{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: A basic image list component for use by the GUI components like the treeview etc. } unit fpg_imagelist; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$define DEBUG} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main; type EItemExists = class(Exception); TfpgImageList = class; // forward declaration TfpgImageItem = class(TObject) private FImage: TfpgImage; FIndex: integer; FImageList: TfpgImageList; procedure SetImageList(AImageList: TfpgImageList); procedure SetIndex(AIndex: integer); procedure SetImage(AImage: TfpgImage); public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(AImageList: TfpgImageList; AIndex: integer; AImage: TfpgImage); overload; constructor Create(AFileName: TfpgString; AIndex: integer); overload; destructor Destroy; override; property Index: integer read FIndex write SetIndex; property Image: TfpgImage read FImage write SetImage; property ImageList: TfpgImageList read FImageList write SetImageList; procedure LoadFromFile(AFileName: TfpgString); end; TfpgImageList = class(TObject) private FList: TList; function GetFListIndex(AIndex: Integer): Integer; function GetItem(AIndex: integer): TfpgImageItem; procedure SetItem(AIndex: integer; AItem: TfpgImageItem); function GetCount: integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddItemFromFile(AFileName: TfpgString; AIndex: integer = -1); procedure AddImage(AImage: TfpgImage; AIndex: integer = -1); procedure RemoveIndex(AIndex: integer); function GetMaxItem: integer; procedure Clear; property Items[AIndex: integer]: TfpgImageItem read GetItem write SetItem; property Count: integer read GetCount; end; implementation uses fpg_imgfmt_bmp, fpg_utils; { TfpgImageList } function TfpgImageList.GetFListIndex(AIndex: Integer): Integer; var i: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageList.GetFListIndex'); {$ENDIF} result := -1; for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if TfpgImageItem(FList[i]).Index = AIndex then begin result := i; Break; //==> end; end; function TfpgImageList.GetItem(AIndex: integer): TfpgImageItem; var AFindIndex: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageList.GetItem'); {$ENDIF} result := nil; AFindIndex := GetFListIndex(AIndex); if AFindIndex > -1 then result := TfpgImageItem(FList[AFindIndex]); end; procedure TfpgImageList.SetItem(AIndex: integer; AItem: TfpgImageItem); begin if AItem = nil then Exit; //==> if GetItem(AIndex) = AItem then Exit; //==> RemoveIndex(AIndex); // delete existing Item AItem.Index := AIndex; FList.Add(AItem); end; function TfpgImageList.GetCount: integer; begin Result := FList.Count; end; constructor TfpgImageList.Create; begin FList := TList.Create; end; destructor TfpgImageList.Destroy; var i: integer; begin for i := FList.Count-1 downto 0 do TfpgImageItem(FList[i]).Destroy; // frees images FList.Destroy; inherited Destroy end; procedure TfpgImageList.AddItemFromFile(AFileName: TfpgString; AIndex: integer); var AImageItem: TfpgImageItem; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageList.AddItemFromFile'); {$ENDIF} if not fpgFileExists(AFileName) then Exit; //==> AImageItem := TfpgImageItem.Create; AImageItem.LoadFromFile(AFileName); if AIndex > -1 then Items[AIndex] := AImageItem else begin FList.Add(AImageItem); AImageItem.Index := GetMaxItem+1; end; end; procedure TfpgImageList.AddImage(AImage: TfpgImage; AIndex: integer); var AImageItem: TfpgImageItem; begin AImageItem := TfpgImageItem.Create; AImageItem.Image := AImage; if AIndex > -1 then Items[AIndex] := AImageItem else begin FList.Add(AImageItem); AImageItem.Index := GetMaxItem+1; end; end; procedure TfpgImageList.RemoveIndex(AIndex: integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageList.RemoveIndex'); {$ENDIF} AIndex := GetFListIndex(AIndex); if AIndex <> -1 then begin TfpgImageItem(FList[AIndex]).Destroy; FList.Delete(AIndex); end; end; function TfpgImageList.GetMaxItem: integer; var i: integer; begin result := -1; for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if TfpgImageItem(FList[i]).Index > result then result := TfpgImageItem(FList[i]).Index; end; procedure TfpgImageList.Clear; begin FList.Clear; end; { TfpgImageItem } procedure TfpgImageItem.SetImageList(AImageList: TfpgImageList); begin if AImageList = nil then begin FImageList := nil; end else begin if FImageList <> nil then FImageList.RemoveIndex(Index); FImageList := AImageList; FImageList.Items[Index] := self; end; end; procedure TfpgImageItem.SetIndex(AIndex: integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageItem.SetIndex'); {$ENDIF} if AIndex <> FIndex then begin if ImageList <> nil then ImageList.RemoveIndex(AIndex); FIndex := AIndex; end; end; procedure TfpgImageItem.SetImage(AImage: TfpgImage); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageItem.SetImage'); {$ENDIF} FImage := AImage; end; constructor TfpgImageItem.Create; begin ImageList := nil; FIndex := -1; FImage := nil; end; constructor TfpgImageItem.Create(AImageList: TfpgImageList; AIndex: integer; AImage: TfpgImage); begin if AImageList = nil then Exit; //==> FImage := AImage; FIndex := AIndex; FImageList := nil; ImageList := AImageList; end; constructor TfpgImageItem.Create(AFileName: TfpgString; AIndex: integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageItem.Create(', AFileName, ',', AIndex, ')'); {$ENDIF} Index := AIndex; LoadFromFile(AFileName); end; destructor TfpgImageItem.Destroy; begin if FImage <> nil then FImage.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgImageItem.LoadFromFile(AFileName: TfpgString); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgImageItem.LoadFromFile'); {$ENDIF} if FImage <> nil then FImage.Destroy; FImage := LoadImage_BMP(AFileName); end; end.