{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit adds extra drawing routines to fpGUI. It unit originally came from the Lazarus Component Library (LCL) and was ported to fpGUI. } unit fpg_extgraphics; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, Math, fpg_main; type TShapeDirection = (atUp, atDown, atLeft, atRight); TInitShapeProc = procedure(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); procedure Paint2HeadArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintBarbadosTrident(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintBigI(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintBoldArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintCanadianMaple(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintChevronArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintFivePointStar(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintHexagon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintNotchedArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintOctogon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintPentagon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintPlus(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintQuadrangle(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintRightTriangle(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintSwastika(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintTriangle(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintTriangular(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0; RightLeftFactor: extended = 0.5); procedure PaintValve(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintVArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); procedure PaintCross(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; XLeft, YUp, XRight, YLow, CrossX1, CrossX2, CrossY1, CrossY2: integer); procedure PaintHalfEllipse(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; AHalfEllipseDirection: TShapeDirection); procedure PaintFivePointLineStar(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect); procedure PaintStarN(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; cx, cy, r, n, a: integer); procedure InitPolygon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended; InitShapeProc: TInitShapeProc); procedure CalculatePentagonPoints(const PentagonRect: TRect; var P1, P2, P3, P4, P5: TPoint); function LinesPointOfIntersection(const Line1a, Line1b, Line2a, line2b: TPoint): TPoint; implementation uses SysUtils; function RoundToInt(const e: extended): integer; begin Result := integer(Round(e)); end; procedure CalculatePentagonPoints(const PentagonRect: TRect; var P1, P2, P3, P4, P5: TPoint); var cx, cy, dy, dx: integer; r: Extended; begin P1.y := PentagonRect.Top; P2.x := PentagonRect.Left; P3.y := PentagonRect.Bottom; P4.y := PentagonRect.Bottom; P5.x := PentagonRect.Right; P1.x := (PentagonRect.Right + PentagonRect.Left) div 2; dy := RoundToInt((P1.x - P2.x) * tan(Pi / 10)); r := sqrt(dy * dy + (P1.x - P2.x) * (P1.x - P2.x)); cx := P1.x; cy := P1.y + round(r); P2.y := cy - dy; P5.y := P2.y; dx := RoundToInt(r * sin(Pi / 5)); P3.x := cx - dx; P4.x := cx + dx; end; function LinesPointOfIntersection(const Line1a, Line1b, Line2a, line2b: TPoint): TPoint; var k1, k2, b1, b2, x, x1, x2, x3, x4, y, y1, y2, y3, y4: Extended; begin x1 := Line1a.x; y1 := Line1a.y; x2 := Line1b.x; y2 := Line1b.y; x3 := Line2a.x; y3 := Line2a.y; x4 := Line2b.x; y4 := Line2b.y; k1 := (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); k2 := (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3); b1 := -k1 * x1 + y1; b2 := -k2 * x3 + y3; x := (b1 - b2) / (k2 - k1); y := (k2 * b1 - k1 * b2) / (k2 - k1); Result.x := RoundToInt(x); Result.y := RoundToInt(y); end; procedure PaintCross(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; XLeft, YUp, XRight, YLow, CrossX1, CrossX2, CrossY1, CrossY2: integer); var P: array[0..12] of TPoint; begin P[0].x := XLeft; P[0].y := CrossY1; P[1].x := CrossX1; P[1].y := P[0].y; P[2].x := P[1].x; P[2].y := YUp; P[3].x := CrossX2; P[3].y := P[2].y; P[4].x := P[3].x; P[4].y := CrossY1; P[5].x := XRight; P[5].y := P[4].y; P[6].x := P[5].x; P[6].y := CrossY2; P[7].x := CrossX2; P[7].y := P[6].y; P[8].x := P[7].x; P[8].y := YLow; P[9].x := CrossX1; P[9].y := P[8].y; P[10].x := P[9].x; P[10].y := CrossY2; P[11].x := XLeft; P[11].y := P[10].y; P[12].x := P[11].x; P[12].y := CrossY1; Canvas.DrawPolygon(P); end; procedure PolycRotate(var Pts: array of TPoint; CountPts: integer; cntPoint: TPoint; fii: extended); var i, dx, dy: integer; x, y: extended; begin for i := 0 to CountPts - 1 do begin dx := Pts[i].x - cntPoint.x; dy := Pts[i].y - cntPoint.y; x := dx * cos(fii) + dy * sin(fii); y := dy * cos(fii) - dx * sin(fii); Pts[i].x := cntPoint.x + Round(x); Pts[i].y := cntPoint.y + Round(y); end; end; procedure PolycMinMax (var N: array of TPoint; const P: array of TPoint; CountPts: integer); var i, Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax: integer; begin Xmin := P[0].x; Xmax := P[0].x; Ymin := P[0].y; Ymax := P[0].y; for i := 0 to CountPts - 1 do begin if P[i].x < Xmin then Xmin := P[i].x; if P[i].x > Xmax then Xmax := P[i].x; if P[i].y < Ymin then Ymin := P[i].y; if P[i].y > Ymax then Ymax := P[i].y; end; N[0] := Point(Xmin, Ymin); N[1] := Point(Xmin, Ymax); N[2] := Point(Xmax, Ymax); N[3] := Point(Xmax, Ymin); end; procedure PolycNewPaintRect(var PR: TRect; cP: TPoint; wv, hv: integer); begin with PR do begin Left := cP.x - wv; Right := cP.x + wv; Top := cP.y - hv; Bottom := cP.y + hv; end; end; procedure PolycFixCenterpoint(var N: array of TPoint; cP: TPoint; var P: array of TPoint; CountPts: integer); var i, nx, ny, dx, dy: integer; begin nx := (N[0].x + N[2].x) div 2; ny := (N[0].y + N[2].y) div 2; dx := cP.x - nx; dy := cP.y - ny; for i := 0 to 3 do begin N[i].x := N[i].x + dx; N[i].y := N[i].y + dy; end; for i := 0 to CountPts - 1 do begin P[i].x := P[i].x + dx; P[i].y := P[i].y + dy; end; end; procedure PolycSetHalfWidthAndHeight(const PR: TRect; var hv, wv: integer; fii: extended); var h, w: integer; begin h := PR.Bottom - PR.Top; w := PR.Right - PR.Left; hv := Round(h * abs(cos(fii)) + w * abs(sin(fii))) div 2; wv := Round(h * abs(sin(fii)) + w * abs(cos(fii))) div 2; end; procedure PolycScale(var P: array of TPoint; CountPts: integer; const PaintRect: TRect; cntPoint: TPoint; N: array of TPoint); var k, kx, ky: extended; i: integer; begin kx := (PaintRect.Right - PaintRect.Left) / (N[2].x - N[0].x); ky := (PaintRect.Bottom - PaintRect.Top) / (N[2].y - N[0].y); k := min(kx, ky); for i := 0 to CountPts - 1 do begin P[i].x := cntPoint.x + Round(k * (P[i].x - cntPoint.x)); P[i].y := cntPoint.y + Round(k * (P[i].y - cntPoint.y)); end; end; procedure PaintPolygon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; PR: TRect; fii: extended; P: array of TPoint; CountPts: integer; cntPoint: TPoint); var N: array[0..3] of TPoint; begin PolycRotate(P, CountPts, cntPoint, fii); PolycMinMax(N, P, CountPts); PolycFixCenterpoint(N, cntPoint, P, CountPts); PolycScale(P, CountPts, PR, cntPoint, N); case CountPts of 3: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2]]); 4: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3]]); 5: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4]]); 6: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5]]); 7: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6]]); 8: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7]]); 9: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8]]); 10: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9]]); 11: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10]]); 12: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10], P[11]]); 13: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10], P[11], P[12]]); 20: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10], P[11], P[12], P[13], P[14], P[15], P[16], P[17], P[18], P[19]]); 33: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10], P[11], P[12], P[13], P[14], P[15], P[16], P[17], P[18], P[19], P[20], P[21], P[22], P[23], P[24], P[25], P[26], P[27], P[28], P[29], P[30], P[31], P[32]]); 35: Canvas.DrawPolygon([P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10], P[11], P[12], P[13], P[14], P[15], P[16], P[17], P[18], P[19], P[20], P[21], P[22], P[23], P[24], P[25], P[26], P[27], P[28], P[29], P[30], P[31], P[32], P[33], P[34]]); end; end; procedure InitPolygon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended; InitShapeProc: TInitShapeProc); var PR, vPR: TRect; P: array[0..35] of TPoint; CountPts, hv, wv: integer; cntPoint: TPoint; begin PR := PaintRect; cntPoint := CenterPoint(PR); PolycSetHalfWidthAndHeight(PR, hv, wv, RadAngle); PolycNewPaintRect(vPR, cntPoint, wv, hv); InitShapeProc(P, vPR, CountPts); PaintPolygon(Canvas, PR, RadAngle, P, CountPts, cntPoint); end; procedure Init2HeadArrow(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var dx, dy: integer; begin with R do begin dx := (Right - Left) div 4; dy := (Bottom - Top) div 4; P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top + (Bottom - Top) div 2; P[1].x := Left + dx; P[1].y := Top; P[2].x := P[1].x; P[2].y := Top + dy; P[3].x := Right - dx; P[3].y := P[2].y; P[4].x := P[3].x; P[4].y := Top; P[5].x := Right; P[5].y := P[0].y; P[6].x := P[3].x; P[6].y := Bottom; P[7].x := P[3].x; P[7].y := Bottom - dy; P[8].x := P[1].x; P[8].y := P[7].y; P[9].x := P[1].x; P[9].y := Bottom; end; NumPts := 10; end; procedure InitBarbadosTrident(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var RmLpW, BmTpH: extended; cntPoint: TPoint; begin cntPoint := CenterPoint(R); with R do begin RmLpW := (Right - Left) / 140; BmTpH := (Bottom - Top) / 160; P[0].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 10); P[0].y := Bottom; P[34].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 10); P[34].y := P[0].y; P[1].x := P[0].x; P[1].y := Bottom - round(BmTpH * 50); P[33].x := P[34].x; P[33].y := P[1].y; P[2].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 35); P[2].y := P[1].y; P[32].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 35); P[32].y := P[2].y; P[3].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 48); P[3].y := Bottom - round(BmTpH * 98); P[31].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 48); P[31].y := P[3].y; P[4].x := left; P[4].y := top; P[30].x := Right; P[30].y := P[4].y; P[5].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 42); P[5].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 4); P[29].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 42); P[29].y := P[5].y; P[6].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 40); P[6].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 6); P[28].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 40); P[28].y := P[6].y; P[7].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 39); P[7].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 11); P[27].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 39); P[27].y := P[7].y; P[8].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 45); P[8].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 16); P[26].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 45); P[26].y := P[8].y; P[9].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 45); P[9].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 21); P[25].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 45); P[25].y := P[9].y; P[10].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 32); P[10].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 47); P[24].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 32); P[24].y := P[10].y; P[11].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 28); P[11].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 70); P[23].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 28); P[23].y := P[11].y; P[12].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 22); P[12].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 92); P[22].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 22); P[22].y := P[12].y; P[13].x := P[0].x; P[13].y := P[12].y; P[21].x := P[34].x; P[21].y := P[13].y; P[14].x := P[0].x; P[14].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 30); P[20].x := P[34].x; P[20].y := P[14].y; P[15].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 22); P[15].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 22); P[19].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 22); P[19].y := P[15].y; P[16].x := cntPoint.x - round(RmLpW * 9); P[16].y := Top + round(BmTpH * 12); P[18].x := cntPoint.x + round(RmLpW * 9); P[18].y := P[16].y; P[17].x := cntPoint.x; P[17].y := Top; end; NumPts := 35; end; procedure InitBigI(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var dx, dy: integer; begin with R do begin dx := (Right - Left) div 4; dy := (Bottom - Top) div 18; P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Right; P[1].y := TOP; P[2].x := Right - dx; P[2].y := Top + dy; P[3].x := P[2].x; P[3].y := Bottom - dy; P[4].x := Right; P[4].y := Bottom; P[5].x := Left; P[5].y := Bottom; P[6].x := Left + dx; P[6].y := P[3].y; P[7].x := P[6].x; P[7].y := P[2].y; end; NumPts := 8; end; procedure InitBoldArrow(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var dy: integer; cntPoint: TPoint; begin cntPoint := CenterPoint(R); with R do begin dy := (Bottom - Top) div 4; P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top + dy; P[1].x := cntPoint.x; P[1].y := P[0].y; P[2].x := cntPoint.x; P[2].y := Top; P[3].x := Right; P[3].y := cntPoint.y; P[4].x := cntPoint.x; P[4].y := Bottom; P[5].x := cntPoint.x; P[5].y := Bottom - dy; P[6].x := Left; P[6].y := P[5].y; end; NumPts := 7; end; procedure InitCanadianMaple(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); const leafheight = 54; leafwidth = 50; var xcenter, x2: integer; RmLpLW: extended; // (Right - Left)/LeafWidth; BmTpLH: extended; // (Bottom-Top)/ LeafHeight begin with R do begin xcenter := Left + (Right - Left) div 2; p[0].y := Top; p[0].x := xcenter; RmLpLW := (Right - Left) / LeafWidth; BmTpLH := (Bottom - Top) / LeafHeight; x2 := RoundToInt(RmLpLW * 5); P[1].x := xcenter - x2; P[1].y := RoundToInt(BmTpLH * 9 + Top); P[32].x := xcenter + x2; P[32].y := P[1].y; x2 := RoundToInt(RmLpLW * 10); P[2].x := xcenter - x2; P[2].y := RoundToInt(BmTpLH * 7 + Top); P[31].x := xcenter + x2; P[31].y := P[2].y; x2 := RoundToInt(RmLpLW * 7); P[3].x := xcenter - x2; P[3].y := RoundToInt(BmTpLH * 21 + Top); P[30].x := xcenter + x2; P[30].y := P[3].y; x2 := RoundToInt(RmLpLW * 9); P[4].x := xcenter - x2; P[4].y := P[3].y; P[29].x := xcenter + x2; P[29].y := P[3].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW * 15); P[5].x := xcenter - x2; P[5].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 15 + Top); P[28].x := xcenter + x2; P[28].y := P[5].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW * 17); P[6].x := xcenter - x2; P[6].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 19 + Top); P[27].x := xcenter + x2; P[27].y := P[6].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW * 24); P[7].x := xcenter - x2; P[7].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 17 + Top); P[26].x := xcenter + x2; P[26].y := P[7].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW * 22); P[8].x := xcenter - x2; P[8].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 26 + Top); P[25].x := xcenter + x2; P[25].y := P[8].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW * 25); P[9].x := xcenter - x2; P[9].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 28 + Top); P[24].x := xcenter + x2; P[24].y := P[9].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW * 14); P[10].x := xcenter - x2; P[10].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 38 + Top); P[23].x := xcenter + x2; P[23].y := P[10].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW * 15); P[11].x := xcenter - x2; P[11].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 43 + Top); P[22].x := xcenter + x2; P[22].y := P[11].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW); P[12].x := xcenter - x2; P[12].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 41 + Top); P[21].x := xcenter + x2; P[21].y := P[12].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW / 2); P[13].x := xcenter - x2; P[13].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 42 + Top); P[20].x := xcenter + x2; P[20].y := P[13].y; P[14].x := P[13].x; P[14].y := RoundtoInt(BmTpLH * 47 + Top); P[19].x := P[20].x; P[19].y := P[14].y; x2 := RoundtoInt(RmLpLW); P[15].x := xcenter - x2; P[15].y := P[14].y; P[18].x := xcenter + x2; P[18].y := P[14].y; P[16].x := P[15].x; P[16].y := bottom; P[17].x := P[18].x; P[17].y := bottom; end; NumPts := 33; end; procedure InitChevronArrow(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var dx: integer; begin with R do begin dx := (Right - Left) div 3; P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Right - dx; P[1].y := Top; P[2].x := Right; P[2].y := (Top + Bottom) div 2; P[3].x := P[1].x; P[3].y := Bottom; P[4].x := Left; P[4].y := Bottom; P[5].x := Left + dx; P[5].y := P[2].y; end; NumPts := 6; end; procedure InitFivePointStar(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); begin CalculatePentagonPoints(R, P[0], P[2], P[4], P[6], P[8]); P[1] := LinesPointOfIntersection(P[0], P[4], P[2], P[8]); P[3] := LinesPointOfIntersection(P[0], P[4], P[2], P[6]); P[5] := LinesPointOfIntersection(P[8], P[4], P[2], P[6]); P[7] := LinesPointOfIntersection(P[8], P[4], P[0], P[6]); P[9] := LinesPointOfIntersection(P[8], P[2], P[0], P[6]); NumPts := 10; end; procedure InitHexagon(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var dx: integer; begin with R do begin dx := round(((Right - Left) / 2 * cos(DegToRad(15))) / 2); P[0].x := Left + dx; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Left; P[1].y := (Top + Bottom) div 2; P[2].x := P[0].x; P[2].y := Bottom; P[3].x := Right - dx; P[3].y := Bottom; P[4].x := Right; P[4].y := P[1].y; P[5].x := Right - dx; P[5].y := Top; end; NumPts := 6; end; procedure InitNotchedArrow(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); begin InitBoldArrow(P, R, NumPts); with R do begin P[7].x := Left + (Right - Left) div 4; P[7].y := P[3].y; // centerpoint y end; NumPts := 8; end; procedure InitOctogon(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var dx, dy: integer; begin with R do begin dx := Right - Left; dx := round((dx - dx / (sqrt(2) + 1)) / 2); dy := Bottom - Top; dy := round((dy - dy / (sqrt(2) + 1)) / 2); P[0].x := Left + dx; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Right - dx; P[1].y := Top; P[2].x := Right; P[2].y := Top + dy; P[3].x := Right; P[3].y := Bottom - dy; P[4].x := P[1].x; P[4].y := Bottom; P[5].x := P[0].x; P[5].y := Bottom; P[6].x := Left; P[6].y := P[3].y; P[7].x := Left; P[7].y := P[2].y; end; NumPts := 8; end; procedure InitPentagon(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); begin CalculatePentagonPoints(R, P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4]); NumPts := 5; end; procedure InitPlus(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var CrossX, Crossy: integer; begin with R do begin CrossX := (Right - Left) div 3; CrossY := (Bottom - Top) div 3; P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top + CrossY; P[1].x := Left + CrossX; P[1].y := P[0].y; P[2].x := P[1].x; P[2].y := Top; P[3].x := Right - CrossX; P[3].y := P[2].y; P[4].x := P[3].x; P[4].y := P[0].y; P[5].x := Right; P[5].y := P[4].y; P[6].x := P[5].x; P[6].y := Bottom - CrossY; P[7].x := P[3].x; P[7].y := P[6].y; P[8].x := P[7].x; P[8].y := Bottom; P[9].x := P[1].x; P[9].y := P[8].y; P[10].x := P[9].x; P[10].y := P[6].y; P[11].x := Left; P[11].y := P[10].y; P[12].x := P[11].x; P[12].y := P[0].y; end; NumPts := 13; end; procedure InitQuadrangle(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); begin with R do begin P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Left; P[1].y := Bottom; P[2].x := Right; P[2].y := Bottom; P[3].x := Right; P[3].y := Top; end; NumPts := 4; end; procedure InitRightTriangle(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); begin with R do begin P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Right; P[1].y := Bottom; P[2].x := P[0].x; P[2].y := Bottom; end; NumPts := 3; end; procedure InitSwastika(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var x1, x2, y1, y2: integer; begin with r do begin x1 := (Right - Left) div 5; y1 := (Bottom - Top) div 5; x2 := (Right - Left) * 2 div 5; y2 := (Bottom - Top) * 2 div 5; P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Left + x1; P[1].y := Top; P[2].x := P[1].x; P[2].y := Top + y2; P[3].x := Left + x2; P[3].y := P[2].y; P[4].x := P[3].x; P[4].y := Top; P[5].x := Right; P[5].y := P[4].y; P[6].x := P[5].x; P[6].y := Top + y1; P[7].x := Right - x2; P[7].y := P[6].y; P[8].x := P[7].x; P[8].y := p[2].y; P[9].x := Right; P[9].y := P[8].y; P[10].x := P[9].x; P[10].y := Bottom; P[11].x := Right - x1; P[11].y := P[10].y; P[12].x := P[11].x; P[12].y := Bottom - y2; P[13].x := P[7].x; P[13].y := P[12].y; P[14].x := P[13].x; P[14].y := Bottom; P[15].x := Left; P[15].y := P[14].y; P[16].x := P[15].x; P[16].y := Bottom - y1; P[17].x := Left + x2; P[17].y := P[16].y; P[18].x := P[17].x; P[18].y := Bottom - y2; P[19].x := Left; P[19].y := P[18].y; end; NumPts := 20; end; procedure InitTriangle(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); begin with R do begin P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Right; P[1].y := Top + (Bottom - Top) div 2; P[2].x := P[0].x; P[2].y := Bottom; end; NumPts := 3; end; procedure InitValve(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var cntPoint: TPoint; begin cntPoint := CenterPoint(R); with R do begin P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := cntPoint.x; P[1].y := cntPoint.y; P[2].x := Right; P[2].y := Top; P[3].x := Right; P[3].y := Bottom; P[4].x := cntPoint.x; P[4].y := cntPoint.y; P[5].x := Left; P[5].y := Bottom; end; NumPts := 6; end; procedure InitVArrow(var P: array of TPoint; const R: TRect; var NumPts: integer); var cntPoint: TPoint; begin cntPoint := CenterPoint(R); with R do begin P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Top; P[1].x := Right; P[1].y := cntPoint.y; P[2].x := Left; P[2].y := Bottom; P[3].x := cntPoint.x; P[3].y := cntPoint.y; end; NumPts := 4; end; procedure Paint2HeadArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @Init2HeadArrow); end; procedure PaintBarbadosTrident(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitBarbadosTrident); end; procedure PaintBigI(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitBigI); end; procedure PaintBoldArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitBoldArrow); end; procedure PaintCanadianMaple(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitCanadianMaple); end; procedure PaintChevronArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitChevronArrow); end; procedure PaintFivePointStar(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitFivePointStar); end; procedure PaintHexagon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitHexagon); end; procedure PaintNotchedArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitNotchedArrow); end; procedure PaintOctogon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitOctogon); end; procedure PaintPentagon(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitPentagon); end; procedure PaintPlus(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitPlus); end; procedure PaintQuadrangle(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitQuadrangle); end; procedure PaintRightTriangle(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitRightTriangle); end; procedure PaintSwastika(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitSwastika); end; procedure PaintTriangle(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitTriangle); end; procedure PaintValve(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitValve); end; procedure PaintVArrow(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0); begin InitPolygon(Canvas, PaintRect, RadAngle, @InitVArrow); end; procedure PaintTriangular(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; RadAngle: extended = 0.0; RightLeftFactor: extended = 0.5); var PR, vPR: TRect; P: array[0..35] of TPoint; CountPts, hv, wv: integer; cntPoint: TPoint; begin PR := PaintRect; cntPoint := CenterPoint(PR); PolycSetHalfWidthAndHeight(PR, hv, wv, RadAngle); PolycNewPaintRect(vPR, cntPoint, wv, hv); with vPR do begin P[0].x := Left; P[0].y := Bottom; P[1].x := Left + round((Right - left) * RightLeftFactor); P[1].y := Top; P[2].x := Right; P[2].y := Bottom; end; CountPts := 3; PaintPolygon(Canvas, PR, RadAngle, P, CountPts, cntPoint); end; procedure PaintHalfEllipse(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect; AHalfEllipseDirection: TShapeDirection); var Ex1, Ex2, Ey1, Ey2, Sx, Sy, Ex, Ey, i: integer; begin case AHalfEllipseDirection of atUp: with PaintRect do begin Ex1 := Left; Ex2 := Right; Ex := Left; Sx := Right; i := Bottom - Top; Ey1 := Top; Ey2 := Bottom + i; Sy := Top + i; Ey := Top + i; end; atDown: with PaintRect do begin Ex1 := Left; Ex2 := Right; Sx := Left; Ex := Right; i := Bottom - Top; Ey1 := Top - i; Ey2 := Bottom; Sy := Top; Ey := Top; end; atRight: with PaintRect do begin Ey1 := Top; Ey2 := Bottom; Ey := Top; Sy := Bottom; i := Right - Left; Ex1 := Left - i; Ex2 := Right; Sx := Left; Ex := Left; end; atLeft: with PaintRect do begin Ey1 := Top; Ey2 := Bottom; Sy := Top; Ey := Bottom; i := Right - Left; Ex1 := Left; Ex2 := Right + i; Sx := Left + i; Ex := Left + i; end; end; { TODO : Implement Canvas.DrawPie() } raise Exception.Create('Canvas.DrawPie() is not implemented yet'); // Canvas.DrawPie(Ex1,Ey1,Ex2,Ey2,Sx,Sy,Ex,Ey); end; procedure PaintFivePointLineStar(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; const PaintRect: TRect); var P: array[0..4] of TPoint; begin CalculatePentagonPoints(PaintRect, P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4]); Canvas.DrawLine(P[0].x, P[0].y, P[2].x, P[2].y); Canvas.DrawLine(P[0].x, P[0].y, P[3].x, P[3].y); Canvas.DrawLine(P[1].x, P[1].y, P[3].x, P[3].y); Canvas.DrawLine(P[1].x, P[1].y, P[4].x, P[4].y); Canvas.DrawLine(P[2].x, P[2].y, P[4].x, P[4].y); end; procedure PaintStarN(Canvas: TfpgCanvas; cx, cy, r, n, a: integer); const MaxStarPoint = 36; var r1, r0, alpha: double; P: array[0..MaxStarPoint * 2 - 1] of TPoint; i, cs: integer; begin r1 := r / 2; for i := 0 to 2 * n do begin if (i mod 2) = 0 then r0 := r else r0 := r1; alpha := a + (0.5 + i / n) * Pi; cs := RoundToInt(r0 * cos(alpha)); P[i].x := cx + cs; P[i].y := cy - Round(r0 * sin(alpha)); end; for i := 2 * n to MaxStarPoint * 2 - 1 do begin P[i].x := P[2 * n - 1].x; P[i].y := P[2 * n - 1].y; end; Canvas.DrawPolygon(P); end; end.