{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: BMP format image parser } unit fpg_imgfmt_bmp; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main; procedure ReadImage_BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword); function LoadImage_BMP(const AFileName: TfpgString): TfpgImage; function CreateImage_BMP(bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword): TfpgImage; implementation uses fpg_utils; procedure ReadImage_OS2BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword); forward; function CreateImage_BMP(bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword): TfpgImage; begin Result := TfpgImage.Create; ReadImage_BMP(Result, bmp, bmpsize); end; function LoadImage_BMP(const AFileName: TfpgString): TfpgImage; var AFile: file of char; AImageData: Pointer; AImageDataSize: integer; begin Result := nil; if not fpgFileExists(AFileName) then Exit; //==> AssignFile(AFile, AFileName); FileMode := fmOpenRead; // read-only Reset(AFile); AImageDataSize := FileSize(AFile); AImageData := nil; GetMem(AImageData, AImageDataSize); try BlockRead(AFile, AImageData^, AImageDataSize); Result := TfpgImage.Create; ReadImage_BMP(Result, AImageData, AImageDataSize); finally CloseFile(AFile); FreeMem(AImageData); end; end; type // Windows BMP format description: // Below is the exact order how how information is stored in a BMP file. TBMPHeaderRec = packed record signature: word; filesize: longword; reserved: longword; dataoffset: longword; end; PBMPHeaderRec = ^TBMPHeaderRec; TBMPInfoHeaderRec = packed record headersize: longword; // = 40 Width: longword; Height: longword; planes: word; bitcount: word; compression: longword; imagesize: longword; // bytes in the image data (after the color table) XpixelsPerM: longword; YpixelsPerM: longword; ColorsUsed: longword; ColorsImportant: longword; end; PBMPInfoHeaderRec = ^TBMPInfoHeaderRec; // Then follows the Color Table if bitcount <= 8 TBMPColorTableRec = packed record red: byte; green: byte; blue: byte; reserved: byte; end; // Then follows the image data // Every line padded to 32 bits // The lines stored bottom-up procedure ReadImage_BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword); var bh: PBMPHeaderRec; ih: PBMPInfoHeaderRec; p: PByte; ppal: plongword; pcol: Plongword; palsize: integer; pdata: PByte; b: byte; bit: byte; bcnt: byte; linecnt: integer; pixelcnt: integer; pdest: Plongword; depth: integer; function GetPalColor(cindex: longword): longword; var pc: Plongword; begin pc := ppal; Inc(pc, cindex); Result := pc^; end; begin if img = nil then Exit; //==> img.FreeImage; p := bmp; PByte(bh) := p; if bh^.signature = $4d62 then { 'bM' } begin ReadImage_OS2BMP(img, bmp, bmpsize); exit; end; ppal := nil; if bh^.filesize <> bmpsize then Exit; //==> pdata := bmp; Inc(pdata, bh^.dataoffset); Inc(p, SizeOf(TBMPHeaderRec)); PByte(ih) := p; depth := ih^.bitcount; if depth > 1 then img.AllocateImage(32, ih^.Width, ih^.Height)// color image else begin img.AllocateImage(1, ih^.Width, ih^.Height); img.AllocateMask; end; //Writeln('width: ',img.width,' height: ',img.height,' depth: ',depth); //Writeln('compression: ',ih^.compression); Inc(p, SizeOf(TBMPInfoHeaderRec)); if ih^.bitcount <= 8 then begin // reading color palette case ih^.bitcount of 1: palsize := 2; 4: palsize := 16; else palsize := 256; end; GetMem(ppal, palsize * SizeOf(longword)); pcol := ppal; pixelcnt := 0; while (p) < (pdata) do begin pcol^ := (LongWord(p[3]) shl 24) + (LongWord(p[2]) shl 16) + (LongWord(p[1]) shl 8) + LongWord(p[0]); Inc(pcol); inc(p, 4); Inc(pixelcnt); end; end; pdest := img.ImageData; Inc(pdest, img.Width * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order p := bmp; Inc(p, bh^.dataoffset); // reading the data... case ih^.bitcount of 1: begin // direct line transfer //writeln('reading 1-bit color bitmap'); linecnt := 0; bcnt := img.Width div 32; if (img.Width and $1F) > 0 then Inc(bcnt); pdest := img.ImageData; Inc(pdest, bcnt * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order repeat move(p^, pdest^, bcnt * 4); Inc(p, bcnt * 4); Dec(pdest, bcnt); Inc(linecnt); until linecnt >= img.Height; //Writeln(linecnt,' lines loaded.'); move(img.ImageData^, img.MaskData^, img.ImageDataSize); img.Invert(True); end; 4: begin //writeln('reading 4-bit color'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. bit := 0; pixelcnt := 0; bcnt := 0; repeat if bit = 0 then b := (p^ shr 4) and $0F else begin b := p^ and $0F; Inc(p); Inc(bcnt); end; pdest^ := GetPalColor(b); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); bit := bit xor 1; until pixelcnt >= img.Width; while (bcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(bcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; 8: begin //writeln('reading 8-bit color'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. pixelcnt := 0; repeat pdest^ := GetPalColor(p^); Inc(p); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); until pixelcnt >= img.Width; while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(pixelcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; 24: begin //writeln('reading truecolor'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. pixelcnt := 0; repeat pdest^ := p^; Inc(p); pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 8); Inc(p); pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 16) or ($FF shl 24) {alpha set to full opaque}; Inc(p); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); until pixelcnt >= img.Width; pixelcnt := img.Width * 3; while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(pixelcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; else raise Exception.Create('Unsupported BMP format!'); end; if ppal <> nil then FreeMem(ppal); img.UpdateImage; end; type { These records come from the HelpBitmap unit - part of DocView } INFBITMAPHEADER = packed record // BITMAP FILE HEADER usType: uint16; // = 'bM' cbSize: uint32; xHotspot: uint16; yHotspot: uint16; DataOffset: uint32; // =size(hdr)+size(palette) // BITMAP INFO HEADER cbFIx: uint32; // =size(info_hdr) (usually = 12?) Width: uint16; // width size Height: uint16; // height size cPlanes: uint16; // planes, =1 (always seems to be one) BitCount: uint16; // bits per pixel // followed by RGB triples if <= 8bpp end; procedure ReadImage_OS2BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword); var bh: ^INFBITMAPHEADER; p: PByte; ppal: plongword; pcol: Plongword; palsize: integer; pdata: PByte; b: byte; bit: byte; bcnt: byte; linecnt: integer; pixelcnt: integer; pdest: Plongword; depth: integer; function GetPalColor(cindex: longword): longword; var pc: Plongword; begin pc := ppal; Inc(pc, cindex); Result := pc^; end; begin if img = nil then Exit; //==> img.FreeImage; ppal := nil; p := bmp; PByte(bh) := p; pdata := bmp; Inc(pdata, bh^.DataOffset); Inc(p, SizeOf(INFBITMAPHEADER)); depth := bh^.BitCount; if depth > 1 then img.AllocateImage(32, bh^.Width, bh^.Height)// color image (RGB or Indexed) else begin img.AllocateImage(1, bh^.Width, bh^.Height); img.AllocateMask; end; if depth <= 8 then begin // reading color palette case depth of 1: palsize := 2; 4: palsize := 16; else palsize := 256; end; GetMem(ppal, palsize * SizeOf(longword)); pcol := ppal; pixelcnt := 0; // OS/2 1.x bitmap with uses 3-byte palette while (p) < (pdata) do begin pcol^ := (LongWord($FF) shl 24) + (LongWord(p[2]) shl 16) + (LongWord(p[1]) shl 8) + LongWord(p[0]); Inc(pcol); inc(p, 3); Inc(pixelcnt); end; end; pdest := img.ImageData; Inc(pdest, img.Width * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order p := bmp; Inc(p, bh^.DataOffset); // reading the data... case depth of 1: begin // direct line transfer //writeln('reading 1-bit color bitmap'); linecnt := 0; bcnt := img.Width div 32; if (img.Width and $1F) > 0 then Inc(bcnt); pdest := img.ImageData; Inc(pdest, bcnt * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order repeat move(p^, pdest^, bcnt * 4); Inc(p, bcnt * 4); Dec(pdest, bcnt); Inc(linecnt); until linecnt >= img.Height; //Writeln(linecnt,' lines loaded.'); move(img.ImageData^, img.MaskData^, img.ImageDataSize); img.Invert(True); end; 4: begin //writeln('reading 4-bit color'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. bit := 0; pixelcnt := 0; bcnt := 0; repeat if bit = 0 then b := (p^ shr 4) and $0F else begin b := p^ and $0F; Inc(p); Inc(bcnt); end; pdest^ := GetPalColor(b); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); bit := bit xor 1; until pixelcnt >= img.Width; while (bcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(bcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; 8: begin //writeln('reading 8-bit color'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. pixelcnt := 0; repeat pdest^ := GetPalColor(p^); Inc(p); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); until pixelcnt >= img.Width; while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(pixelcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; 24: begin //writeln('reading truecolor'); linecnt := 0; repeat // parse one line.. pixelcnt := 0; repeat pdest^ := p^; Inc(p); pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 8); Inc(p); pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 16) or ($FF shl 24) {alpha set to full opaque}; Inc(p); Inc(pdest); Inc(pixelcnt); until pixelcnt >= img.Width; pixelcnt := img.Width * 3; while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do begin Inc(pixelcnt); Inc(p); end; Inc(linecnt); Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line until linecnt >= img.Height; end; else raise Exception.Create('Unsupported BMP format!'); end; if ppal <> nil then FreeMem(ppal); img.UpdateImage; end; end.