# translation of PACKAGE. Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>, 2008. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: FPGUI\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-18 00:00+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-26 14:56+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Graeme Geldenhuys \n" "Language-Team: Afrikaans \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: " #: fpg_constants:rserrnotassigned msgid "<%s> not assigned" msgstr "<%s> n''est pas assigné" #: fpg_constants:rsnewitemdetected msgid "A new item has been detected." msgstr "Un nouvel item a été détecté" #: fpg_constants:rsabort msgid "Abort" msgstr "Arrêter" #: fpg_constants:rsabout msgid "About %s" msgstr "A propos de %s" #: fpg_constants:rsaddcurrentdirectory msgid "Add current directory" msgstr "Ajouter le répertoire courant" #: fpg_constants:rsall msgid "All" msgstr "Tous" #: fpg_constants:rsallfiles msgid "All Files" msgstr "Tous les fichiers" #: fpg_constants:rscollectionallfonts msgid "All Fonts" msgstr "Toutes les polices" #: fpg_constants:rskeyalt msgid "Alt+" msgstr "Alt+" #: fpg_constants:rsantialiasing msgid "Anti aliasing" msgstr "Anti alias" #: fpg_constants:rsshortapr msgid "Apr" msgstr "Avr" #: fpg_constants:rslongapr msgid "April" msgstr "Avril" #: fpg_constants:rsfileattributes msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Attributs" #: fpg_constants:rsshortaug msgid "Aug" msgstr "Aoû" #: fpg_constants:rslongaug msgid "August" msgstr "Août" #: fpg_constants:rskeybksp msgid "BkSp" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rscolorblue msgid "Blue" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsbold msgid "Bold" msgstr "Gras" #: fpg_constants:rscancel msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuler" #: fpg_constants:rscannotcreatedir msgid "Cannot create directory" msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire" #: fpg_constants:rschange msgid "Change" msgstr "Modifier" #: fpg_constants:rschangetitle msgid "Change Title" msgstr "Changer le titre" #: fpg_constants:rscharactermap msgid "Character Map" msgstr "Table de caractères" #: fpg_constants:rscolorpickerhint msgid "Click on Picker and maintain click => release to get the color" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsclose msgid "Close" msgstr "Fermer" #: fpg_constants:rscollection msgid "Collection" msgstr "Collection" #: fpg_constants:rstabsheetcolorwheel msgid "Color Wheel" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsconfigurebookmarks msgid "Configure Bookmarks" msgstr "Configurer les signets" #: fpg_constants:rsconfirm msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Confirmer" #: fpg_constants:rsconfirmation msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "Confirmation" #: fpg_constants:rscontinuous msgid "Continuous" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rscopy msgid "Copy" msgstr "Copier" #: fpg_constants:rserrcouldnotopendir msgid "Could not open the directory <%s>" msgstr "Le répertoire <%s> n''a pas pu être ouvert" #: fpg_constants:rscreate msgid "Create" msgstr "Créer" #: fpg_constants:rscreatedirectory msgid "Create directory" msgstr "Créer le répertoire" #: fpg_constants:rscriticalerror msgid "Critical Error" msgstr "Erreur critique" #: fpg_constants:rskeyctrl msgid "Ctrl+" msgstr "Ctrl+" #: fpg_constants:rscut msgid "Cut" msgstr "Couper" #: fpg_constants:rsdatabase msgid "Database" msgstr "Base de données" #: fpg_constants:rsshortdec msgid "Dec" msgstr "Déc" #: fpg_constants:rslongdec msgid "December" msgstr "Décembre" #: fpg_constants:rskeydel msgid "Del" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsdelete msgid "Delete" msgstr "Supprimer" #: fpg_constants:rsdirectories msgid "Directories" msgstr "Répertoires" #: fpg_constants:rsdirectory msgid "Directory" msgstr "Répertoire" #: fpg_constants:rskeydown msgid "Down" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsdrive msgid "Drive" msgstr "Disque" #: fpg_constants:rsedit msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editer" #: fpg_constants:rskeyend msgid "End" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rslanguage msgid "English" msgstr "Français" #: fpg_constants:rskeyenter msgid "Enter" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsenternewdirectory msgid "Enter new directory name" msgstr "Entrer le nom du nouveau répertoire" #: fpg_constants:rserror msgid "Error" msgstr "Erreur" #: fpg_constants:rskeyesc msgid "Esc" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsexampletext msgid "Example Text" msgstr "Texte exemple" #: fpg_constants:rsexit msgid "Exit" msgstr "Sortir" #: fpg_constants:rserrfailedtocreatedir msgid "Failed to create the directory <%s>" msgstr "Le répertoire <%s> n''a pas pu être ouvert" #: fpg_constants:rsfailedtofindhelpviewer msgid "Failed to find the help viewer." msgstr "Visualiseur d'aide non trouvé" #: fpg_constants:rsfalse msgid "False" msgstr "Faux" #: fpg_constants:rscollectionfavourites msgid "Favourites" msgstr "Favoris" #: fpg_constants:rsshortfeb msgid "Feb" msgstr "Fév" #: fpg_constants:rslongfeb msgid "February" msgstr "Février" #: fpg_constants:rsfileselection msgid "File Selection" msgstr "Sélection fichier" #: fpg_constants:rsfilename msgid "Filename" msgstr "Nom de fichier" #: fpg_constants:rsfiles msgid "Files" msgstr "Fichiers" #: fpg_constants:rsfind msgid "Find" msgstr "Trouver" #: fpg_constants:rscollectionfixedwidth msgid "Fixed Width" msgstr "Longueur fixe" #: fpg_constants:rscollectionfontaliases msgid "Font Aliases" msgstr "Alias" #: fpg_constants:rserrreportfontfilemissing msgid "Font file <%s.fnt> not found" msgstr "Fichier de police <%s.fnt> non trouvé" #: fpg_constants:rsshortfri msgid "Fri" msgstr "Ven" #: fpg_constants:rslongfri msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vendredi" #: fpg_constants:rscolorgreen msgid "Green" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsfilegroup msgid "Group" msgstr "Groupe" #: fpg_constants:rshelp msgid "Help" msgstr "Aide" #: fpg_constants:rshexadecimal msgid "Hexadecimal" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rskeyhome msgid "Home" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsignore msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorer" #: fpg_constants:rserrreportimagefilemissing msgid "Image <%s> is missing" msgstr "Image <%s> introuvable" #: fpg_constants:rsinformation msgid "Information" msgstr "Information" #: fpg_constants:rskeyins msgid "Ins" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsinsert msgid "Insert" msgstr "Insérer" #: fpg_constants:rsinsertfromcharactermap msgid "Insert from Character Map" msgstr "Insérer depuis la table de caractères" #: fpg_constants:rsitalic msgid "Italic" msgstr "Italique" #: fpg_constants:rserritemofwrongtype msgid "Item is not of <%s> type!" msgstr "L''item n''est pas du type <%s>!" #: fpg_constants:rsshortjan msgid "Jan" msgstr "Jan" #: fpg_constants:rslongjan msgid "January" msgstr "Janvier" #: fpg_constants:rsshortjul msgid "Jul" msgstr "Jul" #: fpg_constants:rslongjul msgid "July" msgstr "Juillet" #: fpg_constants:rsshortjun msgid "Jun" msgstr "Jun" #: fpg_constants:rslongjun msgid "June" msgstr "Juin" #: fpg_constants:rskeyleft msgid "Left" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rserrlistmustbeempty msgid "List must be empty" msgstr "La liste doit être vide" #: fpg_constants:rsshortmar msgid "Mar" msgstr "Mar" #: fpg_constants:rslongmar msgid "March" msgstr "Mars" #: fpg_constants:rsshortmay msgid "May" msgstr "Mai" #: fpg_constants:rsmessage msgid "Message" msgstr "Message" #: fpg_constants:rskeymeta msgid "Meta+" msgstr "Meta+" #: fpg_constants:rsfilemodifiedtime msgid "Mod. Time" msgstr "Date modif." #: fpg_constants:rsshortmon msgid "Mon" msgstr "Lun" #: fpg_constants:rslongmon msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lundi" #: fpg_constants:rsmovedown msgid "Move Down" msgstr "Déplacer vers le bas" #: fpg_constants:rsmoveup msgid "Move Up" msgstr "Déplacer vers le haut" #: fpg_constants:rsname msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" #: fpg_constants:rsno msgid "No" msgstr "Non" #: fpg_constants:rsnotoall msgid "No to All" msgstr "Non à tous" #: fpg_constants:rsshortnov msgid "Nov" msgstr "Nov" #: fpg_constants:rslongnov msgid "November" msgstr "Novembre" #: fpg_constants:rsok msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: fpg_constants:rsshortoct msgid "Oct" msgstr "Oct" #: fpg_constants:rslongoct msgid "October" msgstr "Octobre" #: fpg_constants:rsopen msgid "Open" msgstr "Ouvrir" #: fpg_constants:rsopenafile msgid "Open a file" msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier" #: fpg_constants:rsfileowner msgid "Owner" msgstr "Propriétaire" #: fpg_constants:rsfiletypepdf msgid "PDF Documents" msgstr "Documents PDF" #: fpg_constants:rsreportpage msgid "Page" msgstr "Page" #: fpg_constants:rspassword msgid "Password" msgstr "Mot de passe" #: fpg_constants:rspaste msgid "Paste" msgstr "Coller" #: fpg_constants:rskeypgdn msgid "PgDn" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rskeypgup msgid "PgUp" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rstabpredefined msgid "Predefined" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsreportpreview msgid "Preview" msgstr "Prévisualisation" #: fpg_constants:rscollectionrecentlyused msgid "Recently Used" msgstr "Récemment utilisé" #: fpg_constants:rscolorred msgid "Red" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsreplace msgid "Replace" msgstr "Remplacer" #: fpg_constants:rsretry msgid "Retry" msgstr "Retenter" #: fpg_constants:rskeyright msgid "Right" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsfilerights msgid "Rights" msgstr "Droits" #: fpg_constants:rscollectionsans msgid "Sans" msgstr "Sans" #: fpg_constants:rsshortsat msgid "Sat" msgstr "Sam" #: fpg_constants:rslongsat msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samedi" #: fpg_constants:rssave msgid "Save" msgstr "Sauver" #: fpg_constants:rssaveafile msgid "Save file as" msgstr "Sauver sous" #: fpg_constants:rssearch msgid "Search" msgstr "Chercher" #: fpg_constants:rsreportsection msgid "Section" msgstr "Section" #: fpg_constants:rsselect msgid "Select" msgstr "Selectionner" #: fpg_constants:rsselectadirectory msgid "Select a Directory" msgstr "Sélectionner un répertoire" #: fpg_constants:rsselectafont msgid "Select a font" msgstr "Choisir la police" #: fpg_constants:rsshortsep msgid "Sep" msgstr "Sep" #: fpg_constants:rslongsep msgid "September" msgstr "Septembre" #: fpg_constants:rscollectionserif msgid "Serif" msgstr "Serif" #: fpg_constants:rskeyshift msgid "Shift+" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsshowhidden msgid "Show hidden files" msgstr "Montrer les fichiers cachés" #: fpg_constants:rssize msgid "Size" msgstr "Taille" #: fpg_constants:rskeyspace msgid "Space" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsstyle msgid "Style" msgstr "Style" #: fpg_constants:rsshortsun msgid "Sun" msgstr "Dim" #: fpg_constants:rslongsun msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Dimanche" #: fpg_constants:rskeytab msgid "Tab" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rstexttoinsert msgid "Text to Insert" msgstr "Texte à insérer" #: fpg_constants:rserrreportnopagestoprint msgid "There are no pages to print" msgstr "Il n'y a pas de page à imprimer" #: fpg_constants:rsshortthu msgid "Thu" msgstr "Jeu" #: fpg_constants:rslongthu msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Jeudi" #: fpg_constants:rstoday msgid "Today" msgstr "Aujourd''hui" #: fpg_constants:rstrue msgid "True" msgstr "Vrai" #: fpg_constants:rsshorttue msgid "Tue" msgstr "Mar" #: fpg_constants:rslongtue msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Mardi" #: fpg_constants:rsfiletype msgid "Type of file" msgstr "Type de fichier" #: fpg_constants:rstypeface msgid "Typeface" msgstr "Style" #: fpg_constants:rsunderscore msgid "UnderScore" msgstr "Souligné" #: fpg_constants:rskeyup msgid "Up" msgstr "" #: fpg_constants:rsusername msgid "User name" msgstr "Nom utilisateur" #: fpg_constants:rswarning msgid "Warning" msgstr "Alerte" #: fpg_constants:rsshortwed msgid "Wed" msgstr "Mer" #: fpg_constants:rslongwed msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mercredi" #: fpg_constants:rsaddnewitem msgid "Would you like to add the new item <%s> to the list?" msgstr "Voulez-vous ajouter l''item <%s> à la liste?" #: fpg_constants:rsyes msgid "Yes" msgstr "Oui" #: fpg_constants:rsyestoall msgid "Yes to All" msgstr "Oui à tous" #: fpg_constants:rsreportpageof msgid "of" msgstr "de"