{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Methods and classes for loading the translations/localizations. } unit fpg_translations; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$Define DEBUG} interface uses Classes ,SysUtils ; type TTranslation = class(TObject) private FID: string; public property ID: string read FID; end; PTranslation = ^TTranslation; TTranslationList = class(TObject) private FCount: integer; FItems: PTranslation; function GetItems(Index: integer): TTranslation; public destructor Destroy; override; function IndexOf(const ID: string): integer; procedure Add(const ID: string); procedure Clear; public property Count: integer read FCount; property Items[Index: integer]: TTranslation read GetItems; default; end; procedure TranslateResourceStrings(const BaseAppName, BaseDirectory, CustomLang: string); implementation uses GetText ,fpg_pofiles ,fpg_utils ; var TranslationList: TTranslationList; SystemLanguageID1: string = ''; SystemLanguageID2: string = ''; procedure CollectTranslations(const BaseAppName, BaseDir: string); var FileInfo: TSearchRec; ID: string; SearchMask: string; begin // search for all .xxx.po files if TranslationList = nil then TranslationList := TTranslationList.Create else TranslationList.Clear; // add automatic and english translation TranslationList.Add(''); TranslationList.Add('en'); // search existing translations SearchMask := fpgAddTrailingValue(BaseDir, PathDelim, false) + BaseAppName + '.*.po'; //writeln('CollectTranslations ',SearchMask); if SysUtils.FindFirst(SearchMask, faAnyFile, FileInfo) = 0 then begin repeat if (FileInfo.Name = '.') or (FileInfo.Name = '..') or (FileInfo.Name = '') then Continue; ID := copy(FileInfo.Name,length(BaseAppName + '.')+1, length(FileInfo.Name)-length(BaseAppName + '..po')); //writeln('CollectTranslations A ',FileInfo.Name,' ID=',ID); if (ID <> '') and (Pos('.',ID) < 1) and (TranslationList.IndexOf(ID) < 0) then begin //writeln('CollectTranslations ID=',ID); TranslationList.Add(ID); end; until SysUtils.FindNext(FileInfo) <> 0; end; SysUtils.FindClose(FileInfo); end; procedure TranslateResourceStrings(const BaseAppName, BaseDirectory, CustomLang: string); const Ext = '.%s.po'; var Lang: string; FallbackLang: string; Dir: string; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('BaseAppName = ',BaseAppName); writeln('BaseDirectory = ',BaseDirectory); writeln('CustomLang = ',CustomLang); {$ENDIF} if TranslationList = nil then CollectTranslations(BaseAppName, BaseDirectory); if CustomLang = '' then begin Lang := SystemLanguageID1; FallbackLang := SystemLanguageID2; end else begin Lang := CustomLang; FallbackLang := ''; end; // writeln('TranslateResourceStrings A Lang=',Lang,' FallbackLang=',FallbackLang); Dir := fpgAddTrailingValue(BaseDirectory, PathDelim, false); {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('Lang = ' + Lang); writeln('SystemLanguageID1 = ' + SystemLanguageID1); writeln('SystemLanguageID2 = ' + SystemLanguageID2); writeln('Translation file = ' +Dir + BaseAppName + Ext); {$ENDIF} // We use one translation file for all fpGUI Toolkit related text and one // translation file for all fpGUI based application text // if BaseAppName = 'fpgui' then // TranslateUnitResourceStrings('', // Dir + BaseAppName + Ext, Lang, FallbackLang) // else TranslateUnitResourceStrings('fake', Dir + BaseAppName + Ext, Lang, FallbackLang); end; // Strip the '.' onwards part. eg: en_ZA.UTF-8 -> en_ZA procedure FixLanguageIDs; var lpos: integer; begin lpos := Pos('.', SystemLanguageID1); if lpos > 0 then SystemLanguageID1 := Copy(SystemLanguageID1, 0, lpos-1); end; { TTranslationList } function TTranslationList.GetItems(Index: integer): TTranslation; begin Result := FItems[Index]; end; destructor TTranslationList.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TTranslationList.Add(const ID: string); var NewTranslation: TTranslation; begin if IndexOf(ID)>=0 then raise Exception.Create('TTranslationList.Add ' + 'ID="' + ID + '" already exists.'); NewTranslation := TTranslation.Create; NewTranslation.FID := ID; inc(FCount); ReallocMem(FItems, SizeOf(Pointer)*FCount); FItems[FCount-1] := NewTranslation; end; function TTranslationList.IndexOf(const ID: string): integer; begin Result := FCount - 1; while (Result >= 0) and (CompareText(ID, FItems[Result].ID) <> 0) do dec(Result); end; procedure TTranslationList.Clear; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FCount-1 do FItems[i].Free; FCount := 0; ReallocMem(FItems, 0); end; initialization TranslationList := nil; GetLanguageIDs(SystemLanguageID1, SystemLanguageID2); FixLanguageIDs; finalization TranslationList.Free; TranslationList := nil; end.