{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit handles the load, save and merge functions. Doing marker searching. } unit vfdfile; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses SysUtils, Classes; type TVFDFileBlock = class public BlockID: string; FormName: string; Position: integer; Data: string; end; TVFDFile = class protected FFileData: string; FParsedData: string; FBlocks: TList; public NewFormsDecl: string; NewFormsImpl: string; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function LoadFile(fname: string): boolean; procedure AddBlock(aposition: integer; ablockid, aformname, ablockdata: string); function BlockCount: integer; function Block(index: integer): TVFDFileBlock; procedure FreeBlocks; function GetBlocks: integer; // parse file function MergeBlocks: string; // store file procedure AddNewFormDecl(formname, formheadblock: string); procedure AddNewFormImpl(formname, formbody: string); function FindFormBlock(blockid, formname: string): TVFDFileBlock; procedure SetFormData(formname, headblock, bodyblock: string); procedure NewFileSkeleton(unitname: string); end; implementation { TVFDFile } procedure TVFDFile.AddBlock(aposition: integer; ablockid, aformname, ablockdata: string); var fb: TVFDFileBlock; begin fb := TVFDFileBlock.Create; fb.Position := aposition; fb.BlockID := ablockid; fb.FormName := aformname; fb.Data := ablockdata; FBlocks.Add(fb); end; procedure TVFDFile.AddNewFormDecl(formname, formheadblock: string); var s: string; begin s := ' T' + formname + ' = class(TGfxForm)'#10 + ' public'#10 + ' {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: ' + formname + '}'#10 + formheadblock + ' {@VFD_HEAD_END: ' + formname + '}'#10 + #10 + ' procedure AfterCreate; override;'#10 + ' end;'#10 + ''#10; NewFormsDecl := NewFormsDecl + s; end; procedure TVFDFile.AddNewFormImpl(formname, formbody: string); var s: string; begin s := #10#10 + 'procedure T' + formname + '.AfterCreate;'#10 + 'begin'#10 + ' {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: ' + formname + '}'#10 + formbody + ' {@VFD_BODY_END: ' + formname + '}'#10 + 'end;'#10; NewFormsImpl := NewFormsImpl + s; end; function TVFDFile.Block(index: integer): TVFDFileBlock; begin Result := nil; if (index < 1) or (index > FBlocks.Count) then Exit; Result := TVFDFileBlock(FBlocks[index - 1]); end; function TVFDFile.BlockCount: integer; begin Result := FBlocks.Count; end; constructor TVFDFile.Create; begin FFileData := ''; FParsedData := ''; NewFormsDecl := ''; NewFormsImpl := ''; FBlocks := TList.Create; end; destructor TVFDFile.Destroy; begin FreeBlocks; FBlocks.Free; inherited; end; function TVFDFile.FindFormBlock(blockid, formname: string): TVFDFileBlock; var n: integer; fb: TVFDFileBlock; begin Result := nil; for n := 1 to BlockCount do begin fb := Block(n); if (fb.BlockID = blockid) and (UpperCase(fb.FormName) = UpperCase(formname)) then begin Result := fb; Exit; end; end; end; procedure TVFDFile.FreeBlocks; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to FBlocks.Count - 1 do TVFDFileBlock(FBlocks[n]).Free; FBlocks.Clear; NewFormsDecl := ''; NewFormsImpl := ''; end; function TVFDFile.GetBlocks: integer; var n: integer; s: string; startp, endp: integer; formname: string; bname, startmarker, endmarker: string; datablock: string; deletelen: integer; dropmarker: boolean; begin FreeBlocks; FParsedData := FFileData; // searching blocks: repeat bname := ''; formname := ''; datablock := ''; s := '{@VFD_'; startp := pos(s, FParsedData); if startp > 0 then begin // marker found n := startp + 2; while (n < length(FParsedData)) and (FParsedData[n] in ['_', 'A'..'Z']) do begin bname := bname + FParsedData[n]; Inc(n); end; if FParsedData[n] = ':' then Inc(n, 2); while (n < length(FParsedData)) and (FParsedData[n] <> '}') do begin formname := formname + FParsedData[n]; Inc(n); end; startmarker := copy(FParsedData, startp, n - startp + 1); deletelen := length(startmarker); dropmarker := False; Writeln('marker: ', startmarker); // block marker ? endmarker := ''; if bname = 'VFD_HEAD_BEGIN' then //or (bname = 'VFD_BODY_BEGIN') then endmarker := '{@VFD_HEAD_END: ' + formname + '}' else if bname = 'VFD_BODY_BEGIN' then endmarker := '{@VFD_BODY_END: ' + formname + '}'; if endmarker <> '' then begin //Writeln('Block: ',bname,' form: ',formname); // find the end of the block endp := pos(endmarker, FParsedData); if endp > 0 then begin //Writeln('end marker found.'); datablock := copy(FParsedData, startp + length(startmarker), endp - startp - length(startmarker)); //Writeln('data block:'); //writeln(datablock); //writeln('.'); deletelen := endp - startp + length(endmarker); end else dropmarker := True// error: end marker did not found //Writeln('file error: ',endmarker,' marker wasn''t found.'); // block length = 0 ; end; Delete(FParsedData, startp, deletelen); if not dropmarker then AddBlock(startp, bname, formname, datablock); end; until startp <= 0; //writeln(FParsedData); Result := BlockCount; end; function TVFDFile.LoadFile(fname: string): boolean; var ff: file; s: string; cnt: integer; begin Result := False; AssignFile(ff, fname); try Reset(ff, 1); except Exit; end; FFileData := ''; try while not EOF(ff) do begin SetLength(s, 4096); BlockRead(ff, s[1], length(s), cnt); FFileData := FFileData + copy(s, 1, cnt); if cnt < length(s) then break; end; Result := True; finally CloseFile(ff); end; //Writeln('data length: ',length(FFileData)); end; function TVFDFile.MergeBlocks: string; var rs: string; n: integer; iofs, startp: integer; fb: TVFDFileBlock; startmarker, endmarker: string; iblock: string; newsaved: boolean; begin // Writeln('merging blocks: '); newsaved := False; rs := FParsedData; iofs := 0; for n := 0 to FBlocks.Count - 1 do begin fb := TVFDFileBlock(FBlocks[n]); startmarker := '{@' + fb.BlockID; if fb.formname <> '' then startmarker := startmarker + ': ' + fb.FormName; startmarker := startmarker + '}'; if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_HEAD_BEGIN' then endmarker := ' {@VFD_HEAD_END: ' + fb.FormName + '}' else if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_BODY_BEGIN' then endmarker := ' {@VFD_BODY_END: ' + fb.FormName + '}' else endmarker := ''; iblock := startmarker; if endmarker <> '' then iblock := iblock + #10 + fb.Data + endmarker; if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_NEWFORM_DECL' then iblock := NewFormsDecl + iblock else if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL' then begin iblock := iblock + NewFormsImpl; newsaved := True; end; startp := fb.Position + iofs; insert(iblock, rs, startp); Inc(iofs, length(iblock)); end; if not newsaved and (NewFormsImpl <> '') then rs := rs + NewFormsImpl// do not loose new form data. ; //writeln(rs); Result := rs; end; procedure TVFDFile.NewFileSkeleton(unitname: string); begin FFileData := 'unit ' + unitname + ';'#10 + #10 + '{$ifdef FPC}'#10 + '{$mode objfpc}{$H+}'#10 + '{$endif}'#10 + ''#10 + 'interface'#10 + ''#10 + 'uses'#10 + ' SysUtils, Classes, gfxbase, wgedit, unitkeys, schar16, gfxstyle,'#10 + ' gfxwidget, gfxform, wglabel, wgbutton,'#10 + ' wglistbox, wgmemo, wgchoicelist, wggrid, sqldb, sqluis,'#10 + ' wgdbgrid, gfxdialogs, wgcheckbox;'#10 + ''#10 + 'type'#10 + ''#10 + '{@VFD_NEWFORM_DECL}'#10 + ''#10 + 'implementation'#10 + ''#10 + '{@VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL}'#10 + ''#10 + 'end.'#10; GetBlocks; end; procedure TVFDFile.SetFormData(formname, headblock, bodyblock: string); var fb: TVFDFileBlock; begin fb := FindFormBlock('VFD_HEAD_BEGIN', formname); if fb <> nil then fb.Data := HeadBlock else AddNewFormDecl(formname, headblock); fb := FindFormBlock('VFD_BODY_BEGIN', formname); if fb <> nil then fb.Data := bodyblock else AddNewFormImpl(formname, bodyblock); end; end.