard.keychar := Chr(wParam); fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYCHAR, msgp); end; end; WM_SETCURSOR: begin // {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} //Writeln('Hittest: ',IntToHex((lParam and $FFFF),4)); if (lParam and $FFFF) <= 1 then begin w.DoSetMouseCursor; // ptkSetMouseCursor(wg.WinHandle, wg.MouseCursor); end // else Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP: begin // {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} // {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('Mouse Move or Button Click'); {$ENDIF} msgp.mouse.x := smallint(lParam and $FFFF); msgp.mouse.y := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16); (* if (wapplication.TopModalForm <> nil) then begin mw := nil; mw := TfpgWindowImpl(WidgetParentForm(TfpgWidget(w))); if (mw <> nil) and (wapplication.TopModalForm <> mw) then blockmsg := True; end; *) // Writeln('blockmsg ', blockmsg); if not blockmsg then begin // writeln(' we are continueing the event processing...'); case uMsg of WM_MOUSEMOVE: mcode := FPGM_MOUSEMOVE; WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDOWN: mcode := FPGM_MOUSEDOWN; WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONUP: mcode := FPGM_MOUSEUP; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: mcode := FPGM_DOUBLECLICK; else mcode := 0; end; case uMsg of WM_MOUSEMOVE: begin i := 0; if (wParam and MK_LBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_LEFT; if (wParam and MK_RBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_RIGHT; if (wParam and MK_MBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_MIDDLE; msgp.mouse.Buttons := i; end; WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: msgp.mouse.Buttons := MOUSE_LEFT; WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP: msgp.mouse.Buttons := MOUSE_RIGHT; end; msgp.mouse.shiftstate := GetKeyboardShiftState; if uMsg = WM_MouseMove then w.DoMouseEnterLeaveCheck(w, uMsg, wParam, lParam); if mcode <> 0 then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, mcode, msgp); end; { if blockmsg } end; WM_SIZE: begin // note that WM_SIZING allows some control on sizeing //writeln('WM_SIZE: wp=',IntToHex(wparam,8), ' lp=',IntToHex(lparam,8)); msgp.rect.Width := smallint(lParam and $FFFF); msgp.rect.Height := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16); {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('WM_SIZE: width=',msgp.rect.width, ' height=',msgp.rect.height); {$ENDIF} // skip minimize... if lparam <> 0 then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_RESIZE, msgp); end; WM_MOVE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('WM_MOVE'); {$ENDIF} // window decoration correction ... if (GetWindowLong(w.WinHandle, GWL_STYLE) and WS_CHILD) = 0 then begin GetWindowRect(w.WinHandle, r); msgp.rect.Left := r.Left; msgp.rect.top := r.Top; end else begin msgp.rect.Left := smallint(lParam and $FFFF); msgp.rect.Top := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16); end; fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_MOVE, msgp); end; WM_MOUSEWHEEL: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('WM_MOUSEWHEEL: wp=',IntToHex(wparam,8), ' lp=',IntToHex(lparam,8)); {$ENDIF} pt.x := LoWord(lparam); pt.y := HiWord(lparam); mw := nil; h := WindowFromPoint(pt); if h > 0 then // get window mouse is hovering over mw := TfpgWindowImpl(Windows.GetWindowLong(h, GWL_USERDATA)); if mw <> nil then begin msgp.mouse.x := pt.x; msgp.mouse.y := pt.y; msgp.mouse.delta := SmallInt(HiWord(wParam)) div -120; i := 0; if (wParam and MK_LBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_LEFT; if (wParam and MK_RBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_RIGHT; if (wParam and MK_MBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_MIDDLE; msgp.mouse.Buttons := i; msgp.mouse.shiftstate := GetKeyboardShiftState; fpgSendMessage(nil, mw, FPGM_SCROLL, msgp) end; end; WM_ACTIVATE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('WM_ACTIVATE'); {$ENDIF} if ((wParam and $FFFF) = WA_INACTIVE) then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_DEACTIVATE) else fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_ACTIVATE); end; WM_TIMER: begin // writeln('WM_TIMER'); // used for event wait timeout Result := 0; end; WM_NCACTIVATE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('WM_NCACTIVATE'); {$ENDIF} if (wapplication.TopModalForm <> nil) then begin if (wParam = 0) and (wapplication.TopModalForm = w) then begin blockmsg := true; end else if (wParam <> 0) and (wapplication.TopModalForm <> w) then begin blockmsg := true; end; end; {$Note Complete this!} // if (PopupListFirst <> nil) and (PopupListFirst.Visible) then // blockmsg := True; if not blockmsg then Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; WM_CLOSE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('WM_Close'); {$ENDIF} fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_CLOSE, msgp); end; WM_PAINT: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('WM_PAINT'); {$ENDIF} Windows.BeginPaint(w.WinHandle, @PaintStruct); fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_PAINT, msgp); Windows.EndPaint(w.WinHandle, @PaintStruct); end; else Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; end; { TfpgApplicationImpl } constructor TfpgApplicationImpl.Create(const aparams: string); begin FIsInitialized := False; FDisplay := Windows.GetDC(0); with WindowClass do begin style := CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW or CS_OWNDC or CS_DBLCLKS; lpfnWndProc := WndProc(@fpgWindowProc); hInstance := MainInstance; hIcon := LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW); hbrBackground := 0; //COLOR_WINDOW; lpszClassName := 'FPGWIN'; end; Windows.RegisterClass(@WindowClass); with WidgetClass do begin style := CS_OWNDC or CS_DBLCLKS; lpfnWndProc := WndProc(@fpgWindowProc); hInstance := MainInstance; hIcon := 0; hCursor := 0; hbrBackground := 0; //COLOR_BACKGROUND; lpszClassName := 'FPGWIDGET'; end; Windows.RegisterClass(@WidgetClass); hcr_default := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW); hcr_dir_ew := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZEWE); hcr_dir_ns := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENS); hcr_edit := LoadCursor(0, IDC_IBEAM); hcr_dir_nwse := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENWSE); hcr_dir_nesw := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENESW); hcr_move := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZEALL); hcr_crosshair := LoadCursor(0, IDC_CROSS); hcr_wait := LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT); FIsInitialized := True; wapplication := TfpgApplication(self); end; function TfpgApplicationImpl.DoMessagesPending: boolean; var Msg: TMsg; begin Result := Windows.PeekMessageW(@Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); end; procedure TfpgApplicationImpl.DoWaitWindowMessage(atimeoutms: integer); var Msg: TMsg; timerid: longword; ltimerWnd: HWND; mp: boolean; begin timerid := 0; ltimerWnd := TfpgWindowImpl(wapplication.MainForm).WinHandle; if (atimeoutms >= 0) and (not DoMessagesPending) then begin if atimeoutms > 0 then timerid := Windows.SetTimer(ltimerWnd, 1, atimeoutms, nil) else Exit; // handling waiting timeout end; {$Note Incorporate Felipe's code from previous fpGUI in here. It handles WinCE and Windows just fine. } if (GetVersion() < $80000000) then Windows.GetMessageW(@Msg, 0, 0, 0) //NT else Windows.GetMessage(@Msg, 0, 0, 0); //Win98 Windows.DispatchMessage(@msg); if timerid <> 0 then Windows.KillTimer(ltimerWnd, 1); // same IDEvent as used in SetTimer end; procedure TfpgApplicationImpl.DoFlush; begin GdiFlush; end; function TfpgApplicationImpl.GetScreenWidth: TfpgCoord; var r: TRECT; begin GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow, r); Result := r.Right - r.Left; end; function TfpgApplicationImpl.GetScreenHeight: TfpgCoord; var r: TRECT; begin GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow, r); Result := r.Bottom - r.Top; end; { TfpgWindowImpl } function TfpgWindowImpl.DoMouseEnterLeaveCheck(AWindow: TfpgWindowImpl; uMsg, wParam, lParam: Cardinal): Boolean; //---------------------- function CursorInDifferentWindow: Boolean; var pt: Windows.POINT; begin pt.x := LoWord(lParam); pt.y := HiWord(lParam); // only WM_MOUSEWHEEL uses screen coordinates!!! if uMsg <> WM_MOUSEWHEEL then Windows.ClientToScreen(FWinHandle, @pt); Result := WindowFromPoint(pt) <> FWinHandle; end; var pt: Windows.POINT; // Event: TFEvent; msgp: TfpgMessageParams; begin FillChar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0); if not FMouseInWindow then begin FMouseInWindow := True; // DoSetCursor; Windows.SetCapture(FWinHandle); //Event := TFEvent.Create; //try //Event.lParam := lParam; //Event.EventType := etMouseEnter; //ProcessEvent(Event); //finally //Event.Free; //end; fpgSendMessage(nil, AWindow, FPGM_MOUSEENTER, msgp); Result := uMsg <> WM_MOUSEMOVE; end else begin pt.x := LoWord(lParam); pt.y := HiWord(lParam); if uMsg = WM_MOUSEWHEEL then Windows.ScreenToClient(FWinHandle, @pt); // we should change the Width and Height to ClientWidth, ClientHeight if (pt.x < 0) or (pt.y < 0) or (pt.x >= Width) or (pt.y >= Height) or CursorInDifferentWindow then FMouseInWindow := False; if {(not FHasMouseCapture) and} (not FMouseInWindow) then begin Windows.ReleaseCapture; //Event := TFEvent.Create; //try //Event.EventType := etMouseLeave; //ProcessEvent(Event); //finally //Event.Free; //end; msgp.mouse.x := LoWord(lParam); msgp.mouse.y := HiWord(lParam); fpgSendMessage(nil, AWindow, FPGM_MOUSEEXIT, msgp); Result := False; end else Result := True; end; end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: TfpgWindowBase); var wcname: string; wname: string; mid: dword; rwidth: integer; rheight: integer; r: TRect; begin if FWinHandle > 0 then Exit; //==> FWinStyle := WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; FWinStyleEx := WS_EX_APPWINDOW; mid := 0; wcname := 'FPGWIN'; if aparent <> nil then FParentWinHandle := TfpgWindowImpl(AParent).WinHandle else FParentWinHandle := 0; if FWindowType = wtChild then begin FWinStyle := WS_CHILD; FWinStyleEx := 0; mid := 1; wcname := 'FPGWIDGET'; end else if FWindowType in [wtPopup] then begin FWinStyle := WS_POPUP; FWinStyleEx := WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; end; if FWindowType = wtModalForm then begin // for modal windows, this is necessary FWinStyle := WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW or WS_POPUPWINDOW; FWinStyle := FWinStyle and not (WS_MINIMIZEBOX); FWinStyleEx := 0; end; AdjustWindowStyle; if waAutoPos in FWindowAttributes then begin FLeft := TfpgCoord(CW_USEDEFAULT); FTop := TfpgCoord(CW_USEDEFAULT); end; if (FWindowType <> wtChild) and not (waSizeable in FWindowAttributes) then FWinStyle := FWinStyle and not (WS_SIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_MINIMIZEBOX); FWinStyle := FWinStyle or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; wname := ''; rwidth := FWidth; rheight := FHeight; if (FWinStyle and WS_CHILD) = 0 then begin r.Left := FLeft; r.Top := FTop; r.Right := FLeft + FWidth; r.Bottom := FTop + FHeight; AdjustWindowRectEx(r, FWinStyle, False, FWinStyleEx); rwidth := r.Right - r.Left; rheight := r.Bottom - r.Top; end; FWinHandle := Windows.CreateWindowEx( FWinStyleEx, // extended window style PChar(wcname), // registered class name PChar(wname), // window name FWinStyle, // window style FLeft, // horizontal position of window FTop, // vertical position of window rwidth, // window width rheight, // window height FParentWinHandle, // handle to parent or owner window mid, // menu handle or child identifier MainInstance, // handle to application instance Self // window-creation data ); if waScreenCenterPos in FWindowAttributes then begin FLeft := (wapplication.ScreenWidth - FWidth) div 2; FTop := (wapplication.ScreenHeight - FHeight) div 2; DoMoveWindow(FLeft, FTop); end; // the forms require some adjustments before the Window appears SetWindowParameters; end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoReleaseWindowHandle; begin if FWinHandle <= 0 then Exit; Windows.DestroyWindow(FWinHandle); FWinHandle := 0; end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoSetWindowVisible(const AValue: Boolean); var r: TRect; begin if AValue then begin BringWindowToTop(FWinHandle); if FWindowType in [wtPopup] then Windows.ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE) else Windows.ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_SHOWNORMAL); if (waAutoPos in FWindowAttributes) or (waScreenCenterPos in FWindowAttributes) then begin GetWindowRect(FWinHandle, r); FLeft := r.Left; FTop := r.Top; end; Windows.UpdateWindow(FWinHandle); end else Windows.ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_HIDE); end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoMoveWindow(const x: TfpgCoord; const y: TfpgCoord); begin if HandleIsValid then Windows.SetWindowPos( WinHandle, HWND_TOP, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOSIZE);// or SWP_NOREDRAW); end; function TfpgWindowImpl.DoWindowToScreen(ASource: TfpgWindowBase; const AScreenPos: TPoint): TPoint; begin if not HandleIsValid then Exit; //==> Result.X := AScreenPos.X; Result.Y := AScreenPos.Y; ClientToScreen(TfpgWindowImpl(ASource).WinHandle, Result); end; { procedure TfpgWindowImpl.MoveToScreenCenter; var r : TRECT; begin GetWindowRect(WinHandle, r); FLeft := (wapplication.ScreenWidth-(r.Right - r.Left)) div 2; FTop := (wapplication.ScreenHeight-(r.Bottom - r.Top)) div 2; MoveWindow(FLeft,FTop); end; } procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoSetWindowTitle(const atitle: string); begin {$ifdef wince} Windows.SetWindowText(WinHandle, PWideChar(Utf8Decode(ATitle))); {$else} if UnicodeEnabledOS then Windows.SetWindowTextW(WinHandle, PWideChar(Utf8Decode(ATitle))) else Windows.SetWindowText(WinHandle, PChar(Utf8ToAnsi(ATitle))); {$endif} end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoSetMouseCursor; var hc: HCURSOR; begin if not HasHandle then Exit; //==> case FMouseCursor of mcSizeEW: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_ew; mcSizeNS: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_ns; mcIBeam: hc := wapplication.hcr_edit; mcSizeNWSE: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_nwse; mcSizeNESW: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_nesw; mcMove: hc := wapplication.hcr_move; mcCross: hc := wapplication.hcr_crosshair; mcHourGlass: hc := wapplication.hcr_wait; else hc := hcr_default; end; SetCursor(hc); end; constructor TfpgWindowImpl.Create(aowner: TComponent); begin inherited; FWinHandle := 0; end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.CaptureMouse; begin Windows.SetCapture(FWinHandle); end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.ReleaseMouse; begin Windows.ReleaseCapture; end; function TfpgWindowImpl.HandleIsValid: boolean; begin Result := FWinHandle > 0; end; procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoUpdateWindowPosition(aleft, atop, awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); begin Windows.SetWindowPos( WinHandle, HWND_TOP, aleft, atop, awidth, aheight, SWP_NOZORDER);// or SWP_NOREDRAW); end; { TfpgCanvasImpl } constructor TfpgCanvasImpl.Create; begin inherited; FDrawing := False; FDrawWindow := nil; FBufferBitmap := 0; end; destructor TfpgCanvasImpl.Destroy; begin if FDrawing then DoEndDraw; inherited; end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean); var ARect: TfpgRect; bmsize: Windows.TSIZE; begin if FDrawing and buffered and (FBufferBitmap > 0) then begin // check if the dimensions are ok GetBitmapDimensionEx(FBufferBitmap, bmsize); FDrawWindow := TfpgWindowImpl(awin); DoGetWinRect(ARect); if (bmsize.cx <> (ARect.Right-ARect.Left+1)) or (bmsize.cy <> (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top+1)) then DoEndDraw; end; if not FDrawing then begin FDrawWindow := TfpgWindowImpl(awin); FWinGC := Windows.GetDC(FDrawWindow.FWinHandle); if buffered then begin DoGetWinRect(ARect); FBufferBitmap := Windows.CreateCompatibleBitmap(FWinGC, (ARect.Right-ARect.Left+1), (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top+1)); Fgc := CreateCompatibleDC(FWinGC); SelectObject(Fgc, FBufferBitmap); end else begin FBufferBitmap := 0; Fgc := FWinGC; end; SetTextAlign(Fgc, TA_TOP); SetBkMode(Fgc, TRANSPARENT); FBrush := CreateSolidBrush(0); FPen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, 0); // defaults to black FClipRegion := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 1, 1); FColor := fpgColorToWin(clText1); FLineStyle := lsSolid; FLineWidth := 1; FBackgroundColor := fpgColorToWin(clBoxColor); end; FDrawing := True; end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoEndDraw; begin if FDrawing then begin DeleteObject(FBrush); DeleteObject(FPen); DeleteObject(FClipRegion); if FBufferBitmap > 0 then DeleteObject(FBufferBitmap); FBufferBitmap := 0; if Fgc <> FWinGC then DeleteDC(Fgc); Windows.ReleaseDC(FDrawWindow.FWinHandle, FWingc); FDrawing := False; FDrawWindow := nil; end; end; function TfpgCanvasImpl.GetPixel(X, Y: integer): TfpgColor; var c: longword; begin c := Windows.GetPixel(Fgc, X, Y); if c = CLR_INVALID then Writeln('fpGFX/GDI: TfpgCanvasImpl.GetPixel returned an invalid color'); Result := WinColorTofpgColor(c); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.SetPixel(X, Y: integer; const AValue: TfpgColor); begin Windows.SetPixel(Fgc, X, Y, fpgColorToWin(AValue)); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); var SX, SY, EX, EY: Longint; begin Angles2Coords(x, y, w, h, a1*16, a2*16, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$IFNDEF wince} Windows.Arc(Fgc, x, y, x+w, y+h, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoFillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); var SX, SY, EX, EY: Longint; begin Angles2Coords(x, y, w, h, a1*16, a2*16, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$IFNDEF wince} Windows.Pie(Fgc, x, y, x+w, y+h, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin if FBufferBitmap > 0 then BitBlt(FWinGC, x, y, w, h, Fgc, x, y, SRCCOPY); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoAddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); var rg: HRGN; begin rg := CreateRectRgn(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom); FClipRect := ARect; FClipRectSet := True; CombineRgn(FClipRegion, rg, FClipRegion, RGN_AND); SelectClipRgn(Fgc, FClipRegion); DeleteObject(rg); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoClearClipRect; begin SelectClipRgn(Fgc, 0); FClipRectSet := False; end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); begin Windows.MoveToEx(Fgc, x1, y1, nil); Windows.LineTo(Fgc, x2, y2); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var wr: Windows.TRect; begin wr.Left := x; wr.Top := y; wr.Right := x + w; wr.Bottom := y + h; if FLineStyle = lsSolid then Windows.FrameRect(Fgc, wr, FBrush) // this handles 1x1 rectangles else begin DoDrawLine(wr.Left, wr.Top, wr.Right, wr.Top); DoDrawLine(wr.Right, wr.Top, wr.Right, wr.Bottom); DoDrawLine(wr.Right, wr.Bottom, wr.Left, wr.Bottom); DoDrawLine(wr.Left, wr.Bottom, wr.Left, wr.Top); end; end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoDrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); var WideText: widestring; begin if UTF8Length(txt) < 1 then Exit; //==> WideText := Utf8Decode(txt); {$ifdef wince} Windows.ExtTextOut(Fgc, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, nil, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText), nil); {$else} Windows.TextOutW(Fgc, x, y, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText)); {$endif} end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var wr: Windows.TRect; begin wr.Left := x; wr.Top := y; wr.Right := x + w; wr.Bottom := y + h; Windows.FillRect(Fgc, wr, FBrush); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); var pts: array[1..3] of Windows.TPoint; begin pts[1].X := x1; pts[1].Y := y1; pts[2].X := x2; pts[2].Y := y2; pts[3].X := x3; pts[3].Y := y3; Windows.Polygon(Fgc, pts, 3); end; function TfpgCanvasImpl.DoGetClipRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := FClipRect; end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoGetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); var wr: TRect; begin GetClientRect(FDrawWindow.FWinHandle, wr); r.Top := wr.Top; r.Left := wr.Left; r.Width := wr.Right - wr.Left + 1; r.Height := wr.Bottom - wr.Top + 1; end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoSetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); begin FClipRectSet := True; FClipRect := ARect; DeleteObject(FClipRegion); FClipRegion := CreateRectRgn(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Left+ARect.Width, ARect.Top+ARect.Height); SelectClipRgn(Fgc, FClipRegion); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor); var newBrush, oldBrush: HBRUSH; newPen, oldPen: HPEN; begin FWindowsColor := fpgColorToWin(cl); newBrush := CreateSolidBrush(FWindowsColor); newPen := CreatePen(FintLineStyle, FLineWidth, FWindowsColor); oldBrush := SelectObject(Fgc, newBrush); oldPen := SelectObject(Fgc, newPen); FBrush := newBrush; FPen := newPen; DeleteObject(oldBrush); DeleteObject(oldPen); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle); var lw: integer; lPen: HPEN; begin { Notes from MSDN: If the value specified by nWidth is greater than 1, the fnPenStyle parameter must be PS_NULL, PS_SOLID, or PS_INSIDEFRAME. } FLineWidth := awidth; case AStyle of lsDot: begin FintLineStyle := PS_DOT; lw := 1; end; lsDash: begin FintLineStyle := PS_DASH; lw := 1; end; lsSolid: begin FintLineStyle := PS_SOLID; lw := FLineWidth; end; else begin FintLineStyle := PS_SOLID; lw := 1; end; end; lPen := CreatePen(FintLineStyle, lw, FWindowsColor); Windows.SelectObject(Fgc, lPen); Windows.DeleteObject(FPen); FPen := lPen; end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor); begin Windows.SetTextColor(Fgc, fpgColorToWin(cl)); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase); begin if fntres = nil then Exit; //==> FCurFontRes := TfpgFontResourceImpl(fntres); Windows.SelectObject(Fgc, FCurFontRes.Handle); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoDrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); const DSTCOPY = $00AA0029; ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746; var tmpdc: HDC; rop: longword; begin if img = nil then Exit; //==> tmpdc := CreateCompatibleDC(wapplication.display); SelectObject(tmpdc, TfpgImageImpl(img).BMPHandle); if TfpgImageImpl(img).FIsTwoColor then rop := PATCOPY else rop := SRCCOPY; if TfpgImageImpl(img).MaskHandle > 0 then MaskBlt(Fgc, x, y, w, h, tmpdc, xi, yi, TfpgImageImpl(img).MaskHandle, xi, yi, MakeRop4(rop, DSTCOPY)) else BitBlt(Fgc, x, y, w, h, tmpdc, xi, yi, rop); DeleteDC(tmpdc); end; procedure TfpgCanvasImpl.DoXORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var hb: HBRUSH; nullpen: HPEN; begin hb := CreateSolidBrush(fpgColorToWin(fpgColorToRGB(col))); nullpen := CreatePen(PS_NULL, 0, 0); SetROP2(Fgc, R2_XORPEN); SelectObject(Fgc, hb); SelectObject(Fgc, nullpen); Windows.Rectangle(Fgc, x, y, x + w + 1, y + h + 1); SetROP2(Fgc, R2_COPYPEN); DeleteObject(hb); SelectObject(Fgc, FPen); end; { TfpgFontResourceImpl } constructor TfpgFontResourceImpl.Create(const afontdesc: string); begin FFontData := OpenFontByDesc(afontdesc); if HandleIsValid then begin SelectObject(wapplication.display, FFontData); GetTextMetrics(wapplication.display, FMetrics); end; end; destructor TfpgFontResourceImpl.Destroy; begin if HandleIsValid then Windows.DeleteObject(FFontData); inherited; end; function TfpgFontResourceImpl.OpenFontByDesc(const desc: string): HFONT; var lf: Windows.LOGFONT; facename: string; cp: integer; c: char; token: string; prop, propval: string; function NextC: char; begin Inc(cp); if cp > length(desc) then c := #0 else c := desc[cp]; Result := c; end; procedure NextToken; begin token := ''; while (c <> #0) and (c in [' ', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9']) do begin token := token + c; NextC; end; end; begin FillChar(lf, sizeof(lf), 0); with lf do begin lfWidth := 0; { have font mapper choose } lfEscapement := 0; { only straight fonts } lfOrientation := 0; { no rotation } lfWeight := FW_NORMAL; lfItalic := 0; lfUnderline := 0; lfStrikeOut := 0; lfCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET; //0; //Byte(Font.Charset); lfQuality := ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; { Everything else as default } lfOutPrecision := OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfClipPrecision := CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfPitchAndFamily := DEFAULT_PITCH; end; cp := 0; NextC; NextToken; facename := token + #0; move(facename[1], lf.lfFaceName[0], length(facename)); if c = '-' then begin NextC; NextToken; lf.lfHeight := -MulDiv(StrToIntDef(token, 0), GetDeviceCaps(wapplication.display, LOGPIXELSY), 72); end; while c = ':' do begin NextC; NextToken; prop := UpperCase(token); propval := ''; if c = '=' then begin NextC; NextToken; propval := UpperCase(token); end; if prop = 'BOLD' then lf.lfWeight := FW_BOLD else if prop = 'ITALIC' then lf.lfItalic := 1 else if prop = 'ANTIALIAS' then if propval = 'FALSE' then lf.lfQuality := DEFAULT_QUALITY; end; Result := CreateFontIndirectA(@lf); end; function TfpgFontResourceImpl.HandleIsValid: boolean; begin Result := FFontData <> 0; end; function TfpgFontResourceImpl.GetAscent: integer; begin Result := FMetrics.tmAscent; end; function TfpgFontResourceImpl.GetDescent: integer; begin Result := FMetrics.tmDescent; end; function TfpgFontResourceImpl.GetHeight: integer; begin Result := FMetrics.tmHeight; end; function TfpgFontResourceImpl.GetTextWidth(const txt: string): integer; var ts: Windows.SIZE; WideText: widestring; begin if length(txt) < 1 then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; SelectObject(wapplication.display, FFontData); WideText := Utf8Decode(txt); {$ifdef wince} Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32(wapplication.display, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText), ts); {$else} Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32W(wapplication.display, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText), ts); {$endif} Result := ts.cx; end; { TfpgImageImpl } constructor TfpgImageImpl.Create; begin FBMPHandle := 0; FMaskHandle := 0; FIsTwoColor := False; end; procedure TfpgImageImpl.DoFreeImage; begin if FBMPHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FBMPHandle); FBMPHandle := 0; if FMaskHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FMaskHandle); FMaskHandle := 0; end; procedure TfpgImageImpl.DoInitImage(acolordepth, awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); var bi: TBitmapInfo; begin if FBMPHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FBMPHandle); FBMPHandle := CreateCompatibleBitmap(wapplication.display, awidth, aheight); FillChar(bi, sizeof(bi), 0); with bi.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeof(bi); biWidth := awidth; biHeight := -aheight; biPlanes := 1; if acolordepth = 1 then bibitcount := 1 else bibitcount := 32; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := 0; biXPelsPerMeter := 96; biYPelsPerMeter := 96; biClrUsed := 0; biClrImportant := 0; end; SetDIBits(wapplication.display, FBMPHandle, 0, aheight, aimgdata, bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); FIsTwoColor := (acolordepth = 1); end; type TMyMonoBitmap = packed record bmiHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader; bmColors: array[1..2] of longword; end; procedure TfpgImageImpl.DoInitImageMask(awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); var bi: TMyMonoBitmap; pbi: PBitmapInfo; begin if FMaskHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FMaskHandle); FMaskHandle := CreateBitmap(awidth, aheight, 1, 1, nil); FillChar(bi, sizeof(bi), 0); with bi.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeof(bi.bmiHeader); biWidth := awidth; biHeight := -aheight; biPlanes := 1; bibitcount := 1; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := 0; biXPelsPerMeter := 96; biYPelsPerMeter := 96; biClrUsed := 2; biClrImportant := 0; end; bi.bmColors[1] := $000000; bi.bmColors[2] := $FFFFFF; pbi := @bi; SetDIBits(wapplication.display, FMaskHandle, 0, aheight, aimgdata, pbi^, DIB_RGB_COLORS); end; initialization wapplication := nil; MouseFocusedWH := 0; {$IFDEF WinCE} UnicodeEnabledOS := True; {$ELSE} WinVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(WinVersion); UnicodeEnabledOS := (WinVersion.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) or (WinVersion.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE); {$ENDIF} end.