program hintwindowtest; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads} cthreads, {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_label, fpg_edit, fpg_button, fpg_radiobutton, fpg_listbox, fpg_checkbox, fpg_panel, fpg_hint; type { A very simple custom hint window. } TMyHintWindow = class(TfpgHintWindow) private procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; { test application main form } TMainForm = class(TfpgForm) private function GetHintWnd: TfpgHintWindow; procedure btnQuitClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure rbClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure lbChange(Sender: TObject); procedure edtIntegerChange(Sender: TObject); procedure edtFloatChange(Sender: TObject); procedure edtCurrencyChange(Sender: TObject); procedure chbPasswdChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure chbSpaceChange(Sender: TObject); procedure chbFloatDecChange(Sender: TObject); procedure chbShowHintChange(Sender: TObject); procedure chbAppShowHintChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_border_1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_border_2Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_border_3Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_border_5Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_margin_1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_margin_2Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_margin_3Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_margin_5Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_time_1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_time_2Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_time_3Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_time_5Change(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_color_blackChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_color_redChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_color_greenChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_color_blueChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_bgcolor_yellowChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_bgcolor_whiteChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_bgcolor_greenChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_bgcolor_blueChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_shadowcolor_grayChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rb_shadowcolor_blackChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cbShadowChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure chbCustomHintChanged(Sender: TObject); public {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: MainForm} lblName1: TfpgLabel; edtText: TfpgEdit; chbPasswd: TfpgCheckBox; lblName2: TfpgLabel; l_integervalue: TfpgLabel; lblName3: TfpgLabel; l_floatvalue: TfpgLabel; lblName4: TfpgLabel; l_currvalue: TfpgLabel; edtInteger: TfpgEditInteger; edtFloat: TfpgEditFloat; edtCurrency: TfpgEditCurrency; btnQuit: TfpgButton; rbPoint: TfpgRadioButton; rbComma: TfpgRadioButton; chbSpace: TfpgCheckBox; chbFloatDec: TfpgCheckBox; lbNegativeColor: TfpgColorListBox; lblNegativeColor: TfpgLabel; p_border: TfpgPanel; rb_border_1: TfpgRadioButton; rb_border_2: TfpgRadioButton; rb_border_3: TfpgRadioButton; rb_border_5: TfpgRadioButton; p_margin: TfpgPanel; rb_margin_1: TfpgRadioButton; rb_margin_2: TfpgRadioButton; rb_margin_3: TfpgRadioButton; rb_margin_5: TfpgRadioButton; p_time: TfpgPanel; rb_time_1: TfpgRadioButton; rb_time_2: TfpgRadioButton; rb_time_3: TfpgRadioButton; rb_time_5: TfpgRadioButton; p_color: TfpgPanel; rb_color_black: TfpgRadioButton; rb_color_red: TfpgRadioButton; rb_color_green: TfpgRadioButton; rb_color_blue: TfpgRadioButton; p_bgcolor: TfpgPanel; rb_bgcolor_yellow: TfpgRadioButton; rb_bgcolor_white: TfpgRadioButton; rb_bgcolor_green: TfpgRadioButton; rb_bgcolor_blue: TfpgRadioButton; p_shadowcolor: TfpgPanel; cbShadow: TfpgCheckBox; rb_shadowcolor_gray: TfpgRadioButton; rb_shadowcolor_black: TfpgRadioButton; chbShowHint: TfpgCheckBox; chbAppShowHint: TfpgCheckBox; chbCustomHint: TfpgCheckBox; {@VFD_HEAD_END: MainForm} procedure AfterCreate; override; end; {@VFD_NEWFORM_DECL} {@VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL} function TMainForm.GetHintWnd: TfpgHintWindow; begin Result := TfpgHintWindow(fpgApplication.HintWindow); end; procedure TMainForm.btnQuitClicked(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TMainForm.rbClicked(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender is TfpgRadioButton then case (Sender as TfpgRadioButton).tag of 0: begin edtFloat.CustomDecimalSeparator := '.'; edtCurrency.CustomDecimalSeparator := '.'; if chbSpace.Checked then begin edtInteger.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; edtFloat.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; edtCurrency.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; end else begin edtInteger.CustomThousandSeparator := ','; edtFloat.CustomThousandSeparator := ','; edtCurrency.CustomThousandSeparator := ','; end; end; 1: begin edtFloat.CustomDecimalSeparator := ','; edtCurrency.CustomDecimalSeparator := ','; if chbSpace.Checked then begin edtInteger.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; edtFloat.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; edtCurrency.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; end else begin edtInteger.CustomThousandSeparator := '.'; edtFloat.CustomThousandSeparator := '.'; edtCurrency.CustomThousandSeparator := '.'; end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.lbChange(Sender: TObject); begin edtFloat.NegativeColor := lbNegativeColor.Color; edtInteger.NegativeColor := lbNegativeColor.Color; end; procedure TMainForm.edtIntegerChange(Sender: TObject); begin l_integervalue.Text := IntToStr(edtInteger.Value); end; procedure TMainForm.edtFloatChange(Sender: TObject); begin l_floatvalue.Text := FloatToStr(edtFloat.Value); end; procedure TMainForm.edtCurrencyChange(Sender: TObject); begin l_currvalue.Text := CurrToStr(edtCurrency.Value); end; procedure TMainForm.chbPasswdChanged(Sender: TObject); begin edtText.PasswordMode := chbPasswd.Checked; end; procedure TMainForm.chbSpaceChange(Sender: TObject); begin if chbSpace.Checked then begin edtInteger.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; edtFloat.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; edtCurrency.CustomThousandSeparator := ' '; end else if rbPoint.Checked then edtInteger.CustomThousandSeparator := ',' else edtInteger.CustomThousandSeparator := '.'; end; procedure TMainForm.chbFloatDecChange(Sender: TObject); begin if chbFloatDec.Checked then edtFloat.Decimals := 3 else edtFloat.Decimals := -1; end; procedure TMainForm.chbShowHintChange(Sender: TObject); begin self.ShowHint := chbShowHint.Checked; end; procedure TMainForm.chbAppShowHintChange(Sender: TObject); begin fpgApplication.ShowHint := chbAppShowHint.Checked; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_border_1Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_border_1.Checked then GetHintWnd.Border := 1; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_border_2Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_border_2.Checked then GetHintWnd.Border := 2; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_border_3Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_border_3.Checked then GetHintWnd.Border := 3; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_border_5Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_border_5.Checked then GetHintWnd.Border := 5; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_margin_1Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_margin_1.Checked then GetHintWnd.Margin := 1; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_margin_2Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_margin_2.Checked then GetHintWnd.Margin := 2; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_margin_3Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_margin_3.Checked then GetHintWnd.Margin := 3; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_margin_5Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_margin_5.Checked then GetHintWnd.Margin := 5; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_time_1Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_time_1.Checked then GetHintWnd.Time := 1000; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_time_2Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_time_2.Checked then GetHintWnd.Time := 2000; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_time_3Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_time_3.Checked then GetHintWnd.Time := 3000; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_time_5Change(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_time_5.Checked then GetHintWnd.Time := 5000; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_color_blackChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_color_black.Checked then GetHintWnd.TextColor := clBlack; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_color_redChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_color_red.Checked then GetHintWnd.TextColor := clRed; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_color_greenChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_color_green.Checked then GetHintWnd.TextColor := clGreen; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_color_blueChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_color_blue.Checked then GetHintWnd.TextColor := clBlue; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_bgcolor_yellowChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_bgcolor_yellow.Checked then GetHintWnd.BackgroundColor := clHintWindow; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_bgcolor_whiteChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_bgcolor_white.Checked then GetHintWnd.BackgroundColor := clWhite; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_bgcolor_greenChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_bgcolor_green.Checked then GetHintWnd.BackgroundColor := clPaleGreen; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_bgcolor_blueChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_bgcolor_blue.Checked then GetHintWnd.BackgroundColor := clLightBlue; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_shadowcolor_grayChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_shadowcolor_gray.Checked then GetHintWnd.ShadowColor := clGray; end; procedure TMainForm.rb_shadowcolor_blackChange(Sender: TObject); begin if rb_shadowcolor_black.Checked then GetHintWnd.ShadowColor := clBlack; end; procedure TMainForm.cbShadowChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if cbShadow.Checked then GetHintWnd.Shadow := 2 else GetHintWnd.Shadow := 0; end; procedure TMainForm.chbCustomHintChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if chbCustomHint.Checked then HintWindowClass := TMyHintWindow else HintWindowClass := TfpgHintWindow; fpgApplication.RecreateHintWindow; end; procedure TMainForm.AfterCreate; begin {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: MainForm} Name := 'MainForm'; SetPosition(376, 202, 392, 570); WindowTitle := 'Edit components'; WindowPosition := wpScreenCenter; lblName1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblName1 do begin Name := 'lblName1'; SetPosition(8, 8, 196, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Text Edit'; end; edtText := TfpgEdit.Create(self); with edtText do begin Name := 'edtText'; SetPosition(24, 28, 120, 22); TabOrder := 1; Text := 'A very long hint'; FontDesc := '#Edit1'; Hint := 'generic edit control generic edit control generic edit control ' + 'generic edit control generic edit control generic edit control ' + 'generic edit control generic edit control generic edit control ' + 'generic edit control generic edit control generic edit control ' + 'generic edit control generic edit control generic edit control ' + 'generic edit control generic edit control generic edit control ' + 'generic edit control. The end.'; end; chbPasswd := TfpgCheckBox.Create(self); with chbPasswd do begin Name := 'chbPasswd'; SetPosition(24, 55, 152, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; TabOrder := 2; Text := 'Password Mode'; OnChange :=@chbPasswdChanged; end; lblName2 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblName2 do begin Name := 'lblName2'; SetPosition(8, 88, 80, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Integer Edit'; end; l_integervalue := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with l_integervalue do begin Name := 'l_integervalue'; SetPosition(90, 88, 80, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := ''; end; lblName3 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblName3 do begin Name := 'lblName3'; SetPosition(8, 144, 80, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Float Edit'; end; l_floatvalue := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with l_floatvalue do begin Name := 'l_floatvalue'; SetPosition(90, 144, 80, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := ''; end; lblName4 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblName4 do begin Name := 'lblName4'; SetPosition(8, 200, 80, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Currency Edit'; end; l_currvalue := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with l_currvalue do begin Name := 'l_currvalue'; SetPosition(90, 200, 80, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := ''; end; edtInteger := TfpgEditInteger.Create(self); with edtInteger do begin Name := 'edtInteger'; SetPosition(24, 108, 120, 22); ShowThousand := True; CustomThousandSeparator := ','; OnChange := @edtIntegerChange; Hint := 'integer edit control'; end; edtFloat := TfpgEditFloat.Create(self); with edtFloat do begin Name := 'edtFloat'; SetPosition(24, 164, 120, 22); ShowThousand := True; CustomThousandSeparator := ','; OnChange := @edtFloatChange; Hint := 'float edit control'; end; edtCurrency := TfpgEditCurrency.Create(self); with edtCurrency do begin Name := 'edtCurrency'; SetPosition(24, 220, 120, 22); // ShowThousand := True; CustomThousandSeparator := ','; // Decimals := 2; Value := -123.45; OnChange := @edtCurrencyChange; Hint := 'currency edit control'; end; btnQuit := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnQuit do begin Name := 'btnQuit'; SetPosition(296, 540, 75, 24); Anchors := [anRight,anBottom]; Text := 'Quit'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageName := ''; TabOrder := 6; OnClick := @btnQuitClicked; end; rbPoint := TfpgRadioButton.Create(self); with rbPoint do begin Name := 'rbPoint'; SetPosition(170, 136, 184, 20); Checked := True; FontDesc := '#Label1'; GroupIndex := 1; TabOrder := 7; Text := 'Point as DecimalSeparator'; Tag := 0; OnChange := @rbClicked; end; rbComma := TfpgRadioButton.Create(self); with rbComma do begin Name := 'rbComma'; SetPosition(170, 160, 196, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; GroupIndex := 1; TabOrder := 8; Text := 'Comma as DecimalSeparator'; Tag := 1; OnChange := @rbClicked; end; chbSpace := TfpgCheckBox.Create(self); with chbSpace do begin Name := 'chbSpace'; SetPosition(170, 200, 200, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Space as ThousandSeparator'; OnChange := @chbSpaceChange; end; chbFloatDec := TfpgCheckBox.Create(Self); with chbFloatDec do begin Name := 'chbFloatDec'; SetPosition(170, 220, 200, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Limit EditFloat to 3 decimals'; OnChange := @chbFloatDecChange; end; lbNegativeColor := TfpgColorListBox.Create(self); with lbNegativeColor do begin Name := 'lbNegativeColor'; SetPosition(200, 28, 176, 92); Color := clRed; OnChange := @lbChange; end; lblNegativeColor := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblNegativeColor do begin Name := 'lblNegativeColor'; SetPosition(196, 8, 188, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Choose color for negative num.'; end; p_border := TfpgPanel.Create(self); with p_border do begin name := 'p_border'; SetPosition(10,260,180,80); Layout := tlTop; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Hint border'; end; rb_border_1 := CreateRadioButton(p_border,10,25,'1 pixel'); rb_border_1.Checked:= True; rb_border_1.OnChange:= @rb_border_1Change; rb_border_2 := CreateRadioButton(p_border,10,50,'2 pixels'); rb_border_2.OnChange:= @rb_border_2Change; rb_border_3 := CreateRadioButton(p_border,80,25,'3 pixels'); rb_border_3.OnChange:= @rb_border_3Change; rb_border_5 := CreateRadioButton(p_border,80,50,'5 pixels'); rb_border_5.OnChange:= @rb_border_5Change; p_margin := TfpgPanel.Create(self); with p_margin do begin name := 'p_margin'; SetPosition(10,350,180,80); Layout := tlTop; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Hint margin'; end; rb_margin_1 := CreateRadioButton(p_margin,10,25,'1 pixel'); rb_margin_1.OnChange:= @rb_margin_1Change; rb_margin_2 := CreateRadioButton(p_margin,10,50,'2 pixels'); rb_margin_2.OnChange:= @rb_margin_2Change; rb_margin_3 := CreateRadioButton(p_margin,80,25,'3 pixels'); rb_margin_3.Checked:= True; rb_margin_3.OnChange:= @rb_margin_3Change; rb_margin_5 := CreateRadioButton(p_margin,80,50,'5 pixels'); rb_margin_5.OnChange:= @rb_margin_5Change; p_time := TfpgPanel.Create(self); with p_time do begin name := 'p_time'; SetPosition(10,440,180,80); Layout := tlTop; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Hint delay'; end; rb_time_1 := CreateRadioButton(p_time,10,25,'1 second'); rb_time_1.OnChange:= @rb_time_1Change; rb_time_2 := CreateRadioButton(p_time,10,50,'2 seconds'); rb_time_2.OnChange:= @rb_time_2Change; rb_time_3 := CreateRadioButton(p_time,80,25,'3 seconds'); rb_time_3.OnChange:= @rb_time_3Change; rb_time_5 := CreateRadioButton(p_time,80,50,'5 seconds'); rb_time_5.OnChange:= @rb_time_5Change; rb_time_5.Checked:= True; p_color := TfpgPanel.Create(self); with p_color do begin name := 'p_color'; SetPosition(200,260,180,80); Layout := tlTop; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Hint text color'; end; rb_color_black := CreateRadioButton(p_color,10,25,'Black'); rb_color_black.Checked:= True; rb_color_black.OnChange:= @rb_color_blackChange; rb_color_red := CreateRadioButton(p_color,10,50,'Red'); rb_color_red.OnChange:= @rb_color_redChange; rb_color_green := CreateRadioButton(p_color,80,25,'Green'); rb_color_green.OnChange:= @rb_color_greenChange; rb_color_blue := CreateRadioButton(p_color,80,50,'Blue'); rb_color_blue.OnChange:= @rb_color_blueChange; p_bgcolor := TfpgPanel.Create(self); with p_bgcolor do begin name := 'p_bgcolor'; SetPosition(200,350,180,80); Layout := tlTop; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Hint background color'; end; rb_bgcolor_yellow := CreateRadioButton(p_bgcolor,10,25,'Default'); rb_bgcolor_yellow.Checked:= True; rb_bgcolor_yellow.OnChange:= @rb_bgcolor_yellowChange; rb_bgcolor_white := CreateRadioButton(p_bgcolor,10,50,'White'); rb_bgcolor_white.OnChange:= @rb_bgcolor_whiteChange; rb_bgcolor_green := CreateRadioButton(p_bgcolor,80,25,'Green'); rb_bgcolor_green.OnChange:= @rb_bgcolor_greenChange; rb_bgcolor_blue := CreateRadioButton(p_bgcolor,80,50,'Blue'); rb_bgcolor_blue.OnChange:= @rb_bgcolor_blueChange; p_shadowcolor := TfpgPanel.Create(self); with p_shadowcolor do begin name := 'p_shadowcolor'; SetPosition(200,440,180,80); Layout := tlTop; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Text := 'Shadow color'; end; cbShadow := CreateCheckBox(p_shadowcolor, 10, 25, 'Show Hint Shadow'); cbShadow.OnChange := @cbShadowChanged; rb_shadowcolor_gray := CreateRadioButton(p_shadowcolor,10,50,'Gray'); rb_shadowcolor_gray.Checked:= True; rb_shadowcolor_gray.OnChange:= @rb_shadowcolor_grayChange; rb_shadowcolor_black := CreateRadioButton(p_shadowcolor,80,50,'Black'); rb_shadowcolor_black.OnChange:= @rb_shadowcolor_blackChange; chbShowHint := CreateCheckBox(Self,10,520,'Form.ShowHint'); chbShowHint.Checked := self.ShowHint; chbShowhint.OnChange:= @chbShowHintChange; chbAppShowHint := CreateCheckBox(Self,10,540,'Application.ShowHint'); chbAppShowHint.Checked := fpgApplication.ShowHint; chbAppShowhint.OnChange:= @chbAppShowHintChange; chbCustomHint := CreateCheckBox(self, 200, 520, 'Custom Hint Window'); chbCustomHint.OnChange := @chbCustomHintChanged; {@VFD_BODY_END: MainForm} if edtFloat.CustomDecimalSeparator = '.' then rbPoint.Checked := True else rbComma.Checked := True; end; { TMyHintWindow } { Not so efficient, but good enough for this demo } procedure TMyHintWindow.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var img: TfpgImage; r: TfpgRect; begin r := GetClientRect; InflateRect(r, -Border, -Border); Canvas.GradientFill(r, clLavender, clWhite, gdVertical); img := fpgImages.GetImage(''); Canvas.TextColor := clMagenta; Canvas.DrawImage(10, 10, img); Canvas.DrawText(img.Width + 10, 10+(img.Height div 2), 'I am a custom hint window'); Canvas.TextColor := TextColor; Canvas.DrawText(GetClientRect, Text, [txtVCenter, txtHCenter, txtWrap]); Canvas.DrawButtonFace(300, 165, 90, 25, []); end; constructor TMyHintWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); OnPaint := @FormPaint; MinWidth := 400; MinHeight := 200; Border := 2; end; procedure MainProc; var frm: TMainForm; begin // To apply custom hint window, uncomment the two lines below // fpgApplication; // HintWindowClass := TMyHintWindow; fpgApplication.Initialize; frm := TMainForm.Create(nil); try frm.Show; fpgApplication.Run; finally frm.Free; end; end; begin MainProc; end.