{ fpGUI IDE - Maximus Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 Graeme Geldenhuys See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: --- } unit frm_projectoptions; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_button, fpg_label, fpg_tab, fpg_editbtn, fpg_checkbox, fpg_grid, fpg_basegrid, fpg_combobox, fpg_edit, idemacros; type TProjectOptionsForm = class(TfpgForm) private {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: ProjectOptionsForm} btnCancel: TfpgButton; btnOK: TfpgButton; pcOptions: TfpgPageControl; tsCompiler: TfpgTabSheet; tsDebugger: TfpgTabSheet; tsMacros: TfpgTabSheet; tsOther: TfpgTabSheet; Label1: TfpgLabel; edtMainFile: TfpgFileNameEdit; Label2: TfpgLabel; edtTargetFile: TfpgFileNameEdit; edtMakeCommand: TfpgFileNameEdit; Label3: TfpgLabel; edtMakeDir: TfpgDirectoryEdit; Label4: TfpgLabel; Label5: TfpgLabel; FilenameEdit4: TfpgFileNameEdit; CheckBox1: TfpgCheckBox; Label6: TfpgLabel; cbDefaultMakeCol: TfpgComboBox; pcCompiler: TfpgPageControl; TabSheet1: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet2: TfpgTabSheet; grdCompilerMakeOptions: TfpgStringGrid; grdCompilerDirs: TfpgStringGrid; Label11: TfpgLabel; Label7: TfpgLabel; FilenameEdit5: TfpgFileNameEdit; Label8: TfpgLabel; Edit1: TfpgEdit; CheckBox2: TfpgCheckBox; CheckBox3: TfpgCheckBox; CheckBox4: TfpgCheckBox; PageControl1: TfpgPageControl; TabSheet3: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet4: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet5: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet6: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet7: TfpgTabSheet; grdDebugSrcDirs: TfpgStringGrid; btnShowCmdLine: TfpgButton; edtUnitOutputDir: TfpgDirectoryEdit; Label9: TfpgLabel; Label10: TfpgLabel; grdMacroGroup: TfpgStringGrid; Label12: TfpgLabel; grdUserMacros: TfpgStringGrid; {@VFD_HEAD_END: ProjectOptionsForm} FCellEdit: TfpgEdit; FFocusRect: TfpgRect; FLastGrid: TfpgStringGrid; // reference only // so we can get correct hints, but still undo with the Cancel button FInternalMacroList: TIDEMacroList; procedure btnShowCmdLineClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure CellEditExit(Sender: TObject); procedure CellEditKeypressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); procedure grdCompilerDirsDrawCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; const ARect: TfpgRect; const AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState; var ADefaultDrawing: boolean); procedure grdCompilerDirsKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); procedure grdCompilerMakeOptionsKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); procedure grdCompilerMakeOptionsDrawCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; const ARect: TfpgRect; const AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState; var ADefaultDrawing: boolean); procedure grdCompilerMakeOptionsClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure grdCompilerDirsClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure grdUserMacrosClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure grdUserMacrosDrawCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; const ARect: TfpgRect; const AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState; var ADefaultDrawing: boolean); procedure grdMacroGroupCanSelectCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; var ACanSelect: boolean); procedure BeforeShowHint(Sender: TObject; var AHint: TfpgString); procedure LoadSettings; procedure SaveSettings; procedure SetupCellEdit(AGrid: TfpgStringGrid); procedure CleanupCompilerMakeOptionsGrid; procedure CleanupCompilerDirs; procedure CleanupUserMacrosGrid; procedure SaveToMacroList(AList: TIDEMacroList); procedure FormKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AfterCreate; override; end; {@VFD_NEWFORM_DECL} procedure DisplayProjectOptions; implementation uses fpg_iniutils ,fpg_dialogs ,fpg_widget ,Project ,ideconst ,ideutils ; type // Used to get access to the Protected properties TDirectoryEditFriend = class(TfpgDirectoryEdit); procedure DisplayProjectOptions; var frm: TProjectOptionsForm; Result: Boolean; begin frm := TProjectOptionsForm.Create(nil); try frm.LoadSettings; Result := frm.ShowModal = mrOK; if Result then begin frm.SaveSettings; end; finally frm.Free; end; end; {@VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL} procedure TProjectOptionsForm.btnShowCmdLineClicked(Sender: TObject); var c: TfpgString; b: integer; begin // build compilation string c := gINI.ReadString(cEnvironment, 'Compiler', '') + LineEnding; b := cbDefaultMakeCol.FocusItem; c := c + GProject.GenerateCmdLine(True, b); try c := GMacroList.ExpandMacro(c); except on E: Exception do begin TfpgMessageDialog.Critical('', E.Message); Exit; end; end; ShowString(c, 'Compile command'); end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.CellEditExit(Sender: TObject); begin FCellEdit.Visible := False; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.CellEditKeypressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); begin if KeyCode = keyReturn then begin FLastGrid.Cells[FLastGrid.FocusCol, FLastGrid.FocusRow] := FCellEdit.Text; FCellEdit.Visible := False; FLastGrid.SetFocus; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdCompilerDirsDrawCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; const ARect: TfpgRect; const AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState; var ADefaultDrawing: boolean); var img: TfpgImage; begin if ACol = 5 then begin grdCompilerDirs.Canvas.Color := clMedGray; grdCompilerDirs.Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Right-1, ARect.Top, ARect.Right-1, ARect.Bottom); end else if ACol = 6 then begin grdCompilerDirs.Canvas.Color := clMedGray; grdCompilerDirs.Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom); end; if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (ACol = 10) then begin FFocusRect := ARect; end; if ACol < 10 then begin if grdCompilerDirs.Cells[ACol, ARow] = cCheck then begin img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.check'); if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (gdFocused in AFlags) then img.Invert; grdCompilerDirs.Canvas.DrawImage(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, img); if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (gdFocused in AFlags) then img.Invert; // restore image to original state ADefaultDrawing := False; end; end else grdCompilerDirs.Canvas.Setfont(grdCompilerDirs.Font); end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdCompilerDirsKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); begin CheckGridModifyKeyPresses(Sender, KeyCode, ShiftState, Consumed); if Consumed then Exit; if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusCol < 10 then begin if (KeyCode = keySpace) then begin grdCompilerDirsClicked(Sender); Consumed := True; end; end else if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusCol = 10 then begin if (KeyCode = keyF2) or (KeyCode = keyReturn) then begin // we need to edit the cell contents SetupCellEdit(TfpgStringGrid(Sender)); Consumed := True; end; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdCompilerMakeOptionsKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); begin CheckGridModifyKeyPresses(Sender, KeyCode, ShiftState, Consumed); if Consumed then Exit; if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusCol < 6 then begin if (KeyCode = keySpace) then begin grdCompilerMakeOptionsClicked(Sender); Consumed := True; end; end else if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusCol = 6 then begin if (KeyCode = keyF2) or (KeyCode = keyReturn) then begin // we need to edit the cell contents SetupCellEdit(TfpgStringGrid(Sender)); Consumed := True; end; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdCompilerMakeOptionsDrawCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; const ARect: TfpgRect; const AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState; var ADefaultDrawing: boolean); var img: TfpgImage; begin if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (ACol = 6) then begin FFocusRect := ARect; end; if ACol < 6 then begin if grdCompilerMakeOptions.Cells[ACol, ARow] = cCheck then begin img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.check'); if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (gdFocused in AFlags) then img.Invert; grdCompilerMakeOptions.Canvas.DrawImage(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, img); if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (gdFocused in AFlags) then img.Invert; // restore image to original state ADefaultDrawing := False; end; end else grdCompilerMakeOptions.Canvas.Setfont(grdCompilerMakeOptions.Font); end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdCompilerMakeOptionsClicked(Sender: TObject); var r, c: integer; begin if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).RowCount = 0 then TfpgStringGrid(Sender).RowCount := 1; r := TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusRow; c := TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusCol; if c < 6 then // checkbox area begin if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] = '' then TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] := cCheck else TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] := ''; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdCompilerDirsClicked(Sender: TObject); var r, c: integer; begin if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).RowCount = 0 then TfpgStringGrid(Sender).RowCount := 1; r := TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusRow; c := TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusCol; if c < 10 then // checkbox area begin if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] = '' then TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] := cCheck else TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] := ''; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdUserMacrosClicked(Sender: TObject); var r, c: integer; begin if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).RowCount = 0 then TfpgStringGrid(Sender).RowCount := 1; r := TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusRow; c := TfpgStringGrid(Sender).FocusCol; if c < 6 then // checkbox area begin if TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] = '' then TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] := cCheck else TfpgStringGrid(Sender).Cells[c, r] := ''; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdUserMacrosDrawCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; const ARect: TfpgRect; const AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState; var ADefaultDrawing: boolean); var img: TfpgImage; begin if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (ACol = 6) then begin FFocusRect := ARect; end; if ACol < 6 then begin if grdUserMacros.Cells[ACol, ARow] = cCheck then begin img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.check'); if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (gdFocused in AFlags) then img.Invert; grdUserMacros.Canvas.DrawImage(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, img); if (gdSelected in AFlags) and (gdFocused in AFlags) then img.Invert; // restore image to original state ADefaultDrawing := False; end; end else grdUserMacros.Canvas.Setfont(grdUserMacros.Font); end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.grdMacroGroupCanSelectCell(Sender: TObject; const ARow, ACol: Integer; var ACanSelect: boolean); begin ACanSelect := ACol > 0; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.BeforeShowHint(Sender: TObject; var AHint: TfpgString); var s: TfpgString; c: TfpgWidget; begin if Sender is TfpgWidget then c := TfpgWidget(Sender) else Exit; // should never occur, but lets just be safe if (c.Name = 'FEdit') and ((c.Parent is TfpgDirectoryEdit) or (c.Parent is TfpgFileNameEdit)) then begin if c.Parent <> nil then c := c.Parent else Exit; // lets just be safe again end; // controls that may contain macros if c is TfpgDirectoryEdit then s := TfpgDirectoryEdit(c).Directory else if c is TfpgFileNameEdit then s := TfpgFileNameEdit(c).FileName else if c is TfpgEdit then s := TfpgEdit(c).Text else if c is TfpgStringGrid then begin s := TfpgStringGrid(c).Cells[TfpgStringGrid(c).FocusCol, TfpgStringGrid(c).FocusRow]; if s = cCheck then s := ''; end; AHint := s; if FInternalMacroList.StrHasMacros(s) then begin SaveToMacroList(FInternalMacroList); AHint := FInternalMacroList.ExpandMacro(s); end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.LoadSettings; var i, j: integer; begin edtMainFile.FileName := GProject.MainUnit; edtTargetFile.FileName := GProject.TargetFile; edtMakeDir.Directory := GProject.ProjectDir; edtUnitOutputDir.Directory := GProject.UnitOutputDir; cbDefaultMakeCol.FocusItem := GProject.DefaultMake; grdCompilerMakeOptions.RowCount := GProject.MakeOptions.Count; for i := 0 to GProject.MakeOptions.Count-1 do begin grdCompilerMakeOptions.Cells[6, i] := GProject.MakeOptions[i]; for j := 0 to 5 do // we know there is only 6 boolean columns begin if GProject.MakeOptionsGrid[j, i] then grdCompilerMakeOptions.Cells[j, i] := cCheck; end; end; grdCompilerDirs.RowCount := GProject.UnitDirs.Count; for i := 0 to GProject.UnitDirs.Count-1 do begin grdCompilerDirs.Cells[10, i] := GProject.UnitDirs[i]; for j := 0 to 9 do // we know there is only 10 boolean columns begin if GProject.UnitDirsGrid[j, i] then grdCompilerDirs.Cells[j, i] := cCheck; end; end; grdUserMacros.RowCount := GProject.MacroNames.Count; for i := 0 to GProject.MacroNames.Count-1 do begin grdUserMacros.Cells[6, i] := GProject.MacroNames.Names[i]; grdUserMacros.Cells[7, i] := GProject.MacroNames.ValueFromIndex[i]; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.SaveSettings; var i, j: integer; begin GProject.MainUnit := edtMainFile.FileName; GProject.TargetFile := edtTargetFile.FileName; GProject.ProjectDir := edtMakeDir.Directory; GProject.DefaultMake := cbDefaultMakeCol.FocusItem; GProject.UnitOutputDir := edtUnitOutputDir.Directory; CleanupCompilerMakeOptionsGrid; GProject.ClearAndInitMakeOptions(grdCompilerMakeOptions.RowCount); for i := 0 to grdCompilerMakeOptions.RowCount-1 do begin if grdCompilerMakeOptions.Cells[6, i] = '' then Continue; GProject.MakeOptions.Add(grdCompilerMakeOptions.Cells[6, i]); for j := 0 to 5 do // we know there is only 6 boolean columns begin if grdCompilerMakeOptions.Cells[j, i] = cCheck then GProject.MakeOptionsGrid[j, i] := True; end; end; CleanupCompilerDirs; GProject.ClearAndInitUnitDirsGrid(grdCompilerDirs.RowCount); for i := 0 to grdCompilerDirs.RowCount-1 do begin GProject.UnitDirs.Add(grdCompilerDirs.Cells[10, i]); for j := 0 to 9 do // we know there is only 10 boolean columns begin if grdCompilerDirs.Cells[j, i] = cCheck then GProject.UnitDirsGrid[j, i] := True; end; end; CleanupUserMacrosGrid; GProject.ClearAndInitMacrosGrid(grdUserMacros.RowCount); for i := 0 to grdUserMacros.RowCount-1 do begin GProject.MacroNames.Values[grdUserMacros.Cells[6, i]] := grdUserMacros.Cells[7, i]; end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.SetupCellEdit(AGrid: TfpgStringGrid); var pt: TPoint; begin if Assigned(FCellEdit) then FCellEdit.Free; FLastGrid := AGrid; FCellEdit := TfpgEdit.Create(FLastGrid.Parent); pt.X := FLastGrid.Left + FFocusRect.Left; pt.Y := FLastGrid.Top + FFocusRect.Top; with FCellEdit do begin Name := 'FCellEdit'; SetPosition(pt.X, pt.Y, FFocusRect.Width, FFocusRect.Height); BorderStyle := ebsSingle; FontDesc := '#Grid'; Text := AGrid.Cells[AGrid.FocusCol, AGrid.FocusRow]; OnKeyPress := @CellEditKeypressed; OnExit := @CellEditExit; SetFocus; end; end; // Remove all rows that have empty grid options (text) procedure TProjectOptionsForm.CleanupCompilerMakeOptionsGrid; var i: integer; begin for i := grdCompilerMakeOptions.RowCount-1 downto 0 do begin if Trim(grdCompilerMakeOptions.Cells[6, i]) = '' then grdCompilerMakeOptions.DeleteRow(i); end; end; // Remove all rows that have empty grid options (text) procedure TProjectOptionsForm.CleanupCompilerDirs; var i: integer; begin for i := grdCompilerDirs.RowCount-1 downto 0 do begin if Trim(grdCompilerDirs.Cells[10, i]) = '' then grdCompilerDirs.DeleteRow(i); end; end; // remove all rows that have empty macro names or values procedure TProjectOptionsForm.CleanupUserMacrosGrid; var i: integer; begin for i := grdUserMacros.RowCount-1 downto 0 do begin if (Trim(grdUserMacros.Cells[6, i]) = '') or (Trim(grdUserMacros.Cells[7, i]) = '') then grdUserMacros.DeleteRow(i); end; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.SaveToMacroList(AList: TIDEMacroList); begin // AList.SetValue(cMacro_FPCSrcDir, edtFPCSrcDir.Directory); end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.FormKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); begin if KeyCode = keyEscape then Close; end; constructor TProjectOptionsForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FInternalMacroList := TIDEMacroList.Create; end; destructor TProjectOptionsForm.Destroy; begin FInternalMacroList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TProjectOptionsForm.AfterCreate; begin {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold} {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: ProjectOptionsForm} Name := 'ProjectOptionsForm'; SetPosition(317, 177, 609, 570); WindowTitle := 'Project Options'; Hint := ''; ShowHint := True; OnKeyPress := @FormKeyPressed; btnCancel := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnCancel do begin Name := 'btnCancel'; SetPosition(514, 540, 88, 24); Anchors := [anRight,anBottom]; Text := 'Cancel'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := mrCancel; TabOrder := 1; end; btnOK := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnOK do begin Name := 'btnOK'; SetPosition(422, 540, 88, 24); Anchors := [anRight,anBottom]; Text := 'OK'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := mrOK; TabOrder := 2; end; pcOptions := TfpgPageControl.Create(self); with pcOptions do begin Name := 'pcOptions'; SetPosition(4, 4, 600, 524); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom]; ActivePageIndex := 0; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 3; end; tsCompiler := TfpgTabSheet.Create(pcOptions); with tsCompiler do begin Name := 'tsCompiler'; SetPosition(3, 24, 594, 497); Text := 'Compiler'; end; tsDebugger := TfpgTabSheet.Create(pcOptions); with tsDebugger do begin Name := 'tsDebugger'; SetPosition(3, 24, 594, 497); Text := 'Debugger'; end; tsMacros := TfpgTabSheet.Create(pcOptions); with tsMacros do begin Name := 'tsMacros'; SetPosition(3, 24, 594, 497); Text := 'Macros'; end; tsOther := TfpgTabSheet.Create(pcOptions); with tsOther do begin Name := 'tsOther'; SetPosition(3, 24, 456, 217); Text := 'Other'; end; Label1 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsCompiler); with Label1 do begin Name := 'Label1'; SetPosition(4, 10, 284, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Main file'; end; edtMainFile := TfpgFileNameEdit.Create(tsCompiler); with edtMainFile do begin Name := 'edtMainFile'; SetPosition(4, 28, 288, 24); ExtraHint := ''; FileName := '${PROJECTNAME}.pas'; InitialDir := ''; Filter := ''; TabOrder := 0; Hint := ' '; OnShowHint := @BeforeShowHint; end; Label2 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsCompiler); with Label2 do begin Name := 'Label2'; SetPosition(300, 10, 288, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Target file (-o)'; end; edtTargetFile := TfpgFileNameEdit.Create(tsCompiler); with edtTargetFile do begin Name := 'edtTargetFile'; SetPosition(300, 28, 288, 24); ExtraHint := ''; FileName := '${PROJECTNAME}${EXEEXT}'; InitialDir := ''; Filter := ''; TabOrder := 1; Hint := ' '; OnShowHint := @BeforeShowHint; end; edtMakeCommand := TfpgFileNameEdit.Create(tsCompiler); with edtMakeCommand do begin Name := 'edtMakeCommand'; SetPosition(4, 76, 288, 24); ExtraHint := ''; FileName := '${COMPILER}'; InitialDir := ''; Filter := ''; TabOrder := 2; Hint := ' '; OnShowHint := @BeforeShowHint; end; Label3 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsCompiler); with Label3 do begin Name := 'Label3'; SetPosition(4, 58, 284, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Make command'; end; edtMakeDir := TfpgDirectoryEdit.Create(tsCompiler); with edtMakeDir do begin Name := 'edtMakeDir'; SetPosition(300, 76, 288, 24); ExtraHint := ''; Directory := ''; RootDirectory := ''; TabOrder := 3; Hint := ' '; OnShowHint := @BeforeShowHint; end; Label4 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsCompiler); with Label4 do begin Name := 'Label4'; SetPosition(300, 58, 284, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Make directory'; end; Label5 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsCompiler); with Label5 do begin Name := 'Label5'; SetPosition(4, 106, 284, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Message output file'; Enabled := False; end; FilenameEdit4 := TfpgFileNameEdit.Create(tsCompiler); with FilenameEdit4 do begin Name := 'FilenameEdit4'; SetPosition(4, 124, 288, 24); ExtraHint := ''; FileName := ''; InitialDir := ''; Filter := ''; TabOrder := 4; Enabled := False; end; CheckBox1 := TfpgCheckBox.Create(tsCompiler); with CheckBox1 do begin Name := 'CheckBox1'; SetPosition(300, 128, 280, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 5; Text := 'Copy messages to file'; end; Label6 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsCompiler); with Label6 do begin Name := 'Label6'; SetPosition(4, 154, 144, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Default make column on Run'; end; cbDefaultMakeCol := TfpgComboBox.Create(tsCompiler); with cbDefaultMakeCol do begin Name := 'cbDefaultMakeCol'; SetPosition(4, 172, 132, 24); FontDesc := '#List'; Hint := ''; Items.Add('M (Make)'); Items.Add('B (Build)'); Items.Add('1 (Make 1)'); Items.Add('2 (Make 2)'); Items.Add('3 (Make 3)'); Items.Add('4 (Make 4)'); TabOrder := 6; FocusItem := 0; end; pcCompiler := TfpgPageControl.Create(tsCompiler); with pcCompiler do begin Name := 'pcCompiler'; SetPosition(4, 209, 584, 282); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom]; ActivePageIndex := 0; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 9; end; TabSheet1 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(pcCompiler); with TabSheet1 do begin Name := 'TabSheet1'; SetPosition(3, 24, 578, 255); Text := 'Make options'; end; TabSheet2 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(pcCompiler); with TabSheet2 do begin Name := 'TabSheet2'; SetPosition(3, 24, 578, 255); Text := 'Directories'; end; grdCompilerMakeOptions := TfpgStringGrid.Create(TabSheet1); with grdCompilerMakeOptions do begin Name := 'grdCompilerMakeOptions'; SetPosition(2, 2, 574, 251); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom]; AddColumn('M', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('B', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('1', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('2', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('3', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('4', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('Command line options', 430, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ' '; RowCount := 0; RowSelect := False; TabOrder := 1; OnClick := @grdCompilerMakeOptionsClicked; OnDrawCell := @grdCompilerMakeOptionsDrawCell; OnKeyPress := @grdCompilerMakeOptionsKeyPressed; OnShowHint := @BeforeShowHint; end; grdCompilerDirs := TfpgStringGrid.Create(TabSheet2); with grdCompilerDirs do begin Name := 'grdCompilerDirs'; SetPosition(2, 22, 574, 231); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom]; AddColumn('M', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('B', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('1', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('2', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('3', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('4', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('U', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('I', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('L', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('O', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('Directories', 350, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ' '; ParentShowHint := False; RowCount := 0; RowSelect := False; ShowHint := True; TabOrder := 1; OnClick := @grdCompilerDirsClicked; OnDrawCell := @grdCompilerDirsDrawCell; OnKeyPress := @grdCompilerDirsKeyPressed; OnShowHint := @BeforeShowHint; end; Label11 := TfpgLabel.Create(TabSheet2); with Label11 do begin Name := 'Label11'; SetPosition(4, 4, 560, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Unit (-Fu), Include (-Fi), Library (-Fl) and Object (-Fo) directories'; end; Label7 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsDebugger); with Label7 do begin Name := 'Label7'; SetPosition(4, 10, 296, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Debug command'; end; FilenameEdit5 := TfpgFileNameEdit.Create(tsDebugger); with FilenameEdit5 do begin Name := 'FilenameEdit5'; SetPosition(4, 28, 584, 24); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop]; ExtraHint := ''; FileName := ''; InitialDir := ''; Filter := ''; TabOrder := 2; end; Label8 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsDebugger); with Label8 do begin Name := 'Label8'; SetPosition(4, 58, 420, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Debug options'; end; Edit1 := TfpgEdit.Create(tsDebugger); with Edit1 do begin Name := 'Edit1'; SetPosition(4, 76, 584, 24); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop]; ExtraHint := ''; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 4; Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Edit1'; end; CheckBox2 := TfpgCheckBox.Create(tsDebugger); with CheckBox2 do begin Name := 'CheckBox2'; SetPosition(4, 124, 152, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 5; Text := 'Activate on Break'; end; CheckBox3 := TfpgCheckBox.Create(tsDebugger); with CheckBox3 do begin Name := 'CheckBox3'; SetPosition(160, 124, 152, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 6; Text := 'Stop on Exception'; end; CheckBox4 := TfpgCheckBox.Create(tsDebugger); with CheckBox4 do begin Name := 'CheckBox4'; SetPosition(320, 124, 160, 20); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 7; Text := 'Show Console on Run'; end; PageControl1 := TfpgPageControl.Create(tsDebugger); with PageControl1 do begin Name := 'PageControl1'; SetPosition(4, 153, 584, 338); ActivePageIndex := 0; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 8; end; TabSheet3 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet3 do begin Name := 'TabSheet3'; SetPosition(3, 24, 578, 311); Text := 'Source directories'; end; TabSheet4 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet4 do begin Name := 'TabSheet4'; SetPosition(3, 24, 578, 311); Text := 'Defines'; end; TabSheet5 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet5 do begin Name := 'TabSheet5'; SetPosition(3, 24, 578, 311); Text := 'Signals'; end; TabSheet6 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet6 do begin Name := 'TabSheet6'; SetPosition(3, 24, 578, 311); Text := 'Exceptions'; end; TabSheet7 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet7 do begin Name := 'TabSheet7'; SetPosition(3, 24, 578, 311); Text := 'Target'; end; grdDebugSrcDirs := TfpgStringGrid.Create(TabSheet3); with grdDebugSrcDirs do begin Name := 'grdDebugSrcDirs'; SetPosition(2, 2, 574, 307); AddColumn('New', 550, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ''; RowCount := 5; RowSelect := False; ShowHeader := False; TabOrder := 1; end; btnShowCmdLine := TfpgButton.Create(tsCompiler); with btnShowCmdLine do begin Name := 'btnShowCmdLine'; SetPosition(160, 172, 132, 24); Text := 'Show command line'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; ImageName := ''; TabOrder := 7; OnClick :=@btnShowCmdLineClicked; end; edtUnitOutputDir := TfpgDirectoryEdit.Create(tsCompiler); with edtUnitOutputDir do begin Name := 'edtUnitOutputDir'; SetPosition(300, 172, 288, 24); ExtraHint := ''; Directory := ''; RootDirectory := ''; TabOrder := 8; Hint := ' '; OnShowHint := @BeforeShowHint; end; Label9 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsCompiler); with Label9 do begin Name := 'Label9'; SetPosition(300, 154, 280, 16); FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Unit output directory (-FU)'; end; Label10 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsMacros); with Label10 do begin Name := 'Label10'; SetPosition(4, 10, 580, 16); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop]; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'Active Group'; end; grdMacroGroup := TfpgStringGrid.Create(tsMacros); with grdMacroGroup do begin Name := 'grdMacroGroup'; SetPosition(4, 28, 584, 104); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop]; AddColumn('#', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('Name', 520, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ''; RowCount := 6; RowSelect := False; ShowHeader := False; TabOrder := 0; Columns[0].BackgroundColor := clLightGray; Cells[0,0] := '1'; Cells[0,1] := '2'; Cells[0,2] := '3'; Cells[0,3] := '4'; Cells[0,4] := '5'; Cells[0,5] := '6'; FocusCol := 2; OnCanSelectCell := @grdMacroGroupCanSelectCell; end; Label12 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsMacros); with Label12 do begin Name := 'Label12'; SetPosition(4, 144, 572, 16); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop]; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'User defined macros'; end; grdUserMacros := TfpgStringGrid.Create(tsMacros); with grdUserMacros do begin Name := 'grdUserMacros'; SetPosition(4, 162, 584, 328); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom]; AddColumn('1', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('2', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('3', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('4', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('5', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('6', 20, taCenter); AddColumn('Name', 150, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Value', 290, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ''; RowCount := 0; RowSelect := False; TabOrder := 1; OnClick := @grdUserMacrosClicked; OnDrawCell := @grdUserMacrosDrawCell; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: ProjectOptionsForm} {%endregion} end; end.