{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit implements the OLE Drag-n-Drop functionality of Windows. This unit is implemented based on the articles posted on http://www.catch22.net/tuts/dragdrop/ } unit fpg_OLEDragDrop; {$mode delphi}{$H+} interface uses Windows, Classes, ActiveX, ShellAPI, fpg_base; const CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPA = 'FileNameMap'; { CF_FILENAMEMAPA } CFSTR_FILENAMEMAP = CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPA; CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORA = 'FileGroupDescriptor'; { CF_FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORA } CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR = CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORA; CFSTR_FILECONTENTS = 'FileContents'; { CF_FILECONTENTS } type TfpgOLEFormatEtcList = class(TList) private function GetFormatEtc(Index: Integer): PFormatEtc; protected procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override; public constructor CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); property FormatEtc[Index: Integer]: PFormatEtc read GetFormatEtc; default; end; TfpgOLEStgMediumList = class(TList) private function GetStgMedium(Index: Integer): PStgMedium; protected procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override; public property StgMedium[Index: Integer]: PStgMedium read GetStgMedium; default; end; TfpgOLEDropSource = class(TInterfacedObject, IDropSource) private { IDropSource } function QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function GiveFeedback(dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall; end; TfpgOLEDragDropEffect = (deNone, deCopy, deMove, deLink); TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD) of object; TfpgOLEDragOverEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect) of object; TfpgOLEDragDropEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect) of object; TfpgOLEDropTarget = class(TObject, IInterface, IDropTarget) private FDropTarget: TfpgWindowBase; FRegistered: Boolean; FOnDragEnter: TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent; FOnDragOver: TfpgOLEDragOverEvent; FOnDragLeave: TNotifyEvent; FOnDragDrop: TfpgOLEDragDropEvent; private { IInterface } function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: TGuid; out obj): LongInt; stdcall; function _AddRef: longint; stdcall; function _Release: longint; stdcall; { IDropTarget } function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;StdCall; function DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall; function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; protected procedure DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); virtual; procedure DoDragOver(KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); virtual; procedure DoDragLeave; procedure DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); virtual; public property OnDragEnter: TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent read FOnDragEnter write FOnDragEnter; property OnDragOver: TfpgOLEDragOverEvent read FOnDragOver write FOnDragOver; property OnDragLeave: TNotifyEvent read FOnDragLeave write FOnDragLeave; property OnDragDrop: TfpgOLEDragDropEvent read FOnDragDrop write FOnDragDrop; public constructor Create(ADropTargetWidget: TfpgWindowBase); reintroduce; { Actually a TfpgWidget } destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterDragDrop; procedure RevokeDragDrop; property DropTarget: TfpgWindowBase read FDropTarget; end; TfpgOLEDataObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IDataObject) private FFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList; FStgMediumList: TfpgOLEStgMediumList; function LookupFormatEtc(AFormat: TFormatEtc): Integer; protected { IDataObject } function GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall; function GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall; function QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall; function GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall; function SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; const medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult; stdcall; function EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: DWORD; out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall; function DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: DWORD; const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; function DUnadvise(dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; function EnumDAdvise(out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult; stdcall; public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); overload; destructor Destroy; override; property FormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList read FFormatEtcList; property StgMediumList: TfpgOLEStgMediumList read FStgMediumList; end; TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc = class(TInterfacedObject, IEnumFORMATETC) private FFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList; FIndex: Integer; protected { IEnumFORMATETC } function Next(celt: ULong; out elt:FormatEtc; pceltFetched: pULong=nil): HResult; stdcall; function Skip(celt: ULong): HResult; stdcall; function Reset: HResult; stdcall; function Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall; public constructor Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); destructor Destroy; override; end; TDragFilesSource = class(TObject) private FFileNames: TStrings; FAliasFileNames: TStrings; function GetAliasFileNames: TStrings; function GetSourceFileNames: TStrings; procedure SetAliasFileNames(const Value: TStrings); procedure SetSourceFileNames(const Value: TStrings); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Execute; property SourceFileNames: TStrings read GetSourceFileNames write SetSourceFileNames; property AliasFileNames: TStrings read GetAliasFileNames write SetAliasFileNames; end; TDragAcceptFilesEvent = function(Sender: TObject; FileNames: TStrings): Boolean of object; TDragAcceptPositionEvent = function(Sender: TObject; PT: TPoint): Boolean of object; TDropFilesEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; PT: TPoint; FileNames: TStrings) of object; TDragFilesTarget = class(TfpgOLEDropTarget) private FDragAcceptFiles: Boolean; FOnDragAcceptFiles: TDragAcceptFilesEvent; FOnDragAcceptPosition: TDragAcceptPositionEvent; FOnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent; procedure GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle: HDROP; SL: TStrings); procedure StreamToFile(Stream: IStream; const FileName: string); protected function DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean; function DoDragAcceptPosition(PT: TPoint): Boolean; procedure DoDropFiles(DataObj: IDataObject; PT: TPoint); procedure DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); override; procedure DoDragOver(KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); override; procedure DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); override; public property OnDragAcceptFiles: TDragAcceptFilesEvent read FOnDragAcceptFiles write FOnDragAcceptFiles; property OnDragAcceptPosition: TDragAcceptPositionEvent read FOnDragAcceptPosition write FOnDragAcceptPosition; property OnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent read FOnDropFiles write FOnDropFiles; end; function WindowsMimeLookup(const CFFormat: string): string; function WindowsClipboardLookup(const AMime: string; var IsTranslated: Boolean): DWORD; function EnumDataToStringList(DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList; function GetFormatEtc(const CFFormat: DWORD): FORMATETC; implementation uses SysUtils, ShlObj, fpg_widget; var CF_FILENAMEMAP: Cardinal; CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR: Cardinal; CF_FILECONTENTS: Cardinal; function WindowsMimeLookup(const CFFormat: string): string; begin { replace known clipboard formats with mime types } if CFFormat = 'CF_TEXT' then Result := 'text/plain' else if CFFormat = 'CF_UNICODETEXT' then Result := 'text/plain' else if CFFormat = 'CF_OEMTEXT' then Result := 'text/plain' else if CFFormat = 'CF_HDROP' then Result := 'text/uri-list' else if CFFormat = 'CF_RICHTEXT' then Result := 'text/html' else Result := CFFormat; end; function WindowsClipboardLookup(const AMime: string; var IsTranslated: Boolean): DWORD; begin { TODO: We need to improve this implementation } if AMime = 'text/html' then begin { We don't want duplicate CF_TEXT in DataObject, so register some of our known convenience types (from TfpgMimeData) as-is } IsTranslated := False; Result := RegisterClipboardFormat('text/html'); end else if Pos('text/', AMime) = 1 then begin IsTranslated := True; Result := CF_TEXT; // fallback result end else begin IsTranslated := False; Result := RegisterClipboardFormat(PChar(AMime)); end; end; function WindowsClipboardFormatToString(const CFFormat: integer): string; begin { replace know clipboard formats with mime types } case CFFormat of CF_DIF : result := 'CF_DIF'; CF_DIB : result := 'CF_DIB'; CF_TEXT : result := 'CF_TEXT'; CF_SYLK : result := 'CF_SYLK'; CF_TIFF : result := 'CF_TIFF'; CF_RIFF : result := 'CF_RIFF'; CF_WAVE : result := 'CF_WAVE'; CF_HDROP : result := 'CF_HDROP'; CF_BITMAP : result := 'CF_BITMAP'; CF_LOCALE : result := 'CF_LOCALE'; CF_OEMTEXT : result := 'CF_OEMTEXT'; CF_PALETTE : result := 'CF_PALETTE'; CF_PENDATA : result := 'CF_PENDATA'; CF_UNICODETEXT : result := 'CF_UNICODETEXT'; CF_ENHMETAFILE : result := 'CF_ENHMETAFILE'; CF_METAFILEPICT : result := 'CF_METAFILEPICT'; else Result := Format('unknown (%d)', [CFFormat]); end; end; function EnumDataToStringList(DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList; var FE: FORMATETC; EnumFormats: IEnumFORMATETC; num: integer; lname: string; lMimeName: string; FormatName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; i: integer; begin if DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, EnumFormats) <> S_OK then raise Exception.Create('EnumDataToStringList: Failed to get EnumFormatEtc interface'); Result := TStringList.Create; EnumFormats.Reset; while EnumFormats.Next(1, FE, @num) = S_OK do begin lName := ''; i := GetClipboardFormatName(FE.cfFormat,FormatName,MAX_PATH); if i <> 0 then begin lName := FormatName; end else begin lName := WindowsClipboardFormatToString(FE.cfFormat); end; Result.Add(lName); end; end; function GetFormatEtc(const CFFormat: DWORD): FORMATETC; begin Result.CfFormat := CFFormat; Result.Ptd := nil; Result.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT; Result.lindex := -1; Result.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; end; procedure DeepCopyFormatEtc(P1, P2: PFormatEtc); begin P2^ := P1^; if P1^.ptd <> nil then begin P2^.ptd := CoTaskMemAlloc(SizeOf(tagDVTARGETDEVICE)); P2^.ptd^ := P1^.ptd^; end; end; function DupGlobalMem(hMem: HGLOBAL): HGLOBAL; var len: DWORD; Source: Pointer; Dest: HGLOBAL; begin len := GlobalSize(hMem); Source := GlobalLock(hMem); Dest := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, len); Move(Source^, Pointer(Dest)^, len); GlobalUnlock(hMem); Result := Dest; end; { TDragFilesSource } constructor TDragFilesSource.Create; begin inherited Create; FFileNames := TStringList.Create; FAliasFileNames := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TDragFilesSource.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FFileNames); FreeAndNil(FAliasFileNames); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TDragFilesSource.Execute; var DataObject: TfpgOLEDataObject; DropSource: TfpgOLEDropSource; dwEffect: DWORD; dwResult: HRESULT; I: Integer; F: PFormatEtc; S: string; M: PStgMedium; begin DataObject := TfpgOLEDataObject.Create; { append filenames as one long string delimited by #0. ie: something like a PChar } S := ''; for I := 0 to FFileNames.Count - 1 do begin SetLength(S, Length(S)+Length(FFileNames[I])+1); Move(FFileNames[I][1], S[Length(S)-Length(FFileNames[I])], Length(FFileNames[I])); S[Length(S)] := #0; end; SetLength(S, Length(S)+1); S[Length(S)] := #0; { description of data we are sending } New(F); F^.cfFormat := CF_HDROP; F^.ptd := nil; F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT; F^.lindex := -1; F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; DataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F); { storage for data we are sending } New(M); M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; M^.hGlobal := Cardinal(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, SizeOf(TDropFiles)+Length(S))); PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.pFiles := SizeOf(TDropFiles); PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.pt := Point(0,0); PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.fNC := FALSE; PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.fWide := FALSE; Move(S[1], PChar(M^.hGlobal+SizeOf(TDropFiles))^, Length(S)); DataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M); if (FAliasFileNames.Count > 0) and (FAliasFileNames.Count = FFileNames.Count) then begin { append filename aliases as one long string delimited by #0. ie: something like a PChar } S := ''; for I := 0 to FAliasFileNames.Count - 1 do begin SetLength(S, Length(S)+Length(FAliasFileNames[I])+1); Move(FAliasFileNames[I][1], S[Length(S)-Length(FAliasFileNames[I])], Length(FAliasFileNames[I])); S[Length(S)] := #0; end; SetLength(S, Length(S)+1); S[Length(S)] := #0; { description of data we are sending } New(F); F^.cfFormat := CF_FILENAMEMAP; F^.ptd := nil; F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT; F^.lindex := -1; F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; DataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F); { storage for data we are sending } New(M); M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; M^.hGlobal := Cardinal(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, Length(S))); Move(S[1], PChar(M^.hGlobal)^, Length(S)); DataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M); end; DropSource := TfpgOLEDropSource.Create; dwResult := ActiveX.DoDragDrop(DataObject as IDataObject, DropSource as IDropSource, DROPEFFECT_COPY, @dwEffect); if dwResult = DRAGDROP_S_DROP then begin if dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY then begin // nothing to do. If this whas xxx_MOVE, we would remove data from source end; end; end; function TDragFilesSource.GetAliasFileNames: TStrings; begin Result := FAliasFileNames; end; function TDragFilesSource.GetSourceFileNames: TStrings; begin Result := FFileNames; end; procedure TDragFilesSource.SetAliasFileNames(const Value: TStrings); begin FAliasFileNames.Assign(Value); end; procedure TDragFilesSource.SetSourceFileNames(const Value: TStrings); begin FFileNames.Assign(Value); end; { TfpgOLEDropSource } function TfpgOLEDropSource.GiveFeedback(dwEffect: Integer): HResult; begin Result := DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS; end; function TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: Integer): HResult; begin if FEscapePressed then Result := DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL else if (grfKeyState and (MK_LBUTTON or MK_RBUTTON) = 0) then Result := DRAGDROP_S_DROP else Result := S_OK; {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln('TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag Result = ', Result); {$ENDIF} end; { TfpgOLEDataObject } constructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); begin inherited Create; FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList); FStgMediumList := TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Create; end; constructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Create; begin inherited Create; FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.Create; FStgMediumList := TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Create; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: DWORD; const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; begin Result := OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; end; destructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FFormatEtcList); FreeAndNil(FStgMediumList); inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.DUnadvise(dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; begin Result := OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.EnumDAdvise(out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult; begin Result := OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: DWORD; out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; begin if dwDirection = DATADIR_GET then begin enumFormatEtc := TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(FFormatEtcList) as IEnumFormatEtc; Result := S_OK; end else begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult; begin // Apparently we have to set this field to NULL even though we don't do anything else formatetcOut.ptd := nil; Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := LookupFormatEtc(formatetcIn); if Idx = -1 then Result := DV_E_FORMATETC else begin medium.tymed := FFormatEtcList[Idx]^.tymed; medium.PUnkForRelease := nil; if medium.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL then begin medium.hGlobal := DupGlobalMem(FStgMediumList[Idx]^.hGlobal); Result := S_OK; end else Result := DV_E_FORMATETC; end; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; begin Result := DV_E_FORMATETC; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.LookupFormatEtc(AFormat: TFormatEtc): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 0 to FFormatEtcList.Count - 1 do begin if (FFormatEtcList[I]^.cfFormat = AFormat.cfFormat) and (FFormatEtcList[I]^.dwAspect = AFormat.dwAspect) and (FFormatEtcList[I]^.tymed = AFormat.tymed) then begin Result := I; Break; end; end; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult; begin if LookupFormatEtc(formatetc) >= 0 then begin Result := S_OK; end else begin Result := DV_E_FORMATETC; end; end; function TfpgOLEDataObject.SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; const medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; { TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc } function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; var C: TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc; begin // make a duplicate enumerator C := TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(FFormatEtcList); // manually set the index state C.FIndex := FIndex; Enum := C as IEnumFormatEtc; Result := S_OK; end; constructor TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); begin FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList); FIndex := 0; end; destructor TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FFormatEtcList); inherited; end; function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Next(celt: ULong; out elt:FormatEtc; pceltFetched: pULong): HResult; var Copied: Integer; OutBuf: PFormatEtc; begin // copy the FORMATETC structures into the caller's buffer OutBuf := PFormatEtc(@elt); Copied := 0; while(FIndex < FFormatEtcList.Count) and (Copied < celt) do begin DeepCopyFormatEtc(FFormatEtcList[FIndex], OutBuf); OutBuf := PFormatEtc(Cardinal(OutBuf) + SizeOf(TFormatEtc)); Inc(Copied); FIndex := FIndex + 1; end; // store result if (pceltFetched <> nil) then pceltFetched^ := Copied; // did we copy all that was requested? if (Copied = celt) then Result := S_OK else Result := S_FALSE; end; function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Reset: HResult; begin FIndex := 0; Result := S_OK; end; function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Skip(celt: ULong): HResult; begin FIndex := FIndex + celt; if FIndex <= FFormatEtcList.Count then Result := S_OK else Result := S_FALSE; end; { TfpgOLEFormatEtcList } constructor TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); var I: Integer; P: PFormatEtc; begin Create; for I := 0 to AFormatEtcList.Count - 1 do begin New(P); DeepCopyFormatEtc(AFormatEtcList[I], P); Add(P); end; end; function TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.GetFormatEtc(Index: Integer): PFormatEtc; begin Result := PFormatEtc(Get(Index)); end; procedure TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); begin if Action = lnDeleted then begin if PFormatEtc(Ptr)^.ptd <> nil then begin CoTaskMemFree(PFormatEtc(Ptr)^.ptd); end; Dispose(PFormatEtc(Ptr)); end; inherited; end; { TfpgOLEStgMediumList } function TfpgOLEStgMediumList.GetStgMedium(Index: Integer): PStgMedium; begin Result := PStgMedium(Get(Index)); end; procedure TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); begin if Action = lnDeleted then begin if PStgMedium(Ptr)^.hGlobal <> 0 then begin GlobalFree(PStgMedium(Ptr)^.hGlobal); end; Dispose(Ptr); end; inherited; end; { TfpgOLEDropTarget } function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; //var // Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect; begin //dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE; //Effect := deNone; DoDragEnter(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect); //case Effect of // deNone: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE; // deCopy: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_COPY; // deMove: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_MOVE; // deLink: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_LINK; //end; Result := S_OK; end; function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragLeave: HResult; begin Result := S_OK; DoDragLeave; end; function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect; begin if ((MK_SHIFT and grfKeyState) = MK_SHIFT) and ((dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE) = DROPEFFECT_MOVE) then begin Effect := deMove; end; if ((MK_CONTROL and grfKeyState) = MK_CONTROL) and ((dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY) = DROPEFFECT_COPY) then begin Effect := deCopy; end; if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY > 0 then Effect := deCopy else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE > 0 then Effect := deMove else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_LINK > 0 then Effect := deLink else Effect := deNone; DoDragOver(grfKeyState, pt, Effect); case Effect of deNone: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE; deCopy: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_COPY; deMove: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_MOVE; deLink: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_LINK; end; Result := S_OK; end; function TfpgOLEDropTarget.Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect; begin if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY > 0 then Effect := deCopy else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE > 0 then Effect := deMove else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_LINK > 0 then Effect := deLink else Effect := deNone; DoDragDrop(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, Effect); Result := S_OK; end; function TfpgOLEDropTarget._AddRef: longint; begin Result := 1; end; function TfpgOLEDropTarget._Release: longint; begin Result := 1; end; function TfpgOLEDropTarget.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: TGuid; out obj): longint; stdcall; begin if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then Result := 0 else Result := E_NOINTERFACE; end; constructor TfpgOLEDropTarget.Create(ADropTargetWidget: TfpgWindowBase); begin inherited Create; FDropTarget := ADropTargetWidget; FRegistered := False; end; procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.RegisterDragDrop; begin ActiveX.RegisterDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle, Self as IDropTarget); FRegistered := True; end; procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.RevokeDragDrop; begin FRegistered := False; ActiveX.RevokeDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle); end; destructor TfpgOLEDropTarget.Destroy; begin if FRegistered then RevokeDragDrop; inherited; end; procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); begin if Assigned(FOnDragEnter) then begin FOnDragEnter(Self, DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect); end; end; procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragOver(KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); begin if Assigned(FOnDragOver) then begin FOnDragOver(Self, KeyState, PT, Effect); end; end; procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragLeave; begin if Assigned(FOnDragLeave) then FOnDragLeave(self); end; procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); begin if Assigned(FOnDragDrop) then begin FOnDragDrop(Self, DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect); end; end; { TDragFilesTarget } function TDragFilesTarget.DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean; const FormatEtcHDrop: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:CF_HDROP;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL); FormatEtcFileDescriptor: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL); FormatEtcFileContents: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_ISTREAM); var StgMedium: TStgMedium; DropHandle: HDROP; EnumFormatEtc: IEnumFORMATETC; FE: TFormatEtc; FetchedCount: Longint; FormatName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; FileGroupDescriptor: PFileGroupDescriptorA; I, Count: Integer; FileDescriptor: TFileDescriptorA; FileNames: TStringList; begin FileNames := TStringList.Create; try if Assigned(FOnDragAcceptFiles) then begin Result := False; FormatEtcFileDescriptor.cfFormat := CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR; FormatEtcFileContents.cfFormat := CF_FILECONTENTS; if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcHDrop) = S_OK) and (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcHDrop,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin DropHandle := StgMedium.hGlobal; GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle, FileNames); Result := FOnDragAcceptFiles(Self, FileNames); ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium); end else if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor) = S_OK) and (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileContents) = S_OK) and (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin FileGroupDescriptor := GlobalLock(StgMedium.hGlobal); if FileGroupDescriptor <> nil then begin Count := FileGroupDescriptor^.cItems; I := 0; while I < Count do begin FileDescriptor := FileGroupDescriptor^.fgd[I]; FileNames.Add(FileDescriptor.cFileName); Inc(I); end; GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.hGlobal); end; Result := FOnDragAcceptFiles(Self, FileNames); ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium); end else begin // DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, EnumFormatEtc); // EnumFormatEtc.Reset; // while EnumFormatEtc.Next(1, FE, @FetchedCount) = S_OK do begin // GetClipboardFormatName(FE.cfFormat,FormatName,MAX_PATH); // ShowMessage(FormatName); // end; end; end else begin Result := True; end; finally FileNames.Free; end; end; procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); begin FDragAcceptFiles := DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj); if FDragAcceptFiles and DoDragAcceptPosition(PT) then inherited DoDragEnter(DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect) else Effect := DROPEFFECT_NONE; end; procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragOver(KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); begin if FDragAcceptFiles and DoDragAcceptPosition(PT) then inherited DoDragOver(KeyState, PT, Effect) else Effect := deNone; end; procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); begin DoDropFiles(DataObj, PT); inherited; end; function TDragFilesTarget.DoDragAcceptPosition(PT: TPoint): Boolean; begin if Assigned(FOnDragAcceptPosition) then begin Result := FOnDragAcceptPosition(Self, PT); end else begin Result := True; end; end; procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDropFiles(DataObj: IDataObject; PT: TPoint); const FormatEtcHDrop: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:CF_HDROP;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL); FormatEtcFileDescriptor: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL); FormatEtcFileContents: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_ISTREAM); var StgMedium, StgMediumContents: TStgMedium; DropHandle: HDROP; FileNames: TStringList; FileGroupDescriptor: PFileGroupDescriptorA; I, Count: Integer; FileDescriptor: TFileDescriptorA; Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; TempFileName: string; begin if not Assigned(FOnDropFiles) then Exit; FileNames := TStringList.Create; try FormatEtcFileDescriptor.cfFormat := CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR; FormatEtcFileContents.cfFormat := CF_FILECONTENTS; if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcHDrop) = S_OK) and (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcHDrop,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin DropHandle := StgMedium.hGlobal; GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle, FileNames); FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames); ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium); end else if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor) = S_OK) and (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileContents) = S_OK) and (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, Path); GetTempFileName(Path, 'PXM', 0, Path); FileGroupDescriptor := GlobalLock(StgMedium.hGlobal); if FileGroupDescriptor <> nil then begin Count := FileGroupDescriptor^.cItems; I := 0; while I < Count do begin FileDescriptor := FileGroupDescriptor^.fgd[I]; TempFileName := ChangeFileExt(Path, ExtractFileExt(FileDescriptor.cFileName)); FormatEtcFileContents.lindex := I; if (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileContents,StgMediumContents) = S_OK) then begin StreamToFile(IStream(StgMediumContents.pstm), TempFileName); FileNames.Clear; FileNames.Add(TempFileName); FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames); ReleaseStgMedium(StgMediumContents); end; Inc(I); end; GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.hGlobal); end; FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames); ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium); ReleaseStgMedium(StgMediumContents); end; finally FileNames.Free; end; end; procedure TDragFilesTarget.GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle: HDROP; SL: TStrings); var I: Integer; Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin for I := 0 to DragQueryFile(DropHandle, $FFFFFFFF, nil, 0) do begin DragQueryFile(DropHandle, I, Path, MAX_PATH); SL.Add(Path); end; DragFinish(DropHandle); end; procedure TDragFilesTarget.StreamToFile(Stream: IStream; const FileName: string); const BLOCK_SIZE = 4096; var BytesRead: Longint; FileStream: TFileStream; Buffer: array[0..BLOCK_SIZE] of Byte; begin FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try while (Stream.Read(@Buffer[0], BLOCK_SIZE, @BytesRead) = S_OK) and (BytesRead > 0) do begin FileStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead); end; finally FileStream.Free; end; end; initialization CF_FILENAMEMAP := RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILENAMEMAP); CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR := RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR); CF_FILECONTENTS := RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILECONTENTS); finalization end.