Unit TextSearchQuery; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} // NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer // Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com) // This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt Interface // Encapsulates a parsed search query. uses Classes, SysUtils; Type ESearchSyntaxError = class( Exception ) end; TSearchTermCombineMethod = ( cmOptional, cmRequired, cmExcluded ); TSearchTerm = class(TObject) public Text: string; Parts: TStringList; CombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod; constructor Create( const TheText: string; const TheCombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod ); destructor Destroy; override; end; TTextSearchQuery = class(TObject) protected Terms: TList; function GetTerm( Index: longint ): TSearchTerm; function GetTermCount: longint; public constructor Create( const SearchString: string ); destructor Destroy; override; property Term[ Index: longint ]: TSearchTerm read GetTerm; property TermCount: longint read GetTermCount; end; implementation uses nvUtilities ,ACLStringUtility ; const QueryErrorMissingWord1 = 'No search word given after'; QueryErrorMissingWord2 = ' before '; constructor TTextSearchQuery.Create( const SearchString: string ); var TermText: string; CombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod; lTerm: TSearchTerm; tmpTerms : TStringList; i : integer; begin inherited Create; Terms := TList.Create; try tmpTerms := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStringsQuoted(tmpTerms, SearchString); for i := 0 to tmpTerms.count-1 do begin TermText := tmpTerms[i]; // Check for modifiers: // + word must be matched // - word must not be matched case TermText[ 1 ] of '+': CombineMethod := cmRequired; '-': CombineMethod := cmExcluded; else CombineMethod := cmOptional; end; if CombineMethod <> cmOptional then begin // delete + or - if Length( TermText ) = 1 then if (i < tmpTerms.count-1) then raise ESearchSyntaxError.Create( QueryErrorMissingWord1 + StrInDoubleQuotes(TermText) + QueryErrorMissingWord2 + StrInDoubleQuotes(tmpTerms[i+1]) ) else raise ESearchSyntaxError.Create( QueryErrorMissingWord1 + StrInDoubleQuotes(TermText)); Delete( TermText, 1, 1 ); end; lTerm := TSearchTerm.Create( TermText, CombineMethod ); Terms.Add( lTerm ); end; tmpTerms.Free; except while Terms.Count > 0 do begin lTerm := TSearchTerm(Terms.Last); Terms.Remove(lTerm); lTerm.Free; end; Terms.Free; raise; // reraise exception end; end; destructor TTextSearchQuery.Destroy; begin DestroyListObjects( Terms ); Terms.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TTextSearchQuery.GetTerm( index: longint ): TSearchTerm; begin Result := TSearchTerm(Terms[ Index ]); end; function TTextSearchQuery.GetTermCount: longint; begin Result := Terms.Count; end; constructor TSearchTerm.Create( const TheText: string; const TheCombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod ); var TermParseIndex: longint; TermChar: char; TermPart: string; begin Parts := TStringList.Create; Text := TheText; CombineMethod := TheCombineMethod; // Break out each part of the term as IPF does: // consecutive alphanumeric chars become a "word" // but each symbol is a separate word, and symbols break // up alphanumerics into multiple words. e.g. // CAKE_SAUSAGE becomes three words in IPF, // one each for "CAKE" "_" and "SAUSAGE" TermParseIndex := 1; while TermParseIndex <= Length( Text ) do begin // collect alphanumeric chars TermPart := ''; while TermParseIndex <= Length( Text ) do begin TermChar := Text[ TermParseIndex ]; if ( IsAlpha( TermChar ) or IsDigit( TermChar ) ) then begin // alpha numeric, collect it TermPart := TermPart + TermChar; inc( TermParseIndex ); end else begin // not alpha numeric, so stop break; end; end; if Length( TermPart ) > 0 then begin Parts.Add( TermPart ); // add collected alphanumeric part end; if TermParseIndex <= Length( Text ) then begin // must be a symbol, // each symbol (excluding space) is an individual item if Text[ TermParseIndex ] <> ' ' then Parts.Add( Text[ TermParseIndex ] ); inc( TermParseIndex ); end; end; end; destructor TSearchTerm.Destroy; begin Parts.Free; inherited Destroy; end; end.