{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: The Big Bang starts here! The starting unit for fpGUI. } unit fpg_base; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_impl, syncobjs, // TCriticalSection usage URIParser, variants, contnrs; type TfpgCoord = integer; // we might use floating point coordinates in the future... TfpgColor = type longword; // Always in RRGGBB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) format!! TfpgString = type string; TfpgChar = type string[4]; PPoint = ^TPoint; TRGBTriple = record Red: word; Green: word; Blue: word; Alpha: word; end deprecated; // Same declaration as in FPImage unit, but we don't use FPImage yet, so declare it here TFPColor = record Red: word; Green: word; Blue: word; Alpha: word; end; TWindowType = (wtChild, wtWindow, wtModalForm, wtPopup); TWindowAttribute = (waSizeable, waAutoPos, waScreenCenterPos, waStayOnTop, waFullScreen, waBorderless, waUnblockableMessages, waX11SkipWMHints, waOneThirdDownPos); TWindowAttributes = set of TWindowAttribute; TMouseCursor = (mcDefault, mcArrow, mcCross, mcIBeam, mcSizeEW, mcSizeNS, mcSizeNWSE, mcSizeNESW, mcSizeSWNE, mcSizeSENW, mcMove, mcHourGlass, mcHand, mcDrag, mcNoDrop); TGradientDirection = (gdVertical, // Fill vertical gdHorizontal); // Fill Horizontal TClipboardKeyType = (ckNone, ckCopy, ckPaste, ckCut); // If you have to convert this to an Integer, mrNone = 0 etc. TfpgModalResult = (mrNone, mrOK, mrCancel, mrYes, mrNo, mrAbort, mrRetry, mrIgnore, mrAll, mrNoToAll, mrYesToAll); TfpgDropAction = (daIgnore, daCopy, daMove, daLink, daAsk); TfpgDropActions = set of TfpgDropAction; const MOUSE_LEFT = 1; MOUSE_RIGHT = 3; MOUSE_MIDDLE = 2; // Platform independent messages used by fpGUI (TfpgWidget) FPGM_PAINT = 1; FPGM_ACTIVATE = 2; FPGM_DEACTIVATE = 3; FPGM_KEYPRESS = 4; FPGM_KEYRELEASE = 5; FPGM_KEYCHAR = 6; FPGM_MOUSEDOWN = 7; FPGM_MOUSEUP = 8; FPGM_MOUSEMOVE = 9; FPGM_DOUBLECLICK = 10; FPGM_MOUSEENTER = 11; FPGM_MOUSEEXIT = 12; FPGM_CLOSE = 13; FPGM_SCROLL = 14; FPGM_RESIZE = 15; FPGM_MOVE = 16; FPGM_POPUPCLOSE = 17; FPGM_HINTTIMER = 18; FPGM_FREEME = 19; FPGM_DROPENTER = 20; FPGM_DROPEXIT = 21; FPGM_USER = 50000; FPGM_KILLME = MaxInt; // The special keys, based on the well-known keyboard scan codes {$I keys.inc} var FPG_DEFAULT_FONT_DESC: string = 'Arial-10:antialias=true'; const UserNamedColorStart = 128; {$I predefinedcolors.inc} type TfpgRect = object // not class for static allocations Top: TfpgCoord; Left: TfpgCoord; Width: TfpgCoord; Height: TfpgCoord; procedure SetRect(aleft, atop, awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); function Bottom: TfpgCoord; function Right: TfpgCoord; procedure SetBottom(Value: TfpgCoord); procedure SetRight(Value: TfpgCoord); end; TfpgPoint = object // not class for static allocations X: integer; Y: integer; procedure SetPoint(AX, AY: integer); function ManhattanLength: integer; { See URL for explanation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry } function ManhattanLength(const PointB: TfpgPoint): integer; end; TfpgSize = object // not class for static allocations W: integer; H: integer; procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); end; TfpgMsgParmMouse = record x: TfpgCoord; y: TfpgCoord; Buttons: word; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: Integer; end; TfpgMsgParmKeyboard = record keycode: word; keychar: TfpgChar; shiftstate: TShiftState; end; TfpgMsgParmUser = record Param1: Integer; Param2: Integer; Param3: Integer; end; TfpgMessageParams = record case integer of 0: (mouse: TfpgMsgParmMouse); 1: (keyboard: TfpgMsgParmKeyboard); 2: (rect: TfpgRect); 3: (user: TfpgMsgParmUser); end; TfpgMessageRec = record MsgCode: integer; Sender: TObject; Dest: TObject; Params: TfpgMessageParams; Stop: Boolean; end; PfpgMessageRec = ^TfpgMessageRec; TfpgLineStyle = (lsSolid, lsDash, lsDot, lsDashDot, lsDashDotDot); // forward declaration TfpgWindowBase = class; TfpgCanvasBase = class; TfpgImageBase = class(TObject) private function GetColor(x, y: TfpgCoord): TfpgColor; procedure SetColor(x, y: TfpgCoord; const AValue: TfpgColor); protected FWidth: integer; FHeight: integer; FColorDepth: integer; FMasked: boolean; FImageData: pointer; FImageDataSize: integer; FMaskData: pointer; FMaskDataSize: integer; FMaskPoint: TPoint; procedure DoFreeImage; virtual; abstract; procedure DoInitImage(acolordepth, awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); virtual; abstract; procedure DoInitImageMask(awidth, aheight: integer; aimgdata: Pointer); virtual; abstract; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Invert(IncludeMask: Boolean = False); procedure FreeImage; procedure AllocateImage(acolordepth, awidth, aheight: integer); procedure AllocateMask; procedure CreateMaskFromSample(x, y: TfpgCoord); { Must always be called AFTER you populated the ImageData array. Then only does it allocate OS resources. } procedure UpdateImage; property ImageData: pointer read FImageData; property ImageDataSize: integer read FImageDataSize; property MaskData: pointer read FMaskData; property MaskDataSize: integer read FMaskDataSize; property Width: integer read FWidth; property Height: integer read FHeight; property ColorDepth: integer read FColorDepth; property Masked: boolean read FMasked; property MaskPoint: TPoint read FMaskPoint; property Colors[x, y: TfpgCoord]: TfpgColor read GetColor write SetColor; end; TfpgFontResourceBase = class(TObject) public function GetAscent: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetDescent: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetHeight: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetTextWidth(const txt: string): integer; virtual; abstract; end; TfpgFontBase = class(TObject) protected FFontDesc: string; FFontRes: TfpgFontResourceBase; function GetIsFixedWidth: boolean; virtual; public function TextWidth(const txt: string): integer; function Ascent: integer; function Descent: integer; function Height: integer; property FontDesc: string read FFontDesc; property FontRes: TfpgFontResourceBase read FFontRes; property Handle: TfpgFontResourceBase read FFontRes; property IsFixedWidth: boolean read GetIsFixedWidth; end; TfpgCustomInterpolation = class(TObject) private FCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; FImage: TfpgImageBase; protected procedure Initialize(AImage: TfpgImageBase; ACanvas: TfpgCanvasBase); virtual; procedure Execute(x, y, w, h: integer); virtual; abstract; public property Canvas: TfpgCanvasBase read FCanvas; property Image: TfpgImageBase read FImage; end; TfpgBaseInterpolation = class(TfpgCustomInterpolation) private xfactor: double; yfactor: double; xsupport: double; ysupport: double; tempimage: TfpgImageBase; procedure Horizontal(width: integer); procedure Vertical(dx, dy, width, height: integer); protected procedure Execute(x, y, w, h: integer); override; function Filter(x : double): double; virtual; abstract; function MaxSupport: double; virtual; abstract; public destructor Destroy; override; end; TfpgMitchelInterpolation = class(TfpgBaseInterpolation) protected function Filter(x: double): double; override; function MaxSupport: double; override; end; TfpgCanvasBase = class(TObject) private FFastDoubleBuffer: Boolean; FInterpolation: TfpgCustomInterpolation; procedure SetInterpolation(const AValue: TfpgCustomInterpolation); protected FBufferedDraw: boolean; FBeginDrawCount: integer; FWindow: TfpgWindowBase; FColor: TfpgColor; FTextColor: TfpgColor; FLineWidth: integer; FLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle; FFont: TfpgFontBase; FPersistentResources: boolean; procedure DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase); virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor); virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor); virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle); virtual; abstract; procedure DoGetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); virtual; abstract; procedure DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); virtual; abstract; procedure DoXORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); virtual; abstract; procedure DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); virtual; abstract; procedure DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); virtual; abstract; procedure DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); virtual; abstract; procedure DoDrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); virtual; abstract; procedure DoDrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); virtual; abstract; function DoGetClipRect: TfpgRect; virtual; abstract; procedure DoAddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); virtual; abstract; procedure DoClearClipRect; virtual; abstract; procedure DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean); virtual; abstract; procedure DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); virtual; abstract; procedure DoEndDraw; virtual; abstract; function GetPixel(X, Y: integer): TfpgColor; virtual; abstract; procedure SetPixel(X, Y: integer; const AValue: TfpgColor); virtual; abstract; procedure DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); virtual; abstract; procedure DoFillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: Extended); virtual; abstract; procedure DoDrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean = False); virtual; abstract; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); overload; procedure DrawRectangle(r: TfpgRect); overload; procedure DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); procedure DrawLineClipped(var x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord; const AClipRect: TfpgRect); procedure ClipLine(var x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord; const AClipRect: TfpgRect; out FallsOutsideRegion: Boolean); procedure DrawImage(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase); procedure DrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); procedure DrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: double); procedure DrawPolygon(const Points: array of TPoint; Winding: Boolean; StartIndex: Integer = 0; NumPts: Integer = -1); procedure DrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean = False); virtual; procedure DrawPolygon(const Points: array of TPoint); procedure StretchDraw (x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ASource: TfpgImageBase); procedure CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; var ASrcRect: TfpgRect); // x,y is the top/left corner of where the text output will start. procedure DrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); procedure FillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); overload; procedure FillRectangle(r: TfpgRect); overload; procedure FillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); procedure FillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: double); procedure GradientFill(ARect: TfpgRect; AStart, AStop: TfpgColor; ADirection: TGradientDirection); procedure XORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); overload; procedure XORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; r: TfpgRect); overload; procedure SetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); function GetClipRect: TfpgRect; procedure AddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); procedure ClearClipRect; procedure Clear(AColor: TfpgColor); procedure GetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); procedure SetColor(AColor: TfpgColor); procedure SetTextColor(AColor: TfpgColor); procedure SetLineStyle(AWidth: integer; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle); procedure SetFont(AFont: TfpgFontBase); procedure BeginDraw; overload; procedure BeginDraw(ABuffered: boolean); overload; procedure EndDraw(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); overload; procedure EndDraw(ARect: TfpgRect); overload; procedure EndDraw; overload; procedure FreeResources; property Color: TfpgColor read FColor write SetColor; property TextColor: TfpgColor read FTextColor write SetTextColor; property Font: TfpgFontBase read FFont write SetFont; property Pixels[X, Y: integer]: TfpgColor read GetPixel write SetPixel; property InterpolationFilter: TfpgCustomInterpolation read FInterpolation write SetInterpolation; property FastDoubleBuffer: Boolean read FFastDoubleBuffer write FFastDoubleBuffer; property LineStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FLineStyle; property LineWidth: integer read FLineWidth; end; TfpgComponent = class(TComponent) private FTagPointer: Pointer; FHelpContext: THelpContext; FHelpKeyword: TfpgString; FHelpType: THelpType; protected procedure SetHelpContext(const AValue: THelpContext); virtual; procedure SetHelpKeyword(const AValue: TfpgString); virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; property TagPointer: Pointer read FTagPointer write FTagPointer; published property HelpContext: THelpContext read FHelpContext write SetHelpContext default 0; property HelpKeyword: TfpgString read FHelpKeyword write SetHelpKeyword; property HelpType: THelpType read FHelpType write FHelpType default htKeyword; end; TfpgWindowBase = class(TfpgComponent) private FParent: TfpgWindowBase; procedure SetMouseCursor(const AValue: TMouseCursor); function ConstraintWidth(NewWidth: TfpgCoord): TfpgCoord; function ConstraintHeight(NewHeight: TfpgCoord): TfpgCoord; protected FMouseCursor: TMouseCursor; FWindowType: TWindowType; FWindowAttributes: TWindowAttributes; FTop: TfpgCoord; FLeft: TfpgCoord; FWidth: TfpgCoord; FHeight: TfpgCoord; FPrevTop: TfpgCoord; FPrevLeft: TfpgCoord; FPrevWidth: TfpgCoord; FPrevHeight: TfpgCoord; FMinWidth: TfpgCoord; FMinHeight: TfpgCoord; FMaxHeight: TfpgCoord; FMaxWidth: TfpgCoord; FCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; FSizeIsDirty: Boolean; FPosIsDirty: Boolean; FMouseCursorIsDirty: Boolean; function HandleIsValid: boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure DoUpdateWindowPosition; virtual; abstract; procedure DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: TfpgWindowBase); virtual; abstract; procedure DoReleaseWindowHandle; virtual; abstract; procedure DoRemoveWindowLookup; virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetWindowVisible(const AValue: Boolean); virtual; abstract; procedure DoMoveWindow(const x: TfpgCoord; const y: TfpgCoord); virtual; abstract; function DoWindowToScreen(ASource: TfpgWindowBase; const AScreenPos: TPoint): TPoint; virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetMouseCursor; virtual; abstract; procedure DoEnableDrops(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract; procedure SetParent(const AValue: TfpgWindowBase); virtual; function GetParent: TfpgWindowBase; virtual; function GetCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; virtual; procedure AllocateWindowHandle; procedure ReleaseWindowHandle; procedure SetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); virtual; procedure SetTop(const AValue: TfpgCoord); procedure SetLeft(const AValue: TfpgCoord); procedure SetHeight(const AValue: TfpgCoord); procedure SetWidth(const AValue: TfpgCoord); procedure HandleMove(x, y: TfpgCoord); virtual; procedure HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); virtual; public // The standard constructor. constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure AfterConstruction; override; // Make some setup before the window shows. Forms modify the window creation parameters. procedure AdjustWindowStyle; virtual; // Make some setup before the window shows. Invoked after the window is created. procedure SetWindowParameters; virtual; // general properties and functions function Right: TfpgCoord; function Bottom: TfpgCoord; procedure UpdateWindowPosition; procedure MoveWindow(const x: TfpgCoord; const y: TfpgCoord); function WindowToScreen(ASource: TfpgWindowBase; const AScreenPos: TPoint): TPoint; function HasParent: Boolean; override; function GetClientRect: TfpgRect; virtual; function GetBoundsRect: TfpgRect; virtual; procedure ActivateWindow; virtual; abstract; procedure CaptureMouse; virtual; abstract; procedure ReleaseMouse; virtual; abstract; procedure SetFullscreen(AValue: Boolean); virtual; property HasHandle: boolean read HandleIsValid; property WindowType: TWindowType read FWindowType write FWindowType; property WindowAttributes: TWindowAttributes read FWindowAttributes write FWindowAttributes; property Left: TfpgCoord read FLeft write SetLeft; property Top: TfpgCoord read FTop write SetTop; property Width: TfpgCoord read FWidth write SetWidth; property Height: TfpgCoord read FHeight write SetHeight; property MinWidth: TfpgCoord read FMinWidth write FMinWidth; property MinHeight: TfpgCoord read FMinHeight write FMinHeight; property MaxWidth: TfpgCoord read FMaxWidth write FMaxWidth; property MaxHeight: TfpgCoord read FMaxHeight write FMaxHeight; property Canvas: TfpgCanvasBase read GetCanvas; property Parent: TfpgWindowBase read GetParent write SetParent; property MouseCursor: TMouseCursor read FMouseCursor write SetMouseCursor; end; TfpgApplicationBase = class(TfpgComponent) private FMainForm: TfpgWindowBase; FTerminated: boolean; FCritSect: TCriticalSection; FHelpKey: word; FHelpFile: TfpgString; function GetForm(Index: Integer): TfpgWindowBase; function GetFormCount: integer; function GetTopModalForm: TfpgWindowBase; function GetHelpFile: TfpgString; protected FOnIdle: TNotifyEvent; FIsInitialized: Boolean; FModalFormStack: TList; function DoGetFontFaceList: TStringList; virtual; abstract; function GetHelpViewer: TfpgString; virtual; public constructor Create(const AParams: string); virtual; reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; function GetFontFaceList: TStringList; procedure PushModalForm(AForm: TfpgWindowBase); procedure PopModalForm; function PrevModalForm: TfpgWindowBase; function RemoveWindowFromModalStack(AForm: TfpgWindowBase): Integer; procedure CreateForm(AFormClass: TComponentClass; out AForm: TfpgWindowBase); function GetScreenWidth: TfpgCoord; virtual; abstract; function GetScreenHeight: TfpgCoord; virtual; abstract; function Screen_dpi_x: integer; virtual; abstract; function Screen_dpi_y: integer; virtual; abstract; function Screen_dpi: integer; virtual; abstract; procedure Terminate; procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; procedure InvokeHelp; function ContextHelp(const AHelpContext: THelpContext): Boolean; function KeywordHelp(const AHelpKeyword: string): Boolean; property FormCount: integer read GetFormCount; property Forms[Index: Integer]: TfpgWindowBase read GetForm; property HelpContext; property HelpFile: TfpgString read GetHelpFile write FHelpFile; property HelpKey: word read FHelpKey write FHelpKey default keyF1; property IsInitialized: boolean read FIsInitialized; property TopModalForm: TfpgWindowBase read GetTopModalForm; property MainForm: TfpgWindowBase read FMainForm write FMainForm; property Terminated: boolean read FTerminated write FTerminated; property OnIdle: TNotifyEvent read FOnIdle write FOnIdle; end; TfpgClipboardBase = class(TObject) protected FClipboardWndHandle: TfpgWinHandle; function DoGetText: TfpgString; virtual; abstract; procedure DoSetText(const AValue: TfpgString); virtual; abstract; procedure InitClipboard; virtual; abstract; public constructor Create; virtual; property Text: TfpgString read DoGetText write DoSetText; end; TFileEntryType = (etFile, etDir); TFileListSortOrder = (soNone, soFileName, soCSFileName, soFileExt, soSize, soTime); TFileModeString = string[9]; // A simple data object TFileEntry = class(TObject) private FEntryType: TFileEntryType; FExtension: string; FName: string; FModTime: TDateTime; FSize: int64; FIsLink: boolean; FLinkTarget: string; FIsExecutable: boolean; FModeString: TFileModeString; FOwner: TfpgString; FGroup: TfpgString; FAttrString: TFileModeString; public constructor Create; property Name: string read FName write FName; property Extension: string read FExtension write FExtension; property Size: int64 read FSize write FSize; property EntryType: TFileEntryType read FEntryType write FEntryType; property IsLink: boolean read FIsLink write FIsLink; property LinkTarget: string read FLinkTarget write FLinkTarget; property IsExecutable: boolean read FIsExecutable write FIsExecutable; property ModTime: TDateTime read FModTime write FModTime; property Mode: TFileModeString read FModeString write FModeString; property Owner: TfpgString read FOwner write FOwner; property Group: TfpgString read FGroup write FGroup; property Attributes: TFileModeString read FAttrString write FAttrString; end; TfpgFileListBase = class(TObject) private FEntries: TList; FDirectoryName: TfpgString; FFileMask: TfpgString; FShowHidden: boolean; FCurrentSpecialDir: integer; procedure AddEntry(sr: TSearchRec); function GetEntry(i: integer): TFileEntry; function HasAttrib(fileAttrib, testAttrib: Integer): Boolean; protected FSpecialDirs: TStringList; FHasFileMode: boolean; function InitializeEntry(sr: TSearchRec): TFileEntry; virtual; procedure PopulateSpecialDirs(const aDirectory: TfpgString); virtual; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function Count: integer; function CurrentSpecialDir: integer; function ReadDirectory(const aDirectory: TfpgString = ''): boolean; procedure Clear; procedure Sort(AOrder: TFileListSortOrder); property DirectoryName: TfpgString read FDirectoryName; property Entry[i: integer]: TFileEntry read GetEntry; property FileMask: TfpgString read FFileMask write FFileMask; property HasFileMode: boolean read FHasFileMode; property ShowHidden: boolean read FShowHidden write FShowHidden; property SpecialDirs: TStringList read FSpecialDirs; end; TfpgMimeDataStruct = class(TObject) public format: TfpgString; data: Variant; constructor Create(const AFormat: TfpgString; const AData: variant); reintroduce; end; TfpgMimeDataBase = class(TObject) private { TODO: This is wrong, we must have one Data Storage object } FDataList: TObjectList; FUrlList: TList; function Geturls: TList; procedure Seturls(const AValue: TList); function GetText: TfpgString; procedure SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); function GetHTML: TfpgString; procedure SetHTML(const AValue: TfpgString); function GetFormatCout: integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function HasFormat(const AMimeType: TfpgString): boolean; function Formats: TStrings; function GetData(const AMimeType: TfpgString): Variant; procedure SetData(const AMimeType: TfpgString; const AData: Variant); property urls: TList read Geturls write Seturls; property Text: TfpgString read GetText write SetText; property HTML: TfpgString read GetHTML write SetHTML; property FormatCount: integer read GetFormatCout; end; TfpgDragBase = class(TObject) protected FDragging: Boolean; FMimeData: TfpgMimeDataBase; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Execute(const ADropActions: TfpgDropActions; const ADefaultAction: TfpgDropAction = daCopy): TfpgDropAction; virtual; abstract; end; { ******** Helper functions ******** } { Keyboard } function KeycodeToText(AKey: Word; AShiftState: TShiftState): string; function CheckClipboardKey(AKey: Word; AShiftstate: TShiftState): TClipboardKeyType; { Color } function fpgColorToRGBTriple(const AColor: TfpgColor): TRGBTriple; deprecated; function fpgColorToFPColor(const AColor: TfpgColor): TFPColor; function RGBTripleTofpgColor(const AColor: TRGBTriple): TfpgColor; deprecated; function FPColorTofpgColor(const AColor: TFPColor): TfpgColor; function fpgGetRed(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; function fpgGetGreen(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; function fpgGetBlue(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; function fpgGetAlpha(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; function fpgGetAvgColor(const AColor1, AColor2: TfpgColor): TfpgColor; { Points } function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean; procedure SortRect(var ARect: TRect); procedure SortRect(var ARect: TfpgRect); procedure SortRect(var left, top, right, bottom: integer); implementation uses fpg_main, // needed for fpgApplication & fpgNamedColor fpg_utils, // needed for fpgFileList fpg_constants, typinfo, process; const NoDefault = $80000000; tkPropsWithDefault = [tkInteger, tkChar, tkSet, tkEnumeration]; function KeycodeToText(AKey: Word; AShiftState: TShiftState): string; function GetASCIIText: String; var c: Char; begin result := ''; c := Chr(AKey and $ff); case c of #13: Result := Result + 'Enter'; #127: Result := Result + 'Del'; '+': Result := Result + 'Plus' else Result := Result + c; end; end; var s: String; begin SetLength(Result, 0); if ssShift in AShiftState then Result := 'Shift+'; if ssCtrl in AShiftState then Result := 'Ctrl+'; if ssAlt in AShiftState then Result := 'Alt+'; if (AKey > Ord(' ')) and (AKey < 255) then begin Result := Result + GetASCIIText; Exit; //==> end; case AKey of keyNul: s := 'Null'; keyBackSpace: s := 'Backspace'; keyTab: s := 'Tab'; keyLinefeed: s := 'Linefeed'; keyReturn: s := 'Enter'; keyEscape: s := 'Esc'; Ord(' '): s := 'Space'; keyDelete: s := 'Del'; keyVoid: s := 'Void'; keyBreak: s := 'Break'; keyScrollForw: s := 'ScrollForw'; keyScrollBack: s := 'ScrollBack'; keyBoot: s := 'Boot'; keyCompose: s := 'Compose'; keySAK: s := 'SAK'; keyUndo: s := 'Undo'; keyRedo: s := 'Redo'; keyMenu: s := 'Menu'; keyCancel: s := 'Cancel'; keyPrintScreen: s := 'PrtScr'; keyExecute: s := 'Exec'; keyFind: s := 'Find'; keyBegin: s := 'Begin'; keyClear: s := 'Clear'; keyInsert: s := 'Ins'; keySelect: s := 'Select'; keyMacro: s := 'Macro'; keyHelp: s := 'Help'; keyDo: s := 'Do'; keyPause: s := 'Pause'; keySysRq: s := 'SysRq'; keyModeSwitch: s := 'ModeSw'; keyUp: s := 'Up'; keyDown: s := 'Down'; keyLeft: s := 'Left'; keyRight: s := 'Right'; keyPrior: s := 'PgUp'; keyNext: s := 'PgDown'; keyHome: s := 'Home'; keyEnd: s := 'End'; keyF0..keyF64: s := 'F' + IntToStr(AKey - keyF0); keyP0..keyP9: s := 'KP' + Chr(AKey - keyP0 + Ord('0')); keyPA..keyPF: s := 'KP' + Chr(AKey - keyPA + Ord('A')); keyPPlus, keyPMinus, keyPSlash, keyPStar, keyPEqual, keyPSeparator, keyPDecimal, keyPParenLeft, keyPParenRight, keyPSpace, keyPEnter, keyPTab: s := 'KP' + GetASCIIText; keyPPlusMinus: s := 'KPPlusMinus'; keyPBegin: s := 'KPBegin'; keyPF1..keyPF9: s := 'KPF' + IntToStr(AKey - keyPF1); keyShiftL: s := 'ShiftL'; keyShiftR: s := 'ShiftR'; keyCtrlL: s := 'CtrlL'; keyCtrlR: s := 'CtrlR'; keyAltL: s := 'AltL'; keyAltR: s := 'AltR'; keyMetaL: s := 'MetaL'; keyMetaR: s := 'MetaR'; keySuperL: s := 'SuperL'; keySuperR: s := 'SuperR'; keyHyperL: s := 'HyperL'; keyHyperR: s := 'HyperR'; keyAltGr: s := 'AltGr'; keyCaps: s := 'Caps'; keyNum: s := 'Num'; keyScroll: s := 'Scroll'; keyShiftLock: s := 'ShiftLock'; keyCtrlLock: s := 'CtrlLock'; keyAltLock: s := 'AltLock'; keyMetaLock: s := 'MetaLock'; keySuperLock: s := 'SuperLock'; keyHyperLock: s := 'HyperLock'; keyAltGrLock: s := 'AltGrLock'; keyCapsLock: s := 'CapsLock'; keyNumLock: s := 'NumLock'; keyScrollLock: s := 'ScrollLock'; keyDeadRing: s := 'DeadRing'; keyDeadCaron: s := 'DeadCaron'; keyDeadOgonek: s := 'DeadOgonek'; keyDeadIota: s := 'DeadIota'; keyDeadDoubleAcute: s := 'DeadDoubleAcute'; keyDeadBreve: s := 'DeadBreve'; keyDeadAboveDot: s := 'DeadAboveDot'; keyDeadBelowDot: s := 'DeadBelowDot'; keyDeadVoicedSound: s := 'DeadVoicedSound'; keyDeadSemiVoicedSound: s := 'DeadSemiVoicedSound'; keyDeadAcute: s := 'DeadAcute'; keyDeadCedilla: s := 'DeadCedilla'; keyDeadCircumflex: s := 'DeadCircumflex'; keyDeadDiaeresis: s := 'DeadDiaeresis'; keyDeadGrave: s := 'DeadGrave'; keyDeadTilde: s := 'DeadTilde'; keyDeadMacron: s := 'DeadMacron'; keyEcuSign: s := 'Ecu'; keyColonSign: s := 'Colon'; keyCruzeiroSign: s := 'Cruzeiro'; keyFFrancSign: s := 'FFranc'; keyLiraSign: s := 'Lira'; keyMillSign: s := 'Mill'; keyNairaSign: s := 'Naira'; keyPesetaSign: s := 'Peseta'; keyRupeeSign: s := 'Rupee'; keyWonSign: s := 'Won'; keyNewSheqelSign: s := 'NewShequel'; keyDongSign: s := 'Dong'; keyEuroSign: s := 'Euro'; else s := '#' + IntToHex(AKey, 4); end; Result := Result + s; end; function CheckClipboardKey(AKey: Word; AShiftstate: TShiftState): TClipboardKeyType; var c: string; begin // writeln('CheckClipboardKey'); Result := ckNone; if AKey = keyInsert then begin if (AShiftstate = [ssCtrl]) then Result := ckCopy else if (AShiftstate = [ssShift]) then Result := ckPaste; end else if (AKey = keyDelete) and (AShiftstate = [ssShift]) then Result := ckCut else if (AShiftstate = [ssCtrl]) then begin c := KeycodeToText(AKey, []); // case is not important // Writeln('Key: ', c); if c = 'C' then Result := ckCopy else if c = 'V' then Result := ckPaste else if c = 'X' then Result := ckCut; end { if/else } end; function fpgColorToRGBTriple(const AColor: TfpgColor): TRGBTriple; deprecated; begin with Result do begin Red := fpgGetRed(AColor); Green := fpgGetGreen(AColor); Blue := fpgGetBlue(AColor); // Alpha := fpgGetAlpha(AColor); end end; function fpgColorToFPColor(const AColor: TfpgColor): TFPColor; begin with Result do begin Red := fpgGetRed(AColor); Green := fpgGetGreen(AColor); Blue := fpgGetBlue(AColor); // Alpha := fpgGetAlpha(AColor); end end; function RGBTripleTofpgColor(const AColor: TRGBTriple): TfpgColor; deprecated; begin Result := AColor.Blue or (AColor.Green shl 8) or (AColor.Red shl 16);// or (AColor.Alpha shl 32); end; function FPColorTofpgColor(const AColor: TFPColor): TfpgColor; begin Result := AColor.Blue or (AColor.Green shl 8) or (AColor.Red shl 16);// or (AColor.Alpha shl 32); end; function fpgGetRed(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; var c: TfpgColor; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(AColor); // AARRGGBB format Result := Word((c shr 16) and $FF); end; function fpgGetGreen(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; var c: TfpgColor; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(AColor); // AARRGGBB format Result := Word((c shr 8) and $FF); end; function fpgGetBlue(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; var c: TfpgColor; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(AColor); // AARRGGBB format Result := Word(c and $FF); end; function fpgGetAlpha(const AColor: TfpgColor): word; var c: TfpgColor; begin c := fpgColorToRGB(AColor); // AARRGGBB format Result := Word((c shr 32) and $FF); end; function fpgGetAvgColor(const AColor1, AColor2: TfpgColor): TfpgColor; var c1, c2: TFPColor; avg: TFPColor; begin c1 := fpgColorToFPColor(AColor1); c2 := fpgColorToFPColor(AColor2); avg.Red := c1.Red + (c2.Red - c1.Red) div 2; avg.Green := c1.Green + (c2.Green - c1.Green) div 2; avg.Blue := c1.Blue + (c2.Blue - c1.Blue) div 2; avg.Alpha := c1.Alpha + (c2.Alpha - c1.Alpha) div 2; Result := FPColorTofpgColor(avg); end; function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean; begin Result := (APoint.x >= ARect.Left) and (APoint.y >= ARect.Top) and (APoint.x <= ARect.Right) and (APoint.y <= ARect.Bottom); end; procedure SortRect(var ARect: TRect); begin with ARect do SortRect(left, top, right, bottom); end; procedure SortRect(var ARect: TfpgRect); var r: TfpgCoord; b: TfpgCoord; begin r := ARect.Right; b := ARect.Bottom; SortRect(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, r, b); ARect.SetRight(r); ARect.SetBottom(b); end; procedure SortRect(var left, top, right, bottom: integer); var r: integer; begin if left > right then begin r := left; left := right; right := r; end; if top > bottom then begin r := top; top := bottom; bottom := r; end; end; // This function uses RTTI to automatically set the default values of properties. // That means we don't have to do it in the constructor anymore! :-) procedure SetDefaults(Obj: TObject); var PropInfos: PPropList; Count, Loop: Integer; begin PropInfos := nil; { Find out how many properties we'll be considering } Count := GetPropList(Obj.ClassInfo, tkPropsWithDefault, nil); { Allocate memory to hold their RTTI data } GetMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); try { Get hold of the property list in our new buffer } GetPropList(Obj.ClassInfo, tkPropsWithDefault, PropInfos); { Loop through all the selected properties } for Loop := 0 to Count - 1 do begin with PropInfos^[Loop]^ do begin { If there is supposed to be a default value... } if Default <> NoDefault then { ...then jolly well set it } SetOrdProp(Obj, PropInfos^[Loop], Default) end; end; finally FreeMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); end; end; { TfpgRect } procedure TfpgRect.SetRect(aleft, atop, awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); begin Left := aleft; Top := atop; Width := awidth; Height := aheight; end; function TfpgRect.Bottom: TfpgCoord; begin Result := Top + Height - 1; end; function TfpgRect.Right: TfpgCoord; begin Result := Left + Width - 1; end; procedure TfpgRect.SetBottom(Value: TfpgCoord); begin Height := Value - Top + 1; end; procedure TfpgRect.SetRight(Value: TfpgCoord); begin Width := Value - Left + 1; end; { TfpgPoint } procedure TfpgPoint.SetPoint(AX, AY: integer); begin X := AX; Y := AY; end; function TfpgPoint.ManhattanLength: integer; begin Result := Abs(X) + Abs(Y); end; function TfpgPoint.ManhattanLength(const PointB: TfpgPoint): integer; begin Result := Abs(PointB.X-X) + Abs(PointB.Y-Y); end; { TfpgSize } procedure TfpgSize.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); begin W := AWidth; H := AHeight; end; { TfpgWindowBase } procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetMouseCursor(const AValue: TMouseCursor); begin if FMouseCursor = AValue then Exit; //==> FMouseCursor := AValue; DoSetMouseCursor; end; function TfpgWindowBase.ConstraintWidth(NewWidth: TfpgCoord): TfpgCoord; begin Result := NewWidth; if (MaxWidth >= MinWidth) and (Result > MaxWidth) and (MaxWidth > 0) then Result := MaxWidth; if Result < MinWidth then Result := MinWidth; end; function TfpgWindowBase.ConstraintHeight(NewHeight: TfpgCoord): TfpgCoord; begin Result := NewHeight; if (MaxHeight >= MinHeight) and (Result > MaxHeight) and (MaxHeight > 0) then Result := MaxHeight; if Result < MinHeight then Result := MinHeight; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetParent(const AValue: TfpgWindowBase); begin FParent := AValue; end; function TfpgWindowBase.GetParent: TfpgWindowBase; begin result := FParent; end; function TfpgWindowBase.GetCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; begin Result := FCanvas; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.AllocateWindowHandle; begin DoAllocateWindowHandle(FParent); if FMouseCursorIsDirty then DoSetMouseCursor; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.ReleaseWindowHandle; begin if HasHandle then begin Canvas.FreeResources; DoReleaseWindowHandle; end; DoRemoveWindowLookup; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); begin DoSetWindowTitle(ATitle); end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetTop(const AValue: TfpgCoord); begin HandleMove(Left, AValue); end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetLeft(const AValue: TfpgCoord); begin HandleMove(AValue, Top); end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetHeight(const AValue: TfpgCoord); begin HandleResize(Width, AValue); end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetWidth(const AValue: TfpgCoord); begin HandleResize(AValue, Height); end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.HandleMove(x, y: TfpgCoord); begin if FTop <> y then begin // if we don't have a handle we are still setting up, so actual value and // previous value must be the same. if HasHandle then FPrevTop := FTop else FPrevTop := y; FTop := y; FPosIsDirty := FPosIsDirty or (FTop <> FPrevTop); end; if FLeft <> x then begin // if we don't have a handle we are still setting up, so actual value and // previous value must be the same. if HasHandle then FPrevLeft := FHeight else FPrevLeft := x; FLeft := x; FPosIsDirty := FPosIsDirty or (FLeft <> FPrevLeft); end; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); begin if FWidth <> AWidth then begin // if we don't have a handle we are still setting up, so actual value and // previous value must be the same. if HasHandle then FPrevWidth := FWidth else FPrevWidth := AWidth; FWidth := ConstraintWidth(AWidth); FSizeIsDirty := FSizeIsDirty or (FWidth <> FPrevWidth); end; if FHeight <> AHeight then begin // if we don't have a handle we are still setting up, so actual value and // previous value must be the same. if HasHandle then FPrevHeight := FHeight else FPrevHeight := AHeight; FHeight := ConstraintHeight(AHeight); FSizeIsDirty := FSizeIsDirty or (FHeight <> FPrevHeight); end; end; constructor TfpgWindowBase.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FMouseCursor := mcDefault; FMouseCursorIsDirty := False; FPosIsDirty := True; FSizeIsDirty := True; FMaxWidth := 0; FMaxHeight := 0; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.AfterConstruction; begin inherited AfterConstruction; { Here is a neater way by using RTTI to set default property values all automatically. No need to duplicate the efforts and manually set the property default values in the constructor. This code is now the same for each TfpgWindowBase descendant (which includes GUI widgets) } // SetDefaults(self); end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.AdjustWindowStyle; begin // does nothing here end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetWindowParameters; begin // does nothing end; function TfpgWindowBase.Right: TfpgCoord; begin Result := FLeft + FWidth - 1; end; function TfpgWindowBase.Bottom: TfpgCoord; begin Result := FTop + FHeight - 1; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.UpdateWindowPosition; begin if HasHandle then DoUpdateWindowPosition; end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.MoveWindow(const x: TfpgCoord; const y: TfpgCoord); begin Left := x; Top := y; DoMoveWindow(x, y); end; function TfpgWindowBase.WindowToScreen(ASource: TfpgWindowBase; const AScreenPos: TPoint): TPoint; begin Result := DoWindowToScreen(ASource, AScreenPos); end; function TfpgWindowBase.HasParent: Boolean; begin Result := FParent <> nil; end; function TfpgWindowBase.GetClientRect: TfpgRect; begin Result.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); end; function TfpgWindowBase.GetBoundsRect: TfpgRect; begin Result.SetRect(Left, Top, Width+1, Height+1); end; procedure TfpgWindowBase.SetFullscreen(AValue: Boolean); begin if AValue then Include(FWindowAttributes, waFullScreen) else Exclude(FWindowAttributes, waFullScreen); // now decendants must override this and implement the actualy fullscreen part end; { TfpgCanvasBase } procedure TfpgCanvasBase.SetInterpolation(const AValue: TfpgCustomInterpolation); begin FInterpolation.Free; FInterpolation := AValue; end; constructor TfpgCanvasBase.Create; begin FBufferedDraw := True; FFastDoubleBuffer := True; end; destructor TfpgCanvasBase.Destroy; begin FInterpolation.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawRectangle(r: TfpgRect); begin DoDrawRectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord); begin DoDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawLineClipped(var x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord; const AClipRect: TfpgRect); var OutOfRegion: boolean; begin ClipLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, AClipRect, OutOfRegion); if not OutOfRegion then DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2); { Draw the new line! } end; { DrawLineClipped - This procedure clips a line to the AClipRect boundaries and then calls the DrawLine procedure with the clipped coordinates. If the line lies completely outside of the clip boundary, then the Line routine is not called. This procedure uses the well known Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm to clip each coordinate. Use this if you did not what to change the Canvas.ClipRegion for some reason. For a detailed explanation see: http://www.nondot.org/~sabre/graphpro/line6.html } procedure TfpgCanvasBase.ClipLine(var x1, y1, x2, y2: TfpgCoord; const AClipRect: TfpgRect; out FallsOutsideRegion: Boolean); CONST CodeBottom = 1; CodeTop = 2; { BitFields for output codes } CodeLeft = 4; CodeRight = 8; FUNCTION CompOutCode(X, Y : INTEGER) : integer; { Nested function } VAR Code : integer; BEGIN Code := 0; IF Y > AClipRect.Bottom THEN Code := CodeBottom ELSE IF Y < AClipRect.Top THEN Code := CodeTop; IF X > AClipRect.Right THEN Code := Code+CodeRight ELSE IF X < AClipRect.Left THEN Code := Code+CodeLeft; Result := Code; END; VAR OutCode0, { The code of the first endpoint } OutCode1, { The code of the second endpoint } OutCodeOut : integer; X, Y : INTEGER; BEGIN FallsOutsideRegion := False; OutCode0 := CompOutCode(X1, Y1); { Compute the original codes } OutCode1 := CompOutCode(X2, Y2); WHILE (OutCode0 <> 0) OR (OutCode1 <> 0) DO { While not Trivially Accepted } BEGIN IF (OutCode0 AND OutCode1) <> 0 THEN { Trivial Reject } begin FallsOutsideRegion := True; Exit; //==> end ELSE BEGIN { Failed both tests, so calculate the line segment to clip } IF OutCode0 > 0 THEN OutCodeOut := OutCode0 { Clip the first point } ELSE OutCodeOut := OutCode1; { Clip the last point } IF (OutCodeOut AND CodeBottom) = CodeBottom THEN BEGIN { Clip the line to the bottom of the viewport } Y := AClipRect.Bottom; X := X1+LONGINT(X2-X1)*LONGINT(Y-Y1) DIV (Y2 - Y1); END ELSE IF (OutCodeOut AND CodeTop) = CodeTop THEN BEGIN { Clip the line to the top of the viewport } Y := AClipRect.Top; X := X1+LONGINT(X2-X1)*LONGINT(Y-Y1) DIV (Y2 - Y1); END ELSE IF (OutCodeOut AND CodeRight) = CodeRight THEN BEGIN { Clip the line to the right edge of the viewport } X := AClipRect.Right; Y := Y1+LONGINT(Y2-Y1)*LONGINT(X-X1) DIV (X2-X1); END ELSE IF (OutCodeOut AND CodeLeft) = CodeLeft THEN BEGIN { Clip the line to the left edge of the viewport } X := AClipRect.Left; Y := Y1+LONGINT(Y2-Y1)*LONGINT(X-X1) DIV (X2-X1); END; IF (OutCodeOut = OutCode0) THEN { Modify the first coordinate } BEGIN X1 := X; Y1 := Y; { Update temporary variables } OutCode0 := CompOutCode(X1, Y1); { Recalculate the OutCode } END ELSE { Modify the second coordinate } BEGIN X2 := X; Y2 := Y; { Update temporary variables } OutCode1 := CompOutCode(X2, Y2); { Recalculate the OutCode } END; END; END; { while } end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawImage(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase); begin if img = nil then Exit; //==> DrawImagePart(x, y, img, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawImagePart(x, y: TfpgCoord; img: TfpgImageBase; xi, yi, w, h: integer); begin DoDrawImagePart(x, y, img, xi, yi, w, h); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: double); begin DoDrawArc(x, y, w, h, a1, a2); end; { Use Polygon to draw a closed, many-sided shape on the canvas, using the value of Canvas.Color. The shape is always filled. The Points parameter is an array of points that give the vertices of the polygon. Winding determines how the polygon is filled. When Winding is True, Polygon fills the shape using the Winding fill algorithm. When Winding is False, Polygon uses the even-odd (alternative) fill algorithm. StartIndex gives the index of the first point in the array to use. All points before this are ignored. NumPts indicates the number of points to use, starting at StartIndex. If NumPts is -1 (the default), Polygon uses all points from StartIndex to the end of the array. The first point is always connected to the last point. To draw a polygon on the canvas, without filling it, use the Polyline method, specifying the first point a second time at the end. } procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawPolygon(const Points: array of TPoint; Winding: Boolean; StartIndex: Integer; NumPts: Integer); var NPoints: integer; begin if NumPts<0 then NPoints:=High(Points)-StartIndex+1 else NPoints:=NumPts; if NPoints<=0 then exit; DrawPolygon(@Points[StartIndex],NPoints,Winding); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean); begin if NumPts<=0 then exit; DoDrawPolygon(Points,NumPts,Winding); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawPolygon(const Points: array of TPoint); begin DrawPolygon(Points, True, Low(Points), High(Points) - Low(Points) + 1); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.StretchDraw(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ASource: TfpgImageBase); var FreeInterpolation: boolean; IP: TfpgCustomInterpolation; begin FreeInterpolation := not Assigned(FInterpolation); if FreeInterpolation then IP := TfpgMitchelInterpolation.Create else IP := FInterpolation; try IP.Initialize(ASource, self); IP.Execute(x, y, w, h); finally if FreeInterpolation then IP.Free; end; end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; var ASrcRect: TfpgRect); var x, sx, y, sy: TfpgCoord; begin SortRect(ASrcRect); // X position of source for sx := ASrcRect.Left to ASrcRect.Right do begin x := ADest_x + (sx - ASrcRect.Left); // calc dest x // Y position of source for sy := ASrcRect.Top to ASrcRect.Bottom do begin y := ADest_y + (sy - ASrcRect.Top); // calc dest y Pixels[x, y] := ASrcCanvas.Pixels[sx, sy]; end; end; end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.DrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string); var underline: integer; begin DoDrawString(x, y, txt); { What was not handled: underline } if Pos('UNDERLINE', UpperCase(Font.FontDesc)) > 0 then begin underline := (Font.Descent div 2) + 1; if underline = 0 then underline := 1; if underline >= Font.Descent then underline := Font.Descent - 1; DoSetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); DoSetColor(TextColor); DoDrawLine(x, y+Font.Height-underline, x+Font.TextWidth(txt), y+Font.Height-underline); end; end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.FillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin DoFillRectangle(x, y, w, h); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.FillRectangle(r: TfpgRect); begin DoFillRectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.FillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord); begin DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.FillArc(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; a1, a2: double); begin DoFillArc(x, y, w, h, a1, a2); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.GradientFill(ARect: TfpgRect; AStart, AStop: TfpgColor; ADirection: TGradientDirection); var RGBStart: TFPColor; RGBStop: TFPColor; RDiff, GDiff, BDiff: Integer; count: Integer; i: Integer; newcolor: TFPColor; begin RGBStart := fpgColorToFPColor(fpgColorToRGB(AStart)); RGBStop := fpgColorToFPColor(fpgColorToRGB(AStop)); if ADirection = gdVertical then count := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top else count := ARect.Right - ARect.Left; RDiff := RGBStop.Red - RGBStart.Red; GDiff := RGBStop.Green - RGBStart.Green; BDiff := RGBStop.Blue - RGBStart.Blue; // Changing; for i := 0 to count do begin newcolor.Red := RGBStart.Red + (i * RDiff) div count; newcolor.Green := RGBStart.Green + (i * GDiff) div count; newcolor.Blue := RGBStart.Blue + (i * BDiff) div count; SetColor(FPColorTofpgColor(newcolor)); // We have to overshoot by 1 pixel as DrawLine paints 1 pixel short (by design) if ADirection = gdHorizontal then DrawLine(ARect.Left+i, ARect.Top, ARect.Left+i, ARect.Bottom+1) else DrawLine(ARect.Left, ARect.Top+i, ARect.Right+1, ARect.Top+i); end; // Changed; end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.XORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin DoXORFillRectangle(col, x, y, w, h); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.XORFillRectangle(col: TfpgColor; r: TfpgRect); begin DoXORFillRectangle(col, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.SetClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); begin DoSetClipRect(ARect); end; function TfpgCanvasBase.GetClipRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := DoGetClipRect; end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.AddClipRect(const ARect: TfpgRect); begin DoAddClipRect(ARect); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.ClearClipRect; begin DoClearClipRect; end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.Clear(AColor: TfpgColor); var lCol: TfpgColor; lWinRect: TfpgRect; begin lCol := FColor; DoSetColor(AColor); DoGetWinRect(lWinRect); DoFillRectangle(0, 0, lWinRect.Width, lWinRect.Height); DoSetColor(lCol); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.GetWinRect(out r: TfpgRect); begin DoGetWinRect(r); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.SetColor(AColor: TfpgColor); begin FColor := AColor; DoSetColor(FColor); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.SetTextColor(AColor: TfpgColor); begin FTextColor := AColor; DoSetTextColor(FTextColor); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.SetLineStyle(AWidth: integer; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle); begin FLineWidth := AWidth; FLineStyle := AStyle; DoSetLineStyle(FLineWidth, FLineStyle); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.SetFont(AFont: TfpgFontBase); begin if AFont = nil then exit; FFont := AFont; DoSetFontRes(AFont.FFontRes); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.BeginDraw; begin BeginDraw(FBufferedDraw); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.BeginDraw(ABuffered: boolean); begin if FBeginDrawCount < 1 then begin DoBeginDraw(FWindow, ABuffered); SetColor(clText1); SetTextColor(clText1); SetFont(fpgApplication.DefaultFont); SetLineStyle(0, lsSolid); FBeginDrawCount := 0; end; Inc(FBeginDrawCount); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.EndDraw(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); begin if FBeginDrawCount > 0 then begin Dec(FBeginDrawCount); if FBeginDrawCount = 0 then begin DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h); if not FPersistentResources then DoEndDraw; end; end; { if } end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.EndDraw(ARect: TfpgRect); begin EndDraw(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Width, ARect.Height); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.EndDraw; begin EndDraw(0, 0, FWindow.Width, FWindow.Height); end; procedure TfpgCanvasBase.FreeResources; begin DoEndDraw; FBeginDrawCount := 0; end; { TfpgFontBase } function TfpgFontBase.GetIsFixedWidth: boolean; begin // very crude but handy as a fallback option if (Pos('mono', Lowercase(FFontDesc)) > 0) or (Pos('courier', Lowercase(FFontDesc)) > 0) or (Pos('fixed', Lowercase(FFontDesc)) > 0) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function TfpgFontBase.TextWidth(const txt: string): integer; begin if Length(txt) = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := FFontRes.GetTextWidth(txt); end; function TfpgFontBase.Ascent: integer; begin Result := FFontRes.GetAscent; end; function TfpgFontBase.Descent: integer; begin Result := FFontRes.GetDescent; end; function TfpgFontBase.Height: integer; begin Result := FFontRes.GetHeight; end; { TfpgCustomInterpolation } procedure TfpgCustomInterpolation.Initialize(AImage: TfpgImageBase; ACanvas: TfpgCanvasBase); begin FImage := AImage; FCanvas := ACanvas; end; { TfpgBaseInterpolation } type TfpgInterpolationContribution = record weight: double; place: integer; end; function ColorRound(c: double): word; begin if c > $FFFF then result := $FFFF else if c < 0.0 then result := 0 else result := round(c); end; procedure TfpgBaseInterpolation.Horizontal(width: integer); var x, y, r: integer; start, stop, maxcontribs: integer; center, re, gr, bl, density: double; contributions: array[0..10] of TfpgInterpolationContribution; dif, w, gamma, a: double; c: TfpgColor; rgb: TFPColor; begin for x := 0 to Width - 1 do begin center := x * xfactor; start := round(center - xsupport); if start < 0 then start := 0; stop := round(center + xsupport); if stop >= image.Width then stop := image.Width - 1; density := 0.0; maxcontribs := -1; for r := start to stop do begin dif := r - center; w := Filter(dif); if w > 0.0 then begin Inc(maxcontribs); with contributions[maxcontribs] do begin weight := w; density := density + w; place := r; end; end; end; if (density <> 0.0) and (density <> 1.0) then begin density := 1.0 / density; for r := 0 to maxcontribs do contributions[r].weight := contributions[r].weight * density; end; for y := 0 to image.Height - 1 do begin gamma := 0.0; re := 0.0; gr := 0.0; bl := 0.0; for r := 0 to maxcontribs do with contributions[r] do begin c := image.colors[place, y]; rgb := fpgColorToFPColor(c); a := weight; // * rgb.Alpha / $FFFF; re := re + a * rgb.Red; gr := gr + a * rgb.Green; bl := bl + a * rgb.Blue; gamma := gamma + a; end; { with } with rgb do begin red := ColorRound(re); green := ColorRound(gr); blue := ColorRound(bl); // alpha := ColorRound(gamma * $FFFF); end; tempimage.colors[x, y] := FPColorTofpgColor(rgb); end; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseInterpolation.Vertical(dx, dy, width, height: integer); var x, y, r: integer; start, stop, maxcontribs: integer; center, re, gr, bl, density: double; contributions: array[0..10] of TfpgInterpolationContribution; dif, w, gamma, a: double; c: TfpgColor; rgb: TFPColor; begin for y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin center := y * yfactor; start := round(center - ysupport); if start < 0 then start := 0; stop := round(center + ysupport); if stop >= tempimage.Height then stop := tempimage.Height - 1; density := 0.0; maxcontribs := -1; for r := start to stop do begin dif := r - center; w := Filter(dif); if w > 0.0 then begin Inc(maxcontribs); with contributions[maxcontribs] do begin weight := w; density := density + w; place := r; end; end; end; if (density <> 0.0) and (density <> 1.0) then begin density := 1.0 / density; for r := 0 to maxcontribs do contributions[r].weight := contributions[r].weight * density; end; for x := 0 to Width - 1 do begin gamma := 0.0; re := 0.0; gr := 0.0; bl := 0.0; for r := 0 to maxcontribs do with contributions[r] do begin c := tempimage.colors[x, place]; rgb := fpgColorToFPColor(c); a := weight;// * rgb.alpha / $FFFF; re := re + a * rgb.red; gr := gr + a * rgb.green; bl := bl + a * rgb.blue; gamma := gamma + a; end; { width } with rgb do begin red := ColorRound(re); green := ColorRound(gr); blue := ColorRound(bl); // alpha := ColorRound(gamma * $FFFF); end; Canvas.Pixels[x + dx, y + dy] := FPColorTofpgColor(rgb); end; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseInterpolation.Execute(x, y, w, h: integer); begin tempimage := TfpgImageBase.Create; tempimage.AllocateImage(image.ColorDepth, w, image.Height); xfactor := image.Width / w; yfactor := image.Height / h; if xfactor > 1.0 then xsupport := MaxSupport else xsupport := xfactor * MaxSupport; if yfactor > 1.0 then ysupport := MaxSupport else ysupport := yfactor * MaxSupport; Horizontal(w); Vertical(x, y, w, h); end; destructor TfpgBaseInterpolation.Destroy; begin tempimage.Free; inherited Destroy; end; { TfpgMitchelInterpolation } function TfpgMitchelInterpolation.Filter(x: double): double; const B = (1.0/3.0); C = (1.0/3.0); P0 = (( 6.0- 2.0*B )/6.0); P2 = ((-18.0+12.0*B+ 6.0*C)/6.0); P3 = (( 12.0- 9.0*B- 6.0*C)/6.0); Q0 = (( 8.0*B+24.0*C)/6.0); Q1 = (( -12.0*B-48.0*C)/6.0); Q2 = (( 6.0*B+30.0*C)/6.0); Q3 = (( - 1.0*B- 6.0*C)/6.0); begin if (x < -2.0) then result := 0.0 else if (x < -1.0) then result := Q0-x*(Q1-x*(Q2-x*Q3)) else if (x < 0.0) then result := P0+x*x*(P2-x*P3) else if (x < 1.0) then result := P0+x*x*(P2+x*P3) else if (x < 2.0) then result := Q0+x*(Q1+x*(Q2+x*Q3)) else result := 0.0; end; function TfpgMitchelInterpolation.MaxSupport: double; begin result := 2.0; end; { TfpgImageBase } function TfpgImageBase.GetColor(x, y: TfpgCoord): TfpgColor; var p: Plongword; begin p := FImageData; Inc(p, (FWidth * y) + x); Result := TfpgColor(p^); // write(IntToHex(Result, 6) + ' '); end; procedure TfpgImageBase.SetColor(x, y: TfpgCoord; const AValue: TfpgColor); var p: Plongword; begin p := FImageData; Inc(p, (FWidth * y) + x); p^ := AValue; // write(IntToHex(AValue, 6) + ' '); end; constructor TfpgImageBase.Create; begin FWidth := 0; FHeight := 0; FColorDepth := 0; FImageData := nil; FImageDataSize := 0; FMaskData := nil; FMaskDataSize := 0; FMasked := False; FMaskPoint := Point(0, 0); end; destructor TfpgImageBase.Destroy; begin FreeImage; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgImageBase.Invert(IncludeMask: Boolean); var p: ^byte; n: integer; begin if FImageData = nil then Exit; //==> p := FImageData; for n := 1 to FImageDataSize do begin p^ := p^ xor $FF; Inc(p); end; if IncludeMask then begin if FMaskData <> nil then begin p := FMaskData; for n := 1 to FMaskDataSize do begin p^ := p^ xor $FF; Inc(p); end; end; end; end; procedure TfpgImageBase.FreeImage; begin if FImageData <> nil then FreeMem(FImageData); FImageData := nil; FImageDataSize := 0; if FMaskData <> nil then FreeMem(FMaskData); FMaskData := nil; FMaskDataSize := 0; FMasked := False; FWidth := 0; FHeight := 0; // DoFreeImage; end; procedure TfpgImageBase.AllocateImage(acolordepth, awidth, aheight: integer); var dww: integer; begin FreeImage; FWidth := awidth; FHeight := aheight; FColorDepth := acolordepth; // Real bitmap if FColorDepth = 1 then dww := (awidth + 31) div 32 else dww := FWidth; FImageDataSize := dww * FHeight * 4; FImageData := nil; GetMem(FImageData, FImageDataSize); if FImageData = nil then raise Exception.Create('Failed to allocate ' + IntToStr(FImageDataSize) + 'bytes of memory for FImageData'); end; procedure TfpgImageBase.AllocateMask; var dww: integer; begin if (FWidth < 1) or (FHeight < 1) then Exit; //==> FMasked := True; if FMaskData <> nil then FreeMem(FMaskData); dww := (FWidth + 31) div 32; FMaskDataSize := dww * FHeight * 4; GetMem(FMaskData, FMaskDataSize); end; procedure TfpgImageBase.CreateMaskFromSample(x, y: TfpgCoord); var p: ^longword; pmsk: ^byte; c: longword; linecnt: integer; pixelcnt: integer; bit: byte; msklinelen: integer; begin if FColorDepth = 1 then Exit; //==> if (FImageData = nil) then Exit; //==> AllocateMask; FMaskPoint := Point(x, y); p := FImageData; if x < 0 then Inc(p, FWidth - 1) else Inc(p, x); if y < 0 then Inc(p, FWidth * (FHeight - 1)) else Inc(p, FWidth * y); c := p^; // the sample msklinelen := FWidth div 32; if (FWidth and $1F) > 0 then Inc(msklinelen); msklinelen := msklinelen shl 2; p := FImageData; linecnt := 0; repeat pixelcnt := 0; bit := $80; pmsk := FMaskData; Inc(pmsk, linecnt * msklinelen); repeat if bit = $80 then pmsk^ := 0; if p^ <> c then pmsk^ := pmsk^ or bit; Inc(p); Inc(pixelcnt); if bit = 1 then begin bit := $80; Inc(pmsk); end else bit := bit shr 1; until pixelcnt >= FWidth; Inc(linecnt); until linecnt >= FHeight; end; procedure TfpgImageBase.UpdateImage; begin if FImageData <> nil then DoInitImage(FColorDepth, FWidth, FHeight, FImageData); if FMaskData <> nil then DoInitImageMask(FWidth, FHeight, FMaskData); end; { TfpgApplicationBase } function TfpgApplicationBase.GetTopModalForm: TfpgWindowBase; begin Result := nil; if (FModalFormStack <> nil) and (FModalFormStack.Count > 0) then Result := TFpgWindowBase(FModalFormStack.Items[FModalFormStack.Count-1]); end; function TfpgApplicationBase.GetHelpFile: TfpgString; begin Result := FHelpFile; //if Result = '' then //begin { TODO : Should we extend this to try the .inf as a help file? } //end; end; function TfpgApplicationBase.GetHelpViewer: TfpgString; var ext: TfpgString; begin // Default location is in same directory as current running application // This location might change in the future. ext := fpgExtractFileExt(ParamStr(0)); Result := fpgExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + FPG_HELPVIEWER + ext; end; constructor TfpgApplicationBase.Create(const AParams: string); begin inherited Create(nil); FModalFormStack := TList.Create; FCritSect := TCriticalSection.Create; FHelpKey := keyF1; FHelpType := htContext; end; destructor TfpgApplicationBase.Destroy; begin FCritSect.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgApplicationBase.GetFormCount: integer; begin Result := ComponentCount; end; function TfpgApplicationBase.GetForm(Index: Integer): TfpgWindowBase; begin Result := TfpgWindowBase(Components[Index]); end; function TfpgApplicationBase.GetFontFaceList: TStringList; begin Result := DoGetFontFaceList; end; procedure TfpgApplicationBase.PushModalForm(AForm: TfpgWindowBase); var StackIndex: Integer; begin if FModalFormStack = nil then Exit; StackIndex := FModalFormStack.IndexOf(AForm); if StackIndex = -1 then FModalFormStack.Add(AForm) //else move to top of stack? end; procedure TfpgApplicationBase.PopModalForm; begin if FModalFormStack = nil then Exit; if FModalFormStack.Count > 0 then FModalFormStack.Delete(FModalFormStack.Count-1); end; function TfpgApplicationBase.PrevModalForm: TfpgWindowBase; begin Result := nil; if FModalFormStack = nil then Exit; if FModalFormStack.Count < 2 then Exit; Result := TfpgWindowBase(FModalFormStack.Items[FModalFormStack.Count-2]); end; function TfpgApplicationBase.RemoveWindowFromModalStack (AForm: TfpgWindowBase): Integer; begin Result := FModalFormStack.Remove(AForm); end; procedure TfpgApplicationBase.CreateForm(AFormClass: TComponentClass; out AForm: TfpgWindowBase); begin try AForm := TfpgWindowBase(AFormClass.Create(self)); if FMainForm = nil then FMainForm := AForm; except AForm := nil; raise; end; end; procedure TfpgApplicationBase.Terminate; var i: integer; begin // make sure all forms are closed before main form for i := FormCount - 1 downto 0 do if Forms[i] <> MainForm then fpgSendMessage(Self, Forms[i], FPGM_CLOSE); // SendMessage waits for it to complete. Post doesn't. Terminated := True; end; procedure TfpgApplicationBase.Lock; begin FCritSect.Enter; end; procedure TfpgApplicationBase.Unlock; begin FCritSect.Leave; end; procedure TfpgApplicationBase.InvokeHelp; begin { TODO -oGraeme -cHelp System : We should probably try ActiveForm and ActiveWidget help first. } if HelpType = htKeyword then KeywordHelp(HelpKeyword) else ContextHelp(HelpContext); end; function TfpgApplicationBase.ContextHelp(const AHelpContext: THelpContext): Boolean; var p: TProcess; begin Result := False; p := TProcess.Create(nil); try if fpgFileExists(HelpFile) then begin if AHelpContext = 0 then p.CommandLine := GetHelpViewer + ' ' + HelpFile else p.CommandLine := GetHelpViewer + ' ' + HelpFile + ' -n ' + IntToStr(AHelpContext); //writeln('DEBUG: TfpgApplicationBase.ContextHelp > ', p.CommandLine); end else p.CommandLine := GetHelpViewer; Result := True; p.Execute; finally p.Free; end; end; function TfpgApplicationBase.KeywordHelp(const AHelpKeyword: string): Boolean; var p: TProcess; begin Result := False; p := TProcess.Create(nil); try if fpgFileExists(HelpFile) then begin p.CommandLine := GetHelpViewer + ' ' + HelpFile + ' -s ' + AHelpKeyword; //writeln('DEBUG: TfpgApplicationBase.ContextHelp > ', p.CommandLine); end else p.CommandLine := GetHelpViewer; Result := True; p.Execute; finally p.Free; end; end; { TfpgClipboardBase } constructor TfpgClipboardBase.Create; begin inherited Create; InitClipboard; end; // Helper functions for TFileEntry and TfpgFileListBase function StringMatches(const astr, apat: string): boolean; var pati, si: longint; begin result := True; pati := 1; si := 1; while result and (si <= length(astr)) and (pati <= length(apat)) do begin if (apat[pati] = '?') or (apat[pati] = astr[si]) then begin inc(si); inc(pati); end else if (apat[pati] = '*') then begin while (pati <= length(apat)) and (apat[pati] in ['?','*']) do inc(pati); if pati > length(apat) then begin si := length(astr)+1; Break; // * at the end end; while (si <= length(astr)) and (astr[si] <> apat[pati]) do inc(si); if si > length(astr) then result := False; end else begin result := False; end; end; result := result and (si > length(astr)); end; // multiple patterns separated with ; function FileNameMatches(const astr, apats: string): boolean; var cpat: string; p: integer; s: string; astrupper: string; begin astrupper := UpperCase(astr); result := False; s := apats; repeat cpat := ''; p := pos(';',s); if p > 0 then begin cpat := copy(s, 1, p-1); delete(s, 1, p); end else begin cpat := s; s := ''; end; { if/else } cpat := UpperCase(trim(cpat)); if cpat <> '' then result := StringMatches(astrupper, cpat); until result or (cpat = ''); end; { TFileEntry } constructor TFileEntry.Create; begin {FAttributes := 0; FMode := 0;} FAttrString := ''; FModeString := ''; FSize := 0; FIsLink := False; FIsExecutable := false; FEntryType := etFile; end; { TfpgFileListBase } procedure TfpgFileListBase.AddEntry(sr: TSearchRec); var e: TFileEntry; begin e := InitializeEntry(sr); if Assigned(e) then FEntries.Add(e); end; function TfpgFileListBase.HasAttrib(fileAttrib, testAttrib: Integer): Boolean; begin { HasAttrib() tests whether or not a file (with attributes fileAttrib) has the testAttrib attribute bit set. } Result := (fileAttrib and testAttrib) <> 0; end; function TfpgFileListBase.GetEntry(i: integer): TFileEntry; begin if (i < 0) or (i > FEntries.Count-1) then Result := nil else Result := TFileEntry(FEntries[i]); end; function TfpgFileListBase.InitializeEntry(sr: TSearchRec): TFileEntry; var e: TFileEntry; begin e := TFileEntry.Create; e.Name := sr.Name; e.Extension := fpgExtractFileExt(e.Name); e.Size := sr.Size; // e.Attributes := sr.Attr; // this is incorrect and needs to improve! e.ModTime := FileDateToDateTime(sr.Time); if HasAttrib(sr.Attr, faDirectory) then e.EntryType := etDir else e.EntryType := etFile; if (e.Name = '.') or ((e.Name = '..') and (FDirectoryName = '/')) or (not FShowHidden and (Copy(e.Name, 1, 1) = '.') and (Copy(e.Name, 2, 1) <> '.')) or // (not FShowHidden and HasAttrib(sr.Attr, faHidden)) or ((e.EntryType = etFile) and not FileNameMatches(e.Name, FFileMask)) then begin // do not add this entry e.Free; Result := nil; end else Result := e; end; procedure TfpgFileListBase.PopulateSpecialDirs(const aDirectory: TfpgString); {Sets up FSpecialDirs list} var i, n, sp: integer; begin // FSpecialDirs under Windows will be all available drive letters. // FSpecialDirs under Linux is the root (/) // find insert position in FSpecialDirs where we can insert all parts // of aDirectory. i := 0; // We have to use UpperCase() because under Windows aDirectory's drive // letter could be lower case, but Win API returns initial drive letters // in upper case, so the second test could never be false causing // Index out of bounds error further down. while (i < FSpecialDirs.Count) and (UpperCase(FSpecialDirs.Strings[i][1]) < UpperCase(aDirectory[1])) do Inc(i); sp := Pos(DirectorySeparator, aDirectory) + 1; n := sp; while n < Length(aDirectory) do begin if aDirectory[n] = DirectorySeparator then begin Inc(i); FSpecialDirs.Insert(i, Copy(aDirectory, 1, n-1)); end; Inc(n); end; if (n > sp) then begin Inc(i); FSpecialDirs.Insert(i, ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aDirectory)) end; FCurrentSpecialDir := i; end; constructor TfpgFileListBase.Create; begin FEntries := TList.Create; FFileMask := '*'; FDirectoryName := ''; FSpecialDirs := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TfpgFileListBase.Destroy; begin Clear; FSpecialDirs.Free; FEntries.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgFileListBase.Count: integer; begin Result := FEntries.Count; end; function TfpgFileListBase.CurrentSpecialDir: integer; begin Result := FCurrentSpecialDir; end; function TfpgFileListBase.ReadDirectory(const aDirectory: TfpgString = ''): boolean; var SearchRec: TSearchRec; dir: TfpgString; // to prevent FDirectoryName from having incorrect value begin Result:=False; // default parameter value is current directory if aDirectory <> '' then dir := fpgExpandFileName(aDirectory) else dir := fpgGetCurrentDir; // vvzh: now we have to use SetCurrentDir in order to make ExpandFileName work if not fpgSetCurrentDir(dir) then Exit; //==> // Add PathDelim to end if it doesn't yet exist FDirectoryName := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(dir); PopulateSpecialDirs(FDirectoryName); Clear; try // The extra 'or' includes Normal attribute files under Windows. faAnyFile doesn't return those. // Reported to FPC as bug 9440 in Mantis. if fpgFindFirst(FDirectoryName + AllFilesMask, faAnyFile or $00000080, SearchRec) = 0 then begin AddEntry(SearchRec); while fpgFindNext(SearchRec) = 0 do begin AddEntry(SearchRec); end; end; Result:=True; finally SysUtils.FindClose(SearchRec); end; end; procedure TfpgFileListBase.Clear; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to FEntries.Count-1 do TFileEntry(FEntries[n]).Free; FEntries.Clear; end; procedure TfpgFileListBase.Sort(AOrder: TFileListSortOrder); var newl: TList; n: integer; i: integer; e: TFileEntry; function IsBefore(newitem, item: TFileEntry): boolean; begin //if newitem.etype = etDir then writeln('dir: ',newitem.name,' (',item.name,')'); if (newitem.EntryType = etDir) and (item.EntryType <> etDir) then begin result := true; end else if (newitem.EntryType <> etDir) and (item.EntryType = etDir) then begin result := false; end else if (newitem.EntryType = etDir) and (newitem.Name = '..') then begin result := true; end else if (item.EntryType = etDir) and (item.Name = '..') then begin result := false; end else case AOrder of soFileName : result := UpperCase(newitem.Name) < UpperCase(item.Name); soCSFileName : result := newitem.Name < item.Name; soFileExt : result := UpperCase(newitem.Extension+' '+newitem.Name) < UpperCase(item.Extension+' '+item.Name); soSize : result := newitem.size < item.size; soTime : result := newitem.modtime < item.modtime; else result := False; end; end; begin newl := TList.Create; for n := 0 to FEntries.Count-1 do begin e := TFileEntry(FEntries[n]); i := 0; while (i < newl.Count) and not IsBefore(e,TFileEntry(newl[i])) do inc(i); newl.Insert(i,e); end; FEntries.Free; FEntries := newl; end; { TfpgComponent } procedure TfpgComponent.SetHelpContext(const AValue: THelpContext); begin if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then FHelpType := htContext; if FHelpContext = AValue then Exit; //==> FHelpContext := AValue; end; procedure TfpgComponent.SetHelpKeyword(const AValue: TfpgString); begin if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then FHelpType := htKeyword; if FHelpKeyword = AValue then Exit; //==> FHelpKeyword := AValue; end; constructor TfpgComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FHelpType := htKeyword; FHelpContext := 0; FHelpKeyword := ''; FTagPointer := nil; end; { TfpgMimeDataStruct } constructor TfpgMimeDataStruct.Create(const AFormat: TfpgString; const AData: variant); begin inherited Create; format := AFormat; data := AData; end; { TfpgMimeDataBase } function TfpgMimeDataBase.Geturls: TList; begin { TODO: We should only return data related to MIME type: text/uri-list } Result := nil; end; procedure TfpgMimeDataBase.Seturls(const AValue: TList); begin if AValue = nil then raise Exception.Create('Source URI list must not be nil'); if Assigned(FUrlList) then FUrlList.Free; { We take ownership of AValue. Can we do this? } FUrlList := AValue; // FFormats.Clear; // Formats.Add('text/uri-list'); end; function TfpgMimeDataBase.GetText: TfpgString; var i: integer; s: string; begin { TODO: if no text/plain, but we have HTML, we must strip all tags and return that } for i := 0 to FDataList.Count-1 do begin if TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).format = 'text/plain' then begin s := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).data; Result := s; break; end; end; end; procedure TfpgMimeDataBase.SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); var i: integer; r: TfpgMimeDataStruct; begin { remove existing 'text/plain' first } for i := FDataList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin r := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]); if r.format = 'text/plain' then begin FDataList.Remove(FDataList[i]); break; end; end; { now add new structure } r := TfpgMimeDataStruct.Create('text/plain', AValue); FDataList.Add(r); end; function TfpgMimeDataBase.GetHTML: TfpgString; var i: integer; s: string; begin { TODO: if data was HTML, we must strip all tags - regex will make this easy } for i := 0 to FDataList.Count-1 do begin if TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).format = 'text/html' then begin s := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).data; Result := s; break; end; end; end; procedure TfpgMimeDataBase.SetHTML(const AValue: TfpgString); var i: integer; r: TfpgMimeDataStruct; begin { remove existing 'text/html' first } for i := FDataList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin r := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]); if r.format = 'text/html' then begin FDataList.Remove(FDataList[i]); break; end; end; { now add new structure } r := TfpgMimeDataStruct.Create('text/html', AValue); FDataList.Add(r); end; function TfpgMimeDataBase.GetFormatCout: integer; begin Result := FDataList.Count; end; constructor TfpgMimeDataBase.Create; begin inherited Create; FDataList := TObjectList.Create; end; destructor TfpgMimeDataBase.Destroy; begin FDataList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgMimeDataBase.Clear; begin FUrlList.Clear; FDataList.Clear; end; function TfpgMimeDataBase.HasFormat(const AMimeType: TfpgString): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := False; for i := 0 to FDataList.Count-1 do begin Result := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).format = AMimeType; if Result then break; end; end; function TfpgMimeDataBase.Formats: TStrings; var i: integer; r: TfpgMimeDataStruct; s: string; begin if FDataList.Count = 0 then Result := nil else begin Result := TStringList.Create; for i := 0 to FDataList.Count-1 do begin s := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).format; Result.Add(s); end; end; end; function TfpgMimeDataBase.GetData(const AMimeType: TfpgString): Variant; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FDataList.Count-1 do begin if TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).format = AMimeType then begin Result := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]).data; break; end; end; end; procedure TfpgMimeDataBase.SetData(const AMimeType: TfpgString; const AData: Variant); var i: integer; r: TfpgMimeDataStruct; begin { remove existing mime type first } for i := FDataList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin r := TfpgMimeDataStruct(FDataList[i]); if r.format = AMimeType then begin FDataList.Remove(FDataList[i]); break; end; end; { now add new structure } r := TfpgMimeDataStruct.Create(AMimeType, AData); FDataList.Add(r); end; { TfpgDragBase } constructor TfpgDragBase.Create; begin inherited Create; FDragging := False; end; destructor TfpgDragBase.Destroy; begin FMimeData.Free; inherited Destroy; end; end.