program wuline_test; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads} cthreads, {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_button, math, fpg_imgfmt_bmp, fpg_wuline, fpg_panel, fpg_radiobutton; type { TMainForm } TMainForm = class(TfpgForm) private {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: MainForm} btnQuit: TfpgButton; pnlName1: TfpgBevel; rbSpokes: TfpgRadioButton; rbLines: TfpgRadioButton; rbSpiral: TfpgRadioButton; {@VFD_HEAD_END: MainForm} procedure btnQuitClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure DrawSpokes(phase: double); procedure DrawSpiral; procedure DrawLines; procedure RadioButtonChanged(Sender: TObject); protected procedure HandlePaint; override; public procedure AfterCreate; override; end; {@VFD_NEWFORM_DECL} { TMainForm } procedure TMainForm.RadioButtonChanged(Sender: TObject); begin RePaint; end; procedure TMainForm.HandlePaint; begin inherited HandlePaint; if rbSpokes.Checked then DrawSpokes(0) else if rbLines.Checked then DrawLines else if rbSpiral.Checked then DrawSpiral; end; procedure TMainForm.btnQuitClicked(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; // Generates spokes. Animates them using phase. procedure TMainForm.DrawSpokes(phase: double); var x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; theta: double; begin theta := phase; while theta < (360+phase) do begin x1 := trunc(100.0*cos(theta*3.14/180.0)+355.0); y1 := trunc(-100.0*sin(theta*3.14/180.0)+155.0); x2 := trunc(20.0*cos(theta*3.14/180.0)+355.0); y2 := trunc(-20.0*sin(theta*3.14/180.0)+155.0); WuLine(Canvas, Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2), clBlack); Canvas.DrawLine(x2-240, y2, x1-240, y1); theta := theta + 10; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DrawSpiral; var Theta: double; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; begin X1 := 300; Y1 := 100; Theta := 0; while Theta < 15 * 3.1415926535 do begin X2 := trunc(X1 + Cos(Theta) * Theta); Y2 := trunc(Y1 + Sin(Theta) * Theta); WuLine(Canvas, Point(X1, Y1), Point(X2, Y2), clBlack); Theta := Theta + 0.2; X1 := X2; Y1 := Y2; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DrawLines; begin WuLine(Canvas, Point(10, 35), Point(280, 180), clBlack); Canvas.SetColor(clBlack); Canvas.DrawLine(10, 45, 280, 190); end; procedure TMainForm.AfterCreate; begin {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: MainForm} Name := 'MainForm'; SetPosition(278, 186, 600, 312); WindowTitle := 'fpGUI Wu Anti-Aliased Line test'; WindowPosition := wpScreenCenter; Sizeable := False; btnQuit := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnQuit do begin Name := 'btnQuit'; SetPosition(500, 280, 90, 24); Anchors := [anRight,anBottom]; Text := 'Quit'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageName := ''; OnClick := @btnQuitClicked; end; pnlName1 := TfpgBevel.Create(self); with pnlName1 do begin Name := 'pnlName1'; SetPosition(436, 8, 156, 76); end; rbSpokes := TfpgRadioButton.Create(pnlName1); with rbSpokes do begin Name := 'rbSpokes'; SetPosition(12, 28, 120, 19); FontDesc := '#Label1'; GroupIndex := 1; TabOrder := 2; Text := 'Spokes'; OnChange := @RadioButtonChanged; end; rbLines := TfpgRadioButton.Create(pnlName1); with rbLines do begin Name := 'rbLines'; SetPosition(12, 8, 120, 19); Checked := True; FontDesc := '#Label1'; GroupIndex := 1; TabOrder := 1; Text := 'Lines'; OnChange := @RadioButtonChanged; end; rbSpiral := TfpgRadioButton.Create(pnlName1); with rbSpiral do begin Name := 'rbSpiral'; SetPosition(12, 48, 120, 19); FontDesc := '#Label1'; GroupIndex := 1; TabOrder := 3; Text := 'Spiral'; OnChange := @RadioButtonChanged; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: MainForm} end; {@VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL} procedure MainProc; var frm: TMainForm; begin fpgApplication.Initialize; frm := TMainForm.Create(nil); try frm.Show; fpgApplication.Run; finally frm.Free; end; end; begin MainProc; end.