{ fpGUI IDE - Maximus Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Graeme Geldenhuys See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: --- } unit Project; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, UnitList, fpg_base, fpg_iniutils; type TBooleanGrid = array of array of Boolean; TProject = class(TObject) private FMakeOptionsGrid: TBooleanGrid; FProjectName: TfpgString; FMainUnit: TfpgString; FUnitDirs: TStringList; FUnitDirsGrid: TBooleanGrid; FUnitList: TUnitList; FIniFile: TfpgINIFile; FProjectDir: TfpgString; FTargetFile: TfpgString; FDefaultMake: integer; FMakeOptions: TStringList; FMacroNames: TStringList; FUnitOutputDir: TfpgString; procedure MergeWithGlobalMacros; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Save(const AFile: TfpgString = ''): Boolean; function Load(AProjectFile: TfpgString): Boolean; function GenerateCmdLine(const AShowOnly: Boolean = False; const ABuildMode: integer = -1): TfpgString; procedure ClearAndInitMakeOptions(const ASize: integer); procedure ClearAndInitUnitDirsGrid(const ASize: integer); procedure ClearAndInitMacrosGrid(const ASize: integer); property ProjectDir: TfpgString read FProjectDir write FProjectDir; property ProjectName: TfpgString read FProjectName write FProjectName; property MainUnit: TfpgString read FMainUnit write FMainUnit; property TargetFile: TfpgString read FTargetFile write FTargetFile; property UnitList: TUnitList read FUnitList; property DefaultMake: integer read FDefaultMake write FDefaultMake; property MakeOptions: TStringList read FMakeOptions; property MakeOptionsGrid: TBooleanGrid read FMakeOptionsGrid write FMakeOptionsGrid; property MacroNames: TStringList read FMacroNames; property UnitDirs: TStringList read FUnitDirs; property UnitOutputDir: TfpgString read FUnitOutputDir write FUnitOutputDir; property UnitDirsGrid: TBooleanGrid read FUnitDirsGrid write FUnitDirsGrid; end; // lazy-mans singleton function GProject: TProject; procedure FreeProject; implementation uses ideconst ,ideutils ,fpg_utils ,idemacros ; var uProject: TProject; function GProject: TProject; begin if not Assigned(uProject) then uProject := TProject.Create; Result := uProject; end; procedure FreeProject; begin uProject.Free; uProject := nil; end; { TProject } procedure TProject.MergeWithGlobalMacros; var o: TIDEMacro; i: integer; n,v: TfpgString; begin for i := 0 to MacroNames.Count-1 do begin MacroNames.GetNameValue(i, n, v); o := TIDEMacro.Create(cMacroPrefix + n + cMacroSuffix, v, ''); GMacroList.Add(o); end; end; constructor TProject.Create; begin inherited Create; FUnitList := TUnitList.Create; FMakeOptions := TStringList.Create; FMacroNames := TStringList.Create; FUnitDirs := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TProject.Destroy; begin FUnitDirs.Free; FMacroNames.Free; FMakeOptions.Free; FUnitList.Free; FIniFile.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TProject.Save(const AFile: TfpgString = ''): Boolean; var c, j: integer; s: TfpgString; lDelim: TfpgString; procedure SaveList(AList: TStringList; const CName, IName: TfpgString); var i: integer; begin FIniFile.WriteInteger(cProjectOptions, CName, AList.Count); for i := 0 to AList.Count-1 do FIniFile.WriteString(cProjectOptions, IName + IntToStr(i+1), AList[i]); end; begin Result := False; if (AFile = '') and (ProjectName = '') then raise Exception.Create('Project name has not been specified yet'); if not Assigned(FIniFile) then begin if AFile = '' then FIniFile := TfpgINIFile.CreateExt(ProjectDir + ProjectName + cProjectExt) else FIniFile := TfpgINIFile.CreateExt(AFile); end else begin if AFile <> '' then begin FIniFile.Free; FIniFile := TfpgINIFile.CreateExt(AFile); end; end; if AFile <> '' then ProjectName := fpgExtractFileName(AFile); FIniFile.WriteString(cProjectOptions, 'ProjectName', ProjectName); FIniFile.WriteString(cProjectOptions, 'MainUnit', MainUnit); FIniFile.WriteString(cProjectOptions, 'TargetFile', TargetFile); FIniFile.WriteInteger(cProjectOptions, 'DefaultMake', DefaultMake); FIniFile.WriteString(cProjectOptions, 'UnitOutputDir', UnitOutputDir); // Process the Make (compiler param) options { first delete old items in ini file } c := FIniFile.ReadInteger(cProjectOptions, 'MakeOptionsCount', 0); for j := 1 to c do FIniFile.DeleteKey(cProjectOptions, cINIMakeOption + IntToStr(j)); { no lets save new info } SaveList(MakeOptions, 'MakeOptionsCount', cINIMakeOption); for j := 0 to MakeOptions.Count-1 do begin s := ''; lDelim := ''; for c := 0 to 5 do begin if MakeOptionsGrid[c, j] then // True = 1, False = 0 s := s + lDelim + '1' else s := s + lDelim + '0'; lDelim := ','; end; FIniFile.WriteString(cProjectOptions, cINIMakeOptionGrid + IntToStr(j+1), s); end; // macros definitions SaveList(MacroNames, 'MacroCount', 'Macro'); // unit search directories { first delete old items in ini file } c := FIniFile.ReadInteger(cProjectOptions, 'UnitDirsCount', 0); for j := 1 to c do FIniFile.DeleteKey(cProjectOptions, cINIUnitDir + IntToStr(j)); SaveList(UnitDirs, 'UnitDirsCount', cINIUnitDir); for j := 0 to UnitDirs.Count-1 do begin s := ''; lDelim := ''; for c := 0 to 9 do begin if UnitDirsGrid[c, j] then // True = 1, False = 0 s := s + lDelim + '1' else s := s + lDelim + '0'; lDelim := ','; end; FIniFile.WriteString(cProjectOptions, cINIUnitDirGrid + IntToStr(j+1), s); end; // Unit file list FIniFile.WriteInteger(cUnits, 'UnitCount', UnitList.Count); for j := 0 to UnitList.Count-1 do begin s := UnitList[j].FileName; FIniFile.WriteString(cUnits, 'Unit' + IntToStr(j+1), Format('%s,%s', [ExtractRelativepath(ProjectDir, s), BoolToStr(UnitList[j].Opened, False)])); end; Result := True; end; function TProject.Load(AProjectFile: TfpgString): Boolean; var a: string; s: TfpgString; j: integer; l: integer; sl: TStringList; u: TUnit; // CName = xxxCount & IName is the Item name procedure LoadList(ASection: TfpgString; AList: TStringList; const CName, IName: TfpgString); var c: integer; i: integer; begin c := FIniFile.ReadInteger(ASection, CName, 0); for i := 0 to c-1 do begin s := FIniFile.ReadString(ASection, IName + IntToStr(i+1), ''); if s <> '' then AList.Add(s); end; end; begin Result := False; if AProjectFile = '' then raise Exception.Create('You need to specify a Project filename'); if not Assigned(FIniFile) then FIniFile := TfpgINIFile.CreateExt(AProjectFile); ProjectDir := fpgExtractFilePath(AProjectFile); ProjectName := FIniFile.ReadString(cProjectOptions, 'ProjectName', fpgChangeFileExt(fpgExtractFileName(AProjectFile), '')); MainUnit := FIniFile.ReadString(cProjectOptions, 'MainUnit', ''); TargetFile := FIniFile.ReadString(cProjectOptions, 'TargetFile', ''); DefaultMake := FIniFile.ReadInteger(cProjectOptions, 'DefaultMake', 0); UnitOutputDir := FIniFile.ReadString(cProjectOptions, 'UnitOutputDir', 'units/'+cMacro_Target+'/'); // Load make options LoadList(cProjectOptions, MakeOptions, 'MakeOptionsCount', 'MakeOption'); sl := TStringList.Create; try LoadList(cProjectOptions, sl, 'MakeOptionsCount', cINIMakeOptionGrid); SetLength(FMakeOptionsGrid, 6, MakeOptions.Count); // 6 columns by X rows for j := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin s := sl[j]; for l := 0 to 5 do // we know we only have 6 columns begin a := tiToken(s, ',', l+1); MakeOptionsGrid[l, j] := Boolean(StrToInt(a)); // 1 = True, 0 = False end; end; finally sl.Free; end; // Load Macro definitions LoadList(cProjectOptions, MacroNames, 'MacroCount', 'Macro'); if MacroNames.Count > 0 then GMacroList.ResetToDefaults; MergeWithGlobalMacros; // Load Unit search dirs LoadList(cProjectOptions, UnitDirs, 'UnitDirsCount', 'UnitDir'); sl := TStringList.Create; try LoadList(cProjectOptions, sl, 'UnitDirsCount', 'UnitDirEnabled'); SetLength(FUnitDirsGrid, 10, UnitDirs.Count); // 10 columns by X rows for j := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin s := sl[j]; for l := 0 to 9 do // we know we only have 10 columns begin a := tiToken(s, ',', l+1); UnitDirsGrid[l, j] := Boolean(StrToInt(a)); // 1 = True, 0 = False end; end; finally sl.Free; end; // Load Unit file list sl := TStringList.Create; try LoadList(cUnits, sl, 'UnitCount', 'Unit'); for j := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin u := TUnit.Create; s := tiToken(sl[j], ',', 1); u.FileName := fpgExpandFileName(ProjectDir + s); u.Opened := Boolean(StrToInt(tiToken(sl[j], ',', 2))); // 1 = True, 0 = False UnitList.Add(u); end; finally sl.Free; end; Result := True; end; function TProject.GenerateCmdLine(const AShowOnly: Boolean; const ABuildMode: integer): TfpgString; var c: TfpgString; b: integer; eol: TfpgString; i: integer; begin if AShowOnly then eol := LineEnding else eol := ''; if ABuildMode = -1 then b := DefaultMake else b := ABuildMode; // include dirs for i := 0 to UnitDirs.Count-1 do if UnitDirsGrid[b, i] and UnitDirsGrid[7, i] then c := c + ' -Fi' + UnitDirs[i] + eol; // unit dirs for i := 0 to UnitDirs.Count-1 do if UnitDirsGrid[b, i] and UnitDirsGrid[6, i] then c := c + ' -Fu' + UnitDirs[i] + eol; // unit output dir if UnitOutputDir <> '' then c := c + ' -FU' + UnitOutputDir + eol; // make option - compiler flags for i := 0 to MakeOptions.Count-1 do if MakeOptionsGrid[b, i] then c := c + ' ' + MakeOptions[i]; // target output file if TargetFile <> '' then c := c + ' -o' + TargetFile; // unit to start compilation c := c + ' ' + MainUnit; Result := c; end; procedure TProject.ClearAndInitMakeOptions(const ASize: integer); begin FMakeOptions.Clear; SetLength(FMakeOptionsGrid, 0, 0); // free items SetLength(FMakeOptionsGrid, 6, ASize); // 6 columns by X rows end; procedure TProject.ClearAndInitUnitDirsGrid(const ASize: integer); begin FUnitDirs.Clear; SetLength(FUnitDirsGrid, 0, 0); // free items SetLength(FUnitDirsGrid, 10, ASize); // 10 columns by X rows end; procedure TProject.ClearAndInitMacrosGrid(const ASize: integer); begin FMacroNames.Clear; end; initialization uProject := nil; finalization FreeProject; end.