{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This file was originally part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL). Thanks to Markus Waldenburg. Ported this unit to fpGUI by Graeme Geldenhuys. TStringHashList is supposed to be faster than FPC's TFPObjectHashTable. This unit is used in fpg_pofile unit. } unit fpg_stringhashlist; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_constants; type PStringHashItem = ^TStringHashItem; TStringHashItem = record HashValue: Cardinal; Key: String; Data: Pointer; end; PStringHashItemList = ^PStringHashItem; TStringHashList = class(TObject) private FList: PStringHashItemList; FCount: Integer; fCaseSensitive: Boolean; function CompareString(const Value1, Value2: String): Boolean; function CompareValue(const Value1, Value2: Cardinal): Integer; function GetData(const S: String): Pointer; procedure SetCaseSensitive(const Value: Boolean); procedure Delete(Index: Integer); procedure SetData(const S: String; const AValue: Pointer); protected function HashOf(const Key: string): Cardinal; procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: PStringHashItem); public constructor Create(CaseSensitivity: boolean); destructor Destroy; override; function Add(const S: String): Integer; function Add(const S: String; ItemData: Pointer): Integer; procedure Clear; function Find(const S: String): Integer; function Remove(const S: String): Integer; property CaseSensitive: Boolean read fCaseSensitive write SetCaseSensitive; property Count: Integer read FCount; property Data[const S: String]: Pointer read GetData write SetData; default; property List: PStringHashItemList read FList; end; implementation var UpperCaseChars: array[char] of char; { TStringHashList } function TStringHashList.Add(const S: String): Integer; begin Result:=Add(S,nil); end; function TStringHashList.Add(const S: String; ItemData: Pointer): Integer; var Item: PStringHashItem; First, Last, I: Integer; Val: Cardinal; Larger: boolean; begin New(Item); Val:= HashOf(S); Item^.HashValue := Val; Item^.Key := S; Item^.Data := ItemData; if FCount > 0 then begin First:=0; Last:= FCount-1; Larger:=False; while First<=Last do begin I:=(First+Last)shr 1; Case CompareValue(Val, fList[I]^.HashValue)<=0 of True: begin Last:=I-1; Larger:=False; end; False: begin First:=I+1; Larger:=True; end; end; end; Case Larger of True: Result:=I+1; False: Result:=I; end; end else Result:=0; Insert(Result,Item); end; procedure TStringHashList.Clear; var I: Integer; begin if fCount = 0 then exit; for I:= 0 to fCount -1 do Dispose(fList[I]); if FList<>nil then begin FreeMem(FList); FList:=nil; end; fCount:= 0; end; function TStringHashList.CompareString(const Value1, Value2: String): Boolean; var I, Len: Integer; P1,P2: PChar; begin Result:= False; P1:= PChar(Value1); Len:= Length(Value1); P2:= PChar(Value2); if Len = Length(Value2) then begin Result:= True; case fCaseSensitive of True: for I:= Len -1 downto 0 do if P1[I] <> P2[I] then begin Result:= False; break; end; False: for I:= Len -1 downto 0 do if UpperCaseChars[P1[I]] <> UpperCaseChars[P2[I]] then begin Result:= False; break; end; end; end; end; function TStringHashList.CompareValue(const Value1, Value2: Cardinal): Integer; begin Result:= 0; if Value1 > Value2 then Result:= 1 else if Value1 < Value2 then Result:= -1; end; function TStringHashList.GetData(const S: String): Pointer; var i: integer; begin i:=Find(S); if i>=0 then Result:=FList[i]^.Data else Result:=nil; end; procedure TStringHashList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin if (Index >= 0) and (Index < FCount) then begin dec(FCount); if Index < FCount then System.Move(FList[Index + 1], FList[Index], (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(PStringHashItem)); end; end; procedure TStringHashList.SetData(const S: String; const AValue: Pointer); var i: integer; begin i:=Find(S); if i>=0 then FList[i]^.Data:=AValue else Add(S,AValue); end; destructor TStringHashList.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited Destroy; end; function TStringHashList.Find(const S: String): Integer; var Value: Integer; First, Last, Temp, I: Integer; begin Value:= HashOf(s); Result:= -1; First:= 0; Last:= Count -1; while First <= Last do begin Temp:= (First + Last) div 2; case CompareValue(Value, FList[Temp]^.HashValue) of 1: First:= Temp +1; 0: begin Result:= Temp; if CompareString(S, FList[Temp]^.Key) then exit else break; end; -1: Last:= Temp-1; end; end; if Result <> -1 then begin Result:= -1; First:= Temp -1; if First > 0 then while CompareValue(Value, FList[First]^.HashValue) = 0 do dec(First); inc(First); Last:= Temp +1; if Last < Count -1 then while CompareValue(Value, FList[Last]^.HashValue) = 0 do inc(Last); dec(Last); for I:= First to Last do if CompareString(S, FList[I]^.Key) then begin Result:= I; Exit; end; end; end; function TStringHashList.HashOf(const Key: string): Cardinal; var P: PChar; I, Len: Integer; begin P:= PChar(Key); Len:= Length(Key); Result := Len; // use the last 30 characters to compute the hash case fCaseSensitive of True: for I:= Len -1 downto 0 do inc(Result, cardinal(ord(P[I])) shl I); False: for I:= Len -1 downto 0 do inc(Result, cardinal(ord(UpperCaseChars[P[I]])) shl I); end; end; procedure TStringHashList.Insert(Index: Integer; Item: PStringHashItem); begin ReallocMem(FList, (fCount +1) * SizeOf(PStringHashItem)); if Index > fCount then Index:= fCount; if Index < 0 then Index:= 0; if Index < FCount then System.Move(FList[Index], FList[Index + 1], (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(PStringHashItem)); FList[Index] := Item; Inc(FCount); end; constructor TStringHashList.Create(CaseSensitivity: boolean); begin fCaseSensitive:=CaseSensitivity; inherited Create; end; function TStringHashList.Remove(const S: String): Integer; begin Result:= Find(S); if Result > -1 then begin Dispose(fList[Result]); Delete(Result); end; end; procedure TStringHashList.SetCaseSensitive(const Value: Boolean); begin if fCaseSensitive <> Value then begin if Count > 0 then begin raise EListError.Create(rsErrListMustBeEmpty); exit; end; fCaseSensitive := Value; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure InternalInit; var c: char; begin for c:=Low(char) to High(char) do begin UpperCaseChars[c]:=upcase(c); end; end; initialization InternalInit; end.