unit frm_splashscreen; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_edit, fpg_widget, fpg_form, fpg_label, fpg_button, fpg_listbox, fpg_memo, fpg_combobox, fpg_grid, fpg_dialogs, fpg_checkbox, fpg_tree, fpg_trackbar, fpg_progressbar, fpg_radiobutton, fpg_tab, fpg_menu, fpg_panel, fpg_popupcalendar, fpg_gauge; type { TSplashForm } TSplashForm = class(TfpgForm) procedure SplashFormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure TimerFired(Sender: TObject); private tmr: TfpgTimer; protected procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure AdjustWindowStyle; override; public {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: SplashForm} pnlName1: TfpgBevel; lblName2: TfpgLabel; lblName1: TfpgLabel; {@VFD_HEAD_END: SplashForm} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure AfterCreate; override; end; {@VFD_NEWFORM_DECL} var frmSplash: TSplashForm; implementation {@VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL} procedure TSplashForm.SplashFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin tmr.Enabled := True; end; procedure TSplashForm.TimerFired(Sender: TObject); begin tmr.Enabled := False; tmr.Free; // writeln('Timer fired'); Hide; end; procedure TSplashForm.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); TimerFired(nil); end; procedure TSplashForm.AdjustWindowStyle; begin inherited AdjustWindowStyle; end; constructor TSplashForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); WindowType := wtPopup; // removes borders and title bar WindowAttributes := WindowAttributes + [waStayOnTop]; // well, it lets the window stay on top. :) tmr := TfpgTimer.Create(3000); tmr.OnTimer := @TimerFired; OnShow := @SplashFormShow; end; procedure TSplashForm.AfterCreate; begin {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: SplashForm} Name := 'SplashForm'; SetPosition(298, 261, 300, 64); WindowTitle := 'SplashForm'; WindowPosition := wpScreenCenter; Sizeable := False; pnlName1 := TfpgBevel.Create(self); with pnlName1 do begin Name := 'pnlName1'; SetPosition(0, 0, 300, 64); OnClick := @TimerFired; end; lblName2 := TfpgLabel.Create(pnlName1); with lblName2 do begin Name := 'lblName2'; SetPosition(24, 8, 272, 31); Text := 'Splash screen goes here!'; FontDesc := 'Arial-18'; OnClick := @TimerFired; end; lblName1 := TfpgLabel.Create(pnlName1); with lblName1 do begin Name := 'lblName1'; SetPosition(52, 42, 188, 15); Text := 'Click me to make me disappear.'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; OnClick := @TimerFired; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: SplashForm} end; end.