{ fpGUI IDE - Maximus Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Graeme Geldenhuys See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: --- } unit ideconst; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils; const cProjectExt = '.project'; // Project Options cProjectOptions = 'ProjectOptions'; cOpenedUnits = 'OpenedUnits'; cUnits = 'Units'; // INI Environment cEnvironment = 'Environment'; cEditor = 'Editor'; cShortcuts = 'Shortcuts'; cINIMakeOption = 'MakeOption'; cINIMakeOptionGrid = 'MakeOptionEnabled'; cINIUnitDir = 'UnitDir'; cINIUnitDirGrid = 'UnitDirEnabled'; // Predefined Macros cMacroPrefix = '${'; cMacroSuffix = '}'; cMacro_FPCSrcDir = '${FPCSRCDIR}'; cMacro_FPGuiDir = '${FPGUIDIR}'; cMacro_FPGuiLibDir = '${FPGUILIBDIR}'; cMacro_SyntaxDefDir = '${SYNTAXDEFDIR}'; cMacro_TemplateDir = '${TEMPLATEDIR}'; cMacro_Compiler = '${COMPILER}'; cMacro_Debugger = '${DEBUGGER}'; cMacro_ExeExt = '${EXEEXT}'; cMacro_Target = '${TARGET}'; cMacro_ProjectDir = '${PROJDIR}'; OSTarget: String = {$I %FPCTARGETOS%}; CPUTarget: String = {$I %FPCTARGETCPU%}; FPCVersion: String = {$I %FPCVERSION%}; FPCDate: String = {$I %FPCDATE%}; // Unicode character used as grid check mark cMultiplicationX = #$E2#$9C#$95; cNormCheck = #$E2#$9C#$93; cHeavyCheck = #$E2#$9C#$94; cHeavyX = #$E2#$9C#$96; cMedCircle = #$E2#$9A#$AB; cCheck = cHeavyCheck; { U+2715 MULTIPLICATION X UTF-8: 0xE2 0x9C 0x95 UTF-16: 0x2715 U+2713 CHECK MARK UTF-8: 0xE2 0x9C 0x93 UTF-16: 0x2713 U+2714 HEAVY CHECK MARK UTF-8: 0xE2 0x9C 0x94 UTF-16: 0x2714 U+2716 HEAVY MULTIPLICATION X UTF-8: 0xE2 0x9C 0x96 UTF-16: 0x2716 U+26AB MEDIUM BLACK CIRCLE UTF-8: 0xE2 0x9A 0xAB UTF-16: 0x26AB } implementation initialization OSTarget := Lowercase(OSTarget); end.