{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: The main unit that ties everything together from CoreLib. } unit fpg_main; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$Define DEBUG} // To enable the AggPas powered Canvas {.$define AGGCanvas} { TODO : Implement font size adjustments for each platform. eg: linux=10pt & windows=8pt } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_constants, fpg_base, fpg_interface, fpg_impl; type TOrientation = (orVertical, orHorizontal); TAlign = (alNone, alTop, alBottom, alLeft, alRight, alClient); TLayout = (tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom); TBoxLayout = (tbLeftBox, tbRightBox); TAnchor = (anLeft, anRight, anTop, anBottom); TAnchors = set of TAnchor; TfpgButtonFlags = set of (btfIsEmbedded, btfIsDefault, btfIsPressed, btfIsSelected, btfHasFocus, btfHasParentColor, btfFlat, btfHover, btfDisabled); TfpgMenuItemFlags = set of (mifSelected, mifHasFocus, mifSeparator, mifEnabled, mifChecked, mifSubMenu); TfpgTextFlags = set of (txtLeft, txtHCenter, txtRight, txtTop, txtVCenter, txtBottom, txtWrap, txtDisabled, txtAutoSize); TMouseButton = (mbLeft, mbRight, mbMiddle); TArrowDirection = (adUp, adDown, adLeft, adRight); const AllAnchors = [anLeft, anRight, anTop, anBottom]; TextFlagsDflt = [txtLeft, txtTop]; type { ******************************************* Internal event properties: Event Types *******************************************} TIntKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var keycode: word; var shiftstate: word; var consumed: boolean) of object; TIntMouseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; x, y: TfpgCoord; var button: word; var shiftstate: word) of object; { ******************************************* Public event properties: Event Types *******************************************} { Keyboard } TfpgKeyCharEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AChar: TfpgChar; var Consumed: boolean) of object; TKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean) of object; { Mouse } TMouseButtonEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint) of object; TMouseMoveEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint) of object; TMouseWheelEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AShift: TShiftState; AWheelDelta: Single; const AMousePos: TPoint) of object; { Painting } TPaintEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject{; const ARect: TfpgRect}) of object; { Exceptions } TExceptionEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; E: Exception) of object; type TSizeParams = record min_width: TfpgCoord; max_width: TfpgCoord; min_height: TfpgCoord; max_height: TfpgCoord; end; TfpgFontResource = class(TfpgFontResourceImpl) protected FFontDesc: string; FRefCount: integer; public constructor Create(const afontdesc: string); function IncRefCount: integer; function DecRefCount: integer; property FontDesc: string read FFontDesc; end; TfpgFont = class(TfpgFontBase) public constructor Create(afontres: TfpgFontResource; const afontdesc: string); destructor Destroy; override; end; // forward declaration TfpgCanvas = class; TfpgTimer = class; TfpgWindow = class(TfpgWindowImpl) protected procedure SetParent(const AValue: TfpgWindow); reintroduce; function GetParent: TfpgWindow; reintroduce; function GetCanvas: TfpgCanvas; reintroduce; function CreateCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Parent: TfpgWindow read GetParent write SetParent; property Canvas: TfpgCanvas read GetCanvas; property WinHandle; // surface this property from TfpgXXXImpl class in it's native format end; TfpgImage = class(TfpgImageImpl) private function GetScanLine(Row: Integer): Pointer; public function CreateDisabledImage: TfpgImage; function ImageFromSource: TfpgImage; function ImageFromRect(var ARect: TRect): TfpgImage; overload; function ImageFromRect(var ARect: TfpgRect): TfpgImage; overload; property ScanLine[Row: Integer]: Pointer read GetScanLine; end; TfpgImages = class private FImages: TStringList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function AddImage(const imgid: string; img: TfpgImage): boolean; function DeleteImage(const imgid: string; freeimg: boolean): boolean; function GetImage(const imgid: string): TfpgImage; function AddBMP(const imgid: string; bmpdata: pointer; bmpsize: integer): TfpgImage; function AddMaskedBMP(const imgid: string; bmpdata: pointer; bmpsize: integer; mcx, mcy: integer): TfpgImage; procedure ListImages(var sl: TStringList); end; TfpgCanvas = class(TfpgCanvasImpl) private function AddLineBreaks(const s: TfpgString; aMaxLineWidth: integer): string; public constructor Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); override; destructor Destroy; override; // As soon as TfpgStyle has moved out of CoreLib, these must go! procedure DrawButtonFace(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); overload; procedure DrawButtonFace(r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); overload; procedure DrawBevel(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ARaised: Boolean = True); overload; procedure DrawBevel(r: TfpgRect; ARaised: Boolean = True); overload; procedure DrawDirectionArrow(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; direction: TArrowDirection); overload; procedure DrawDirectionArrow(r: TfpgRect; direction: TArrowDirection); overload; procedure DrawFocusRect(r: TfpgRect); function DrawText(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; const AText: TfpgString; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags = TextFlagsDflt; ALineSpace: integer = 2): integer; overload; function DrawText(x, y: TfpgCoord; const AText: TfpgString; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags = TextFlagsDflt; ALineSpace: integer = 2): integer; overload; function DrawText(r: TfpgRect; const AText: TfpgString; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags = TextFlagsDflt; ALineSpace: integer = 2): integer; overload; end; { This is very basic for now, just to remind us of theming support. Later we will rework this to use a Style Manager like the previous fpGUI. Also support Bitmap based styles for easier theme implementations. } TfpgStyle = class(TObject) public DefaultFont: TfpgFont; FixedFont: TfpgFont; MenuFont: TfpgFont; MenuAccelFont: TfpgFont; MenuDisabledFont: TfpgFont; constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; { General } procedure DrawControlFrame(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); virtual; overload; procedure DrawControlFrame(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); overload; function GetControlFrameBorders: TRect; virtual; procedure DrawBevel(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ARaised: Boolean = True); virtual; procedure DrawDirectionArrow(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; direction: TArrowDirection); virtual; procedure DrawString(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; AText: string; AEnabled: boolean = True); virtual; procedure DrawFocusRect(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); virtual; { Buttons } procedure DrawButtonFace(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); virtual; overload; procedure DrawButtonFace(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); overload; function GetButtonBorders: TRect; virtual; function GetButtonShift: TPoint; virtual; function HasButtonHoverEffect: boolean; virtual; { Menus } procedure DrawMenuBar(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor); virtual; procedure DrawMenuRow(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgMenuItemFlags); virtual; procedure DrawMenuItem(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgMenuItemFlags; AText: TfpgString); virtual; procedure DrawMenuItemSeparator(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); virtual; procedure DrawMenuItemImage(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgMenuItemFlags); virtual; function GetSeparatorSize: integer; virtual; { Editbox } procedure DrawEditBox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; const r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsReadOnly: Boolean; const ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor); virtual; { Combobox } procedure DrawStaticComboBox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsFocused: Boolean; const IsReadOnly: Boolean; const ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor; const AInternalBtnRect: TfpgRect; const ABtnPressed: Boolean); virtual; procedure DrawInternalComboBoxButton(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsPressed: Boolean); virtual; { Checkbox } function GetCheckBoxSize: integer; virtual; procedure DrawCheckbox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; ix, iy: TfpgCoord); virtual; end; TMsgHookItem = class Dest: TObject; Listener: TObject; MsgCode: integer; end; TfpgApplication = class(TfpgApplicationImpl) private FHintPause: Integer; FShowHint: boolean; FOnException: TExceptionEvent; FStopOnException: Boolean; FHintWindow: TfpgWindow; FHintTimer: TfpgTimer; FHintWidget: TfpgWindow; FHintPos: TPoint; FOnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; FStartDragDistance: integer; procedure SetHintPause(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetupLocalizationStrings; procedure InternalMsgFreeMe(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_FREEME; procedure InternalMsgHintTimer(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_HINTTIMER; procedure CreateHintWindow; procedure HintTimerFired(Sender: TObject); procedure SetShowHint(const AValue: boolean); procedure SetStartDragDistance(const AValue: integer); protected FDisplayParams: string; FScreenWidth: integer; FScreenHeight: integer; FDefaultFont: TfpgFont; FFontResList: TList; FMessageHookList: TFPList; procedure FreeFontRes(afontres: TfpgFontResource); procedure InternalInit; procedure RunMessageLoop; procedure WaitWindowMessage(atimeoutms: integer); public constructor Create(const AParams: string = ''); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetFont(const afontdesc: TfpgString): TfpgFont; procedure ActivateHint(APos: TPoint; AHint: TfpgString); procedure RecreateHintWindow; procedure Flush; procedure HandleException(Sender: TObject); procedure HideHint; procedure Initialize; procedure ProcessMessages; procedure Run; procedure SetMessageHook(AWidget: TObject; const AMsgCode: integer; AListener: TObject); procedure ShowException(E: Exception); procedure UnsetMessageHook(AWidget: TObject; const AMsgCode: integer; AListener: TObject); property DefaultFont: TfpgFont read FDefaultFont; property HintPause: Integer read FHintPause write SetHintPause; property HintWindow: TfpgWindow read FHintWindow; property ScreenWidth: integer read FScreenWidth; property ScreenHeight: integer read FScreenHeight; property ShowHint: boolean read FShowHint write SetShowHint default True; property StartDragDistance: integer read FStartDragDistance write SetStartDragDistance default 5; property StopOnException: Boolean read FStopOnException write FStopOnException; property OnException: TExceptionEvent read FOnException write FOnException; property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent read FOnKeyPress write FOnKeyPress; end; TfpgTimer = class(TfpgTimerImpl) public { AInterval is in milliseconds. } constructor Create(AInterval: integer); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; { Caret or text cursor, inverts painting over text and has blinking support. } TfpgCaret = class(TObject) private FEnabled: boolean; FVisible: boolean; FInterval: integer; FCanvas: TfpgCanvas; FTop: TfpgCoord; FLeft: TfpgCoord; FWidth: TfpgCoord; FHeight: TfpgCoord; FTimer: TfpgTimer; procedure OnTimerTime(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetCaret(acanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); procedure UnSetCaret(acanvas: TfpgCanvas); procedure InvertCaret; property Width: integer read FWidth; property Height: integer read FHeight; end; TfpgClipboard = class(TfpgClipboardImpl) end; TfpgFileList = class(TfpgFileListImpl) end; TfpgMimeData = class(TfpgMimeDataImpl) end; TfpgDrag = class(TfpgDragImpl) private FTarget: TfpgWinHandle; procedure SetMimeData(const AValue: TfpgMimeDataBase); protected function GetSource: TfpgWindow; reintroduce; public constructor Create(ASource: TfpgWindow); function Execute(const ADropActions: TfpgDropActions = [daCopy]; const ADefaultAction: TfpgDropAction = daCopy): TfpgDropAction; override; property Source: TfpgWindow read GetSource; property Target: TfpgWinHandle read FTarget write FTarget; property MimeData: TfpgMimeDataBase read FMimeData write SetMimeData; end; var fpgStyle: TfpgStyle; { TODO -ograemeg : move this into fpgApplication } fpgCaret: TfpgCaret; { TODO -ograemeg : move this into fpgApplication } fpgImages: TfpgImages; { TODO -ograemeg : move this into fpgApplication } DefaultCanvasClass: TfpgCanvasBaseClass = nil; // Application & Clipboard singletons function fpgApplication: TfpgApplication; function fpgClipboard: TfpgClipboard; // Fonts (easy access function) function fpgGetFont(const afontdesc: TfpgString): TfpgFont; // Message Queue (easy access function) procedure fpgWaitWindowMessage; procedure fpgPostMessage(Sender, Dest: TObject; MsgCode: integer; var aparams: TfpgMessageParams); overload; procedure fpgPostMessage(Sender, Dest: TObject; MsgCode: integer); overload; procedure fpgSendMessage(Sender, Dest: TObject; MsgCode: integer; var aparams: TfpgMessageParams); overload; procedure fpgSendMessage(Sender, Dest: TObject; MsgCode: integer); overload; procedure fpgDeliverMessage(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); procedure fpgDeliverMessages; function fpgGetFirstMessage: PfpgMessageRec; procedure fpgDeleteFirstMessage; // Color & Font routines function fpgColorToRGB(col: TfpgColor): TfpgColor; function fpgGetNamedColor(col: TfpgColor): TfpgColor; procedure fpgSetNamedColor(colorid, rgbvalue: longword); function fpgIsNamedColor(col: TfpgColor): boolean; function fpgGetNamedFontDesc(afontid: string): string; procedure fpgSetNamedFont(afontid, afontdesc: string); function fpgGetNamedFontList: TStringlist; // Timers rountines procedure fpgInitTimers; function fpgCheckTimers: Boolean; procedure fpgResetAllTimers; function fpgClosestTimer(ctime: TDateTime; amaxtime: integer): integer; function fpgGetTickCount: DWord; procedure fpgPause(MilliSeconds: Cardinal); // Rectangle, Point & Size routines function CopyRect(out Dest: TfpgRect; const Src: TfpgRect): Boolean; function InflateRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; function InflateRect(var Rect: TfpgRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; function IntersectRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const r1, r2: TfpgRect): Boolean; function IsRectEmpty(const ARect: TfpgRect): Boolean; function OffsetRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; function OffsetRect(var Rect: TfpgRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean; function UniongRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const R1, R2: TfpgRect): Boolean; function CenterPoint(const Rect: TRect): TPoint; function CenterPoint(const Rect: TfpgRect): TPoint; function fpgRect(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer): TfpgRect; function fpgRectToRect(const ARect: TfpgRect): TRect; function fpgPoint(const AX, AY: integer): TfpgPoint; function fpgSize(const AWidth, AHeight: integer): TfpgSize; // Debug rountines procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TRect); procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TfpgRect); procedure PrintCoord(const x, y: TfpgCoord); procedure PrintCoord(const pt: TPoint); function PrintCallTrace(const AClassName, AMethodName: string): IInterface; procedure PrintCallTraceDbgLn(const AMessage: string); procedure DumpStack; procedure DumpStack(var AList: TStrings); { These methods are safe to use even on Windows gui applications. } procedure DebugLn(const s1: TfpgString); procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: TfpgString); procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3: TfpgString); procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4: TfpgString); procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: TfpgString); function DebugMethodEnter(const s1: TfpgString): IInterface; procedure DebugSeparator; // operator overloading of some useful structures operator = (const a, b: TRect): boolean; operator = (const a, b: TfpgRect): boolean; operator = (const ASize1, ASize2: TfpgSize) b: Boolean; operator = (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) b: Boolean; operator + (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) p: TPoint; operator + (const APoint1, APoint2: TfpgPoint) p: TfpgPoint; operator + (const APoint: TPoint; ASize: TfpgSize) p: TPoint; operator + (const APoint: TfpgPoint; ASize: TfpgSize) p: TfpgPoint; operator + (const ASize: TfpgSize; APoint: TPoint) s: TfpgSize; operator + (const ASize: TfpgSize; APoint: TfpgPoint) s: TfpgSize; operator + (const ASize1, ASize2: TfpgSize) s: TfpgSize; operator + (const APoint: TPoint; i: Integer) p: TPoint; operator + (const APoint: TfpgPoint; i: Integer) p: TfpgPoint; operator + (const ASize: TfpgSize; i: Integer) s: TfpgSize; operator - (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) p: TPoint; operator - (const APoint1, APoint2: TfpgPoint) p: TfpgPoint; operator - (const APoint: TPoint; i: Integer) p: TPoint; operator - (const APoint: TfpgPoint; i: Integer) p: TfpgPoint; operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; const APoint: TPoint) s: TfpgSize; operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; const APoint: TfpgPoint) s: TfpgSize; operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; i: Integer) s: TfpgSize; operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TFPColor) b: Boolean; deprecated; operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TRGBTriple) b: Boolean; implementation uses strutils, math, {$ifdef AGGCanvas} Agg2D, {$endif} {$IFDEF DEBUG} fpg_dbugintf, {$ENDIF} fpg_imgfmt_bmp, fpg_stdimages, fpg_translations, fpg_widget, fpg_dialogs, fpg_hint, fpg_extgraphics, fpg_utils, fpg_cmdlineparams, fpg_imgutils, fpg_stylemanager, fpg_style_win2k, // TODO: This needs to be removed! fpg_style_motif, // TODO: This needs to be removed! fpg_style_carbon, fpg_style_plastic; var fpgTimers: TList; fpgNamedColors: array[0..255] of TfpgColor; fpgNamedFonts: TList; uApplication: TfpgApplication; uClipboard: TfpgClipboard; uMsgQueueList: TList; uDebugText: ^Text; uDebugTextAllocated: Boolean; uDebugIndent: integer; type TDebugMethodHelper = class(TInterfacedObject) private FMethod: string; public constructor Create(const AMethodName: string); destructor Destroy; override; end; TNamedFontItem = class public FontID: string; FontDesc: string; constructor Create(AFontID, AFontDesc: string); end; TWidgetFriend = class(TfpgWidget); { TDebugMethodHelper } constructor TDebugMethodHelper.Create(const AMethodName: string); begin inherited Create; FMethod := AMethodName; DebugLn('>> ' + FMethod); uDebugIndent := uDebugIndent + 2; end; destructor TDebugMethodHelper.Destroy; begin uDebugIndent := uDebugIndent - 2; DebugLn('<< ' + FMethod); inherited Destroy; end; // so we can get access to the Protected section constructor TNamedFontItem.Create(AFontID, AFontDesc: string); begin FontID := AFontID; FontDesc := AFontDesc; end; {$include fpg_msgqueue.inc} // Timer support procedure fpgInitTimers; begin if fpgTimers = nil then fpgTimers := TList.Create; end; function fpgCheckTimers: Boolean; var i: integer; ctime: TDateTime; begin if fpgTimers = nil then Exit; ctime := now; i := fpgTimers.Count; Result := i > 0; while i > 0 do begin dec(i); if fpgTimers[i] = nil then fpgTimers.Delete(i) else TfpgTimer(fpgTimers[i]).CheckAlarm(ctime); end; end; procedure fpgResetAllTimers; var i: integer; begin if fpgTimers = nil then Exit; for i := 0 to fpgTimers.Count-1 do TfpgTimer(fpgTimers[i]).Reset; end; function fpgClosestTimer(ctime: TDateTime; amaxtime: integer): integer; var i: integer; t: TfpgTimer; dt: TDateTime; tb: Boolean; begin if fpgTimers = nil then Exit; // returns -1 if no timers are pending dt := ctime + amaxtime * ONE_MILISEC; tb := False; for i := 0 to fpgTimers.Count-1 do begin t := TfpgTimer(fpgTimers[i]); if (t <> nil) and t.Enabled and (t.NextAlarm < dt) then begin dt := t.NextAlarm; tb := True; end; end; if tb then begin Result := trunc(0.5 + (dt - ctime) / ONE_MILISEC); if Result < 0 then Result := 0; end else Result := -1; end; function fpgGetTickCount: DWord; begin Result := DWord(Trunc(Now * MSecsPerDay)); end; { blocking function for the caller, but still processes framework messages } procedure fpgPause(MilliSeconds: Cardinal); var lStart: TDateTime; begin lStart := Now * MSecsPerDay; repeat fpgApplication.ProcessMessages; until ((Now*MSecsPerDay)-lStart) > MilliSeconds; end; function CopyRect(out Dest: TfpgRect; const Src: TfpgRect): Boolean; begin Dest := Src; if IsRectEmpty(Dest) then begin FillChar(Dest, SizeOf(Dest), 0); Result := false; end else Result := true; end; function InflateRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; begin if Assigned(@Rect) then begin with Rect do begin dec(Left, dx); dec(Top, dy); inc(Right, dx); inc(Bottom, dy); end; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function InflateRect(var Rect: TfpgRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; begin if Assigned(@Rect) then begin dec(Rect.Left, dx); dec(Rect.Top, dy); inc(Rect.Width, 2*dx); inc(Rect.Height, 2*dy); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function IntersectRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const r1, r2: TfpgRect): Boolean; begin ARect := r1; with r2 do begin if Left > r1.Left then ARect.Left := Left; if Top > r1.Top then ARect.Top := Top; if Right < r1.Right then ARect.Width := ARect.Left + Right; if Bottom < r1.Bottom then ARect.Height := ARect.Top + Bottom; end; if IsRectEmpty(ARect) then begin FillChar(ARect, SizeOf(ARect), 0); Result := false; end else Result := true; end; function IsRectEmpty(const ARect: TfpgRect): Boolean; begin Result := (ARect.Width <= 0) or (ARect.Height <= 0); end; function OffsetRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; begin if Assigned(@Rect) then begin with Rect do begin inc(Left, dx); inc(Top, dy); inc(Right, dx); inc(Bottom, dy); end; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function OffsetRect(var Rect: TfpgRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean; begin if Assigned(@Rect) then begin with Rect do begin inc(Left, dx); inc(Top, dy); end; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean; begin Result := (APoint.x >= ARect.Left) and (APoint.y >= ARect.Top) and (APoint.x <= ARect.Right) and (APoint.y <= ARect.Bottom); end; function UniongRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const R1, R2: TfpgRect): Boolean; begin ARect := R1; with R2 do begin if Left < R1.Left then ARect.Left := Left; if Top < R1.Top then ARect.Top := Top; if Right > R1.Right then ARect.Width := ARect.Left + Right; if Bottom > R1.Bottom then ARect.Height := ARect.Top + Bottom; end; if IsRectEmpty(ARect) then begin FillChar(ARect, SizeOf(ARect), 0); Result := false; end else Result := true; end; function CenterPoint(const Rect: TRect): TPoint; begin Result.X := (Rect.Left + Rect.Right) div 2; Result.Y := (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom) div 2; end; function CenterPoint(const Rect: TfpgRect): TPoint; begin Result.X := (Rect.Left + Rect.Right) div 2; Result.Y := (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom) div 2; end; function fpgRect(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer): TfpgRect; begin Result.SetRect(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight); end; function fpgRectToRect(const ARect: TfpgRect): TRect; begin Result.Left := ARect.Left; Result.Top := ARect.Top; Result.Right := ARect.Right; Result.Bottom := ARect.Bottom; end; function fpgPoint(const AX, AY: integer): TfpgPoint; begin Result.SetPoint(AX, AY); end; function fpgSize(const AWidth, AHeight: integer): TfpgSize; begin Result.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight); end; procedure InitializeDebugOutput; var DebugFileName: string; function GetDebugFileName: string; var EnvVarName: string; begin Result := ''; // first try to find the log file name in the command line parameters if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('debuglog') then Result := gCommandLineParams.GetParam('debuglog') else begin // if not found yet, then try to find in the environment variable EnvVarName := ApplicationName + '_debuglog'; Result := GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvVarName); end; if (Result <> '') then Result := fpgExpandFileName(Result); end; begin uDebugIndent := 0; uDebugText := nil; DebugFileName := GetDebugFileName; if (DebugFileName <> '') and (fpgDirectoryExists(fpgExtractFileDir(DebugFileName))) then begin new(uDebugText); try Assign(uDebugText^, DebugFileName); if fpgFileExists(DebugFileName) then Append(uDebugText^) else Rewrite(uDebugText^); except Freemem(uDebugText); uDebugText := nil; // Add extra line ending: a dialog will be shown in Windows gui application writeln(StdOut, 'Cannot open file: ', DebugFileName+LineEnding); end; end; if uDebugText = nil then begin if TextRec(Output).Mode = fmClosed then uDebugText := nil else uDebugText := @Output; uDebugTextAllocated := False; end else uDebugTextAllocated := True; end; procedure CloseDebugOutput; begin if uDebugTextAllocated then begin Close(uDebugText^); Dispose(uDebugText); uDebugTextAllocated := False; end; uDebugText := nil; end; procedure FinalizeDebugOutput; begin CloseDebugOutput; end; procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TRect); begin writeln('Rect left=', Rect.Left, ' top=', Rect.Top, ' right=', Rect.Right, ' bottom=', Rect.Bottom); end; procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TfpgRect); begin writeln('Rect left=', Rect.Left, ' top=', Rect.Top, ' right=', Rect.Right, ' bottom=', Rect.Bottom, ' width=', Rect.Width, ' height=', Rect.Height); end; procedure PrintCoord(const x, y: TfpgCoord); begin writeln('x=', x, ' y=', y); end; var iCallTrace: integer; type TPrintCallTrace = class(TInterfacedObject) private FClassName: string; FMethodName: string; spacing: string; public constructor Create(const AClassName, AMethodName: string); destructor Destroy; override; end; { TPrintCallTrace } constructor TPrintCallTrace.Create(const AClassname, AMethodName: string); var i: integer; begin inherited Create; spacing := ''; inc(iCallTrace); for i := 0 to iCallTrace do spacing += ' '; FClassName := AClassName; FMethodName := AMethodName; {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(Format('%s>> %s.%s', [spacing, FClassName, FMethodName])); {$ENDIF} end; destructor TPrintCallTrace.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug(Format('%s<< %s.%s', [spacing, FClassName, FMethodName])); {$ENDIF} dec(iCallTrace); inherited Destroy; end; procedure PrintCoord(const pt: TPoint); begin PrintCoord(pt.X, pt.Y); end; function PrintCallTrace(const AClassName, AMethodName: string): IInterface; begin Result := TPrintCallTrace.Create(AClassName, AMethodName); end; procedure PrintCallTraceDbgLn(const AMessage: string); var i: integer; s: string; begin s := ''; for i := 0 to iCallTrace+1 do s += ' '; writeln(s + AMessage); end; procedure DumpStack; var lMessage: String; i: longint; begin writeln(' Stack trace:'); // Dump_Stack(StdOut, get_frame); Writeln(stdout,'An unhandled exception occurred at $',HexStr(Ptrint(ExceptAddr),sizeof(PtrInt)*2),' :'); if ExceptObject is Exception then begin lMessage := Exception(ExceptObject).ClassName+' : '+Exception(ExceptObject).Message; Writeln(stdout,lMessage); end else Writeln(stdout,'Exception object ',ExceptObject.ClassName,' is not of class Exception.'); Writeln(stdout,BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptAddr)); if (ExceptFrameCount>0) then begin for i := 0 to ExceptFrameCount-1 do Writeln(stdout,BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptFrames[i])); end; Writeln(stdout,''); end; procedure DumpStack(var AList: TStrings); var lMessage: String; i: longint; begin AList.Add(' Stack trace:'); AList.Add('An unhandled exception occurred at $' + HexStr(PtrInt(ExceptAddr),sizeof(PtrInt)*2) + ' :'); if ExceptObject is Exception then begin lMessage := Exception(ExceptObject).ClassName+' : '+Exception(ExceptObject).Message; AList.Add(lMessage); end else AList.Add('Exception object ' + ExceptObject.ClassName + ' is not of class Exception.'); AList.Add(BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptAddr)); if (ExceptFrameCount>0) then begin for i := 0 to ExceptFrameCount-1 do AList.Add(BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptFrames[i])); end; AList.Add(''); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1: TfpgString); var s: string; begin if not Assigned(uDebugText) then Exit; //==> s := DupeString(' ', uDebugIndent); writeln(uDebugText^, s + fpgConvertLineEndings(s1)); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: TfpgString); begin DebugLn(s1 + ' ' + s2); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3: TfpgString); begin DebugLn(s1 + ' ' + s2 + ' ' + s3); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4: TfpgString); begin DebugLn(s1 + ' ' + s2 + ' ' + s3 + ' ' + s4); end; procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: TfpgString); begin DebugLn(s1 + ' ' + s2 + ' ' + s3 + ' ' + s4 + ' ' + s5); end; function DebugMethodEnter(const s1: TfpgString): IInterface; begin Result := TDebugMethodHelper.Create(s1); end; procedure DebugSeparator; begin DebugLn('>--------------------------<'); end; operator = (const a, b: TRect): boolean; begin Result := (a.Top = b.Top) and (a.Left = b.Left) and (a.Bottom = b.Bottom) and (a.Right = b.Right); end; operator = (const a, b: TfpgRect): boolean; begin Result := (a.Left = b.Left) and (a.Top = b.Top) and (a.Width = b.Width) and (a.Height = b.Height); end; operator = (const ASize1, ASize2: TfpgSize) b: Boolean; begin b := (ASize1.w = ASize2.w) and (ASize1.h = ASize2.h); end; operator = (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) b: Boolean; begin b := (APoint1.X = APoint2.X) and (APoint1.Y = APoint2.Y); end; operator + (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) p: TPoint; begin p.x := APoint1.x + APoint2.x; p.y := APoint1.y + APoint2.y; end; operator + (const APoint1, APoint2: TfpgPoint) p: TfpgPoint; begin p.x := APoint1.x + APoint2.x; p.y := APoint1.y + APoint2.y; end; operator + (const APoint: TPoint; ASize: TfpgSize) p: TPoint; begin p.x := APoint.x + ASize.w; p.y := APoint.y + ASize.h; end; operator + (const APoint: TfpgPoint; ASize: TfpgSize) p: TfpgPoint; begin p.x := APoint.x + ASize.w; p.y := APoint.y + ASize.h; end; operator + (const ASize: TfpgSize; APoint: TPoint) s: TfpgSize; begin s.w := ASize.w + APoint.x; s.h := ASize.h + APoint.y; end; operator + (const ASize: TfpgSize; APoint: TfpgPoint) s: TfpgSize; begin s.w := ASize.w + APoint.x; s.h := ASize.h + APoint.y; end; operator + (const ASize1, ASize2: TfpgSize) s: TfpgSize; begin s.w := ASize1.w + ASize2.w; s.h := ASize1.h + ASize2.h; end; operator + (const APoint: TPoint; i: Integer) p: TPoint; begin p.x := APoint.x + i; p.y := APoint.y + i; end; operator + (const APoint: TfpgPoint; i: Integer) p: TfpgPoint; begin p.x := APoint.x + i; p.y := APoint.y + i; end; operator + (const ASize: TfpgSize; i: Integer) s: TfpgSize; begin s.w := ASize.w + i; s.h := ASize.h + i; end; operator - (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) p: TPoint; begin p.x := APoint1.x - APoint2.x; p.y := APoint1.y - APoint2.y; end; operator - (const APoint1, APoint2: TfpgPoint) p: TfpgPoint; begin p.x := APoint1.x - APoint2.x; p.y := APoint1.y - APoint2.y; end; operator - (const APoint: TPoint; i: Integer) p: TPoint; begin p.x := APoint.x - i; p.y := APoint.y - i; end; operator - (const APoint: TfpgPoint; i: Integer) p: TfpgPoint; begin p.x := APoint.x - i; p.y := APoint.y - i; end; operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; const APoint: TPoint) s: TfpgSize; begin s.w := ASize.w - APoint.x; s.h := ASize.h - APoint.y; end; operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; const APoint: TfpgPoint) s: TfpgSize; begin s.w := ASize.w - APoint.x; s.h := ASize.h - APoint.y; end; operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; i: Integer) s: TfpgSize; begin s.w := ASize.w - i; s.h := ASize.h - i; end; operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TFPColor) b: Boolean; begin b := (AColor1.Red = AColor2.Red) and (AColor1.Green = AColor2.Green) and (AColor1.Blue = AColor2.Blue) and (AColor1.Alpha = AColor2.Alpha); end; operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TRGBTriple) b: Boolean; begin b := (AColor1.Red = AColor2.Red) and (AColor1.Green = AColor2.Green) and (AColor1.Blue = AColor2.Blue) and (AColor1.Alpha = AColor2.Alpha); end; { TfpgTimer } constructor TfpgTimer.Create(AInterval: integer); begin inherited Create(AInterval); fpgTimers.Add(self); end; destructor TfpgTimer.Destroy; var i: integer; begin i := fpgTimers.IndexOf(self); if i > -1 then fpgTimers[i] := nil; // we free the item in fpgCheckTimers inherited Destroy; end; function fpgApplication: TfpgApplication; begin if not Assigned(uApplication) then uApplication := TfpgApplication.Create; result := uApplication; end; function fpgClipboard: TfpgClipboard; begin if not Assigned(uClipboard) then uClipboard := TfpgClipboard.Create; Result := uClipboard; end; function fpgColorToRGB(col: TfpgColor): TfpgColor; begin if (((col shr 24) and $FF) = $80) and ((col and $FFFFFF) <= $FF) then Result := fpgNamedColors[col and $FF] or (col and $7F000000)// named color keeping alpha else Result := col; end; function fpgGetNamedColor(col: TfpgColor): TfpgColor; begin if fpgIsNamedColor(col) then Result := col // nothing to do, it is already a named color else Result := fpgNamedColors[col and $FF]; end; procedure fpgSetNamedColor(colorid, rgbvalue: longword); var i: longword; begin if (colorid and cl_BaseNamedColor) = 0 then Exit; i := colorid and $FF; fpgNamedColors[i] := rgbvalue; end; function fpgIsNamedColor(col: TfpgColor): boolean; begin if (((col shr 24) and $FF) = $80) and ((col and $FFFFFF) <= $FF) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function fpgGetNamedFontDesc(afontid: string): string; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to fpgNamedFonts.Count - 1 do if (lowercase(TNamedFontItem(fpgNamedFonts[n]).FontID) = lowercase(afontid)) then begin // found Result := TNamedFontItem(fpgNamedFonts[n]).FontDesc; Exit; //==> end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('GetNamedFontDesc error: "' + afontid + '" is missing. Default is used.'); {$ENDIF} Result := FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC; end; procedure fpgSetNamedFont(afontid, afontdesc: string); var n: integer; begin n := 0; while (n < fpgNamedFonts.Count) and (lowercase(TNamedFontItem(fpgNamedFonts[n]).FontID) <> lowercase(afontid)) do Inc(n); if n < fpgNamedFonts.Count then TNamedFontItem(fpgNamedFonts[n]).FontDesc := afontdesc// already defined else fpgNamedFonts.Add(TNamedFontItem.Create(afontid, afontdesc)); end; function fpgGetNamedFontList: TStringlist; var n: integer; oFont: TNamedFontItem; begin if fpgNamedFonts.Count > 0 then Result := TStringList.Create else Exit; //==> for n := 0 to fpgNamedFonts.Count-1 do begin oFont := TNamedFontItem(fpgNamedFonts[n]); Result.Add(Format('#%s=%s', [oFont.FontID, oFont.FontDesc])); end; end; procedure fpgWaitWindowMessage; begin fpgApplication.WaitWindowMessage(500); end; function fpgGetFont(const afontdesc: TfpgString): TfpgFont; begin Result := fpgApplication.GetFont(afontdesc); end; constructor TfpgApplication.Create(const AParams: string); begin FFontResList := TList.Create; FDisplayParams := AParams; FScreenWidth := -1; FScreenHeight := -1; FMessageHookList := TFPList.Create; FStopOnException := False; FHintWindow := nil; // popup window with Hint text FHintPause := DEFAULT_HINT_PAUSE; FHintWidget := nil; // widget the mouse is over and whos hint text we need. FShowHint := True; FStartDragDistance := 5; // pixels try inherited Create(AParams); if IsInitialized then begin FScreenWidth := GetScreenWidth; FScreenHeight := GetScreenHeight; end; except on E: Exception do SysUtils.ShowException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr); end; end; destructor TfpgApplication.Destroy; var i: integer; begin if Assigned(FHintWindow) then begin HideHint; FHintWindow.Free; FHintWindow := nil; end; FHintTimer.Enabled := False; FHintTimer.OnTimer := nil; FHintTimer.Free; DestroyComponents; // while message queue is still active for i := 0 to (fpgNamedFonts.Count - 1) do TNamedFontItem(fpgNamedFonts.Items[i]).Free; fpgNamedFonts.Free; fpgImages.Free; fpgStyleManager.FreeStyleInstance; fpgStyle := nil; fpgCaret.Free; for i := fpgTimers.Count-1 downto 0 do if fpgTimers[i] <> nil then TfpgTimer(fpgTimers[i]).Free; fpgTimers.Free; FDefaultFont.Free; for i := FFontResList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin TfpgFontResource(FFontResList[i]).Free; FFontResList.Delete(i); end; FFontResList.Free; FreeAndNil(FModalFormStack); for i := 0 to FMessageHookList.Count-1 do TMsgHookItem(FMessageHookList[i]).Free; FreeAndNil(FMessageHookList); for i := uMsgQueueList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin TMessageListElement(uMsgQueueList[i]).Free; uMsgQueueList.Delete(i); end; uMsgQueueList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgApplication.GetFont(const afontdesc: TfpgString): TfpgFont; var fr: TfpgFontResource; n: integer; fdesc: TfpgString; begin fdesc := afontdesc; if copy(fdesc, 1, 1) = '#' then // A # (hash) denotes a named font fdesc := fpgGetNamedFontDesc(copy(afontdesc, 2, length(afontdesc))); Result := nil; for n := 0 to FFontResList.Count - 1 do if TfpgFontResource(FFontResList[n]).FontDesc = fdesc then begin fr := TfpgFontResource(FFontResList[n]); Inc(fr.FRefCount); Result := TfpgFont.Create(fr, afontdesc); Exit; //==> end; fr := TfpgFontResource.Create(fdesc); if fr.HandleIsValid then begin FFontResList.Add(fr); Result := TfpgFont.Create(fr, afontdesc); end else begin fr.Free; {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('fpGFX: Error opening font.'); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TfpgApplication.ActivateHint(APos: TPoint; AHint: TfpgString); var wnd: TfpgHintWindow; w: Integer; h: Integer; begin wnd := TfpgHintWindow(FHintWindow); if Assigned(wnd) and wnd.Visible then Exit; //==> Nothing to do wnd.Text := AHint; w := wnd.Font.TextWidth(AHint) + (wnd.Border * 2) + (wnd.Margin * 2); h := wnd.Font.Height + (wnd.Border * 2) + (wnd.Margin * 2); { prevents hint from going off the right screen edge } if (APos.X + w) > ScreenWidth then begin APos.X:= ScreenWidth - w; // just a few more sanity checks if APos.X < 0 then APos.X := 0; if w > ScreenWidth then w := ScreenWidth; end; wnd.SetPosition(APos.X, APos.Y, w, h); wnd.UpdateWindowPosition; wnd.Show; end; procedure TfpgApplication.RecreateHintWindow; begin if Assigned(FHintWindow) then begin HideHint; FHintWindow.Free; FHintWindow := nil; end; CreateHintWindow; end; procedure TfpgApplication.Initialize; begin { TODO : Remember to process parameters!! } if IsInitialized then InternalInit else raise Exception.Create('Failed to initialize the Application object!'); end; procedure TfpgApplication.Run; begin repeat try RunMessageLoop; except HandleException(Self); end; until Terminated; end; procedure TfpgApplication.SetupLocalizationStrings; begin // setup internal FPC arrays with localized values ShortDayNames[1] := rsShortSun; ShortDayNames[2] := rsShortMon; ShortDayNames[3] := rsShortTue; ShortDayNames[4] := rsShortWed; ShortDayNames[5] := rsShortThu; ShortDayNames[6] := rsShortFri; ShortDayNames[7] := rsShortSat; LongDayNames[1] := rsLongSun; LongDayNames[2] := rsLongMon; LongDayNames[3] := rsLongTue; LongDayNames[4] := rsLongWed; LongDayNames[5] := rsLongThu; LongDayNames[6] := rsLongFri; LongDayNames[7] := rsLongSat; ShortMonthNames[1] := rsShortJan; ShortMonthNames[2] := rsShortFeb; ShortMonthNames[3] := rsShortMar; ShortMonthNames[4] := rsShortApr; ShortMonthNames[5] := rsShortMay; ShortMonthNames[6] := rsShortJun; ShortMonthNames[7] := rsShortJul; ShortMonthNames[8] := rsShortAug; ShortMonthNames[9] := rsShortSep; ShortMonthNames[10] := rsShortOct; ShortMonthNames[11] := rsShortNov; ShortMonthNames[12] := rsShortDec; LongMonthNames[1] := rsLongJan; LongMonthNames[2] := rsLongFeb; LongMonthNames[3] := rsLongMar; LongMonthNames[4] := rsLongApr; LongMonthNames[5] := rsLongMay; LongMonthNames[6] := rsLongJun; LongMonthNames[7] := rsLongJul; LongMonthNames[8] := rsLongAug; LongMonthNames[9] := rsLongSep; LongMonthNames[10] := rsLongOct; LongMonthNames[11] := rsLongNov; LongMonthNames[12] := rsLongDec; SetLength(TrueBoolStrs,1); SetLength(FalseBoolStrs,1); TrueBoolStrs[0] := rsTrue; FalseBoolStrs[0] := rsFalse; // Dialog box button captions cMsgDlgBtnText[mbOK] := rsOK; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbCancel] := rsCancel; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbYes] := rsYes; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbNo] := rsNo; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbAbort] := rsAbort; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbRetry] := rsRetry; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbIgnore] := rsIgnore; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbAll] := rsAll; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbNoToAll] := rsNoToAll; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbYesToAll] := rsYesToAll; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbHelp] := rsHelp; cMsgDlgBtnText[mbClose] := rsClose; end; procedure TfpgApplication.SetHintPause(const AValue: Integer); begin FHintPause := AValue; FHintTimer.Interval := FHintPause; end; procedure TfpgApplication.InternalMsgFreeMe(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); begin if Assigned(msg.Sender) then begin if csDestroying in TComponent(msg.Sender).ComponentState then Exit; RemoveComponent(TfpgWindowBase(msg.Sender)); TfpgWindowBase(msg.Sender).Free; end; end; procedure TfpgApplication.InternalMsgHintTimer(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); begin // writeln('InternalMsgHintTimer msg'); if (msg.Params.user.Param1 < 2) then begin { MouseEnter occured } FHintTimer.Enabled := Boolean(msg.Params.user.Param1); FHintWidget := TfpgWindow(msg.Sender); end else begin { Handle mouse move information } FHintPos.X := msg.Params.user.Param2; FHintPos.Y := msg.Params.user.Param3; FHintWidget := TfpgWindow(msg.Sender); if FHintTimer.Enabled then FHintTimer.Reset // keep reseting to prevent hint from showing else HideHint; end; end; procedure TfpgApplication.CreateHintWindow; begin if not Assigned(FHintWindow) then begin FHintWindow := HintWindowClass.Create(nil); TfpgHintWindow(FHintWindow).Visible := False; end; end; procedure TfpgApplication.HintTimerFired(Sender: TObject); var w: TfpgWidget; lHint: TfpgString; begin w := nil; w := TfpgWidget(FHintWidget); try if Assigned(w) then begin //writeln('fpgApplication.HintTimerFired w = ', w.ClassName, ' - ', w.Name); TWidgetFriend(w).DoShowHint(lHint); ActivateHint(w.WindowToScreen(w, FHintPos), lHint); end; except // silence it! { TODO : FHintWidget probably went out of scope just as timer fired. Try and detect such cases better! } end; FHintTimer.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfpgApplication.SetShowHint(const AValue: boolean); begin //writeln('>> SetShowHint to :', AValue); FShowHint := AValue; end; procedure TfpgApplication.SetStartDragDistance(const AValue: integer); begin if AValue < 0 then FStartDragDistance := 0 else FStartDragDistance := AValue; end; procedure TfpgApplication.FreeFontRes(afontres: TfpgFontResource); var n: integer; begin for n := FFontResList.Count-1 downto 0 do if FFontResList[n] = Pointer(afontres) then begin TfpgFontResource(FFontResList[n]).Free; FFontResList.Delete(n); Exit; //==> end; end; procedure TfpgApplication.InternalInit; begin FDefaultFont := GetFont(FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC); fpgInitTimers; fpgNamedFonts := TList.Create; { If the end-user passed in a style, try and create an instance of it } if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('style') then fpgStyleManager.SetStyle(gCommandLineParams.GetParam('style')); fpgStyle := fpgStyleManager.Style; fpgCaret := TfpgCaret.Create; fpgImages := TfpgImages.Create; fpgCreateStandardImages; // This will process Application and fpGUI Toolkit translation (*.po) files TranslateResourceStrings(ApplicationName, ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)), ''); SetupLocalizationStrings; CreateHintWindow; FHintTimer := TfpgTimer.Create(HintPause); FHintTimer.OnTimer := @HintTimerFired; end; procedure TfpgApplication.Flush; begin DoFlush; end; procedure TfpgApplication.ProcessMessages; begin Flush; while MessagesPending do begin WaitWindowMessage(250); Flush; end; end; procedure TfpgApplication.SetMessageHook(AWidget: TObject; const AMsgCode: integer; AListener: TObject); var oItem: TMsgHookItem; begin oItem := TMsgHookItem.Create; oItem.Dest := AWidget; oItem.Listener := AListener; oItem.MsgCode := AMsgCode; FMessageHookList.Add(oItem); end; procedure TfpgApplication.UnsetMessageHook(AWidget: TObject; const AMsgCode: integer; AListener: TObject); var oItem: TMsgHookItem; i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FMessageHookList.Count-1 do begin oItem := TMsgHookItem(FMessageHookList.Items[i]); if (oItem.Dest = AWidget) and (oItem.Listener = AListener) and (oItem.MsgCode = AMsgCode) then begin FMessageHookList.Delete(i); oItem.Free; Exit; end; end; end; procedure TfpgApplication.HandleException(Sender: TObject); begin if not (ExceptObject is Exception) then SysUtils.ShowException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr) else begin if not (ExceptObject is EAbort) then // EAborts are silent. They show no message. begin if Assigned(FOnException) then FOnException(Sender, Exception(ExceptObject)) else begin // SysUtils.ShowException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr); ShowException(Exception(ExceptObject)); // DumpStack; end; end; end; { if/else } // Note: We should not terminate when we receive EAbort exceptions. if (not (ExceptObject is EAbort)) and StopOnException then Terminated := True; end; procedure TfpgApplication.HideHint; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('HideHint'); {$ENDIF} FHintTimer.Enabled := False; if Assigned(FHintWindow) and TfpgHintWindow(FHintWindow).Visible then TfpgHintWindow(FHintWindow).Hide; end; procedure TfpgApplication.ShowException(E: Exception); begin TfpgMessageDialog.Critical('An unexpected error occurred.', E.Message); end; procedure TfpgApplication.WaitWindowMessage(atimeoutms: integer); begin if IsMultiThread then CheckSynchronize; // execute the to-be synchronized method DoWaitWindowMessage(fpgClosestTimer(now, atimeoutms)); fpgDeliverMessages; fpgCheckTimers; end; procedure TfpgApplication.RunMessageLoop; begin WaitWindowMessage(2000); end; { TfpgFont } constructor TfpgFont.Create(afontres: TfpgFontResource; const afontdesc: string); begin FFontRes := afontres; FFontDesc := afontdesc; afontres.IncRefCount; end; destructor TfpgFont.Destroy; begin if TfpgFontResource(FFontRes).DecRefCount <= 0 then fpgApplication.FreeFontRes(TfpgFontResource(FFontRes)); inherited Destroy; end; { TfpgFontResource } constructor TfpgFontResource.Create(const afontdesc: string); begin inherited Create(afontdesc); FFontDesc := afontdesc; FRefCount := 0; end; function TfpgFontResource.DecRefCount: integer; begin Dec(FRefCount); Result := FRefCount; end; function TfpgFontResource.IncRefCount: integer; begin Inc(FRefCount); Result := FRefCount; end; { TfpgCanvas } // Warning! This function is not supposed to handle existing line breaks, // it is only supposed to insert new ones when appropriate. Also, this function // simply inserts line breaks, it doesn't split text lines etc... function TfpgCanvas.AddLineBreaks(const s: TfpgString; aMaxLineWidth: integer): string; var i, n, ls: integer; sub: string; lw, tw: integer; begin Result := ''; ls := Length(s); lw := 0; i := 1; while i <= ls do begin if (s[i] in txtWordDelims) then // read the delimeter only begin sub := s[i]; Inc(i); end else // read the whole word begin n := PosSetEx(txtWordDelims, s, i); if n > 0 then begin sub := Copy(s, i, n-i); i := n; end else begin sub := Copy(s, i, MaxInt); i := ls+1; end; end; tw := Font.TextWidth(sub); // wrap if needed if (lw + tw > aMaxLineWidth) and (lw > 0) then begin lw := tw; Result := TrimRight(Result) + sLineBreak; end else Inc(lw, tw); Result += sub; end; end; constructor TfpgCanvas.Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); begin inherited Create(awin); FBeginDrawCount := 0; // options FBufferedDraw := True; // transparent widgets must turn this off FPersistentResources := False; end; destructor TfpgCanvas.Destroy; begin if fpgCaret.FCanvas = self then fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(self); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawButtonFace(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); begin fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(self, x, y, w, h, AFlags); end; procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawButtonFace(r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); begin DrawButtonFace(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, AFlags); end; procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawBevel(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ARaised: Boolean); begin fpgStyle.DrawBevel(self, x, y, w, h, ARaised); end; procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawBevel(r: TfpgRect; ARaised: Boolean); begin DrawBevel(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, ARaised); end; procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawDirectionArrow(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; direction: TArrowDirection); begin fpgStyle.DrawDirectionArrow(self, x, y, w, h, direction); end; procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawDirectionArrow(r: TfpgRect; direction: TArrowDirection); begin DrawDirectionArrow(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, direction); end; procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawFocusRect(r: TfpgRect); begin fpgStyle.DrawFocusRect(self, r); end; function TfpgCanvas.DrawText(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; const AText: TfpgString; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ALineSpace: integer): integer; var wtxt, htxt, i, nw, nx, ny, l: integer; buf: TfpgString; wraplst: TStringList; lEnabled: Boolean; begin lEnabled := not (txtDisabled in AFlags); // calculate longest word width to autosize properly wtxt := 0; if ((txtAutoSize in AFlags) or (w = 0)) then begin i := 1; buf := ExtractSubstr(AText, i, txtWordDelims); while buf <> '' do begin wtxt := Max(wtxt, Font.TextWidth(buf)); buf := ExtractSubstr(AText, i, txtWordDelims); end; end; nw := Max(wtxt, w); wraplst := TStringList.Create; wraplst.Text := AText; if (txtWrap in AFlags) then begin for i := 0 to wraplst.Count-1 do wraplst[i] := AddLineBreaks(wraplst[i], nw); // force line breaks wraplst.Text := wraplst.Text; end; htxt := (Font.Height * wraplst.Count) + (ALineSpace * Pred(wraplst.Count)); // Now paint the actual text for i := 0 to wraplst.Count-1 do begin l := (Font.Height + ALineSpace) * i; wtxt := Font.TextWidth(wraplst[i]); // horizontal alignment if (txtRight in AFlags) then nx := x + w - wtxt else if (txtHCenter in AFlags) then nx := x + (w - wtxt) div 2 else // txtLeft is default nx := x; // vertical alignment if (txtBottom in AFlags) then ny := y + l + h - htxt else if (txtVCenter in AFlags) then ny := y + l + ((h - htxt) div 2) else // txtTop is default ny := y + l; fpgStyle.DrawString(self, nx, ny, wraplst[i], lEnabled); end; wraplst.Free; Result := htxt; end; function TfpgCanvas.DrawText(x, y: TfpgCoord; const AText: TfpgString; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ALineSpace: integer): integer; begin Result := DrawText(x, y, 0, 0, AText, AFlags, ALineSpace); end; function TfpgCanvas.DrawText(r: TfpgRect; const AText: TfpgString; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ALineSpace: integer): integer; begin Result := DrawText(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, AText, AFlags, ALineSpace); end; { TfpgWindow } function TfpgWindow.CreateCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; begin Result := DefaultCanvasClass.Create(self); end; constructor TfpgWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); // initialize the platform internals FTop := 0; FLeft := 0; FWidth := 16; FHeight := 16; FPrevWidth := FWidth; FPrevHeight := FHeight; FMinWidth := 2; FMinHeight := 2; FModalForWin := nil; if (AOwner <> nil) and (AOwner is TfpgWindow) then FWindowType := wtChild else FWindowType := wtWindow; FCanvas := CreateCanvas; end; destructor TfpgWindow.Destroy; begin FCanvas.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgWindow.SetParent(const AValue: TfpgWindow); begin inherited SetParent(AValue); end; function TfpgWindow.GetParent: TfpgWindow; begin result := TfpgWindow(inherited GetParent); end; function TfpgWindow.GetCanvas: TfpgCanvas; begin Result := TfpgCanvas(inherited GetCanvas); end; { TfpgStyle } constructor TfpgStyle.Create; begin // Setup font aliases fpgSetNamedFont('Label1', FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC); fpgSetNamedFont('Label2', FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC + ':bold'); fpgSetNamedFont('Edit1', FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC); fpgSetNamedFont('Edit2', 'Courier New-10'); fpgSetNamedFont('List', FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC); fpgSetNamedFont('Grid', FPG_DEFAULT_SANS + '-9'); fpgSetNamedFont('GridHeader', FPG_DEFAULT_SANS + '-9:bold'); fpgSetNamedFont('Menu', FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC); fpgSetNamedFont('MenuAccel', FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC + ':underline'); fpgSetNamedFont('MenuDisabled', FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC); {$Note Refactor this so under Windows it can detect the system colors instead. Also under Linux (KDE and Gnome) we should be able to detect the system colors.} fpgSetNamedColor(clWindowBackground, $FFD5D2CD); fpgSetNamedColor(clBoxColor, $FFFFFFFF); fpgSetNamedColor(clShadow1, $FF848284); // medium fpgSetNamedColor(clShadow2, $FF424142); // dark fpgSetNamedColor(clHilite1, $FFE0E0E0); // light fpgSetNamedColor(clHilite2, $FFFFFFFF); // white fpgSetNamedColor(clText1, $FF000000); fpgSetNamedColor(clText2, $FF000040); fpgSetNamedColor(clText3, $FF800000); fpgSetNamedColor(clText4, $FF404000); fpgSetNamedColor(clSelection, $FF08246A); fpgSetNamedColor(clSelectionText, $FFFFFFFF); fpgSetNamedColor(clInactiveSel, $FF99A6BF); // win 2000 buttonface = $D4D0C8 fpgSetNamedColor(clInactiveSelText, $FF000000); fpgSetNamedColor(clScrollBar, $FFE8E4DB); fpgSetNamedColor(clButtonFace, $FFD5D2CD); fpgSetNamedColor(clListBox, $FFFFFFFF); fpgSetNamedColor(clGridLines, $FFA0A0A0); fpgSetNamedColor(clGridHeader, $FFD5D2CD); fpgSetNamedColor(clWidgetFrame, $FF000000); fpgSetNamedColor(clInactiveWgFrame, $FFA0A0A0); fpgSetNamedColor(clTextCursor, $FF000000); fpgSetNamedColor(clChoiceListBox, $FFE8E8E8); fpgSetNamedColor(clUnset, $FF99A6BF); // dull (gray) blue fpgSetNamedColor(clMenuText, $FF000000); fpgSetNamedColor(clMenuDisabled, $FF909090); fpgSetNamedColor(clHintWindow, $FFFFFFBF); fpgSetNamedColor(clGridSelection, $FF08246A); // same as clSelection fpgSetNamedColor(clGridSelectionText, $FFFFFFFF); // same as clSelectionText fpgSetNamedColor(clGridInactiveSel, $FF99A6BF); // same as clInactiveSel fpgSetNamedColor(clGridInactiveSelText, $FF000000); // same as clInactiveSelText fpgSetNamedColor(clSplitterGrabBar, $FF839EFE); // pale blue fpgSetNamedColor(clHyperLink, clBlue); // Global Font Objects DefaultFont := fpgGetFont(fpgGetNamedFontDesc('Label1')); FixedFont := fpgGetFont(fpgGetNamedFontDesc('Edit2')); MenuFont := fpgGetFont(fpgGetNamedFontDesc('Menu')); MenuAccelFont := fpgGetFont(fpgGetNamedFontDesc('MenuAccel')); MenuDisabledFont := fpgGetFont(fpgGetNamedFontDesc('MenuDisabled')); end; destructor TfpgStyle.Destroy; begin DefaultFont.Free; FixedFont.Free; MenuFont.Free; MenuAccelFont.Free; MenuDisabledFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); var r: TfpgRect; begin r.SetRect(x, y, w, h); if btfIsDefault in AFlags then begin ACanvas.SetColor(clBlack); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); ACanvas.DrawRectangle(r); InflateRect(r, -1, -1); Exclude(AFlags, btfIsDefault); fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(ACanvas, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, AFlags); Exit; //==> end; { Clear the rectangle with a color } ACanvas.SetColor(clButtonFace); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); ACanvas.FillRectangle(x, y, w, h); if (btfFlat in AFlags) and not (btfIsPressed in AFlags) then Exit; // no need to go further // Left and Top (outer) if (btfIsPressed in AFlags) then begin if (btfIsEmbedded in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2) else begin if (btfFlat in AFlags) or (btfHover in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1) { light shadow } else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); { dark shadow } end; end else ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Top); // left ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Top); // top // Right and Bottom (outer) if (btfIsPressed in AFlags) then begin if (btfIsEmbedded in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1) else begin if (btfFlat in AFlags) or (btfHover in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2) { light shadow } else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); { dark shadow } end; end else begin if btfHover in AFlags then ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1) { light shadow } else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); { dark shadow } end; ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom); // right ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Bottom, r.Left-1, r.Bottom); // bottom if (btfFlat in AFlags) or (btfHover in AFlags) then exit; { "toolbar" style buttons need a nice thin/flat border } // Right and Bottom (inner) if btfIsPressed in AFlags then begin if (btfIsEmbedded in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clButtonFace) else ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1); end else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Top+1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1); // right ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1, r.Left, r.Bottom-1); // bottom end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); begin DrawButtonFace(ACanvas, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, AFlags); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var r: TfpgRect; begin r.SetRect(x, y, w, h); ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Top); // left (outer) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Top); // top (outer) ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom); // right (outer) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Bottom); // bottom (outer) ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Bottom-1, r.Left+1, r.Top+1); // left (inner) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Top+1, r.Right-1, r.Top+1); // top (inner) ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Top+1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1); // right (inner) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1, r.Left+1, r.Bottom-1); // bottom (inner) end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); begin DrawControlFrame(ACanvas, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawBevel(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ARaised: Boolean); var r: TfpgRect; begin r.SetRect(x, y, w, h); ACanvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); ACanvas.FillRectangle(x, y, w, h); if ARaised then ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2) else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1); { top } ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Top, r.Left, r.Top); { left } ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Left, r.Bottom); if ARaised then ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1) else ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2); { right, then bottom } ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Bottom, r.Left-1, r.Bottom); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawDirectionArrow(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; direction: TArrowDirection); var { peekx: integer; peeky: integer; basex: integer; basey: integer; side: integer; margin: integer; } rad: Extended; r: TRect; r2: TfpgRect; begin { side := (w div 4) + 1; margin := side + 1; if direction in [adUp, adDown] then // vertical begin peekx := x + (w div 2); if direction = adDown then // down begin peeky := y + h - margin; basey := peeky - side; end else begin // up peeky := y + margin; basey := peeky + side; end; ACanvas.FillTriangle(peekx, peeky, peekx + side, basey, peekx - side, basey); end else // horizontal begin peeky := y + (h div 2); if direction = adRight then // right begin peekx := x + w - margin; basex := peekx - side; end else // left begin peekx := x + margin; basex := peekx + side; end; ACanvas.FillTriangle(peekx, peeky, basex, peeky - side, basex, peeky + side); end; } r2.SetRect(x, y, w, h); r := fpgRectToRect(r2); if direction = adRight then rad := DegToRad(0) else if direction = adUp then rad := DegToRad(90) else if direction = adLeft then rad := DegToRad(180) else rad := DegToRad(270); PaintTriangle(ACanvas, r, rad); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawString(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; AText: string; AEnabled: boolean); begin if AText = '' then Exit; //==> if not AEnabled then begin ACanvas.SetTextColor(clHilite2); ACanvas.DrawString(x+1, y+1, AText); ACanvas.SetTextColor(clShadow1); end; ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, AText); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawFocusRect(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); var oldColor: TfpgColor; oldLineWidth: integer; oldLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle; begin oldColor := ACanvas.Color; oldLineWidth := ACanvas.GetLineWidth; oldLineStyle := ACanvas.LineStyle; ACanvas.SetColor(clText1); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDot); ACanvas.DrawRectangle(r); // restore previous settings ACanvas.SetColor(oldColor); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(oldLineWidth, oldLineStyle); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawMenuBar(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor); begin ACanvas.Clear(ABackgroundColor); // inner bottom line ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom-1, r.Right+1, r.Bottom-1); // bottom // outer bottom line ACanvas.SetColor(clWhite); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom, r.Right+1, r.Bottom); // bottom end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawMenuRow(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgMenuItemFlags); begin ACanvas.FillRectangle(r); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawMenuItem(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgMenuItemFlags; AText: TfpgString); begin // end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawMenuItemSeparator(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); begin ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Top+2, r.Right, r.Top+2); ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Top+3, r.Right, r.Top+3); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawMenuItemImage(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgMenuItemFlags); var img: TfpgImage; lx: TfpgCoord; ly: TfpgCoord; begin if mifChecked in AFlags then begin img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.check'); // Do NOT localize if mifSelected in AFlags then img.Invert; // invert modifies the original image, so we must restore it later ACanvas.DrawImage(x, y, img); if mifSelected in AFlags then img.Invert; // restore image to original state end; if mifSubMenu in AFlags then begin img := fpgImages.GetImage('sys.sb.right'); // Do NOT localize lx := (r.height div 2) - 3; lx := r.right-lx-2; ly := y + ((r.Height-img.Height) div 2); if mifSelected in AFlags then img.Invert; // invert modifies the original image, so we must restore it later ACanvas.DrawImage(lx, ly, img); if mifSelected in AFlags then img.Invert; // restore image to original state end; end; function TfpgStyle.GetButtonBorders: TRect; begin Result := Rect(3, 3, 3, 3); end; function TfpgStyle.GetButtonShift: TPoint; begin Result := Point(1, 1); end; function TfpgStyle.HasButtonHoverEffect: boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TfpgStyle.GetControlFrameBorders: TRect; begin Result := Rect(2, 2, 2, 2); end; function TfpgStyle.GetSeparatorSize: integer; begin Result := 2; end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawEditBox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; const r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsReadOnly: Boolean; const ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor); begin if IsEnabled and not IsReadOnly then ACanvas.SetColor(ABackgroundColor) else ACanvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground); ACanvas.FillRectangle(r); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawStaticComboBox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsFocused: Boolean; const IsReadOnly: Boolean; const ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor; const AInternalBtnRect: TfpgRect; const ABtnPressed: Boolean); var lr: TfpgRect; begin lr := r; if IsEnabled then begin if IsReadOnly then ACanvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground) else ACanvas.SetColor(ABackgroundColor); end else ACanvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground); ACanvas.FillRectangle(r); if IsFocused then begin ACanvas.SetColor(clSelection); InflateRect(lr, -1, -1); ACanvas.FillRectangle(lr); end; // paint the fake dropdown button DrawInternalComboBoxButton(ACanvas, AInternalBtnRect, IsEnabled, ABtnPressed); end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawInternalComboBoxButton(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsPressed: Boolean); var ar: TfpgRect; btnflags: TfpgButtonFlags; begin btnflags := []; ar := r; { The bounding rectangle for the arrow } ar.Width := 8; ar.Height := 6; ar.Left := r.Left + ((r.Width-ar.Width) div 2); ar.Top := r.Top + ((r.Height-ar.Height) div 2); if IsPressed then begin Include(btnflags, btfIsPressed); OffsetRect(ar, 1, 1); end; // paint button face DrawButtonFace(ACanvas, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, btnflags); if IsEnabled then ACanvas.SetColor(clText1) else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1); // paint arrow DrawDirectionArrow(ACanvas, ar.Left, ar.Top, ar.Width, ar.Height, adDown); end; function TfpgStyle.GetCheckBoxSize: integer; begin Result := 13; // 13x13 - it is always a rectangle end; procedure TfpgStyle.DrawCheckbox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; ix, iy: TfpgCoord); var img: TfpgImage; size: integer; begin img := fpgImages.GetImage('sys.checkboxes'); // Do NOT localize - return value is a reference only size := GetCheckBoxSize; ACanvas.DrawImagePart(x, y, img, ix, iy, size, size); end; { TfpgCaret } procedure TfpgCaret.OnTimerTime(Sender: TObject); begin if FEnabled then InvertCaret; end; constructor TfpgCaret.Create; begin FEnabled := False; FInterval := 500; // blinking interval FCanvas := nil; FTop := 0; FLeft := 0; FWidth := 2; FHeight := 8; FTimer := TfpgTimer.Create(FInterval); FTimer.OnTimer := @OnTimerTime; end; destructor TfpgCaret.Destroy; begin FCanvas := nil; FTimer.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgCaret.SetCaret(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin FEnabled := True; FVisible := False; FCanvas := ACanvas; FLeft := x; FTop := y; FWidth := w; FHeight := h; InvertCaret; FTimer.Enabled := False; FTimer.Interval := FInterval; FTimer.Enabled := True; end; procedure TfpgCaret.UnSetCaret(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas); begin if (FCanvas = ACanvas) or (ACanvas = nil) then begin FTimer.Enabled := False; FEnabled := False; FCanvas := nil; end; end; procedure TfpgCaret.InvertCaret; begin if FCanvas = nil then Exit; //==> // we could not be sure about the buffer contents! try FCanvas.BeginDraw(False); try // this works well on narrow characters like 'i' or 'l' in non-mono fonts FCanvas.XORFillRectangle($FFFFFF, FLeft, FTop, FWidth, FHeight); FVisible := not FVisible; finally FCanvas.EndDraw(FLeft, FTop, FWidth, FHeight); end; except {$Note This occurs every now and again with TfpgMemo and CaretInvert painting! } // Investigate this. {$IFDEF DEBUG} SendDebug('TfpgCaret.InvertCaret cause an exception'); {$ENDIF} end; end; { TfpgImages } constructor TfpgImages.Create; begin FImages := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TfpgImages.Destroy; var i: integer; img: TfpgImage; begin for i := FImages.Count-1 downto 0 do begin img := TfpgImage(FImages.Objects[i]); FImages.Delete(i); img.Free; end; FImages.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgImages.AddImage(const imgid: string; img: TfpgImage): boolean; var i: integer; begin i := FImages.IndexOf(LowerCase(imgid)); if i >= 0 then begin FImages.Strings[i] := LowerCase(imgid); FImages.Objects[i] := img; Result := False; end else begin FImages.AddObject(LowerCase(imgid), img); Result := True; end; end; function TfpgImages.DeleteImage(const imgid: string; freeimg: boolean): boolean; var i: integer; begin i := FImages.IndexOf(LowerCase(imgid)); if i >= 0 then begin if freeimg then TfpgImage(FImages.Objects[i]).Free; FImages.Delete(i); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function TfpgImages.GetImage(const imgid: string): TfpgImage; var i: integer; begin i := FImages.IndexOf(LowerCase(imgid)); if i >= 0 then Result := TfpgImage(FImages.Objects[i]) else Result := nil; end; function TfpgImages.AddBMP(const imgid: string; bmpdata: pointer; bmpsize: integer): TfpgImage; begin Result := CreateImage_BMP(bmpdata, bmpsize); if Result <> nil then AddImage(imgid, Result); end; function TfpgImages.AddMaskedBMP(const imgid: string; bmpdata: pointer; bmpsize: integer; mcx, mcy: integer): TfpgImage; begin Result := AddBMP(imgid, bmpdata, bmpsize); if Result <> nil then begin Result.CreateMaskFromSample(mcx, mcy); Result.UpdateImage; end; end; procedure TfpgImages.ListImages(var sl: TStringList); begin if sl <> nil then sl.Assign(FImages); end; { TfpgImage } function TfpgImage.GetScanLine(Row: Integer): Pointer; var pdest: Plongword; begin if (Height = 0) or (Width = 0) then begin Result := nil; Exit; end; pdest := ImageData; // This is so that pointer math uses correct increment size Result := pdest + (Row * Width); end; function TfpgImage.CreateDisabledImage: TfpgImage; begin Result := ImageFromSource; fpgApplyGreyFilter(Result); end; function TfpgImage.ImageFromSource: TfpgImage; var x, y: TfpgCoord; begin Result := TfpgImage.Create; Result.AllocateImage(ColorDepth, Width, Height); for x := 0 to Width-1 do begin for y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Result.Colors[x, y] := Colors[x, y]; end; end; if Masked then Result.CreateMaskFromSample(MaskPoint.X, MaskPoint.Y); Result.UpdateImage; end; function TfpgImage.ImageFromRect(var ARect: TRect): TfpgImage; var x, y: TfpgCoord; ix, iy: TfpgCoord; begin SortRect(ARect); Result := TfpgImage.Create; Result.AllocateImage(ColorDepth, ARect.Right-ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top); iy := -1; for y := ARect.Top to ARect.Bottom-1 do begin Inc(iy); ix := -1; for x := ARect.Left to ARect.Right-1 do begin Inc(ix); Result.Colors[ix, iy] := Colors[x, y]; end; end; Result.UpdateImage; end; function TfpgImage.ImageFromRect(var ARect: TfpgRect): TfpgImage; var x, y: TfpgCoord; ix, iy: TfpgCoord; begin SortRect(ARect); Result := TfpgImage.Create; Result.AllocateImage(ColorDepth, ARect.Width, ARect.Height); iy := -1; for y := ARect.Top to ARect.Bottom do begin Inc(iy); ix := -1; for x := ARect.Left to ARect.Right do begin Inc(ix); Result.Colors[ix, iy] := Colors[x, y]; end; end; Result.UpdateImage; end; { TfpgDrag } procedure TfpgDrag.SetMimeData(const AValue: TfpgMimeDataBase); begin if Assigned(FMimeData) then FMimeData.Free; FMimeData := AValue; end; function TfpgDrag.GetSource: TfpgWindow; begin Result := TfpgWindow(inherited GetSource); end; constructor TfpgDrag.Create(ASource: TfpgWindow); begin inherited Create; FSource := ASource; end; function TfpgDrag.Execute(const ADropActions: TfpgDropActions; const ADefaultAction: TfpgDropAction): TfpgDropAction; begin {$NOTE These exception messages need to become resource strings } if not Assigned(FMimeData) then raise Exception.Create(ClassName + ': No mimedata was set before starting the drag'); if not Assigned(FSource) then raise Exception.Create(ClassName + ': No Source window was specified before starting the drag'); if ADropActions = [] then raise Exception.Create(ClassName + ': No Drop Action was specified'); Result := inherited Execute(ADropActions, ADefaultAction); end; initialization uApplication := nil; uClipboard := nil; uMsgQueueList := nil; fpgTimers := nil; fpgCaret := nil; fpgImages := nil; iCallTrace := -1; InitializeDebugOutput; fpgInitMsgQueue; {$ifdef AGGCanvas} DefaultCanvasClass := TAgg2D; {$else} DefaultCanvasClass := TfpgCanvas; {$endif} finalization uClipboard.Free; uApplication.Free; FinalizeDebugOutput; end.