unit ats_main; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils; type TatsFormat = (atsPureText, atsPascalSource, atsCSV); TatsTextItem = record LangId : string; Text : string; end; { TatsTextRow } TatsTextRow = class protected FTextId : string; FTexts : array of TatsTextItem; public constructor Create(const atextid : string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetText(const alangid, atext : string); procedure DeleteText(const alangid : string); function GetText(const alangid : string; var afound : boolean) : string; property TextId : string read FTextId; end; { TatsTextTable } TatsTextTable = class private FLangIds : TStringList; FTable : TStringList; FCurrentLangId : string; protected function FindRow(const atextid : string) : TatsTextRow; function AddRow(const atextid : string) : TatsTextRow; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure AddLang(const alangid : string); procedure SetText(const atextid, alangid, atext : string); function GetText(const atextid, alangid : string; var found : boolean) : string; overload; function GetText(const atextid : string) : string; overload; // later this can prepare a fast search table too: procedure SelectLang(const alangid : string); //procedure SetFallbackOrder(const alangids : string); property CurrentLang : string read FCurrentLangId; public function LoadFromFile(const afilename : string) : boolean; function LoadFromPascalFile(const afilename : string) : boolean; function LoadFromArray(const aarr : array of string) : boolean; procedure LoadPureText(const fdata : string); procedure SaveToFile(const afilename : string; aformat : TatsFormat); // utility functions function RowCount : integer; function GetRow(arow : integer) : TatsTextRow; property LangList : TStringList read FLangIds; end; var atsTexts : TatsTextTable; function atsGetText(const atextid : string) : string; function atsText(const atextid : string) : string; implementation uses ptrparsefunc; function atsGetText(const atextid : string) : string; begin result := atsTexts.GetText(atextid); end; function atsText(const atextid : string) : string; begin result := atsTexts.GetText(atextid); end; { TatsTextRow } constructor TatsTextRow.Create(const atextid : string); begin FTextId := atextid; SetLength(FTexts,0); end; destructor TatsTextRow.Destroy; var n : integer; begin // good to be sure about freeing ansi string for n := 0 to length(FTexts)-1 do begin FTexts[n].LangId := ''; FTexts[n].Text := ''; end; SetLength(FTexts,0); end; procedure TatsTextRow.SetText(const alangid, atext: string); var n : integer; begin // search for an existing for n := 0 to length(FTexts)-1 do begin if FTexts[n].LangId = alangid then begin FTexts[n].Text := atext; Exit; //==> end; end; // add as new n := length(FTexts); SetLength(FTexts,n+1); FTexts[n].LangId := alangid; FTexts[n].Text := atext; end; procedure TatsTextRow.DeleteText(const alangid: string); var n : integer; begin // search for an existing n := 0; while (n < length(FTexts)) and (FTexts[n].LangId <> alangid) do begin inc(n); end; // for ansi string safety if n < length(FTexts) then begin FTexts[n].LangId := ''; FTexts[n].Text := ''; inc(n); end; while (n < length(FTexts)) do begin FTexts[n-1] := FTexts[n]; inc(n); end; SetLength(FTexts,length(FTexts)-1); end; function TatsTextRow.GetText(const alangid: string; var afound : boolean) : string; var n : integer; begin // search for an existing for n := 0 to length(FTexts)-1 do begin if FTexts[n].LangId = alangid then begin result := FTexts[n].Text; afound := true; Exit; //==> end; end; result := ''; afound := false; end; { TatsTextTable } function TatsTextTable.FindRow(const atextid: string) : TatsTextRow; var i : integer; begin i := FTable.IndexOf(atextid); if i >= 0 then result := TatsTextRow(FTable.Objects[i]) else result := nil; end; function TatsTextTable.AddRow(const atextid: string) : TatsTextRow; begin result := FindRow(atextid); if result = nil then begin result := TatsTextRow.Create(atextid); FTable.AddObject(atextid, result); end; end; constructor TatsTextTable.Create; begin FTable := TStringList.Create; FLangIds := TStringList.Create; FCurrentLangId := ''; end; destructor TatsTextTable.Destroy; begin Clear; FTable.Free; FLangIds.Free; end; procedure TatsTextTable.Clear; var n : integer; begin for n := 0 to FTable.Count - 1 do begin TatsTextRow(FTable.Objects[n]).Free; end; FTable.Clear; FLangIds.Clear; end; procedure TatsTextTable.AddLang(const alangid: string); var i : integer; begin i := FLangIds.IndexOf(alangid); if i < 0 then FLangIds.Add(alangid); if FCurrentLangId = '' then FCurrentLangId := alangid; end; procedure TatsTextTable.SetText(const atextid, alangid, atext: string); var tr : TatsTextRow; begin AddLang(alangid); tr := AddRow(atextid); tr.SetText(alangid, atext); end; function TatsTextTable.GetText(const atextid, alangid: string; var found: boolean): string; var tr : TatsTextRow; begin tr := FindRow(atextid); if tr <> nil then result := tr.GetText(alangid, found) else begin result := ''; found := false; end; end; function TatsTextTable.GetText(const atextid: string): string; var found : boolean; begin result := GetText(atextid, FCurrentLangId, found); if not found then begin // some fallback mechanism result := '#'+atextid+'@'+FCurrentLangId; end; end; procedure TatsTextTable.SelectLang(const alangid: string); var i : integer; begin i := FLangIds.indexof(alangid); if i >= 0 then begin FCurrentLangId := alangid; end; end; function GetFileContent(const afilename : string) : string; var f : file; toread, rcnt, brres : integer; begin try AssignFile(f,afilename); Reset(f,1); toread := FileSize(f); rcnt := 0; SetLength(result, toread); repeat BlockRead(f, result[1+rcnt], toread, brres); if brres > 0 then begin inc(rcnt,brres); dec(toread,brres); end; until toread <= 0; finally CloseFile(f); end; end; procedure PutFileContent(const afilename : string; const adata : string); var f : file; towrite, wcnt, wrres : integer; begin try AssignFile(f,afilename); Rewrite(f,1); towrite := length(adata); wcnt := 0; repeat BlockWrite(f, adata[1+wcnt], towrite, wrres); if wrres > 0 then begin inc(wcnt,wrres); dec(towrite,wrres); end; until towrite <= 0; finally CloseFile(f); end; end; function TatsTextTable.LoadFromFile(const afilename: string): boolean; var fdata : string; begin fdata := GetFileContent(afilename); //writeln('File content:'); //writeln(fdata); LoadPureText(fdata); result := true; end; function TatsTextTable.LoadFromPascalFile(const afilename : string) : boolean; var fdata, data : string; rp,sp,ep : PChar; // read ptr, start ptr, end ptr len : integer; tid, lid, txt : string; inquote : boolean; begin result := false; fdata := GetFileContent(afilename); if fdata = '' then Exit; sp := @fdata[1]; ep := sp + length(fdata); rp := sp; // skipping UTF8 marker first ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, #$EF#$BB#$BF); ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if not ppCheckSymbolCI(rp, ep, 'array') then EXIT; ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if not ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, '[') then EXIT; if not ppSearchPattern(rp, ep, ']', len) then EXIT; ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if not ppCheckSymbolCI(rp, ep, 'of') then EXIT; ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if not ppCheckSymbolCI(rp, ep, 'string') then EXIT; ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if not ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, '=') then EXIT; ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if not ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, '(') then EXIT; ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); data := ''; inquote := false; while rp < ep do begin if not inquote then begin ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, '''') then begin inquote := true; sp := rp; end else if ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, ',') then begin // just skip ip ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); end else if ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, ')') then begin // closing char break; end else begin // invalid char break; end; end; if inquote then begin if ppReadTo(rp, ep, '''', len) then begin // closing quote or double quote if len > 0 then data := data + ppMakeString(sp, len); inc(rp); if (rp < ep) and (rp^ = '''') then begin data := data + ''''; inc(rp); sp := rp; end else begin data := data + #10; inquote := false; end; end; end; end; // while //writeln('Pure content:'); //writeln(data); LoadPureText(data); result := true; end; function TatsTextTable.LoadFromArray(const aarr: array of string): boolean; var fdata : string; n : integer; begin fdata := ''; for n := low(aarr) to high(aarr) do begin fdata := fdata + aarr[n] + #10; end; LoadPureText(fdata); end; procedure TatsTextTable.LoadPureText(const fdata: string); var rp,sp,ep : PChar; // read ptr, start ptr, end ptr len : integer; tid, lid, txt : string; begin if fdata = '' then Exit; sp := @fdata[1]; ep := sp + length(fdata); rp := sp; // skipping UTF8 marker first ppCheckSymbol(rp, ep, #$EF#$BB#$BF); ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); tid := '???'; while rp < ep do begin sp := rp; // reading identifier (txt or lang) if ppReadTo(rp, ep, '=:', len) then begin if rp^ = ':' then begin // text id is this tid := trim(ppMakeString(sp, len)); inc(rp); // skip ':' end else if rp^ = '=' then begin // lang id is this lid := trim(ppMakeString(sp,len)); inc(rp); // skip '=' ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); if not ppCheckSymbol(rp,ep,'"') then begin // starting quote is missing end; txt := ''; sp := rp; if ppReadTo(rp, ep, '"', len) then begin txt := ppMakeString(sp,len); inc(rp); end else begin // end quote is missing end; if txt <> '' then begin atsTexts.SetText(tid, lid, txt); end; end; ppSkipSpaces(rp, ep); end; // reading identifier end; end; procedure TatsTextTable.SaveToFile(const afilename: string; aformat: TatsFormat); var sl : TStringList; tr : TatsTextRow; n,i : integer; s : string; b : boolean; fdata : string; begin sl := TStringList.Create; for n:=0 to FTable.Count-1 do begin tr := TatsTextRow(FTable.Objects[n]); if aformat = atsCSV then begin s := '"'+tr.TextId+'"'; for i := 0 to FLangIds.Count-1 do begin s := s + ',"' + tr.GetText(FLangIds[i],b) + '"'; end; sl.Add(s); end else begin sl.Add(tr.TextID+':'); for i := 0 to FLangIds.Count-1 do begin s := tr.GetText(FLangIds[i],b); if b then sl.Add(' '+FLangIds[i]+'="'+s+'"'); end; end; end; // assembly the final buffer if aformat = atsCSV then begin fdata := '"ATSF1"'; for i := 0 to FLangIds.Count-1 do begin fdata := fdata + ',"' + FLangIds[i] + '"'; end; for n := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin fdata := fdata + #13#10 + sl[n]; end; end else if aformat = atsPascalSource then begin fdata := 'array[1..'+IntToStr(sl.Count)+'] of string = ('+#13#10; s := ' '; for n := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin fdata := fdata + ' ' + s + QuotedStr(sl[n]) + #13#10; s := ','; end; fdata := fdata + #13#10 + ');' + #13#10; end else begin // pure text... fdata := ''; // no header for n := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin fdata := fdata + sl[n] + #13#10; end; end; sl.Free; PutFileContent(afilename, fdata); end; function TatsTextTable.RowCount: integer; begin result := FTable.Count; end; function TatsTextTable.GetRow(arow: integer): TatsTextRow; begin result := TatsTextRow(FTable.Objects[arow]); end; initialization begin atsTexts := TatsTextTable.Create; end; end.