{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: A lot of the main code is here. } unit vfddesigner; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, fpgfx, gfx_widget, gui_form, gui_dialogs, gui_label, gui_edit, gui_button, gui_listbox, gui_memo, gui_combobox, gui_checkbox, vfdresizer, vfdforms, vfdeditors, vfdwidgetclass, vfdwidgets, newformdesigner; type TOtherWidget = class(TfpgWidget) protected FFont: TfpgFont; FBackgroundColor: TfpgColor; procedure HandlePaint; override; public wgClassName: string; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; TFormDesigner = class; TDesignedForm = class(TfpgForm) public procedure AfterCreate; override; end; TWidgetDesigner = class(TObject) private procedure SetSelected(const AValue: boolean); public FFormDesigner: TFormDesigner; FWidget: TfpgWidget; FVFDClass: TVFDWidgetClass; FSelected: boolean; resizer: array[1..8] of TwgResizer; other: TStringList; constructor Create(AFormDesigner: TFormDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass); destructor Destroy; override; property Selected: boolean read FSelected write SetSelected; property Widget: TfpgWidget read FWidget; procedure UpdateResizerPositions; property FormDesigner: TFormDesigner read FFormDesigner; end; TFormDesigner = class(TObject) protected FWidgets: TList; FForm: TDesignedForm; FFormOther: string; FDragging: boolean; FDragPosX, FDragPosY: TfpgCoord; FWasDrag: boolean; protected // messages of the designed widgets procedure MsgMouseDown(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_MOUSEDOWN; procedure MsgMouseUp(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_MOUSEUP; procedure MsgMouseMove(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_MOUSEMOVE; procedure MsgKeyPress(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_KEYPRESS; procedure MsgMove(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_MOVE; procedure MsgResize(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_RESIZE; procedure MsgActivate(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_ACTIVATE; public OneClickMove: boolean; // the widgets can be selected and dragged within one click constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ClearForm; procedure DefaultHandler(var msg); override; procedure Show; procedure InitTest; function AddWidget(wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass): TWidgetDesigner; function WidgetDesigner(wg: TfpgWidget): TWidgetDesigner; function FindWidgetByName(const wgname: string): TfpgWidget; procedure DeSelectAll; procedure SelectAll; procedure SelectNextWidget(fw: boolean); procedure MoveResizeWidgets(dx, dy, dw, dh: integer); procedure DeleteWidgets; procedure EditWidgetOrder; procedure DesignerKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); // procedure PutControlByName(x, y: integer; cname: string); procedure InsertWidget(pwg: TfpgWidget; x, y: integer; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass); procedure OnPaletteChange(Sender: TObject); procedure UpdatePropWin; procedure OnPropTextChange(Sender: TObject); procedure OnPropNameChange(Sender: TObject); procedure OnPropPosEdit(Sender: TObject); procedure OnOtherChange(Sender: TObject); procedure OnAnchorChange(Sender: TObject); procedure OnEditWidget(Sender: TObject); function GenerateNewName(namebase: string): string; procedure RunWidgetEditor(wgd: TWidgetDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget); function GetFormSourceDecl: string; function GetFormSourceImpl: string; function GetWidgetSourceImpl(wd: TWidgetDesigner; ident: string): string; property Form: TDesignedForm read FForm; property FormOther: string read FFormOther write FFormOther; end; implementation uses vfdmain; { TWidgetDesigner } procedure TWidgetDesigner.SetSelected(const AValue: boolean); var n: integer; begin if FSelected = AValue then Exit; FSelected := AValue; if FSelected then Widget.MouseCursor := mcMove else Widget.MouseCursor := mcDefault; for n := 1 to 8 do if FSelected then resizer[n] := TwgResizer.Create(self, n) else begin if resizer[n] <> nil then resizer[n].Free; resizer[n] := nil; end; UpdateResizerPositions; if FSelected and Widget.Parent.HasHandle then for n := 1 to 8 do resizer[n].Show; end; constructor TWidgetDesigner.Create(AFormDesigner: TFormDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass); var n: integer; begin FFormDesigner := AFormDesigner; FWidget := wg; FVFDClass := wgc; for n := 1 to 8 do resizer[n] := nil; FSelected := False; wg.MouseCursor := mcDefault; other := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TWidgetDesigner.Destroy; var n: integer; begin for n := 1 to 8 do if resizer[n] <> nil then resizer[n].Free; other.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TWidgetDesigner.UpdateResizerPositions; var n: integer; rs: TwgResizer; begin if not FSelected then Exit; for n := 1 to 8 do begin rs := resizer[n]; if rs <> nil then begin case n of 1: begin rs.left := Widget.left - 2; rs.Top := Widget.Top - 2; end; 2: begin rs.Top := Widget.Top - 2; rs.left := Widget.left + Widget.Width div 2 - 2; end; 3: begin rs.Top := Widget.Top - 2; rs.left := Widget.left + Widget.Width - 1 - 2; end; 4: begin rs.Top := Widget.Top + Widget.Height div 2 - 2; rs.left := Widget.left + Widget.Width - 1 - 2; end; 5: begin rs.Top := Widget.Top + Widget.Height - 1 - 2; rs.left := Widget.left + Widget.Width - 1 - 2; end; 6: begin rs.Top := Widget.Top + Widget.Height - 1 - 2; rs.left := Widget.left + Widget.Width div 2 - 2; end; 7: begin rs.Top := Widget.Top + Widget.Height - 1 - 2; rs.left := Widget.left - 2; end; 8: begin rs.Top := Widget.Top + Widget.Height div 2 - 2; rs.left := Widget.left - 2; end; end; // case if rs.HasHandle then rs.UpdateWindowPosition; end; end; end; { TFormDesigner } procedure TFormDesigner.MsgMouseDown(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); var wgd: TWidgetDesigner; shift: boolean; begin // writeln('TFormDesigner.MsgMouseDown'); FDragging := True; FWasDrag := False; FDragPosX := msg.Params.mouse.x; FDragPosy := msg.Params.mouse.y; if msg.dest = FForm then Exit; wgd := WidgetDesigner(TfpgWidget(msg.dest)); if wgd = nil then Exit; if not OneClickMove then Exit; // this Exit disables one click move shift := (ssShift in msg.Params.mouse.shiftstate); if shift then Exit; if not wgd.Selected then begin DeSelectAll; wgd.Selected := True; UpdatePropWin; end; end; procedure TFormDesigner.MsgMouseUp(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); var wgd: TWidgetDesigner; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass; pwg: TfpgWidget; shift: boolean; x, y: integer; begin // writeln('TFormDesigner.MsgMouseUp'); FDragging := False; shift := (ssShift in msg.Params.mouse.shiftstate); wgc := frmMain.SelectedWidget; pwg := TfpgWidget(msg.dest); wgd := WidgetDesigner(TfpgWidget(msg.dest)); if wgd = nil then pwg := FForm else if not wgd.FVFDClass.Container then wgc := nil; if wgc <> nil then begin DeSelectAll; if wgc <> nil then begin x := msg.Params.mouse.x; y := msg.Params.mouse.y; if GridResolution > 1 then begin x := x - x mod GridResolution; y := y - y mod GridResolution; end; InsertWidget(pwg, x, y, wgc); if not shift then begin FForm.MouseCursor := mcDefault; frmMain.SelectedWidget := nil; end; end; end else begin wgd := WidgetDesigner(TfpgWidget(msg.dest)); if wgd = nil then begin DeSelectAll; UpdatePropWin; Exit; end; if not shift then begin if not wgd.Selected then DeSelectAll; wgd.Selected := True; end else wgd.Selected := not wgd.Selected; end; UpdatePropWin; end; procedure TFormDesigner.MsgMouseMove(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); var dx, dy: integer; wgd: TWidgetDesigner; begin if not FDragging then Exit; FWasDrag := True; dx := msg.Params.mouse.x - FDragPosX; dy := msg.Params.mouse.y - FDragPosY; wgd := WidgetDesigner(TfpgWidget(msg.dest)); if (wgd = nil) or (not wgd.Selected) then Exit; if GridResolution > 1 then begin dx := dx - (dx mod GridResolution); dy := dy - (dy mod GridResolution); end; MoveResizeWidgets(dx, dy, 0, 0); end; procedure TFormDesigner.MsgKeyPress(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); var key: word; ss: TShiftState; consumed: boolean; begin key := msg.params.keyboard.keycode; ss := msg.params.keyboard.shiftstate; consumed := False; DesignerKeyPress(key, ss, consumed); end; procedure TFormDesigner.MsgMove(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); begin if msg.dest = FForm then UpdatePropWin; end; procedure TFormDesigner.MsgResize(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); begin if msg.dest = FForm then begin DeSelectAll; // because of the anchorings UpdatePropWin; end; end; constructor TFormDesigner.Create; begin FWidgets := TList.Create; FWasDrag := False; OneClickMove := True; //false; FForm := TDesignedForm.Create(nil); FForm.FormDesigner := self; FForm.Name := maindsgn.NewFormName; FForm.WindowTitle := FForm.Name; FFormOther := ''; end; destructor TFormDesigner.Destroy; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do TObject(FWidgets.Items[n]).Free; FWidgets.Free; if FForm <> nil then FForm.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFormDesigner.ClearForm; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]).Widget.Free; TObject(FWidgets.Items[n]).Free; end; FWidgets.Clear; end; procedure TFormDesigner.DefaultHandler(var msg); begin //Writeln('Designer message: ',TMessageRec(msg).msgcode,' from ',TMessageRec(msg).dest.ClassName); end; procedure TFormDesigner.Show; begin FForm.Show; UpdatePropWin; end; procedure TFormDesigner.InitTest; var l1: TfpgLabel; ed1: TfpgEdit; begin // Exit; writeln('InitTest'); l1 := CreateLabel(FForm, 10, 10, 'Test Label'); ed1 := CreateEdit(FForm, 10, 50, 150, 0); AddWidget(l1, nil); AddWidget(ed1, nil); end; function TFormDesigner.AddWidget(wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass): TWidgetDesigner; var cd: TWidgetDesigner; begin // writeln('TFormDesigner.AddWidget'); cd := TWidgetDesigner.Create(self, wg, wgc); FWidgets.Add(cd); //cd.Selected := true; if wg is TDesignedForm then TDesignedForm(wg).FormDesigner := self; Result := cd; end; function TFormDesigner.WidgetDesigner(wg: TfpgWidget): TWidgetDesigner; var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; begin Result := nil; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Widget = wg then begin Result := cd; Exit; end; end; end; procedure TFormDesigner.DeSelectAll; var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); cd.Selected := False; end; end; procedure TFormDesigner.SelectAll; var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); cd.Selected := True; end; end; procedure TFormDesigner.SelectNextWidget(fw: boolean); var n, dir: integer; cd, scd: TWidgetDesigner; begin if FWidgets.Count < 1 then Exit; if fw then begin n := 0; dir := 1; end else begin dir := -1; n := FWidgets.Count - 1; end; scd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); while (n >= 0) and (n < FWidgets.Count) do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin if fw then begin if n < FWidgets.Count - 1 then scd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n + 1]); end else if n > 0 then scd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n - 1]); break; end; n := n + dir; end; DeSelectAll; scd.Selected := True; UpdatePropWin; end; procedure TFormDesigner.MoveResizeWidgets(dx, dy, dw, dh: integer); var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin if GridResolution > 1 then ; cd.Widget.MoveAndResizeBy(dx, dy, dw, dh); cd.UpdateResizerPositions; end; end; UpdatePropWin; end; procedure TFormDesigner.DeleteWidgets; var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; begin n := 0; while n < FWidgets.Count do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin cd.Widget.Free; cd.Free; FWidgets.Delete(n); end else Inc(n); end; end; procedure TFormDesigner.EditWidgetOrder; var frm: TWidgetOrderForm; n, fi: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; identlevel: integer; procedure AddChildWidgets(pwg: TfpgWidget; slist: TStrings); var f: integer; fcd: TWidgetDesigner; begin for f := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin fcd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[f]); if fcd.Widget.Parent = pwg then begin frm.list.Items.AddObject(StringOfChar(' ', identlevel) + fcd.Widget.Name + ' : ' + fcd.Widget.ClassName, fcd); Inc(identlevel); AddChildWidgets(fcd.Widget, slist); Dec(identlevel); end; if fcd.Selected then fi := f + 1; end; end; begin frm := TWidgetOrderForm.Create(nil); fi := 1; identlevel := 0; AddChildWidgets(FForm, frm.list.Items); if fi <= frm.list.ItemCount then frm.list.FocusItem := fi; if frm.ShowModal = 1 then begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]).Widget.Visible := False; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do FWidgets.Items[n] := frm.List.Items.Objects[n]; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); cd.Widget.Visible := True; end; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin // re-creating the resizers cd.Selected := False; cd.Selected := True; end; end; end; frm.Free; end; procedure TFormDesigner.DesignerKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var dx, dy: integer; begin dx := 0; dy := 0; consumed := True; case keycode of keyLeft: dx := -1; keyRight: dx := +1; keyUp: dy := -1; keyDown: dy := +1; keyDelete: DeleteWidgets; keyTab: begin if ssShift in shiftstate then SelectNextWidget(False) // tab backwards else SelectNextWidget(True); // tab forward end; keyF1: ShowMessage('ENTER, F11: switch to Properties' + LineEnding + 'TAB, SHIFT+TAB: select next widget' + LineEnding + 'F2: edit widget order' + LineEnding + 'F4: edit items' + LineEnding , 'Small help'); keyF2: EditWidgetOrder; //KEY_F4: if PropertyForm.btnEdit.Visible then PropertyForm.btnEdit.Click; keyF11, keyEnter: frmProperties.SetFocus; // GfxActivateWindow(frmProperties.WinHandle); else consumed := False; end; if (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0) then if (ssShift in shiftstate) then MoveResizeWidgets(0, 0, dx, dy) else MoveResizeWidgets(dx, dy, 0, 0); end; (* procedure TFormDesigner.PutControlByName(x, y: integer; cname: string); var wg: TfpgWidget; wgd: TWidgetDesigner; wgcname: string; newname: string; cfrm: TInsertCustomForm; begin wgcname := UpperCase(cname); Writeln('Putting control: ', wgcname); wg := nil; newname := 'Widget'; if wgcname = 'LABEL' then begin newname := GenerateNewName('lbLabel'); wg := CreateLabel(FForm, x, y, newname); end else if wgcname = 'EDIT' then begin newname := GenerateNewName('edEdit'); wg := CreateEdit(FForm, x, y, 150, 0); TfpgEdit(wg).Text := newname; end else if wgcname = 'BUTTON' then begin newname := GenerateNewName('btnButton'); wg := CreateButton(FForm, x, y, 105, newname, nil); end else if wgcname = 'CHECKBOX' then begin newname := GenerateNewName('cbCheck'); wg := CreateCheckBox(FForm, x, y, newname); end else if wgcname = 'MEMO' then begin newname := GenerateNewName('edMemo'); wg := TfpgMemo.Create(FForm); wg.SetPosition(x, y, 120, 80); TfpgMemo(wg).Text := newname; end else if wgcname = 'TEXTLISTBOX' then begin newname := GenerateNewName('lstList'); wg := TfpgListBox.Create(FForm); wg.SetPosition(x, y, 160, 200); TfpgListBox(wg).Items.Add(newname); end else if wgcname = 'COMBOBOX' then begin newname := GenerateNewName('cbComboBox'); wg := CreateComboBox(FForm, x, y, 150, nil); TfpgComboBox(wg).Items.Add(newname); end else begin // custom component cfrm := TInsertCustomForm.Create(nil); if cfrm.ShowModal = 1 then begin newname := cfrm.edName.Text; if newname = '' then newname := GenerateNewName(cfrm.edClass.Text); wg := TOtherWidget.Create(FForm); TOtherWidget(wg).wgClassName := cfrm.edClass.Text; wg.SetPosition(x, y, 200, 24); end; cfrm.Free; end; if wg <> nil then begin wg.Name := newname; wgd := AddWidget(wg, nil); wg.Visible := True; DeSelectAll; wgd.Selected := True; UpdatePropWin; end; end; *) procedure TFormDesigner.OnPaletteChange(Sender: TObject); begin if PaletteForm.clist.FocusItem > 1 then FForm.MouseCursor := mcCross else FForm.MouseCursor := mcDefault; end; procedure TFormDesigner.UpdatePropWin; var n, i: integer; cd, scd: TWidgetDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget; wgcnt: integer; //btxt : boolean; //bedit : boolean; lastpropname: string; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass; begin wgcnt := 0; wg := FForm; wgc := VFDFormWidget; scd := nil; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin Inc(wgcnt); if wgcnt < 2 then begin wg := cd.Widget; scd := cd; end; end; end; if scd <> nil then wgc := scd.FVFDClass; n := frmProperties.lstProps.FocusItem; if (n > 0) and (PropList.GetItem(n) <> nil) then lastpropname := PropList.GetItem(n).Name else lastpropname := ''; i := 0; if PropList.Widget <> wg then begin frmProperties.lstProps.ReleaseEditor; PropList.Clear; for n := 1 to wgc.PropertyCount do begin PropList.AddItem(wgc.GetProperty(n)); if UpperCase(wgc.GetProperty(n).Name) = UpperCase(lastPropName) then i := n; end; PropList.Widget := wg; frmProperties.lstProps.Update; if i > 0 then frmProperties.lstProps.FocusItem := i; end; with frmProperties do begin if wg is TOtherWidget then lbClass.Text := TOtherWidget(wg).wgClassName else lbClass.Text := wg.ClassName; edName.Text := wg.Name; if scd <> nil then edOther.Text := scd.other.Text else edOther.Text := FFormOther; edName.Visible := (wgcnt < 2); edOther.Visible := (wgcnt < 2); lstProps.Update; end; with frmProperties do begin btnLeft.Text := IntToStr(wg.Left); btnTop.Text := IntToStr(wg.Top); btnWidth.Text := IntToStr(wg.Width); btnHeight.Text := IntToStr(wg.Height); btnAnLeft.Down := anLeft in wg.Anchors; btnAnTop.Down := anTop in wg.Anchors; btnAnRight.Down := anRight in wg.Anchors; btnAnBottom.Down := anBottom in wg.Anchors; end; Exit; { with PropertyForm do begin if wg is TOtherWidget then lbClass.Text8 := TOtherWidget(wg).wgClassName else lbClass.Text8 := wg.ClassName; edName.Text8 := wg.Name; lbLeft.Text8 := IntToStr(wg.Left); lbTop.Text8 := IntToStr(wg.Top); lbWidth.Text8 := IntToStr(wg.Width); lbHeight.Text8 := IntToStr(wg.Height); cbAL.Checked := anLeft in wg.Anchors; cbAT.Checked := anTop in wg.Anchors; cbAR.Checked := anRight in wg.Anchors; cbAB.Checked := anBottom in wg.Anchors; btxt := true; bedit := false; lbText.Text := u8('Text:'); if wg is TGfxForm then edText.Text := TGfxForm(wg).WindowTitle else if wg is TwgLabel then edText.Text := TwgLabel(wg).Text else if wg is TwgEdit then edText.Text := TwgEdit(wg).Text else if wg is TwgButton then edText.Text := TwgButton(wg).Text else if wg is TwgCheckBox then edText.Text := TwgCheckBox(wg).Text else btxt := false; if not btxt and ((wg is TwgMemo) or (wg is TwgChoiceList) or (wg is TwgTextListBox)) then begin bedit := true; lbText.Text := u8('Items:'); btnEdit.Text := u8('Edit items...'); end else if (wg is TwgDBGrid) then begin bedit := true; //lbText.Text := u8('Items:'); btnEdit.Text := u8('Edit columns...'); end; if scd <> nil then begin edOther.Text := str8to16(scd.other.Text); end else begin edOther.Text := str8to16(FFormOther); end; edText.Visible := btxt; lbText.Visible := btxt; btnEdit.Visible := bedit; edName.Visible := (wgcnt < 2); edOther.Visible := (wgcnt < 2); end; // with PropertyForm } end; procedure TFormDesigner.OnPropTextChange(Sender: TObject); { var n : integer; cd : TWidgetDesigner; wg : TWidget; s : string16; } begin { s := PropertyForm.edText.Text; wg := nil; for n:=0 to FWidgets.Count-1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin wg := cd.Widget; SetWidgetText(wg,s); if wg is TwgLabel then with TwgLabel(wg) do begin if Font.TextWidth16(Text) > width then begin Width := Font.TextWidth16(Text); UpdateWindowPosition; cd.UpdateResizerPositions; end; end; end; end; if wg = nil then begin FForm.WindowTitle := s; end; } end; procedure TFormDesigner.OnPropNameChange(Sender: TObject); var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget; s: string; begin // writeln('namechange'); s := frmProperties.edName.Text; wg := nil; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then wg := cd.Widget; { if GetWidgetText(wg,s) and (wg.Name = str16to8(s)) then begin PropertyForm.edText.Text8 := s8; OnPropTextChange(sender); end; } end; if wg = nil then wg := FForm{ if FForm.Name = FForm.WindowTitle8 then begin FForm.WindowTitle8 := s8; PropertyForm.edText.Text8 := s8; end; }; try wg.Name := s; except // invalid name... end; end; procedure TFormDesigner.OnPropPosEdit(Sender: TObject); var frm: TEditPositionForm; btn: TfpgButton; ax, ay: TfpgCoord; wg: TfpgWidget; n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; posval: integer; pt: TPoint; procedure SetNewPos(awg: TfpgWidget; pval: integer); begin if Sender = frmProperties.btnLeft then awg.Left := pval else if Sender = frmProperties.btnTop then awg.Top := pval else if Sender = frmProperties.btnWidth then awg.Width := pval else if Sender = frmProperties.btnHeight then awg.Height := pval; end; begin wg := nil; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin wg := cd.Widget; break; end; end; if wg = nil then wg := Form; btn := TfpgButton(Sender); frm := TEditPositionForm.Create(nil); btn.WindowToScreen(btn, pt); // GfxGetAbsolutePosition(btn.WinHandle, btn.Width, 0, ax, ay); ax := pt.X; ay := pt.Y; frm.Left := ax; frm.Top := ay; if Sender = frmProperties.btnLeft then begin frm.lbPos.Text := 'Left:'; frm.edPos.Text := IntToStr(wg.Left); end else if Sender = frmProperties.btnTop then begin frm.lbPos.Text := 'Top:'; frm.edPos.Text := IntToStr(wg.Top); end else if Sender = frmProperties.btnWidth then begin frm.lbPos.Text := 'Width:'; frm.edPos.Text := IntToStr(wg.Width); end else if Sender = frmProperties.btnHeight then begin frm.lbPos.Text := 'Height:'; frm.edPos.Text := IntToStr(wg.Height); end; posval := -9999; if frm.ShowModal = 1 then posval := StrToIntDef(frm.edPos.Text, -9999); frm.Free; if posval > -999 then begin wg := nil; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin wg := cd.Widget; SetNewPos(wg, posval); wg.UpdateWindowPosition; cd.UpdateResizerPositions; end; end; if wg = nil then begin SetNewPos(FForm, posval); FForm.UpdateWindowPosition; end; end; UpdatePropWin; end; procedure TFormDesigner.OnOtherChange(Sender: TObject); var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; s: string; sc: integer; begin sc := 0; s := frmProperties.edOther.Text; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin cd.other.Text := s; Inc(sc); end; end; if sc < 1 then FFormOther := s; end; procedure TFormDesigner.OnAnchorChange(Sender: TObject); var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget; begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin wg := cd.Widget; wg.Anchors := []; if frmProperties.btnAnLeft.Down then wg.Anchors := wg.Anchors + [anLeft]; if frmProperties.btnAnTop.Down then wg.Anchors := wg.Anchors + [anTop]; if frmProperties.btnAnRight.Down then wg.Anchors := wg.Anchors + [anRight]; if frmProperties.btnAnBottom.Down then wg.Anchors := wg.Anchors + [anBottom]; end; end; end; function TFormDesigner.GenerateNewName(namebase: string): string; var nind, n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; newname: string; bok: boolean; begin nind := 1; repeat newname := namebase + IntToStr(nind); bok := True; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Widget.Name = newname then begin bok := False; break; end; end; Inc(nind); until bok; Result := newname; end; procedure TFormDesigner.MsgActivate(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); begin maindsgn.SelectForm(self); end; function TFormDesigner.GetFormSourceDecl: string; var n: integer; wd: TWidgetDesigner; wgclass: string; begin Result := ''; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin wd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if wd.Widget is TOtherWidget then wgclass := TOtherWidget(wd.Widget).wgClassName else wgclass := wd.Widget.ClassName; Result := Result + ' ' + wd.Widget.Name + ': ' + wgclass + ';' + LineEnding; end; end; function TFormDesigner.GetFormSourceImpl: string; var s: string; sl: TStringList; n: integer; wd: TWidgetDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget; wgclass, pwgname: string; begin s := ''; if maindsgn.SaveComponentNames then s := s + ' Name := ' + QuotedStr(FForm.Name) + ';' + LineEnding; s := s + ' SetPosition(' + IntToStr(FForm.Left) + ', ' + IntToStr(FForm.Top) + ', ' + IntToStr(FForm.Width) + ', ' + IntToStr(FForm.Height) + ');' + LineEnding; { // Extend this and the Form Parser to handle WindowPosition, Width and Height case FForm.WindowPosition of wpUser: begin s := s + ' SetPosition(' + IntToStr(FForm.Left) + ', ' + IntToStr(FForm.Top) + ', ' + IntToStr(FForm.Width) + ', ' + IntToStr(FForm.Height) + ');' + LineEnding; end; else begin s := s + 'WindowPosition := wpScreenCenter;' + LineEnding; s := s + 'Width := ' + IntToStr(FForm.Width) + ';' + LineEnding + 'Height := ' + IntToStr(FForm.Height) + ';' + LineEnding; end; end; } s := s + ' WindowTitle := ' + QuotedStr(FForm.WindowTitle) + ';' + LineEnding; //adding other form properties, idented sl := TStringList.Create; sl.Text := FFormOther; for n := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do s := s + ' ' + sl.Strings[n] + LineEnding; sl.Free; s := s + LineEnding; // FORM WIDGETS for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin wd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); wg := wd.Widget; if wg.Parent = FForm then pwgname := 'self' else pwgname := wg.Parent.Name; if wg is TOtherWidget then wgclass := TOtherWidget(wg).wgClassName else wgclass := wg.ClassName; s := s + ' ' + wg.Name + ' := ' + wgclass + '.Create(' + pwgname + ');' + LineEnding + ' with ' + wg.Name + ' do' + LineEnding + ' begin' + LineEnding + GetWidgetSourceImpl(wd, ' ') + ' end;' + LineEnding + LineEnding; end; Result := s; end; function TFormDesigner.GetWidgetSourceImpl(wd: TWidgetDesigner; ident: string): string; var ts, cs: string; s: string; wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass; n: integer; procedure SaveItems(Name: string; sl: TStringList); var f: integer; begin for f := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do s := s + ident + Name + '.Add(' + QuotedStr(sl.Strings[f]) + ');' + LineEnding; end; { procedure SaveColumns(grid : TwgDBGrid); var f : integer; c : TDBColumn; alstr : string; begin for f := 0 to grid.ColumnCount - 1 do begin c := grid.Columns[f]; case c.Alignment of alRight : alstr := 'alRight'; alCenter : alstr := 'alCenter'; else alstr := 'alLeft'; end; s := s + ident + 'AddColumn8('+QuotedStr(u16u8safe(c.Title))+','+QuotedStr(c.FieldName8) +','+IntToStr(c.Width)+','+alstr+');'#10; end; end; } begin wg := wd.Widget; wgc := wd.FVFDClass; s := ''; if maindsgn.SaveComponentNames then s := s + ident + 'Name := ' + QuotedStr(wg.Name) + ';' + LineEnding; s := s + ident + 'SetPosition(' + IntToStr(wg.Left) + ', ' + IntToStr(wg.Top) + ', ' + IntToStr(wg.Width) + ', ' + IntToStr(wg.Height) + ');' + LineEnding; if wg.Anchors <> [anLeft, anTop] then begin ts := '['; cs := ''; if anLeft in wg.Anchors then begin ts := ts + cs + 'anLeft'; cs := ','; end; if anRight in wg.Anchors then begin ts := ts + cs + 'anRight'; cs := ','; end; if anTop in wg.Anchors then begin ts := ts + cs + 'anTop'; cs := ','; end; if anBottom in wg.Anchors then begin ts := ts + cs + 'anBottom'; cs := ','; end; ts := ts + '];'; s := s + ident + 'Anchors := ' + ts + LineEnding; end; for n := 1 to wgc.PropertyCount do s := s + wgc.GetProperty(n).GetPropertySource(wg, ident); { if wg is TwgMemo then begin SaveItems('Lines',TwgMemo(wg).Lines); end else if wg is TwgChoiceList then begin SaveItems('Items',TwgChoiceList(wg).Items); end else if wg is TwgTextListBox then begin SaveItems('Items',TwgTextListBox(wg).Items); end else if wg is TwgDBGrid then begin SaveColumns(TwgDBGrid(wg)); end else if GetWidgetText(wg, ts) then begin s := s + ident + 'Text := u8('+QuotedStr(u8encode(ts))+');'#10; // encoding with all printable characters end; } for n := 0 to wd.other.Count - 1 do if trim(wd.other.Strings[n]) <> '' then s := s + ident + wd.other.Strings[n] + LineEnding; Result := s; end; procedure TFormDesigner.OnEditWidget(Sender: TObject); var n: integer; cd: TWidgetDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget; begin for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if cd.Selected then begin wg := cd.Widget; // Running widget editor; RunWidgetEditor(cd, wg); Exit; end; end; end; procedure EditItems(sl: TStringList); var frmie: TItemEditorForm; //ax,ay : integer; begin frmie := TItemEditorForm.Create(nil); //GfxGetAbsolutePosition(PropertyForm.btnEdit.WinHandle, PropertyForm.btnEdit.width, 0, ax,ay); //frmie.Left := ax; //frmie.Top := ay; frmie.edItems.Lines.Assign(sl); if frmie.ShowModal = 1 then begin // Writeln('OK'); sl.Assign(frmie.edItems.Lines); end; frmie.Free; end; procedure TFormDesigner.RunWidgetEditor(wgd: TWidgetDesigner; wg: TfpgWidget); begin if wg is TfpgMemo then begin EditItems(TfpgMemo(wg).Lines); wg.Invalidate; end else if wg is TfpgComboBox then begin EditItems(TfpgComboBox(wg).Items); wg.Invalidate; end else if wg is TfpgListBox then begin EditItems(TfpgListBox(wg).Items); wg.Invalidate; end; end; procedure TFormDesigner.InsertWidget(pwg: TfpgWidget; x, y: integer; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass); var cfrm: TInsertCustomForm; newname, newclassname: string; wg: TfpgWidget; wgd: TWidgetDesigner; begin // writeln('TFormDesigner.InsertWidget'); if wgc = nil then Exit; newname := ''; if wgc.WidgetClass = TOtherWidget then begin newclassname := ''; cfrm := TInsertCustomForm.Create(nil); cfrm.edName.Text := GenerateNewName(wgc.NameBase); cfrm.edClass.Text := 'Tfpg'; if cfrm.ShowModal = 1 then begin newname := cfrm.edName.Text; newClassName := cfrm.edClass.Text; end; cfrm.Free; if (newname = '') or (newclassname = '') then Exit; end; wg := wgc.CreateWidget(pwg); if wg <> nil then begin wg.FormDesigner := self; if newname = '' then newname := GenerateNewName(wgc.NameBase); wg.Name := newname; if wgc.WidgetClass = TOtherWidget then TOtherWidget(wg).wgClassName := newclassname; wgd := AddWidget(wg, wgc); wg.Visible := True; wg.SetPosition(x, y, wg.Width, wg.Height); DeSelectAll; wgd.Selected := True; UpdatePropWin; end; end; function TFormDesigner.FindWidgetByName(const wgname: string): TfpgWidget; var n: integer; wgnameuc: string; cd: TWidgetDesigner; begin wgnameuc := UpperCase(wgname); Result := nil; for n := 0 to FWidgets.Count - 1 do begin cd := TWidgetDesigner(FWidgets.Items[n]); if UpperCase(cd.Widget.Name) = wgnameuc then begin Result := cd.Widget; Exit; end; end; end; { TDesignedForm } procedure TDesignedForm.AfterCreate; begin inherited AfterCreate; WindowPosition := wpUser; WindowTitle := 'New Form'; SetPosition(300, 150, 300, 250); Include(ComponentState, csDesigning); end; { TOtherWidget } procedure TOtherWidget.HandlePaint; var s: string; begin Canvas.BeginDraw; inherited HandlePaint; Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor); Canvas.SetFont(FFont); Canvas.SetColor(clWidgetFrame); Canvas.DrawRectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.SetTextColor(clText1); s := Name + ': ' + wgClassName; Canvas.DrawString(2, 2, s); Canvas.EndDraw; end; constructor TOtherWidget.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; wgClassName := 'TfpgWidget'; FBackgroundColor := $C0E0C0; FFont := fpgStyle.DefaultFont; FWidth := 120; FHeight := 32; end; end.