{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Some handly UTF8 functions copied from the Lazarus LCL. Comes from the LCLProc unit. Surely we can move this into FPC? } unit fpg_stringutils; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base; type TCharToUTF8Table = array[char] of PChar; function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer; function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, Index: integer): PChar; function UTF8Copy(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string; function UTF8CStringToUTF8String(SourceStart: PChar; SourceLen: SizeInt): string; function UTF8Length(const s: string): integer; function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: integer): integer; function UTF8Pos(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer; procedure UTF8Delete(var S: string; Index, Size: integer); procedure UTF8Insert(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer); function UTF8CharAtByte(const s: string; const BytePos: integer; out aChar: string): integer; // short form (alias or convenience) functions for the UTF8 ones above function Copy8(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string; function Length8(const s: string): integer; function Pos8(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer; procedure Delete8(var S: string; Index, Size: integer); procedure Insert8(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer); function fpgCharAt(const s: TfpgString; Index: integer): TfpgChar; function fpgAppendPathDelim(const Path: TfpgString): TfpgString; function fpgRemovePathDelim(const Path: TfpgString): TfpgString; function fpgTrimR(const AString, ATrim: TfpgString; ACaseSensitive: boolean = false): TfpgString; // Encoding conversions function CP437ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // DOS central europe function CP850ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // DOS western europe function IBMGraphToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // IBM PC / DOS http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MISC/IBMGRAPH.TXT function IPFToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // minor replacements to improve DocView output function SingleByteToUTF8(const s: string; const Table: TCharToUTF8Table): TfpgString; implementation { If it's a multibyte character, the first byte specifies the amount of bytes used. All subsequent bytes will start with 10xxxxxx. It is assumed that p points to the beginning of a single or multibyte character. } function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer; begin if p <> nil then begin if ord(p^) < %11000000 then // 00000000-01111111 begin // regular single byte character (#0 is a character, this is pascal ;) Result := 1; end else if ((ord(p^) and %11100000) = %11000000) then // 11000010-11011111 begin // could be 2 byte character if (ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000 then Result := 2 else Result := 1; end else if ((ord(p^) and %11110000) = %11100000) then // 11100000-11101111 begin // could be 3 byte character if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000) and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000) then Result := 3 else Result := 1; end else if ((ord(p^) and %11111000) = %11110000) then // 11110000-11110100 begin // could be 4 byte character if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000) and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000) and ((ord(p[3]) and %11000000) = %10000000) then Result := 4 else Result := 1; end else Result := 1; end else Result := 0; end; { Returns the character starting position as PChar in the UTF8Str string. } function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, Index: integer): PChar; var CharLen: LongInt; begin Result := UTF8Str; if Result <> nil then begin while (Index > 0) and (Len > 0) do begin CharLen := UTF8CharacterLength(Result); dec(Len, CharLen); dec(Index); inc(Result, CharLen); end; if (Index > 0) or (Len < 0) then Result := nil; end; end; // returns substring function UTF8Copy(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string; var StartBytePos: PChar; EndBytePos: PChar; MaxBytes: PtrInt; begin Result := ''; // Some sanity checks if (Length(s) = 0) then Exit; //==> if CharCount = 0 then Exit; //==> StartBytePos := UTF8CharStart(PChar(s),length(s),StartCharIndex-1); if StartBytePos = nil then Result := '' else begin MaxBytes := PtrInt(PChar(s)+length(s)-StartBytePos); EndBytePos := UTF8CharStart(StartBytePos,MaxBytes,CharCount); if EndBytePos = nil then Result := copy(s,StartBytePos-PChar(s)+1,MaxBytes) else Result := copy(s,StartBytePos-PChar(s)+1,EndBytePos-StartBytePos); end; end; function UTF8CStringToUTF8String(SourceStart: PChar; SourceLen: SizeInt): string; var Source: PChar; Dest: PChar; SourceEnd: PChar; CharLen: integer; SourceCopied: PChar; // Copies from SourceStart till Source to Dest and updates Dest procedure CopyPart; inline; var CopyLength: SizeInt; begin CopyLength := Source - SourceCopied; if CopyLength=0 then exit; move(SourceCopied^ , Dest^, CopyLength); SourceCopied:=Source; inc(Dest, CopyLength); end; begin SetLength(Result, SourceLen); if SourceLen=0 then Exit; //==> SourceCopied:=SourceStart; Source:=SourceStart; Dest:=PChar(Result); SourceEnd := Source + SourceLen; while Source 0) do begin inc(Result); CharLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p); inc(p, CharLen); dec(ByteCount, CharLen); end; end; // returns the character index, where the SearchForText starts in SearchInText function UTF8Pos(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer; var p: LongInt; begin p := System.Pos(SearchForText, SearchInText); if p > 0 then Result := UTF8Length(PChar(SearchInText), p-1) + 1 else Result := 0; end; procedure UTF8Delete(var S: string; Index, Size: integer); var ls: integer; b: string; e: string; begin ls := UTF8Length(S); if (Index > ls) or (Index <= 0) or (Size <= 0) then Exit; //==> b := UTF8Copy(S, 1, Index-1); // beginning string e := UTF8Copy(S, Index+Size, UTF8Length(S)-(Index+Size-1)); // ending string S := b + e; end; procedure UTF8Insert(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer); var b: string; e: string; begin if UTF8Length(Source) = 0 then Exit; //==> b := UTF8Copy(S, 1, Index-1); // beginning string e := UTF8Copy(S, Index, UTF8Length(S)-Index+1); // ending string S := b + Source + e; end; function UTF8CharAtByte(const s: string; const BytePos: integer; out aChar: string): integer; var CharLen: Integer; begin if BytePos > 0 then begin CharLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@s[BytePos]); aChar := Copy(s, BytePos, CharLen); Result := BytePos + CharLen; end else begin aChar := ''; Result := 1; end; end; function Copy8(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string; begin Result := UTF8Copy(s, StartCharIndex, CharCount); end; function Length8(const s: string): integer; begin Result := UTF8Length(s); end; function Pos8(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer; begin Result := UTF8Pos(SearchForText, SearchInText); end; procedure Delete8(var S: string; Index, Size: integer); begin UTF8Delete(S, Index, Size); end; procedure Insert8(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer); begin UTF8Insert(Source, S, Index); end; function fpgCharAt(const s: TfpgString; Index: integer): TfpgChar; begin Result := UTF8Copy(s, Index, 1); end; function fpgAppendPathDelim(const Path: TfpgString): TfpgString; begin if (Path <> '') and (Path[Length(Path)] <> PathDelim) then Result := Path + PathDelim else Result := Path; end; function fpgRemovePathDelim(const Path: TfpgString): TfpgString; begin if (Path <> '') and (Path[Length(Path)] = PathDelim) then Result := LeftStr(Path, Length(Path)-1) else Result := Path; end; function fpgTrimR(const AString, ATrim: TfpgString; ACaseSensitive: boolean): TfpgString; var li: integer; begin if ACaseSensitive then li := UTF8Pos(ATrim, AString) else li := UTF8Pos(UpperCase(ATrim), UpperCase(AString)); if li <> 0 then Result := UTF8Copy(AString, 1, li - 1) else Result := AString; end; const ArrayCP437ToUTF8 : TCharToUTF8Table = ( #0, // #0 #1, // #1 #2, // #2 #3, // #3 #4, // #4 #5, // #5 #6, // #6 #$E2#$80#$A2, // #7 bullet #8, // #8 #9, // #9 #10, // #10 #11, // #11 #12, // #12 #13, // #13 #14, // #14 #15, // #15 #16, // #16 #17, // #17 #18, // #18 #19, // #19 #20, // #20 #21, // #21 #22, // #22 #23, // #23 #$E2#$86#$91, // #24 up arrow #$E2#$86#$93, // #25 down arrow #$E2#$86#$92, // #26 right arrow #$E2#$86#$90, // #27 left arrow #28, // #28 #29, // #29 #30, // #30 #31, // #31 ' ', // ' ' '!', // '!' '"', // '"' '#', // '#' '$', // '$' '%', // '%' '&', // '&' '''', // '''' '(', // '(' ')', // ')' '*', // '*' '+', // '+' ',', // ',' '-', // '-' '.', // '.' '/', // '/' '0', // '0' '1', // '1' '2', // '2' '3', // '3' '4', // '4' '5', // '5' '6', // '6' '7', // '7' '8', // '8' '9', // '9' ':', // ':' ';', // ';' '<', // '<' '=', // '=' '>', // '>' '?', // '?' '@', // '@' 'A', // 'A' 'B', // 'B' 'C', // 'C' 'D', // 'D' 'E', // 'E' 'F', // 'F' 'G', // 'G' 'H', // 'H' 'I', // 'I' 'J', // 'J' 'K', // 'K' 'L', // 'L' 'M', // 'M' 'N', // 'N' 'O', // 'O' 'P', // 'P' 'Q', // 'Q' 'R', // 'R' 'S', // 'S' 'T', // 'T' 'U', // 'U' 'V', // 'V' 'W', // 'W' 'X', // 'X' 'Y', // 'Y' 'Z', // 'Z' '[', // '[' '\', // '\' ']', // ']' '^', // '^' '_', // '_' '`', // '`' 'a', // 'a' 'b', // 'b' 'c', // 'c' 'd', // 'd' 'e', // 'e' 'f', // 'f' 'g', // 'g' 'h', // 'h' 'i', // 'i' 'j', // 'j' 'k', // 'k' 'l', // 'l' 'm', // 'm' 'n', // 'n' 'o', // 'o' 'p', // 'p' 'q', // 'q' 'r', // 'r' 's', // 's' 't', // 't' 'u', // 'u' 'v', // 'v' 'w', // 'w' 'x', // 'x' 'y', // 'y' 'z', // 'z' '{', // '{' '|', // '|' '}', // '}' '~', // '~' #127, // #127 #195#135, // #128 #195#188, // #129 #195#169, // #130 #195#162, // #131 #195#164, // #132 #195#160, // #133 #195#165, // #134 #195#167, // #135 #195#170, // #136 #195#171, // #137 #195#168, // #138 #195#175, // #139 #195#174, // #140 #195#172, // #141 #195#132, // #142 #195#133, // #143 #195#137, // #144 #195#166, // #145 #195#134, // #146 #195#180, // #147 #195#182, // #148 #195#178, // #149 #195#187, // #150 #195#185, // #151 #195#191, // #152 #195#150, // #153 #195#156, // #154 #194#162, // #155 #194#163, // #156 #194#165, // #157 #226#130#167, // #158 #198#146, // #159 #195#161, // #160 #195#173, // #161 #195#179, // #162 #195#186, // #163 #195#177, // #164 #195#145, // #165 #194#170, // #166 #194#186, // #167 #194#191, // #168 #226#140#144, // #169 #194#172, // #170 #194#189, // #171 #194#188, // #172 #194#161, // #173 #194#171, // #174 #194#187, // #175 #226#150#145, // #176 #226#150#146, // #177 #226#150#147, // #178 #226#148#130, // #179 #226#148#164, // #180 #226#149#161, // #181 #226#149#162, // #182 #226#149#150, // #183 #226#149#149, // #184 #226#149#163, // #185 #226#149#145, // #186 #226#149#151, // #187 #226#149#157, // #188 #226#149#156, // #189 #226#149#155, // #190 #226#148#144, // #191 #226#148#148, // #192 #226#148#180, // #193 #226#148#172, // #194 #226#148#156, // #195 #226#148#128, // #196 #226#148#188, // #197 #226#149#158, // #198 #226#149#159, // #199 #226#149#154, // #200 #226#149#148, // #201 #226#149#169, // #202 #226#149#166, // #203 #226#149#160, // #204 #226#149#144, // #205 #226#149#172, // #206 #226#149#167, // #207 #226#149#168, // #208 #226#149#164, // #209 #226#149#165, // #210 #226#149#153, // #211 #226#149#152, // #212 #226#149#146, // #213 #226#149#147, // #214 #226#149#171, // #215 #226#149#170, // #216 #226#148#152, // #217 #226#148#140, // #218 #226#150#136, // #219 #226#150#132, // #220 #226#150#140, // #221 #226#150#144, // #222 #226#150#128, // #223 #206#177, // #224 #195#159, // #225 #206#147, // #226 #207#128, // #227 #206#163, // #228 #207#131, // #229 #194#181, // #230 #207#132, // #231 #206#166, // #232 #206#152, // #233 #206#169, // #234 #206#180, // #235 #226#136#158, // #236 #207#134, // #237 #206#181, // #238 #226#136#169, // #239 #226#137#161, // #240 #194#177, // #241 #226#137#165, // #242 #226#137#164, // #243 #226#140#160, // #244 #226#140#161, // #245 #195#183, // #246 #226#137#136, // #247 #194#176, // #248 #226#136#153, // #249 #194#183, // #250 #226#136#154, // #251 #226#129#191, // #252 #194#178, // #253 #226#150#160, // #254 #194#160 // #255 ); ArrayCP850ToUTF8 : TCharToUTF8Table = ( #0, // #0 #1, // #1 #2, // #2 #3, // #3 #4, // #4 #5, // #5 #6, // #6 #$E2#$80#$A2, // #7 bullet #8, // #8 #9, // #9 #10, // #10 #11, // #11 #12, // #12 #13, // #13 #14, // #14 #15, // #15 #16, // #16 #17, // #17 #18, // #18 #19, // #19 #20, // #20 #21, // #21 #22, // #22 #23, // #23 #24, // #24 #25, // #25 #26, // #26 #27, // #27 #28, // #28 #29, // #29 #30, // #30 #31, // #31 ' ', // ' ' '!', // '!' '"', // '"' '#', // '#' '$', // '$' '%', // '%' '&', // '&' '''', // '''' '(', // '(' ')', // ')' '*', // '*' '+', // '+' ',', // ',' '-', // '-' '.', // '.' '/', // '/' '0', // '0' '1', // '1' '2', // '2' '3', // '3' '4', // '4' '5', // '5' '6', // '6' '7', // '7' '8', // '8' '9', // '9' ':', // ':' ';', // ';' '<', // '<' '=', // '=' '>', // '>' '?', // '?' '@', // '@' 'A', // 'A' 'B', // 'B' 'C', // 'C' 'D', // 'D' 'E', // 'E' 'F', // 'F' 'G', // 'G' 'H', // 'H' 'I', // 'I' 'J', // 'J' 'K', // 'K' 'L', // 'L' 'M', // 'M' 'N', // 'N' 'O', // 'O' 'P', // 'P' 'Q', // 'Q' 'R', // 'R' 'S', // 'S' 'T', // 'T' 'U', // 'U' 'V', // 'V' 'W', // 'W' 'X', // 'X' 'Y', // 'Y' 'Z', // 'Z' '[', // '[' '\', // '\' ']', // ']' '^', // '^' '_', // '_' '`', // '`' 'a', // 'a' 'b', // 'b' 'c', // 'c' 'd', // 'd' 'e', // 'e' 'f', // 'f' 'g', // 'g' 'h', // 'h' 'i', // 'i' 'j', // 'j' 'k', // 'k' 'l', // 'l' 'm', // 'm' 'n', // 'n' 'o', // 'o' 'p', // 'p' 'q', // 'q' 'r', // 'r' 's', // 's' 't', // 't' 'u', // 'u' 'v', // 'v' 'w', // 'w' 'x', // 'x' 'y', // 'y' 'z', // 'z' '{', // '{' '|', // '|' '}', // '}' '~', // '~' #127, // #127 #195#135, // #128 #195#188, // #129 #195#169, // #130 #195#162, // #131 #195#164, // #132 #195#160, // #133 #195#165, // #134 #195#167, // #135 #195#170, // #136 #195#171, // #137 #195#168, // #138 #195#175, // #139 #195#174, // #140 #195#172, // #141 #195#132, // #142 #195#133, // #143 #195#137, // #144 #195#166, // #145 #195#134, // #146 #195#180, // #147 #195#182, // #148 #195#178, // #149 #195#187, // #150 #195#185, // #151 #195#191, // #152 #195#150, // #153 #195#156, // #154 #195#184, // #155 #194#163, // #156 #195#152, // #157 #195#151, // #158 #198#146, // #159 #195#161, // #160 #195#173, // #161 #195#179, // #162 #195#186, // #163 #195#177, // #164 #195#145, // #165 #194#170, // #166 #194#186, // #167 #194#191, // #168 #194#174, // #169 #194#172, // #170 #194#189, // #171 #194#188, // #172 #194#161, // #173 #194#171, // #174 #194#187, // #175 #226#150#145, // #176 #226#150#146, // #177 #226#150#147, // #178 #226#148#130, // #179 #226#148#164, // #180 #195#129, // #181 #195#130, // #182 #195#128, // #183 #194#169, // #184 #226#149#163, // #185 #226#149#145, // #186 #226#149#151, // #187 #226#149#157, // #188 #194#162, // #189 #194#165, // #190 #226#148#144, // #191 #226#148#148, // #192 #226#148#180, // #193 #226#148#172, // #194 #226#148#156, // #195 #226#148#128, // #196 #226#148#188, // #197 #195#163, // #198 #195#131, // #199 #226#149#154, // #200 #226#149#148, // #201 #226#149#169, // #202 #226#149#166, // #203 #226#149#160, // #204 #226#149#144, // #205 #226#149#172, // #206 #194#164, // #207 #195#176, // #208 #195#144, // #209 #195#138, // #210 #195#139, // #211 #195#136, // #212 #196#177, // #213 #195#141, // #214 #195#142, // #215 #195#143, // #216 #226#148#152, // #217 #226#148#140, // #218 #226#150#136, // #219 #226#150#132, // #220 #194#166, // #221 #195#140, // #222 #226#150#128, // #223 #195#147, // #224 #195#159, // #225 #195#148, // #226 #195#146, // #227 #195#181, // #228 #195#149, // #229 #194#181, // #230 #195#190, // #231 #195#158, // #232 #195#154, // #233 #195#155, // #234 #195#153, // #235 #195#189, // #236 #195#157, // #237 #194#175, // #238 #194#180, // #239 #194#173, // #240 #194#177, // #241 #226#128#151, // #242 #194#190, // #243 #194#182, // #244 #194#167, // #245 #195#183, // #246 #194#184, // #247 #194#176, // #248 #194#168, // #249 #194#183, // #250 #194#185, // #251 #194#179, // #252 #194#178, // #253 #226#150#160, // #254 #194#160 // #255 ); ArrayIBMGraphToUTF8: TCharToUTF8Table = ( #0, // #0 #1, // #1 #2, // #2 #3, // #3 #4, // #4 #5, // #5 #6, // #6 #$E2#$80#$A2, // #7 bullet #8, // #8 #9, // #9 #10, // #10 #11, // #11 #12, // #12 #13, // #13 #14, // #14 #15, // #15 #16, // #16 #$E2#$86#$90, // #17 #18, // #18 #19, // #19 #20, // #20 #21, // #21 #22, // #22 #23, // #23 #$E2#$86#$91, // #24 up arrow #$E2#$86#$93, // #25 down arrow #$E2#$86#$92, // #26 right arrow #$E2#$86#$90, // #27 left arrow #28, // #28 #29, // #29 left arrow #30, // #30 #31, // #31 ' ', // ' ' '!', // '!' '"', // '"' '#', // '#' '$', // '$' '%', // '%' '&', // '&' '''', // '''' '(', // '(' ')', // ')' '*', // '*' '+', // '+' ',', // ',' '-', // '-' '.', // '.' '/', // '/' '0', // '0' '1', // '1' '2', // '2' '3', // '3' '4', // '4' '5', // '5' '6', // '6' '7', // '7' '8', // '8' '9', // '9' ':', // ':' ';', // ';' '<', // '<' '=', // '=' '>', // '>' '?', // '?' '@', // '@' 'A', // 'A' 'B', // 'B' 'C', // 'C' 'D', // 'D' 'E', // 'E' 'F', // 'F' 'G', // 'G' 'H', // 'H' 'I', // 'I' 'J', // 'J' 'K', // 'K' 'L', // 'L' 'M', // 'M' 'N', // 'N' 'O', // 'O' 'P', // 'P' 'Q', // 'Q' 'R', // 'R' 'S', // 'S' 'T', // 'T' 'U', // 'U' 'V', // 'V' 'W', // 'W' 'X', // 'X' 'Y', // 'Y' 'Z', // 'Z' '[', // '[' '\', // '\' ']', // ']' '^', // '^' '_', // '_' '`', // '`' 'a', // 'a' 'b', // 'b' 'c', // 'c' 'd', // 'd' 'e', // 'e' 'f', // 'f' 'g', // 'g' 'h', // 'h' 'i', // 'i' 'j', // 'j' 'k', // 'k' 'l', // 'l' 'm', // 'm' 'n', // 'n' 'o', // 'o' 'p', // 'p' 'q', // 'q' 'r', // 'r' 's', // 's' 't', // 't' 'u', // 'u' 'v', // 'v' 'w', // 'w' 'x', // 'x' 'y', // 'y' 'z', // 'z' '{', // '{' '|', // '|' '}', // '}' '~', // '~' #127, // #127 #195#135, // #128 #195#188, // #129 #195#169, // #130 #195#162, // #131 #195#164, // #132 #195#160, // #133 #195#165, // #134 #195#167, // #135 #195#170, // #136 #195#171, // #137 #195#168, // #138 #195#175, // #139 #195#174, // #140 #195#172, // #141 #195#132, // #142 #195#133, // #143 #195#137, // #144 #195#166, // #145 #195#134, // #146 #195#180, // #147 #195#182, // #148 #195#178, // #149 #195#187, // #150 #195#185, // #151 #195#191, // #152 #195#150, // #153 #195#156, // #154 #194#162, // #155 #194#163, // #156 #194#165, // #157 #226#130#167, // #158 #198#146, // #159 #195#161, // #160 #195#173, // #161 #195#179, // #162 #195#186, // #163 #195#177, // #164 #195#145, // #165 #194#170, // #166 #194#186, // #167 #194#191, // #168 #226#140#144, // #169 #194#172, // #170 #194#189, // #171 #194#188, // #172 #194#161, // #173 #194#171, // #174 #194#187, // #175 #226#150#145, // #176 #226#150#146, // #177 #226#150#147, // #178 #226#148#130, // #179 #226#148#164, // #180 #226#149#161, // #181 #226#149#162, // #182 #226#149#150, // #183 #226#149#149, // #184 #226#149#163, // #185 #226#149#145, // #186 #226#149#151, // #187 #226#149#157, // #188 #226#149#156, // #189 #226#149#155, // #190 #226#148#144, // #191 #226#148#148, // #192 #226#148#180, // #193 #226#148#172, // #194 #226#148#156, // #195 #226#148#128, // #196 #226#148#188, // #197 #226#149#158, // #198 #226#149#159, // #199 #226#149#154, // #200 #226#149#148, // #201 #226#149#169, // #202 #226#149#166, // #203 #226#149#160, // #204 #226#149#144, // #205 #226#149#172, // #206 #226#149#167, // #207 #226#149#168, // #208 #226#149#164, // #209 #226#149#165, // #210 #226#149#153, // #211 #226#149#152, // #212 #226#149#146, // #213 #226#149#147, // #214 #226#149#171, // #215 #226#149#170, // #216 #226#148#152, // #217 #226#148#140, // #218 #226#150#136, // #219 #226#150#132, // #220 #226#150#140, // #221 #226#150#144, // #222 #226#150#128, // #223 #206#177, // #224 #195#159, // #225 #206#147, // #226 #207#128, // #227 #206#163, // #228 #207#131, // #229 #194#181, // #230 #207#132, // #231 #206#166, // #232 #206#152, // #233 #206#169, // #234 #206#180, // #235 #226#136#158, // #236 #207#134, // #237 #206#181, // #238 #226#136#169, // #239 #226#137#161, // #240 #194#177, // #241 #226#137#165, // #242 #226#137#164, // #243 #226#140#160, // #244 #226#140#161, // #245 #195#183, // #246 #226#137#136, // #247 #194#176, // #248 #226#136#153, // #249 #194#183, // #250 #226#136#154, // #251 #226#129#191, // #252 #194#178, // #253 #226#150#160, // #254 #194#160 // #255 ); ArrayIPFToUTF8 : TCharToUTF8Table = ( #0, // #0 #1, // #1 #2, // #2 #3, // #3 #4, // #4 #5, // #5 #6, // #6 #$E2#$80#$A2, // #7 bullet (hard-coded in IPF Compiler) #8, // #8 #9, // #9 #10, // #10 #$E2#$97#$84, // #11 #12, // #12 #13, // #13 #14, // #14 #15, // #15 '>', // #16 '<', // #17 #18, // #18 #19, // #19 #20, // #20 #21, // #21 #22, // #22 #23, // #23 #24, // #24 up arrow #25, // #25 down arrow #26, // #26 right arrow #27, // #27 left arrow #28, // #28 #29, // #29 #30, // #30 #31, // #31 ' ', // ' ' '!', // '!' '"', // '"' '#', // '#' '$', // '$' '%', // '%' '&', // '&' '''', // '''' '(', // '(' ')', // ')' '*', // '*' '+', // '+' ',', // ',' '-', // '-' '.', // '.' '/', // '/' '0', // '0' '1', // '1' '2', // '2' '3', // '3' '4', // '4' '5', // '5' '6', // '6' '7', // '7' '8', // '8' '9', // '9' ':', // ':' ';', // ';' '<', // '<' '=', // '=' '>', // '>' '?', // '?' '@', // '@' 'A', // 'A' 'B', // 'B' 'C', // 'C' 'D', // 'D' 'E', // 'E' 'F', // 'F' 'G', // 'G' 'H', // 'H' 'I', // 'I' 'J', // 'J' 'K', // 'K' 'L', // 'L' 'M', // 'M' 'N', // 'N' 'O', // 'O' 'P', // 'P' 'Q', // 'Q' 'R', // 'R' 'S', // 'S' 'T', // 'T' 'U', // 'U' 'V', // 'V' 'W', // 'W' 'X', // 'X' 'Y', // 'Y' 'Z', // 'Z' '[', // '[' '\', // '\' ']', // ']' '^', // '^' '_', // '_' '`', // '`' 'a', // 'a' 'b', // 'b' 'c', // 'c' 'd', // 'd' 'e', // 'e' 'f', // 'f' 'g', // 'g' 'h', // 'h' 'i', // 'i' 'j', // 'j' 'k', // 'k' 'l', // 'l' 'm', // 'm' 'n', // 'n' 'o', // 'o' 'p', // 'p' 'q', // 'q' 'r', // 'r' 's', // 's' 't', // 't' 'u', // 'u' 'v', // 'v' 'w', // 'w' 'x', // 'x' 'y', // 'y' 'z', // 'z' '{', // '{' '|', // '|' '}', // '}' '~', // '~' #$E2#$8C#$82, // #127 house #128, // #195#135 #129, // #195#188 #130, // #195#169 #131, // #195#162 #132, // #195#164 #133, // #195#160 #134, // #195#165 #135, // #195#167 #136, // #195#170 #137, // #195#171 #138, // #195#168 #139, // #195#175 #140, // #195#174 #141, // #195#172 #142, // #195#132 #143, // #195#133 #144, // #195#137 #145, // #195#166 #146, // #195#134 #147, // #195#180 #148, // #195#182 #149, // #195#178 #150, // #195#187 #151, // #195#185 #152, // #195#191 #153, // #195#150 #154, // #195#156 #155, // #194#162 #156, // #194#163 #157, // #194#165 #158, // #226#130#167 #159, // #198#146 #160, // #195#161 #161, // #195#173 #162, // #195#179 #163, // #195#186 #164, // #195#177 #165, // #195#145 #166, // #194#170 #167, // #194#186 #168, // #194#191 #169, // #226#140#144 #170, // #194#172 #171, // #194#189 #172, // #194#188 #173, // #194#161 #174, // #194#171 #175, // #194#187 #176, // #226#150#145 #177, // #226#150#146 #178, // #226#150#147 #179, // #226#148#130 #180, // #226#148#164 #181, // #226#149#161 #182, // #226#149#162 #183, // #226#149#150 #184, // #226#149#149 #185, // #226#149#163 #186, // #226#149#145 #187, // #226#149#151 #188, // #226#149#157 #189, // #226#149#156 #190, // #226#149#155 #191, // #226#148#144 #192, // #226#148#148 #193, // #226#148#180 #$E2#$94#$AC, // #226#148#172 #195, // #226#148#156 #$E2#$94#$80, // #196 #197, // #226#148#188 #198, // #226#149#158 #199, // #226#149#159 #200, // #226#149#154 #201, // #226#149#148 #202, // #226#149#169 #203, // #226#149#166 #204, // #226#149#160 #205, // #226#149#144 #206, // #226#149#172 #207, // #226#149#167 #208, // #226#149#168 #209, // #226#149#164 #210, // #226#149#165 #211, // #226#149#153 #212, // #226#149#152 #213, // #226#149#146 #214, // #226#149#147 #215, // #226#149#171 #216, // #226#149#170 #217, // #226#148#152 #218, // #226#148#140 #219, // #226#150#136 #220, // #226#150#132 #221, // #226#150#140 #222, // #226#150#144 #223, // #226#150#128 #224, // #206#177 #225, // #195#159 #226, // #206#147 #227, // #207#128 #228, // #206#163 #229, // #207#131 #230, // #194#181 #231, // #207#132 #232, // #206#166 #233, // #206#152 #234, // #206#169 #235, // #206#180 #236, // #226#136#158 #237, // #207#134 #238, // #206#181 #239, // #226#136#169 #240, // #226#137#161 #241, // #194#177 #242, // #226#137#165 #243, // #226#137#164 #244, // #226#140#160 #245, // #226#140#161 #246, // #195#183 #247, // #226#137#136 #248, // #194#176 #249, // #226#136#153 #250, // #194#183 #251, // #226#136#154 #252, // #226#129#191 #253, // #194#178 #254, // #226#150#160 #255 // #194#160 ); function CP437ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; begin Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayCP437ToUTF8); end; function CP850ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; begin Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayCP850ToUTF8); end; function IBMGraphToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; begin Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayIBMGraphToUTF8); end; function IPFToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // Seaches and replaces with . Case sensitive. function tiStrTran(AValue, ADel, AIns : string): string; var i : integer; sToChange : string; begin result := ''; sToChange := AValue; i := UTF8Pos(ADel, sToChange); while i <> 0 do begin result := result + UTF8Copy(sToChange, 1, i-1) + AIns; UTF8Delete(sToChange, 1, i+UTF8length(ADel)-1); i := UTF8Pos(ADel, sToChange); end; result := result + sToChange; end; begin // IBM Graph CodePage 437 (kind-of) to Unicode mapping. // Below is what we had before this function Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayIPFToUTF8); //Result := s; //Result := StringReplace(Result, Chr($07), #$E2#$80#$A2, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); // u+2022 small bullet //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(16), '>' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(17), '<' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char($1f), '▼' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(179), '│' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(180), '┤' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(191), '┐' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(192), '└' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(193), '┴' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(194), '┬' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(195), '├' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(196), '─' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(197), '┼' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(217), '┘' ); //Result := tiStrTran(Result, Char(218), '┌' ); end; function SingleByteToUTF8(const s: string; const Table: TCharToUTF8Table): TfpgString; var len: Integer; i: Integer; Src: PChar; Dest: PChar; p: PChar; c: Char; begin if s='' then begin Result := s; exit; end; len := length(s); SetLength(Result, len*4); // UTF-8 is at most 4 bytes Src := PChar(s); Dest := PChar(Result); for i := 1 to len do begin c := Src^; inc(Src); //if ord(c) < 128 then //begin // Dest^ := c; // inc(Dest); //end //else begin p := Table[c]; if p <> nil then begin while p^ <> #0 do begin Dest^ := p^; inc(p); inc(Dest); end; end; end; end; SetLength(Result, PtrUInt(Dest)-PtrUInt(Result)); end; end.