unit SynRegExpr; { TRegExpr class library Delphi Regular Expressions Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Andrey V. Sorokin, St.Petersburg, Russia You may use this software in any kind of development, including comercial, redistribute, and modify it freely, under the following restrictions : 1. This software is provided as it is, without any kind of warranty given. Use it at Your own risk.The author is not responsible for any consequences of use of this software. 2. The origin of this software may not be mispresented, You must not claim that You wrote the original software. If You use this software in any kind of product, it would be appreciated that there in a information box, or in the documentation would be an acknowledgement like Partial Copyright (c) 2004 Andrey V. Sorokin http://RegExpStudio.com mailto:anso@mail.ru 3. You may not have any income from distributing this source (or altered version of it) to other developers. When You use this product in a comercial package, the source may not be charged seperatly. 4. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 5. RegExp Studio application and all the visual components as well as documentation is not part of the TRegExpr library and is not free for usage. mailto:anso@mail.ru http://RegExpStudio.com http://anso.da.ru/ } interface {off $DEFINE DebugSynRegExpr} {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} // ======== Determine compiler {$IFDEF VER80} Sorry, TRegExpr is for 32-bits Delphi only. Delphi 1 is not supported (and who really cares today?!). {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER90} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D2 {$IFDEF VER93} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // CPPB 1 {$IFDEF VER100} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D3 {$IFDEF VER110} {$DEFINE D4} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // CPPB 3 {$IFDEF VER120} {$DEFINE D4} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D4 {$IFDEF VER130} {$DEFINE D5} {$DEFINE D4} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D5 {$IFDEF VER140} {$DEFINE D6} {$DEFINE D5} {$DEFINE D4} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D6 {$IFDEF VER150} {$DEFINE D7} {$DEFINE D6} {$DEFINE D5} {$DEFINE D4} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D7 // ======== Define base compiler options {$BOOLEVAL OFF} {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX ON} {$LONGSTRINGS ON} {$IFDEF D6} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF D7} {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings {$ENDIF} // ======== Define options for TRegExpr engine {.$DEFINE UniCode} // Unicode support {$DEFINE RegExpPCodeDump} // p-code dumping (see Dump method) {$IFNDEF FPC} // the option is not supported in FreePascal {$DEFINE reRealExceptionAddr} // exceptions will point to appropriate source line, not to Error procedure {$ENDIF} {$DEFINE ComplexBraces} // support braces in complex cases {$IFNDEF UniCode} // the option applicable only for non-UniCode mode {$IFNDEF FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} //sets have to be aligned {$DEFINE UseSetOfChar} // Significant optimization by using set of char {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} {$DEFINE UseFirstCharSet} // Fast skip between matches for r.e. that starts with determined set of chars {$ENDIF} // ======== Define Pascal-language options // Define 'UseAsserts' option (do not edit this definitions). // Asserts used to catch 'strange bugs' in TRegExpr implementation (when something goes // completely wrong). You can swith asserts on/off with help of {$C+}/{$C-} compiler options. {$IFDEF D3} {$DEFINE UseAsserts} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE UseAsserts} {$ENDIF} // Define 'use subroutine parameters default values' option (do not edit this definition). {$IFDEF D4} {$DEFINE DefParam} {$ENDIF} // Define 'OverMeth' options, to use method overloading (do not edit this definitions). {$IFDEF D5} {$DEFINE OverMeth} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE OverMeth} {$ENDIF} uses Classes, // TStrings in Split method SysUtils; // Exception type {$IFDEF UniCode} PRegExprChar = PWideChar; RegExprString = WideString; REChar = WideChar; {$ELSE} PRegExprChar = PChar; RegExprString = AnsiString; //###0.952 was string REChar = Char; {$ENDIF} TREOp = REChar; // internal p-code type //###0.933 PREOp = ^TREOp; TRENextOff = PtrInt; // internal Next "pointer" (offset to current p-code) //###0.933 PRENextOff = ^TRENextOff; // used for extracting Next "pointers" from compiled r.e. //###0.933 TREBracesArg = integer; // type of {m,n} arguments PREBracesArg = ^TREBracesArg; const REOpSz = SizeOf (TREOp) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of p-code in RegExprString units {$IFDEF FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} // add space for aligning pointer // -1 is the correct max size but also needed for InsertOperator that needs a multiple of pointer size RENextOffSz = (2 * SizeOf (TRENextOff) div SizeOf (REChar))-1; REBracesArgSz = (2 * SizeOf (TREBracesArg) div SizeOf (REChar)); // add space for aligning pointer {$ELSE} RENextOffSz = (SizeOf (TRENextOff) div SizeOf (REChar)); // size of Next 'pointer' -"- REBracesArgSz = SizeOf (TREBracesArg) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of BRACES arguments -"- {$ENDIF} type TRegExprInvertCaseFunction = function (const Ch : REChar) : REChar of object; const EscChar = '\'; // 'Escape'-char ('\' in common r.e.) used for escaping metachars (\w, \d etc). RegExprModifierI : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierI RegExprModifierR : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierR RegExprModifierS : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierS RegExprModifierG : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierG RegExprModifierM : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierM RegExprModifierX : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierX RegExprSpaceChars : RegExprString = // default value for SpaceChars ' '#$9#$A#$D#$C; RegExprWordChars : RegExprString = // default value for WordChars '0123456789' //###0.940 + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_'; RegExprLineSeparators : RegExprString =// default value for LineSeparators #$d#$a{$IFDEF UniCode}+#$b#$c#$2028#$2029#$85{$ENDIF}; //###0.947 RegExprLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString =// default value for LinePairedSeparator #$d#$a; { if You need Unix-styled line separators (only \n), then use: RegExprLineSeparators = #$a; RegExprLinePairedSeparator = ''; } const NSUBEXP = 15; // max number of subexpression //###0.929 // Cannot be more than NSUBEXPMAX // Be carefull - don't use values which overflow CLOSE opcode // (in this case you'll get compiler erorr). // Big NSUBEXP will cause more slow work and more stack required NSUBEXPMAX = 255; // Max possible value for NSUBEXP. //###0.945 // Don't change it! It's defined by internal TRegExpr design. MaxBracesArg = $7FFFFFFF - 1; // max value for {n,m} arguments //###0.933 {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} LoopStackMax = 10; // max depth of loops stack //###0.925 {$ENDIF} TinySetLen = 3; // if range includes more then TinySetLen chars, //###0.934 // then use full (32 bytes) ANYOFFULL instead of ANYOF[BUT]TINYSET // !!! Attension ! If you change TinySetLen, you must // change code marked as "//!!!TinySet" type {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} PSetOfREChar = ^TSetOfREChar; TSetOfREChar = set of REChar; {$ENDIF} TRegExpr = class; TRegExprReplaceFunction = function (ARegExpr : TRegExpr): string of object; TRegExpr = class private startp : array [0 .. NSUBEXP - 1] of PRegExprChar; // founded expr starting points endp : array [0 .. NSUBEXP - 1] of PRegExprChar; // founded expr end points {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} LoopStack : array [1 .. LoopStackMax] of integer; // state before entering loop LoopStackIdx : integer; // 0 - out of all loops {$ENDIF} // The "internal use only" fields to pass info from compile // to execute that permits the execute phase to run lots faster on // simple cases. regstart : REChar; // char that must begin a match; '\0' if none obvious reganch : REChar; // is the match anchored (at beginning-of-line only)? regmust : PRegExprChar; // string (pointer into program) that match must include, or nil regmlen : PtrInt; // length of regmust string // Regstart and reganch permit very fast decisions on suitable starting points // for a match, cutting down the work a lot. Regmust permits fast rejection // of lines that cannot possibly match. The regmust tests are costly enough // that regcomp() supplies a regmust only if the r.e. contains something // potentially expensive (at present, the only such thing detected is * or + // at the start of the r.e., which can involve a lot of backup). Regmlen is // supplied because the test in regexec() needs it and regcomp() is computing // it anyway. {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929 FirstCharSet : TSetOfREChar; {$ENDIF} // work variables for Exec's routins - save stack in recursion} reginput : PRegExprChar; // String-input pointer. fInputStart : PRegExprChar; // Pointer to first char of input string. fInputEnd : PRegExprChar; // Pointer to char AFTER last char of input string // work variables for compiler's routines regparse : PRegExprChar; // Input-scan pointer. regnpar : PtrInt; // count. regdummy : char; regcode : PRegExprChar; // Code-emit pointer; @regdummy = don't. regsize : PtrInt; // Code size. regexpbeg : PRegExprChar; // only for error handling. Contains // pointer to beginning of r.e. while compiling fExprIsCompiled : boolean; // true if r.e. successfully compiled // programm is essentially a linear encoding // of a nondeterministic finite-state machine (aka syntax charts or // "railroad normal form" in parsing technology). Each node is an opcode // plus a "next" pointer, possibly plus an operand. "Next" pointers of // all nodes except BRANCH implement concatenation; a "next" pointer with // a BRANCH on both ends of it is connecting two alternatives. (Here we // have one of the subtle syntax dependencies: an individual BRANCH (as // opposed to a collection of them) is never concatenated with anything // because of operator precedence.) The operand of some types of node is // a literal string; for others, it is a node leading into a sub-FSM. In // particular, the operand of a BRANCH node is the first node of the branch. // (NB this is *not* a tree structure: the tail of the branch connects // to the thing following the set of BRANCHes.) The opcodes are: programm : PRegExprChar; // Unwarranted chumminess with compiler. fExpression : PRegExprChar; // source of compiled r.e. fInputString : PRegExprChar; // input string fLastError : integer; // see Error, LastError fModifiers : integer; // modifiers fCompModifiers : integer; // compiler's copy of modifiers fProgModifiers : integer; // modifiers values from last programm compilation fSpaceChars : RegExprString; //###0.927 fWordChars : RegExprString; //###0.929 fInvertCase : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction; //###0.927 fLineSeparators : RegExprString; //###0.941 fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned : boolean; fLinePairedSeparatorHead, fLinePairedSeparatorTail : REChar; {$IFNDEF UniCode} fLineSeparatorsSet : set of REChar; {$ENDIF} procedure InvalidateProgramm; // Mark programm as have to be [re]compiled function IsProgrammOk : boolean; //###0.941 // Check if we can use precompiled r.e. or // [re]compile it if something changed function GetExpression : RegExprString; procedure SetExpression (const s : RegExprString); function GetModifierStr : RegExprString; class function ParseModifiersStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString; var AModifiersInt : integer) : boolean; //###0.941 class function now // Parse AModifiers string and return true and set AModifiersInt // if it's in format 'ismxrg-ismxrg'. procedure SetModifierStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString); function GetModifier (AIndex : integer) : boolean; procedure SetModifier (AIndex : integer; ASet : boolean); procedure Error (AErrorID : integer); virtual; // error handler. // Default handler raise exception ERegExpr with // Message = ErrorMsg (AErrorID), ErrorCode = AErrorID // and CompilerErrorPos = value of property CompilerErrorPos. {==================== Compiler section ===================} function CompileRegExpr (exp : PRegExprChar) : boolean; // compile a regular expression into internal code procedure Tail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar); // set the next-pointer at the end of a node chain procedure OpTail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar); // regoptail - regtail on operand of first argument; nop if operandless function EmitNode (op : TREOp) : PRegExprChar; // regnode - emit a node, return location procedure EmitC (b : REChar); // emit (if appropriate) a byte of code procedure InsertOperator (op : TREOp; opnd : PRegExprChar; sz : integer); //###0.90 // insert an operator in front of already-emitted operand // Means relocating the operand. function ParseReg (paren : integer; out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // regular expression, i.e. main body or parenthesized thing function ParseBranch (out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // one alternative of an | operator function ParsePiece (out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // something followed by possible [*+?] function ParseAtom (out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // the lowest level function GetCompilerErrorPos : PtrInt; // current pos in r.e. - for error hanling {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929 procedure FillFirstCharSet (prog : PRegExprChar); {$ENDIF} {===================== Matching section ===================} function regrepeat (p : PRegExprChar; AMax : PtrInt) : PtrInt; // repeatedly match something simple, report how many function regnext (p : PRegExprChar) : PRegExprChar; // dig the "next" pointer out of a node function MatchPrim (prog : PRegExprChar) : boolean; // recursively matching routine function ExecPrim (AOffset: PtrInt) : boolean; // Exec for stored InputString {$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump} function DumpOp (op : REChar) : RegExprString; {$ENDIF} function GetSubExprMatchCount : integer; function GetMatchPos (Idx : integer) : PtrInt; function GetMatchLen (Idx : integer) : PtrInt; function GetMatch (Idx : integer) : RegExprString; function GetInputString : RegExprString; procedure SetInputString (const AInputString : RegExprString); {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} function StrScanCI (s : PRegExprChar; ch : REChar) : PRegExprChar; //###0.928 {$ENDIF} procedure SetLineSeparators (const AStr : RegExprString); procedure SetLinePairedSeparator (const AStr : RegExprString); function GetLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; class function VersionMajor : integer; //###0.944 class function VersionMinor : integer; //###0.944 property Expression : RegExprString read GetExpression write SetExpression; // Regular expression. // For optimization, TRegExpr will automatically compiles it into 'P-code' // (You can see it with help of Dump method) and stores in internal // structures. Real [re]compilation occures only when it really needed - // while calling Exec[Next], Substitute, Dump, etc // and only if Expression or other P-code affected properties was changed // after last [re]compilation. // If any errors while [re]compilation occures, Error method is called // (by default Error raises exception - see below) property ModifierStr : RegExprString read GetModifierStr write SetModifierStr; // Set/get default values of r.e.syntax modifiers. Modifiers in // r.e. (?ismx-ismx) will replace this default values. // If you try to set unsupported modifier, Error will be called // (by defaul Error raises exception ERegExpr). property ModifierI : boolean index 1 read GetModifier write SetModifier; // Modifier /i - caseinsensitive, initialized from RegExprModifierI property ModifierR : boolean index 2 read GetModifier write SetModifier; // Modifier /r - use r.e.syntax extended for russian, // (was property ExtSyntaxEnabled in previous versions) // If true, then а-я additional include russian letter 'ё', // А-Я additional include 'Ё', and а-Я include all russian symbols. // You have to turn it off if it may interfere with you national alphabet. // , initialized from RegExprModifierR property ModifierS : boolean index 3 read GetModifier write SetModifier; // Modifier /s - '.' works as any char (else as [^\n]), // , initialized from RegExprModifierS property ModifierG : boolean index 4 read GetModifier write SetModifier; // Switching off modifier /g switchs all operators in // non-greedy style, so if ModifierG = False, then // all '*' works as '*?', all '+' as '+?' and so on. // , initialized from RegExprModifierG property ModifierM : boolean index 5 read GetModifier write SetModifier; // Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change `^' and `$' from // matching at only the very start or end of the string to the start // or end of any line anywhere within the string. // , initialized from RegExprModifierM property ModifierX : boolean index 6 read GetModifier write SetModifier; // Modifier /x - eXtended syntax, allow r.e. text formatting, // see description in the help. Initialized from RegExprModifierX function Exec (const AInputString : RegExprString) : boolean; {$IFDEF OverMeth} overload; {$IFNDEF FPC} // I do not know why FreePascal cannot overload methods with empty param list function Exec : boolean; overload; //###0.949 {$ENDIF} function Exec (AOffset: PtrInt) : boolean; overload; //###0.949 {$ENDIF} // match a programm against a string AInputString // !!! Exec store AInputString into InputString property // For Delphi 5 and higher available overloaded versions - first without // parameter (uses already assigned to InputString property value) // and second that has PtrInt parameter and is same as ExecPos function ExecNext : boolean; // find next match: // ExecNext; // works same as // if MatchLen [0] = 0 then ExecPos (MatchPos [0] + 1) // else ExecPos (MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]); // but it's more simpler ! // Raises exception if used without preceeding SUCCESSFUL call to // Exec* (Exec, ExecPos, ExecNext). So You always must use something like // if Exec (InputString) then repeat { proceed results} until not ExecNext; function ExecPos (AOffset: PtrInt {$IFDEF DefParam}= 1{$ENDIF}) : boolean; // find match for InputString starting from AOffset position // (AOffset=1 - first char of InputString) property InputString : RegExprString read GetInputString write SetInputString; // returns current input string (from last Exec call or last assign // to this property). // Any assignment to this property clear Match* properties ! function Substitute (const ATemplate : RegExprString) : RegExprString; // Returns ATemplate with '$&' or '$0' replaced by whole r.e. // occurence and '$n' replaced by occurence of subexpression #n. // Since v.0.929 '$' used instead of '\' (for future extensions // and for more Perl-compatibility) and accept more then one digit. // If you want place into template raw '$' or '\', use prefix '\' // Example: '1\$ is $2\\rub\\' -> '1$ is \rub\' // If you want to place raw digit after '$n' you must delimit // n with curly braces '{}'. // Example: 'a$12bc' -> 'abc' // 'a${1}2bc' -> 'a2bc'. procedure Split (AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings); // Split AInputStr into APieces by r.e. occurencies // Internally calls Exec[Next] function Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString; const AReplaceStr : RegExprString; AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) //###0.946 : RegExprString; {$IFDEF OverMeth} overload; function Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString; AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction) : RegExprString; overload; {$ENDIF} function ReplaceEx (AInputStr : RegExprString; AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction) : RegExprString; // Returns AInputStr with r.e. occurencies replaced by AReplaceStr // If AUseSubstitution is true, then AReplaceStr will be used // as template for Substitution methods. // For example: // Expression := '({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*'; // Replace ('BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"', True); // will return: def 'BLOCK' value 'test1' // Replace ('BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"') // will return: def "$1" value "$2" // Internally calls Exec[Next] // Overloaded version and ReplaceEx operate with call-back function, // so You can implement really complex functionality. property SubExprMatchCount : integer read GetSubExprMatchCount; // Number of subexpressions has been found in last Exec* call. // If there are no subexpr. but whole expr was found (Exec* returned True), // then SubExprMatchCount=0, if no subexpressions nor whole // r.e. found (Exec* returned false) then SubExprMatchCount=-1. // Note, that some subexpr. may be not found and for such // subexpr. MathPos=MatchLen=-1 and Match=''. // For example: Expression := '(1)?2(3)?'; // Exec ('123'): SubExprMatchCount=2, Match[0]='123', [1]='1', [2]='3' // Exec ('12'): SubExprMatchCount=1, Match[0]='12', [1]='1' // Exec ('23'): SubExprMatchCount=2, Match[0]='23', [1]='', [2]='3' // Exec ('2'): SubExprMatchCount=0, Match[0]='2' // Exec ('7') - return False: SubExprMatchCount=-1 property MatchPos [Idx : integer] : PtrInt read GetMatchPos; // pos of entrance subexpr. #Idx into tested in last Exec* // string. First subexpr. have Idx=1, last - MatchCount, // whole r.e. have Idx=0. // Returns -1 if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr. // not found in input string. property MatchLen [Idx : integer] : PtrInt read GetMatchLen; // len of entrance subexpr. #Idx r.e. into tested in last Exec* // string. First subexpr. have Idx=1, last - MatchCount, // whole r.e. have Idx=0. // Returns -1 if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr. // not found in input string. // Remember - MatchLen may be 0 (if r.e. match empty string) ! property Match [Idx : integer] : RegExprString read GetMatch; // == copy (InputString, MatchPos [Idx], MatchLen [Idx]) // Returns '' if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr. // not found in input string. function LastError : integer; // Returns ID of last error, 0 if no errors (unusable if // Error method raises exception) and clear internal status // into 0 (no errors). function ErrorMsg (AErrorID : integer) : RegExprString; virtual; // Returns Error message for error with ID = AErrorID. property CompilerErrorPos : PtrInt read GetCompilerErrorPos; // Returns pos in r.e. there compiler stopped. // Useful for error diagnostics property SpaceChars : RegExprString read fSpaceChars write fSpaceChars; //###0.927 // Contains chars, treated as /s (initially filled with RegExprSpaceChars // global constant) property WordChars : RegExprString read fWordChars write fWordChars; //###0.929 // Contains chars, treated as /w (initially filled with RegExprWordChars // global constant) property LineSeparators : RegExprString read fLineSeparators write SetLineSeparators; //###0.941 // line separators (like \n in Unix) property LinePairedSeparator : RegExprString read GetLinePairedSeparator write SetLinePairedSeparator; //###0.941 // paired line separator (like \r\n in DOS and Windows). // must contain exactly two chars or no chars at all class function InvertCaseFunction (const Ch : REChar) : REChar; // Converts Ch into upper case if it in lower case or in lower // if it in upper (uses current system local setings) property InvertCase : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction read fInvertCase write fInvertCase; //##0.935 // Set this property if you want to override case-insensitive functionality. // Create set it to RegExprInvertCaseFunction (InvertCaseFunction by default) procedure Compile; //###0.941 // [Re]compile r.e. Useful for example for GUI r.e. editors (to check // all properties validity). {$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump} function Dump : RegExprString; // dump a compiled regexp in vaguely comprehensible form {$ENDIF} end; ERegExpr = class (Exception) public ErrorCode : integer; CompilerErrorPos : PtrInt; end; const RegExprInvertCaseFunction : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction = {$IFDEF FPC} nil {$ELSE} TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction{$ENDIF}; // defaul for InvertCase property function ExecRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean; // true if string AInputString match regular expression ARegExpr // ! will raise exeption if syntax errors in ARegExpr procedure SplitRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings); // Split AInputStr into APieces by r.e. ARegExpr occurencies function ReplaceRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr, AReplaceStr : RegExprString; AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString; //###0.947 // Returns AInputStr with r.e. occurencies replaced by AReplaceStr // If AUseSubstitution is true, then AReplaceStr will be used // as template for Substitution methods. // For example: // ReplaceRegExpr ('({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*', // 'BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"', True) // will return: def 'BLOCK' value 'test1' // ReplaceRegExpr ('({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*', // 'BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"') // will return: def "$1" value "$2" function QuoteRegExprMetaChars (const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString; // Replace all metachars with its safe representation, // for example 'abc$cd.(' converts into 'abc\$cd\.\(' // This function useful for r.e. autogeneration from // user input function RegExprSubExpressions (const ARegExpr : string; ASubExprs : TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : PtrInt; // Makes list of subexpressions found in ARegExpr r.e. // In ASubExps every item represent subexpression, // from first to last, in format: // String - subexpression text (without '()') // low word of Object - starting position in ARegExpr, including '(' // if exists! (first position is 1) // high word of Object - length, including starting '(' and ending ')' // if exist! // AExtendedSyntax - must be True if modifier /m will be On while // using the r.e. // Useful for GUI editors of r.e. etc (You can find example of using // in TestRExp.dpr project) // Returns // 0 Success. No unbalanced brackets was found; // -1 There are not enough closing brackets ')'; // -(n+1) At position n was found opening '[' without //###0.942 // corresponding closing ']'; // n At position n was found closing bracket ')' without // corresponding opening '('. // If Result <> 0, then ASubExpr can contain empty items or illegal ones implementation const TRegExprVersionMajor : integer = 0; TRegExprVersionMinor : integer = 952; // TRegExpr.VersionMajor/Minor return values of this constants MaskModI = 1; // modifier /i bit in fModifiers MaskModR = 2; // -"- /r MaskModS = 4; // -"- /s MaskModG = 8; // -"- /g MaskModM = 16; // -"- /m MaskModX = 32; // -"- /x {$IFDEF UniCode} XIgnoredChars = ' '#9#$d#$a; {$ELSE} XIgnoredChars = [' ', #9, #$d, #$a]; {$ENDIF} function AlignToPtr(const p: Pointer): Pointer; begin {$IFDEF FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} Result := Align(p, SizeOf(Pointer)); {$ELSE} Result := p; {$ENDIF} end; function AlignToInt(const p: Pointer): Pointer; begin {$IFDEF FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} Result := Align(p, SizeOf(integer)); {$ELSE} Result := p; {$ENDIF} end; {=============================================================} {=================== WideString functions ====================} {=============================================================} {$IFDEF UniCode} function StrPCopy (Dest: PRegExprChar; const Source: RegExprString): PRegExprChar; var i, Len : PtrInt; begin Len := length (Source); //###0.932 for i := 1 to Len do Dest [i - 1] := Source [i]; Dest [Len] := #0; Result := Dest; end; { of function StrPCopy --------------------------------------------------------------} function StrLCopy (Dest, Source: PRegExprChar; MaxLen: PtrUInt): PRegExprChar; var i: PtrInt; begin for i := 0 to MaxLen - 1 do Dest [i] := Source [i]; Result := Dest; end; { of function StrLCopy --------------------------------------------------------------} function StrLen (Str: PRegExprChar): PtrUInt; begin Result:=0; while Str [result] <> #0 do Inc (Result); end; { of function StrLen --------------------------------------------------------------} function StrPos (Str1, Str2: PRegExprChar): PRegExprChar; var n: PtrInt; begin Result := nil; n := Pos (RegExprString (Str2), RegExprString (Str1)); if n = 0 then EXIT; Result := Str1 + n - 1; end; { of function StrPos --------------------------------------------------------------} function StrLComp (Str1, Str2: PRegExprChar; MaxLen: PtrUInt): PtrInt; var S1, S2: RegExprString; begin S1 := Str1; S2 := Str2; if Copy (S1, 1, MaxLen) > Copy (S2, 1, MaxLen) then Result := 1 else if Copy (S1, 1, MaxLen) < Copy (S2, 1, MaxLen) then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; { function StrLComp --------------------------------------------------------------} function StrScan (Str: PRegExprChar; Chr: WideChar): PRegExprChar; begin Result := nil; while (Str^ <> #0) and (Str^ <> Chr) do Inc (Str); if (Str^ <> #0) then Result := Str; end; { of function StrScan --------------------------------------------------------------} {$ENDIF} {=============================================================} {===================== Global functions ======================} {=============================================================} function ExecRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean; var r : TRegExpr; begin r := TRegExpr.Create; try r.Expression := ARegExpr; Result := r.Exec (AInputStr); finally r.Free; end; end; { of function ExecRegExpr --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure SplitRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings); var r : TRegExpr; begin APieces.Clear; r := TRegExpr.Create; try r.Expression := ARegExpr; r.Split (AInputStr, APieces); finally r.Free; end; end; { of procedure SplitRegExpr --------------------------------------------------------------} function ReplaceRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr, AReplaceStr : RegExprString; AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString; begin with TRegExpr.Create do try Expression := ARegExpr; Result := Replace (AInputStr, AReplaceStr, AUseSubstitution); finally Free; end; end; { of function ReplaceRegExpr --------------------------------------------------------------} function QuoteRegExprMetaChars (const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString; const RegExprMetaSet : RegExprString = '^$.[()|?+*'+EscChar+'{' + ']}'; // - this last are additional to META. // Very similar to META array, but slighly changed. // !Any changes in META array must be synchronized with this set. var i, i0, Len : PtrInt; begin Result := ''; Len := length (AStr); i := 1; i0 := i; while i <= Len do begin if Pos (AStr [i], RegExprMetaSet) > 0 then begin Result := Result + System.Copy (AStr, i0, i - i0) + EscChar + AStr [i]; i0 := i + 1; end; inc (i); end; Result := Result + System.Copy (AStr, i0, MaxInt); // Tail end; { of function QuoteRegExprMetaChars --------------------------------------------------------------} function RegExprSubExpressions (const ARegExpr : string; ASubExprs : TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : PtrInt; type TStackItemRec = record //###0.945 SubExprIdx : integer; StartPos : PtrInt; end; TStackArray = packed array [0 .. NSUBEXPMAX - 1] of TStackItemRec; var Len, SubExprLen : PtrInt; i, i0 : PtrInt; Modif : integer; Stack : ^TStackArray; //###0.945 StackIdx, StackSz : PtrInt; begin Result := 0; // no unbalanced brackets found at this very moment ASubExprs.Clear; // I don't think that adding to non empty list // can be useful, so I simplified algorithm to work only with empty list Len := length (ARegExpr); // some optimization tricks // first we have to calculate number of subexpression to reserve // space in Stack array (may be we'll reserve more then need, but // it's faster then memory reallocation during parsing) StackSz := 1; // add 1 for entire r.e. for i := 1 to Len do if ARegExpr [i] = '(' then inc (StackSz); // SetLength (Stack, StackSz); //###0.945 GetMem (Stack, SizeOf (TStackItemRec) * StackSz); try StackIdx := 0; i := 1; while (i <= Len) do begin case ARegExpr [i] of '(': begin if (i < Len) and (ARegExpr [i + 1] = '?') then begin // this is not subexpression, but comment or other // Perl extension. We must check is it (?ismxrg-ismxrg) // and change AExtendedSyntax if /x is changed. inc (i, 2); // skip '(?' i0 := i; while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> ')') do inc (i); if i > Len then Result := -1 // unbalansed '(' else begin Modif := 0; if TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr (System.Copy (ARegExpr, i, i - i0), Modif) then AExtendedSyntax := (Modif and MaskModX) <> 0; end; end else begin // subexpression starts ASubExprs.Add (''); // just reserve space with Stack [StackIdx] do begin SubExprIdx := ASubExprs.Count - 1; StartPos := i; end; inc (StackIdx); end; end; ')': begin if StackIdx = 0 then Result := i // unbalanced ')' else begin dec (StackIdx); with Stack [StackIdx] do begin SubExprLen := i - StartPos + 1; ASubExprs.Objects [SubExprIdx] := TObject (StartPos or (SubExprLen ShL 16)); ASubExprs [SubExprIdx] := System.Copy ( ARegExpr, StartPos + 1, SubExprLen - 2); // add without brackets end; end; end; EscChar: inc (i); // skip quoted symbol '[': begin // we have to skip character ranges at once, because they can // contain '#', and '#' in it must NOT be recognized as eXtended // comment beginning! i0 := i; inc (i); if ARegExpr [i] = ']' // cannot be 'emty' ranges - this interpretes then inc (i); // as ']' by itself while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> ']') do if ARegExpr [i] = EscChar //###0.942 then inc (i, 2) // skip 'escaped' char to prevent stopping at '\]' else inc (i); if (i > Len) or (ARegExpr [i] <> ']') //###0.942 then Result := - (i0 + 1); // unbalansed '[' //###0.942 end; '#': if AExtendedSyntax then begin // skip eXtended comments while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> #$d) and (ARegExpr [i] <> #$a) // do not use [#$d, #$a] due to UniCode compatibility do inc (i); while (i + 1 <= Len) and ((ARegExpr [i + 1] = #$d) or (ARegExpr [i + 1] = #$a)) do inc (i); // attempt to work with different kinds of line separators // now we are at the line separator that must be skipped. end; // here is no 'else' clause - we simply skip ordinary chars end; // of case inc (i); // skip scanned char // ! can move after Len due to skipping quoted symbol end; // check brackets balance if StackIdx <> 0 then Result := -1; // unbalansed '(' // check if entire r.e. added if (ASubExprs.Count = 0) or ((PtrInt (ASubExprs.Objects [0]) and $FFFF) <> 1) or (((PtrInt (ASubExprs.Objects [0]) ShR 16) and $FFFF) <> Len) // whole r.e. wasn't added because it isn't bracketed // well, we add it now: then ASubExprs.InsertObject (0, ARegExpr, TObject ((Len ShL 16) or 1)); finally FreeMem (Stack); end; end; { of function RegExprSubExpressions --------------------------------------------------------------} const MAGIC = TREOp (216);// programm signature // name opcode opnd? meaning EEND = TREOp (0); // - End of program BOL = TREOp (1); // - Match "" at beginning of line EOL = TREOp (2); // - Match "" at end of line ANY = TREOp (3); // - Match any one character ANYOF = TREOp (4); // Str Match any character in string Str ANYBUT = TREOp (5); // Str Match any char. not in string Str BRANCH = TREOp (6); // Node Match this alternative, or the next BACK = TREOp (7); // - Jump backward (Next < 0) EXACTLY = TREOp (8); // Str Match string Str NOTHING = TREOp (9); // - Match empty string STAR = TREOp (10); // Node Match this (simple) thing 0 or more times PLUS = TREOp (11); // Node Match this (simple) thing 1 or more times ANYDIGIT = TREOp (12); // - Match any digit (equiv [0-9]) NOTDIGIT = TREOp (13); // - Match not digit (equiv [0-9]) ANYLETTER = TREOp (14); // - Match any letter from property WordChars NOTLETTER = TREOp (15); // - Match not letter from property WordChars ANYSPACE = TREOp (16); // - Match any space char (see property SpaceChars) NOTSPACE = TREOp (17); // - Match not space char (see property SpaceChars) BRACES = TREOp (18); // Node,Min,Max Match this (simple) thing from Min to Max times. // Min and Max are TREBracesArg COMMENT = TREOp (19); // - Comment ;) EXACTLYCI = TREOp (20); // Str Match string Str case insensitive ANYOFCI = TREOp (21); // Str Match any character in string Str, case insensitive ANYBUTCI = TREOp (22); // Str Match any char. not in string Str, case insensitive LOOPENTRY = TREOp (23); // Node Start of loop (Node - LOOP for this loop) LOOP = TREOp (24); // Node,Min,Max,LoopEntryJmp - back jump for LOOPENTRY. // Min and Max are TREBracesArg // Node - next node in sequence, // LoopEntryJmp - associated LOOPENTRY node addr ANYOFTINYSET= TREOp (25); // Chrs Match any one char from Chrs (exactly TinySetLen chars) ANYBUTTINYSET=TREOp (26); // Chrs Match any one char not in Chrs (exactly TinySetLen chars) ANYOFFULLSET= TREOp (27); // Set Match any one char from set of char // - very fast (one CPU instruction !) but takes 32 bytes of p-code BSUBEXP = TREOp (28); // Idx Match previously matched subexpression #Idx (stored as REChar) //###0.936 BSUBEXPCI = TREOp (29); // Idx -"- in case-insensitive mode // Non-Greedy Style Ops //###0.940 STARNG = TREOp (30); // Same as START but in non-greedy mode PLUSNG = TREOp (31); // Same as PLUS but in non-greedy mode BRACESNG = TREOp (32); // Same as BRACES but in non-greedy mode LOOPNG = TREOp (33); // Same as LOOP but in non-greedy mode // Multiline mode \m BOLML = TREOp (34); // - Match "" at beginning of line EOLML = TREOp (35); // - Match "" at end of line ANYML = TREOp (36); // - Match any one character // Word boundary BOUND = TREOp (37); // Match "" between words //###0.943 NOTBOUND = TREOp (38); // Match "" not between words //###0.943 // !!! Change OPEN value if you add new opcodes !!! OPEN = TREOp (39); // - Mark this point in input as start of \n // OPEN + 1 is \1, etc. CLOSE = TREOp (ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP); // - Analogous to OPEN. // !!! Don't add new OpCodes after CLOSE !!! // We work with p-code thru pointers, compatible with PRegExprChar. // Note: all code components (TRENextOff, TREOp, TREBracesArg, etc) // must have lengths that can be divided by SizeOf (REChar) ! // A node is TREOp of opcode followed Next "pointer" of TRENextOff type. // The Next is a offset from the opcode of the node containing it. // An operand, if any, simply follows the node. (Note that much of // the code generation knows about this implicit relationship!) // Using TRENextOff=PtrInt speed up p-code processing. // Opcodes description: // // BRANCH The set of branches constituting a single choice are hooked // together with their "next" pointers, since precedence prevents // anything being concatenated to any individual branch. The // "next" pointer of the last BRANCH in a choice points to the // thing following the whole choice. This is also where the // final "next" pointer of each individual branch points; each // branch starts with the operand node of a BRANCH node. // BACK Normal "next" pointers all implicitly point forward; BACK // exists to make loop structures possible. // STAR,PLUS,BRACES '?', and complex '*' and '+', are implemented as // circular BRANCH structures using BACK. Complex '{min,max}' // - as pair LOOPENTRY-LOOP (see below). Simple cases (one // character per match) are implemented with STAR, PLUS and // BRACES for speed and to minimize recursive plunges. // LOOPENTRY,LOOP {min,max} are implemented as special pair // LOOPENTRY-LOOP. Each LOOPENTRY initialize loopstack for // current level. // OPEN,CLOSE are numbered at compile time. {=============================================================} {================== Error handling section ===================} {=============================================================} const reeOk = 0; reeCompNullArgument = 100; reeCompRegexpTooBig = 101; reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets = 102; reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets = 103; reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2 = 104; reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd = 105; reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty = 106; reeNestedSQP = 107; reeBadHexDigit = 108; reeInvalidRange = 109; reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash = 110; reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX = 111; reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig = 112; reeUnmatchedSqBrackets = 113; reeInternalUrp = 114; reeQPSBFollowsNothing = 115; reeTrailingBackSlash = 116; reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster = 119; reeBRACESArgTooBig = 122; reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax = 124; reeUnclosedComment = 125; reeComplexBracesNotImplemented = 126; reeUrecognizedModifier = 127; reeBadLinePairedSeparator = 128; reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately = 1000; reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption = 1001; reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers = 1002; reeNoExpression = 1003; reeCorruptedProgram = 1004; reeNoInputStringSpecified = 1005; reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0 = 1006; reeExecNextWithoutExec = 1007; reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString = 1008; reeDumpCorruptedOpcode = 1011; reeModifierUnsupported = 1013; reeLoopStackExceeded = 1014; reeLoopWithoutEntry = 1015; reeBadPCodeImported = 2000; function TRegExpr.ErrorMsg (AErrorID : integer) : RegExprString; begin case AErrorID of reeOk: Result := 'No errors'; reeCompNullArgument: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Null Argument'; reeCompRegexpTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Regexp Too Big'; reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Too Many ()'; reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Unmatched ()'; reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Unmatched ()'; reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Junk On End'; reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): *+ Operand Could Be Empty'; reeNestedSQP: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Nested *?+'; reeBadHexDigit: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Bad Hex Digit'; reeInvalidRange: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Invalid [] Range'; reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Parse Atom Trailing \'; reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): No Hex Code After \x'; reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Hex Code After \x Is Too Big'; reeUnmatchedSqBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Unmatched []'; reeInternalUrp: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Internal Urp'; reeQPSBFollowsNothing: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ?+*{ Follows Nothing'; reeTrailingBackSlash: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Trailing \'; reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): RarseAtom Internal Disaster'; reeBRACESArgTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): BRACES Argument Too Big'; reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): BRACE Min Param Greater then Max'; reeUnclosedComment: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Unclosed (?#Comment)'; reeComplexBracesNotImplemented: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): If you want take part in beta-testing BRACES ''{min,max}'' and non-greedy ops ''*?'', ''+?'', ''??'' for complex cases - remove ''.'' from {.$DEFINE ComplexBraces}'; reeUrecognizedModifier: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Urecognized Modifier'; reeBadLinePairedSeparator: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): LinePairedSeparator must countain two different chars or no chars at all'; reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): RegRepeat Called Inappropriately'; reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): MatchPrim Memory Corruption'; reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): MatchPrim Corrupted Pointers'; reeNoExpression: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Not Assigned Expression Property'; reeCorruptedProgram: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Corrupted Program'; reeNoInputStringSpecified: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): No Input String Specified'; reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Offset Must Be Greater Then 0'; reeExecNextWithoutExec: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): ExecNext Without Exec[Pos]'; reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): GetInputString Without InputString'; reeDumpCorruptedOpcode: Result := 'TRegExpr(dump): Corrupted Opcode'; reeLoopStackExceeded: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Loop Stack Exceeded'; reeLoopWithoutEntry: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Loop Without LoopEntry !'; reeBadPCodeImported: Result := 'TRegExpr(misc): Bad p-code imported'; else Result := 'Unknown error'; end; end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Error --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.LastError : integer; begin Result := fLastError; fLastError := reeOk; end; { of function TRegExpr.LastError --------------------------------------------------------------} {=============================================================} {===================== Common section ========================} {=============================================================} class function TRegExpr.VersionMajor : integer; //###0.944 begin Result := TRegExprVersionMajor; end; { of class function TRegExpr.VersionMajor --------------------------------------------------------------} class function TRegExpr.VersionMinor : integer; //###0.944 begin Result := TRegExprVersionMinor; end; { of class function TRegExpr.VersionMinor --------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TRegExpr.Create; begin inherited; programm := nil; fExpression := nil; fInputString := nil; regexpbeg := nil; fExprIsCompiled := false; ModifierI := RegExprModifierI; ModifierR := RegExprModifierR; ModifierS := RegExprModifierS; ModifierG := RegExprModifierG; ModifierM := RegExprModifierM; //###0.940 SpaceChars := RegExprSpaceChars; //###0.927 WordChars := RegExprWordChars; //###0.929 fInvertCase := RegExprInvertCaseFunction; //###0.927 fLineSeparators := RegExprLineSeparators; //###0.941 LinePairedSeparator := RegExprLinePairedSeparator; //###0.941 end; { of constructor TRegExpr.Create --------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TRegExpr.Destroy; begin if programm <> nil then begin FreeMem (programm); programm:=nil; end; if fExpression <> nil then begin FreeMem (fExpression); fExpression:=nil; end; if fInputString <> nil then begin FreeMem (fInputString); fInputString:=nil; end; end; { of destructor TRegExpr.Destroy --------------------------------------------------------------} class function TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction (const Ch : REChar) : REChar; begin {$IFDEF UniCode} if Ch >= #128 then Result := Ch else {$ENDIF} begin Result := {$IFDEF FPC}AnsiUpperCase (Ch) [1]{$ELSE} {$IFDEF SYN_WIN32}REChar (CharUpper (PChar (Ch))){$ELSE}REChar (toupper (integer (Ch))){$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; if Result = Ch then Result := {$IFDEF FPC}AnsiLowerCase (Ch) [1]{$ELSE} {$IFDEF SYN_WIN32}REChar (CharLower (PChar (Ch))){$ELSE}REChar(tolower (integer (Ch))){$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; end; end; { of function TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetExpression : RegExprString; begin if fExpression <> nil then Result := fExpression else Result := ''; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetExpression --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.SetExpression (const s : RegExprString); var Len : PtrInt; //###0.950 begin if (s <> fExpression) or not fExprIsCompiled then begin fExprIsCompiled := false; if fExpression <> nil then begin FreeMem (fExpression); fExpression := nil; end; if s <> '' then begin Len := length (s); //###0.950 GetMem (fExpression, (Len + 1) * SizeOf (REChar)); System.Move(s[1],fExpression^,(Len + 1) * SizeOf (REChar)); InvalidateProgramm; //###0.941 end; end; end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetExpression --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetSubExprMatchCount : integer; begin if Assigned (fInputString) then begin Result := NSUBEXP - 1; while (Result > 0) and ((startp [Result] = nil) or (endp [Result] = nil)) do dec (Result); end else Result := -1; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetSubExprMatchCount --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetMatchPos (Idx : integer) : PtrInt; begin if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString) and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx]) then begin Result := (startp [Idx] - fInputString) + 1; end else Result := -1; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatchPos --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetMatchLen (Idx : integer) : PtrInt; begin if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString) and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx]) then begin Result := endp [Idx] - startp [Idx]; end else Result := -1; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatchLen --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetMatch (Idx : integer) : RegExprString; begin if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString) and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx]) and (endp [Idx] > startp[Idx]) //then Result := copy (fInputString, MatchPos [Idx], MatchLen [Idx]) //###0.929 then begin //SetString (Result, startp [idx], endp [idx] - startp [idx]) SetLength(Result,endp [idx] - startp [idx]); System.Move(startp [idx]^,Result[1],length(Result)); end else Result := ''; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatch --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetModifierStr : RegExprString; begin Result := '-'; if ModifierI then Result := 'i' + Result else Result := Result + 'i'; if ModifierR then Result := 'r' + Result else Result := Result + 'r'; if ModifierS then Result := 's' + Result else Result := Result + 's'; if ModifierG then Result := 'g' + Result else Result := Result + 'g'; if ModifierM then Result := 'm' + Result else Result := Result + 'm'; if ModifierX then Result := 'x' + Result else Result := Result + 'x'; if Result [length (Result)] = '-' // remove '-' if all modifiers are 'On' then System.Delete (Result, length (Result), 1); end; { of function TRegExpr.GetModifierStr --------------------------------------------------------------} class function TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString; var AModifiersInt : integer) : boolean; // !!! Be carefull - this is class function and must not use object instance fields var i : integer; IsOn : boolean; Mask : integer; begin Result := true; IsOn := true; Mask := 0; // prevent compiler warning for i := 1 to length (AModifiers) do if AModifiers [i] = '-' then IsOn := false else begin if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'iI') > 0 then Mask := MaskModI else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'rR') > 0 then Mask := MaskModR else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'sS') > 0 then Mask := MaskModS else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'gG') > 0 then Mask := MaskModG else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'mM') > 0 then Mask := MaskModM else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'xX') > 0 then Mask := MaskModX else begin Result := false; EXIT; end; if IsOn then AModifiersInt := AModifiersInt or Mask else AModifiersInt := AModifiersInt and not Mask; end; end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.SetModifierStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString); begin if not ParseModifiersStr (AModifiers, fModifiers) then Error (reeModifierUnsupported); end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetModifierStr --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetModifier (AIndex : integer) : boolean; var Mask : integer; begin Result := false; case AIndex of 1: Mask := MaskModI; 2: Mask := MaskModR; 3: Mask := MaskModS; 4: Mask := MaskModG; 5: Mask := MaskModM; 6: Mask := MaskModX; else begin Error (reeModifierUnsupported); EXIT; end; end; Result := (fModifiers and Mask) <> 0; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetModifier --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.SetModifier (AIndex : integer; ASet : boolean); var Mask : integer; begin case AIndex of 1: Mask := MaskModI; 2: Mask := MaskModR; 3: Mask := MaskModS; 4: Mask := MaskModG; 5: Mask := MaskModM; 6: Mask := MaskModX; else begin Error (reeModifierUnsupported); EXIT; end; end; if ASet then fModifiers := fModifiers or Mask else fModifiers := fModifiers and not Mask; end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetModifier --------------------------------------------------------------} {=============================================================} {==================== Compiler section =======================} {=============================================================} procedure TRegExpr.InvalidateProgramm; begin if programm <> nil then begin FreeMem (programm); programm := nil; end; end; { of procedure TRegExpr.InvalidateProgramm --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.Compile; //###0.941 begin if fExpression = nil then begin // No Expression assigned Error (reeNoExpression); EXIT; end; CompileRegExpr (fExpression); end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Compile --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.IsProgrammOk : boolean; {$IFNDEF UniCode} var i : integer; {$ENDIF} begin Result := false; // check modifiers if fModifiers <> fProgModifiers //###0.941 then InvalidateProgramm; // can we optimize line separators by using sets? {$IFNDEF UniCode} fLineSeparatorsSet := []; for i := 1 to length (fLineSeparators) do System.Include (fLineSeparatorsSet, fLineSeparators [i]); {$ENDIF} // [Re]compile if needed if programm = nil then Compile; //###0.941 // check [re]compiled programm if programm = nil then EXIT // error was set/raised by Compile (was reeExecAfterCompErr) else if programm [0] <> MAGIC // Program corrupted. then Error (reeCorruptedProgram) else Result := true; end; { of function TRegExpr.IsProgrammOk --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.Tail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar); // set the next-pointer at the end of a node chain var scan : PRegExprChar; temp : PRegExprChar; // i : int64; begin if p = @regdummy then EXIT; // Find last node. scan := p; REPEAT temp := regnext (scan); if temp = nil then BREAK; scan := temp; UNTIL false; // Set Next 'pointer' if val < scan then PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz))^ := - (scan - val) //###0.948 // work around PWideChar subtraction bug (Delphi uses // shr after subtraction to calculate widechar distance %-( ) // so, if difference is negative we have .. the "feature" :( // I could wrap it in $IFDEF UniCode, but I didn't because // "P – Q computes the difference between the address given // by P (the higher address) and the address given by Q (the // lower address)" - Delphi help quotation. else PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz))^ := val - scan; //###0.933 end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Tail --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.OpTail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar); // regtail on operand of first argument; nop if operandless begin // "Operandless" and "op != BRANCH" are synonymous in practice. if (p = nil) or (p = @regdummy) or (PREOp (p)^ <> BRANCH) then EXIT; Tail (p + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, val); //###0.933 end; { of procedure TRegExpr.OpTail --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.EmitNode (op : TREOp) : PRegExprChar; //###0.933 // emit a node, return location begin Result := regcode; if Result <> @regdummy then begin PREOp (regcode)^ := op; inc (regcode, REOpSz); PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(regcode))^ := 0; // Next "pointer" := nil inc (regcode, RENextOffSz); {$IFDEF DebugSynRegExpr} if regcode-programm>regsize then raise Exception.Create('TRegExpr.EmitNode buffer overrun'); {$ENDIF} end else inc (regsize, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // compute code size without code generation end; { of function TRegExpr.EmitNode --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.EmitC (b : REChar); // emit a byte to code begin if regcode <> @regdummy then begin regcode^ := b; inc (regcode); {$IFDEF DebugSynRegExpr} if regcode-programm>regsize then raise Exception.Create('TRegExpr.EmitC buffer overrun'); {$ENDIF} end else inc (regsize, REOpSz); // Type of p-code pointer always is ^REChar end; { of procedure TRegExpr.EmitC --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.InsertOperator (op : TREOp; opnd : PRegExprChar; sz : integer); // insert an operator in front of already-emitted operand // Means relocating the operand. var src, dst, place : PRegExprChar; i : integer; begin if regcode = @regdummy then begin inc (regsize, sz); EXIT; end; // move code behind insert position src := regcode; inc (regcode, sz); {$IFDEF DebugSynRegExpr} if regcode-programm>regsize then raise Exception.Create('TRegExpr.InsertOperator buffer overrun'); // if (opndregsize) then // raise Exception.Create('TRegExpr.InsertOperator invalid opnd'); {$ENDIF} dst := regcode; while src > opnd do begin dec (dst); dec (src); dst^ := src^; end; place := opnd; // Op node, where operand used to be. PREOp (place)^ := op; inc (place, REOpSz); for i := 1 + REOpSz to sz do begin place^ := #0; inc (place); end; end; { of procedure TRegExpr.InsertOperator --------------------------------------------------------------} function strcspn (s1 : PRegExprChar; s2 : PRegExprChar) : PtrInt; // find length of initial segment of s1 consisting // entirely of characters not from s2 var scan1, scan2 : PRegExprChar; begin Result := 0; scan1 := s1; while scan1^ <> #0 do begin scan2 := s2; while scan2^ <> #0 do if scan1^ = scan2^ then EXIT else inc (scan2); inc (Result); inc (scan1) end; end; { of function strcspn --------------------------------------------------------------} const // Flags to be passed up and down. HASWIDTH = 01; // Known never to match nil string. SIMPLE = 02; // Simple enough to be STAR/PLUS/BRACES operand. SPSTART = 04; // Starts with * or +. WORST = 0; // Worst case. META : array [0 .. 12] of REChar = ( '^', '$', '.', '[', '(', ')', '|', '?', '+', '*', EscChar, '{', #0); // Any modification must be synchronized with QuoteRegExprMetaChars !!! {$IFDEF UniCode} RusRangeLo : array [0 .. 33] of REChar = (#$430,#$431,#$432,#$433,#$434,#$435,#$451,#$436,#$437, #$438,#$439,#$43A,#$43B,#$43C,#$43D,#$43E,#$43F, #$440,#$441,#$442,#$443,#$444,#$445,#$446,#$447, #$448,#$449,#$44A,#$44B,#$44C,#$44D,#$44E,#$44F,#0); RusRangeHi : array [0 .. 33] of REChar = (#$410,#$411,#$412,#$413,#$414,#$415,#$401,#$416,#$417, #$418,#$419,#$41A,#$41B,#$41C,#$41D,#$41E,#$41F, #$420,#$421,#$422,#$423,#$424,#$425,#$426,#$427, #$428,#$429,#$42A,#$42B,#$42C,#$42D,#$42E,#$42F,#0); RusRangeLoLow = #$430{'а'}; RusRangeLoHigh = #$44F{'я'}; RusRangeHiLow = #$410{'А'}; RusRangeHiHigh = #$42F{'Я'}; {$ELSE} RusRangeLo = 'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя'; RusRangeHi = 'АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ'; RusRangeLoLow = 'а'; RusRangeLoHigh = 'я'; RusRangeHiLow = 'А'; RusRangeHiHigh = 'Я'; {$ENDIF} function TRegExpr.CompileRegExpr (exp : PRegExprChar) : boolean; // compile a regular expression into internal code // We can't allocate space until we know how big the compiled form will be, // but we can't compile it (and thus know how big it is) until we've got a // place to put the code. So we cheat: we compile it twice, once with code // generation turned off and size counting turned on, and once "for real". // This also means that we don't allocate space until we are sure that the // thing really will compile successfully, and we never have to move the // code and thus invalidate pointers into it. (Note that it has to be in // one piece because free() must be able to free it all.) // Beware that the optimization-preparation code in here knows about some // of the structure of the compiled regexp. var scan, longest : PRegExprChar; len : PtrUInt; flags : integer; begin Result := false; // life too dark regparse := nil; // for correct error handling regexpbeg := exp; try if programm <> nil then begin FreeMem (programm); programm := nil; end; if exp = nil then begin Error (reeCompNullArgument); EXIT; end; fProgModifiers := fModifiers; // well, may it's paranoia. I'll check it later... !!!!!!!! // First pass: determine size, legality. fCompModifiers := fModifiers; regparse := exp; regnpar := 1; regsize := 0; regcode := @regdummy; EmitC (MAGIC); if ParseReg (0, flags) = nil then EXIT; // Allocate space. GetMem (programm, regsize * SizeOf (REChar)); // Second pass: emit code. fCompModifiers := fModifiers; regparse := exp; regnpar := 1; regcode := programm; EmitC (MAGIC); if ParseReg (0, flags) = nil then EXIT; // Dig out information for optimizations. {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929 FirstCharSet := []; FillFirstCharSet (programm + REOpSz); {$ENDIF} regstart := #0; // Worst-case defaults. reganch := #0; regmust := nil; regmlen := 0; scan := programm + REOpSz; // First BRANCH. if PREOp (regnext (scan))^ = EEND then begin // Only one top-level choice. scan := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; // Starting-point info. if PREOp (scan)^ = EXACTLY then regstart := (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^ else if PREOp (scan)^ = BOL then inc (reganch); // If there's something expensive in the r.e., find the longest // literal string that must appear and make it the regmust. Resolve // ties in favor of later strings, since the regstart check works // with the beginning of the r.e. and avoiding duplication // strengthens checking. Not a strong reason, but sufficient in the // absence of others. if (flags and SPSTART) <> 0 then begin longest := nil; len := 0; while scan <> nil do begin if (PREOp (scan)^ = EXACTLY) and (strlen (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz) >= PtrInt(len)) then begin longest := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; len := strlen (longest); end; scan := regnext (scan); end; regmust := longest; regmlen := len; end; end; Result := true; finally begin if not Result then InvalidateProgramm; regexpbeg := nil; fExprIsCompiled := Result; //###0.944 end; end; end; { of function TRegExpr.CompileRegExpr --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.ParseReg (paren : integer; out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // regular expression, i.e. main body or parenthesized thing // Caller must absorb opening parenthesis. // Combining parenthesis handling with the base level of regular expression // is a trifle forced, but the need to tie the tails of the branches to what // follows makes it hard to avoid. var ret, br, ender : PRegExprChar; parno : integer; flags : integer; SavedModifiers : integer; begin Result := nil; flagp := HASWIDTH; // Tentatively. parno := 0; // eliminate compiler stupid warning SavedModifiers := fCompModifiers; // Make an OPEN node, if parenthesized. if paren <> 0 then begin if regnpar >= NSUBEXP then begin Error (reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets); EXIT; end; parno := regnpar; inc (regnpar); ret := EmitNode (TREOp (ord (OPEN) + parno)); end else ret := nil; // Pick up the branches, linking them together. br := ParseBranch (flags); if br = nil then begin Result := nil; EXIT; end; if ret <> nil then Tail (ret, br) // OPEN -> first. else ret := br; if (flags and HASWIDTH) = 0 then flagp := flagp and not HASWIDTH; flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART; while (regparse^ = '|') do begin inc (regparse); br := ParseBranch (flags); if br = nil then begin Result := nil; EXIT; end; Tail (ret, br); // BRANCH -> BRANCH. if (flags and HASWIDTH) = 0 then flagp := flagp and not HASWIDTH; flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART; end; // Make a closing node, and hook it on the end. if paren <> 0 then ender := EmitNode (TREOp (ord (CLOSE) + parno)) else ender := EmitNode (EEND); Tail (ret, ender); // Hook the tails of the branches to the closing node. br := ret; while br <> nil do begin OpTail (br, ender); br := regnext (br); end; // Check for proper termination. if paren <> 0 then if regparse^ <> ')' then begin Error (reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets); EXIT; end else inc (regparse); // skip trailing ')' if (paren = 0) and (regparse^ <> #0) then begin if regparse^ = ')' then Error (reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2) else Error (reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd); EXIT; end; fCompModifiers := SavedModifiers; // restore modifiers of parent Result := ret; end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseReg --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.ParseBranch (out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // one alternative of an | operator // Implements the concatenation operator. var ret, chain, latest : PRegExprChar; flags : integer; begin flagp := WORST; // Tentatively. ret := EmitNode (BRANCH); chain := nil; while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> '|') and (regparse^ <> ')') do begin latest := ParsePiece (flags); if latest = nil then begin Result := nil; EXIT; end; flagp := flagp or flags and HASWIDTH; if chain = nil // First piece. then flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART else Tail (chain, latest); chain := latest; end; if chain = nil // Loop ran zero times. then EmitNode (NOTHING); Result := ret; end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseBranch --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.ParsePiece (out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // something followed by possible [*+?{] // Note that the branching code sequences used for ? and the general cases // of * and + and { are somewhat optimized: they use the same NOTHING node as // both the endmarker for their branch list and the body of the last branch. // It might seem that this node could be dispensed with entirely, but the // endmarker role is not redundant. function parsenum (AStart, AEnd : PRegExprChar) : TREBracesArg; begin Result := 0; if AEnd - AStart + 1 > 8 then begin // prevent stupid scanning Error (reeBRACESArgTooBig); EXIT; end; while AStart <= AEnd do begin Result := Result * 10 + (ord (AStart^) - ord ('0')); inc (AStart); end; if (Result > MaxBracesArg) or (Result < 0) then begin Error (reeBRACESArgTooBig); EXIT; end; end; var op : REChar; NonGreedyOp, NonGreedyCh : boolean; //###0.940 TheOp : TREOp; //###0.940 NextNode : PRegExprChar; flags : integer; BracesMin, Bracesmax : TREBracesArg; p, savedparse : PRegExprChar; procedure EmitComplexBraces (ABracesMin, ABracesMax : TREBracesArg; ANonGreedyOp : boolean); //###0.940 {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} var off : TRENextOff; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF ComplexBraces} Error (reeComplexBracesNotImplemented); {$ELSE} if ANonGreedyOp then TheOp := LOOPNG else TheOp := LOOP; InsertOperator (LOOPENTRY, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); NextNode := EmitNode (TheOp); if regcode <> @regdummy then begin off := (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz) - (regcode - REOpSz - RENextOffSz); // back to Atom after LOOPENTRY PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(regcode))^ := ABracesMin; inc (regcode, REBracesArgSz); PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(regcode))^ := ABracesMax; inc (regcode, REBracesArgSz); PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(regcode))^ := off; inc (regcode, RENextOffSz); {$IFDEF DebugSynRegExpr} if regcode-programm>regsize then raise Exception.Create('TRegExpr.ParsePiece.EmitComplexBraces buffer overrun'); {$ENDIF} end else inc (regsize, REBracesArgSz * 2 + RENextOffSz); Tail (Result, NextNode); // LOOPENTRY -> LOOP if regcode <> @regdummy then Tail (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, NextNode); // Atom -> LOOP {$ENDIF} end; procedure EmitSimpleBraces (ABracesMin, ABracesMax : TREBracesArg; ANonGreedyOp : boolean); //###0.940 begin if ANonGreedyOp //###0.940 then TheOp := BRACESNG else TheOp := BRACES; InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2); if regcode <> @regdummy then begin PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz))^ := ABracesMin; PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz))^ := ABracesMax; end; end; begin flagp := WORST; Result := ParseAtom (flags); if Result = nil then EXIT; op := regparse^; if not ((op = '*') or (op = '+') or (op = '?') or (op = '{')) then begin flagp := flags; EXIT; end; if ((flags and HASWIDTH) = 0) and (op <> '?') then begin Error (reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty); EXIT; end; case op of '*': begin flagp := WORST or SPSTART; NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940 NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940 if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0 then begin if NonGreedyOp //###0.940 then EmitComplexBraces (0, MaxBracesArg, NonGreedyOp) else begin // Emit x* as (x&|), where & means "self". InsertOperator (BRANCH, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // Either x OpTail (Result, EmitNode (BACK)); // and loop OpTail (Result, Result); // back Tail (Result, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or Tail (Result, EmitNode (NOTHING)); // nil. end end else begin // Simple if NonGreedyOp //###0.940 then TheOp := STARNG else TheOp := STAR; InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); end; if NonGreedyCh //###0.940 then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?') end; { of case '*'} '+': begin flagp := WORST or SPSTART or HASWIDTH; NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940 NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940 if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0 then begin if NonGreedyOp //###0.940 then EmitComplexBraces (1, MaxBracesArg, NonGreedyOp) else begin // Emit x+ as x(&|), where & means "self". NextNode := EmitNode (BRANCH); // Either Tail (Result, NextNode); Tail (EmitNode (BACK), Result); // loop back Tail (NextNode, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or Tail (Result, EmitNode (NOTHING)); // nil. end end else begin // Simple if NonGreedyOp //###0.940 then TheOp := PLUSNG else TheOp := PLUS; InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); end; if NonGreedyCh //###0.940 then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?') end; { of case '+'} '?': begin flagp := WORST; NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940 NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940 if NonGreedyOp then begin //###0.940 // We emit x?? as x{0,1}? if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0 then EmitComplexBraces (0, 1, NonGreedyOp) else EmitSimpleBraces (0, 1, NonGreedyOp); end else begin // greedy '?' InsertOperator (BRANCH, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // Either x Tail (Result, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or NextNode := EmitNode (NOTHING); // nil. Tail (Result, NextNode); OpTail (Result, NextNode); end; if NonGreedyCh //###0.940 then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?') end; { of case '?'} '{': begin savedparse := regparse; // !!!!!!!!!!!! // Filip Jirsak's note - what will happen, when we are at the end of regparse? inc (regparse); p := regparse; while Pos (regparse^, '0123456789') > 0 // MUST appear do inc (regparse); if (regparse^ <> '}') and (regparse^ <> ',') or (p = regparse) then begin regparse := savedparse; flagp := flags; EXIT; end; BracesMin := parsenum (p, regparse - 1); if regparse^ = ',' then begin inc (regparse); p := regparse; while Pos (regparse^, '0123456789') > 0 do inc (regparse); if regparse^ <> '}' then begin regparse := savedparse; EXIT; end; if p = regparse then BracesMax := MaxBracesArg else BracesMax := parsenum (p, regparse - 1); end else BracesMax := BracesMin; // {n} == {n,n} if BracesMin > BracesMax then begin Error (reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax); EXIT; end; if BracesMin > 0 then flagp := WORST; if BracesMax > 0 then flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SPSTART; NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940 NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940 if (flags and SIMPLE) <> 0 then EmitSimpleBraces (BracesMin, BracesMax, NonGreedyOp) else EmitComplexBraces (BracesMin, BracesMax, NonGreedyOp); if NonGreedyCh //###0.940 then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char '?' end; // of case '{' // else // here we can't be end; { of case op} inc (regparse); if (regparse^ = '*') or (regparse^ = '+') or (regparse^ = '?') or (regparse^ = '{') then begin Error (reeNestedSQP); EXIT; end; end; { of function TRegExpr.ParsePiece --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.ParseAtom (out flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar; // the lowest level // Optimization: gobbles an entire sequence of ordinary characters so that // it can turn them into a single node, which is smaller to store and // faster to run. Backslashed characters are exceptions, each becoming a // separate node; the code is simpler that way and it's not worth fixing. var ret : PRegExprChar; flags : integer; RangeBeg, RangeEnd : REChar; CanBeRange : boolean; len : PtrInt; ender : REChar; begmodfs : PRegExprChar; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.930 RangePCodeBeg : PRegExprChar; RangePCodeIdx : PtrInt; RangeIsCI : boolean; RangeSet : TSetOfREChar; RangeLen : PtrInt; RangeChMin, RangeChMax : REChar; {$ENDIF} procedure EmitExactly (ch : REChar); begin if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0 then ret := EmitNode (EXACTLYCI) else ret := EmitNode (EXACTLY); EmitC (ch); EmitC (#0); flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; procedure EmitStr (const s : RegExprString); var i : PtrInt; begin for i := 1 to length (s) do EmitC (s [i]); end; function HexDig (ch : REChar) : PtrUInt; begin Result := 0; if (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'f') then ch := REChar (ord (ch) - (ord ('a') - ord ('A'))); if (ch < '0') or (ch > 'F') or ((ch > '9') and (ch < 'A')) then begin Error (reeBadHexDigit); EXIT; end; Result := ord (ch) - ord ('0'); if ch >= 'A' then Result := Result - (ord ('A') - ord ('9') - 1); end; function EmitRange (AOpCode : REChar) : PRegExprChar; begin {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} case AOpCode of ANYBUTCI, ANYBUT: Result := EmitNode (ANYBUTTINYSET); else // ANYOFCI, ANYOF Result := EmitNode (ANYOFTINYSET); end; case AOpCode of ANYBUTCI, ANYOFCI: RangeIsCI := True; else // ANYBUT, ANYOF RangeIsCI := False; end; RangePCodeBeg := regcode; RangePCodeIdx := regsize; RangeLen := 0; RangeSet := []; RangeChMin := #255; RangeChMax := #0; {$ELSE} Result := EmitNode (AOpCode); // ToDo: // !!!!!!!!!!!!! Implement ANYOF[BUT]TINYSET generation for UniCode !!!!!!!!!! {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} procedure EmitRangeCPrim (b : REChar); //###0.930 begin if b in RangeSet then EXIT; inc (RangeLen); if b < RangeChMin then RangeChMin := b; if b > RangeChMax then RangeChMax := b; Include (RangeSet, b); end; {$ENDIF} procedure EmitRangeC (b : REChar); {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} var Ch : REChar; {$ENDIF} begin CanBeRange := false; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} if b <> #0 then begin EmitRangeCPrim (b); //###0.930 if RangeIsCI then EmitRangeCPrim (InvertCase (b)); //###0.930 end else begin {$IFDEF UseAsserts} Assert (RangeLen > 0, 'TRegExpr.ParseAtom(subroutine EmitRangeC): empty range'); // impossible, but who knows.. Assert (RangeChMin <= RangeChMax, 'TRegExpr.ParseAtom(subroutine EmitRangeC): RangeChMin > RangeChMax'); // impossible, but who knows.. {$ENDIF} if RangeLen <= TinySetLen then begin // emit "tiny set" if regcode = @regdummy then begin regsize := RangePCodeIdx + TinySetLen; // RangeChMin/Max !!! EXIT; end; regcode := RangePCodeBeg; for Ch := RangeChMin to RangeChMax do //###0.930 if Ch in RangeSet then begin regcode^ := Ch; inc (regcode); end; // fill rest: while regcode < RangePCodeBeg + TinySetLen do begin regcode^ := RangeChMax; inc (regcode); end; {$IFDEF DebugSynRegExpr} if regcode-programm>regsize then raise Exception.Create('TRegExpr.ParseAtom.EmitRangeC TinySetLen buffer overrun'); {$ENDIF} end else begin if regcode = @regdummy then begin regsize := RangePCodeIdx + SizeOf (TSetOfREChar); EXIT; end; if (RangePCodeBeg - REOpSz - RENextOffSz)^ = ANYBUTTINYSET then RangeSet := [#0 .. #255] - RangeSet; PREOp (RangePCodeBeg - REOpSz - RENextOffSz)^ := ANYOFFULLSET; regcode := RangePCodeBeg; Move (RangeSet, regcode^, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar)); inc (regcode, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar)); {$IFDEF DebugSynRegExpr} if regcode-programm>regsize then raise Exception.Create('TRegExpr.ParseAtom.EmitRangeC non TinySetLen buffer overrun'); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ELSE} EmitC (b); {$ENDIF} end; procedure EmitSimpleRangeC (b : REChar); begin RangeBeg := b; EmitRangeC (b); CanBeRange := true; end; procedure EmitRangeStr (const s : RegExprString); var i : PtrInt; begin for i := 1 to length (s) do EmitRangeC (s [i]); end; function UnQuoteChar (var APtr : PRegExprChar) : REChar; //###0.934 begin case APtr^ of 't': Result := #$9; // tab (HT/TAB) 'n': Result := #$a; // newline (NL) 'r': Result := #$d; // car.return (CR) 'f': Result := #$c; // form feed (FF) 'a': Result := #$7; // alarm (bell) (BEL) 'e': Result := #$1b; // escape (ESC) 'x': begin // hex char Result := #0; inc (APtr); if APtr^ = #0 then begin Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX); EXIT; end; if APtr^ = '{' then begin // \x{nnnn} //###0.936 REPEAT inc (APtr); if APtr^ = #0 then begin Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX); EXIT; end; if APtr^ <> '}' then begin if (Ord (Result) ShR (SizeOf (REChar) * 8 - 4)) and $F <> 0 then begin Error (reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig); EXIT; end; Result := REChar ((Ord (Result) ShL 4) or HexDig (APtr^)); // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found end else BREAK; UNTIL False; end else begin Result := REChar (HexDig (APtr^)); // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found inc (APtr); if APtr^ = #0 then begin Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX); EXIT; end; Result := REChar ((Ord (Result) ShL 4) or HexDig (APtr^)); // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found end; end; else Result := APtr^; end; end; begin Result := nil; flagp := WORST; // Tentatively. inc (regparse); case (regparse - 1)^ of '^': if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModM) = 0) or ((fLineSeparators = '') and not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned) then ret := EmitNode (BOL) else ret := EmitNode (BOLML); '$': if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModM) = 0) or ((fLineSeparators = '') and not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned) then ret := EmitNode (EOL) else ret := EmitNode (EOLML); '.': if (fCompModifiers and MaskModS) <> 0 then begin ret := EmitNode (ANY); flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end else begin // not /s, so emit [^:LineSeparators:] ret := EmitNode (ANYML); flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH; // not so simple ;) // ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT); // EmitRangeStr (LineSeparators); //###0.941 // EmitRangeStr (LinePairedSeparator); // !!! isn't correct if have to accept only paired // EmitRangeC (#0); // flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; '[': begin if regparse^ = '^' then begin // Complement of range. if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0 then ret := EmitRange (ANYBUTCI) else ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT); inc (regparse); end else if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0 then ret := EmitRange (ANYOFCI) else ret := EmitRange (ANYOF); CanBeRange := false; if (regparse^ = ']') then begin EmitSimpleRangeC (regparse^); // []-a] -> ']' .. 'a' inc (regparse); end; while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ']') do begin if (regparse^ = '-') and ((regparse + 1)^ <> #0) and ((regparse + 1)^ <> ']') and CanBeRange then begin inc (regparse); RangeEnd := regparse^; if RangeEnd = EscChar then begin {$IFDEF UniCode} //###0.935 if (ord ((regparse + 1)^) < 256) and (char ((regparse + 1)^) in ['d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W']) then begin {$ELSE} if (regparse + 1)^ in ['d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W'] then begin {$ENDIF} EmitRangeC ('-'); // or treat as error ?!! CONTINUE; end; inc (regparse); RangeEnd := UnQuoteChar (regparse); end; // r.e.ranges extension for russian if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0) and (RangeBeg = RusRangeLoLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeLoHigh) then begin EmitRangeStr (RusRangeLo); end else if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0) and (RangeBeg = RusRangeHiLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeHiHigh) then begin EmitRangeStr (RusRangeHi); end else if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0) and (RangeBeg = RusRangeLoLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeHiHigh) then begin EmitRangeStr (RusRangeLo); EmitRangeStr (RusRangeHi); end else begin // standard r.e. handling if RangeBeg > RangeEnd then begin Error (reeInvalidRange); EXIT; end; inc (RangeBeg); EmitRangeC (RangeEnd); // prevent infinite loop if RangeEnd=$ff while RangeBeg < RangeEnd do begin //###0.929 EmitRangeC (RangeBeg); inc (RangeBeg); end; end; inc (regparse); end else begin if regparse^ = EscChar then begin inc (regparse); if regparse^ = #0 then begin Error (reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash); EXIT; end; case regparse^ of // r.e.extensions 'd': EmitRangeStr ('0123456789'); 'w': EmitRangeStr (WordChars); 's': EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars); else EmitSimpleRangeC (UnQuoteChar (regparse)); end; { of case} end else EmitSimpleRangeC (regparse^); inc (regparse); end; end; { of while} EmitRangeC (#0); if regparse^ <> ']' then begin Error (reeUnmatchedSqBrackets); EXIT; end; inc (regparse); flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; '(': begin if regparse^ = '?' then begin // check for extended Perl syntax : (?..) if (regparse + 1)^ = '#' then begin // (?#comment) inc (regparse, 2); // find closing ')' while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ')') do inc (regparse); if regparse^ <> ')' then begin Error (reeUnclosedComment); EXIT; end; inc (regparse); // skip ')' ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment end else begin // modifiers ? inc (regparse); // skip '?' begmodfs := regparse; while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ')') do inc (regparse); if (regparse^ <> ')') or not ParseModifiersStr (copy (begmodfs, 1, (regparse - begmodfs)), fCompModifiers) then begin Error (reeUrecognizedModifier); EXIT; end; inc (regparse); // skip ')' ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment // Error (reeQPSBFollowsNothing); // EXIT; end; end else begin ret := ParseReg (1, flags); if ret = nil then begin Result := nil; EXIT; end; flagp := flagp or flags and (HASWIDTH or SPSTART); end; end; #0, '|', ')': begin // Supposed to be caught earlier. Error (reeInternalUrp); EXIT; end; '?', '+', '*': begin Error (reeQPSBFollowsNothing); EXIT; end; EscChar: begin if regparse^ = #0 then begin Error (reeTrailingBackSlash); EXIT; end; case regparse^ of // r.e.extensions 'b': ret := EmitNode (BOUND); //###0.943 'B': ret := EmitNode (NOTBOUND); //###0.943 'A': ret := EmitNode (BOL); //###0.941 'Z': ret := EmitNode (EOL); //###0.941 'd': begin // r.e.extension - any digit ('0' .. '9') ret := EmitNode (ANYDIGIT); flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; 'D': begin // r.e.extension - not digit ('0' .. '9') ret := EmitNode (NOTDIGIT); flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; 's': begin // r.e.extension - any space char {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} ret := EmitRange (ANYOF); EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars); EmitRangeC (#0); {$ELSE} ret := EmitNode (ANYSPACE); {$ENDIF} flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; 'S': begin // r.e.extension - not space char {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT); EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars); EmitRangeC (#0); {$ELSE} ret := EmitNode (NOTSPACE); {$ENDIF} flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; 'w': begin // r.e.extension - any english char / digit / '_' {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} ret := EmitRange (ANYOF); EmitRangeStr (WordChars); EmitRangeC (#0); {$ELSE} ret := EmitNode (ANYLETTER); {$ENDIF} flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; 'W': begin // r.e.extension - not english char / digit / '_' {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT); EmitRangeStr (WordChars); EmitRangeC (#0); {$ELSE} ret := EmitNode (NOTLETTER); {$ENDIF} flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; '1' .. '9': begin //###0.936 if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0 then ret := EmitNode (BSUBEXPCI) else ret := EmitNode (BSUBEXP); EmitC (REChar (ord (regparse^) - ord ('0'))); flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE; end; else EmitExactly (UnQuoteChar (regparse)); end; { of case} inc (regparse); end; else begin dec (regparse); if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) <> 0) and // check for eXtended syntax ((regparse^ = '#') or ({$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947 {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF})) then begin //###0.941 \x if regparse^ = '#' then begin // Skip eXtended comment // find comment terminator (group of \n and/or \r) while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> #$d) and (regparse^ <> #$a) do inc (regparse); while (regparse^ = #$d) or (regparse^ = #$a) // skip comment terminator do inc (regparse); // attempt to support different type of line separators end else begin // Skip the blanks! while {$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947 {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF} do inc (regparse); end; ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment end else begin len := strcspn (regparse, META); if len <= 0 then if regparse^ <> '{' then begin Error (reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster); EXIT; end else len := strcspn (regparse + 1, META) + 1; // bad {n,m} - compile as EXATLY ender := (regparse + len)^; if (len > 1) and ((ender = '*') or (ender = '+') or (ender = '?') or (ender = '{')) then dec (len); // Back off clear of ?+*{ operand. flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH; if len = 1 then flagp := flagp or SIMPLE; if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0 then ret := EmitNode (EXACTLYCI) else ret := EmitNode (EXACTLY); while (len > 0) and (((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) = 0) or (regparse^ <> '#')) do begin if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) = 0) or not ( //###0.941 {$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947 {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF} ) then EmitC (regparse^); inc (regparse); dec (len); end; EmitC (#0); end; { of if not comment} end; { of case else} end; { of case} Result := ret; end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseAtom --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetCompilerErrorPos : PtrInt; begin Result := 0; if (regexpbeg = nil) or (regparse = nil) then EXIT; // not in compiling mode ? Result := regparse - regexpbeg; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetCompilerErrorPos --------------------------------------------------------------} {=============================================================} {===================== Matching section ======================} {=============================================================} {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} function TRegExpr.StrScanCI (s : PRegExprChar; ch : REChar) : PRegExprChar; //###0.928 - now method of TRegExpr begin while (s^ <> #0) and (s^ <> ch) and (s^ <> InvertCase (ch)) do inc (s); if s^ <> #0 then Result := s else Result := nil; end; { of function TRegExpr.StrScanCI --------------------------------------------------------------} {$ENDIF} function TRegExpr.regrepeat (p : PRegExprChar; AMax : PtrInt) : PtrInt; // repeatedly match something simple, report how many var scan : PRegExprChar; opnd : PRegExprChar; TheMax : integer; {Ch,} InvCh : REChar; //###0.931 sestart, seend : PRegExprChar; //###0.936 begin Result := 0; scan := reginput; opnd := p + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; //OPERAND TheMax := fInputEnd - scan; if TheMax > AMax then TheMax := AMax; case PREOp (p)^ of ANY: begin // note - ANYML cannot be proceeded in regrepeat because can skip // more than one char at once Result := TheMax; inc (scan, Result); end; EXACTLY: begin // in opnd can be only ONE char !!! // Ch := opnd^; // store in register //###0.931 while (Result < TheMax) and (opnd^ = scan^) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; end; EXACTLYCI: begin // in opnd can be only ONE char !!! // Ch := opnd^; // store in register //###0.931 while (Result < TheMax) and (opnd^ = scan^) do begin // prevent unneeded InvertCase //###0.931 inc (Result); inc (scan); end; if Result < TheMax then begin //###0.931 InvCh := InvertCase (opnd^); // store in register while (Result < TheMax) and ((opnd^ = scan^) or (InvCh = scan^)) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; end; end; BSUBEXP: begin //###0.936 sestart := startp [ord (opnd^)]; if sestart = nil then EXIT; seend := endp [ord (opnd^)]; if seend = nil then EXIT; REPEAT opnd := sestart; while opnd < seend do begin if (scan >= fInputEnd) or (scan^ <> opnd^) then EXIT; inc (scan); inc (opnd); end; inc (Result); reginput := scan; UNTIL Result >= AMax; end; BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.936 sestart := startp [ord (opnd^)]; if sestart = nil then EXIT; seend := endp [ord (opnd^)]; if seend = nil then EXIT; REPEAT opnd := sestart; while opnd < seend do begin if (scan >= fInputEnd) or ((scan^ <> opnd^) and (scan^ <> InvertCase (opnd^))) then EXIT; inc (scan); inc (opnd); end; inc (Result); reginput := scan; UNTIL Result >= AMax; end; ANYDIGIT: while (Result < TheMax) and (scan^ >= '0') and (scan^ <= '9') do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; NOTDIGIT: while (Result < TheMax) and ((scan^ < '0') or (scan^ > '9')) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929 ANYLETTER: while (Result < TheMax) and (Pos (scan^, fWordChars) > 0) //###0.940 { ((scan^ >= 'a') and (scan^ <= 'z') !! I've forgotten (>='0') and (<='9') or (scan^ >= 'A') and (scan^ <= 'Z') or (scan^ = '_'))} do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; NOTLETTER: while (Result < TheMax) and (Pos (scan^, fWordChars) <= 0) //###0.940 { not ((scan^ >= 'a') and (scan^ <= 'z') !! I've forgotten (>='0') and (<='9') or (scan^ >= 'A') and (scan^ <= 'Z') or (scan^ = '_'))} do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; ANYSPACE: while (Result < TheMax) and (Pos (scan^, fSpaceChars) > 0) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; NOTSPACE: while (Result < TheMax) and (Pos (scan^, fSpaceChars) <= 0) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; {$ENDIF} ANYOFTINYSET: begin while (Result < TheMax) and //!!!TinySet ((scan^ = opnd^) or (scan^ = (opnd + 1)^) or (scan^ = (opnd + 2)^)) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; end; ANYBUTTINYSET: begin while (Result < TheMax) and //!!!TinySet (scan^ <> opnd^) and (scan^ <> (opnd + 1)^) and (scan^ <> (opnd + 2)^) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; end; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929 ANYOFFULLSET: begin while (Result < TheMax) and (scan^ in PSetOfREChar (opnd)^) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; end; {$ELSE} ANYOF: while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScan (opnd, scan^) <> nil) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; ANYBUT: while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScan (opnd, scan^) = nil) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; ANYOFCI: while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScanCI (opnd, scan^) <> nil) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; ANYBUTCI: while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScanCI (opnd, scan^) = nil) do begin inc (Result); inc (scan); end; {$ENDIF} else begin // Oh dear. Called inappropriately. Result := 0; // Best compromise. Error (reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately); EXIT; end; end; { of case} reginput := scan; end; { of function TRegExpr.regrepeat --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.regnext (p : PRegExprChar) : PRegExprChar; // dig the "next" pointer out of a node var offset : TRENextOff; begin if p = @regdummy then begin Result := nil; EXIT; end; offset := PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(p + REOpSz))^; //###0.933 inlined NEXT if offset = 0 then Result := nil else Result := p + offset; end; { of function TRegExpr.regnext --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.MatchPrim (prog : PRegExprChar) : boolean; // recursively matching routine // Conceptually the strategy is simple: check to see whether the current // node matches, call self recursively to see whether the rest matches, // and then act accordingly. In practice we make some effort to avoid // recursion, in particular by going through "ordinary" nodes (that don't // need to know whether the rest of the match failed) by a loop instead of // by recursion. var scan : PRegExprChar; // Current node. next : PRegExprChar; // Next node. len : PtrInt; opnd : PRegExprChar; no : PtrInt; save : PRegExprChar; nextch : REChar; BracesMin, BracesMax : PtrInt; // we use integer instead of TREBracesArg for better support */+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} SavedLoopStack : array [1 .. LoopStackMax] of integer; // :(( very bad for recursion SavedLoopStackIdx : integer; //###0.925 {$ENDIF} begin Result := false; scan := prog; while scan <> nil do begin len := PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(scan + 1))^; //###0.932 inlined regnext if len = 0 then next := nil else next := scan + len; case scan^ of NOTBOUND, //###0.943 //!!! think about UseSetOfChar !!! BOUND: if (scan^ = BOUND) xor ( ((reginput = fInputStart) or (Pos ((reginput - 1)^, fWordChars) <= 0)) and (reginput^ <> #0) and (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) > 0) or (reginput <> fInputStart) and (Pos ((reginput - 1)^, fWordChars) > 0) and ((reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) <= 0))) then EXIT; BOL: if reginput <> fInputStart then EXIT; EOL: if reginput^ <> #0 then EXIT; BOLML: if reginput > fInputStart then begin nextch := (reginput - 1)^; if (nextch <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail) or ((reginput - 1) <= fInputStart) or ((reginput - 2)^ <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead) then begin if (nextch = fLinePairedSeparatorHead) and (reginput^ = fLinePairedSeparatorTail) then EXIT; // don't stop between paired separator if {$IFNDEF UniCode} not (nextch in fLineSeparatorsSet) {$ELSE} (pos (nextch, fLineSeparators) <= 0) {$ENDIF} then EXIT; end; end; EOLML: if reginput^ <> #0 then begin nextch := reginput^; if (nextch <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead) or ((reginput + 1)^ <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail) then begin if (nextch = fLinePairedSeparatorTail) and (reginput > fInputStart) and ((reginput - 1)^ = fLinePairedSeparatorHead) then EXIT; // don't stop between paired separator if {$IFNDEF UniCode} not (nextch in fLineSeparatorsSet) {$ELSE} (pos (nextch, fLineSeparators) <= 0) {$ENDIF} then EXIT; end; end; ANY: begin if reginput^ = #0 then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; ANYML: begin //###0.941 if (reginput^ = #0) or ((reginput^ = fLinePairedSeparatorHead) and ((reginput + 1)^ = fLinePairedSeparatorTail)) or {$IFNDEF UniCode} (reginput^ in fLineSeparatorsSet) {$ELSE} (pos (reginput^, fLineSeparators) > 0) {$ENDIF} then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; ANYDIGIT: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (reginput^ < '0') or (reginput^ > '9') then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; NOTDIGIT: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or ((reginput^ >= '0') and (reginput^ <= '9')) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929 ANYLETTER: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) <= 0) //###0.943 then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; NOTLETTER: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) > 0) //###0.943 then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; ANYSPACE: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or not (Pos (reginput^, fSpaceChars) > 0) //###0.943 then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; NOTSPACE: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fSpaceChars) > 0) //###0.943 then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; {$ENDIF} EXACTLYCI: begin opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; // OPERAND // Inline the first character, for speed. if (opnd^ <> reginput^) and (InvertCase (opnd^) <> reginput^) then EXIT; len := strlen (opnd); //###0.929 begin no := len; save := reginput; while no > 1 do begin inc (save); inc (opnd); if (opnd^ <> save^) and (InvertCase (opnd^) <> save^) then EXIT; dec (no); end; //###0.929 end inc (reginput, len); end; EXACTLY: begin opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; // OPERAND // Inline the first character, for speed. if opnd^ <> reginput^ then EXIT; len := strlen (opnd); //###0.929 begin no := len; save := reginput; while no > 1 do begin inc (save); inc (opnd); if opnd^ <> save^ then EXIT; dec (no); end; //###0.929 end inc (reginput, len); end; BSUBEXP: begin //###0.936 no := ord ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^); if startp [no] = nil then EXIT; if endp [no] = nil then EXIT; save := reginput; opnd := startp [no]; while opnd < endp [no] do begin if (save >= fInputEnd) or (save^ <> opnd^) then EXIT; inc (save); inc (opnd); end; reginput := save; end; BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.936 no := ord ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^); if startp [no] = nil then EXIT; if endp [no] = nil then EXIT; save := reginput; opnd := startp [no]; while opnd < endp [no] do begin if (save >= fInputEnd) or ((save^ <> opnd^) and (save^ <> InvertCase (opnd^))) then EXIT; inc (save); inc (opnd); end; reginput := save; end; ANYOFTINYSET: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or //!!!TinySet ((reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^) and (reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^) and (reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^)) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; ANYBUTTINYSET: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or //!!!TinySet (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^) or (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^) or (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929 ANYOFFULLSET: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or not (reginput^ in PSetOfREChar (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; {$ELSE} ANYOF: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScan (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) = nil) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; ANYBUT: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScan (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) <> nil) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; ANYOFCI: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScanCI (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) = nil) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; ANYBUTCI: begin if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScanCI (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) <> nil) then EXIT; inc (reginput); end; {$ENDIF} NOTHING: ; COMMENT: ; BACK: ; Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1) : begin //###0.929 no := ord (scan^) - ord (OPEN); // save := reginput; save := startp [no]; //###0.936 startp [no] := reginput; //###0.936 Result := MatchPrim (next); if not Result //###0.936 then startp [no] := save; // if Result and (startp [no] = nil) // then startp [no] := save; // Don't set startp if some later invocation of the same // parentheses already has. EXIT; end; Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): begin //###0.929 no := ord (scan^) - ord (CLOSE); // save := reginput; save := endp [no]; //###0.936 endp [no] := reginput; //###0.936 Result := MatchPrim (next); if not Result //###0.936 then endp [no] := save; // if Result and (endp [no] = nil) // then endp [no] := save; // Don't set endp if some later invocation of the same // parentheses already has. EXIT; end; BRANCH: begin if (next^ <> BRANCH) // No choice. then next := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz // Avoid recursion else begin REPEAT save := reginput; Result := MatchPrim (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz); if Result then EXIT; reginput := save; scan := regnext (scan); UNTIL (scan = nil) or (scan^ <> BRANCH); EXIT; end; end; {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} LOOPENTRY: begin //###0.925 no := LoopStackIdx; inc (LoopStackIdx); if LoopStackIdx > LoopStackMax then begin Error (reeLoopStackExceeded); EXIT; end; save := reginput; LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] := 0; // init loop counter Result := MatchPrim (next); // execute LOOP LoopStackIdx := no; // cleanup if Result then EXIT; reginput := save; EXIT; end; LOOP, LOOPNG: begin //###0.940 if LoopStackIdx <= 0 then begin Error (reeLoopWithoutEntry); EXIT; end; opnd := scan + PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2 * REBracesArgSz))^; BracesMin := PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz))^; BracesMax := PREBracesArg (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz))^; save := reginput; if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] >= BracesMin then begin // Min alredy matched - we can work if scan^ = LOOP then begin // greedy way - first try to max deep of greed ;) if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] < BracesMax then begin inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]); no := LoopStackIdx; Result := MatchPrim (opnd); LoopStackIdx := no; if Result then EXIT; reginput := save; end; dec (LoopStackIdx); // Fail. May be we are too greedy? ;) Result := MatchPrim (next); if not Result then reginput := save; EXIT; end else begin // non-greedy - try just now Result := MatchPrim (next); if Result then EXIT else reginput := save; // failed - move next and try again if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] < BracesMax then begin inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]); no := LoopStackIdx; Result := MatchPrim (opnd); LoopStackIdx := no; if Result then EXIT; reginput := save; end; dec (LoopStackIdx); // Failed - back up EXIT; end end else begin // first match a min_cnt times inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]); no := LoopStackIdx; Result := MatchPrim (opnd); LoopStackIdx := no; if Result then EXIT; dec (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]); reginput := save; EXIT; end; end; {$ENDIF} STAR, PLUS, BRACES, STARNG, PLUSNG, BRACESNG: begin // Lookahead to avoid useless match attempts when we know // what character comes next. nextch := #0; if next^ = EXACTLY then nextch := (next + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^; BracesMax := MaxInt; // infinite loop for * and + //###0.92 if (scan^ = STAR) or (scan^ = STARNG) then BracesMin := 0 // STAR else if (scan^ = PLUS) or (scan^ = PLUSNG) then BracesMin := 1 // PLUS else begin // BRACES BracesMin := PREBracesArg (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz))^; BracesMax := PREBracesArg (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz))^; end; save := reginput; opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; if (scan^ = BRACES) or (scan^ = BRACESNG) then inc (opnd, 2 * REBracesArgSz); if (scan^ = PLUSNG) or (scan^ = STARNG) or (scan^ = BRACESNG) then begin // non-greedy mode BracesMax := regrepeat (opnd, BracesMax); // don't repeat more than BracesMax // Now we know real Max limit to move forward (for recursion 'back up') // In some cases it can be faster to check only Min positions first, // but after that we have to check every position separtely instead // of fast scannig in loop. no := BracesMin; while no <= BracesMax do begin reginput := save + no; // If it could work, try it. if (nextch = #0) or (reginput^ = nextch) then begin {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} System.Move (LoopStack, SavedLoopStack{%H-}, SizeOf (LoopStack)); //###0.925 SavedLoopStackIdx := LoopStackIdx; {$ENDIF} if MatchPrim (next) then begin Result := true; EXIT; end; {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} System.Move (SavedLoopStack, LoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack)); LoopStackIdx := SavedLoopStackIdx; {$ENDIF} end; inc (no); // Couldn't or didn't - move forward. end; { of while} EXIT; end else begin // greedy mode no := regrepeat (opnd, BracesMax); // don't repeat more than max_cnt while no >= BracesMin do begin // If it could work, try it. if (nextch = #0) or (reginput^ = nextch) then begin {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} System.Move (LoopStack, SavedLoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack)); //###0.925 SavedLoopStackIdx := LoopStackIdx; {$ENDIF} if MatchPrim (next) then begin Result := true; EXIT; end; {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} System.Move (SavedLoopStack, LoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack)); LoopStackIdx := SavedLoopStackIdx; {$ENDIF} end; dec (no); // Couldn't or didn't - back up. reginput := save + no; end; { of while} EXIT; end; end; EEND: begin Result := true; // Success! EXIT; end; else begin Error (reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption); EXIT; end; end; { of case scan^} scan := next; end; { of while scan <> nil} // We get here only if there's trouble -- normally "case EEND" is the // terminating point. Error (reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers); end; { of function TRegExpr.MatchPrim --------------------------------------------------------------} {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929 procedure TRegExpr.FillFirstCharSet (prog : PRegExprChar); var scan : PRegExprChar; // Current node. next : PRegExprChar; // Next node. opnd : PRegExprChar; min_cnt : integer; begin scan := prog; while scan <> nil do begin next := regnext (scan); case PREOp (scan)^ of BSUBEXP, BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.938 FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; // :((( we cannot // optimize r.e. if it starts with back reference EXIT; end; BOL, BOLML: ; // EXIT; //###0.937 EOL, EOLML: begin //###0.948 was empty in 0.947, was EXIT in 0.937 Include (FirstCharSet, #0); if ModifierM then begin opnd := PRegExprChar (LineSeparators); while opnd^ <> #0 do begin Include (FirstCharSet, opnd^); inc (opnd); end; end; EXIT; end; BOUND, NOTBOUND: ; //###0.943 ?!! ANY, ANYML: begin // we can better define ANYML !!! FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; //###0.930 EXIT; end; ANYDIGIT: begin FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ['0' .. '9']; EXIT; end; NOTDIGIT: begin FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ([#0 .. #255] - ['0' .. '9']); //###0.948 FirstCharSet was forgotten EXIT; end; EXACTLYCI: begin Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^); Include (FirstCharSet, InvertCase ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^)); EXIT; end; EXACTLY: begin Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^); EXIT; end; ANYOFFULLSET: begin FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + PSetOfREChar (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^; EXIT; end; ANYOFTINYSET: begin //!!!TinySet Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^); Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^); Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^); // ... // up to TinySetLen EXIT; end; ANYBUTTINYSET: begin //!!!TinySet FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ([#0 .. #255] - [ //###0.948 FirstCharSet was forgotten (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^]); // ... // up to TinySetLen EXIT; end; NOTHING: ; COMMENT: ; BACK: ; Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1) : begin //###0.929 FillFirstCharSet (next); EXIT; end; Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): begin //###0.929 FillFirstCharSet (next); EXIT; end; BRANCH: begin if (PREOp (next)^ <> BRANCH) // No choice. then next := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz // Avoid recursion. else begin REPEAT FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz); scan := regnext (scan); UNTIL (scan = nil) or (PREOp (scan)^ <> BRANCH); EXIT; end; end; {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} LOOPENTRY: begin //###0.925 // LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] := 0; //###0.940 line removed FillFirstCharSet (next); // execute LOOP EXIT; end; LOOP, LOOPNG: begin //###0.940 opnd := scan + PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2))^; min_cnt := PREBracesArg (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz))^; FillFirstCharSet (opnd); if min_cnt = 0 then FillFirstCharSet (next); EXIT; end; {$ENDIF} STAR, STARNG: //###0.940 FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz); PLUS, PLUSNG: begin //###0.940 FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz); EXIT; end; BRACES, BRACESNG: begin //###0.940 opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2; min_cnt := PREBracesArg (AlignToPtr(scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz))^; // BRACES FillFirstCharSet (opnd); if min_cnt > 0 then EXIT; end; EEND: begin FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; //###0.948 EXIT; end; else begin Error (reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption); EXIT; end; end; { of case scan^} scan := next; end; { of while scan <> nil} end; { of procedure FillFirstCharSet --------------------------------------------------------------} {$ENDIF} function TRegExpr.Exec (const AInputString : RegExprString) : boolean; begin InputString := AInputString; Result := ExecPrim (1); end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec --------------------------------------------------------------} {$IFDEF OverMeth} {$IFNDEF FPC} function TRegExpr.Exec : boolean; begin Result := ExecPrim (1); end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec --------------------------------------------------------------} {$ENDIF} function TRegExpr.Exec (AOffset: PtrInt) : boolean; begin Result := ExecPrim (AOffset); end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec --------------------------------------------------------------} {$ENDIF} function TRegExpr.ExecPos (AOffset: PtrInt {$IFDEF DefParam}= 1{$ENDIF}) : boolean; begin Result := ExecPrim (AOffset); end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecPos --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.ExecPrim (AOffset: PtrInt) : boolean; procedure ClearMatchs; // Clears matchs array var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to NSUBEXP - 1 do begin startp [i] := nil; endp [i] := nil; end; end; { of procedure ClearMatchs; ..............................................................} function RegMatch (str : PRegExprChar) : boolean; // try match at specific point begin //###0.949 removed clearing of start\endp reginput := str; Result := MatchPrim (programm + REOpSz); if Result then begin startp [0] := str; endp [0] := reginput; end; end; { of function RegMatch ..............................................................} var s : PRegExprChar; StartPtr: PRegExprChar; InputLen : PtrInt; begin Result := false; // Be paranoid... ClearMatchs; //###0.949 // ensure that Match cleared either if optimization tricks or some error // will lead to leaving ExecPrim without actual search. That is // importent for ExecNext logic and so on. if not IsProgrammOk //###0.929 then EXIT; // Check InputString presence if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin Error (reeNoInputStringSpecified); EXIT; end; InputLen := length (fInputString); //Check that the start position is not negative if AOffset < 1 then begin Error (reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0); EXIT; end; // Check that the start position is not longer than the line // If so then exit with nothing found if AOffset > (InputLen + 1) // for matching empty string after last char. then EXIT; StartPtr := fInputString + AOffset - 1; // If there is a "must appear" string, look for it. if regmust <> nil then begin s := StartPtr; REPEAT s := StrScan (s, regmust [0]); if s <> nil then begin if StrLComp (s, regmust, regmlen) = 0 then BREAK; // Found it. inc (s); end; UNTIL s = nil; if s = nil // Not present. then EXIT; end; // Mark beginning of line for ^ . fInputStart := fInputString; // Pointer to end of input stream - for // pascal-style string processing (may include #0) fInputEnd := fInputString + InputLen; {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} // no loops started LoopStackIdx := 0; //###0.925 {$ENDIF} // Simplest case: anchored match need be tried only once. if reganch <> #0 then begin Result := RegMatch (StartPtr); EXIT; end; // Messy cases: unanchored match. s := StartPtr; if regstart <> #0 then // We know what char it must start with. REPEAT s := StrScan (s, regstart); if s <> nil then begin Result := RegMatch (s); if Result then EXIT else ClearMatchs; //###0.949 inc (s); end; UNTIL s = nil else begin // We don't - general case. repeat //###0.948 {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} if s^ in FirstCharSet then Result := RegMatch (s); {$ELSE} Result := RegMatch (s); {$ENDIF} if Result or (s^ = #0) // Exit on a match or after testing the end-of-string. then EXIT else ClearMatchs; //###0.949 inc (s); until false; (* optimized and fixed by Martin Fuller - empty strings were not allowed to pass thru in UseFirstCharSet mode {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929 while s^ <> #0 do begin if s^ in FirstCharSet then Result := RegMatch (s); if Result then EXIT; inc (s); end; {$ELSE} REPEAT Result := RegMatch (s); if Result then EXIT; inc (s); UNTIL s^ = #0; {$ENDIF} *) end; // Failure end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecPrim --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.ExecNext : boolean; var offset : PtrInt; begin Result := false; if not Assigned (startp[0]) or not Assigned (endp[0]) then begin Error (reeExecNextWithoutExec); EXIT; end; // Offset := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]; // if MatchLen [0] = 0 Offset := endp [0] - fInputString + 1; //###0.929 if endp [0] = startp [0] //###0.929 then inc (Offset); // prevent infinite looping if empty string match r.e. Result := ExecPrim (Offset); end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecNext --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetInputString : RegExprString; begin if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin Error (reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString); EXIT; end; Result := fInputString; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetInputString --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.SetInputString (const AInputString : RegExprString); var Len : PtrInt; i : PtrInt; begin // clear Match* - before next Exec* call it's undefined for i := 0 to NSUBEXP - 1 do begin startp [i] := nil; endp [i] := nil; end; // need reallocation of input string buffer ? Len := length (AInputString); ReAllocMem(fInputString,(Len + 1) * SizeOf (REChar)); // copy input string into buffer if Len>0 then System.Move(AInputString[1],fInputString^,(Len+1)* SizeOf (REChar)) // with #0 else fInputString[0]:=#0; { fInputString : string; fInputStart, fInputEnd : PRegExprChar; SetInputString: fInputString := AInputString; UniqueString (fInputString); fInputStart := PChar (fInputString); Len := length (fInputString); fInputEnd := PRegExprChar (integer (fInputStart) + Len); ?? !! startp/endp все равно будет опасно использовать ? } end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetInputString --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.SetLineSeparators (const AStr : RegExprString); begin if AStr <> fLineSeparators then begin fLineSeparators := AStr; InvalidateProgramm; end; end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetLineSeparators --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.SetLinePairedSeparator (const AStr : RegExprString); begin if length (AStr) = 2 then begin if AStr [1] = AStr [2] then begin // it's impossible for our 'one-point' checking to support // two chars separator for identical chars Error (reeBadLinePairedSeparator); EXIT; end; if not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned or (AStr [1] <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead) or (AStr [2] <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail) then begin fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned := true; fLinePairedSeparatorHead := AStr [1]; fLinePairedSeparatorTail := AStr [2]; InvalidateProgramm; end; end else if length (AStr) = 0 then begin if fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned then begin fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned := false; InvalidateProgramm; end; end else Error (reeBadLinePairedSeparator); end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetLinePairedSeparator --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.GetLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString; begin if fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned then begin {$IFDEF UniCode} // Here is some UniCode 'magic' // If You do know better decision to concatenate // two WideChars, please, let me know! Result := fLinePairedSeparatorHead; //###0.947 Result := Result + fLinePairedSeparatorTail; {$ELSE} Result := fLinePairedSeparatorHead + fLinePairedSeparatorTail; {$ENDIF} end else Result := ''; end; { of function TRegExpr.GetLinePairedSeparator --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.Substitute (const ATemplate : RegExprString) : RegExprString; // perform substitutions after a regexp match // completely rewritten in 0.929 type TSubstMode = (smodeNormal, smodeOneUpper, smodeOneLower, smodeAllUpper, smodeAllLower); var TemplateLen : PtrInt; TemplateBeg, TemplateEnd : PRegExprChar; p, p0, p1, ResultPtr : PRegExprChar; ResultLen : PtrInt; n : PtrInt; Ch : REChar; Mode: TSubstMode; LineEnd: String = LineEnding; function ParseVarName (var APtr : PRegExprChar) : PtrInt; // extract name of variable (digits, may be enclosed with // curly braces) from APtr^, uses TemplateEnd !!! const Digits = ['0' .. '9']; var p : PRegExprChar; Delimited : boolean; begin Result := 0; p := APtr; Delimited := (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '{'); if Delimited then inc (p); // skip left curly brace if (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '&') then inc (p) // this is '$&' or '${&}' else while (p < TemplateEnd) and {$IFDEF UniCode} //###0.935 (ord (p^) < 256) and (char (p^) in Digits) {$ELSE} (p^ in Digits) {$ENDIF} do begin Result := Result * 10 + (ord (p^) - ord ('0')); //###0.939 inc (p); end; if Delimited then if (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '}') then inc (p) // skip right curly brace else p := APtr; // isn't properly terminated if p = APtr then Result := -1; // no valid digits found or no right curly brace APtr := p; end; begin // Check programm and input string if not IsProgrammOk then EXIT; if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin Error (reeNoInputStringSpecified); EXIT; end; // Prepare for working TemplateLen := length (ATemplate); if TemplateLen = 0 then begin // prevent nil pointers Result := ''; EXIT; end; TemplateBeg := pointer (ATemplate); TemplateEnd := TemplateBeg + TemplateLen; // Count result length for speed optimization. ResultLen := 0; p := TemplateBeg; while p < TemplateEnd do begin Ch := p^; inc (p); if Ch = '$' then n := ParseVarName (p) else n := -1; if n >= 0 then begin if (n < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (startp [n]) and Assigned (endp [n]) then inc (ResultLen, endp [n] - startp [n]); end else begin if (Ch = EscChar) and (p < TemplateEnd) then begin // quoted or special char followed Ch := p^; inc (p); case Ch of 'n' : inc(ResultLen, Length(LineEnding)); 'u', 'l', 'U', 'L': {nothing}; else inc(ResultLen); end; end else inc(ResultLen); end; end; // Get memory. We do it once and it significant speed up work ! if ResultLen = 0 then begin Result := ''; EXIT; end; //SetString (Result, nil, ResultLen); SetLength(Result,ResultLen); // Fill Result ResultPtr := pointer (Result); p := TemplateBeg; Mode := smodeNormal; while p < TemplateEnd do begin Ch := p^; p0 := p; inc (p); p1 := p; if Ch = '$' then n := ParseVarName (p) else n := -1; if (n >= 0) then begin p0 := startp[n]; p1 := endp[n]; if (n >= NSUBEXP) or not Assigned (p0) or not Assigned (endp [n]) then p1 := p0; // empty end else begin if (Ch = EscChar) and (p < TemplateEnd) then begin // quoted or special char followed Ch := p^; inc (p); case Ch of 'n' : begin p0 := @LineEnd[1]; p1 := p0 + Length(LineEnding); end; 'l' : begin Mode := smodeOneLower; p1 := p0; end; 'L' : begin Mode := smodeAllLower; p1 := p0; end; 'u' : begin Mode := smodeOneUpper; p1 := p0; end; 'U' : begin Mode := smodeAllUpper; p1 := p0; end; else begin inc(p0); inc(p1); end; end; end end; if p0 < p1 then begin while p0 < p1 do begin case Mode of smodeOneLower, smodeAllLower: begin Ch := p0^; if Ch < #128 then Ch := AnsiLowerCase(Ch)[1]; ResultPtr^ := Ch; if Mode = smodeOneLower then Mode := smodeNormal; end; smodeOneUpper, smodeAllUpper: begin Ch := p0^; if Ch < #128 then Ch := AnsiUpperCase(Ch)[1]; ResultPtr^ := Ch; if Mode = smodeOneUpper then Mode := smodeNormal; end; else ResultPtr^ := p0^; end; inc (ResultPtr); inc (p0); end; Mode := smodeNormal; end; end; end; { of function TRegExpr.Substitute --------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TRegExpr.Split (AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings); var PrevPos : PtrInt; begin PrevPos := 1; if Exec (AInputStr) then REPEAT APieces.Add (System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MatchPos [0] - PrevPos)); PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]; UNTIL not ExecNext; APieces.Add (System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt)); // Tail end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Split --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString; const AReplaceStr : RegExprString; AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString; var PrevPos : PtrInt; begin Result := ''; PrevPos := 1; if Exec (AInputStr) then REPEAT Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MatchPos [0] - PrevPos); if AUseSubstitution //###0.946 then Result := Result + Substitute (AReplaceStr) else Result := Result + AReplaceStr; PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]; UNTIL not ExecNext; Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt); // Tail end; { of function TRegExpr.Replace --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.ReplaceEx (AInputStr : RegExprString; AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction) : RegExprString; var PrevPos : PtrInt; begin Result := ''; PrevPos := 1; if Exec (AInputStr) then REPEAT Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MatchPos [0] - PrevPos) + AReplaceFunc (Self); PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]; UNTIL not ExecNext; Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt); // Tail end; { of function TRegExpr.ReplaceEx --------------------------------------------------------------} {$IFDEF OverMeth} function TRegExpr.Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString; AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction) : RegExprString; begin Result := ReplaceEx (AInputStr, AReplaceFunc); end; { of function TRegExpr.Replace --------------------------------------------------------------} {$ENDIF} {=============================================================} {====================== Debug section ========================} {=============================================================} {$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump} function TRegExpr.DumpOp (op : TREOp) : RegExprString; // printable representation of opcode begin case op of BOL: Result := 'BOL'; EOL: Result := 'EOL'; BOLML: Result := 'BOLML'; EOLML: Result := 'EOLML'; BOUND: Result := 'BOUND'; //###0.943 NOTBOUND: Result := 'NOTBOUND'; //###0.943 ANY: Result := 'ANY'; ANYML: Result := 'ANYML'; //###0.941 ANYLETTER: Result := 'ANYLETTER'; NOTLETTER: Result := 'NOTLETTER'; ANYDIGIT: Result := 'ANYDIGIT'; NOTDIGIT: Result := 'NOTDIGIT'; ANYSPACE: Result := 'ANYSPACE'; NOTSPACE: Result := 'NOTSPACE'; ANYOF: Result := 'ANYOF'; ANYBUT: Result := 'ANYBUT'; ANYOFCI: Result := 'ANYOF/CI'; ANYBUTCI: Result := 'ANYBUT/CI'; BRANCH: Result := 'BRANCH'; EXACTLY: Result := 'EXACTLY'; EXACTLYCI: Result := 'EXACTLY/CI'; NOTHING: Result := 'NOTHING'; COMMENT: Result := 'COMMENT'; BACK: Result := 'BACK'; EEND: Result := 'END'; BSUBEXP: Result := 'BSUBEXP'; BSUBEXPCI: Result := 'BSUBEXP/CI'; Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1): //###0.929 Result := Format ('OPEN[%d]', [ord (op) - ord (OPEN)]); Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): //###0.929 Result := Format ('CLOSE[%d]', [ord (op) - ord (CLOSE)]); STAR: Result := 'STAR'; PLUS: Result := 'PLUS'; BRACES: Result := 'BRACES'; {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} LOOPENTRY: Result := 'LOOPENTRY'; //###0.925 LOOP: Result := 'LOOP'; //###0.925 LOOPNG: Result := 'LOOPNG'; //###0.940 {$ENDIF} ANYOFTINYSET: Result:= 'ANYOFTINYSET'; ANYBUTTINYSET:Result:= 'ANYBUTTINYSET'; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929 ANYOFFULLSET: Result:= 'ANYOFFULLSET'; {$ENDIF} STARNG: Result := 'STARNG'; //###0.940 PLUSNG: Result := 'PLUSNG'; //###0.940 BRACESNG: Result := 'BRACESNG'; //###0.940 else Error (reeDumpCorruptedOpcode); end; {of case op} Result := ':' + Result; end; { of function TRegExpr.DumpOp --------------------------------------------------------------} function TRegExpr.Dump : RegExprString; // dump a regexp in vaguely comprehensible form var s : PRegExprChar; op : TREOp; // Arbitrary non-END op. next : PRegExprChar; i : PtrInt; Diff : PtrInt; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929 Ch : REChar; {$ENDIF} begin if not IsProgrammOk //###0.929 then EXIT; op := EXACTLY; Result := ''; s := programm + REOpSz; while op <> EEND do begin // While that wasn't END last time... op := s^; Result := Result + Format ('%2d%s', [s - programm, DumpOp (s^)]); // Where, what. next := regnext (s); if next = nil // Next ptr. then Result := Result + ' (0)' else begin if next > s //###0.948 PWideChar subtraction workaround (see comments in Tail method for details) then Diff := next - s else Diff := - (s - next); Result := Result + Format (' (%d) ', [(s - programm) + Diff]); end; inc (s, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); if (op = ANYOF) or (op = ANYOFCI) or (op = ANYBUT) or (op = ANYBUTCI) or (op = EXACTLY) or (op = EXACTLYCI) then begin // Literal string, where present. while s^ <> #0 do begin Result := Result + s^; inc (s); end; inc (s); end; if (op = ANYOFTINYSET) or (op = ANYBUTTINYSET) then begin for i := 1 to TinySetLen do begin Result := Result + s^; inc (s); end; end; if (op = BSUBEXP) or (op = BSUBEXPCI) then begin Result := Result + ' \' + IntToStr (Ord (s^)); inc (s); end; {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929 if op = ANYOFFULLSET then begin for Ch := #0 to #255 do if Ch in PSetOfREChar (s)^ then if Ch < ' ' then Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr (Ord (Ch)) //###0.936 else Result := Result + Ch; inc (s, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar)); end; {$ENDIF} if (op = BRACES) or (op = BRACESNG) then begin //###0.941 // show min/max argument of BRACES operator Result := Result + Format ('{%d,%d}', [PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(s))^, PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(s + REBracesArgSz))^]); inc (s, REBracesArgSz * 2); end; {$IFDEF ComplexBraces} if (op = LOOP) or (op = LOOPNG) then begin //###0.940 Result := Result + Format (' -> (%d) {%d,%d}', [ (s - programm - (REOpSz + RENextOffSz)) + PRENextOff (AlignToPtr(s + 2 * REBracesArgSz))^, PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(s))^, PREBracesArg (AlignToInt(s + REBracesArgSz))^]); inc (s, 2 * REBracesArgSz + RENextOffSz); end; {$ENDIF} Result := Result + #$d#$a; end; { of while} // Header fields of interest. if regstart <> #0 then Result := Result + 'start ' + regstart; if reganch <> #0 then Result := Result + 'anchored '; if regmust <> nil then Result := Result + 'must have ' + regmust; {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929 Result := Result + #$d#$a'FirstCharSet:'; for Ch := #0 to #255 do if Ch in FirstCharSet then begin if Ch < ' ' then Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr(Ord(Ch)) //###0.948 else Result := Result + Ch; end; {$ENDIF} Result := Result + #$d#$a; end; { of function TRegExpr.Dump --------------------------------------------------------------} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr} {$OPTIMIZATION ON} // ReturnAddr works correctly only if compiler optimization is ON // I placed this method at very end of unit because there are no // way to restore compiler optimization flag ... {$ENDIF} procedure TRegExpr.Error (AErrorID : integer); {$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr} function ReturnAddr : pointer; //###0.938 asm mov eax,[ebp+4] end; {$ENDIF} var e : ERegExpr; begin fLastError := AErrorID; // dummy stub - useless because will raise exception if AErrorID < 1000 // compilation error ? then e := ERegExpr.Create (ErrorMsg (AErrorID) // yes - show error pos + ' (pos ' + IntToStr (CompilerErrorPos) + ')') else e := ERegExpr.Create (ErrorMsg (AErrorID)); e.ErrorCode := AErrorID; e.CompilerErrorPos := CompilerErrorPos; raise e {$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr} At ReturnAddr; //###0.938 {$ENDIF} end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Error --------------------------------------------------------------} (* PCode persistence: FirstCharSet programm, regsize regstart // -> programm reganch // -> programm regmust, regmlen // -> programm fExprIsCompiled *) // be carefull - placed here code will be always compiled with // compiler optimization flag {$IFDEF FPC} initialization RegExprInvertCaseFunction := TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction; {$ENDIF} end.