{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: A new Memo component. It's actually more a TextEdit or MulitLineEdit component because it has a lot more features than simply a Memo. Features include: gutter, line numbers in gutter, right edge margin, syntax highlighting, much more optimised etc... } unit fpg_textedit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$Define gDEBUG} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_scrollbar; type // forward declaration TfpgBaseTextEdit = class; TfpgFindOptions = set of (foMatchCase, foWholeWords, foEntireScope); TfpgGutter = class(TfpgWidget) private FOwner: TfpgBaseTextEdit; // convenience reference variable FDigits: Integer; FShowNum: Boolean; FSpace: Integer; FStartNum: Integer; FZeroStart: Boolean; procedure SetDigits(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetShowNum(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetSpace(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetStartNum(const AValue: Integer); procedure DrawLineNums; procedure SetZeroStart(const AValue: Boolean); protected procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; public constructor CreateGutter(AOwner: TfpgBaseTextEdit); function GetClientRect: TfpgRect; override; property LeadingDigits: Integer read FDigits write SetDigits default 0; property ShowNum: Boolean read FShowNum write SetShowNum default True; property Space: Integer read FSpace write SetSpace default 2; property StartNum: Integer read FStartNum write SetStartNum default 1; property Width default 35; property ZeroStart: Boolean read FZeroStart write SetZeroStart default False; end; TfpgDrawLineEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ALineText: TfpgString; ALineIndex: Integer; ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; ATextRect: TfpgRect; var AllowSelfDraw: Boolean) of object; TfpgFindText = procedure(Sender: TObject; FindPos: TPoint; var ScrollToWord: Boolean) of object; TfpgReplaceText = procedure(Sender: TObject; FindPos: TPoint; var ScrollToWord, ReplaceText: Boolean) of object; TfpgOnSearchEnd = procedure(Sender: TObject; FindIt, ReplaceMode: Boolean) of object; TfpgBaseTextEdit = class(TfpgWidget) private FFont: TfpgFont; FFullRedraw: Boolean; FLines: TStrings; CaretPos: TPoint; FOnDrawLine: TfpgDrawLineEvent; FOnFindText: TfpgFindText; FOnReplaceText: TfpgReplaceText; FOnSearchEnd: TfpgOnSearchEnd; FScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle; MousePos: TPoint; FChrW: Integer; FChrH: Integer; FTopLine: Integer; FVisLines: Integer; FVisCols: Integer; StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer; // Selection start and end line number FSelStartNo, FSelEndNo: Integer; // Selection start and end column FSelStartOffs, FSelEndOffs: Integer; FTabWidth: Integer; HPos, VPos, XSize, YSize: Integer; FMaxScrollH: Integer; FVScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FHScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FTracking: Boolean; FSelDrag: Boolean; FSelected, FSelMouseDwn: Boolean; FGutterPan: TfpgGutter; FRightEdge: Boolean; FRightEdgeCol: Integer; FLineChanged: Integer; // force only one line to repaint if greater than -1 FLastScrollEventTime: TTime; // in milliseconds FLastScrollEventTimeBefore: TTime; // in milliseconds fmousewheelfrequmin: double; fmousewheelfrequmax: double; fmousewheeldeltamin: double; fmousewheeldeltamax: double; fmousewheelaccelerationmax: double; fwheelsensitivity: double; function GetFontDesc: string; function GetGutterShowLineNumbers: Boolean; function GetGutterVisible: Boolean; function GetHScrollPos: Integer; function GetVScrollPos: Integer; procedure SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); procedure SetGutterShowLineNumbers(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetGutterVisible(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetHScrollPos(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetLines(const AValue: TStrings); procedure SetScrollBarStyle(const AValue: TfpgScrollStyle); procedure SetTabWidth(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetVScrollPos(const AValue: Integer); procedure UpdateCharBounds; procedure GetSelBounds(var AStartNo, AEndNo, AStartOffs, AEndOffs: Integer); procedure UpdateScrollBars; procedure VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure SetVPos(p: Integer); procedure SetHPos(p: Integer); procedure UpdateScrollBarCoords; procedure UpdateGutterCoords; procedure KeyboardCaretNav(const ShiftState: TShiftState; const AKeyCode: Word); procedure InitMemoObjects; procedure SetRightEdge(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetRightEdgeCol(const AValue: Integer); function calcmousewheeldelta(var info: TfpgMsgParmMouse; const fmin,fmax,deltamin,deltamax: double): double; function mousewheelacceleration(const avalue: double): double; function mousewheelacceleration(const avalue: integer): integer; function FindReplaceProc(TextToFind: TfpgString; FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward, ReplaceMode: Boolean; var ReplaceText: Boolean): Boolean; protected { -- internal events -- } procedure HandleShow; override; procedure HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleMouseEnter; override; procedure HandleMouseExit; override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; { -- local widget functions -- } procedure DrawVisible; virtual; procedure DrawLine(const ALineIndex, Y: Integer); virtual; procedure FormatLine(const ALineIndex, X, Y: Integer); procedure DrawCaret(const X, Y: Integer); virtual; { -- to be published --} property FontDesc: string read GetFontDesc write SetFontDesc; property FullRedraw: Boolean read FFullRedraw write FFullRedraw default False; property GutterVisible: Boolean read GetGutterVisible write SetGutterVisible default False; property GutterShowLineNumbers: Boolean read GetGutterShowLineNumbers write SetGutterShowLineNumbers default True; property Lines: TStrings read FLines write SetLines; property ScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle read FScrollBarStyle write SetScrollBarStyle default ssAutoBoth; property TabWidth: Integer read FTabWidth write SetTabWidth default 8; property Tracking: Boolean read FTracking write FTracking default True; property OnDrawLine: TfpgDrawLineEvent read FOnDrawLine write FOnDrawLine; property OnFindText: TfpgFindText read FOnFindText write FOnFindText; property OnSearchEnd: TfpgOnSearchEnd read FOnSearchEnd write FOnSearchEnd; property OnReplaceText: TfpgReplaceText read FOnReplaceText write FOnReplaceText; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetClientRect: TfpgRect; override; function GetWordAtPos(const X, Y: Integer; out XBegin: Integer): TfpgString; procedure GetRowColAtPos(const X, Y: Integer; out Row, Col: Integer); procedure Clear; procedure ScrollTo(X, Y: Integer); procedure GotoLine(ALine: integer); procedure CopyToClipboard; procedure DeleteSelection; function GetSelectedText: TfpgString; procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName: TfpgString); procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName: TfpgString); procedure FindText(TextToFind: TfpgString; FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward: Boolean = False); property FontHeight: Integer read FChrH; property FontWidth: Integer read FChrW; property ScrollPos_H: Integer read GetHScrollPos write SetHScrollPos; property ScrollPos_V: Integer read GetVScrollPos write SetVScrollPos; property TopLine: Integer read FTopLine; property VisibleLines: Integer read FVisLines; property RightEdge: Boolean read FRightEdge write SetRightEdge default False; property RightEdgeCol: Integer read FRightEdgeCol write SetRightEdgeCol default 80; end; TfpgTextEdit = class(TfpgBaseTextEdit) published property FontDesc; property FullRedraw; property GutterVisible; property GutterShowLineNumbers; property Lines; property RightEdge; property ScrollBarStyle; property TabWidth; property Tracking; property OnDrawLine; property OnFindText; property OnSearchEnd; property OnReplaceText; end; implementation uses fpg_dialogs, // fpg_constants, fpg_stringutils, fpg_utils, math, dbugintf; function GetNextWord(SLine: TfpgString; var PosX: Integer): Boolean; const ValidChars = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '#']; var I, RetX: Integer; FindNext: Boolean; c: TfpgChar; begin Result := False; if PosX > UTF8Length(SLine) then Exit; FindNext := False; RetX := 0; for I := PosX to UTF8Length(SLine) do begin c := fpgCharAt(SLine, I); { TODO -cUnicode Error : We need to fix c[i] usage. Also improve ValidChars definition. } if not FindNext and not (c[1] in ValidChars) then begin FindNext := True; Continue; end; if FindNext and (c[1] in ValidChars) then begin RetX := I; Result := True; Break; end; end; if RetX < 1 then Result := False; PosX := RetX; end; { TfpgGutter } procedure TfpgGutter.SetDigits(const AValue: Integer); begin if FDigits=AValue then exit; FDigits:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgGutter.SetShowNum(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FShowNum=AValue then exit; FShowNum:=AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgGutter.SetSpace(const AValue: Integer); begin if FSpace=AValue then exit; FSpace:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgGutter.SetStartNum(const AValue: Integer); begin if FStartNum=AValue then exit; FStartNum:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgGutter.DrawLineNums; var r: TfpgRect; I, MaxI, W, H, ZeroL: Integer; s: TfpgString; ltxtflags: TfpgTextFlags; begin if not FShowNum then Exit; //==> w := GetClientRect.Width - FSpace - 1; H := FOwner.FChrH; MaxI := FOwner.FVisLines; ltxtflags := [txtRight, txtVCenter]; Canvas.SetFont(FOwner.FFont); r.SetRect(2, 0, W, H); for i := 0 to MaxI do begin // writeln('i=', i); if FZeroStart then S := IntToStr(FStartNum + i - 1) else S := IntToStr(FStartNum + i); for ZeroL := Length(S) to FDigits do S := '0' + S; r.Top := i * h; Canvas.DrawText(r, S, ltxtflags); end; end; procedure TfpgGutter.SetZeroStart(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FZeroStart=AValue then exit; FZeroStart:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgGutter.HandlePaint; begin inherited HandlePaint; Canvas.Clear(clWindowBackground); // Gutter right border Canvas.SetColor(clHilite2); Canvas.DrawLine(Width - 2, 0, Width - 2, Height - 1); Canvas.SetColor(clShadow1); Canvas.DrawLine(Width - 1, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1); DrawLineNums; end; procedure TfpgGutter.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); var msg: TfpgMessageParams; begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); fillchar(msg, sizeof(msg), 0); // zero out the record - initialize it msg.mouse.x := x; msg.mouse.y := y; msg.mouse.shiftstate := shiftstate; msg.mouse.delta := delta; fpgPostMessage(self, FOwner.FVScrollBar, FPGM_SCROLL, msg); end; constructor TfpgGutter.CreateGutter(AOwner: TfpgBaseTextEdit); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FOwner := AOwner; FDigits := 0; FShowNum := True; FSpace := 2; FStartNum := 1; FZeroStart := False; Width := 35; end; function TfpgGutter.GetClientRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := inherited GetClientRect; Result.Width := Result.Width - 2; // border right line takes up two pixels end; { TfpgBaseTextEdit } procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetLines(const AValue: TStrings); begin FLines.Assign(AValue); Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetScrollBarStyle(const AValue: TfpgScrollStyle); begin if FScrollBarStyle = AValue then Exit; //==> FScrollBarStyle := AValue; UpdateScrollBarCoords; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetFontDesc: string; begin Result := FFont.FontDesc; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetGutterShowLineNumbers: Boolean; begin Result := FGutterPan.ShowNum; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetGutterVisible: Boolean; begin Result := FGutterPan.Visible; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetHScrollPos: Integer; begin Result := HPos; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetVScrollPos: Integer; begin Result := VPos; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); begin FFont.Free; FFont := fpgGetFont(AValue); Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetGutterShowLineNumbers(const AValue: Boolean); begin FGutterPan.ShowNum := AValue; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetGutterVisible(const AValue: Boolean); begin FGutterPan.Visible := AValue; if FGutterPan.Visible then UpdateGutterCoords; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetHScrollPos(const AValue: Integer); begin SetHPos(AValue); end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetTabWidth(const AValue: Integer); begin if AValue < 1 then begin { todo: add these to resourcestring section } if csDesigning in ComponentState then TfpgMessageDialog.Information(ClassName + ' Tip', 'Value for TabWidth must be greater than 0.'); Exit; //==> end; FTabWidth := AValue; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetVScrollPos(const AValue: Integer); begin SetVPos(AValue); end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.UpdateCharBounds; begin FChrW := FFont.TextWidth('W'); FChrH := FFont.Height; FVisLines := (GetClientRect.Height div FChrH) + 1; if FGutterPan.Visible then FVisCols := (GetClientRect.Width - FGutterPan.Width) div FChrW else FVisCols := GetClientRect.Width div FChrW; end; { Re-order StartXXX and EndXXX if user is selecting backwards } procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetSelBounds(var AStartNo, AEndNo, AStartOffs, AEndOffs: Integer); begin if FSelStartNo <= FSelEndNo then begin AStartNo := FSelStartNo; AEndNo := FSelEndNo; if not ((AStartNo = AEndNo) and (FSelStartOffs > FSelEndOffs)) then begin AStartOffs := FSelStartOffs; AEndOffs := FSelEndOffs; end else begin AStartOffs := FSelEndOffs; AEndOffs := FSelStartOffs; end; end else begin AStartNo := FSelEndNo; AEndNo := FSelStartNo; AStartOffs := FSelEndOffs; AEndOffs := FSelStartOffs; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.UpdateScrollBars; begin FVScrollBar.Min := 0; FVScrollBar.PageSize := FVisLines - 4; FVScrollBar.Max := FLines.Count - FVisLines + 1; // +1 is so the last line is completely visible FVScrollBar.Position := VPos; if FLines.Count > 0 then FVScrollBar.SliderSize := FVisLines / FLines.Count; FVScrollBar.Visible := FLines.Count > FVisLines; if FVScrollBar.Visible then FVScrollBar.RepaintSlider; FHScrollBar.Min := 0; FHScrollBar.PageSize := FVisCols div 2; //FMaxScrollH div 4; FHScrollBar.Max := FMaxScrollH - FVisCols + 1;// div 2; FHScrollBar.Position := HPos; FHScrollBar.SliderSize := FVisCols / FMaxScrollH; FHScrollBar.Visible := FMaxScrollH > FVisCols; if FHScrollBar.Visible then FHScrollBar.RepaintSlider; UpdateScrollBarCoords; UpdateCharBounds; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin //if FDropList.Visible then //FDropList.Visible := False; //FDropTimeCount := 0; //FLastDropPos.x := -1; //FLastDropPos.y := -1; if FTracking then SetVPos(position); //case ScrollCode of //SB_LINEUP: SetVPos(VPos - 1); //SB_LINEDOWN: SetVPos(VPos + 1); //SB_PAGEUP: SetVPos(VPos - FVisLines); //SB_PAGEDOWN: SetVPos(VPos + FVisLines); //SB_THUMBPOSITION: SetVPos(Pos); //SB_THUMBTRACK: if FTracking then SetVPos(Pos); //SB_TOP: SetVPos(0); //SB_BOTTOM: SetVPos(YSize); //end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin //if FDropList.Visible then //FDropList.Visible := False; //FDropTimeCount := 0; //FLastDropPos.x := -1; //FLastDropPos.y := -1; if FTracking then SetHPos(position); //case ScrollCode of //SB_LINERIGHT: SetHPos(HPos + 1); //SB_LINELEFT: SetHPos(HPos - 1); //SB_PAGEUP: SetHPos(HPos - FVisLines); //SB_PAGEDOWN: SetHPos(HPos + FVisLines); //SB_THUMBPOSITION: SetHPos(Pos); //SB_THUMBTRACK: if FTracking then SetHPos(Pos); //SB_TOP: SetHPos(0); //SB_BOTTOM: SetHPos(XSize); //end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetVPos(p: Integer); var OldPos: Integer; // R: TfpgRect; begin OldPos := VPos; VPos := p; {$IFDEF gDEBUG} writeln('OldPos:', OldPos, ' NewPos:', VPos, ' SB.Max:', FVScrollBar.Max); {$ENDIF} // FVScrollBar.Position := VPos; // R := GetClientRect; if OldPos - VPos <> 0 then begin { todo: implement scrolling children } // ScrollChildren(0, (OldPos - VPos) * FChrH); FTopLine := VPos; if FFullRedraw then Invalidate else if (FTopLine + (FVisLines-1)) <= FLines.Count then Invalidate; { TODO : Implement scrolling events } //if Assigned(FOnScrolled_V) then //FOnScrolled_V(Self); //if Assigned(FOnTextScrolled) then //FOnTextScrolled(Self, FTopLine, FTopLine + FVisLines + 1,HPos, FMaxScrollH); end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetHPos(p: Integer); var OldPos: Integer; // R: TfpgRect; begin OldPos := HPos; HPos := p; {$IFDEF gDEBUG} writeln('OldPos:', OldPos, ' NewPos:', HPos, ' SB.Max:', FHScrollBar.Max); {$ENDIF} // R := GetClientRect; if OldPos - HPos <> 0 then begin { TODO : Implemente scrolling children } // ScrollChildren((OldPos - HPos), 0); //if FFullRedraw then Invalidate; //else //DrawVisible; { TODO : Implement scrolling events } //if Assigned(FOnScrolled_H) then //FOnScrolled_H(Self); //if Assigned(FOnTextScrolled) then //FOnTextScrolled(Self, FTopLine, FTopLine + FVisLines, HPos, FMaxScrollH); end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.UpdateScrollBarCoords; var HWidth: integer; VHeight: integer; r: TfpgRect; begin r := GetClientRect; VHeight := r.Height; HWidth := r.Width; FHScrollBar.Top := Height - FHScrollBar.Height - r.Top; FHScrollBar.Left := r.Top; FHScrollBar.Width := HWidth; FVScrollBar.Top := r.Top; FVScrollBar.Left := Width - FVScrollBar.Width - r.Top; FVScrollBar.Height := VHeight; FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.UpdateGutterCoords; var r: TfpgRect; begin r := GetClientRect; if FGutterPan.Visible then FGutterPan.SetPosition(r.Left, r.Top, FGutterPan.Width, r.Height); end; { This procedure is used to set caret position on keyboard navigation and to set selection if Shift key is pressed. } procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.KeyboardCaretNav(const ShiftState: TShiftState; const AKeyCode: Word); var SaveXCaret: Integer; procedure CtrlKeyLeftKey; var S: TfpgString; XB: Integer; begin S := GetWordAtPos(CaretPos.X, CaretPos.Y, XB); if (S <> '') and (XB > -1) then begin if FSelected then FSelEndOffs := XB; CaretPos.X := XB; end else begin if FSelected then FSelEndOffs := 0; CaretPos.X := 0; end; end; procedure CtrlKeyRightKey; var S: TfpgString; I: Integer; NotFindIt: Boolean; begin if CaretPos.Y <= pred(FLines.Count) then begin NotFindIt := True; while NotFindIt do begin S := FLines[CaretPos.Y]; I := CaretPos.X; if GetNextWord(S, I) then begin CaretPos.X := I - 1; NotFindIt := False; end else begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y + 1; CaretPos.X := 0; NotFindIt := False; end; if CaretPos.Y > pred(FLines.Count) then begin NotFindIt := False; CaretPos.X := 0; end; end; end else CaretPos.X := 0; end; begin case AKeyCode of keyLeft: begin CaretPos.X := CaretPos.X - 1; if CaretPos.X < 0 then begin if CaretPos.Y > 0 then begin if CaretPos.Y <= (FLines.Count-1) then begin if (ssCtrl in ShiftState) then begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y - 1; CaretPos.X := UTF8Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); if FSelected then begin FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; end; Exit; end; end; CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y - 1; CaretPos.X := UTF8Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); end else begin CaretPos.X := 0; end; end; if ssShift in ShiftState then begin if not FSelected then begin if CaretPos.Y <= (FLines.Count-1) then if CaretPos.X > UTF8Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]) then CaretPos.X := UTF8Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]) - 1; FSelected := True; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X + 1; FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; if ssCtrl in ShiftState then CtrlKeyLeftKey else FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; end else begin FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; if ssCtrl in ShiftState then CtrlKeyLeftKey else FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; if FSelEndNo <= (FLines.Count-1) then begin if FSelEndOffs > UTF8Length(FLines[FSelEndNo]) then begin FSelEndOffs := UTF8Length(FLines[FSelEndNo]) - 1; CaretPos.X := FSelEndOffs; end; end else begin FSelEndOffs := 0; CaretPos.X := 0; end; end; FSelected := (FSelStartNo <> FSelEndNo) or (FSelStartOffs <> FSelEndOffs); Exit; end; if FSelected then begin FSelected := False; end; if ssCtrl in ShiftState then begin CtrlKeyLeftKey; end; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; end; keyRight: begin CaretPos.X := CaretPos.X + 1; if CaretPos.X > FMaxScrollH then begin FMaxScrollH := FMaxScrollH + 2; UpdateScrollBars; end; if ssShift in ShiftState then begin if not FSelected then begin FSelected := True; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X - 1; if ssCtrl in ShiftState then CtrlKeyRightKey; FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; end else begin if ssCtrl in ShiftState then CtrlKeyRightKey; FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; end; FSelected := (FSelStartNo <> FSelEndNo) or (FSelStartOffs <> FSelEndOffs); Exit; end; if FSelected then begin FSelected := False; end; if ssCtrl in ShiftState then begin CtrlKeyRightKey; end; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; end; keyUp: begin if CaretPos.Y = 0 then Exit; if not (ssShift in ShiftState) and not (ssCtrl in ShiftState) then begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y - 1; // scroll text if FVScrollBar.Visible and (CaretPos.Y < FTopLine) then FVScrollBar.LineUp; if FSelected then begin FSelected := False; Exit; end; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; Exit; end else if (ssCtrl in ShiftState) and not (ssShift in ShiftState) then begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y - 1; if FVScrollBar.Visible then FVScrollBar.LineUp; // VScrollBarMove(self, FVScrollBar.Position-1); FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; Exit; end else if not (ssCtrl in ShiftState) and (ssShift in ShiftState) then begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y - 1; if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y + 1; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := True; end else begin FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := (FSelStartNo <> FSelEndNo) or (FSelStartOffs <> FSelEndOffs); end; end; end; keyDown: begin if CaretPos.Y >= FLines.Count then Exit; if ShiftState = [] then begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y + 1; // scroll text if FVScrollBar.Visible and (CaretPos.Y > FTopLine+FVisLines-2) then FVScrollBar.LineDown; if FSelected then begin FSelected := False; Exit; end; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; Exit; end else if (ssCtrl in ShiftState) and not (ssShift in ShiftState) then begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y + 1; if FVScrollBar.Visible then FVScrollBar.LineDown; // VScrollBarMove(self, FVScrollBar.Position+1); FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; Exit; end else if not (ssCtrl in ShiftState) and (ssShift in ShiftState) then begin CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y + 1; if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y - 1; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := True; end else begin FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := (FSelStartNo <> FSelEndNo) or (FSelStartOffs <> FSelEndOffs); end; end; end; keyHome: begin if not (ssCtrl in ShiftState) and not (ssShift in ShiftState) then begin CaretPos.X := 0; if FSelected then begin FSelected := False; Exit; end; end; if ssCtrl in ShiftState then begin if ssShift in ShiftState then begin if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := True; end; CaretPos.Y := 0; CaretPos.X := 0; FSelEndNo := 0; FSelEndOffs := 0; end else begin CaretPos.Y := 0; CaretPos.X := 0; end; Exit; end; if ssShift in ShiftState then begin if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := True; end; CaretPos.X := 0; FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := 0; if FSelEndNo = FSelStartNo then FSelected := (FSelStartOffs <> FSelEndOffs); end; end; keyEnd: begin if not (ssCtrl in ShiftState) and not (ssShift in ShiftState) then begin if CaretPos.Y <= pred(FLines.Count) then CaretPos.X := Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]) else CaretPos.X := 0; end; if ssCtrl in ShiftState then begin if ssShift in ShiftState then begin if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := True; end; CaretPos.Y := pred(FLines.Count); CaretPos.X := Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); FSelEndNo := pred(FLines.Count); FSelEndOffs := Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); end else begin CaretPos.Y := pred(FLines.Count); CaretPos.X := Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); end; Exit; end; if ssShift in ShiftState then begin if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; if CaretPos.Y <= pred(FLines.Count) then if CaretPos.X > Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]) then CaretPos.X := Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; FSelected := True; end; if CaretPos.Y <= pred(FLines.Count) then CaretPos.X := Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]) else CaretPos.X := 0; FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; if FSelEndNo = FSelStartNo then FSelected := (FSelStartOffs <> FSelEndOffs); end; end; keyPageUp, keyPageDown: begin if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; end; SaveXCaret := CaretPos.Y - FTopLine; if AKeyCode = keyPageUp then begin if VPos = 0 then begin CaretPos.Y := 0; CaretPos.X := 0; end else begin // scroll text if FVScrollBar.Visible then FVScrollBar.PageUp; // restore caret at same line offset as before CaretPos.Y := FTopLine + SaveXCaret; end; end else begin if VPos > (FLines.Count - FVisLines) then begin CaretPos.Y := FLines.Count-1; CaretPos.X := Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); end else begin // scroll text if FVScrollBar.Visible then FVScrollBar.PageDown; // restore caret at same line offset as before CaretPos.Y := FTopLine + SaveXCaret; end; end; if ssShift in ShiftState then begin FSelEndNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelEndOffs := CaretPos.X; if not FSelected then FSelected := True; end; end; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.InitMemoObjects; begin FGutterPan := TfpgGutter.CreateGutter(Self); with FGutterPan do begin Left := -Width - 1; Visible := False; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetRightEdge(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FRightEdge <> AValue then begin FRightEdge := AValue; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SetRightEdgeCol(const AValue: Integer); var v: Integer; begin v := AValue; if v < 20 then v := 20; if v > 160 then v := 160; if FRightEdgeCol <> v then begin FRightEdgeCol := v; if FRightEdge then Invalidate; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleShow; begin inherited HandleShow; HandleResize(Width, Height); end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); begin inherited HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight); if HasHandle then begin UpdateCharBounds; UpdateScrollBars; UpdateGutterCoords; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandlePaint; begin Canvas.ClearClipRect; if FLineChanged > -1 then begin { TODO: We would like Vertical and Underline cursor painting at some point } DrawLine(FLineChanged, CaretPos.Y * FChrH); FLineChanged := -1; Exit; end; // normal house keeping Canvas.Clear(clBoxColor); fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(Canvas, 0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.Font := FFont; Canvas.SetClipRect(GetClientRect); // do the actual drawing DrawVisible; DrawCaret(CaretPos.X, CaretPos.Y); Canvas.ClearClipRect; // The little square in the bottom right corner if FHScrollBar.Visible and FVScrollBar.Visible then begin Canvas.SetColor(clButtonFace); Canvas.FillRectangle(FHScrollBar.Left+FHScrollBar.Width, FVScrollBar.Top+FVScrollBar.Height, FVScrollBar.Width, FHScrollBar.Height); end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleMouseEnter; begin inherited HandleMouseEnter; MouseCursor := mcIBeam; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleMouseExit; begin inherited HandleMouseExit; MouseCursor := mcDefault; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var RNo: Integer; CNo: Integer; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); if FGutterPan.Visible and (X <= FGutterPan.Width) then Exit; //==> GetRowColAtPos(X + HPos * FChrW, Y + VPos * FChrH, RNo, CNo); CaretPos.X := CNo; CaretPos.Y := RNo; FSelDrag := False; if (RNo in [FSelStartNo..FSelEndNo]) or (RNo in [FSelEndNo..FSelStartNo]) then begin if (FSelStartNo = FSelEndNo) and ((CNo in [FSelStartOffs..FSelEndOffs]) or (CNo in [FSelEndOffs..FSelStartOffs])) then FSelDrag := True; if FSelStartNo <> FSelEndNo then begin FSelDrag := True; if (RNo = FSelStartNo) and (FSelStartNo < FSelEndNo) and (CNo < FSelStartOffs) then FSelDrag := False; if (RNo = FSelStartNo) and (FSelStartNo > FSelEndNo) and (CNo > FSelStartOffs) then FSelDrag := False; if (RNo = FSelEndNo) and (FSelStartNo < FSelEndNo) and (CNo > FSelStartOffs) then FSelDrag := False; if (RNo = FSelEndNo) and (FSelStartNo > FSelEndNo) and (CNo < FSelStartOffs) then FSelDrag := False; end; end; if FSelDrag then begin // writeln(' SelDrag is True!!!!'); // Exit; //==> end; if not (ssShift in ShiftState) then begin if FSelected then begin { Erase old selection, if any... } FSelected := False; end; FSelStartNo := RNo; FSelEndNo := FSelStartNo; FSelStartOffs := CNo; FSelEndOffs := FSelStartOffs; // FSelected := True; FSelMouseDwn := True; end else begin FSelEndNo := RNo; FSelEndOffs := CNo; FSelected := True; end; Invalidate; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.calcmousewheeldelta(var info: TfpgMsgParmMouse; const fmin,fmax,deltamin,deltamax: double): double; var frequ: double; begin if (FLastScrollEventTime <> 0) and (FLastScrollEventTime <> info.timestamp) then begin frequ := 0.00003 /(info.timestamp-FLastScrollEventTime); // Hz {$IFDEF gDEBUG} writeln('frequ = ', Format('%3.9f', [frequ])); {$ENDIF} if frequ > fmax then begin frequ := fmax; end; if frequ < fmin then begin frequ := fmin; end; result := (frequ*(deltamax-deltamin)+(deltamin*fmax-deltamax*fmin)) / (fmax-fmin); end else begin result := deltamin; end; { if d > 0 then // down begin d := - d; end; } {$IFDEF gDEBUG} writeln('result = ', Format('%3.6f', [result])); {$ENDIF} end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.mousewheelacceleration(const avalue: double): double; var info: TfpgMsgParmMouse; d: double; begin info.timestamp := FLastScrollEventTime + FLastScrollEventTime - FLastScrollEventTimeBefore; d := calcmousewheeldelta(info,fmousewheelfrequmin,fmousewheelfrequmax,1, fmousewheelaccelerationmax); result := avalue * d; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.mousewheelacceleration(const avalue: integer): integer; begin result:= round(mousewheelacceleration(avalue*1.0)); end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.FindReplaceProc(TextToFind: TfpgString; FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward, ReplaceMode: Boolean; var ReplaceText: Boolean): Boolean; var SrcBegin, SrcEnd, I, WordPos, ScrollX, ScrollY, Fill: Integer; SLine, SrcWord: TfpgString; FindPos: TPoint; AllowScroll, ContinueSrc: Boolean; begin Result := False; if foEntireScope in FindOptions then begin SrcBegin := 0; SrcEnd := pred(FLines.Count); end else begin SrcBegin := CaretPos.Y; if Backward then SrcEnd := 0 else SrcEnd := pred(FLines.Count); end; if not (foMatchCase in FindOptions) then SrcWord := UpperCase(TextToFind) else SrcWord := TextToFind; if SrcBegin <= SrcEnd then begin for I := SrcBegin to SrcEnd do begin SLine := FLines[I]; if not (foMatchCase in FindOptions) then SLine := UpperCase(SLine); FindPos.x := 0; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); while WordPos > 0 do begin if (I = CaretPos.Y) and (WordPos < CaretPos.X) then begin for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); Continue; end; FindPos.x := WordPos; FindPos.y := I; AllowScroll := True; ContinueSrc := False; if foWholeWords in FindOptions then begin if WordPos > 1 then if (SLine[WordPos - 1] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then begin for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); Continue; end; if WordPos + Length(SrcWord) <= Length(SLine) then if (SLine[WordPos + Length(SrcWord)] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then begin for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); Continue; end; end; FSelStartNo := I; FSelEndNo := I; Self.FSelStartOffs := FindPos.x - 1; FSelEndOffs := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1; FSelected := True; CaretPos.Y := I; CaretPos.X := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1; if AllowScroll then begin ScrollX := 0; ScrollY := FTopLine * FChrH; if ((FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord)) * FChrW) - FChrW > GetClientRect.Width then ScrollX := (FindPos.x * FChrW) - 2 * FChrW; if (I < FTopLine) or (I > (FTopLine + FVisLines - 2)) then ScrollY := (I-10) * FChrH; // move selection into view ScrollTo(ScrollX, ScrollY); end; Result := True; Invalidate; if ReplaceMode then begin if Assigned(FOnReplaceText) then FOnReplaceText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll, ReplaceText); // RepPos := FindPos; end else begin if Assigned(FOnFindText) then FOnFindText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll); end; for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); if not ContinueSrc then Exit; //==> end; { while } end; { for I ... } end { if..else } else begin for I := SrcBegin downto SrcEnd do begin SLine := FLines[I]; if not (foMatchCase in FindOptions) then SLine := UpperCase(SLine); FindPos.x := 0; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); while WordPos > 0 do begin if (I = CaretPos.Y) and (WordPos < CaretPos.X) then begin for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); Continue; end; FindPos.x := WordPos; FindPos.y := I; AllowScroll := True; ContinueSrc := False; if foWholeWords in FindOptions then begin if WordPos > 1 then if (SLine[WordPos - 1] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then begin for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); Continue; end; if WordPos + Length(SrcWord) <= Length(SLine) then if (SLine[WordPos + Length(SrcWord)] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then begin for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); Continue; end; end; FSelStartNo := I; FSelEndNo := I; Self.FSelStartOffs := FindPos.x - 1; FSelEndOffs := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1; FSelected := True; CaretPos.Y := I; CaretPos.X := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1; if AllowScroll then begin ScrollX := 0; ScrollY := FTopLine * FChrH; if ((FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord)) * FChrW) - FChrW > GetClientRect.Width then ScrollX := (FindPos.x * FChrW) - (2 * FChrW); if (I < FTopLine) or (I > (FTopLine + FVisLines - 2)) then ScrollY := (I-10) * FChrH; // move selection into view ScrollTo(ScrollX, ScrollY); end; Result := True; Invalidate; if ReplaceMode then begin if Assigned(FOnReplaceText) then FOnReplaceText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll, ReplaceText); // RepPos := FindPos; end else begin if Assigned(FOnFindText) then FOnFindText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll); end; for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do SLine[Fill] := '*'; WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine); if not ContinueSrc then Exit; //==> end; { while } end; { for I ... } end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.CopyToClipboard; begin if not FSelected then Exit; fpgClipboard.Text := GetSelectedText; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); var msg: TfpgMessageParams; ldelta: integer; begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); fillchar(msg, sizeof(msg), 0); // zero out the record - initialize it msg.mouse.x := x; msg.mouse.y := y; msg.mouse.shiftstate := shiftstate; FLastScrollEventTimeBefore := FLastScrollEventTime; FLastScrollEventTime := Now; { calculate a modified delta based on mouse scroll sensitivity setting } ldelta := round(mousewheelacceleration(delta*fwheelsensitivity)); msg.mouse.delta := ldelta; fpgPostMessage(self, FVScrollBar, FPGM_SCROLL, msg); end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var SLine: TfpgString; AddS: TfpgString; Y: Integer; X: Integer; CaretScroll: Boolean; HasChanged: boolean; begin {$IFDEF gDEBUG} SendMethodEnter('TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleKeyPress') {$ENDIF} CaretScroll := False; // inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); case CheckClipboardKey(keycode, shiftstate) of ckCopy: begin CopyToClipboard; end; ckPaste: begin // DoPaste(fpgClipboard.Text); // if not ReadOnly then // HasChanged := True; end; ckCut: begin // DoCopy; // DeleteSection; end; end; { Add lines as we go, so we can cursor past EOF. } { todo: This behaviour should be optional } if CaretPos.Y > pred(FLines.Count) then begin FLines.Add(''); FVScrollBar.Max := FVScrollBar.Max + 1; consumed := True; Exit; //==> end; // if (keycode = keyEscape) or (ssCtrl in ShiftState) then // Exit; //==> SLine := FLines[CaretPos.Y]; case keycode of keyBackspace: begin if FSelected then begin DeleteSelection; consumed := True; Exit; end; if UTF8Length(SLine) >= CaretPos.X then X := CaretPos.X else begin X := UTF8Length(SLine); CaretPos.X := X; end; UTF8Delete(SLine, X, 1); FLines[CaretPos.Y] := SLine; CaretPos.X := CaretPos.X - 1; if CaretPos.X < 0 then begin if CaretPos.Y > 0 then begin AddS := FLines[CaretPos.Y]; { store any text from current line } FLines.Delete(CaretPos.Y); CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y - 1; CaretPos.X := UTF8Length(FLines[CaretPos.Y]); { reposition cursor } if AddS <> '' then FLines[CaretPos.Y] := FLines[CaretPos.Y] + AddS; { add stored text to new current line } end else begin CaretPos.X := 0; end; end; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; consumed := True; end; keyTab: begin AddS := ' '; UTF8Insert(AddS, SLine, CaretPos.X); FLines[CaretPos.Y] := SLine; CaretPos.X := CaretPos.X + 2; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; consumed := True; end; keyReturn: begin AddS := ''; if UTF8Length(SLine) > CaretPos.X then begin AddS := Copy(SLine, CaretPos.X + 1, Length(SLine) - CaretPos.X + 1); Delete(SLine, CaretPos.X + 1, Length(SLine) - CaretPos.X); FLines[CaretPos.Y] := SLine; end; if CaretPos.Y = pred(FLines.Count) then FLines.Add(AddS) else if CaretPos.Y < pred(FLines.Count) then FLines.Insert(CaretPos.Y + 1, AddS) else if CaretPos.Y > FLines.Count then FLines.Add(''); { ??? } CaretPos.Y := CaretPos.Y + 1; CaretPos.X := 0; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; consumed := True; end; keyLeft, keyRight, keyUp, keyDown, keyHome, keyEnd, keyPrior, keyNext: begin KeyboardCaretNav(ShiftState, keycode); CaretScroll := True; consumed := True; end; keyDelete: begin if FSelected then begin DeleteSelection; consumed := True; Exit; end; if CaretPos.Y > pred(FLines.Count) then Exit; SLine := FLines[CaretPos.Y]; if Length(SLine) >= CaretPos.X + 1 then begin X := CaretPos.X + 1; Delete(SLine, X, 1); FLines[CaretPos.Y] := SLine; end else begin if CaretPos.Y + 1 > pred(FLines.Count) then Exit; AddS := FLines[CaretPos.Y + 1]; FLines[CaretPos.Y] := SLine + AddS; FLines.Delete(CaretPos.Y + 1); DrawVisible; end; consumed := True; end; end; if CaretScroll then begin if CaretPos.X > HPos + FVisCols then ScrollPos_H := CaretPos.X - FVisCols else if CaretPos.X < HPos then ScrollPos_H := CaretPos.X; if CaretPos.Y < (FTopLine+1) then ScrollPos_V := CaretPos.Y else if CaretPos.Y > (FTopLine + FVisLines - 2) then ScrollPos_V := CaretPos.Y - FVisLines + 2; end; if consumed then Invalidate; {$IFDEF gDEBUG} SendMethodExit('TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleKeyPress') {$ENDIF} end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var SLine: TfpgString; Fill: Integer; begin {$IFDEF gDEBUG} writeln('>> TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleKeyChar'); {$ENDIF} if not consumed then begin if FSelected then DeleteSelection; // Handle only printable characters // UTF-8 characters beyond ANSI range are supposed to be printable if ((Ord(AText[1]) > 31) and (Ord(AText[1]) < 127)) or (Length(AText) > 1) then begin SLine := FLines[CaretPos.Y]; { cursor was somewhere in whitespace, so we need to fill up the spaces } if UTF8Length(SLine) < CaretPos.X + 1 then for Fill := Length(SLine) to CaretPos.X + 1 do SLine := SLine + ' '; UTF8Insert(AText, SLine, CaretPos.X + 1); FLines[CaretPos.Y] := SLine; CaretPos.X := CaretPos.X + 1; FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; consumed := True; end; end; if consumed then RePaint else inherited HandleKeyChar(AText, shiftstate, consumed); {$IFDEF gDEBUG} writeln('<< TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleKeyChar'); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.DrawVisible; var I, Y, cntVis: Integer; begin Y := 0; cntVis := 1; GetSelBounds(StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs); // Draw right edge line first, so text can draw over it. if FRightEdge then begin if not FGutterPan.Visible then begin with Canvas do begin Canvas.Color := clShadow1; // FEnvironment.RightEdgeColor; Canvas.DrawLine((FRightEdgeCol * FChrW) - (HPos * FChrW), GetClientRect.Top, (FRightEdgeCol * FChrW) - (HPos * FChrW), GetClientRect.Height); end; end else with Canvas do begin Canvas.Color := clShadow1; // FEnvironment.RightEdgeColor; Canvas.DrawLine((FRightEdgeCol * FChrW) - (HPos * FChrW) + FGutterPan.Width, GetClientRect.Top, (FRightEdgeCol * FChrW) - (HPos * FChrW) + FGutterPan.Width, GetClientRect.Height); end; end; // Draw lines of text for I := FTopLine to FTopLine + FVisLines do begin DrawLine(I, Y); Y := Y + FChrH; cntVis := cntVis + 1; if cntVis > FVisLines then Break; //==> end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.DrawLine(const ALineIndex, Y: Integer); var X: Integer; GSz: Integer; begin if FGutterPan.Visible then begin GSz := FGutterPan.Width + GetClientRect.Left + 1; if FGutterPan.ShowNum and (FGutterPan.StartNum <> FTopLine + 1) then begin FGutterPan.StartNum := FTopLine + 1; FGutterPan.Invalidate; end; end else GSz := GetClientRect.Left + 1; // gutter size if no gutter panel if ALineIndex < FLines.Count then begin X := -(HPos * FChrW) + GSz; FormatLine(ALineIndex, X, Y); end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.FormatLine(const ALineIndex, X, Y: Integer); var S, CorrectS, SS: TfpgString; TI, Si, Ei, T: Integer; R: TfpgRect; AllowDraw: Boolean; begin if FLines.Count = 0 then Exit; //==> if (ALineIndex < 0) or (ALineIndex > FLines.Count-1) then Exit; //==> S := FLines[ALineIndex]; if Length(s) = 0 then Exit; // no text to draw, so we are done if Pos(#9, S) > 0 then begin CorrectS := ''; for TI := 1 to Length(S) do // no need to use utf8 version here begin if S[TI] = #9 then begin for T := 1 to FTabWidth do CorrectS := CorrectS + ' '; end else CorrectS := CorrectS + S[TI]; end; S := CorrectS; end; { if } { start drawing formatted text } R.SetRect(X, Y, UTF8Length(S) * FChrW, FChrH); AllowDraw := True; { end-user can hook in here to do syntax highlighting and other custom drawing } if Assigned(FOnDrawLine) then FOnDrawLine(self, S, ALineIndex, Canvas, R, AllowDraw); { Draw simple text line... } if AllowDraw then begin Canvas.TextColor := clBlack; Canvas.DrawText(R, S); end; if FSelected then begin if (ALineIndex > StartNo) and (ALineIndex < EndNo) then // whole line is selected begin R.SetRect(X, Y, UTF8Length(S) * FChrW, FChrH); Canvas.TextColor := clWhite; Canvas.Color := fpgColorToRGB(clSelection); Canvas.FillRectangle(R); Canvas.DrawText(R, S); end else begin Ei := EndOffs; Si := StartOffs; if (ALineIndex = StartNo) and (ALineIndex = EndNo) then // start/end selection on same line begin SS := UTF8Copy(S, Si + 1, UTF8Length(S) - Si); if Ei > UTF8Length(S) then SS := UTF8Copy(S, Si + 1, UTF8Length(S) - Si) else SS := UTF8Copy(S, Si + 1, Ei - Si); R.SetRect(X+(Si * FChrW), Y, (UTF8Length(SS) * FChrW), FChrH); Canvas.TextColor := clWhite; Canvas.Color := fpgColorToRGB(clSelection); Canvas.FillRectangle(R); Canvas.DrawText(R, SS); end else begin if (ALineIndex = StartNo) and (ALineIndex < EndNo) then begin SS := UTF8Copy(S, Si + 1, UTF8Length(S) - Si); R.SetRect(X+(Si * FChrW), Y, (UTF8Length(SS) * FChrW), FChrH); Canvas.TextColor := clWhite; Canvas.Color := fpgColorToRGB(clSelection); Canvas.FillRectangle(R); Canvas.DrawText(R, SS); end else begin if (ALineIndex > StartNo) and (ALineIndex = EndNo) then begin if Ei > UTF8Length(S) then Ei := UTF8Length(S); SS := UTF8Copy(S, 1, Ei); R.SetRect(X, Y, (UTF8Length(SS) * FChrW), FChrH); Canvas.TextColor := clWhite; Canvas.Color := fpgColorToRGB(clSelection); Canvas.FillRectangle(R); Canvas.DrawText(R, SS); end; end; end; end; end; { if FSelected... } if UTF8Length(S) > FMaxScrollH then begin FMaxScrollH := UTF8Length(S); UpdateScrollBars; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.DrawCaret(const X, Y: Integer); var Xp, Yp: Integer; begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit; //==> {$IFDEF gDEBUG} writeln('X:', X, ' Y:', Y, ' FTopLine:', FTopLine, ' HPos:', HPos, ' VPos:', VPos); {$ENDIF} if (Y < FTopLine) or (Y > FTopLine + FVisLines) then begin fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas); Exit; //==> end; Yp := ((Y - FTopLine) * FChrH) + 1; Xp := ((X - HPos) * FChrW) + GetClientRect.Left; if FGutterPan.Visible then Xp := Xp + FGutterPan.Width; if (Xp < 0) or (Xp > GetClientRect.Width) then begin fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas); Exit; //==> end; //with Canvas do //begin //if ShowCaret then //begin //Pen.Mode := pmNotMerge; //Pen.Color := Font.Color; //end else //begin //if not FSelected then //Pen.Color := Self.Color //else //Pen.Color := FEnvironment.SelectionBackground; //Pen.Mode := pmCopy; //end; //MoveTo(Xp, Yp); //LineTo(Xp, Yp + FChrH); //Pen.Mode := pmCopy; //end; if Focused then fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, Xp, Yp, fpgCaret.Width, FFont.Height) else fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas); if not FSelected then begin FSelStartNo := CaretPos.Y; FSelStartOffs := CaretPos.X; end; end; constructor TfpgBaseTextEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Focusable := True; FFont := fpgGetFont('#Edit1'); Width := 320; Height := 240; FLines := TStringList.Create; CaretPos.x := 0; CaretPos.y := 0; FTopLine := 0; FTabWidth := 8; FMaxScrollH := 1; VPos := 0; HPos := 0; FTracking := True; FFullRedraw := False; FSelected := False; FRightEdge := False; FRightEdgeCol := 80; FLineChanged := -1; fmousewheelfrequmin := 1; fmousewheelfrequmax := 100; fmousewheeldeltamin := 0.05; fmousewheeldeltamax := 30; fmousewheelaccelerationmax := 30; fwheelsensitivity := 1.5; FLastScrollEventTime := 0; FLastScrollEventTimeBefore := 0; FVScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self); FVScrollBar.Orientation := orVertical; FVScrollBar.OnScroll := @VScrollBarMove; FVScrollBar.Visible := False; FHScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self); FHScrollBar.Orientation := orHorizontal; FHScrollBar.OnScroll := @HScrollBarMove; // FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := 5; FHScrollBar.Visible := False; InitMemoObjects; end; destructor TfpgBaseTextEdit.Destroy; begin FLines.Free; FFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetClientRect: TfpgRect; begin // widget has a 2 pixel 3D border Result.SetRect(2, 2, Width-4, Height-4); if FVScrollBar.Visible then Result.Width := Result.Width - FVScrollBar.Width; if FHScrollBar.Visible then Result.Height := Result.Height - FHScrollBar.Height; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetWordAtPos(const X, Y: Integer; out XBegin: Integer): TfpgString; { todo: This needs to be made UTF8 compliant! It currently is not. } const ValidChars = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '#']; var S: TfpgString; C: Char; I, Si, Ei, CrX: Integer; lX: integer; begin Result := ''; XBegin := -1; Si := 0; Ei := 0; lX := X; if Y > pred(FLines.Count) then Exit; //==> S := FLines[Y]; if S = '' then Exit; //==> if lX > UTF8Length(S) - 1 then lX := UTF8Length(S) - 1; if not (S[lX + 1] in ValidChars) then begin CrX := lX - 1; for I := CrX downto 1 do begin C := S[I + 1]; if (C in ValidChars) then begin lX := I; Break; end; end; if lX = 0 then Exit; //==> end; for I := (lX + 1) downto 1 do if S[I] in ValidChars then Si := I else Break; for I := (lX + 1) to Length(S) do if S[I] in ValidChars then Ei := I + 1 else Break; if Ei >= Si then begin Result := UTF8Copy(S, Si, Ei - Si); XBegin := Si - 1; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetRowColAtPos(const X, Y: Integer; out Row, Col: Integer); var Fine: Integer; lX: Integer; begin Row := Y div FChrH; if Row > Flines.Count then Row := FLines.Count; lX := X - GetClientRect.Left; if FGutterPan.Visible then begin if lX < FGutterPan.Width then lX := FGutterPan.Width; Col := (lX - FGutterPan.Width) div FChrW; Fine := (lX - FGutterPan.Width) mod FChrW; end else begin if lX < 0 then lX := 0; Col := lX div FChrW; Fine := lX mod FChrW; end; if Fine > (FChrW div 2) - 1 then Col := Col + 1; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.Clear; begin CaretPos.x := 0; CaretPos.y := 0; ScrollTo(0, 0); FSelStartNo := 0; FSelStartOffs := 0; FSelEndNo := 0; FSelEndOffs := 0; FLines.Clear; FSelected := False; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.ScrollTo(X, Y: Integer); begin SetVPos(Y div FChrH); SetHPos(X div FChrW); UpdateScrollBars; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.GotoLine(ALine: integer); begin CaretPos.X := 0; CaretPos.Y := ALine; ScrollPos_V := ALine-5; // scrolling a few lines short so cursor is not on top line UpdateScrollBars; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.DeleteSelection; var FirstPart, LastPart, SLine: TfpgString; StartLine, StartPos, EndLine, EndPos, I, DelLine: Integer; begin if not FSelected then Exit; if FSelStartNo > FSelEndNo then begin StartLine := FSelEndNo; StartPos := FSelEndOffs; EndLine := FSelStartNo; EndPos := FSelStartOffs; end else if (FSelStartNo = FSelEndNo) and (FSelEndOffs < FSelStartOffs) then begin StartLine := FSelStartNo; StartPos := FSelEndOffs; EndLine := StartLine; EndPos := FSelStartOffs; end else begin StartLine := FSelStartNo; StartPos := FSelStartOffs; EndLine := FSelEndNo; EndPos := FSelEndOffs; end; if StartLine > (FLines.Count-1) then Exit; if EndLine > (FLines.Count-1) then EndLine := (FLines.Count-1); SLine := FLines[StartLine]; FirstPart := UTF8Copy(SLine, 1, StartPos); SLine := FLines[EndLine]; if EndPos > UTF8Length(SLine) then EndPos := UTF8Length(SLine); LastPart := UTF8Copy(SLine, EndPos + 1, UTF8Length(SLine) - EndPos); DelLine := StartLine + 1; for I := DelLine to EndLine do FLines.Delete(DelLine); FLines[StartLine] := FirstPart + LastPart; CaretPos.Y := StartLine; CaretPos.X := StartPos; FSelected := False; UpdateScrollbars; Invalidate; end; function TfpgBaseTextEdit.GetSelectedText: TfpgString; var StartLine, StartPos, EndLine, EndPos, I, LineI: Integer; FirstPart, LastPart, SLine: string; begin Result := ''; if not FSelected then Exit; if not FSelected then Exit; if FSelStartNo > FSelEndNo then begin StartLine := FSelEndNo; StartPos := FSelEndOffs; EndLine := FSelStartNo; EndPos := FSelStartOffs; end else begin if (FSelStartNo = FSelEndNo) and (FSelEndOffs < FSelStartOffs) then begin StartLine := FSelStartNo; StartPos := FSelEndOffs; EndLine := StartLine; EndPos := FSelStartOffs; end else begin StartLine := FSelStartNo; StartPos := FSelStartOffs; EndLine := FSelEndNo; EndPos := FSelEndOffs; end; end; if StartLine > pred(FLines.Count) then Exit; if EndLine > pred(FLines.Count) then EndLine := pred(FLines.Count); SLine := FLines[StartLine]; if StartLine < EndLine then begin FirstPart := Copy(SLine, StartPos + 1, Length(SLine) - StartPos); SLine := FLines[EndLine]; if EndPos > Length(SLine) then EndPos := Length(SLine); LastPart := Copy(SLine, 1, EndPos); LineI := StartLine + 1; Result := FirstPart; for I := LineI to (EndLine - 1) do Result := Result + LineEnding + FLines[I]; Result := Result + LineEnding + LastPart; end else Result := Copy(SLine, StartPos + 1, EndPos - StartPos); end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.SaveToFile(const AFileName: TfpgString); var BuffList: TStringList; SLine: TfpgString; I, P: Integer; Replace: Boolean; begin BuffList := TStringList.Create; try BuffList.Assign(FLines); for I := 0 to pred(BuffList.Count) do begin SLine := BuffList[I]; P := UTF8Length(SLine); Replace := (P > 0) and (SLine <> ''); if Replace then begin while (fpgCharAt(SLine, P) = ' ') do begin UTF8Delete(SLine, P, 1); P := UTF8Length(SLine); end; BuffList[I] := SLine; end; end; BuffList.SaveToFile(AFileName); finally BuffList.Free; end; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.LoadFromFile(const AFileName: TfpgString); begin if not fpgFileExists(AFileName) then Exit; //==> Clear; FLines.LoadFromFile(AFileName); HandleResize(Width, Height); Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.FindText(TextToFind: TfpgString; FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward: Boolean); var Rep, SrcRes: Boolean; begin SrcRes := FindReplaceProc(TextToFind, FindOptions, Backward, False, Rep); if Assigned(FOnSearchEnd) then FOnSearchEnd(Self, SrcRes, False); end; end.