{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Abstracted OS specific function to work in a cross-platfrom manner. } unit fpg_utils; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base; // *** Platform specific functions *** function fpgToOSEncoding(aString: TfpgString): string; function fpgFromOSEncoding(aString: string): TfpgString; procedure fpgOpenURL(const aURL: TfpgString); // *** Common functions for all platforms *** function fpgAddTrailingValue(const ALine, AValue: TfpgString; ADuplicates: boolean = true): TfpgString; // RTL wrapper filesystem functions with platform independant encoding // These functions are common for all platforms and rely on fpgXXXPlatformEncoding function fpgFindFirst(const Path: TfpgString; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint; function fpgFindNext(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint; function fpgGetCurrentDir: TfpgString; function fpgSetCurrentDir(const NewDir: TfpgString): Boolean; function fpgExpandFileName(const FileName: TfpgString): TfpgString; function fpgFileExists(const FileName: TfpgString): Boolean; implementation { No USES clause is allowed here! Add it to the include file shown below. } // Platform specific encoding handling functions {$I fpg_utils_impl.inc} function fpgAddTrailingValue(const ALine, AValue: TfpgString; ADuplicates: boolean = true): TfpgString; begin if ALine = '' then begin result := ALine; Exit; //==> end; if ADuplicates then begin result := ALine + AValue; Exit; //==> end; if (not SameText(Copy(ALine, Length(ALine) - Length(AValue) + 1, Length(AValue)), AValue)) then result := ALine + AValue else result := ALine; end; function fpgFindFirst(const Path: TfpgString; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint; begin Result := FindFirst(fpgToOSEncoding(Path), Attr, Rslt); Rslt.Name := fpgFromOSEncoding(Rslt.Name); end; function fpgFindNext(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint; begin Result := FindNext(Rslt); Rslt.Name := fpgFromOSEncoding(Rslt.Name); end; function fpgGetCurrentDir: TfpgString; begin Result := fpgFromOSEncoding(GetCurrentDir); end; function fpgSetCurrentDir(const NewDir: TfpgString): Boolean; begin Result := SetCurrentDir(fpgToOSEncoding(NewDir)); end; function fpgExpandFileName(const FileName: TfpgString): TfpgString; begin Result := fpgFromOSEncoding(ExpandFileName(fpgToOSEncoding(FileName))); end; function fpgFileExists(const FileName: TfpgString): Boolean; begin Result := FileExists(fpgToOSEncoding(FileName)); end; end.