{ Demo program for PDF Reporting engine } unit U_Demo; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main, fpg_base, fpg_form, fpg_button, fpg_label, fpg_panel, fpg_radiobutton, fpg_checkbox, fpg_dialogs, fpg_spinedit, U_Report; type TF_Demo = class(TfpgForm) private FReport: T_Report; L_Pdf: TfpgLabel; Bt_PdfEmptyPage: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfSimpleText: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfMultiPages: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfMultiSections: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfOutlines: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfCadres: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfColor: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfLines: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfGrid: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfGraph: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfSurf: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfImages: TfpgButton; Bt_PdfTtfFont: TfpgButton; L_Visu: TfpgLabel; Bt_VisuEmptyPage: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuSimpleText: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuMultiPages: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuMultiSections: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuOutlines: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuCadres: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuColor: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuLines: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuGrid: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuGraph: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuSurf: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuImages: TfpgButton; Bt_VisuTtfFont: TfpgButton; L_Print: TfpgLabel; Bt_PrintEmptyPage: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintSimpleText: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintMultiPages: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintMultiSections: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintOutlines: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintCadres: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintColor: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintLines: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintGrid: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintGraph: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintSurf: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintImages: TfpgButton; Bt_PrintTtfFont: TfpgButton; L_Settings: TfpgLabel; Ckb_Preferences: TfpgCheckBox; P_Zoom: TfpgPanel; SE_Zoom: TFpgSpinEdit; L_Zoom: TfpgLabel; P_Layout: TfpgPanel; RB_Single: TfpgRadiobutton; RB_Two: TfpgRadiobutton; RB_Continuous: TfpgRadiobutton; Bt_FontDir: TfpgButton; Bt_Exit: TfpgButton; procedure Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfMultiSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfOutlinesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfCadresClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfColorClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfLinesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfGridClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfGraphClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfSurfClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfImagClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfTtfFontClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuMultiSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuOutlinesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuCadresClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuColorClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuLinesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuGridClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuGraphClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuSurfClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuImagClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_VisuTtfFontClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintMultiSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintOutlinesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintCadresClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintColorClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintLinesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintGridClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintGraphClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintSurfClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintImagClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintTtfFontClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_ExitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_FontDirClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PrintEmptyPage(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintSimpleText(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintMultiPages(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintMultiSections(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintOutlines(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintCadres(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintColor(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintLines(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintGrid(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintGraph(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintSurf(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintImage(Preview: Boolean); procedure PrintTtfFont(Preview: Boolean); procedure Ckb_PreferencesChange(Sender: TObject); procedure SE_ZoomChange(Sender: TObject); procedure SE_ZoomExit(Sender: TObject); procedure P_LayoutRBChange(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; implementation uses U_Command, U_Pdf; var ChartValues: array[0..18] of integer; Preferences: Boolean; ZoomValue: string; LayoutMode: TPageLayout; const Langue = 'F'; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintEmptyPage(False); DefaultFile:= 'EmptyPage.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintSimpleText(False); DefaultFile:= 'SimpleText.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintMultiPages(False); DefaultFile:= 'MultiPages.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfMultiSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintMultiSections(False); DefaultFile:= 'MultiSections.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfOutlinesClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintOutlines(False); DefaultFile:= 'Outlines.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfCadresClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintCadres(False); DefaultFile:= 'Cadres.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfColorClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintColor(False); DefaultFile:= 'Color.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfLinesClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintLines(False); DefaultFile:= 'Lines.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfGridClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintGrid(False); DefaultFile:= 'Grid.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfGraphClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintGraph(False); DefaultFile:= 'Graph.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfSurfClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintSurf(False); DefaultFile:= 'Surface.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfImagClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintImage(False); DefaultFile:= 'Images.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfTtfFontClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin // Language:= Version; PrintTtfFont(False); DefaultFile:= 'TtfFont.pdf'; PrintPdf(LayoutMode, ZoomValue, Preferences); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'EmptyPage.pdf'; PrintEmptyPage(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'SimpleText.pdf'; PrintSimpleText(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'MultiPages.pdf'; PrintMultiPages(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuMultiSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'MultiSections.pdf'; PrintMultiSections(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuOutlinesClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Outlines.pdf'; PrintOutlines(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuCadresClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Cadres.pdf'; PrintCadres(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuColorClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Color.pdf'; PrintColor(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuLinesClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Lines.pdf'; PrintLines(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuGridClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Grid.pdf'; PrintGrid(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuGraphClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Graph.pdf'; PrintGraph(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuSurfClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Surface.pdf'; PrintSurf(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuImagClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'Images.pdf'; PrintImage(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuTtfFontClick(Sender: TObject); begin FReport := T_Report.Create; with FReport do begin //Language:= Version; DefaultFile := 'TtfFont.pdf'; PrintTtfFont(True); Free; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintMultiSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintOutlinesClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintCadresClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintColorClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintLinesClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintGridClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintGraphClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintSurfClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintImagClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintTtfFontClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_FontDirClick(Sender: TObject); begin { TODO: Change the initial directory to a cross-platform option } FontDirectory := SelectDirDialog('/Home'); end; procedure TF_Demo.Bt_ExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintEmptyPage(Preview: Boolean); begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create a new section and define the margins Section(0, 0, 0, 0); // create an empty page Page; // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintSimpleText(Preview: Boolean); var FtText1, FtText2, FtText3: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtText1 := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText2 := Font('helvetica-8', clBlack); FtText3 := Font('helvetica-8:italic', clBlack); // create a new section and define the margins: 10 mm each side Section(10, 10, 10, 10); // write the text at position 100 mm from left and 120 mm from top WritePage(100, 120, 'Big text at absolute position', -1, FtText1); // write the text aligned to left WritePage(cnLeft, 50, 'Text aligned to left (50mm from the top)', ColDefaut, FtText2); // write the text aligned to right WritePage(cnRight, 75, 'Text aligned to right (75mm from the top)', ColDefaut, FtText3); // write the text aligned to center WritePage(cnCenter, 100, 'Text aligned to center(100mm from the top)', ColDefaut, FtText2); // write a long text in the default column WritePage(cnLeft, 150, 'This long text is supposed to be written on two lines in ColDefaut (and does include parenthesis). If it does not, there is obviously a remaining bug in the way wrapping is performed.', ColDefaut, FtText2); // write a long text without columns WritePage(50, 200, 'This long text is supposed to be written on two lines without column (and does include parenthesis). If it does not, there is obviously a remaining bug in the way wrapping is performed.', -1, FtText2); // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintMultiPages(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText: integer; Cpt: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-8', clBlack); // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 10, 10, 10); // write title on each page WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'MULTIPAGE DOCUMENT', ColDefaut, FtTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText); // create five new empty pages for Cpt := 1 to 5 do Page; // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintMultiSections(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitleS1, FtTitleS2, FtTitleS3, FtNum, FtNumS: integer; Cpt: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitleS1 := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtTitleS2 := Font('helvetica-14:italic', clBlack); FtTitleS3 := Font('helvetica-12:bold:italic', clBlack); FtNum := Font('helvetica-7:italic', clBlack); FtNumS := Font('helvetica-7:italic', clGray); // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 10, 10, 10); // write title on each page of the section WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'MULTI SECTION DOCUMENT', ColDefaut, FtTitleS1); // write section number and total of sections on each page NumSectionHeader(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Section', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNum); // write page number for the section and total pages of the section on each page NumPageSectionFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Section page', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNumS); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // create some new empty pages in the section for Cpt := 1 to 3 do Page; // create a new section and define the margins Section(10, 10, 10, 10, 0, oLandscape); // create a default column for section2 which is landscape oriented // write title on each page of the section WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'MULTI SECTION DOCUMENT', ColDefaut, FtTitleS2); // write section number and total of sections on each page NumSectionHeader(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Section', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNum); // write page number for the section and total pages of the section on each page NumPageSectionHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Section page', 'of', True, True, ColDefaut, FtNumS); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // create some new empty pages in the section for Cpt := 1 to 2 do Page; // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 20, 20, 20); // write title on each page of the section WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'MULTI SECTION DOCUMENT', ColDefaut, FtTitleS3); // write section number and total of sections on each page NumSectionHeader(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Section', 'of', True, True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // write page number for the section and total pages of the section on each page NumPageSectionHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Section page', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNumS); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // create some new empty pages in the section for Cpt := 1 to 4 do Page; // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintOutlines(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitleS1, FtTitleS2, FtTitleS3, FtNum, FtNumS: integer; Cpt: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitleS1 := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtTitleS2 := Font('helvetica-14:italic', clBlack); FtTitleS3 := Font('helvetica-12:bold:italic', clBlack); FtNum := Font('helvetica-7:italic', clBlack); FtNumS := Font('helvetica-7:italic', clGray); // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 10, 10, 10); // write title on each page of the section WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'MULTI SECTION DOCUMENT', ColDefaut, FtTitleS1); // write section number and total of sections on each page NumSectionHeader(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Section', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNum); // write page number for the section and total pages of the section on each page NumPageSectionFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Section page', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNumS); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // create some new empty pages in the section for Cpt := 1 to 3 do Page; // create a new section and define the margins Section(10, 10, 10, 10, 0, oLandscape); SectionTitle := 'Landscape oriented'; // write title on each page of the section WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'MULTI SECTION DOCUMENT', ColDefaut, FtTitleS2); // write section number and total of sections on each page NumSectionHeader(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Section', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNum); // write page number for the section and total pages of the section on each page NumPageSectionHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Section page', 'of', True, True, ColDefaut, FtNumS); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // create some new empty pages in the section for Cpt := 1 to 2 do Page; // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 20, 20, 20); // write title on each page of the section WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'MULTI SECTION DOCUMENT', ColDefaut, FtTitleS3); // write section number and total of sections on each page NumSectionHeader(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Section', 'of', True, True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // write page number for the section and total pages of the section on each page NumPageSectionHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Section page', 'of', True, False, ColDefaut, FtNumS); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtNum); // create some new empty pages in the section for Cpt := 1 to 4 do Page; // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects Outline := True; EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintCadres(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText: integer; {TsThin,} TsNorm, TsThick: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-8', clBlack); // create the style of lines to be used // TsThin := LineStyle(0.2, clRed, lsSolid); TsNorm := LineStyle(1, clBlack, lsSolid); TsThick := LineStyle(2, clBlack, lsSolid); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(3, 0, 3); IlText := LineSpace(1, 0, 1); // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing Section(20, 10, 10, 10, 5); // write title on each page WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING FRAMES', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText, IlText); // draw thin frame rectangle at margins // FrameMargins(TsThin); // draw thick frame rectangle at header FrameHeader(TsThick); // draw thick frame rectangle at footer FramePage(TsNorm); // draw normal frame rectangle at page FrameFooter(TsThick); // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintColor(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtNormBlack, FtNormRed, FtNormGreen, FtBoldBlue, FtItalGray, FtBoldItalFuchsia: integer; BcBeige, BcAqua, BcPaleGreen: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; Col1, Col2, Col3: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the filling colors to be used BcBeige := BackColor(clBeige); BcAqua := BackColor(clAqua); BcPaleGreen := BackColor(clPaleGreen); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtNormBlack := Font('helvetica-8', clBlack); FtNormRed := Font('helvetica-8', clRed); FtNormGreen := Font('helvetica-8', clGreen); FtBoldBlue := Font('helvetica-8:bold', clBlue); FtItalGray := Font('helvetica-8:italic', clGray); FtBoldItalFuchsia := Font('helvetica-8:bold:italic', clFuchsia); // create columns to be used Col1 := Column(20, 100, 2); Col2 := Column(120, 80, 1); Col3 := Column(70, 100, 5); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(5, 0, 5); IlText := LineSpace(0, 0, 0); // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 10, 10, 10); // write title on each page WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING COLORS', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtNormRed, IlText); // write some example texts WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'Bold blue text aligned to left', ColDefaut, FtBoldBlue, IlText); SpacePage(10, ColDefaut, BcPaleGreen); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'followed by centered normal black text after a 1 cm colored space', ColDefaut, FtNormBlack, IlText); SpacePage(15); WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'text written on colored background after a 1.5 cm colored space', ColDefaut, FtItalGray, IlText, BcAqua); SpacePage(10); WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'This text starts in column 1', Col1, FtNormGreen, IlText, BcBeige); WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'and ends in column 2', Col2, FtBoldItalFuchsia, IlText); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'And this one is centered in column 3', Col3, FtNormRed, IlText, BcBeige); // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintLines(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText: integer; TsThinBlack, TsThinBlue, TsThinRed, TsThick: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; Col1, Col2, Col3: integer; BdRect, BdColn, BdEndColn: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-8', clBlack); // create the style of lines to be used TsThinBlack := LineStyle(0.2, clBlack, lsSolid); TsThinBlue := LineStyle(0.1, clBlue, lsDash); TsThick := LineStyle(2, clBlack, lsSolid); TsThinRed := LineStyle(1, clRed, lsDashDot); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(3, 0, 3); IlText := LineSpace(0, 0, 0); // define column borders BdRect := Border([bfLeft, bfRight, bfTop, bfBottom], TsThick); BdColn := Border([bfLeft, bfRight, bfTop], TsThinBlue); BdEndColn := Border([bfLeft, bfRight, bfTop, bfBottom], TsThinBlack); // create columns to be used Col1 := Column(20, 60, 2); Col2 := Column(80, 60, 2); Col3 := Column(140, 60, 2); // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 10, 10, 10); // write title on each page WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING LINES', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText, IlText); // write some example texts with column borders WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'Example of lines', Col1, FtText, IlText, -1, BdColn); WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'with column borders', Col2, FtText, IlText, -1, BdEndColn); WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, '', Col3, FtText); SpacePage(5); WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'A thick border', Col3, FtText, IlText, -1, BdRect); HorizLinePage(2, 2, Col2, TsThick); LinePage(30, 100, 150, 150, TsThinBlack); LinePage(50, 70, 180, 100, TsThinBlue); LinePage(40, 140, 160, 80, TsThinRed); LinePage(60, 50, 60, 120, TsThick); // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintGrid(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText, FtTextBlue, FtTextRed, FtSTitle: integer; TsThinBlack, TsThickBlue: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; BcBeige: integer; Col: array[1..5] of integer; BdColn, BdColnL, BdColnR: integer; CptLin, CptCol: integer; PosHoriz, PredPosHoriz: single; const Col1Pos = 20; Col1Wid = 40; Col2Pos = 60; Col2Wid = 35; Col3Pos = 95; Col3Wid = 35; Col4Pos = 130; Col4Wid = 35; Col5Pos = 165; Col5Wid = 35; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-7', clBlack); FtTextBlue := Font('helvetica-7', clBlue); FtTextRed := Font('helvetica-7', clRed); FtSTitle := Font('helvetica-9:bold:italic', clBlue); // create the style of lines to be used TsThinBlack := LineStyle(0.5, clBlack, lsSolid); TsThickBlue := LineStyle(1.5, clBlue, lsSolid); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(3, 0, 3); IlText := LineSpace(1, 0, 0); // define column background color BcBeige := BackColor(clBeige); // define column borders BdColn := Border([bfLeft, bfRight], TsThinBlack); BdColnL := Border([bfLeft], TsThickBlue); BdColnR := Border([bfRight], TsThickBlue); // create columns to be used Col[1] := Column(Col1Pos, Col1Wid, 2); Col[2] := Column(Col2Pos, Col2Wid, 2); Col[3] := Column(Col3Pos, Col3Wid, 2); Col[4] := Column(Col4Pos, Col4Wid, 2); Col[5] := Column(Col5Pos, Col5Wid, 2); // create a new section and define the margins Section(20, 10, 10, 10); // write title on each page WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING GRIDS', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText, IlText); // write a grid without borders WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Grid without borders', ColDefaut, FtSTitle, IlTitle); for CptLin := 1 to 10 do for CptCol := 1 to 5 do if CptCol = 5 then WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtText, IlText) else WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtText, IlText); SpacePage(5); // write a grid with borders PosHoriz := WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'Grid with borders and colors', ColDefaut, FtSTitle, IlTitle); LinePage(Col1Pos, PosHoriz, Col5Pos + Col5Wid, PosHoriz, TsThickBlue); for CptLin := 1 to 10 do for CptCol := 1 to 5 do if CptCol = 1 then if CptLin mod 2 = 0 then WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtText, IlText, BcBeige, BdColnL) else WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtTextBlue, IlText, -1, BdColnL) else if CptCol = 5 then if CptLin = 10 then begin PredPosHoriz := PosHoriz; PosHoriz := WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtTextRed, IlText, BcBeige, BdColnR); LinePage(Col1Pos, PredPosHoriz, Col5Pos + Col5Wid, PredPosHoriz, TsThinBlack); LinePage(Col1Pos, PosHoriz, Col5Pos + Col5Wid, PosHoriz, TsThickBlue); LinePage(Col5Pos, PredPosHoriz, Col5Pos, PosHoriz, TsThinBlack); end else begin if CptLin = 1 then PosHoriz := WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtText, IlText, -1, BdColnR) else if CptLin mod 2 = 0 then begin PredPosHoriz := PosHoriz; PosHoriz := WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtTextRed, IlText, BcBeige, BdColnR); LinePage(Col1Pos, PredPosHoriz, Col5Pos + Col5Wid, PredPosHoriz, TsThinBlack); LinePage(Col5Pos, PredPosHoriz, Col5Pos, PosHoriz, TsThinBlack); end else begin PredPosHoriz := PosHoriz; PosHoriz := WritePage(cnLeft, lnEnd, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtText, IlText, -1, BdColnR); LinePage(Col1Pos, PredPosHoriz, Col5Pos + Col5Wid, PredPosHoriz, TsThinBlack); end; end else if CptLin mod 2 = 0 then WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtText, IlText, BcBeige, BdColn) else WritePage(cnLeft, lnCurrent, 'line ' + IntToStr(CptLin) + ' ; column ' + IntToStr(CptCol), Col[CptCol], FtTextBlue, IlText, -1, BdColn); // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintGraph(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText, FtMax: integer; TsBlack, TsGray, TsBlue, TsFuchsia: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; Cpt, Max: integer; const Base = 150; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-7', clBlack); FtMax := Font('helvetica-7', clFuchsia); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(3, 0, 3); IlText := LineSpace(1, 0, 0); // create the style of lines to be used TsBlack := LineStyle(1, clBlack, lsSolid); TsGray := LineStyle(1, clGray, lsDot); TsBlue := LineStyle(1, clBlue, lsSolid); TsFuchsia := LineStyle(1, clFuchsia, lsDot); // create a new section and define the margins Section(10, 10, 10, 10); WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING GRAPH', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText, IlText); // draw a graph Max := 0; WritePage(10, Base, '0', -1, FtText); LinePage(20, Base, 200, Base, TsBlack); for Cpt := 1 to 5 do begin WritePage(10, Base - Cpt * 20, IntToStr(Cpt), -1, FtText); LinePage(20, Base - Cpt * 20, 200, Base - Cpt * 20, TsGray); end; for Cpt := 0 to 18 do begin if ChartValues[Cpt] > Max then Max := ChartValues[Cpt]; WritePage(18 + Cpt * 10, Base + 5, IntToStr(Cpt), -1, FtText); LinePage(20 + Cpt * 10, Base, 20 + Cpt * 10, Base - ChartValues[Cpt], TsGray); if Cpt > 0 then LinePage(20 + Pred(Cpt) * 10, Base - ChartValues[Pred(Cpt)], 20 + Cpt * 10, Base - ChartValues[Cpt], TsBlue); end; WritePage(16, Base - Max, IntToStr(Max), -1, FtMax); LinePage(20, Base - Max, 200, Base - Max, TsFuchsia); // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintSurf(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-7', clBlack); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(3, 0, 3); IlText := LineSpace(1, 0, 0); // create a new section and define the margins Section(10, 10, 10, 10); WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING SURFACE', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText, IlText); // paint some surfaces SurfPage([40, 40, 100], [50, 110, 80], clGreen); SurfPage([30, 50, 150, 80, 120, 130], [120, 180, 180, 160, 140, 120], clFuchsia); // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintImage(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; Col1, Col2, Col3: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-7', clBlack); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(0, 0, 3); IlText := LineSpace(1, 0, 0); Col1 := Column(20, 60, 2); Col2 := Column(80, 60, 2); Col3 := Column(140, 60, 2); // create a new section and define the margins Section(10, 10, 10, 10); WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING IMAGES', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText, IlText); // paint some images ImageHeader(0, 0, 'poppy.jpg', Col1, 4); ImagePage(30, 40, 'poppy.jpg', ColDefaut, 3); ImagePage(40, 70, 'poppy.jpg', ColDefaut, 2); ImagePage(50, 130, 'poppy.jpg'); ImagePage(0, 20, 'sys.radiobuttons', Col3); Page; ImagePage(0, 0, 'poppy-nb.jpg', Col2); ImagePage(20, 100, 'poppy.jpg', ColDefaut, 2); Page; // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.PrintTtfFont(Preview: Boolean); var FtTitle, FtText, FtText1, FtText2, FtText3, FtText4, FtText5, FtText6, FtText7, FtText8, FtText9, FtText10: integer; IlTitle, IlText: integer; begin with FReport do begin // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false) BeginWrite(oPortrait, A4, msMM, Langue, Preview); // create a new section and define the margins: 10 mm each side Section(10, 10, 10, 10); // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts) FtTitle := Font('helvetica-15:bold', clBlack); FtText := Font('helvetica-7', clBlack); FtText1 := Font('LiberationSans-10', clBlack); FtText2 := Font('LiberationSans-10:bold:italic', clBlack); FtText3 := Font('LiberationMono-10:italic', clBlack); FtText4 := Font('LiberationSerif-10:bold', clBlack); FtText5 := Font('DejaVuSans-10', clBlack); FtText6 := Font('DejaVuSansCondensed-10', clBlack); FtText7 := Font('DejaVuSansMono-10:bold:oblique', clBlack); FtText8 := Font('DejaVuSerif-10:italic', clBlack); FtText9 := Font('ComicSansMS-10', clBlack); FtText10 := Font('ComicSansMS-10:bold', clBlack); // create line spacings to be used IlTitle := LineSpace(0, 0, 5); IlText := LineSpace(3, 0, 3); WriteHeader(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'SHOWING TRUE TYPE FONTS', ColDefaut, FtTitle, IlTitle); // write page number and total of pages on each page NumPageFooter(cnRight, lnEnd, 'Page', 'of', True, ColDefaut, FtText, IlText); // write text aligned to center of the page WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'LiberationSans-10', ColDefaut, FtText1); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'LiberationSans-10:bold:italic', ColDefaut, FtText2); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'LiberationMono-10:italic', ColDefaut, FtText3); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'LiberationSerif-10:bold', ColDefaut, FtText4); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'DejaVuSans-10', ColDefaut, FtText5); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'DejaVuSansCondensed-10', ColDefaut, FtText6); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'DejaVuSansMono-10:bold:oblique', ColDefaut, FtText7); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'DejaVuSerif-10:italic', ColDefaut, FtText8); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'ComicSansMS-10', ColDefaut, FtText9); WritePage(cnCenter, lnEnd, 'ComicSansMS-10:bold', ColDefaut, FtText10); EndWrite; end; end; procedure TF_Demo.Ckb_PreferencesChange(Sender: TObject); begin Preferences := Ckb_Preferences.Checked; end; procedure TF_Demo.SE_ZoomChange(Sender: TObject); begin ZoomValue := IntToStr(SE_Zoom.Value); end; procedure TF_Demo.SE_ZoomExit(Sender: TObject); begin ZoomValue := IntToStr(SE_Zoom.Value); end; procedure TF_Demo.P_LayoutRBChange(Sender: TObject); begin if RB_Single.Checked then LayoutMode := lSingle; if RB_Two.Checked then LayoutMode := lTwo; if RB_Continuous.Checked then LayoutMode := lContinuous; end; constructor TF_Demo.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var Cpt: integer; begin inherited Create(AOwner); Name := 'F_Demo'; WindowTitle := 'PDF demo'; SetPosition(0, 0, 900, 600); WindowPosition := wpScreenCenter; Sizeable := False; fpgSetNamedColor(clWindowBackground, clPaleGreen); fpgSetNamedColor(clButtonFace, clCyan); fpgSetNamedColor(clText1, clBlue); fpgSetNamedColor(clSelection, clSkyBlue); fpgSetNamedColor(clSelectionText, clDarkBlue); fpgSetNamedFont('Label1', 'bitstream vera sans-10'); fpgSetNamedFont('Edit1', 'bitstream vera sans-10'); L_Pdf := CreateLabel(Self, 50, 5, 'Print to PDF', 150, 20, taCenter); Bt_PdfEmptyPage := CreateButton(Self, 50, 30, 150, 'Empty page', @Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfSimpleText := CreateButton(Self, 50, 70, 150, 'Simple text', @Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfMultiPages := CreateButton(Self, 50, 110, 150, 'Multiple pages', @Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfMultiSections := CreateButton(Self, 50, 150, 150, 'Multiple sections', @Bt_PdfMultiSectionsClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfOutlines := CreateButton(Self, 50, 190, 150, 'Outlines', @Bt_PdfOutlinesClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfCadres := CreateButton(Self, 50, 230, 150, 'Draw frames', @Bt_PdfCadresClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfColor := CreateButton(Self, 50, 270, 150, 'Show colors', @Bt_PdfColorClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfLines := CreateButton(Self, 50, 310, 150, 'Draw lines', @Bt_PdfLinesClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfGrid := CreateButton(Self, 50, 350, 150, 'Show grid', @Bt_PdfGridClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfGraph := CreateButton(Self, 50, 390, 150, 'Show graph', @Bt_PdfGraphClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfSurf := CreateButton(Self, 50, 430, 150, 'Show surface', @Bt_PdfSurfClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfImages := CreateButton(Self, 50, 470, 150, 'Show images', @Bt_PdfImagClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_PdfTtfFont := CreateButton(Self, 50, 510, 150, 'True type fonts', @Bt_PdfTtfFontClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); L_Visu := CreateLabel(Self, 250, 5, 'Preview', 150, 20, taCenter); Bt_VisuEmptyPage := CreateButton(Self, 250, 30, 150, 'Empty page', @Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuSimpleText := CreateButton(Self, 250, 70, 150, 'Simple text', @Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuMultiPages := CreateButton(Self, 250, 110, 150, 'Multiple pages', @Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuMultiSections := CreateButton(Self, 250, 150, 150, 'Multiple sections', @Bt_VisuMultiSectionsClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuOutlines := CreateButton(Self, 250, 190, 150, 'Outlines', @Bt_VisuOutlinesClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuCadres := CreateButton(Self, 250, 230, 150, 'Draw frames', @Bt_VisuCadresClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuColor := CreateButton(Self, 250, 270, 150, 'Show colors', @Bt_VisuColorClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuLines := CreateButton(Self, 250, 310, 150, 'Draw lines', @Bt_VisuLinesClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuGrid := CreateButton(Self, 250, 350, 150, 'Show grid', @Bt_VisuGridClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuGraph := CreateButton(Self, 250, 390, 150, 'Show graph', @Bt_VisuGraphClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuSurf := CreateButton(Self, 250, 430, 150, 'Show surface', @Bt_VisuSurfClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuImages := CreateButton(Self, 250, 470, 150, 'Show images', @Bt_VisuImagClick, 'stdimg.preview'); Bt_VisuTtfFont := CreateButton(Self, 250, 510, 150, 'True type fonts', @Bt_VisuTtfFontClick, 'stdimg.preview'); L_Print := CreateLabel(Self, 450, 5, 'Print to printer', 150, 20, taCenter); Bt_PrintEmptyPage := CreateButton(Self, 450, 30, 150, 'Empty page', @Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintEmptyPage.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintSimpleText := CreateButton(Self, 450, 70, 150, 'Simple text', @Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintSimpleText.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintMultiPages := CreateButton(Self, 450, 110, 150, 'Multiple pages', @Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintMultiPages.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintMultiSections := CreateButton(Self, 450, 150, 150, 'Multiple sections', @Bt_PrintMultiSectionsClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintMultiSections.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintOutlines := CreateButton(Self, 450, 190, 150, 'Outlines', @Bt_PrintOutlinesClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintOutlines.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintCadres := CreateButton(Self, 450, 230, 150, 'Draw frames', @Bt_PrintCadresClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintCadres.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintColor := CreateButton(Self, 450, 270, 150, 'Show colors', @Bt_PrintColorClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintColor.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintLines := CreateButton(Self, 450, 310, 150, 'Draw lines', @Bt_PrintLinesClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintLines.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintGrid := CreateButton(Self, 450, 350, 150, 'Show grid', @Bt_PrintGridClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintGrid.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintGraph := CreateButton(Self, 450, 390, 150, 'Show graph', @Bt_PrintGraphClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintGraph.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintSurf := CreateButton(Self, 450, 430, 150, 'Show surface', @Bt_PrintSurfClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintSurf.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintImages := CreateButton(Self, 450, 470, 150, 'Show images', @Bt_PrintImagClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintImages.Enabled := False; Bt_PrintTtfFont := CreateButton(Self, 450, 510, 150, 'True type fonts', @Bt_PrintTtfFontClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_PrintTtfFont.Enabled := False; L_Settings := CreateLabel(Self, 650, 5, 'PDF settings', 200, 20, taCenter); Ckb_Preferences := CreateCheckBox(Self, 650, 30, 'FitWindow preference'); Ckb_Preferences.OnChange := @Ckb_PreferencesChange; P_Zoom := CreatePanel(Self, 650, 60, 200, 60, 'Zoom', bsRaised, taCenter, tlTop, 5); P_Zoom.BackgroundColor := clPaleGreen; SE_Zoom := CreateSpinEdit(P_Zoom, 10, 25, 55, 20, 20, 200, 1, 5, 100); SE_Zoom.OnChange := @SE_ZoomChange; L_Zoom := CreateLabel(P_Zoom, 70, 25, '%'); P_Layout := CreatePanel(Self, 650, 130, 200, 110, 'Layout', bsRaised, taCenter, tlTop, 5); P_Layout.BackgroundColor := clPaleGreen; RB_Single := CreateRadiobutton(P_Layout, 10, 25, 'Single'); RB_Single.OnChange := @P_LayoutRBChange; RB_Two := CreateRadiobutton(P_Layout, 10, 50, 'Two pages'); RB_Two.OnChange := @P_LayoutRBChange; RB_Continuous := CreateRadiobutton(P_Layout, 10, 75, 'Continuous'); RB_Continuous.OnChange := @P_LayoutRBChange; Bt_FontDir := CreateButton(Self, 640, 260, 220, 'True type font files directory', @Bt_FontDirClick, ''); Ckb_Preferences.Checked := True; RB_Single.Checked := True; Bt_Exit := CreateButton(Self, 375, 550, 150, 'Exit', @Bt_ExitClick, 'stdimg.exit'); Bt_Exit.BackgroundColor := clTomato; ZoomValue := '100'; Randomize; for Cpt := 0 to 18 do ChartValues[Cpt] := Round(Random * 100); end; end.