{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Some Pascal source code parsing functionality. } unit vfdformparser; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpgfx, gfx_widget, gui_form, vfddesigner, vfdwidgetclass, vfdwidgets; type TVFDFormParser = class(TObject) protected ffd: TFormDesigner; fformname: string; BodyLines: TStringList; eob: boolean; line: string; lineindex: integer; public procedure nextline; public constructor Create(const FormName, FormHead, FormBody: string); destructor Destroy; override; function ParseForm: TFormDesigner; procedure ParseFormProperties; procedure ParseFormWidgets; function ReadWGProperty(propline: string; wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass): boolean; end; function GetIdentifier(var s: string): string; function GetStringValue(var s: string): string; procedure SkipSpaces(var s: string); function CheckSymbol(var s: string; const sym: string): boolean; function GetIntValue(var s: string): integer; function GetBoolValue(var s: string): boolean; implementation { TVFDFormParser } constructor TVFDFormParser.Create(const FormName, FormHead, FormBody: string); begin fformname := FormName; ffd := nil; BodyLines := TStringList.Create; BodyLines.Text := FormBody; lineindex := 0; end; destructor TVFDFormParser.Destroy; begin BodyLines.Free; inherited; end; procedure TVFDFormParser.nextline; begin repeat Inc(lineindex); eob := (lineindex > BodyLines.Count); if not eob then line := trim(bodylines.Strings[lineindex - 1]) else line := ''; until eob or (line <> ''); end; function TVFDFormParser.ParseForm: TFormDesigner; begin ffd := TFormDesigner.Create; ffd.Form.Name := fformname; // parsing line by line // the unknown lines will be "other properties" lineindex := 0; nextline; ParseFormProperties; ParseFormWidgets; Result := ffd; end; procedure SkipSpaces(var s: string); begin while (s <> '') and (s[1] in [' ', #9, #13, #10]) do Delete(s, 1, 1); end; function CheckSymbol(var s: string; const sym: string): boolean; begin SkipSpaces(s); Result := (pos(sym, s) = 1); if Result then Delete(s, 1, length(sym)); end; function GetIntValue(var s: string): integer; var n: integer; ns: string; begin SkipSpaces(s); ns := ''; n := 1; while (n <= length(s)) and (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '-']) do begin ns := ns + s[n]; Inc(n); end; Result := StrToIntDef(ns, 0); Delete(s, 1, length(ns)); end; function GetBoolValue(var s: string): boolean; var ts: string; fs: string; begin SkipSpaces(s); ts := copy(s, 1, 4); // true string fs := copy(s, 1, 5); // false string if UpperCase(ts) = 'TRUE' then Result := True else if UpperCase(fs) = 'FALSE' then Result := False else raise exception.Create('Failed to parse Boolean value <' + s + '>'); if Result then Delete(s, 1, 4) else Delete(s, 1, 5); end; function GetStringValue(var s: string): string; var n: integer; quot: boolean; c, prevc: char; ccode: string; ids: string; begin Result := ''; ids := GetIdentifier(s); if ids <> '' then { if ids = 'u8' then begin if not CheckSymbol(s, '(') then Exit; end else Exit; } SkipSpaces(s); prevc := #0; n := 1; quot := False; while n <= length(s) do begin c := s[n]; if c = '''' then begin quot := not quot; if quot and (prevc = '''') then Result := Result + c; end else if not quot then begin if not (c in ['+', ' ', #9, #13, #10]) then if (c = '#') then begin Inc(n); ccode := ''; while (n <= length(s)) and (s[n] in ['0'..'9']) do begin ccode := ccode + s[n]; Inc(n); end; c := chr(StrToIntDef(ccode, Ord('?')) and $FF); Result := Result + c; end else break; end else Result := Result + c; prevc := c; Inc(n); end; if (n - 1) > 0 then Delete(s, 1, n - 1); SkipSpaces(s); // if ids <> '' then // CheckSymbol(s, ')'); // if ids = 'u8' then // Result := u8(Result); end; function GetIdentifier(var s: string): string; var n: integer; begin SkipSpaces(s); Result := ''; n := 1; while n <= length(s) do begin if s[n] in ['_', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9'] then Result := Result + s[n] else Break; Inc(n); end; if length(Result) > 0 then Delete(s, 1, length(Result)); end; procedure TVFDFormParser.ParseFormProperties; var lok: boolean; begin while not eob and (pos('.CREATE(', UpperCase(line)) = 0) do begin lok := ReadWGProperty(line, ffd.Form, VFDFormWidget); if not lok then ffd.FormOther := ffd.FormOther + line + LineEnding; NextLine; end; end; procedure TVFDFormParser.ParseFormWidgets; var n: integer; lok: boolean; s: string; ident: string; wgname, wgclass, wgclassuc, wgparent: string; pwg, wg: TfpgWidget; wgother: string; wd: TWidgetDesigner; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass; begin while not eob do begin //s := UpperCase(line); s := line; wgname := GetIdentifier(s); //writeln('wg: ',wgname); lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if lok then wgclass := GetIdentifier(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '.'); lok := lok and (UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) = 'CREATE'); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '('); if lok then wgparent := GetIdentifier(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')'); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';'); if lok then begin // writeln('wg create: ',wgname,' (',wgclass,') - ',wgparent); // searching for the parent ... pwg := nil; if UpperCase(wgparent) <> 'SELF' then begin pwg := ffd.FindWidgetByName(wgparent); if pwg = nil then Writeln('Warning! Parent object "' + wgparent + '" not found for "' + wgname + '"'); end; if pwg = nil then pwg := ffd.Form; wgclassuc := UpperCase(wgclass); wg := nil; wgc := nil; for n := 1 to VFDWidgetCount do begin wgc := VFDWidget(n); if wgclassuc = UpperCase(wgc.WidgetClass.ClassName) then begin wg := wgc.CreateWidget(pwg); break; end; end; if wg = nil then begin wgc := VFDOtherWidget; wg := TOtherWidget.Create(pwg); TOtherWidget(wg).wgClassName := wgclass; end; wg.Name := wgname; wg.FormDesigner := ffd; NextLine; s := UpperCase(line); ident := GetIdentifier(s); if ident = 'WITH' then begin // skip with line... NextLine; s := UpperCase(line); ident := GetIdentifier(s); if ident = 'BEGIN' then NextLine; // reading widget properties... wgother := ''; while (not eob) and (pos('END;', UpperCase(line)) <> 1) do begin lok := ReadWGProperty(line, wg, wgc); if not lok then wgother := wgother + line + LineEnding; nextline; end; if (pos('END;', UpperCase(line)) = 1) then nextline; end; wd := ffd.AddWidget(wg, nil); wd.FVFDClass := wgc; wd.other.Text := wgother; end else begin ffd.FormOther := ffd.FormOther + line + LineEnding; NextLine; end; end; end; function TVFDFormParser.ReadWGProperty(propline: string; wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass): boolean; var s: string; n: integer; ident: string; lok: boolean; sval: string; wga: TAnchors; begin s := propline; ident := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)); //writeln('ident: ',ident); sval := ''; lok := False; if ident = 'NAME' then begin lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if lok then begin sval := GetStringValue(s); lok := CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end; if lok then wg.Name := sval; end { else if ident = 'TEXT' then begin lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if lok then begin sval := GetStringValue(s); lok := CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end; if lok then begin if wg is TwgLabel then TwgLabel(wg).Text := sval else if wg is TwgEdit then TwgEdit(wg).Text := sval else if wg is TwgButton then TwgButton(wg).Text := sval else if wg is TwgCheckBox then TwgCheckBox(wg).Text := sval else lok := false; end; if lok then SetWidgetText(wg, sval); end else if (ident = 'LINES') or (ident = 'ITEMS') then begin lok := CheckSymbol(s, '.'); lok := lok and (UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) = 'ADD'); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '('); if lok then begin sval := GetStringValue(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')'); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end; if lok then begin if wg is TwgMemo then TwgMemo(wg).Lines.Add(sval) else if wg is TwgChoiceList then TwgChoiceList(wg).Items.Add(sval) else if wg is TwgTextListBox then TwgTextListBox(wg).Items.Add(sval) else lok := false; end; end } else if ident = 'ANCHORS' then begin lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '['); if lok then begin wga := []; repeat sval := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)); if sval = 'ANLEFT' then wga := wga + [anLeft] else if sval = 'ANTOP' then wga := wga + [anTop] else if sval = 'ANRIGHT' then wga := wga + [anRight] else if sval = 'ANBOTTOM' then wga := wga + [anBottom]; until not CheckSymbol(s, ','); end; lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ']'); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';'); if lok then wg.Anchors := wga; end else if ident = 'WINDOWTITLE' then begin lok := (wg is TfpgForm); if lok then begin lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if lok then begin sval := GetStringValue(s); lok := CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end; if lok then TfpgForm(wg).WindowTitle := sval; end; end else if ident = 'SETPOSITION' then begin lok := CheckSymbol(s, '('); if lok then wg.Left := GetIntValue(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if lok then wg.Top := GetIntValue(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if lok then wg.Width := GetIntValue(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if lok then wg.Height := GetIntValue(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')'); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';'); //if lok then Writeln('sd ok.'); //writeln('WT: ',sval); end { else if (wg is TwgDBGrid) and (ident = 'ADDCOLUMN8') then begin c := TDBColumn.Create; lok := CheckSymbol(s, '('); if lok then c.Title := u8(GetStringValue(s)); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if lok then c.FieldName8 := GetStringValue(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if lok then c.Width := GetIntValue(s); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if lok then begin sval := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)); if sval = 'ALRIGHT' then c.Alignment := alRight else if sval = 'ALCENTER' then c.Alignment := alCenter else c.Alignment := alLeft; end; lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')'); lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';'); if lok then begin TwgDBGrid(wg).AddColumn(c.Title, c.FieldName8, c.Width, c.Alignment) end; c.Free; end; }; if not lok then if wgc <> nil then for n := 1 to wgc.PropertyCount do begin lok := wgc.GetProperty(n).ParseSourceLine(wg, line); if lok then Break; end; if not lok then Writeln('unknown: ', line); Result := lok; end; end.