{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: JPEG format image parser } unit fpg_imgfmt_jpg; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main, fpg_base, fpg_dialogs; type EJPEG = class(Exception); procedure ReadImage_JPG(img: TfpgImage; bmp: TStream; const AScale: integer = 1); function LoadImage_JPG(const AFileName: String; const AScale: integer = 1): TfpgImage; implementation uses {PASJPG10 library} jmorecfg, jpeglib, jerror, jdeferr, jdmarker, jdmaster, jdapimin, jdapistd; type my_src_ptr = ^my_source_mgr; my_source_mgr = record pub : jpeg_source_mgr; {public fields} infile : TStream; {source stream} buffer : JOCTET_FIELD_PTR; {start of buffer} start_of_file : boolean; {have we gotten any data yet?} end; // my_error_ptr = ^my_error_mgr; my_error_mgr = record pub: jpeg_error_mgr; end; bmp_dest_ptr = ^bmp_dest_struct; bmp_dest_struct = record {image info} data_width : JDIMENSION; {JSAMPLEs per row} row_width : JDIMENSION; {physical width of one row in the BMP file} pad_bytes : INT; {number of padding bytes needed per row} grayscale : boolean; {grayscale or quantized color table ?} {pixelrow buffer} buffer : JSAMPARRAY; {pixelrow buffer} buffer_height : JDIMENSION; {normally, we'll use 1} cur_output_row : JDIMENSION; {next row# to write to virtual array} end; const INPUT_BUF_SIZE = 4096; procedure init_source(cinfo : j_decompress_ptr); var src : my_src_ptr; begin src := my_src_ptr(cinfo^.src); src^.start_of_file := TRUE; end; function fill_input_buffer(cinfo : j_decompress_ptr) : boolean; var src : my_src_ptr; nbytes : size_t; begin src := my_src_ptr(cinfo^.src); nbytes := src^.infile.Read(src^.buffer^, INPUT_BUF_SIZE); if (nbytes <= 0) then begin if (src^.start_of_file) then {Treat empty input file as fatal error} ERREXIT(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_INPUT_EMPTY); WARNMS(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JWRN_JPEG_EOF); {Insert a fake EOI marker} src^.buffer^[0] := JOCTET ($FF); src^.buffer^[1] := JOCTET (JPEG_EOI); nbytes := 2; end; src^.pub.next_input_byte := JOCTETptr(src^.buffer); src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer := nbytes; src^.start_of_file := FALSE; fill_input_buffer := TRUE; end; procedure skip_input_data(cinfo : j_decompress_ptr; num_bytes : long); var src : my_src_ptr; begin src := my_src_ptr (cinfo^.src); if (num_bytes > 0) then begin while (num_bytes > long(src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer)) do begin Dec(num_bytes, long(src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer)); fill_input_buffer(cinfo); { note we assume that fill_input_buffer will never return FALSE, so suspension need not be handled. } end; Inc( src^.pub.next_input_byte, size_t(num_bytes) ); Dec( src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer, size_t(num_bytes) ); end; end; procedure term_source(cinfo : j_decompress_ptr); begin { no work necessary here } end; procedure jpeg_stream_src(cinfo : j_decompress_ptr; const infile: TStream); var src : my_src_ptr; begin if (cinfo^.src = nil) then begin {first time for this JPEG object?} cinfo^.src := jpeg_source_mgr_ptr( cinfo^.mem^.alloc_small (j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_PERMANENT, SIZEOF(my_source_mgr)) ); src := my_src_ptr (cinfo^.src); src^.buffer := JOCTET_FIELD_PTR( cinfo^.mem^.alloc_small (j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_PERMANENT, INPUT_BUF_SIZE * SIZEOF(JOCTET)) ); end; src := my_src_ptr (cinfo^.src); {override pub's method pointers} src^.pub.init_source := @init_source; src^.pub.fill_input_buffer := @fill_input_buffer; src^.pub.skip_input_data := @skip_input_data; src^.pub.resync_to_restart := @jpeg_resync_to_restart; {use default method} src^.pub.term_source := @term_source; {define our fields} src^.infile := infile; src^.pub.bytes_in_buffer := 0; {forces fill_input_buffer on first read} src^.pub.next_input_byte := nil; {until buffer loaded} end; procedure error_exit (cinfo : j_common_ptr); var buffer : string; begin buffer := ''; cinfo^.err^.format_message(cinfo, buffer); raise EJPEG.Create(buffer); end; procedure emit_message (cinfo : j_common_ptr; msg_level : int); var err : jpeg_error_mgr_ptr; begin err := cinfo^.err; if (msg_level < 0) then begin {It's a warning message. Since corrupt files may generate many warnings,} {the policy implemented here is to show only the first warning,} {unless trace_level >= 3} if (err^.num_warnings = 0) or (err^.trace_level >= 3) then err^.output_message(cinfo); {Always count warnings in num_warnings} Inc( err^.num_warnings ); end else {It's a trace message. Show it if trace_level >= msg_level} if (err^.trace_level >= msg_level) then err^.output_message (cinfo); end; procedure output_message (cinfo : j_common_ptr); var buffer : string; begin buffer := ''; cinfo^.err^.format_message (cinfo, buffer); {message dialog} ShowMessage(buffer); end; procedure format_message (cinfo : j_common_ptr; var buffer : string); begin buffer := 'JPEG ERROR -- #' + IntToStr(cinfo^.err^.msg_code); end; procedure reset_error_mgr (cinfo : j_common_ptr); begin cinfo^.err^.num_warnings := 0; {trace_level is not reset since it is an application-supplied parameter} cinfo^.err^.msg_code := 0; {may be useful as a flag for "no error"} end; function jpeg_my_error (var err : my_error_mgr) : jpeg_error_mgr_ptr; begin {methods} err.pub.error_exit := @error_exit; err.pub.emit_message := @emit_message; err.pub.output_message := @output_message; err.pub.format_message := @format_message; err.pub.reset_error_mgr := @reset_error_mgr; {fields} err.pub.trace_level := 0; {default := no tracing} err.pub.num_warnings := 0; {no warnings emitted yet} err.pub.msg_code := 0; {may be useful as a flag for "no error"} {message table(s)} err.pub.jpeg_message_table := nil; {we don't want to use a static table} err.pub.last_jpeg_message := pred(JMSG_LASTMSGCODE); err.pub.addon_message_table := nil; err.pub.first_addon_message := JMSG_NOMESSAGE; {for safety} err.pub.last_addon_message := JMSG_NOMESSAGE; {return result} jpeg_my_error := @err; end; function jinit_write_bmp (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr) : bmp_dest_ptr; var dest : bmp_dest_ptr; begin dest := bmp_dest_ptr ( cinfo^.mem^.alloc_small (j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE, SIZEOF(bmp_dest_struct)) ); jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(cinfo); dest^.data_width := cinfo^.output_width * cinfo^.output_components; dest^.row_width := dest^.data_width; while ((dest^.row_width and 3) <> 0) do Inc(dest^.row_width); dest^.pad_bytes := int(dest^.row_width-dest^.data_width); if (cinfo^.out_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE) then dest^.grayscale := True else if (cinfo^.out_color_space = JCS_RGB) then if (cinfo^.quantize_colors) then dest^.grayscale := True else dest^.grayscale := False else ERREXIT(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_BMP_COLORSPACE); {decompress buffer} dest^.buffer := cinfo^.mem^.alloc_sarray (j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE, dest^.row_width, JDIMENSION (1)); dest^.buffer_height := 1; dest^.cur_output_row := 0; {result} jinit_write_bmp := dest; end; procedure write_jpeg_pixelrow (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr; dest : bmp_dest_ptr; rows_supplied : JDIMENSION; img : TfpgImage); var inptr: JSAMPLE_PTR; col : JDIMENSION; // pad : int; NewBGR: TFPColor; PDest: PLongWord; begin inptr := JSAMPLE_PTR(dest^.buffer^[0]); PDest:= img.ImageData; inc(PDest, img.Width *rows_supplied); if not dest^.grayscale then begin for col := pred(cinfo^.output_width) downto 0 do begin fillchar(NewBGR,sizeof(NewBGR),0); NewBGR.Red:=inptr^; Inc(inptr); NewBGR.Green:=inptr^; Inc(inptr); NewBGR.Blue:=inptr^; Inc(inptr); PDest^ := FPColorTofpgColor(NewBGR); inc(PDest); end; end else begin for col := pred(cinfo^.output_width) downto 0 do begin NewBGR.Red:=inptr^; NewBGR.Green:=inptr^; NewBGR.Blue:=inptr^; NewBGR.Alpha:=inptr^; Inc(inptr); PDest^ := FPColorTofpgColor(NewBGR); inc(PDest); end; end; end; procedure ReadImage_JPG(img: TfpgImage; bmp: TStream; const AScale: integer); var cinfo : jpeg_decompress_struct; err : my_error_mgr; dest : bmp_dest_ptr; begin if img = nil then Exit; //==> img.FreeImage; {initialize the JPEG decompression object with default error handling.} cinfo.err := jpeg_my_error(err); jpeg_create_decompress(@cinfo); try {specify the source of the compressed data} jpeg_stream_src(@cinfo, bmp); {obtain image info from header, set default decompression parameters} jpeg_read_header(@cinfo, TRUE); cinfo.scale_num := 1; case AScale of 1: cinfo.scale_denom := 1; // full size 2: cinfo.scale_denom := 2; // 1/2 size 3: cinfo.scale_denom := 4; // 1/4 size 4: cinfo.scale_denom := 8; // 1/8 size else cinfo.scale_denom := 1; // defaults to full size end; dest := jinit_write_bmp(@cinfo); img.AllocateImage(32, (cinfo.image_width + (cinfo.scale_denom-1)) div cinfo.scale_denom , (cinfo.image_height+ (cinfo.scale_denom-1)) div cinfo.scale_denom); // color image {prepare for decompression, initialize internal state} jpeg_start_decompress(@cinfo) ; {process data} while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) do begin jpeg_read_scanlines(@cinfo, dest^.buffer, dest^.buffer_height); write_jpeg_pixelrow(@cinfo, dest,cinfo.output_scanline-1,img); end; {finish} jpeg_finish_decompress(@cinfo); finally {destroy} jpeg_destroy_decompress(@cinfo); end; img.UpdateImage; end; function LoadImage_JPG(const AFileName: String; const AScale: integer): TfpgImage; var inFile: TStream; begin Result := nil; if not FileExists(AFileName) then Exit; //==> inFile:=TFileStream.Create(AFileName,fmOpenRead); try Result:=TfpgImage.Create; ReadImage_JPG(Result, inFile, AScale); finally inFile.Free; end; end; end.