{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Style class declarations Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } {%mainunit fpgui.pas} { Default style implementation } {$IFDEF read_interface} { Possible styles } TItemFlags = set of (ifFocused, ifSelected, ifDeactivated); { Possible arrow directions } TArrowDirection = (arrowUp, arrowDown, arrowLeft, arrowRight); { Abstract Style declarations } TStyleAbs = class(TObject) protected UIColorCache: array[0..$18] of TGfxColor; public constructor Create; virtual; // Colors procedure UpdateUIColorCache; function GetGUIColor(Color: TColor): TGfxColor; virtual; abstract; function GetUIColor(AColor: TColor): TGfxColor; procedure SetUIColor(Canvas: TFCanvas; Color: TColor); // General procedure DrawText(Canvas: TFCanvas; const APosition: TPoint; const AText: String; State: TFWidgetState); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawItemBefore(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TItemFlags); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawItemAfter(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TItemFlags); virtual; abstract; procedure Draw3DFrame(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Color1, Color2, Color3, Color4: TColor); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawFocusRect(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawSunkenOuterBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawRaisedOuterBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract; // Windows procedure DrawWindowBackground(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract; // Buttons procedure DrawButtonFace(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TFButtonFlags); virtual; abstract; function GetButtonBorders: TRect; virtual; abstract; // Separators function GetSeparatorSize: Integer; virtual; abstract; procedure DrawSeparator(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AOrientation: TOrientation); virtual; abstract; // Group boxes procedure DrawGroupBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const ALabel: String; WidgetState: TFWidgetState); virtual; abstract; function GetGroupBoxBorders(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ALabel: String; var LabelWidth: Integer): TRect; virtual; abstract; // Edit widgets procedure DrawEditBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const IsReadOnly: Boolean = False); virtual; abstract; function GetEditBoxBorders: TRect; virtual; abstract; // Check boxes procedure DrawCheckBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect, LabelRect: TRect; Flags: TFCheckboxFlags); virtual; abstract; procedure GetCheckboxLayout(const LabelSize: TSize; var TotalSize: TSize; var LabelPos: TPoint); virtual; abstract; // Radio buttons procedure DrawRadioButton(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect, LabelRect: TRect; Flags: TFCheckboxFlags); virtual; abstract; procedure GetRadioButtonLayout(const LabelSize: TSize; var TotalSize: TSize; var LabelPos: TPoint); virtual; abstract; // Combo boxes function GetComboBoxArrowSize: TSize; virtual; abstract; procedure DrawComboBoxArrow(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; IsPressed, IsEnabled: Boolean); virtual; abstract; function GetComboBoxBtnSize: TSize; virtual; abstract; // Scroll bars function GetScrollBarBorders(Orientation: TOrientation): TRect; virtual; abstract; function GetScrollBarBtnSize(Orientation: TOrientation): TSize; virtual; abstract; function GetScrollBarBtnMinSize: Integer; virtual; abstract; procedure DrawScrollBarBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawScrollBarButton(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Direction: TArrowDirection; IsPressed, IsEnabled: Boolean); virtual; abstract; // Scroll boxes function GetScrollBoxBorders: TRect; virtual; abstract; procedure DrawScrollBoxBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract; // Menus function GetMenuBorders(pCanvas: TFCanvas; const pText: string; var pTextWidth: Integer): TRect; virtual; abstract; // Panel/Frame function GetPanelBorders: TRect; virtual; abstract; procedure DrawPanel(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; ABevelStyle: TBevelStyle); virtual; abstract; end; { TDefaultStyle } TBasicStyle = class(TStyleAbs) private FImageCanvas: TFCanvas; FMaskCanvas: TFCanvas; protected procedure DrawDirectionArrows(ACanvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; ADirection: TArrowDirection); procedure DrawCheckBoxCheck(ACanvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AFlags: TFCheckboxFlags); public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; // Colors function GetGUIColor(Color: TColor): TGfxColor; override; // General procedure DrawText(Canvas: TFCanvas; const APosition: TPoint; const AText: String; State: TFWidgetState); override; procedure DrawItemBefore(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TItemFlags); override; procedure DrawItemAfter(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TItemFlags); override; procedure Draw3DFrame(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Color1, Color2, Color3, Color4: TColor); override; procedure DrawFocusRect(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override; procedure DrawSunkenOuterBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override; procedure DrawRaisedOuterBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override; // Windows procedure DrawWindowBackground(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override; // Buttons procedure DrawButtonFace(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TFButtonFlags); override; function GetButtonBorders: TRect; override; // Separators procedure DrawSeparator(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AOrientation: TOrientation); override; function GetSeparatorSize: Integer; override; // Group boxes procedure DrawGroupBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const ALabel: String; WidgetState: TFWidgetState); override; function GetGroupBoxBorders(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ALabel: String; var LabelWidth: Integer): TRect; override; // Edit widgets procedure DrawEditBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const IsReadOnly: Boolean = False); override; function GetEditBoxBorders: TRect; override; // Check boxes procedure DrawCheckBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect, LabelRect: TRect; Flags: TFCheckboxFlags); override; procedure GetCheckboxLayout(const LabelSize: TSize; var TotalSize: TSize; var LabelPos: TPoint); override; // Radio buttons procedure DrawRadioButton(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect, LabelRect: TRect; Flags: TFCheckboxFlags); override; procedure GetRadioButtonLayout(const LabelSize: TSize; var TotalSize: TSize; var LabelPos: TPoint); override; // Combo boxes procedure DrawComboBoxArrow(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; IsPressed, IsEnabled: Boolean); override; function GetComboBoxArrowSize: TSize; override; function GetComboBoxBtnSize: TSize; override; // Scroll bars function GetScrollBarBorders(Orientation: TOrientation): TRect; override; function GetScrollBarBtnSize(Orientation: TOrientation): TSize; override; function GetScrollBarBtnMinSize: Integer; override; procedure DrawScrollBarBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override; procedure DrawScrollBarButton(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Direction: TArrowDirection; IsPressed, IsEnabled: Boolean); override; // Scroll boxes function GetScrollBoxBorders: TRect; override; procedure DrawScrollBoxBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override; // Menus function GetMenuBorders(pCanvas: TFCanvas; const pText: string; var pTextWidth: Integer): TRect; override; // Panel/Frame function GetPanelBorders: TRect; override; procedure DrawPanel(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; ABevelStyle: TBevelStyle); override; end; {$ENDIF read_interface} {$IFDEF read_implementation} { TStyleAbs } constructor TStyleAbs.Create; begin inherited Create; UpdateUIColorCache; end; procedure TStyleAbs.UpdateUIColorCache; var i: TColor; begin for i := 0 to $18 do UIColorCache[i] := GetGUIColor(TColor(i + clScrollBar)); end; function TStyleAbs.GetUIColor(AColor: TColor): TGfxColor; begin if (AColor >= clScrollBar) and (AColor <= clScrollBar + $18) then Result := UIColorCache[TColor(AColor - clScrollBar)] else begin // Result := colBlack; Result.Red := (AColor and $ff) * 257; Result.Green := ((AColor shr 8) and $ff) * 257; Result.Blue := ((AColor shr 16) and $ff) * 257; Result.Alpha := 0; end; end; procedure TStyleAbs.SetUIColor(Canvas: TFCanvas; Color: TColor); var lGfxColor: TGfxColor; begin if (Color >= clScrollBar) and (Color <= clScrollBar + $18) then Canvas.SetColor(UIColorCache[TColor(Color - clScrollBar)]) else begin lGfxColor.Red := (Color and $ff) * 257; lGfxColor.Green := ((Color shr 8) and $ff) * 257; lGfxColor.Blue := ((Color shr 16) and $ff) * 257; lGfxColor.Alpha := 0; Canvas.SetColor(lGfxColor); end; end; { TBasicStyle } const rgbaDkWhite: TGfxColor = (Red: $e000; Green: $e000; Blue: $e000; Alpha: 0); { This gets platform specific colors and focus rectangle styles } {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$I win32/defstyle.inc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} {$I defimpl/defstyle.inc} {$ENDIF} procedure TBasicStyle.DrawDirectionArrows(ACanvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; ADirection: TArrowDirection); var peekx, peeky: Cardinal; basex, basey: Cardinal; side, margin: Cardinal; begin side := (ARect.Right div 4) + 1; margin := side; if ADirection in [arrowUp, arrowDown] then begin peekx := ARect.Left+(ARect.Right div 2); if ADirection = arrowDown then begin peeky := ARect.Top + ARect.Bottom - margin; basey := peeky-side; end else begin // up peeky := ARect.Top+margin; basey := peeky+side; end; LAYOUTTRACE('Triangle Points (%d,%d)(%d,%d)(%d,%d)', [peekx, peeky, peekx+side, basey, peekx-side, basey]); ACanvas.FillTriangle(Point(peekx, peeky), Point(peekx+side, basey), Point(peekx-side, basey)); end else // horizontal begin peeky := ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom div 2); if ADirection = arrowRight then begin peekx := ARect.Left + ARect.Right - margin; basex := peekx - side; end else // left begin peekx := ARect.Left + margin; basex := peekx + side; end; LAYOUTTRACE('Triangle Points (%d,%d)(%d,%d)(%d,%d)', [peekx, peeky, basex, peeky-side, basex, peeky+side]); ACanvas.FillTriangle(Point(peekx, peeky), Point(basex, peeky-side), Point(basex, peeky+side)); end; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawCheckBoxCheck(ACanvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AFlags: TFCheckboxFlags); begin if (cbIsEnabled in AFlags) then SetUIColor(ACanvas, clBtnText) else SetUIColor(ACanvas, cl3DShadow); {$Note As soon as canvas supports a Pen, we need to set the PenWidth} if (cbIsChecked in AFlags) then begin ACanvas.DrawLine(Point(ARect.Left+1, ARect.Top+1), Point(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom)); ACanvas.DrawLine(Point(ARect.Left+2, ARect.Top+1), Point(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom-1)); ACanvas.DrawLine(Point(ARect.Left+1, ARect.Top+2), Point(ARect.Right-1, ARect.Bottom)); ACanvas.DrawLine(Point(ARect.Right-1, ARect.Top+1), Point(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom)); ACanvas.DrawLine(Point(ARect.Right-2, ARect.Top+1), Point(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom-1)); ACanvas.DrawLine(Point(ARect.Right-1, ARect.Top+2), Point(ARect.Left+1, ARect.Bottom)); end; end; constructor TBasicStyle.Create; const // 60x12 pixel 4bpp bitmap RadioBitmapData: array[0..359] of Byte = ( $00, $00, $22, $22, $00, $00, $00, $00, $22, $22, $00, $00, $00, $00, $22, $22, $00, $00, $00, $00, $22, $22, $00, $00, $00, $00, $22, $22, $00, $00, $00, $22, $11, $11, $22, $00, $00, $22, $11, $11, $22, $00, $00, $22, $11, $11, $22, $00, $00, $22, $11, $11, $22, $00, $00, $22, $11, $11, $22, $00, $02, $11, $77, $77, $11, $50, $02, $11, $77, $77, $11, $50, $02, $11, $33, $33, $11, $50, $02, $11, $33, $33, $11, $50, $02, $11, $33, $33, $11, $50, $02, $17, $77, $77, $74, $50, $02, $17, $77, $77, $74, $50, $02, $13, $33, $33, $34, $50, $02, $13, $33, $33, $34, $50, $02, $13, $33, $33, $34, $50, $21, $77, $77, $77, $77, $45, $21, $77, $76, $67, $77, $45, $21, $33, $33, $33, $33, $45, $21, $33, $36, $63, $33, $45, $21, $33, $32, $23, $33, $45, $21, $77, $77, $77, $77, $45, $21, $77, $66, $66, $77, $45, $21, $33, $33, $33, $33, $45, $21, $33, $66, $66, $33, $45, $21, $33, $22, $22, $33, $45, $21, $77, $77, $77, $77, $45, $21, $77, $66, $66, $77, $45, $21, $33, $33, $33, $33, $45, $21, $33, $66, $66, $33, $45, $21, $33, $22, $22, $33, $45, $21, $77, $77, $77, $77, $45, $21, $77, $76, $67, $77, $45, $21, $33, $33, $33, $33, $45, $21, $33, $36, $63, $33, $45, $21, $33, $32, $23, $33, $45, $02, $17, $77, $77, $74, $50, $02, $17, $77, $77, $74, $50, $02, $13, $33, $33, $34, $50, $02, $13, $33, $33, $34, $50, $02, $13, $33, $33, $34, $50, $02, $44, $77, $77, $44, $50, $02, $44, $77, $77, $44, $50, $02, $44, $33, $33, $44, $50, $02, $44, $33, $33, $44, $50, $02, $44, $33, $33, $44, $50, $00, $55, $44, $44, $55, $00, $00, $55, $44, $44, $55, $00, $00, $55, $44, $44, $55, $00, $00, $55, $44, $44, $55, $00, $00, $55, $44, $44, $55, $00, $00, $00, $55, $55, $00, $00, $00, $00, $55, $55, $00, $00, $00, $00, $55, $55, $00, $00, $00, $00, $55, $55, $00, $00, $00, $00, $55, $55, $00, $00 ); 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var PalData: array[0..7] of TGfxColor; Palette: TGfxPalette; Bitmap: TFBitmap; begin inherited Create; FImageCanvas := TFCanvas(GFScreen.CreateBitmapCanvas(65, 33)); FMaskCanvas := TFCanvas(GFScreen.CreateMonoBitmapCanvas(12, 12)); PalData[0] := colMagenta; PalData[1] := GetGUIColor(cl3DDkShadow); PalData[2] := GetGUIColor(cl3DShadow); PalData[3] := GetGUIColor(cl3DFace); PalData[4] := GetGUIColor(cl3DLight); PalData[5] := GetGUIColor(cl3DHighlight); PalData[6] := GetGUIColor(clWindowText); PalData[7] := GetGUIColor(clWindow); Palette := TGfxPalette.Create(8, @PalData); Bitmap := TFBitmap.Create(60, 12, PixelFormatPal4A); BitMap.Palette := Palette; BitMap.SetPixelsFromData(@RadioBitmapData, 30); FImageCanvas.DrawImage(Bitmap, Point(0,0)); Bitmap.Free; Bitmap := TFBitmap.Create(12, 12, PixelFormatMono); Bitmap.SetPixelsFromData(@RadioMaskData, 2); FMaskCanvas.DrawImage(Bitmap, Point(0, 0)); Bitmap.Free; Palette := TGfxPalette.Create(8, @PalData); Bitmap := TFBitmap.Create(66, 13, PixelFormatPal4); BitMap.Palette := Palette; BitMap.SetPixelsFromData(@CheckBoxBitmapData, 33); FImageCanvas.DrawImage(Bitmap, Point(0, 12)); Bitmap.Free; Palette := TGfxPalette.Create(8, @PalData); Bitmap := TFBitmap.Create(64, 8, PixelFormatPal4); BitMap.Palette := Palette; BitMap.SetPixelsFromData(@ArrowBitmapData, 32); FImageCanvas.DrawImage(Bitmap, Point(0, 25)); Bitmap.Free; Palette.Release; end; destructor TBasicStyle.Destroy; begin FImageCanvas.Free; FMaskCanvas.Free; inherited Destroy; end; // helper functions { Draws a 3D frame, its thickness is 2 pixels. The 4 given colors are used in this way: Color1: Outer frame left & top Color2: Inner frame left & top Color3: Outer frame right & bottom Color4: Inner frame right & bottom } procedure TBasicStyle.Draw3DFrame(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Color1, Color2, Color3, Color4: TColor); begin with ARect do begin SetUIColor(Canvas, Color1); {Canvas.DrawPolyLine([Point(Left, Bottom - 2), TopLeft, Point(Right - 1, Top)]);} Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 2), TopLeft); Canvas.DrawLine(TopLeft, Point(Right - 1, Top)); SetUIColor(Canvas, Color2); {Canvas.DrawPolyLine([Point(Left + 1, Bottom - 3), Point(Left + 1, Top + 1), Point(Right - 2, Top + 1)]);} Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + 1, Bottom - 3), Point(Left + 1, Top + 1)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + 1, Top + 1), Point(Right - 2, Top + 1)); SetUIColor(Canvas, Color3); {Canvas.DrawPolyLine([Point(Left, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Top - 1)]);} Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Top - 1)); SetUIColor(Canvas, Color4); {Canvas.DrawPolyLine([Point(Left + 1, Bottom - 2), Point(Right - 2, Bottom - 2), Point(Right - 2, Top)]);} Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + 1, Bottom - 2), Point(Right - 2, Bottom - 2)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 2, Bottom - 2), Point(Right - 2, Top)); end; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawSunkenOuterBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); begin with ARect do begin SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 2), TopLeft); Canvas.DrawLine(TopLeft, Point(Right, Top)); SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DHighlight); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Top - 1)); end; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawRaisedOuterBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); begin with ARect do begin SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DHighlight); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 2), TopLeft); Canvas.DrawLine(TopLeft, Point(Right, Top)); SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Top - 1)); end; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawText(Canvas: TFCanvas; const APosition: TPoint; const AText: String; State: TFWidgetState); begin if not (wsEnabled in State) then begin SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DHighlight); Canvas.TextOut(APosition + Point(1, 1), AText); SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); end; Canvas.TextOut(APosition, AText); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawItemBefore(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TItemFlags); begin if ifSelected in Flags then begin SetUIColor(Canvas, clHighlight); Canvas.FillRect(ARect); SetUIColor(Canvas, clHighlightText); end; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawItemAfter(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TItemFlags); begin if ifFocused in Flags then DrawFocusRect(Canvas, ARect); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawWindowBackground(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); begin // SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DFace); Canvas.FillRect(ARect); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TFButtonFlags); var r: TRect; begin r := ARect; if btnIsSelected in Flags then begin SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DDkShadow); Canvas.DrawRect(r); Inc(r.Left); Inc(r.Top); Dec(r.Right); Dec(r.Bottom); end; if btnIsPressed in Flags then begin SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); Canvas.DrawRect(r); Inc(r.Left); Inc(r.Top); Dec(r.Right); Dec(r.Bottom); end else begin if btnIsEmbedded in Flags then Draw3DFrame(Canvas, r, cl3DLight, cl3DHighlight, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DShadow) else Draw3DFrame(Canvas, r, cl3DHighlight, cl3DLight, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DShadow); Inc(r.Left, 2); Inc(r.Top, 2); Dec(r.Right, 2); Dec(r.Bottom, 2); end; SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DFace); Canvas.FillRect(r); if btnHasFocus in Flags then begin r.Left := ARect.Left + 4; r.Top := ARect.Top + 4; r.Right := ARect.Right - 4; r.Bottom := ARect.Bottom - 4; DrawFocusRect(Canvas, r); end; end; function TBasicStyle.GetButtonBorders: TRect; begin Result := Rect(5, 5, 5, 5); end; function TBasicStyle.GetSeparatorSize: Integer; begin Result := 2; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawSeparator(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AOrientation: TOrientation); var r: TRect; begin with ARect do if AOrientation = Horizontal then r := Rect(Left, Top + (Bottom - Top) div 2 - 1, Right, Top + (Bottom - Top) div 2 + 1) else r := Rect(Left + (Right - Left) div 2 - 1, Top, Left + (Right - Left) div 2 + 1, Bottom); DrawSunkenOuterBorder(Canvas, r); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawGroupBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const ALabel: String; WidgetState: TFWidgetState); var TitleWidth, TitleHeight, TopLine: Integer; begin TitleWidth := Canvas.TextWidth(ALabel); TitleHeight := Canvas.FontCellHeight; TopLine := ARect.Top + TitleHeight div 3; SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DHighlight); with ARect do begin Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + TitleWidth + 10, TopLine + 1), Point(Right - 1, TopLine + 1)); { top - right of text } Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 1, TopLine + 1), Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1)); { right } Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Left + 1, Bottom - 1)); { bottom } Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Left + 1, TopLine + 1)); { left } Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + 1, TopLine + 1), Point(Left + 8, TopLine + 1)); { top - left of text } end; SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); with ARect do begin Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + TitleWidth + 10, TopLine), Point(Right - 2, TopLine)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 2, TopLine), Point(Right - 2, Bottom - 2)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 2, Bottom - 2), Point(Left, Bottom - 2)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 2), Point(Left, TopLine)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, TopLine), Point(Left + 8, TopLine)); end; SetUIColor(Canvas, clWindowText); if ALabel <> '' then DrawText(Canvas, ARect.TopLeft + Point(9, 0), ALabel, WidgetState); end; function TBasicStyle.GetGroupBoxBorders(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ALabel: String; var LabelWidth: Integer): TRect; begin Result := Rect(6, Canvas.FontCellHeight + 4, 6, 6); LabelWidth := Canvas.TextWidth(ALabel) + 6; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawEditBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const IsReadOnly: Boolean); begin Draw3DFrame(Canvas, ARect, cl3DShadow, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DHighlight, cl3DFace); if IsReadOnly then SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DFace) else SetUIColor(Canvas, clWindow); with ARect do Canvas.FillRect(Rect(Left + 2, Top + 2, Right - 2, Bottom - 2)); end; function TBasicStyle.GetEditBoxBorders: TRect; begin Result := Rect(2, 2, 2, 2); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawCheckBox(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect, LabelRect: TRect; Flags: TFCheckboxFlags); var r: TRect; begin SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DFace); Canvas.FillRect(ARect); r.Left := ARect.Left; r.Top := ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - 13) div 2; r.Right := 13; r.Bottom := r.Top + 13; DrawEditBox(Canvas, r); inc(r.Left,2); inc(r.Top,2); dec(r.Right,3); dec(r.Bottom,3); DrawCheckBoxCheck(Canvas, r, Flags); if cbHasFocus in Flags then with LabelRect do DrawFocusRect(Canvas, Rect(Left - 2, Top - 2, Right + 2, Bottom + 2)); end; procedure TBasicStyle.GetCheckboxLayout(const LabelSize: TSize; var TotalSize: TSize; var LabelPos: TPoint); begin TotalSize := Size(LabelSize.cx + 21, Max(13, LabelSize.cy + 4)); LabelPos := Point(19, (TotalSize.cy - LabelSize.cy) div 2); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawRadioButton(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect, LabelRect: TRect; Flags: TFCheckboxFlags); var Index, BtnY: Integer; r: TRect; begin {$Note This is only while I fix the Palette issue under Linux/X11 } {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} with ARect do begin BtnY := Top + (Bottom - Top - 12) div 2; if cbIsEnabled in Flags then begin Index := Ord(cbIsChecked in Flags); if cbIsPressed in Flags then Inc(Index, 2); end else Index := 2 + Ord(cbIsChecked in Flags) * 2; Canvas.MaskedCopyRect(FImageCanvas, FMaskCanvas, Rect(Index * 12, 0, (Index + 1) * 12, 12), Point(0, 0), Point(Left, BtnY)); end; {$ELSE} // cl3DLight, cl3DHighlight, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DShadow SetUIColor(Canvas, clLtGray); r.Left := ARect.Left; r.Top := ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - 13) div 2; r.Right := 13; r.Bottom := r.Top + 13; Canvas.DrawCircle(r); SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); InflateRect(r, -2, -2); Canvas.DrawCircle(r); SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DDkShadow); InflateRect(r, 1, 1); Canvas.DrawCircle(r); if cbIsChecked in Flags then begin SetUIColor(Canvas, clNavy); InflateRect(r, -3, -3); Canvas.DrawCircle(r); InflateRect(r, -1, -1); Canvas.FillRect(r); InflateRect(r, 1, 1); SetUIColor(Canvas, clSkyBlue); InflateRect(r, -2, -2); OffsetRect(r, -1, -1); Canvas.FillRect(r); end; {$ENDIF} if cbHasFocus in Flags then with LabelRect do DrawFocusRect(Canvas, Rect(Left - 2, Top - 2, Right + 2, Bottom + 2)); end; procedure TBasicStyle.GetRadioButtonLayout(const LabelSize: TSize; var TotalSize: TSize; var LabelPos: TPoint); begin TotalSize := Size(LabelSize.cx + 20, Max(12, LabelSize.cy + 4)); LabelPos := Point(18, (TotalSize.cy - LabelSize.cy) div 2); end; function TBasicStyle.GetComboBoxArrowSize: TSize; begin Result.cx := 17; Result.cy := 17; end; function TBasicStyle.GetComboBoxBtnSize: TSize; begin Result.cx := 18; Result.cy := 18; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawComboBoxArrow(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; IsPressed, IsEnabled: Boolean); var r: TRect; begin r := ARect; if IsEnabled then begin Canvas.SetColor(GetGUIColor(clBtnText)); if IsPressed then begin r.Top := ARect.Top + 1; r.Left := ARect.Left + 1; end; end else Canvas.SetColor(GetGUIColor(cl3DShadow)); DrawDirectionArrows(Canvas, r, arrowDown); end; function TBasicStyle.GetScrollBarBorders(Orientation: TOrientation): TRect; begin Result := Rect(1, 1, 1, 1); end; function TBasicStyle.GetScrollBarBtnSize(Orientation: TOrientation): TSize; begin Result.cx := 18; Result.cy := 18; end; function TBasicStyle.GetScrollBarBtnMinSize: Integer; begin Result := 30; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawScrollBarBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); begin with ARect do begin SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 1), TopLeft); Canvas.DrawLine(TopLeft, Point(Right, Top)); SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DHighlight); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1)); Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 1, Bottom - 1), Point(Right - 1, Top)); SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DFace); Canvas.FillRect(Rect(Left, Bottom - 1, Left + 1, Bottom)); Canvas.FillRect(Rect(Right - 1, Top, Right, Top + 1)); end; end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawScrollBarButton(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Direction: TArrowDirection; IsPressed, IsEnabled: Boolean); var r: TRect; begin r := ARect; if IsEnabled then begin SetUIColor(Canvas, clBtnText); if IsPressed then begin r.Top := ARect.Top + 1; r.Left := ARect.Left + 1; end; end else SetUIColor(Canvas, cl3DShadow); DrawDirectionArrows(Canvas, r, Direction); end; function TBasicStyle.GetScrollBoxBorders: TRect; begin Result := Rect(2, 2, 2, 2); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawScrollBoxBorder(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect); begin Draw3DFrame(Canvas, ARect, cl3DShadow, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DHighlight, cl3DLight); end; function TBasicStyle.GetMenuBorders(pCanvas: TFCanvas; const pText: string; var pTextWidth: Integer): TRect; begin pTextWidth := pCanvas.TextWidth(pText) + 6; // Result := Rect(2, 2, 6, pCanvas.FontCellHeight+4); Result := Rect(6, 2, 2, 2); // Result := Rect(6, pCanvas.FontCellHeight + 4, 6, 6); end; function TBasicStyle.GetPanelBorders: TRect; begin Result := Rect(5, 5, 5, 5); end; procedure TBasicStyle.DrawPanel(Canvas: TFCanvas; const ARect: TRect; ABevelStyle: TBevelStyle); begin // bsPlain, bsLowered, bsRaised if ABevelStyle = bsPlain then DrawWindowBackground(Canvas, ARect) else if ABevelStyle = bsLowered then DrawSunkenOuterBorder(Canvas, ARect) else DrawRaisedOuterBorder(Canvas, ARect); // Draw3DFrame(Canvas, ARect, cl3DHighlight, cl3DFace, cl3DFace, cl3DShadow); end; {$ENDIF read_implementation}