{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Methods and classes for loading translations/localizations from po files. Example 1: Load a specific .po file: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var PODirectory: String; begin PODirectory:='/path/to/languages/'; TranslateUnitResourceStrings('StrConsts',PODirectory+'gui.%s.po', 'nl',''); MessageDlg('Title','Text',mtInformation,[mbOk,mbCancel,mbYes],0); end; Example 2: Load the current language file using the GetLanguageIDs function of the gettext unit: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var PODirectory, Lang, FallbackLang: String; begin PODirectory:='/path/to/languages/'; GetLanguageIDs(Lang,FallbackLang); // in unit gettext TranslateUnitResourceStrings('StrConsts',PODirectory+'gui.%s.po', Lang,FallbackLang); MessageDlg('Title','Text',mtInformation,[mbOk,mbCancel,mbYes],0); end; } unit fpg_pofiles; {$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$INLINE ON} {.$Define DEBUG} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_stringhashlist; type TPOFileItem = class(TObject) public Identifier: string; Original: string; Translation: string; constructor Create(const TheIdentifier, TheOriginal, TheTranslated: string); end; TPOFile = class(TObject) protected FItems: TFPList; // list of TPOFileItem FIdentifierToItem: TStringHashList; FOriginalToItem: TStringHashList; public constructor Create(const AFilename: string); constructor Create(AStream: TStream); destructor Destroy; override; procedure ReadPOText(const s: string); procedure Add(const Identifier, OriginalValue, TranslatedValue: string); function Translate(const Identifier, OriginalValue: string): string; procedure AppendFile(const AFilename: string); end; EPOFileError = class(Exception); var SystemCharSetIsUTF8: Boolean = True;// the fpGUI interfaces expect UTF-8 as default // if you don't use UTF-8, install a proper widestring manager and set this // to false. You're on your own then! // translate resource strings for one unit procedure TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, BaseFilename, Lang, FallbackLang: string); function TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, AFilename: string): boolean; function UTF8ToSystemCharSet(const s: string): string; {$ifndef MultiLocale} inline;{$endif} implementation uses fpg_main, fpg_stringutils; function UTF8ToSystemCharSet(const s: string): string; {$ifndef MultiLocale} inline; {$endif} begin if SystemCharSetIsUTF8 then Exit(s); {$IFDEF NoUTF8Translations} Result := s; {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF MultiLocale} Result := Utf8ToAnsi(s); {$ELSE} try if (LowerCase(GetDefaultCodepage) <> 'utf8') and (LowerCase(GetDefaultCodepage) <> 'utf-8') then Result := CPConvert(s, 'utf8', LowerCase(GetDefaultCodepage)) else Result := s; except Result := s; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef ver2_0} function Translate(Name, Value: ansistring; Hash: longint; arg: Pointer): ansistring; var po: TPOFile; begin po := TPOFile(arg); // get UTF8 string Result := po.Translate(Name, Value); // convert UTF8 to current local if Result <> '' then Result := UTF8ToSystemCharSet(Result); end; {$endif ver2_0} function TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, AFilename: string): boolean; var {$ifdef ver2_0} TableID, StringID, TableCount: integer; s: string; DefValue: string; {$endif ver2_0} po: TPOFile; lPath, lFile: string; lPos: integer; ToolkitOnly: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TranslateUnitResourceStrings:'); {$ENDIF} Result := False; ToolkitOnly := False; // build correct filename for fpGUI Toolkit translations. lPath := ExtractFilePath(AFilename); lFile := ExtractFileName(AFilename); lPos := Pos('.', lFile); lFile := lPath + 'fpgui' + Copy(lFile, lPos, Length(lFile)-lPos+1); {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(' lFile = ', lFile); writeln(' ResUnitName="', ResUnitName, '"'); writeln(' AFilename="', AFilename, '"'); {$ENDIF} if {(ResUnitName = '') or} (AFilename = '') or (not FileExists(AFilename)) then ToolkitOnly := True; // we don't have a application translation file try po := nil; // read .po file if ToolkitOnly then begin if not FileExists(lFile) then Exit; {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(' ************ Only translating the toolkit ***********'); {$ENDIF} po := TPOFile.Create(nil); po.AppendFile(lFile); end else begin po := TPOFile.Create(AFilename); // Now append fpGUI translations po.AppendFile(lFile); end; try {$ifdef ver2_0} for TableID := 0 to ResourceStringTableCount - 1 do begin TableCount := ResourceStringCount(TableID); // check if this table belongs to the ResUnitName if TableCount = 0 then continue; s := GetResourceStringName(TableID, 0); if CompareText(ResUnitName + '.', LeftStr(s, length(ResUnitName) + 1)) <> 0 then continue; // translate all resource strings of the unit for StringID := 0 to TableCount - 1 do begin DefValue := GetResourceStringDefaultValue(TableID, StringID); // get UTF8 string s := po.Translate(GetResourceStringName(TableID, StringID), DefValue); if Length(s) > 0 then begin // convert UTF8 to current local s := UTF8ToSystemCharSet(s); SetResourceStringValue(TableID, StringID, s); end; end; end; {$else ver2_0} // SetUnitResourceStrings(ResUnitName, @Translate, po); SetResourceStrings(@Translate, po); {$endif ver2_0} finally po.Free; end; Result := True; except on e: Exception do begin DebugLn('Exception while translating ', ResUnitName); DebugLn(e.Message); DumpStack; end; end; end; procedure TranslateUnitResourceStrings(const ResUnitName, BaseFilename, Lang, FallbackLang: string); begin if {(ResUnitName = '') or} (BaseFilename = '') then Exit; if (FallbackLang <> '') then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('1) Trying fallback language... ', Fallbacklang); {$ENDIF} TranslateUnitResourceStrings(ResUnitName, Format(BaseFilename, [FallbackLang])); end; if (Lang <> '') then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('2) Trying language... ', Lang); {$ENDIF} TranslateUnitResourceStrings(ResUnitName, Format(BaseFilename, [Lang])); end; end; { TPOFile } constructor TPOFile.Create(const AFilename: string); var f: TStream; begin if AFilename <> '' then f := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead); try Self.Create(f); finally if Assigned(f) then f.Free; end; end; constructor TPOFile.Create(AStream: TStream); var Size: integer; s: string; begin inherited Create; FItems := TFPList.Create; FIdentifierToItem := TStringHashList.Create(False); FOriginalToItem := TStringHashList.Create(True); if AStream = nil then Exit; Size := AStream.Size - AStream.Position; if Size <= 0 then Exit; //==> SetLength(s, Size); AStream.Read(s[1], Size); ReadPOText(s); end; destructor TPOFile.Destroy; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do TObject(FItems[i]).Free; FItems.Free; FIdentifierToItem.Free; FOriginalToItem.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TPOFile.ReadPOText(const s: string); { Read a .po file. Structure: Example #: lazarusidestrconsts:lisdonotshowsplashscreen msgid " Do not show splash screen" msgstr "" } const sCommentIdentifier: PChar = '#: '; sMsgID: PChar = 'msgid "'; sMsgStr: PChar = 'msgstr "'; var l: integer; LineLen: integer; p: PChar; LineStart: PChar; LineEnd: PChar; Identifier: string; MsgID: string; MsgStr: string; TextEnd: PChar; begin if s = '' then Exit; //==> l := Length(s); p := PChar(s); LineStart := p; TextEnd := p + l; while LineStart < TextEnd do begin LineEnd := LineStart; while (not (LineEnd^ in [#0, #10, #13])) do Inc(LineEnd); LineLen := LineEnd - LineStart; if LineLen > 0 then if CompareMem(LineStart, sCommentIdentifier, 3) then Identifier := copy(s, LineStart - p + 4, LineLen - 3) else if CompareMem(LineStart, sMsgID, 7) then MsgID := UTF8CStringToUTF8String(LineStart + 7, LineLen - 8) else if CompareMem(LineStart, sMsgStr, 8) then begin //MsgStr:=copy(s,LineStart-p+9,LineLen-9); MsgStr := UTF8CStringToUTF8String(LineStart + 8, LineLen - 9); Add(Identifier, MsgID, MsgStr); end; LineStart := LineEnd + 1; while (LineStart < TextEnd) and (LineStart^ in [#10, #13]) do Inc(LineStart); end; end; procedure TPOFile.Add(const Identifier, OriginalValue, TranslatedValue: string); var Item: TPOFileItem; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TPOFile.Add: ' + Identifier + ' | ' + OriginalValue + ' | ' + TranslatedValue); {$ENDIF} if (TranslatedValue = '') then Exit; //==> Item := TPOFileItem.Create(Identifier, OriginalValue, TranslatedValue); FItems.Add(Item); FIdentifierToItem.Add(Identifier, Item); FOriginalToItem.Add(OriginalValue, Item); end; function TPOFile.Translate(const Identifier, OriginalValue: string): string; var Item: TPOFileItem; s: string; begin s := StringReplace(Identifier, '.', ':', []); {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TPOFile.Translate: ' + s + '(' + Identifier + ') | ' + OriginalValue); {$ENDIF} Item := TPOFileItem(FIdentifierToItem.Data[s]); if Item = nil then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(' identifier lookup failed, trying original value'); {$ENDIF} Item := TPOFileItem(FOriginalToItem.Data[OriginalValue]); end; if Item <> nil then begin Result := Item.Translation; if Result = '' then raise Exception.Create('TPOFile.Translate Inconsistency'); end else begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(' OriginalValue lookup failed, defaulting to original value'); {$ENDIF} Result := OriginalValue; end; end; procedure TPOFile.AppendFile(const AFilename: string); var Size: integer; s: string; f: TStream; begin // Now fpGUI translation if (AFilename = '') or (not FileExists(AFilename)) then Exit; f := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead); try s := ''; Size := f.Size - f.Position; if Size <= 0 then Exit; //==> SetLength(s, Size); f.Read(s[1], Size); ReadPOText(s); finally f.Free; end; end; { TPOFileItem } constructor TPOFileItem.Create(const TheIdentifier, TheOriginal, TheTranslated: string); begin Identifier := TheIdentifier; Original := TheOriginal; Translation := TheTranslated; end; end.