{ << Impressions >> U_Commande.pas Copyright (C) 2010 - JM.Levecque - This library is a free software coming as a add-on to fpGUI toolkit See the copyright included in the fpGUI distribution for details about redistribution This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit builds the objects in memory to produce either the preview or pdf file } unit U_Command; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, U_Pdf; type TZone = (zEnTete,zPied,zPage,zMarges); TSectPageNum = (PageNum,SectNum,PSectNum); TBorderFlags= set of (bfLeft,bfRight,bfTop,bfBottom); TDimensions= record T: Single; L: Single; R: Single; B: Single; end; TPaper= record H: Integer; W: Integer; Printable: TDimensions; end; // document classes T_Section = class private FNumSect: Integer; FNbPages: Integer; FPaper: TPaper; FMargins: TDimensions; FBotHead: Single; FTopFoot: Single; FPages: TList; FHeader: TList; FFooter: TList; FFrames: TList; FColumns: TList; FTitle: string; function GetFirstPage: Integer; function GetTotalPages: Integer; public constructor Create(APaper: TPaper; AMargins: TDimensions; ANum: Integer); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadPage(APageNum: Integer); procedure LoadCmdHeader; procedure LoadCmdPage; procedure LoadCmdFooter; procedure LoadCmdGroup; procedure LoadCmdGroupToPage; procedure LoadSpaceHeader(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); procedure LoadSpacePage(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); procedure LoadSpaceFooter(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); procedure LoadSpaceGroup(AHeight: Single); procedure LoadFrame(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone); procedure LoadLine(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); procedure LoadLineHorizEnTete(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); procedure LoadLineHorizPage(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); procedure LoadLineHorizPied(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); procedure LoadLineHorizGroupe(AHeight: Single); procedure LoadSurf(APos: T_Points; AColor: TfpgColor); function GetCmdPage(NumPage: Integer): TList; property CmdHeader: TList read FHeader; property CmdFooter: TList read FFooter; property NbPages: Integer read FNbPages; property FirstPage: Integer read GetFirstPage; property Pages: TList read FPages; property TotPages: Integer read GetTotalPages; property Paper: TPaper read FPaper; property Margins: TDimensions read FMargins; property CmdFrames: TList read FFrames; property Columns: TList read FColumns; property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; end; T_Page = class private FNumPageTot: Integer; FNumPageSect: Integer; FCommands: TList; public constructor Create(ANumSec,ANumTot: Integer); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Commands: TList read FCommands write FCommands; property PagesTot: Integer read FNumPageTot; property PagesSect: Integer read FNumPageSect; end; T_Group = class private FLineHeight: Single; FGroupHeight: Single; FCommands: TList; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Commands: TList read FCommands write FCommands; property LineHeight: Single read FLineHeight; property GroupeHeight: Single read FGroupHeight; end; T_WriteLine = class private FHeight: Integer; FCommands: TList; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadText(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,AText,AFont,AHeight,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); procedure LoadNumber(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,ATextNum,ATextTot,AFont,AHeight,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); property Commands: TList read FCommands; property LineHeight: Integer read FHeight; end; // command classes T_Command = class end; PSection = ^T_Section; PPage = ^T_Page; PLigne = ^T_WriteLine; PCommande = ^T_Command; PFont = ^TfpgFont; T_WriteText = class(T_Command) private FPosX: Single; FPosY: Single; FColumn: Integer; FText: Integer; FFont: Integer; FBackColor: Integer; FBorder: Integer; FLineSpace: Integer; FCurFont: Boolean; FFlags: TfpgTextFlags; public constructor Create(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,AText,AFont,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); virtual; procedure SetPosY(const AValue: Single); property GetPosX: Single read FPosX; property GetPosY: Single read FPosY; property GetColumn: Integer read FColumn; property GetText: Integer read FText; property GetFont: Integer read FFont; property GetBackColor: Integer read FBackColor; property GetBorder: Integer read FBorder; property GetLineSpace: Integer read FLineSpace; property GetCurFont: Boolean read FCurFont; property GetFlags: TfpgTextFlags read FFlags; end; T_Number = class(T_Command) private FPosX: Single; FPosY: Single; FColumn: Integer; FTextNum: Integer; FTextTot: Integer; FFont: Integer; FBackColor: Integer; FBorder: Integer; FLineSpace: Integer; FCurFont: Boolean; FFlags: TfpgTextFlags; FTotal: Boolean; FAlpha: Boolean; FTypeNum: TSectPageNum; public constructor Create(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,ATextNum,ATextTot,AFont,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); virtual; procedure SetPosY(const AValue: Single); property GetPosX: Single read FPosX; property GetPosY: Single read FPosY; property GetColumn: Integer read FColumn; property GetTextNum: Integer read FTextNum; property GetTextTot: Integer read FTextTot; property GetFont: Integer read FFont; property GetBackColor: Integer read FBackColor; property GetBorder: Integer read FBorder; property GetLineSpace: Integer read FLineSpace; property GetCurFont: Boolean read FCurFont; property GetFlags: TfpgTextFlags read FFlags; property GetTotal: Boolean read FTotal; property GetAlpha: Boolean read FAlpha; property GetTypeNum: TSectPageNum read FTypeNum; end; T_Line = class(T_Command) private FPosX: Single; FPosY: Single; FColumn: Integer; FStyle: Integer; FEndX: Single; FEndY: Single; public constructor Create(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,AStyle: Integer; AEndX,AEndY: Single); virtual; property GetPosX: Single read FPosX; property GetPosY: Single read FPosY; property GetColumn: Integer read FColumn; property GetStyle: Integer read FStyle; property GetEndX: Single read FEndX; property GetEndY: Single read FEndY; end; T_Column = class(T_Command) private FPos: Single; FWidth: Single; FMargin: Single; FColor: TfpgColor; public constructor Create(APos,AWidth,AMargin: Single; AColor: TfpgColor); virtual; function GetTextPos: Single; function GetTextWidth: Single; procedure SetColColor(AColor: TfpgColor); property ColPos: Single read FPos write FPos; property ColWidth: Single read FWidth write FWidth; property ColMargin: Single read FMargin write FMargin; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; end; T_Font = class(T_Command) private FFont: TfpgFont; FColor: TfpgColor; FSize: string; public constructor Create(AFont: string; AColor: TfpgColor); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function GetHeight: Integer; property GetFont: TfpgFont read FFont; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; property GetSize: string read FSize; end; T_LineSpace = class(T_Command) private FSup: Single; FInt: Single; FInf: Single; public constructor Create(ASup,AInt,AInf: Single); virtual; property GetSup: Single read FSup; property GetInt: Single read FInt; property GetInf: Single read FInf; end; T_Space = class(T_Command) private FPosY: Single; FColumn: Integer; FHeight: Single; FBackColor: Integer; public constructor Create(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); virtual; procedure SetPosY(const AValue: Single); property GetPosY: Single read FPosY; property GetColumn: Integer read FColumn; property GetHeight: Single read FHeight; property GetBackColor: Integer read FBackColor; end; T_BackColor = class(T_Command) private FColor: TfpgColor; public constructor Create(AColor: TfpgColor); virtual; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; end; T_LineStyle = class(T_Command) private FThick: Single; FColor: TfpgColor; FStyle: TfpgLineStyle; public constructor Create(AThick: Single; AColor: Tfpgcolor; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle); virtual; property GetThick: Single read FThick; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; property GetStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FStyle; end; T_Border = class(T_Command) private FFlags: TBorderFlags; FStyle: Integer; public constructor Create(AFlags: TBorderFlags; AStyle: Integer); property GetFlags: TBorderFlags read FFlags; property GetStyle: Integer read FStyle; end; T_Frame = class(T_Command) private FStyle: Integer; FZone: TZone; public constructor Create(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone); property GetStyle: Integer read FStyle; property GetZone: TZone read FZone; end; T_Surface = class(T_Command) private FPoints: T_Points; FColor: TfpgColor; public constructor Create(APoints: array of TRefPos; AColor: TfpgColor); property GetPoints: T_Points read FPoints; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; end; var Sections: TList; // Columns: TList; Texts: TStringList; Fonts: TList; LineSpaces: TList; BackColors: TList; LineStyles: TList; Borders: TList; VSection: T_Section; VPage: T_Page; VGroup: T_Group; VWriteLine: T_WriteLine; VCommand: T_Command; VColumn: T_Column; VBackColor: T_BackColor; VFont: T_Font; VLineSpace: T_LineSpace; VLineStyle: T_LineStyle; VBorder: T_Border; implementation // utility functions // extracts the font size from the fontdesc function ExtractFontSize(const AValue: string): string; begin if Pos(':',AValue)> 0 then Result:= Copy(AValue,Succ(Pos('-',AValue)),Pred(Pos(':',Avalue)-Pos('-',AValue))) else Result:= Copy(AValue,Succ(Pos('-',AValue)),Length(AValue)-Pos('-',AValue)); end; // document class methods function T_Section.GetFirstPage: Integer; begin Result:= T_Page(Pages[0]).PagesTot; end; function T_Section.GetTotalPages: Integer; begin if Pages.Count> 0 then Result:= T_Page(Pages[Pred(Pages.Count)]).PagesTot else Result:= 0; end; constructor T_Section.Create(APaper: TPaper; AMargins: TDimensions; ANum: Integer); begin FNumSect:= ANum; FNbPages:= 0; FPaper:= APaper; FMargins:= AMargins; FBotHead:= FMargins.T; FTopFoot:= FMargins.B; FPages:= TList.Create; FHeader:= TList.Create; FFooter:= TList.Create; FFrames:= TList.Create; FColumns:= TList.Create; end; destructor T_Section.Destroy; var Cpt: Integer; begin if FPages.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FPages.Count) do T_Page(FPages[Cpt]).Free; FPages.Free; if FHeader.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FHeader.Count) do T_Command(FHeader[Cpt]).Free; FHeader.Free; if FFooter.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FFooter.Count) do T_Command(FFooter[Cpt]).Free; FFooter.Free; if FFrames.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FFrames.Count) do T_Command(FFrames[Cpt]).Free; FFrames.Free; if FColumns.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FColumns.Count) do T_Command(FColumns[Cpt]).Free; FColumns.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure T_Section.LoadPage(APageNum: Integer); begin Inc(FNbPages); VPage:= T_Page.Create(FNbPages,APageNum); FPages.Add(VPage); end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdHeader; var Cpt: Integer; begin for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do FHeader.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VWriteLine.FHeight:= 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdPage; var Cpt: Integer; begin for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VWriteLine.FHeight:= 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdFooter; var Cpt: Integer; begin for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do FFooter.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VWriteLine.FHeight:= 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdGroup; var Cpt: Integer; begin for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do VGroup.Commands.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); with VGroup do begin FLineHeight:= VWriteLine.FHeight; FGroupHeight:= FGroupHeight+FLineHeight; end; VWriteLine.FHeight:= 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdGroupToPage; var Cpt: Integer; begin for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(VGroup.Commands.Count) do T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VGroup.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VGroup.FGroupHeight:= 0; VGroup.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpaceHeader(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); begin VCommand:= T_Space.Create(APosY,AColumn,AHeight,ABackColor); FHeader.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpacePage(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); begin VCommand:= T_Space.Create(APosY,AColumn,AHeight,ABackColor); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpaceFooter(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); begin VCommand:= T_Space.Create(APosY,AColumn,AHeight,ABackColor); FFooter.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpaceGroup(AHeight: Single); begin VGroup.FGroupHeight:= VGroup.FGroupHeight+AHeight; end; procedure T_Section.LoadFrame(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone); begin VCommand:= T_Frame.Create(AStyle,AZone); FFrames.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLine(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); begin VCommand:= T_Line.Create(APosXBegin,APosYBegin,AColumn,AStyle,APosXEnd,APosYEnd); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizEnTete(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); begin VCommand:= T_Line.Create(APosXBegin,APosYBegin,AColumn,AStyle,APosXEnd,APosYEnd); FHeader.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizPage(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); begin VCommand:= T_Line.Create(APosXBegin,APosYBegin,AColumn,AStyle,APosXEnd,APosYEnd); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizPied(APosXBegin,APosYBegin: Single; AColumn: Integer; APosXEnd,APosYEnd: Single; AStyle: Integer); begin VCommand:= T_Line.Create(APosXBegin,APosYBegin,AColumn,AStyle,APosXEnd,APosYEnd); FFooter.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizGroupe(AHeight: Single); begin VGroup.FGroupHeight:= VGroup.FGroupHeight+AHeight; end; procedure T_Section.LoadSurf(APos: T_Points; AColor: TfpgColor); begin VCommand:= T_Surface.Create(APos,AColor); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; function T_Section.GetCmdPage(NumPage: Integer): TList; begin Result:= T_Page(Pages[Pred(NumPage)]).Commands; end; constructor T_Page.Create(ANumSec,ANumTot: Integer); begin FNumPageTot:= ANumTot; FNumPageSect:= ANumSec; FCommands:= TList.Create; end; destructor T_Page.Destroy; var Cpt: Integer; begin if FCommands.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FCommands.Count) do T_Command(FCommands[Cpt]).Free; FCommands.Free; inherited Destroy; end; constructor T_Group.Create; begin FLineHeight:= 0; FGroupHeight:= 0; FCommands:= TList.Create; end; destructor T_Group.Destroy; var Cpt: Integer; begin if FCommands.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FCommands.Count) do T_Command(FCommands[Cpt]).Free; FCommands.Free; inherited Destroy; end; constructor T_WriteLine.Create; begin FHeight:= 0; FCommands:= TList.Create; end; destructor T_WriteLine.Destroy; var Cpt: Integer; begin if FCommands.Count> 0 then for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FCommands.Count) do T_Command(FCommands[Cpt]).Free; FCommands.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure T_WriteLine.LoadText(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,AText,AFont,AHeight,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); begin if FHeight< AHeight then FHeight:= AHeight; VCommand:= T_WriteText.Create(APosX,APosY,AColumn,AText,AFont,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace,ACurFont,AFlags); Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_WriteLine.LoadNumber(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,ATextNum,ATextTot,AFont,AHeight,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); begin if FHeight< AHeight then FHeight:= AHeight; VCommand:= T_Number.Create(APosX,APosY,AColumn,ATextNum,ATextTot,AFont,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace,ACurFont,AFlags,ATotal,AAlpha,ATypeNum); Commands.Add(VCommand); end; // command class methods procedure T_WriteText.SetPosY(const AValue: Single); begin if FPosY<> AValue then FPosY:= AValue; end; constructor T_WriteText.Create(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,AText,AFont,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); begin inherited Create; FPosX:= APosX; FPosY:= APosY; FColumn:= AColumn; FText:= AText; FFont:= AFont; FBackColor:= ABackColor; FBorder:= ABorder; FLineSpace:= ALineSpace; FCurFont:= ACurFont; FFlags:= AFlags; end; procedure T_Number.SetPosY(const AValue: Single); begin if FPosY<> AValue then FPosY:= AValue; end; constructor T_Number.Create(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,ATextNum,ATextTot,AFont,ABackColor,ABorder,ALineSpace: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); begin inherited Create; FPosX:= APosX; FPosY:= APosY; FColumn:= AColumn; FTextNum:= ATextNum; FTextTot:= ATextTot; FFont:= AFont; FBackColor:= ABackColor; FBorder:= ABorder; FLineSpace:= ALineSpace; FCurFont:= ACurFont; FFlags:= AFlags; FTotal:= ATotal; FAlpha:= AAlpha; FTypeNum:= ATypeNum; end; constructor T_Line.Create(APosX,APosY: Single; AColumn,AStyle: Integer; AEndX,AEndY: Single); begin FPosX:= APosX; FPosY:= APosY; FColumn:= AColumn; FStyle:= AStyle; FEndX:= AEndX; FEndY:= AEndY; end; constructor T_Column.Create(APos,AWidth,AMargin: Single; AColor: TfpgColor); begin inherited Create; FPos:= APos; FWidth:= AWidth; FMargin:= AMargin; FColor:= AColor; end; function T_Column.GetTextPos: Single; begin Result:= FPos+FMargin; end; function T_Column.GetTextWidth: Single; begin Result:= FWidth-(FMargin*2); end; procedure T_Column.SetColColor(AColor: TfpgColor); begin if FColor<> AColor then FColor:= AColor; end; constructor T_Font.Create(AFont: string; AColor: TfpgColor); begin inherited Create; FFont:= fpgApplication.GetFont(AFont); FColor:= AColor; FSize:= ExtractFontSize(AFont); end; destructor T_Font.Destroy; begin FFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function T_Font.GetHeight: Integer; begin Result:= TfpgFont(FFont).Height; end; constructor T_LineSpace.Create(ASup,AInt,AInf: Single); begin inherited Create; FSup:= ASup; FInt:= AInt; FInf:= AInf; end; constructor T_Space.Create(APosY: Single; AColumn: Integer; AHeight: Single; ABackColor: Integer); begin inherited Create; FPosY:= APosY; FColumn:= AColumn; FHeight:= AHeight; FBackColor:= ABackColor; end; constructor T_Surface.Create(APoints: array of TRefPos; AColor: TfpgColor); var Cpt: Integer; begin inherited Create; SetLength(FPoints,Length(APoints)); for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Length(FPoints)) do FPoints[Cpt]:= APoints[Cpt]; FColor:= AColor; end; procedure T_Space.SetPosY(const AValue: Single); begin if FPosY<> AValue then FPosY:= AValue; end; constructor T_BackColor.Create(AColor: TfpgColor); begin FColor:= AColor; end; constructor T_LineStyle.Create(AThick: Single; AColor: Tfpgcolor; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle); begin inherited Create; FThick:= AThick; FColor:= AColor; FStyle:= AStyle; end; constructor T_Border.Create(AFlags: TBorderFlags; AStyle: Integer); begin FFlags:= AFlags; FStyle:= AStyle; end; constructor T_Frame.Create(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone); begin FStyle:= AStyle; FZone:= AZone; end; end.