{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Main window functionality and designer class. } unit vfdwidgetclass; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, fpgfx, gfx_widget; type TWidgetClass = class of TfpgWidget; TVFDWidgetProperty = class; TVFDPropertyEditor = class(TfpgWidget) private FProp: TVFDWidgetProperty; public OnUpdate: TNotifyEvent; procedure UpdateProperty(Sender: TObject); property Prop: TVFDWidgetProperty read FProp; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; aprop: TVFDWidgetProperty); reintroduce; procedure CreateLayout; virtual; procedure LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); virtual; procedure StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); virtual; end; TVFDWidgetProperty = class(TObject) public Name: string; Description: string; public constructor Create(aName: string); virtual; function ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; virtual; function GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; virtual; function GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; virtual; procedure DrawValue(wg: TfpgWidget; Canvas: TfpgCanvas; rect: TfpgRect; flags: integer); virtual; function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; virtual; procedure OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); virtual; end; TVFDPropertyClass = class of TVFDWidgetProperty; TVFDWidgetClass = class(TObject) private FProps: TList; public WidgetClass: TWidgetClass; Description: string; WidgetIconName: string; NameBase: string; Container: boolean; constructor Create(aClass: TWidgetClass); destructor Destroy; override; function AddProperty(apropname: string; apropclass: TVFDPropertyClass; desc: string): TVFDWidgetProperty; function PropertyCount: integer; function GetProperty(ind: integer): TVFDWidgetProperty; function CreateWidget(AOwner: TComponent): TfpgWidget; end; implementation uses TypInfo; { TVFDWidgetClass } function TVFDWidgetClass.AddProperty(apropname: string; apropclass: TVFDPropertyClass; desc: string): TVFDWidgetProperty; begin Result := apropclass.Create(apropname); Result.Description := desc; FProps.Add(Result); end; constructor TVFDWidgetClass.Create(aClass: TWidgetClass); begin WidgetClass := aClass; FProps := TList.Create; Description := ''; NameBase := 'Widget'; Container := False; end; function TVFDWidgetClass.CreateWidget(AOwner: TComponent): TfpgWidget; begin Result := WidgetClass.Create(AOwner); Include(Result.ComponentState, csDesigning); end; destructor TVFDWidgetClass.Destroy; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to FProps.Count - 1 do TVFDWidgetProperty(FProps[n]).Free; FProps.Free; inherited; end; function TVFDWidgetClass.GetProperty(ind: integer): TVFDWidgetProperty; begin Result := TVFDWidgetProperty(FProps[ind - 1]); end; function TVFDWidgetClass.PropertyCount: integer; begin Result := FProps.Count; end; { TVFDWidgetProperty } constructor TVFDWidgetProperty.Create(aName: string); begin Name := aName; Description := ''; end; function TVFDWidgetProperty.GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; begin end; function TVFDWidgetProperty.ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TVFDWidgetProperty.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := nil; end; procedure TVFDWidgetProperty.DrawValue(wg: TfpgWidget; Canvas: TfpgCanvas; rect: TfpgRect; flags: integer); var x, y, fy: integer; s: string; begin x := rect.left; y := rect.top; fy := y + rect.Height div 2 - Canvas.Font.Height div 2; try s := GetValueText(wg); except on E: Exception do writeln('Detected a error: ', E.Message); end; Canvas.BeginDraw; Canvas.DrawString(x + 1, fy, s); Canvas.EndDraw; end; function TVFDWidgetProperty.GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; begin Result := '[' + Name + ']'; end; procedure TVFDWidgetProperty.OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); begin writeln('external edit'); end; { TVFDPropertyEditor } constructor TVFDPropertyEditor.Create(AOwner: TComponent; aprop: TVFDWidgetProperty); begin inherited Create(AOwner); OnUpdate := nil; FProp := aprop; end; procedure TVFDPropertyEditor.CreateLayout; begin //abstract end; procedure TVFDPropertyEditor.LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin Writeln('abstract: editor.LoadValue'); end; procedure TVFDPropertyEditor.UpdateProperty(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(OnUpdate) then OnUpdate(self); end; procedure TVFDPropertyEditor.StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin Writeln('abstract: editor.StoreValue'); // check property type // the property must be published ! // PPropInfo := GetPropInfo(object, 'propname'); // if PPropInfo^.PropType^.name = end; end.