{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This defines the CoreLib backend interface to the Windows GDI API. Win32 API Reference - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff468919(VS.85).aspx Windows CE 3.0 API Reference - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms925466.aspx FPC WinCE information - http://wiki.freepascal.org/WinCE_port TODO: * Refactor out the many $IFDEF CPU64 lines in this unit. } unit fpg_gdi; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$Define DEBUG} {.$Define DND_DEBUG} {.$Define DEBUGKEYS} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Windows, ActiveX, fpg_base, fpg_impl {$IFDEF DEBUG} ,dbugintf {$ENDIF DEBUG} ,fpg_OLEDragDrop ; { Constants missing on windows unit } const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE = 3; CLEARTYPE_QUALITY = 5; var { Unicode selection variables } UnicodeEnabledOS: Boolean; WinVersion: TOSVersionInfo; { Font smoothing type selection variable } FontSmoothingType: Cardinal; type // forward declaration TfpgGDIWindow = class; TGDIDragManager = class; TfpgGDIDrag = class; TfpgGDIFontResource = class(TfpgFontResourceBase) private FFontData: HFONT; FMetrics: Windows.TEXTMETRIC; protected function OpenFontByDesc(const desc: string): HFONT; property Handle: HFONT read FFontData; public constructor Create(const afontdesc: string); destructor Destroy; override; function HandleIsValid: boolean; function GetAscent: integer; override; function GetDescent: integer; override; function GetHeight: integer; override; function GetTextWidth(const txt: string): integer; override; end; TfpgGDIImage = class(TfpgImageBase) private FIsTwoColor: boolean; FBMPHandle: HBITMAP; FMaskHandle: HBITMAP; protected property BMPHandle: HBITMAP read FBMPHandle; property MaskHandle: HBITMAP read FMaskHandle; procedure DoFreeImage; override; procedure DoInitImage(acolordepth, awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); override; procedure DoInitImageMask(awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); override; public constructor Create; end; TfpgGDICanvas = class(TfpgCanvasBase) private FDrawing: boolean; FBufferBitmap: HBitmap; FDrawWindow: TfpgGDIWindow; Fgc: TfpgDCHandle; FBufgc: TfpgDCHandle; FWinGC: TfpgDCHandle; FBackgroundColor: TfpgColor; FCurFontRes: TfpgGDIFontResource; FClipRect: TfpgRect; FClipRectSet: Boolean; FWindowsColor: longword; FBrush: HBRUSH; FPen: HPEN; FClipRegion: HRGN; FIntLineStyle: integer; FBufWidth: Integer; FBufHeight: Integer; procedure TryFreeBackBuffer; protected procedure DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase); override; procedure DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle); override; procedure DoGetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); override; procedure DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoXORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoDrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); override; procedure DoDrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); override; procedure DoSetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); override; function DoGetClipRect: TfpgRect; override; procedure DoAddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); override; procedure DoClearClipRect; override; procedure DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean); override; procedure DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DoEndDraw; override; function GetPixel(X, Y: integer): TfpgColor; override; procedure SetPixel(X, Y: integer; const AValue: TfpgColor); override; procedure DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); override; procedure DoFillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); override; procedure DoDrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean = False); override; property DCHandle: TfpgDCHandle read Fgc; public constructor Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; TfpgGDIWindow = class(TfpgWindowBase) private FDropManager: TfpgOLEDropTarget; FDropPos: TPoint; FUserMimeSelection: TfpgString; FUserAcceptDrag: Boolean; function GetDropManager: TfpgOLEDropTarget; procedure HandleDNDLeave(Sender: TObject); procedure HandleDNDEnter(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); procedure HandleDNDPosition(Sender: TObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); procedure HandleDNDDrop(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); private FMouseInWindow: boolean; FNonFullscreenRect: TfpgRect; FNonFullscreenStyle: longword; FFullscreenIsSet: boolean; FSkipResizeMessage: boolean; QueueAcceptDrops: boolean; function DoMouseEnterLeaveCheck(AWindow: TfpgGDIWindow; uMsg, wParam, lParam: Cardinal): Boolean; procedure WindowSetFullscreen(aFullScreen, aUpdate: boolean); property DropManager: TfpgOLEDropTarget read GetDropManager; protected FWinHandle: TfpgWinHandle; FModalForWin: TfpgGDIWindow; FWinStyle: longword; FWinStyleEx: longword; FParentWinHandle: TfpgWinHandle; procedure DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: TfpgWindowBase); override; procedure DoReleaseWindowHandle; override; procedure DoRemoveWindowLookup; override; procedure DoSetWindowVisible(const AValue: Boolean); override; function HandleIsValid: boolean; override; procedure DoUpdateWindowPosition; override; procedure DoMoveWindow(const x: TfpgCoord; const y: TfpgCoord); override; function DoWindowToScreen(ASource: TfpgWindowBase; const AScreenPos: TPoint): TPoint; override; //procedure MoveToScreenCenter; override; procedure DoSetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); override; procedure DoSetMouseCursor; override; procedure DoDNDEnabled(const AValue: boolean); override; procedure DoAcceptDrops(const AValue: boolean); override; procedure DoDragStartDetected; override; function GetWindowState: TfpgWindowState; override; property WinHandle: TfpgWinHandle read FWinHandle; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ActivateWindow; override; procedure CaptureMouse; override; procedure ReleaseMouse; override; procedure SetFullscreen(AValue: Boolean); override; procedure BringToFront; override; end; TfpgGDIApplication = class(TfpgApplicationBase) private FDrag: TfpgGDIDrag; procedure SetDrag(const AValue: TfpgGDIDrag); property Drag: TfpgGDIDrag read FDrag write SetDrag; protected FDisplay: HDC; WindowClass: TWndClass; WidgetClass: TWndClass; hcr_default: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_ew: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_ns: HCURSOR; hcr_edit: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_nwse: HCURSOR; hcr_dir_nesw: HCURSOR; // hcr_dir_senw: HCURSOR; // hcr_dir_swne: HCURSOR; hcr_move: HCURSOR; hcr_crosshair: HCURSOR; hcr_wait: HCURSOR; hcr_hand: HCURSOR; FFocusedWindow: THANDLE; { FHiddenWindow serves as parent for modal forms, ensuring they don't have taskbar button. It is created on-demand and should be accessed via GetHiddenWindow. } FHiddenWindow: HWND; { To avoid problems, window classes should be accessible from RegisterClass call till the program is terminated. } HiddenWndClass: TWndClass; ActivationHook: HHOOK; function GetHiddenWindow: HWND; function DoGetFontFaceList: TStringList; override; procedure DoWaitWindowMessage(atimeoutms: integer); override; function MessagesPending: boolean; override; public constructor Create(const AParams: string); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure DoFlush; function GetScreenWidth: TfpgCoord; override; function GetScreenHeight: TfpgCoord; override; function Screen_dpi_x: integer; override; function Screen_dpi_y: integer; override; function Screen_dpi: integer; override; property Display: HDC read FDisplay; end; TfpgGDIClipboard = class(TfpgClipboardBase) protected FClipboardText: TfpgString; function DoGetText: TfpgString; override; procedure DoSetText(const AValue: TfpgString); override; procedure InitClipboard; override; end; TfpgGDIFileList = class(TfpgFileListBase) function EncodeAttributesString(attrs: longword): TFileModeString; constructor Create; override; function InitializeEntry(sr: TSearchRec): TFileEntry; override; procedure PopulateSpecialDirs(const aDirectory: TfpgString); override; end; TfpgGDIMimeDataBase = class(TfpgMimeDataBase) end; { Used mainly for sending drags - being the source of the drag } TfpgGDIDrag = class(TfpgDragBase) private function StringToHandle(const AString: TfpgString): HGLOBAL; protected FSource: TfpgGDIWindow; function GetSource: TfpgGDIWindow; virtual; public destructor Destroy; override; function Execute(const ADropActions: TfpgDropActions; const ADefaultAction: TfpgDropAction=daCopy): TfpgDropAction; override; end; { Used mainly for receiving drags - being the target of the drag } TGDIDragManager = class(TInterfacedObject, IDropTarget) private FDropTarget: TfpgWindowBase; { actually a TfpgWidget } FRegistered: boolean; { IDropTarget } function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;StdCall; function DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;StdCall; function DragLeave: HResult;StdCall; function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD):HResult;StdCall; public constructor Create(ADropTarget: TfpgWindowBase); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterDragDrop; procedure RevokeDragDrop; property DropTarget: TfpgWindowBase read FDropTarget; { actually a TfpgWidget } end; { TfpgGDITimer } TfpgGDITimer = class(TfpgBaseTimer) private FHandle: THandle; protected procedure SetEnabled(const AValue: boolean); override; public constructor Create(AInterval: integer); override; end; implementation uses fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_popupwindow, fpg_stringutils, fpg_form, math; var wapplication: TfpgApplication; uDragSource: TfpgWidget; { points to the Source widget of the DND when drop is inside the same app } MouseFocusedWH: HWND; OldMousePos: TPoint; // used to detect fake MouseMove events NeedToUnitialize: Boolean; // some required keyboard functions {$INCLUDE fpg_keys_gdi.inc} {$IFDEF wince} // A few tweaks to get fpGUI working on the Symbol MC1000 WinCE 4.2 // *** Need to fix the hack in procedure TfpgWindowImpl.DoAllocateWindowHandle const CS_OWNDC = 0; WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW = WS_VISIBLE; WS_POPUPWINDOW = 0; WS_EX_APPWINDOW = 0; // From Lazarus wince\winext.pas: function GET_X_LPARAM(lp : Windows.LParam) : longint; begin result:=smallint(LOWORD(lp)); end; function GET_Y_LPARAM(lp : Windows.LParam) : longint; begin result:=smallint(HIWORD(lp)); end; // *** copied from Lazarus function MulDiv(nNumber, nNumerator, nDenominator: Integer): Integer; begin if nDenominator = 0 then Result := -1 else // Result := MathRound( int64(nNumber) * int64(nNumerator) / nDenominator); Result := Round( int64(nNumber) * int64(nNumerator) / nDenominator); end; {$ENDIF} function fpgColorToWin(col: TfpgColor): longword; var c: dword; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(col); //swapping bytes (Red and Blue colors) Result := ((c and $FF0000) shr 16) or ((c and $0000FF) shl 16) or (c and $00FF00); end; function WinColorTofpgColor(col: longword): TfpgColor; begin //swapping bytes Result := fpgColorToWin(col); end; function GetMyWidgetFromHandle(wh: TfpgWinHandle): TfpgWidget; var wg: TfpgWidget; begin {$IFDEF CPU64} wg := TfpgWidget(Windows.GetWindowLongPtr(wh, GWL_USERDATA)); if (wh <> 0) and (MainInstance = GetWindowLongPtr(wh, GWL_HINSTANCE)) and (wg is TfpgWidget) {$ELSE} wg := TfpgWidget(Windows.GetWindowLong(wh, GWL_USERDATA)); if (wh <> 0) and (MainInstance = longword(GetWindowLong(wh, GWL_HINSTANCE))) and (wg is TfpgWidget) {$ENDIF} then Result := wg else Result := nil; end; { Use CenterPoint to get the Center-Point of any rectangle. It is primarily for use with, and in, other routines such as Quadrant, and RadialPoint. } function CenterPoint(Rect: TRect): TPoint; var Tmp: Longint; begin with Rect do begin if Right < Left then begin Tmp := Right; Right := Left; Left := Tmp; end; if Bottom < Top then begin Tmp := Bottom; Bottom := Top; Top := Tmp; end; Result.X := Left + (Right - Left) div 2; Result.Y := Top + (Bottom - Top) div 2; end; end; { Use LineEndPoint to get the End-Point of a line of any given Length at any given angle with any given Start-Point. It is primarily for use in other routines such as RadialPoint. The angle is in 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } function LineEndPoint(StartPoint: TPoint; Angle, Length: Extended): TPoint; begin if Angle > 360*16 then Angle := Frac(Angle / 360*16) * 360*16; if Angle < 0 then Angle := 360*16 - abs(Angle); Result.Y := StartPoint.Y - Round(Length*Sin(DegToRad(Angle/16))); Result.X := StartPoint.X + Round(Length*Cos(DegToRad(Angle/16))); end; { Use EllipseRadialLength to get the Radial-Length of non-rotated ellipse at any given Eccentric( aka Radial ) Angle. It is primarily for use in other routines such as RadialPoint. The Eccentric angle is in 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } function EllipseRadialLength(Rect: TRect; EccentricAngle: Extended): Longint; var a, b, R: Extended; begin a := (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) div 2; b := (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) div 2; R := Sqr(a)*Sqr(b); R := Sqrt(R / ((Sqr(b)*Sqr(Cos(DegToRad(EccentricAngle/16)))) + (Sqr(a)*Sqr(Sin(DegToRad(EccentricAngle/16)))))); Result := integer(Trunc(R)); end; { Use RadialPoint to get the Radial-Point at any given Eccentric( aka Radial ) angle on any non-rotated ellipse. It is primarily for use in Angles2Coords. The EccentricAngle is in 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } function RadialPoint(EccentricAngle: Extended; Rect: TRect): TPoint; var R: Longint; Begin R := EllipseRadialLength(Rect, EccentricAngle); Result := LineEndPoint(CenterPoint(Rect), EccentricAngle, R); end; { Use Angles2Coords to convert an Eccentric(aka Radial) Angle and an Angle-Length, such as are used in X-Windows and GTK, into the coords, for Start and End Radial-Points, such as are used in the Windows API Arc Pie and Chord routines. The angles are 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Positive values of Angle and AngleLength mean counter-clockwise while negative values mean clockwise direction. Zero degrees is at the 3'o clock position. } procedure Angles2Coords(X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; Angle1, Angle2: Extended; var SX, SY, EX, EY: Integer); var aRect: TRect; SP, EP: TPoint; begin aRect := Classes.Rect(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); SP := RadialPoint(Angle1, aRect); if Angle2 + Angle1 > 360*16 then Angle2 := (Angle2 + Angle1) - 360*16 else Angle2 := Angle2 + Angle1; EP := RadialPoint(Angle2, aRect); SX := SP.X; SY := SP.Y; EX := EP.X; EY := EP.Y; end; // returns true when the operating system is windows 2000 or newer function IsWin2kOrLater: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF WinCE} Result := false; {$ELSE} Result := (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion >= 5); {$ENDIF} end; // returns true when the operating system is windows XP or newer function IsWinXPOrLater: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF WinCE} Result := false; {$ELSE} Result := (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (((Win32MajorVersion = 5) and (Win32MinorVersion >= 1)) or ((Win32MajorVersion >= 6) and (Win32MinorVersion >= 0))); {$ENDIF} end; { ********** Some helper conversion functions ************* } function WinkeystateToShiftstate(keystate: cardinal): TShiftState; begin Result := []; if GetKeyState(vk_menu) < 0 then Include(result, ssAlt); if GetKeyState(vk_shift) < 0 then Include(result, ssShift); if GetKeyState(vk_control) < 0 then Include(result, ssCtrl); end; function TranslateToFPGDropActions(const pdwEffects: DWORD): TfpgDropActions; begin Result := [daIgnore]; if (pdwEffects and DROPEFFECT_LINK) <> 0 then Result := Result + [daLink]; if (pdwEffects and DROPEFFECT_COPY) <> 0 then Result := Result + [daCopy]; if (pdwEffects and DROPEFFECT_MOVE) <> 0 then Result := Result + [daMove]; end; function TranslateToFPGDropAction(const pdwEffects: DWORD): TfpgDropAction; begin if (pdwEffects and DROPEFFECT_LINK) <> 0 then Result := daLink else if (pdwEffects and DROPEFFECT_COPY) <> 0 then Result := daCopy else if (pdwEffects and DROPEFFECT_MOVE) <> 0 then Result := daMove else Result := daIgnore; end; function TranslateToWinDragEffects(const AActions: TfpgDropActions): DWORD; begin Result := DROPEFFECT_NONE; if daLink in AActions then Result := Result or DROPEFFECT_LINK; if daCopy in AActions then Result := Result or DROPEFFECT_COPY; if daMove in AActions then Result := Result or DROPEFFECT_MOVE; end; function TranslateToWinDragEffect(const AAction: TfpgDropAction): DWORD; begin if AAction = daIgnore then Result := DROPEFFECT_NONE else if daLink = AAction then Result := DROPEFFECT_LINK else if daCopy = AAction then Result := DROPEFFECT_COPY else if daMove = AAction then Result := DROPEFFECT_MOVE else Result := DROPEFFECT_NONE; { fallback, but should never be reached } end; {$IFDEF wince} procedure WinCESetDibBits(BMP: HBITMAP; awidth, aheight: Integer; aimgdata: Pointer; var bi: TBitmapInfo); var hdcSrc, hdcDest: HDC; hbmSrc: HBITMAP; bm: BITMAP; begin hdcDest:= CreateCompatibleDC(0); SelectObject(hdcDest, BMP); if bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1 then begin SetDIBitsToDevice(hdcDest, 0, 0, awidth, aheight, 0, 0, 0, aheight, aimgdata, bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); end else begin hdcSrc:= CreateCompatibleDC(0); hbmSrc:= CreateBitmap(awidth, aheight, 1, bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount, aimgdata); SelectObject(hdcSrc, hbmSrc); BitBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, awidth, aheight, hdcSrc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(hdcSrc); DeleteObject(hbmSrc); end; DeleteDC(hdcDest); end; {$ENDIF} procedure GetWindowBorderDimensions(const w: TfpgWindowBase; var dx, dy: integer); var bx: integer; // left/right border width by: integer; // top/bottom border height bt: integer; // title bar begin bx := 0; by := 0; bt := 0; if w.WindowType in [wtWindow, wtModalForm] then begin if w is TfpgForm then begin if TfpgForm(w).Sizeable then begin bx := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); by := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME); end else begin bx := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME); by := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME); end; end; bt := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); end; dx := (2 * bx); dy := (2 * by) + bt; end; function fpgCBTProc(nCode: longint; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; begin if nCode < 0 then begin Result := CallNextHookEx(wapplication.ActivationHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); Exit; //==> end; if (nCode = HCBT_ACTIVATE) then begin // write('Hooked HCBT_ACTIVATE at '+IntToStr(wParam)+': '); if (wapplication.TopModalForm <> nil) and (wParam <> TfpgGDIWindow(wapplication.TopModalForm).FWinHandle) then begin // writeln('stopped'); SetActiveWindow(TfpgGDIWindow(wapplication.TopModalForm).FWinHandle); Result := 1; end else begin // writeln('passed'); Result := 0; end; end else Result := CallNextHookEx(wapplication.ActivationHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); end; function fpgWindowProc(hwnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; var w: TfpgGDIWindow; pw: TfpgGDIWindow; kwg: TfpgWidget; mw: TfpgGDIWindow; kcode: integer; i: integer; sstate: integer; h: THANDLE; p: PChar; pt: TPOINT; r: TRECT; blockmsg: boolean; msgp: TfpgMessageParams; mcode: integer; wmsg: TMsg; PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; TmpW: widestring; //------------ procedure SetMinMaxInfo(var MinMaxInfo: TMINMAXINFO); procedure SetWin32SizePoint(AWidth, AHeight: integer; var pt: TPoint); var IntfWidth: integer; IntfHeight: integer; dx: integer; dy: integer; begin // 0 means no constraint // if (AWidth=0) and (AHeight=0) then exit; dx := 0; dy := 0; IntfWidth := AWidth; IntfHeight := AHeight; GetWindowBorderDimensions(w, dx, dy); Inc(IntfWidth, dx); Inc(IntfHeight, dy); if AWidth > 0 then pt.X := IntfWidth; if AHeight > 0 then pt.Y := IntfHeight; end; begin if (w = nil) {or not (w is TfpgForm)} then Exit; //==> SetWin32SizePoint(w.MinWidth, w.MinHeight, MinMaxInfo.ptMinTrackSize); // SetWin32SizePoint(MaxWidth, MaxHeight, MinMaxInfo.ptMaxSize); // SetWin32SizePoint(MaxWidth, MaxHeight, MinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize); end; begin if uMsg = WM_CREATE then begin w := TfpgGDIWindow(PCreateStruct(lParam)^.lpCreateParams); w.FWinHandle := hwnd; // this is very important, because number of messages sent // before the createwindow returns the window handle {$IFDEF CPU64} Windows.SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, long_ptr(w)); {$ELSE} Windows.SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, longword(w)); {$ENDIF} end else if (uMsg = WM_RENDERALLFORMATS) or (uMsg = WM_RENDERFORMAT) then begin // writeln('cliboard rendering...'); if uMsg = WM_RENDERALLFORMATS then begin // writeln('ALL'); CloseClipboard; OpenClipboard(0); end; // Windows seems unhappy unless I do these two steps. Documentation // seems to vary on whether opening the clipboard is necessary or // is in fact wrong: // fall through... h := GlobalAlloc(GHND, Length(fpgClipboard.FClipboardText)+1); if (h <> 0) then begin p := GlobalLock(h); Move(fpgClipboard.FClipboardText[1], p^, Length(fpgClipboard.FClipboardText)); inc(p, Length(fpgClipboard.FClipboardText)); p^ := #0; GlobalUnlock(h); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, h); end; // Windows also seems unhappy if I don't do this. Documentation very // unclear on what is correct: if uMsg = WM_RENDERALLFORMATS then CloseClipboard; Result := 1; Exit; //==> end; {$IFDEF CPU64} w := TfpgGDIWindow(Windows.GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA)); {$ELSE} w := TfpgGDIWindow(Windows.GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA)); {$ENDIF} Result := 0; if not (w is TfpgGDIWindow) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('fpGFX/GDI: Unable to detect Window - using DefWindowProc'); {$ENDIF} Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); Exit; //==> end; blockmsg := False; fillchar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0); case uMsg of WM_CHAR, WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN: begin {$IFDEF DEBUGKEYS} SendDebug(w.ClassName + ': wm_char, wm_keyup, wm_keydown'); {$ENDIF} kwg := FindKeyboardFocus; if kwg <> nil then w := kwg; msgp.keyboard.shiftstate := WinkeystateToShiftstate(lparam); // msgp.keyboard.shiftstate := GetKeyboardShiftState; msgp.keyboard.keycode := VirtKeyToKeycode(wParam); if (uMsg = WM_KEYDOWN) or (uMsg = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) then begin fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYPRESS, msgp); // generating WM_CHAR fillchar(wmsg, sizeof(wmsg), 0); wmsg.hwnd := hwnd; wmsg.message := uMsg; wmsg.wParam := wParam; wmsg.lParam := lParam; Windows.TranslateMessage(@wmsg); // TranslateMessage sends WM_CHAR ocassionally // but NOBODY KNOWS WHEN! if (wParam = $2e {VK_DELETE}) then begin msgp.keyboard.keychar := #127; msgp.keyboard.keycode := 0; fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYCHAR, msgp); end; end else if (uMsg = WM_KEYUP) or (uMsg = WM_SYSKEYUP) then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYRELEASE, msgp) else if uMsg = WM_CHAR then begin tmpW := WideChar(wParam); msgp.keyboard.keychar := UTF8Encode(tmpW); fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYCHAR, msgp); end; // Allow Alt+F4 and other system key combinations if (uMsg = WM_SYSKEYUP) or (uMsg = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) then Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; WM_SETCURSOR: begin // {$IFDEF DEBUG} write(w.ClassName + ': '); {$ENDIF} //Writeln('Hittest: ',IntToHex((lParam and $FFFF),4)); if (lParam and $FFFF) <= 1 then w.DoSetMouseCursor else Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_MBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if uMsg <> WM_MOUSEMOVE then writeln('fpGFX/GDI: Found a mouse button event'); {$ENDIF} // msgp.mouse.x := smallint(lParam and $FFFF); // msgp.mouse.y := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16); msgp.mouse.x := GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); msgp.mouse.y := GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); if uMsg = WM_MOUSEMOVE then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebugFmt('old x=%d y=%d', [OldMousePos.x, OldMousePos.y]); SendDebugFmt('new x=%d y=%d', [msgp.mouse.x, msgp.mouse.y]); {$ENDIF} // Check for fake MouseMove messages - Windows sucks! if (OldMousePos.x = msgp.mouse.x) and (OldMousePos.y = msgp.mouse.y) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('We received fake MouseMove messages'); {$ENDIF} Exit; //==> end else begin OldMousePos.x := msgp.mouse.x; OldMousePos.y := msgp.mouse.y; end; end; { This closes popup windows when you click the mouse elsewhere } if uMsg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN then begin if (PopupListFirst <> nil) then begin pt.x := msgp.mouse.x; pt.y := msgp.mouse.y; ClientToScreen(w.WinHandle, pt); h := WindowFromPoint(pt); mw := GetMyWidgetFromHandle(h); pw := mw; while (pw <> nil) and (pw.Parent <> nil) do pw := TfpgGDIWindow(pw.Parent); if ((pw = nil) or (PopupListFind(pw.WinHandle) = nil)) and (not PopupDontCloseWidget(TfpgWidget(mw))) and (uMsg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) then begin ClosePopups; end; end; { if } end; if (wapplication.TopModalForm <> nil) then begin mw := nil; mw := TfpgGDIWindow(WidgetParentForm(TfpgWidget(w))); if (mw <> nil) and (wapplication.TopModalForm <> mw) then blockmsg := True; end; // Is message blocked by a modal form? if not blockmsg then begin case uMsg of WM_MOUSEMOVE: begin mcode := FPGM_MOUSEMOVE; end; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDOWN: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('fpGUI/GDI: ' + w.ClassName + ': MouseButtonDown event'); {$ENDIF} // This is temporary and we should try and move it to // the UI Designer code instead. if (uMsg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) and (w is TfpgWidget) then begin if TfpgWidget(w).FormDesigner <> nil then w.CaptureMouse; end; mcode := FPGM_MOUSEDOWN; end; WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_MBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONUP: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('fpGFX/GDI: '+ w.ClassName + ': MouseButtonUp event'); {$ENDIF} // This is temporary and we should try and move it to // the UI Designer code instead. if (uMsg = WM_LBUTTONUP) and (w is TfpgWidget) then begin if TfpgWidget(w).FormDesigner <> nil then w.ReleaseMouse; end; mcode := FPGM_MOUSEUP; end; else mcode := 0; end; case uMsg of WM_MOUSEMOVE: begin i := 0; if (wParam and MK_LBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_LEFT; if (wParam and MK_RBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_RIGHT; if (wParam and MK_MBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_MIDDLE; msgp.mouse.Buttons := i; end; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP: msgp.mouse.Buttons := MOUSE_LEFT; WM_MBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONUP: msgp.mouse.Buttons := MOUSE_MIDDLE; WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP: msgp.mouse.Buttons := MOUSE_RIGHT; end; msgp.mouse.shiftstate := GetKeyboardShiftState; if uMsg = WM_MOUSEMOVE then w.DoMouseEnterLeaveCheck(w, uMsg, wParam, lParam); if mcode <> 0 then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, mcode, msgp); end; { if blockmsg } end; WM_GETMINMAXINFO: begin SetMinMaxInfo(PMINMAXINFO(LParam)^); end; WM_SIZE: begin if w.FSkipResizeMessage then Exit; // note that WM_SIZING allows some control on sizeing //writeln('WM_SIZE: wp=',IntToHex(wparam,8), ' lp=',IntToHex(lparam,8)); msgp.rect.Width := smallint(lParam and $FFFF); msgp.rect.Height := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16); {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebugFmt('%s: WM_SIZE w=%d h=%d', [w.ClassName, msgp.rect.width, msgp.rect.Height]); {$ENDIF} // skip minimize... if lparam <> 0 then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_RESIZE, msgp); end; WM_MOVE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(w.ClassName + ': WM_MOVE'); {$ENDIF} // window decoration correction ... {$IFDEF CPU64} if (GetWindowLongPtr(w.WinHandle, GWL_STYLE) and WS_CHILD) = 0 then {$ELSE} if (GetWindowLong(w.WinHandle, GWL_STYLE) and WS_CHILD) = 0 then {$ENDIF} begin GetWindowRect(w.WinHandle, r); msgp.rect.Left := r.Left; msgp.rect.top := r.Top; end else begin msgp.rect.Left := smallint(lParam and $FFFF); msgp.rect.Top := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16); end; fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_MOVE, msgp); end; WM_MOUSEWHEEL: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebugFmt('%s: WM_MOUSEWHEEL: wp=%s lp=%s', [w.ClassName, IntToHex(wparam,8), IntToHex(lparam,8)]); {$ENDIF} pt.x := GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y := GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); mw := nil; h := WindowFromPoint(pt); if h > 0 then // get window mouse is hovering over begin {$IFDEF CPU64} mw := TfpgGDIWindow(Windows.GetWindowLongPtr(h, GWL_USERDATA)); {$ELSE} mw := TfpgGDIWindow(Windows.GetWindowLong(h, GWL_USERDATA)); {$ENDIF} end; if (mw is TfpgGDIWindow) then begin msgp.mouse.x := pt.x; msgp.mouse.y := pt.y; msgp.mouse.delta := SmallInt(HiWord(wParam)) div -120; i := 0; if (wParam and MK_LBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_LEFT; if (wParam and MK_RBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_RIGHT; if (wParam and MK_MBUTTON) <> 0 then i := i or MOUSE_MIDDLE; msgp.mouse.Buttons := i; msgp.mouse.shiftstate := GetKeyboardShiftState; fpgSendMessage(nil, mw, FPGM_SCROLL, msgp) end; end; (* WM_ACTIVATE: // We currently use WM_NCACTIVATE instead! begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(w.ClassName + ': WM_ACTIVATE'); {$ENDIF} if (Lo(wParam) = WA_INACTIVE) then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_DEACTIVATE) else fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_ACTIVATE); end; *) WM_TIMER: begin // writeln('WM_TIMER'); // used for event wait timeout Result := 0; end; WM_TIMECHANGE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(w.ClassName + ': WM_TIMECHANGE'); {$ENDIF} writeln('fpGUI/GDI: ' + w.ClassName + ': WM_TIMECHANGE'); fpgResetAllTimers; end; WM_NCACTIVATE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebugFmt('%s: WM_NCACTIVATE wparam=%d', [w.ClassName, wParam]); {$ENDIF} if (wParam = 0) then fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_DEACTIVATE) else fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_ACTIVATE); if (PopupListFirst <> nil) and (PopupListFirst.Visible) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(' Blockmsg = True (part 1) : ' + PopupListFirst.ClassName); {$ENDIF} // This is ugly but needed for now to get TfpgCombobox to work if (PopupListFirst.ClassName <> 'TDropDownWindow') then // if not (PopupListFirst is TfpgPopupWindow) then blockmsg := True; end; //end else //if (wapplication.TopModalForm <> nil) then //begin //if (wParam = 0) and (wapplication.TopModalForm = w) then //begin //{$IFDEF DEBUG} //writeln(' Blockmsg = True (part 2)'); //{$ENDIF} //blockmsg := True; //end //else if (wParam <> 0) and (wapplication.TopModalForm <> w) then //begin //{$IFDEF DEBUG} //writeln(' Blockmsg = True (part 3)'); //{$ENDIF} //blockmsg := True; //end; //end; if not blockmsg then Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; WM_CLOSE: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(w.ClassName + ': WM_Close'); {$ENDIF} fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_CLOSE, msgp); end; WM_PAINT: begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(w.ClassName + ': WM_PAINT'); {$ENDIF} Windows.BeginPaint(w.WinHandle, @PaintStruct); fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_PAINT, msgp); Windows.EndPaint(w.WinHandle, @PaintStruct); end; else Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; end; { TfpgGDIApplication } // helper function for DoGetFontFaceList {$IFDEF wince} function MyFontEnumerator(var LogFont: ENUMLOGFONT; var TextMetric: NEWTEXTMETRIC; FontType: Integer; data: LPARAM): Integer; CDecl; {$ELSE} function MyFontEnumerator(var LogFont: ENUMLOGFONTEX; var TextMetric: NEWTEXTMETRICEX; FontType: Integer; data: LPARAM): Integer; stdcall; {$ENDIF} var sl: TStringList; s: string; begin sl := TStringList(data); s := LogFont.elfLogFont.lfFaceName; if ((sl.Count = 0) or (sl.Strings[sl.Count-1] <> s)) then sl.Add(s); Result := 1; end; function TfpgGDIApplication.DoGetFontFaceList: TStringList; var LFont: TLogFont; begin Result := TStringList.Create; FillChar(LFont, sizeof(LFont), 0); LFont.lfCharset := DEFAULT_CHARSET; {$IFDEF wince} EnumFontFamiliesW(Display, @LFont, @MyFontEnumerator, LParam(result)); {$ELSE} EnumFontFamiliesEx(Display, @LFont, @MyFontEnumerator, LParam(result), 0); {$ENDIF} Result.Sort; end; procedure TfpgGDIApplication.SetDrag(const AValue: TfpgGDIDrag); begin if Assigned(FDrag) then FDrag.Free; FDrag := AValue; end; function TfpgGDIApplication.GetHiddenWindow: HWND; begin if (FHiddenWindow = 0) then begin with HiddenWndClass do begin style := 0; lpfnWndProc := WndProc(@DefWindowProc); hInstance := MainInstance; hIcon := 0; hCursor := 0; hbrBackground := 0; lpszClassName := 'FPGHIDDEN'; end; Windows.RegisterClass(@HiddenWndClass); FHiddenWindow := CreateWindow('FPGHIDDEN', '', DWORD(WS_POPUP), 0, 0, 0, 0, TfpgGDIWindow(MainForm).FWinHandle, 0, MainInstance, nil); end; Result := FHiddenWindow; end; constructor TfpgGDIApplication.Create(const AParams: string); begin inherited Create(AParams); FIsInitialized := False; FDisplay := Windows.GetDC(0); Terminated := False; with WindowClass do begin style := CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW or CS_OWNDC or CS_DBLCLKS; lpfnWndProc := WndProc(@fpgWindowProc); hInstance := MainInstance; // hIcon := LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, 'MAINICON'); hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW); hbrBackground := 0; //COLOR_WINDOW; lpszClassName := 'FPGWIN'; end; Windows.RegisterClass(@WindowClass); with WidgetClass do begin style := CS_OWNDC or CS_DBLCLKS; lpfnWndProc := WndProc(@fpgWindowProc); hInstance := MainInstance; hIcon := 0; hCursor := 0; hbrBackground := 0; //COLOR_BACKGROUND; lpszClassName := 'FPGWIDGET'; end; Windows.RegisterClass(@WidgetClass); hcr_default := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW); hcr_dir_ew := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZEWE); hcr_dir_ns := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENS); hcr_edit := LoadCursor(0, IDC_IBEAM); hcr_dir_nwse := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENWSE); hcr_dir_nesw := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENESW); // hcr_dir_senw := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENWSE); // hcr_dir_swne := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZENESW); hcr_move := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZEALL); hcr_crosshair := LoadCursor(0, IDC_CROSS); hcr_wait := LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT); hcr_hand := LoadCursor(0, IDC_HAND); FHiddenWindow := 0; ActivationHook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, HOOKPROC(@fpgCBTProc), 0, GetCurrentThreadId); FIsInitialized := True; wapplication := TfpgApplication(self); end; destructor TfpgGDIApplication.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FDrag) then FDrag.Free; UnhookWindowsHookEx(ActivationHook); inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgGDIApplication.MessagesPending: boolean; var Msg: TMsg; begin Result := Windows.PeekMessageW(@Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); end; procedure TfpgGDIApplication.DoWaitWindowMessage(atimeoutms: integer); var Msg: TMsg; mp: boolean; begin if (atimeoutms >= 0) and (not MessagesPending) then begin if Assigned(FOnIdle) then OnIdle(self); end; {$IFDEF WinCE} // No GetVersion Windows.GetMessageW(@Msg, 0, 0, 0); //NT {$ELSE} if (GetVersion() < $80000000) then Windows.GetMessageW(@Msg, 0, 0, 0) //NT else Windows.GetMessage(@Msg, 0, 0, 0); //Win98 {$ENDIF} Windows.DispatchMessage(@msg); end; procedure TfpgGDIApplication.DoFlush; begin {$IFNDEF wince} GdiFlush; {$ENDIF} end; function TfpgGDIApplication.GetScreenWidth: TfpgCoord; var r: TRECT; begin GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow, r); Result := r.Right - r.Left; // Result := Windows.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); end; function TfpgGDIApplication.GetScreenHeight: TfpgCoord; var r: TRECT; begin GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow, r); Result := r.Bottom - r.Top; // Result := Windows.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); end; function TfpgGDIApplication.Screen_dpi_x: integer; begin Result := GetDeviceCaps(wapplication.display, LOGPIXELSX) end; function TfpgGDIApplication.Screen_dpi_y: integer; begin Result := GetDeviceCaps(wapplication.display, LOGPIXELSY) end; function TfpgGDIApplication.Screen_dpi: integer; begin Result := Screen_dpi_y; end; { TfpgGDIWindow } var // this are required for Windows MouseEnter & MouseExit detection. uLastWindowHndl: TfpgWinHandle; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDLeave(Sender: TObject); var wg: TfpgWidget; begin {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDLeave '); {$ENDIF} FUserMimeSelection := ''; wg := self as TfpgWidget; if wg.AcceptDrops then { if we get here, this should always be true anyway } begin if Assigned(wg.OnDragLeave) then wg.OnDragLeave(nil); end; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDEnter(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); var wg: TfpgWidget; swg: TfpgWidget; lMimeList: TStringList; lMimeChoice: TfpgString; lAccept: Boolean; lDropAction: TfpgDropAction; EnumIntf: IEnumFORMATETC; msgp: TfpgMessageParams; begin {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDEnter '); {$ENDIF} wg := self as TfpgWidget; if wg.AcceptDrops then begin lAccept := False; { enumerate the available formats and return them as a StringList } lMimeList := EnumDataToStringList(DataObj); try if lMimeList.Count > 0 then lMimeChoice := lMimeList[0] else {$NOTE We need to replace this message with a resouce string } raise Exception.Create('fpGUI/GDI: no mime types available for DND operation'); lDropAction := TranslateToFPGDropAction(Effect); if Assigned(wg.OnDragEnter) then begin if Assigned(uDragSource) then swg := uDragSource as TfpgWidget else swg := nil; wg.OnDragEnter(self, swg, lMimeList, lMimeChoice, lDropAction, lAccept); end; finally lMimeList.Free; end; if not lAccept then Effect := DROPEFFECT_NONE else begin Effect := TranslateToWinDragEffect(lDropAction); FUserMimeSelection := lMimeChoice; FUserAcceptDrag := True; end; { Notify widget of drag status, so it can update its look } if lAccept then begin FDropPos.x := PT.x; FDropPos.y := PT.y; fillchar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0); msgp.mouse.x := PT.x; msgp.mouse.y := PT.y; fpgPostMessage(nil, wg, FPGM_DROPENTER, msgp); end; end; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDPosition(Sender: TObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); var msgp: TfpgMessageParams; wg: TfpgWidget; begin wg := self as TfpgWidget; { Notify widget of drag status, so it can update its look. We do the pos check because OLE framework calls DragOver repeatedly even if the mouse doesn't move, but simply because the mouse is over the widget. We don't want that, for performance reasons. } if FDropPos <> PT then begin {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDPosition '); {$ENDIF} FDropPos.x := PT.x; FDropPos.y := PT.y; fillchar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0); msgp.mouse.x := PT.x; msgp.mouse.y := PT.y; fpgPostMessage(nil, wg, FPGM_DROPENTER, msgp); end; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDDrop(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); var FE: FORMATETC; stgmed: STGMEDIUM; data: pchar; wg: TfpgWidget; swg: TfpgWidget; { source widget } CF: DWORD; lIsTranslated: Boolean; begin if not FUserAcceptDrag then exit; {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} Writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDDrop'); {$ENDIF} wg := self as TfpgWidget; { construct a FORMATETC object } CF := WindowsClipboardLookup(FUserMimeSelection, lIsTranslated); FE := GetFormatEtc(CF); if DataObj.QueryGetData(FE) = S_OK then begin if DataObj.GetData(FE, stgmed) = S_OK then begin { Yippie! the data is there, so go get it! } data := GlobalLock(stgmed.HGLOBAL); if Assigned(wg.OnDragDrop) then begin if Assigned(uDragSource) then swg := uDragSource as TfpgWidget else swg := nil; wg.OnDragDrop(wg, swg, pt.x, pt.y, data); uDragSource := nil; end; GlobalUnlock(stgmed.HGLOBAL); { release the data using the COM API } ReleaseStgMedium(stgmed); end; end; end; function TfpgGDIWindow.GetDropManager: TfpgOLEDropTarget; begin if not Assigned(FDropManager) then begin FDropManager := TfpgOLEDropTarget.Create(self); FDropManager.OnDragLeave := @HandleDNDLeave; FDropManager.OnDragEnter := @HandleDNDEnter; FDropManager.OnDragOver := @HandleDNDPosition; FDropManager.OnDragDrop := @HandleDNDDrop; end; Result := FDropManager; end; function TfpgGDIWindow.DoMouseEnterLeaveCheck(AWindow: TfpgGDIWindow; uMsg, wParam, lParam: Cardinal): Boolean; var pt, spt: Windows.POINT; msgp: TfpgMessageParams; CursorInDifferentWindow: boolean; CurrentWindowHndl: TfpgWinHandle; MouseCaptureWHndl: TfpgWinHandle; LastWindow: TfpgGDIWindow; CurrentWindow: TfpgGDIWindow; begin // vvzh: this method currently cannot receive mouse events when mouse pointer // is outside of the application window. We could try to play with // TrackMouseEvent to catch such events and then // - send FPGM_MOUSEEXIT/FPGM_MOUSEENTER // - set uLastWindowHndl to 0 // An example: // var tme: TTrackMouseEvent; // tme.cbSize := SizeOf(tme); // tme.hwndTrack := m_hWnd; // tme.dwFlags := TME_LEAVE or TME_HOVER; // tme.dwHoverTime := 1; // TrackMouseEvent(tme); pt.x := GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y := GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); spt := pt; // only WM_MOUSEWHEEL uses screen coordinates!!! if uMsg = WM_MOUSEWHEEL then Windows.ScreenToClient(FWinHandle, @pt) else Windows.ClientToScreen(FWinHandle, @spt); CurrentWindowHndl := WindowFromPoint(spt); CursorInDifferentWindow := (CurrentWindowHndl <> uLastWindowHndl); if CursorInDifferentWindow then begin FillChar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0); msgp.mouse.x := pt.x; msgp.mouse.y := pt.y; LastWindow := GetMyWidgetFromHandle(uLastWindowHndl); // check if last window still exits. eg: Dialog window could be closed. if LastWindow <> nil then fpgSendMessage(nil, LastWindow, FPGM_MOUSEEXIT, msgp); // if some window captured mouse input, we should not send mouse events to other windows MouseCaptureWHndl := GetCapture; if (MouseCaptureWHndl = 0) or (MouseCaptureWHndl = CurrentWindowHndl) then begin CurrentWindow := GetMyWidgetFromHandle(CurrentWindowHndl); if (CurrentWindow <> nil) then fpgSendMessage(nil, CurrentWindow, FPGM_MOUSEENTER, msgp); end; end; uLastWindowHndl := CurrentWindowHndl; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.WindowSetFullscreen(aFullScreen, aUpdate: boolean); begin if aFullScreen = FFullscreenIsSet then Exit; //==> if aFullScreen then begin // backup current bounds and style FNonFullscreenStyle := FWinStyle; FNonFullscreenRect.SetRect(Left, Top, Width, Height); // vvzh: the following lines are the workaround for bug. When calling // WindowSetFullscreen from TfpgGDIWindow.DoAllocateWindowHandle, // Left and Top are equal to -2147483648. As the result, if // we set FullScreen := True at the form creation time and then // call SetFullScreen(False) the form disappears, because it is moved // to (-2147483648; -2147483648). if FNonFullscreenRect.Left < 0 then FNonFullscreenRect.Left := 0; if FNonFullscreenRect.Top < 0 then FNonFullscreenRect.Top := 0; Left := 0; Top := 0; Width := wapplication.GetScreenWidth; Height := wapplication.GetScreenHeight; if aUpdate then UpdateWindowPosition; FWinStyle := WS_POPUP or WS_SYSMENU; if aUpdate then begin {$IFDEF CPU64} SetWindowLongPtr(FWinHandle, GWL_STYLE, FWinStyle); {$ELSE} SetWindowLong(FWinHandle, GWL_STYLE, FWinStyle); {$ENDIF} {According to MSDN, call SetWindowPos to apply changes made by SetWindowLong. uFlags should be SWP_NOMOVE, SWP_NOSIZE, SWP_NOZORDER, SWP_FRAMECHANGED} SetWindowPos(FWinHandle,0,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_FRAMECHANGED); ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_SHOW); end; end else begin FWinStyle := FNonFullscreenStyle; if aUpdate then begin {$IFDEF CPU64} SetWindowLongPtr(FWinHandle, GWL_STYLE, FWinStyle); {$ELSE} SetWindowLong(FWinHandle, GWL_STYLE, FWinStyle); {$ENDIF} SetWindowPos(FWinHandle,0,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_FRAMECHANGED); ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_SHOW); end; Left := FNonFullscreenRect.Left; Top := FNonFullscreenRect.Top; Width := FNonFullscreenRect.Width; Height := FNonFullscreenRect.Height; if aUpdate then UpdateWindowPosition; end; FFullscreenIsSet := aFullScreen; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: TfpgWindowBase); var {$IFDEF wince} wcname: widestring; wname: widestring; {$ELSE} wcname: string; wname: string; {$ENDIF} mid: dword; rwidth: integer; rheight: integer; r: TRect; begin if FWinHandle > 0 then Exit; //==> FSkipResizeMessage := True; FWinStyle := WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; FWinStyleEx := WS_EX_APPWINDOW; mid := 0; wcname := 'FPGWIN'; if AParent <> nil then FParentWinHandle := TfpgGDIWindow(AParent).WinHandle else FParentWinHandle := 0; if WindowType = wtChild then begin FWinStyle := WS_CHILD; FWinStyleEx := 0; mid := 1; wcname := 'FPGWIDGET'; end else if WindowType in [wtPopup] then begin // This prevents the popup window from stealing the focus. eg: ComboBox dropdown FParentWinHandle := GetDesktopWindow; FWinStyle := WS_CHILD; FWinStyleEx := WS_EX_TOPMOST or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; end else if WindowType = wtModalForm then begin if FocusRootWidget <> nil then FParentWinHandle := FocusRootWidget.WinHandle else // set parent window to special hidden window. It helps to hide window taskbar button. FParentWinHandle := wapplication.GetHiddenWindow; // for modal windows, this is necessary FWinStyle := WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW or WS_POPUPWINDOW; FWinStyle := FWinStyle and not (WS_MINIMIZEBOX); FWinStyleEx := 0; end; if ((WindowType = wtWindow) or (WindowType = wtModalForm)) and (waBorderLess in FWindowAttributes) then FWinStyle := FWinStyle and WS_POPUP; // this is different to wtPopop (toolwindow, hint window) because it can steal focus like a normal form AdjustWindowStyle; if waAutoPos in FWindowAttributes then begin FLeft := TfpgCoord(CW_USEDEFAULT); FTop := TfpgCoord(CW_USEDEFAULT); end; if (WindowType <> wtChild) and not (waSizeable in FWindowAttributes) then FWinStyle := FWinStyle and not (WS_SIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); FWinStyle := FWinStyle or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; if waFullScreen in FWindowAttributes then WindowSetFullscreen(True, False); wname := ''; rwidth := FWidth; rheight := FHeight; // Because a child has no borders or title bar the // client area size gets adjusted. if (FWinStyle and WS_CHILD) = 0 then begin r.Left := FLeft; r.Top := FTop; r.Right := FLeft + FWidth; r.Bottom := FTop + FHeight; {$IFDEF wince} AdjustWindowRectEx(@r, FWinStyle, False, FWinStyleEx); {$ELSE} AdjustWindowRectEx(r, FWinStyle, False, FWinStyleEx); {$ENDIF} rwidth := r.Right - r.Left; rheight := r.Bottom - r.Top; end; {$IFDEF wince} // required for some WinCE devices FWinStyleEx := FWinStyleEx or WS_VISIBLE; // or WS_BORDER; FWinStyle := FWinStyleEx; FWinHandle := Windows.CreateWindowExW( FWinStyleEx, // extended window style PWideChar(wcname), // registered class name PWideChar(wname), // window name FWinStyle, // window style FLeft, // horizontal position of window FTop, // vertical position of window rwidth, // window width rheight, // window height FParentWinHandle, // handle to parent or owner window mid, // menu handle or child identifier MainInstance, // handle to application instance Self // window-creation data ); {$ELSE} FWinHandle := Windows.CreateWindowEx( FWinStyleEx, // extended window style PChar(wcname), // registered class name PChar(wname), // window name FWinStyle, // window style FLeft, // horizontal position of window FTop, // vertical position of window rwidth, // window width rheight, // window height FParentWinHandle, // handle to parent or owner window mid, // menu handle or child identifier MainInstance, // handle to application instance Self // window-creation data ); {$ENDIF} if waScreenCenterPos in FWindowAttributes then begin FLeft := (wapplication.ScreenWidth - FWidth) div 2; FTop := (wapplication.ScreenHeight - FHeight) div 2; DoMoveWindow(FLeft, FTop); end else if waOneThirdDownPos in FWindowAttributes then begin FLeft := (wapplication.ScreenWidth - FWidth) div 2; FTop := (wapplication.ScreenHeight - FHeight) div 3; DoMoveWindow(FLeft, FTop); end; if waStayOnTop in FWindowAttributes then SetWindowPos(FWinHandle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOACTIVATE); // the forms require some adjustments before the Window appears SetWindowParameters; FSkipResizeMessage := False; if QueueAcceptDrops then begin DoAcceptDrops(True); end; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoReleaseWindowHandle; begin if FWinHandle <= 0 then Exit; Windows.DestroyWindow(FWinHandle); FWinHandle := 0; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoRemoveWindowLookup; begin // Nothing to do here end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoSetWindowVisible(const AValue: Boolean); var r: TRect; begin if AValue then begin FSkipResizeMessage := True; BringWindowToTop(FWinHandle); if FWindowType in [wtPopup] then Windows.ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE) else Windows.ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_SHOWNORMAL); if (waAutoPos in FWindowAttributes) or (waScreenCenterPos in FWindowAttributes) or (waOneThirdDownPos in FWindowAttributes) then begin GetWindowRect(FWinHandle, r); FLeft := r.Left; FTop := r.Top; end; Windows.UpdateWindow(FWinHandle); FSkipResizeMessage := False; end else Windows.ShowWindow(FWinHandle, SW_HIDE); end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoMoveWindow(const x: TfpgCoord; const y: TfpgCoord); begin if HandleIsValid then Windows.SetWindowPos( WinHandle, HWND_TOP, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOSIZE);// or SWP_NOREDRAW); end; function TfpgGDIWindow.DoWindowToScreen(ASource: TfpgWindowBase; const AScreenPos: TPoint): TPoint; begin if not TfpgGDIWindow(ASource).HandleIsValid then Exit; //==> Result.X := AScreenPos.X; Result.Y := AScreenPos.Y; ClientToScreen(TfpgGDIWindow(ASource).WinHandle, Result); end; { procedure TfpgGDIWindow.MoveToScreenCenter; var r : TRECT; begin GetWindowRect(WinHandle, r); FLeft := (wapplication.ScreenWidth-(r.Right - r.Left)) div 2; FTop := (wapplication.ScreenHeight-(r.Bottom - r.Top)) div 2; MoveWindow(FLeft,FTop); end; } procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoSetWindowTitle(const atitle: string); begin {$ifdef wince} Windows.SetWindowText(WinHandle, PWideChar(Utf8Decode(ATitle))); {$else} if UnicodeEnabledOS then Windows.SetWindowTextW(WinHandle, PWideChar(Utf8Decode(ATitle))) else Windows.SetWindowText(WinHandle, PChar(Utf8ToAnsi(ATitle))); {$endif} end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoSetMouseCursor; var hc: HCURSOR; begin if not HasHandle then Exit; //==> case FMouseCursor of mcSizeEW: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_ew; mcSizeNS: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_ns; mcIBeam: hc := wapplication.hcr_edit; mcSizeNWSE, mcSizeSENW: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_nwse; mcSizeNESW, mcSizeSWNE: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_nesw; // mcSizeSWNE: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_swne; // mcSizeSENW: hc := wapplication.hcr_dir_senw; mcMove: hc := wapplication.hcr_move; mcCross: hc := wapplication.hcr_crosshair; mcHourGlass: hc := wapplication.hcr_wait; mcHand: hc := wapplication.hcr_hand; else hc := wapplication.hcr_default; end; SetCursor(hc); end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoDNDEnabled(const AValue: boolean); begin { GDI has nothing to do here } end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoAcceptDrops(const AValue: boolean); begin if AValue then begin if HasHandle then DropManager.RegisterDragDrop else QueueAcceptDrops := True; // we need to do this once we have a winhandle end else begin if HasHandle then DropManager.RevokeDragDrop; QueueAcceptDrops := False; end; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoDragStartDetected; begin inherited DoDragStartDetected; { In windows OLE dragging is a blocking function, so it never returns until OnStartDragDetected is complete. So we need to set FDragActive to False here. } FDragActive := False; if Assigned(wapplication.FDrag) then FreeAndNil(wapplication.FDrag); end; function TfpgGDIWindow.GetWindowState: TfpgWindowState; const flagsoffs = 0 * sizeof(integer); var placement: TWindowPlacement; begin Result := inherited GetWindowState; {$IFDEF CPU64} case GetWindowLongPtr(FWinHandle, flagsoffs) of {$ELSE} case GetWindowLong(FWinHandle, flagsoffs) of {$ENDIF} 1: begin Result := wsMaximized; { TODO: this could later become wsFullScreen or something } end; 2: begin { Do Nothing. This is actually just vertical fullscreen } end; else begin placement.length:= sizeof(placement); if GetWindowPlacement(FWinHandle, placement) then begin case placement.ShowCmd of SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED: result:= wsMaximized; SW_SHOWMINIMIZED: result:= wsMinimized; end; end; end; { case..else } end; { case } end; constructor TfpgGDIWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FWinHandle := 0; FDropManager := nil; FDropPos.x := 0; FDropPos.y := 0; FFullscreenIsSet := false; FUserMimeSelection := ''; FUserAcceptDrag := False; end; destructor TfpgGDIWindow.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FDropManager) then FDropManager.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.ActivateWindow; begin Windows.SetWindowPos( WinHandle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, FLeft, FTop, FWidth, FHeight, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOSIZE); end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.CaptureMouse; begin Windows.SetCapture(FWinHandle); end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.ReleaseMouse; begin Windows.ReleaseCapture; // if PopupListFirst <> nil then // Windows.SetCapture(PopupListFirst^.); // if GfxFirstPopup <> nil then SetCapture(GfxFirstPopup^.wg.WinHandle); end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.SetFullscreen(AValue: Boolean); begin inherited SetFullscreen(AValue); WindowSetFullscreen(AValue, True); end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.BringToFront; begin if HasHandle then Windows.SetWindowPos( WinHandle, HWND_TOP, FLeft, FTop, FWidth, FHeight, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOSIZE); end; function TfpgGDIWindow.HandleIsValid: boolean; begin Result := FWinHandle > 0; end; procedure TfpgGDIWindow.DoUpdateWindowPosition; var bx, by: integer; begin if HasHandle then begin FSkipResizeMessage := True; GetWindowBorderDimensions(Self, bx, by); Windows.SetWindowPos( WinHandle, HWND_TOP, FLeft, FTop, FWidth + bx, FHeight + by, SWP_NOZORDER);// or SWP_NOREDRAW); Windows.InvalidateRect(WinHandle, nil, True); FSkipResizeMessage := False; end; end; { TfpgGDICanvas } constructor TfpgGDICanvas.Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); begin inherited Create(awin); FDrawing := False; FDrawWindow := nil; FBufferBitmap := 0; end; destructor TfpgGDICanvas.Destroy; begin if FDrawing then DoEndDraw; TryFreeBackBuffer; inherited; end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean); var ARect: TfpgRect; bmsize: Windows.TSIZE; begin if FDrawing and buffered and (FBufferBitmap > 0) then begin // check if the dimensions are ok {$IFNDEF wince} GetBitmapDimensionEx(FBufferBitmap, bmsize); {$ENDIF} FDrawWindow := TfpgGDIWindow(awin); DoGetWinRect(ARect); if (bmsize.cx <> (ARect.Right-ARect.Left+1)) or (bmsize.cy <> (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top+1)) then DoEndDraw; end; if not FDrawing then begin FDrawWindow := TfpgGDIWindow(awin); FWinGC := Windows.GetDC(FDrawWindow.FWinHandle); if buffered then begin DoGetWinRect(ARect); if (FastDoubleBuffer = False) or (FBufferBitmap = 0) or (FBufWidth <> ARect.Width) or (FBufHeight <> ARect.Height) then begin TryFreeBackBuffer; // DoGetWinRect(ARect); FBufferBitmap := Windows.CreateCompatibleBitmap(FWinGC, ARect.Width, ARect.Height); FBufgc := CreateCompatibleDC(FWinGC); Fgc := FBufgc; end; SelectObject(FBufgc, FBufferBitmap); end else begin FBufferBitmap := 0; Fgc := FWinGC; end; SetTextAlign(Fgc, TA_TOP); SetBkMode(Fgc, TRANSPARENT); FBrush := CreateSolidBrush(0); FPen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, 0); // defaults to black FClipRegion := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 1, 1); FColor := fpgColorToWin(clText1); FLineStyle := lsSolid; FLineWidth := 1; FBackgroundColor := fpgColorToWin(clBoxColor); end; FDrawing := True; end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoEndDraw; begin if FDrawing then begin DeleteObject(FBrush); DeleteObject(FPen); DeleteObject(FClipRegion); TryFreeBackBuffer; Windows.ReleaseDC(FDrawWindow.FWinHandle, FWingc); FDrawing := False; FDrawWindow := nil; end; end; function TfpgGDICanvas.GetPixel(X, Y: integer): TfpgColor; var c: longword; begin c := Windows.GetPixel(Fgc, X, Y); if c = CLR_INVALID then Writeln('fpGFX/GDI: TfpgGDICanvas.GetPixel returned an invalid color'); Result := WinColorTofpgColor(c); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.SetPixel(X, Y: integer; const AValue: TfpgColor); begin Windows.SetPixel(Fgc, X, Y, fpgColorToWin(AValue)); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); var SX, SY, EX, EY: Longint; begin {Stupid GDI can't tell the difference between 0 and 360 degrees!!} if a2 = 0 then Exit; //==> {Stupid GDI must be told in which direction to draw} {$IFNDEF wince} if a2 < 0 then Windows.SetArcDirection(FGc, AD_CLOCKWISE) else Windows.SetArcDirection(FGc, AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE); {$ENDIF} Angles2Coords(x, y, w, h, a1*16, a2*16, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$IFNDEF wince} Windows.Arc(Fgc, x, y, x+w, y+h, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoFillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); var SX, SY, EX, EY: Longint; begin {Stupid GDI can't tell the difference between 0 and 360 degrees!!} if a2 = 0 then Exit; //==> {Stupid GDI must be told in which direction to draw} {$IFNDEF wince} if a2 < 0 then Windows.SetArcDirection(FGc, AD_CLOCKWISE) else Windows.SetArcDirection(FGc, AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE); {$ENDIF} Angles2Coords(x, y, w, h, a1*16, a2*16, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$IFNDEF wince} Windows.Pie(Fgc, x, y, x+w, y+h, SX, SY, EX, EY); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoDrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean); //var // pts: array of TPoint; begin Windows.Polygon(Fgc, Points, NumPts); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin if FBufferBitmap > 0 then BitBlt(FWinGC, x, y, w, h, Fgc, x, y, SRCCOPY); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoAddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); var rg: HRGN; begin rg := CreateRectRgn(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Left+ARect.Width, ARect.Top+ARect.Height); FClipRect := ARect; FClipRectSet := True; CombineRgn(FClipRegion, rg, FClipRegion, RGN_AND); SelectClipRgn(Fgc, FClipRegion); DeleteObject(rg); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoClearClipRect; begin SelectClipRgn(Fgc, 0); FClipRectSet := False; end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); begin Windows.MoveToEx(Fgc, x1, y1, nil); Windows.LineTo(Fgc, x2, y2); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var wr: Windows.TRect; r: TfpgRect; {$IFDEF WinCE} // *** copied from Lazarus function FrameRect(DC: HDC; const ARect: TRect; hBr: HBRUSH) : integer; begin //roozbeh....works for now! Result := Integer(DrawFocusRect(DC,Arect)); end; {$ENDIF} begin if FLineStyle = lsSolid then begin wr.Left := x; wr.Top := y; wr.Right := x + w; wr.Bottom := y + h; {$IFDEF WinCE} FrameRect(Fgc, wr, FBrush); {$ELSE} Windows.FrameRect(Fgc, wr, FBrush); // this handles 1x1 rectangles {$ENDIF} end else begin r.SetRect(x, y, w, h); DoDrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Top); DoDrawLine(r.Right, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom); DoDrawLine(r.Right, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Bottom); DoDrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Top); end; end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoDrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); var WideText: widestring; begin if UTF8Length(txt) < 1 then Exit; //==> WideText := Utf8Decode(txt); {$ifdef wince} Windows.ExtTextOut(Fgc, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, nil, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText), nil); {$else} Windows.TextOutW(Fgc, x, y, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText)); {$endif} end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var wr: Windows.TRect; begin wr.Left := x; wr.Top := y; wr.Right := x + w; wr.Bottom := y + h; Windows.FillRect(Fgc, wr, FBrush); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); var pts: array[1..3] of Windows.TPoint; begin pts[1].X := x1; pts[1].Y := y1; pts[2].X := x2; pts[2].Y := y2; pts[3].X := x3; pts[3].Y := y3; Windows.Polygon(Fgc, pts, 3); end; function TfpgGDICanvas.DoGetClipRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := FClipRect; end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoGetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); var wr: TRect; begin GetClientRect(FDrawWindow.FWinHandle, wr); r.Top := wr.Top; r.Left := wr.Left; r.Width := wr.Right - wr.Left + 1; r.Height := wr.Bottom - wr.Top + 1; end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoSetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); begin FClipRectSet := True; FClipRect := ARect; DeleteObject(FClipRegion); FClipRegion := CreateRectRgn(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Left+ARect.Width, ARect.Top+ARect.Height); SelectClipRgn(Fgc, FClipRegion); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor); begin DeleteObject(FBrush); FWindowsColor := fpgColorToWin(cl); FBrush := CreateSolidBrush(FWindowsColor); DoSetLineStyle(FLineWidth, FLineStyle); SelectObject(Fgc, FBrush); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle); const cDot: array[1..2] of DWORD = (1, 1); cDash: array[1..4] of DWORD = (4, 2, 4, 2); var lw: integer; logBrush: TLogBrush; begin FLineWidth := awidth; logBrush.lbStyle := BS_SOLID; logBrush.lbColor := FWindowsColor; logBrush.lbHatch := 0; DeleteObject(FPen); case AStyle of lsDot: begin {$IFNDEF wince} FPen := ExtCreatePen(PS_GEOMETRIC or PS_ENDCAP_FLAT or PS_USERSTYLE, FLineWidth, logBrush, Length(cDot), @cDot); {$ENDIF} end; lsDash: begin {$IFNDEF wince} FPen := ExtCreatePen(PS_GEOMETRIC or PS_ENDCAP_FLAT or PS_USERSTYLE, FLineWidth, logBrush, Length(cDash), @cDash); {$ENDIF} end; lsSolid: begin FPen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, FLineWidth, FWindowsColor); end; else begin FPen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, FLineWidth, FWindowsColor); end; end; SelectObject(Fgc, FPen); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor); begin Windows.SetTextColor(Fgc, fpgColorToWin(cl)); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.TryFreeBackBuffer; begin if FBufferBitmap > 0 then DeleteObject(FBufferBitmap); FBufferBitmap := 0; if FBufgc > 0 then DeleteDC(FBufgc); FBufgc := 0; end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase); begin if fntres = nil then Exit; //==> FCurFontRes := TfpgGDIFontResource(fntres); Windows.SelectObject(Fgc, FCurFontRes.Handle); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoDrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); const DSTCOPY = $00AA0029; ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746; var tmpdc: HDC; rop: longword; begin if img = nil then Exit; //==> tmpdc := CreateCompatibleDC(wapplication.display); SelectObject(tmpdc, TfpgGDIImage(img).BMPHandle); if TfpgGDIImage(img).FIsTwoColor then rop := PATCOPY else rop := SRCCOPY; if TfpgGDIImage(img).MaskHandle > 0 then MaskBlt(Fgc, x, y, w, h, tmpdc, xi, yi, TfpgGDIImage(img).MaskHandle, xi, yi, MakeRop4(rop, DSTCOPY)) else BitBlt(Fgc, x, y, w, h, tmpdc, xi, yi, rop); DeleteDC(tmpdc); end; procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoXORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var hb: HBRUSH; nullpen: HPEN; begin hb := CreateSolidBrush(fpgColorToWin(fpgColorToRGB(col))); nullpen := CreatePen(PS_NULL, 0, 0); SetROP2(Fgc, R2_XORPEN); SelectObject(Fgc, hb); SelectObject(Fgc, nullpen); Windows.Rectangle(Fgc, x, y, x + w + 1, y + h + 1); SetROP2(Fgc, R2_COPYPEN); DeleteObject(hb); SelectObject(Fgc, FPen); end; { TfpgGDIFontResource } constructor TfpgGDIFontResource.Create(const afontdesc: string); begin FFontData := OpenFontByDesc(afontdesc); if HandleIsValid then begin SelectObject(wapplication.display, FFontData); GetTextMetrics(wapplication.display, FMetrics); end; end; destructor TfpgGDIFontResource.Destroy; begin if HandleIsValid then Windows.DeleteObject(FFontData); inherited; end; function TfpgGDIFontResource.OpenFontByDesc(const desc: string): HFONT; var lf: Windows.LOGFONT; facename: string; cp: integer; c: char; token: string; prop, propval: string; function NextC: char; begin Inc(cp); if cp > length(desc) then c := #0 else c := desc[cp]; Result := c; end; procedure NextToken; begin token := ''; while (c <> #0) and (c in [' ', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9']) do begin token := token + c; NextC; end; end; begin FillChar(lf, sizeof(lf), 0); with lf do begin lfWidth := 0; { have font mapper choose } lfEscapement := 0; { only straight fonts } lfOrientation := 0; { no rotation } lfWeight := FW_NORMAL; lfItalic := 0; lfUnderline := 0; lfStrikeOut := 0; lfCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET; //0; //Byte(Font.Charset); lfQuality := Byte(FontSmoothingType); { Everything else as default } lfOutPrecision := OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfClipPrecision := CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfPitchAndFamily := DEFAULT_PITCH; end; cp := 0; NextC; NextToken; facename := token + #0; move(facename[1], lf.lfFaceName[0], length(facename)); if c = '-' then begin NextC; NextToken; lf.lfHeight := -MulDiv(StrToIntDef(token, 0), GetDeviceCaps(wapplication.display, LOGPIXELSY), 72); end; while c = ':' do begin NextC; NextToken; prop := UpperCase(token); propval := ''; if c = '=' then begin NextC; NextToken; propval := UpperCase(token); end; if prop = 'BOLD' then lf.lfWeight := FW_BOLD else if prop = 'ITALIC' then lf.lfItalic := 1 else if prop = 'ANTIALIAS' then if propval = 'FALSE' then lf.lfQuality := NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY else if propval = 'DEFAULT' then lf.lfQuality := DEFAULT_QUALITY; end; {$IFDEF wince} Result := CreateFontIndirectW(@lf); {$ELSE} Result := CreateFontIndirectA(@lf); {$ENDIF} end; function TfpgGDIFontResource.HandleIsValid: boolean; begin Result := FFontData <> 0; end; function TfpgGDIFontResource.GetAscent: integer; begin Result := FMetrics.tmAscent; end; function TfpgGDIFontResource.GetDescent: integer; begin Result := FMetrics.tmDescent; end; function TfpgGDIFontResource.GetHeight: integer; begin Result := FMetrics.tmHeight; end; function TfpgGDIFontResource.GetTextWidth(const txt: string): integer; var ts: Windows.SIZE; WideText: widestring; begin if length(txt) < 1 then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; SelectObject(wapplication.display, FFontData); WideText := Utf8Decode(txt); {$ifdef wince} Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32(wapplication.display, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText), ts); {$else} Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32W(wapplication.display, PWideChar(WideText), Length(WideText), ts); {$endif} Result := ts.cx; end; { TfpgGDIImage } constructor TfpgGDIImage.Create; begin FBMPHandle := 0; FMaskHandle := 0; FIsTwoColor := False; end; procedure TfpgGDIImage.DoFreeImage; begin if FBMPHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FBMPHandle); FBMPHandle := 0; if FMaskHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FMaskHandle); FMaskHandle := 0; end; procedure TfpgGDIImage.DoInitImage(acolordepth, awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); var bi: TBitmapInfo; begin if FBMPHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FBMPHandle); FBMPHandle := CreateCompatibleBitmap(wapplication.display, awidth, aheight); FillChar(bi, sizeof(bi), 0); with bi.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeof(bi); biWidth := awidth; biHeight := -aheight; biPlanes := 1; if acolordepth = 1 then bibitcount := 1 else bibitcount := 32; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := 0; biXPelsPerMeter := 96; biYPelsPerMeter := 96; biClrUsed := 0; biClrImportant := 0; end; {$IFNDEF wince} SetDIBits(wapplication.display, FBMPHandle, 0, aheight, aimgdata, bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); {$else} WinCESetDibBits(FBMPHandle, awidth, aheight, aimgdata, bi); {$ENDIF} FIsTwoColor := (acolordepth = 1); end; type TMyMonoBitmap = packed record bmiHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader; bmColors: array[1..2] of longword; end; procedure TfpgGDIImage.DoInitImageMask(awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); var bi: TMyMonoBitmap; pbi: PBitmapInfo; begin if FMaskHandle > 0 then DeleteObject(FMaskHandle); FMaskHandle := CreateBitmap(awidth, aheight, 1, 1, nil); FillChar(bi, sizeof(bi), 0); with bi.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeof(bi.bmiHeader); biWidth := awidth; biHeight := -aheight; biPlanes := 1; bibitcount := 1; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := 0; biXPelsPerMeter := 96; biYPelsPerMeter := 96; biClrUsed := 2; biClrImportant := 0; end; bi.bmColors[1] := $000000; bi.bmColors[2] := $FFFFFF; pbi := @bi; {$IFNDEF wince} SetDIBits(wapplication.display, FMaskHandle, 0, aheight, aimgdata, pbi^, DIB_RGB_COLORS); {$ELSE} WinCESetDibBits(FMaskHandle, awidth, aheight, aimgdata, pbi^); {$ENDIF} end; { TfpgGDIClipboard } function TfpgGDIClipboard.DoGetText: TfpgString; var h: THANDLE; p: PChar; begin Result := ''; if not Windows.OpenClipboard(0) then Exit; h := GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if h <> 0 then begin p := Windows.GlobalLock(h); FClipboardText := ''; while p^ <> #0 do begin FClipboardText := FClipboardText + p^; inc(p); end; GlobalUnlock(h); FClipboardText := AnsiToUtf8(FClipboardText); end; CloseClipboard; Result := FClipboardText; end; procedure TfpgGDIClipboard.DoSetText(const AValue: TfpgString); var mem: THandle; po2: PWideChar; str: PWideChar; begin FClipboardText := AValue; if OpenClipboard(0) then begin str := PWideChar(Utf8Decode(AValue)); if EmptyClipboard then begin // Allocate a global memory object for the text. mem:= globalalloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE or GMEM_DDESHARE, (length(AValue)+1)*2); if mem <> 0 then begin po2:= globallock(mem); if po2 <> nil then begin move(str^, po2^, (length(AValue)+1)*2); globalunlock(mem); if SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT,longword(mem)) <> 0 then begin //writeln('Successfully copied to clipboard'); end; end else begin globalfree(mem); end; end; end; CloseClipboard; end; end; procedure TfpgGDIClipboard.InitClipboard; begin // nothing to do here end; { TfpgGDIFileList } function TfpgGDIFileList.EncodeAttributesString(attrs: longword ): TFileModeString; begin Result := ''; //if (attrs and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) <> 0 then s := s + 'a' else s := s + ' '; if (attrs and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) <> 0 then Result := Result + 'h'; if (attrs and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then Result := Result + 'r'; if (attrs and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) <> 0 then Result := Result + 's'; if (attrs and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) <> 0 then Result := Result + 't'; if (attrs and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) <> 0 then Result := Result + 'c'; end; constructor TfpgGDIFileList.Create; begin inherited Create; FHasFileMode := false; end; function TfpgGDIFileList.InitializeEntry(sr: TSearchRec): TFileEntry; begin Result := inherited InitializeEntry(sr); if Assigned(Result) then begin // using sr.Attr here is incorrect and needs to be improved! Result.Attributes := EncodeAttributesString(sr.Attr); Result.IsExecutable := (LowerCase(Result.Extension) = '.exe'); end; end; procedure TfpgGDIFileList.PopulateSpecialDirs(const aDirectory: TfpgString); const MAX_DRIVES = 25; var n: integer; drvs: string; begin FSpecialDirs.Clear; // making drive list if Copy(aDirectory, 2, 1) = ':' then begin n := 0; while n <= MAX_DRIVES do begin drvs := chr(n+ord('A'))+':\'; {$IFNDEF wince} if Windows.GetDriveType(PChar(drvs)) <> 1 then begin FSpecialDirs.Add(drvs); end; {$ENDIF} inc(n); end; end; inherited PopulateSpecialDirs(aDirectory); end; { TfpgGDIDrag } function TfpgGDIDrag.StringToHandle(const AString: TfpgString): HGLOBAL; var dest: HGLOBAL; l: integer; p: PChar; begin p := PChar(AString); l := Length(AString)+1; { allocate and lock a global memory buffer. Make it fixed data so we don't have to use GlobalLock } dest := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, l); { Copy the string into the buffer } Move(p^, PChar(dest)^, l); Result := dest; end; function TfpgGDIDrag.GetSource: TfpgGDIWindow; begin Result := FSource; end; destructor TfpgGDIDrag.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln('TfpgGDIDrag.Destroy '); {$ENDIF} inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgGDIDrag.Execute(const ADropActions: TfpgDropActions; const ADefaultAction: TfpgDropAction): TfpgDropAction; var dwEffect: DWORD; dwResult: HRESULT; i: Integer; F: PFormatEtc; S: string; M: PStgMedium; itm: TfpgMimeDataItem; lEffects: DWORD; FDataObject: TfpgOLEDataObject; FDropSource: TfpgOLEDropSource; lIsTranslated: boolean; begin if FDragging then begin {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln('TfpgGDIDrag.Execute (already dragging)'); {$ENDIF} Result := daIgnore; end else begin {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln('TfpgGDIDrag.Execute (new drag)'); {$ENDIF} FDragging := True; wapplication.Drag := self; lEffects := TranslateToWinDragEffects(ADropActions); FDataObject := TfpgOLEDataObject.Create; for i := 0 to FMimeData.Count-1 do begin F := nil; M := nil; lIsTranslated := False; {$Note OLE DND: We are only handling strings at the moment, this needs to be extended to other types too } itm := FMimeData[i]; {$IFDEF DND_DEBUG} writeln(' Processing mime-type: ', itm.Format); {$ENDIF} { description of data we are sending } New(F); F^.cfFormat := WindowsClipboardLookup(itm.format, lIsTranslated); F^.ptd := nil; F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT; F^.lindex := -1; F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; FDataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F); { storage for data we are sending } s := itm.data; New(M); M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; M^.hGlobal := StringToHandle(s); FDataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M); { Original mime type was translated to a known Windows CF_ formats, add mimetype string as-is as well } if lIsTranslated then begin New(F); F^.cfFormat := RegisterClipboardFormat(PChar(itm.format)); F^.ptd := nil; F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT; F^.lindex := -1; F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; FDataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F); { storage for data we are sending } s := itm.data; New(M); M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; M^.hGlobal := StringToHandle(s); FDataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M); end; end; uDragSource := TfpgDrag(self).Source as TfpgWidget; { Now let OLE take over from here } FDropSource := TfpgOLEDropSource.Create; dwResult := ActiveX.DoDragDrop( FDataObject as IDataObject, FDropSource as IDropSource, lEffects, @dwEffect); Result := TranslateToFPGDropAction(dwEffect); if dwResult = DRAGDROP_S_DROP then begin { which action did the user select, and act accordingly } if dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY then begin // nothing to do here end; if dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_MOVE then begin // Sowehow we need to remove the data from source end; end; // (FDropSource as IUnknown)._Release; // (FDataObject as IUnknown)._Release; end; end; { TGDIDragManager } function TGDIDragManager.DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; StdCall; begin end; function TGDIDragManager.DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; StdCall; begin end; function TGDIDragManager.DragLeave: HResult; StdCall; begin end; function TGDIDragManager.Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; StdCall; begin end; constructor TGDIDragManager.Create(ADropTarget: TfpgWindowBase); begin inherited Create; FDropTarget := ADropTarget; FRegistered := False; end; destructor TGDIDragManager.Destroy; begin if FRegistered then RevokeDragDrop; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TGDIDragManager.RegisterDragDrop; begin Activex.RegisterDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle, self as IDropTarget) end; procedure TGDIDragManager.RevokeDragDrop; begin ActiveX.RevokeDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle); end; procedure TimerCallBackProc(window_hwnd : hwnd; msg : DWORD; idEvent: UINT; dwTime: DWORD); stdcall; begin { idEvent contains the handle to the timer that got triggered } fpgCheckTimers; end; { TfpgGDITimer } procedure TfpgGDITimer.SetEnabled(const AValue: boolean); begin inherited SetEnabled(AValue); if FEnabled then begin // FHandle := Windows.SetTimer(0, 0, Interval, nil); FHandle := Windows.SetTimer(0, 0, Interval, @TimerCallBackProc); end else begin if FHandle <> 0 then begin Windows.KillTimer(FHandle, 0); FHandle := 0; end; end; end; constructor TfpgGDITimer.Create(AInterval: integer); begin inherited Create(AInterval); FHandle := 0; end; initialization wapplication := nil; MouseFocusedWH := 0; NeedToUnitialize := Succeeded(OleInitialize(nil)); {$IFDEF WinCE} UnicodeEnabledOS := True; FontSmoothingType := DEFAULT_QUALITY; {$ELSE} WinVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(WinVersion); UnicodeEnabledOS := (WinVersion.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) or (WinVersion.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE); if SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE, 0, @FontSmoothingType, 0) and (FontSmoothingType = FE_FONTSMOOTHINGCLEARTYPE) then FontSmoothingType := CLEARTYPE_QUALITY else FontSmoothingType := ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; {$ENDIF} finalization if NeedToUnitialize then OleUninitialize; end.