{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Some handly image manipulation functions to use with TfpgImage class. Included is a gray color conversion matrix. } unit fpg_imgutils; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} { TODO : Make the conversion matrix a plugable architecture. Similar to the interpolation handling in TfpgCanvas. } interface uses fpg_base, fpg_main; type TGrayConvMatrix = record red: single; green: single; blue: single; end; var GrayConvMatrix: TGrayConvMatrix; GrayBrightness: Boolean; GrayBrightnessPercentage: integer; const GCM_NTSC: TGrayConvMatrix = (red:0.299; green:0.587; blue:0.114); // NTSC method GCM_Mathematical: TGrayConvMatrix = (red:0.334; green:0.333; blue:0.333); // Intensity method GCM_Photoshop: TGrayConvMatrix = (red:0.212671; green:0.715160; blue:0.072169); // Y of YUV from B/W TV's procedure fpgApplyGreyFilter(var AImg: TfpgImage); function fpgCalculateGray(const AFrom: TfpgColor; const ABrighter: boolean = False; const APercent: integer = 0): TfpgColor; implementation procedure fpgApplyGreyFilter(var AImg: TfpgImage); var x, y: integer; c: TfpgColor; begin for x := 0 to AImg.Width-1 do begin for y := 0 to AImg.Height-1 do begin c := AImg.Colors[x, y]; AImg.Colors[x, y] := fpgCalculateGray(c, GrayBrightness, GrayBrightnessPercentage); end; end; AImg.UpdateImage; end; { AFrom is the original color we want to change ABrighter = True goes to direction of White. False goes to direction of Black APercent = 0 zero is straight conversion to gray. 100% is pure black or white, depending on ABrighter value. } function fpgCalculateGray(const AFrom: TfpgColor; const ABrighter: boolean = False; const APercent: integer = 0): TfpgColor; var g: integer; rgb: TRGBTriple; begin with GrayConvMatrix do begin rgb := fpgColorToRGBTriple(AFrom); g := round(red*rgb.red + green*rgb.green + blue*rgb.blue); if ABrighter then g := trunc(255 - ((255 - g) * (100 - APercent) / 100)) else g := trunc(g * (100 - APercent) / 100); if (g < 0) then g := 0; if (g > 255) then g := 255; rgb.Red := g; rgb.Green := g; rgb.Blue := g; end; Result := RGBTripleTofpgColor(rgb); end; initialization GrayConvMatrix := GCM_NTSC; GrayBrightness := True; GrayBrightnessPercentage := 40; end.