{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: The resizer widget used in the form designer. } unit vfdresizer; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, gfx_widget; type TwgResizer = class(TfpgWidget) protected wgdesigner: TObject; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; public direction: integer; FDragging: boolean; FDragPosX, FDragPosY: TfpgCoord; constructor Create(ACompDesigner: TObject; adirection: integer); reintroduce; procedure Show; end; implementation uses vfddesigner, vfdmain; { TwgResizer } procedure TwgResizer.HandlePaint; begin Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor); end; procedure TwgResizer.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); FDragging := True; FDragPosX := x; FDragPosy := y; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} CaptureMouse; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TwgResizer.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); FDragging := False; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} ReleaseMouse; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TwgResizer.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var dx, dy: integer; gridc: integer; wgd: TWidgetDesigner; begin // inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); if (not FDragging) or ((btnstate and MOUSE_LEFT) = 0) then Exit; dx := x - FDragPosX; dy := y - FDragPosY; wgd := TWidgetDesigner(wgdesigner); gridc := maindsgn.GridResolution; dx := dx - dx mod gridc; dy := dy - dy mod gridc; case direction of 1: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(dx, dy, -dx, -dy); 2: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(0, dy, 0, -dy); 3: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(0, dy, dx, -dy); 4: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(0, 0, dx, 0); 5: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(0, 0, dx, dy); 6: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(0, 0, 0, dy); 7: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(dx, 0, -dx, dy); 8: wgd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(dx, 0, -dx, 0); end; wgd.UpdateResizerPositions; wgd.FormDesigner.UpdatePropWin; end; constructor TwgResizer.Create(ACompDesigner: TObject; adirection: integer); begin inherited Create(TWidgetDesigner(aCompDesigner).Widget.Parent); FBackgroundColor := $404040; wgdesigner := aCompDesigner; FDragging := False; Width := 5; Height := 5; direction := adirection; case direction of 1: MouseCursor := mcSizeSENW; // top left 2: MouseCursor := mcSizeNS; // top 3: MouseCursor := mcSizeSWNE; // top right 4: MouseCursor := mcSizeEW; // right 5: MouseCursor := mcSizeNWSE; // bottom right 6: MouseCursor := mcSizeNS; // bottom 7: MouseCursor := mcSizeNESW; // bottom left 8: MouseCursor := mcSizeEW; // left end; Visible := True; end; procedure TwgResizer.Show; begin HandleShow; end; end.