{ fpGUI IDE - Maximus Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Graeme Geldenhuys See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: --- } unit frm_debug; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_tab, fpg_grid; type TDebugForm = class(TfpgForm) private {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: DebugForm} PageControl1: TfpgPageControl; TabSheet1: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet2: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet3: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet4: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet5: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet6: TfpgTabSheet; TabSheet7: TfpgTabSheet; Grid1: TfpgStringGrid; Grid2: TfpgStringGrid; Grid3: TfpgStringGrid; {@VFD_HEAD_END: DebugForm} public procedure AfterCreate; override; end; {@VFD_NEWFORM_DECL} var DebugForm: TDebugForm; implementation {@VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL} procedure TDebugForm.AfterCreate; begin {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold} {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: DebugForm} Name := 'DebugForm'; SetPosition(690, 193, 512, 247); WindowTitle := 'Debug Window'; Hint := ''; PageControl1 := TfpgPageControl.Create(self); with PageControl1 do begin Name := 'PageControl1'; SetPosition(4, 4, 506, 240); ActivePageIndex := 0; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 0; end; TabSheet1 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet1 do begin Name := 'TabSheet1'; SetPosition(3, 24, 500, 213); Text := 'Watches'; end; TabSheet2 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet2 do begin Name := 'TabSheet2'; SetPosition(3, 24, 500, 213); Text := 'BreakPoints'; end; TabSheet3 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet3 do begin Name := 'TabSheet3'; SetPosition(3, 24, 500, 213); Text := 'Local Vars'; end; TabSheet4 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet4 do begin Name := 'TabSheet4'; SetPosition(3, 24, 500, 213); Text := 'Call Stack'; end; TabSheet5 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet5 do begin Name := 'TabSheet5'; SetPosition(3, 24, 500, 213); Text := 'Registers'; end; TabSheet6 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet6 do begin Name := 'TabSheet6'; SetPosition(3, 24, 500, 213); Text := 'Asm'; end; TabSheet7 := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with TabSheet7 do begin Name := 'TabSheet7'; SetPosition(3, 24, 500, 213); Text := 'GDB output'; end; Grid1 := TfpgStringGrid.Create(TabSheet1); with Grid1 do begin Name := 'Grid1'; SetPosition(0, 4, 496, 204); AddColumn('Expression', 100, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Value', 350, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ''; RowCount := 5; RowSelect := False; TabOrder := 0; end; Grid2 := TfpgStringGrid.Create(TabSheet2); with Grid2 do begin Name := 'Grid2'; SetPosition(0, 4, 496, 204); AddColumn('State', 50, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Filename/Addres', 120, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Line/Length', 85, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Condition', 70, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Action', 50, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Count', 50, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Group', 80, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ''; RowCount := 5; RowSelect := False; TabOrder := 0; end; Grid3 := TfpgStringGrid.Create(TabSheet3); with Grid3 do begin Name := 'Grid3'; SetPosition(0, 4, 496, 204); AddColumn('Name', 150, taLeftJustify); AddColumn('Value', 250, taLeftJustify); FontDesc := '#Grid'; HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader'; Hint := ''; RowCount := 5; RowSelect := False; TabOrder := 0; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: DebugForm} {%endregion} end; end.